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From the two articles, I can infer that both knowledge and learning are interlinked to one

another. For an organization to progress and work efficiently, it is important that the learning

process has to be carried out continuously to ensure that the flow of knowledge is intact and

is utilized to the full extent.

Since I have worked in a firm related to HR, I can say from my experience that it is of utmost

importance to impart knowledge in some creative ways so that employees get intrigued and

dwell into a learning curve. Also, the learning practices involved continuous tweaking and

innovations based on the feedback received. Besides, these practices and strategies of

learning and strategies differ from industry to industry and from organization to organization.

Also, line managers play a crucial role in imparting knowledge and learnings within a cluster

or team. This is because a team is the smallest unit of an organization, and that is where

employees can focus on improving skill sets and internal communications within the team.

Managers, on the other hand, have to make the employees feel that the employees are an

important part of the organization and respect their opinions. This also boosts the employees’

morale, which is reflected in productivity.

Based on my readings, the following measures can be considered to create a learning


 All employees ranging from top management to file workers must commit to bringing

about changes to facilitate improvements in the organization.

 Ideas and changes will be respected only when the formal boundaries between the

employees are eliminated.

 A culture of openness should be developed such that the employees adapt to the

challenges faced by the organization and come up with relevant strategies to ensure


Based on my experience in working in an organization, I feel top-down and bottom-up

management both have their own set of limitations. The creation of knowledge is done

mostly by the middle managers who, more often than not, are the team-leaders or the

supervisors. Knowledge creation occurs through a spiral model based process which involes

both ,the top management and the front line employees. Thus, the middle managers serve as

catalysts for knowledge creation.

Knowledge is broadly classified into two types, explicit and tacit. Explicit is something that

can be clearly expressed and which can be articulated, codified, and stored. The challenge of

the firm lies in sharing the tacit knowledge of the employees. We can see some examples of

renowned CEOs who are great leaders, but when it comes to knowledge sharing and

imparting learnings, they are not that efficient and tend to struggle. Sir also related the

example of Sachin Tendulkar being a superstar batsman but probably not a good captain or a

coach. To address this, managers should consider an organization as a living organism as

humans are seen as information processors and not information creators.

Nowadays, organizations are more focussed on the strategy of competitors as to how they

produce new products, manufacture using new methods, and acquire smaller firms. Instead of

this, a more fundamental need for the organization is to understand how the competitors

create an environment for knowledge creation, which makes such innovations possible. Thus,

knowledge creation is an essential key to sustain in the market and gaining a competitive

advantage in the future.

According to a quote,” The wise become foolish without learning; by learning the foolish

become wise.”

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