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Vols. 2-4, Nos. 2-4 April - Dec. 2014

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Pu Ban u z v i d age 4
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God’s Natural Remedy -


Magnified picture of a fine grain

of activated charcoal.

from the book:

by John Dinsley
Condensed by: Ellen Prasad Pilla

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“For Such a Time” and “Health Reformer” are the publications of Wake Up India. “For
Such a Time” discusses spiritual matters. “Health Reformer” is dedicated to health. God’s Natural Remedy 1 -
Subscription: A gift of Rs. 500 for both issues for two years. If only “Health Reformer”
is requested, subscription for it is Rs.250 for two years. Single copy at Rs.20, includes
postage. Money order should be sent to: The Director, Wake Up India, Dodda- ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
dunnasandra, Kadugodi, Bangalore 560067. Cell: 99866 53256. Condensed from the book: “Charcoal Remedies.Com” by John Dinsley
Get Involved. Readers’ comments, suggestions, questions and enquiries are wel- by Ellen Prasad Pilla
come. Editor: Ellen Prasad Pilla. Email: Cell: 9986653256. Coun-
sellor: V. Bhasker, Cell: 8123985443. Lifestyle Practitioners: G. Mohan Kumar, Cell: “One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal,
09246978960 (AP), Samuel Nanavarapu, Cell: 09581412868 (AP). placed in a bag and used in fomentations. This is a most success-
WAKE UP INDIA MISSION STATEMENT ful remedy. I have ordered this in cases where the sick were suf-
Wake Up India is a non-profit, non-denominational, educational organization dedicated fering great pain, and when it has been confided to me by the phy-
to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus. We are not sponsored, endorsed, or affili- sician that he thought it was the last before the close of life. Then I
ated with any church body or denomination. Our single mission is to herald the immi- suggested the charcoal, and the patient slept, the turning point
nent return of our Lord Jesus Christ through whatever means possible. came, and recovery was the result. To students when injured with
bruised hands and suffering with inflammation, I have prescribed
this simple remedy, with perfect success. The poison of inflamma-
DIRECTIONS TO WUI, BANGALORE RURAL tion was overcome, the pain removed, and healing went on rap-
idly. The most severe inflammation of the eyes will be relieved by a
If you wish to seek help from our Health Retreat, or wish to attend a wellness program, here are poultice of charcoal, put in a bag, and dipped in hot or cold water,
Bus Directions from KRPuram Railway station to WUI, Bangalore Rural: as will best suit the case. This works like a charm. I expect you will
Take bus Nos. 304 or 306 to Doddadunnasandra Halli stop. Turn left on the mud road beside laugh at this; but if I could give this remedy some outlandish name
the Govt. Primary School until the water tank. WUI campus is on the left, blue gate. that no one knew but myself, it would have greater influence. But
If by two wheeler: Pass KRP Rly station - Mahadevapura - Hoody - ITPL - Hope Farm - continue the simplest remedies may assist nature, and leave no baleful ef-
on the same road. The name of the road changes to Chikka Thirupathi Road - pass MVJ Engg. fects after their use.” EGW, Selected Messages, Vol. 2, p. 294, 1897.
College - Chana Sandra - Thirumalashetty Halli Cross - Samethanahalli - Bodanahosahalli -
and come to Doddadunnasandra. - At the govt. primary school, take left on the mud road until
the water tank. - on the left is WUI campus. KEY TERMS: Adsorption, and Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclo-
absorption. pedia, Vol. 1.
This publication is Issued by WUI Trust as part of its public service. Activated charcoal adsorbs to
Key terms defined: its surface, toxins, viruses,
Permission is granted to translate and to publish this magazine into your own
language. My Gratitude to Jennifer Lazarus for help with typing this manuscript.
Adsorption: A surface-based ad- odors, poisons, poisonous
hesion of atoms, ions, molecules gases, etc., like a magnet at-
“I H AV E HAD from a gas, liquid, or dissolved tracts iron to its surface. But
CONTENTS CHARCOAL ON MY solid. Adsorption is a preliminary some things charcoal does ab-
KITCHEN COUNT- step in absorption. Adsorption, sorb, such as water and other
Appendix – Emergency First Aid ...... 42 ER FOR THE PAST which is often confused with ab- liquids. Then from the liquids
30 YEARS AND sorption, refers to the adhering of it adsorbs toxic chemicals.
General Non-Medical Uses of ............ 37 THE FAMILY USES
gases to the interior surfaces of po-
IT FOR VA R I O U S Charcoal works by adsorbing
God’s Natural Remedy 1 .................... 3 rous solids, as activated carbon
AILMENTS. WE (with a d not a b). The carbon mol-
Medical Uses of Charcoal A-Z ........... 8 adsorbs certain gases. Adsorption
COULD NOT DO ecules attract toxins and neutral-
is a surface phenomenon.
References........................................... 45
WITHOUT ize them with an electronic bond,
COAL . IT I S TIME Absorption: Is an intermingling then they escort the toxins out
Substances Absorbed by Charcoal .. 38 T H AT Y O U A D D E D or interpenetration of two sub- of your system via your stool.
Substances NOT absorbed by ........... 39 stances. The taking up of one Some assert that you can only
C O U N T E R .”
substance by another, like a detox what’s in the gastrointesti-
Veterinary Use of Charcoal ............... 41
sponge absorbs water into itself. nal (GI) tract, but that is mislead-

2 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 3

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ing. The inner linings of your the world’s strongest adsorbant of the most famous doctor of the Ro- sands of kidney and liver dialysis
small intestines are covered with poisons, its position being unri- man Empire, wrote nearly 500 patients who might otherwise die.
millions of small villi, tiny append- valled by any known substance in medical treaties, referring to the It is used by the pharmaceutical
ages that absorb nutrients into the industry, chemistry, toxology, and use of charcoals of both wood and industry in the manufacture or
blood’s circulatory system, which the military. It is the most power- animal origin, for the treatment purification of most medicines. It
cycles completely throughout the ful antidote for poisoning on the of a wide range of diseases. is found in emergency wards all
body at an average rate of once planet earth. It is the single most After the suppression of sciences around the world as the principal
every minute, though more with effective detoxifier of thousands of by Rome (A.D. 300-1700), in the antidote for poisoning and drug
exercise and less at rest. After the harmful chemicals anywhere in 1700s, charcoal reappeared as a overdose.
abundant tiny villi get coated with the world. Dr. Agatha Thrash cure for gangrenous ulcers and for The Seventh-day Adventists know
activated charcoal, within a few writes: “Charcoal has amazing intestinal disorders. At this time about the beneficial use of char-
minutes, blood cycles through healing properties. In fact, if I the sugar industry started using coal from the writings of Ellen G.
them often enough for the char- were stranded on a desert island charcoal for the decolorization of White, in which she wrote a hun-
coal to adsorb many toxins from and could take only one thing along sugar syrups. dred years ago that charcoal could
the recycled blood. So it acts as a to protect me from disease, infec- be used successfully to treat:
blood purifier. www. tion, and injury, I In 1813, French chemist Michel
Bertrand swallowed five grams of bloody dysentery, bowel inflamma- would choose char- tion, disease, eye inflammation, fe-
coal.” arsenic trioxide (150 times the
Dear reader, you “Charcoal has amaz- ver, inflammation, indigestion, in-
amount that would have killed
hold in your hand, a ing healing proper- jured hands and limbs, poisonous
valuable booklet ties. In fact, if I were Ancient and most people) mixed with charcoal.
insect bites, snake bites, and swol-
Modern Medicine There was no nausea, no vomit-
which will help you stranded on a desert len knee. She said to mix char-
ing, no diarrhea, no excruciating
to treat various ill- island and could take The first recorded coal with olive oil and to eat it
cramping, no severe burning in
nesses in your home only one thing along use of charcoal for slowly for throat problems; to use
the mouth and throat, no collapse,
by yourself with one to protect me from medicinal purposes it with fomentations in treating
and no death. In a dangerous but
of God’s natural rem- disease, infection, comes from Egyp- the sick by making a charcoal
dramatic way, he demonstrated
edies, “charcoal.” and injury, I would tian papyri around poultice mixed with flaxseed.
charcoal’s phenomenal ability to
Please preserve this choose charcoal.” 1500 B.C. It was hold poisons from being absorbed To those who prefer to pray in-
booklet carefully for Dr. Agatha Thrash used to adsorb the by the body. stead of using the remedies God
reference. If you unpleasant odors provided in nature, Ellen White
have not subscribed from putrefying In 1831, in front of his peers, a
French pharmacist drank a glass said: “God does not heal the sick
to the “Health Reformer” maga- wounds and from within the in- without the aid of the means of
zine, please do. The 1,000 copies testinal tract. Hippocrates (400 of deadly strychnine and survived
to publish his story. He had com- healing which lie within the reach
of this newsletter we print need B.C.) and Pliny (AD 50), recorded of man; or when men refuse to be
to be stretched to others also in the use of charcoal for treating a bined fifteen grams of the poison
(ten times the lethal dose) with an benefited by the simple remedies
India. Therefore, for those who do wide range of complaints includ- that God has provided in pure air
not subscribe, this may be the last ing epilepsy, chlorosis (a severe equal amount of charcoal.
and water.
free copy you will receive from us. form of iron-deficiency anemia), In A.D. 2000, today, charcoal is
rated Category 1, “safe and effec- “When the Lord told Hezekiah that
God’s natural remedies cleanse vertigo, and anthrax. Pliny wrote He would spare his life for fifteen
the system by removing toxins or in Natural History, Vol. 36: “It is tive,” by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for acute years, and as a sign that He would
poisons from the body. When the only when ignited and quenched fulfill His promise, caused the sun
toxins are removed from the body that charcoal itself acquires its toxic poisoning. It is also listed in
the U.S. homeopathic pharmaco- to go back ten degrees, why did He
and good nutritious food is given, characteristic powers, and only not put His direct, restoring power
the body should become whole. when it seems to have perished poeia as having “marked absorp-
tive power of gases.” upon the king? He told him to ap-
“Cleansing” is the key word in that it becomes endowed with ply a bunch of figs to his sore, and
using natural remedies. And greater virtue.” What Pliny ob- Modern research has discovered that natural remedy, blessed by
charcoal is a great cleanser. It served is the very mystery science exciting new applications. Today God, healed him. The God of na-
adsorbs and removes poisons continues to explore today. In the charcoal is used in medical equip- ture directs the human agent to
within seconds. Wood charcoal is 2nd century A.D.,Claudius Galen, ment that filters the blood of thou- use natural remedies now.

4 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 5

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“There are many ways of practic- lower bowel and escorts them out charcoal are: wood, bone, coconut and 25% fillers and binders. Chew-
ing the healing art, but there is of one’s system via stool. shells, peat, coal, petroleum coke ing the tablets well before swal-
only one way that Heaven ap- and sawdust. Manufacturers of lowing will increase their effec-
proves. God’s remedies are the How Charcoal is Activated charcoal first look at the impuri- tiveness.
simple agencies of nature that will The finer the grain of charcoal, the ties to be removed from a sub- Charcoal has greater drawing
not tax or debilitate the system faster the charcoal works. But the stance. They then select the ma- power if moist when applying ex-
through their powerful properties. activity level is more dependent on terial and activation process that ternally, as in a poultice. However,
Pure air and water, cleanliness, a the total internal surface area. best match the impurities. dry charcoal powder may be
proper diet, purity of life, and a Large grains can have the same United States Pharmacopia stan- sprinkled on oozing wounds. For
firm trust in God are remedies for activity level only they work more dard for activated charcoal has set throat infection, dip wet finger in
the want of which thousands are slowly. This kind of charcoal is an internal surface area of 1000 charcoal and rub charcoal inside
dying. made commercially by chemical or m2/g (square meters per gram). the mouth. The powder could be
“Shall physicians continue to re- steam activation and is called “Ac- DETOX 1600 (by Charcoal House) mixed in a little olive oil and eaten
sort to drugs, which leave a deadly tivated Carbon” or “Activated has a minimum surface area of slowly. As a bandage, wet charcoal
evil in the system, destroying that Charcoal.” When activated char- 1600 m2/g. In this book, all rec- powder and put on a bandaid, or
life which Christ came to restore? coal is not available, treatment ommended dosages for charcoal add charcoal powder to ground
Christ’s remedies cleanse the sys- should be done with charcoal from are based on the standard of 1000 and cooked flaxseed to make a
tem. But Satan has tempted man your wood stove. m2/g. bandage. For charcoal bath, mix
to introduce into the system that The tiny particles of charcoal are Wood charcoal has 90% carbon. a cup of charcoal powder in a
which weakens the human ma- riddled with a network of crevices, Bone charcoal contains 11% car- bucket of water. Infected feet may
chinery, clogging and destroying cracks, and tunnels such that the bon, and the rest are calcium salts. be put in a bowl of warm water in
the fine, beautiful arrangements combined surface area in a one- Since it readily adsorbs impurities which charcoal has been mixed
of God. The drugs administered centimeter cube unfolds to a thou- from the atmosphere, especially in and the affected area dipped in it.
to the sick do not restore, but de- sand square meters! This tremen- powder form, but also in capsules These are the various means to
stroy. Drugs never cure. Instead, dous surface area, together with and tablets, charcoal should be use charcoal. Charcoal powder
they place in the system seeds its capillary action, electrostatic stored in a tightly sealed con- should be wet in order for it to do
which bear a very bitter harvest. properties, and other undefined tainer. its job more effectively. Charred
The Lord has provided antidotes properties, make it the indisput- food is not charcoal and not
for diseases in simple plants.” able champion of detoxifiers. Methods in Using Charcoal healthful. Charcoal briquettes
2 Selected Messages, pp.286-289. Whether gases, foreign proteins, which have petroleum distillates
Activated charcoal may be taken to ignite them should never be
The fourth leading cause of death body wastes, free radicals, poison- orally by powder mixed in a glass
in America is due to the negative ous chemicals or drugs, charcoal used for medicinal application.
of water, by way of capsules and
effects of properly prescribed binds the offending agents until tablets; or used as a compress ex- Charcoal will slow bowel move-
drugs by doctors in hospitals. they can be safely disposed of. ternally. Commercial charcoal ments in individuals, who do not
Charcoal adsorbs drug medica- Activated charcoal begins as regu- comes in five forms: tablet, cap- drink sufficient water. Charcoal
tions and considers them as poi- lar charcoal and is then “acti- sule, paste, as a suspension in will adsorb most medications as it
son to the body. John Dinsley says vated” with oxidizing gases, such water, and powder. Charcoal tab- recognizes most medication as poi-
that he used charcoal for thirty as steam or air, at high tempera- lets include fillers, binders and son to the body. If one is taking a
years in his travels around the tures. This oxidative process fur- sweeteners. Addition of these prescription drug, a safe rule is to
world as a first line of prevention ther erodes the charcoal’s internal slows the adsorption of poisons. take charcoal two hours before or
and treatment. Charcoal is able to surfaces. This increases its ad- after taking medications. One op-
take up toxic gases, disease germs, In one study, one group who took tion is to use charcoal externally
sorption capacity by creating an a charcoal-sorbitol suspension ex-
fluid toxic wastes and heavy met- internal network of even smaller as in a bath or as a poultice. Char-
als. It is a miracle substance. It perienced diarrhea, compared to coal does not adsorb nutrients. For
pores rendering it two to three none in the group who took char-
adsorbs rapidly within seconds times as effective as regular char- example, charcoal has been used
and has indefinite shelf life. It coal only suspension. Commercial as a fecal deodorant for patients
coal. The most common starting tablets are only half as adsorptive.
takes up drugs in the stomach, materials for making activated with ileostomies and colostomies.
small intestine, colon, and in the Tablets are about 75% charcoal In spite of the fact that they may

6 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 7

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routinely take charcoal orally that you need to carry in your Acute toxic poisoning - Take orally, applied charcoal directly to the
three times daily for years, it has travels or to keep at home as a uni- 1-6 tablespoons charcoal pow- area and covered it. The pain
never been demonstrated to nutri- versal antidote to protect you from der mixed in water. For all had stopped. No smell when the
tionally affect these individuals disease, infection, and injury, is types of poisoning, follow the bandage was removed. On the
who are already at risk of nutri- charcoal. Now the World Health “Charcoal Dosage Schedule” next day we put a poultice on
tional deficiency. Charcoal is not Organization has urged all mem- given in the Appendix. the entire arm. The arm recov-
classified as a drug or as a min- ber countries to promote the use Aging - Charcoal increases lifespan ered. - Nurse Pamela.
eral—minerals are defined as in- of “traditional, harmless, efficient and retards aging. In one ani- Anemia of cancer - Administration
organic. Sometimes it is listed as and scientifically proved rem- mal study, Dr. V. V. Frolkis, a of charcoal will sometimes
a food supplement, but this is in- edies.” Charcoal is such a remedy. famous Russian gerontologist, cause a reversal of the anemia
correct, since it is both inert and In a day of litigations over drug demonstrated that the lifespan since anemia in cancer patients
indigestible. Charcoal is unique in induced complications and death, of laboratory rats increased up is caused by a toxicity from the
that there are really no other ele- charcoal remains a quiet, harm- to 34% by feeding them char- cancer itself. Charcoal may re-
ments or compounds with which less, and tireless worker. coal in their diet. Toxins, includ- move toxic substance inhibiting
it can be grouped. In the following pages we have listed ing free radicals, are believed the bone marrow. 2 tablespoons
Charcoal is not a cure all. But for illnesses and how charcoal should be to play a significant role in ag- charcoal powder mixed in wa-
some health issues, and in some used for each illness. If you get well ing. But these “loose canons” ter per day.
serious conditions, there is no bet- as a result of following the sugges- will form a stable matrix with Anthrax - Charcoal adsorbs an-
ter and quicker remedy than char- tions or recommendations given in charcoal in the gut until they thrax and diffuses it. Give
coal. Remember Dr. Agatha this book, please share your success are eliminated from the body. orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal
Thrash’s words that the one thing stories with us. Ω Researchers concluded that the powder mixed in water.
binding up of these toxins in the Ants - Give charcoal internally and
intestinal tract before they are put some directly on the bite or
MEDICAL USES OF CHARCOAL—A - Z absorbed or reabsorbed into the submerge patient in charcoal
Stories of Successful Treatment Methods are Provided system may be one mechanism bath.
that allowed the rats to live
longer. Appendicitis - Betty’s husband, a
A bscess, infected and smelley
wound - Clean it, pack it
with charcoal powder, and put
Charcoal had adsorbed the of-
fending toxins and bacteria in
the uterine cavity. Once he
Allergies, products of - Give char-
coal orally, 1-2 tablespoons
quadriplegic from polio, devel-
oped an acute appendicitis. A
surgery would be hazardous.
a charcoal bandage over it. With started using the intrauterine charcoal powder mixed in wa- Betty decided to try a charcoal
a new dressing each day, the charcoal, he never lost another ter. It may not bind the aller- poultice. She made a large poul-
wound should quickly heal. case of septic abortion. He also gens themselves, but may neu- tice, 14in x 14in of charcoal
Abdominal pain - One tablespoon reported that in cases of in- tralize other secondhand toxins mixed with flaxseed. Unbe-
of charcoal mixed in water and fected abortions, when treated produced by the allergens. known to the doctors and
taken will remove abdominal with charcoal, there was an al- Charcoal is a powerful antidote nurses, she put the poultice on
pain in a half hour. most immediate end of the foul- for fungal toxins, and toxins his abdomen for two hours.
smelling discharge. such as Aflatoxin B and T-2 When the doctor returned and
Abortions - In the book, Surgery, toxin which kill both humans
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Charcoal pencil: heat water, the symptoms had subsided
charcoal and corn starch to- and animals. slightly, it was decided to wait
1930, Nahamancher, MD, re-
ported the effectiveness of char- gether until thickened. After Allergy to preservatives, sodium until morning to operate. She
coal in lowering the fevers as- slight cooling, pour the tacky benzoate - Take orally, 1 table- continued to keep the poultice
sociated with septic endometri- material onto a greased pan. spoon charcoal powder mixed in till evening. Within three days,
tis in women who had under- Roll. Place them in an oven water. her husband was discharged
gone abortion. In all cases, the overnight to dry. Handle care- Amputee - A boy touched an elec- from the hospital without a sur-
temperature fell to normal fully. trified line and had severe gery. At home she continued the
when one or two “charcoal pen- Acid stomach - Take orally, 1 table- burns. One arm was ampu- poultice for ten hours uninter-
cils” were inserted into the spoon charcoal powder mixed in tated. The other arm had sur- rupted. After 3 days of this, he
uterus through the cervix. water. gical scars with putrid smell. I was not only free from all symp-

8 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 9

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toms of appendicitis but also or cover area with moist char- Broken bones - Joe in his late six- cal excision of any flesh contain-
from a ten-month problem with coal bandage. ties, had some broken toes ing venom.
liquid diarrhea. When oral Benzpyrene - Take orally, 1 table- which refused to heal. The doc- However, it has been found that
charcoal did not do the job, the spoon charcoal powder mixed in tor wanted to amputate the a totally benign treatment for
poultice did the job. How many water. foot. A person gave 20 year old brown recluse spider bite is a
times the patient might recover Bleeding - 1 tablespoon charcoal charcoal and instructed to put compress of powdered charcoal.
without surgery if this valuable powder mixed in water taken some water in a basin large This should be applied as soon
remedy, charcoal, was better orally controls nose bleeding. enough for his foot, and stir in as possible after the bite hap-
understood! - Betty the charcoal powder, and just pens, preferably during the first
Boil - Place charcoal poultice on af- let his foot soak in that for an
Aspirin overdose - 1-5 tbsp. char- fected area overnight. Charcoal 24 hours. For the first eight
coal powder in water every hour or more. After 2 weeks, the hours, change the compress
mixed in a little olive oil was foot recovered and Joe showed
10 minutes. applied on the boil and left over about every thirty minutes. On
to the doctor 2 pieces of bone the second day, the time inter-
night. The next day the boil that had errupted on their own
B acteria, bacterial toxins. bac-
terial infection - Take orally,
1 tablespoon charcoal powder
burst. After 3 days of treatment,
the wrist completely healed.
from the damaged toes. 20 year
old charcoal had not depreci-
val for changing the poultices
or compresses can be length-
ened to two hours, and then to
- Sarah. ated its adsorbtive power.
mixed in water. four.
Any area that is red, painful, Brown Recluse Spider bite - Pre-
“A stubbed toe resulted in and swollen, responds to char- Burns - A victim of burns from a
bacterial infection which pare a poultice and place it over can of gasoline was brought to
coal. I apply charcoal as a poul- the open ulcer. Replace it sev-
traveled up the lymphatics of tice if the inflammation is on our hospital. His trousers were
my leg and resulted in boils eral times daily over the course burned to his skin. Immediately
the outside of the body, or give of a week. Give a couple of
above the knee. Hot packs were it by mouth if the inflammation I commandeered a crew of male
put to the leg, followed by herbal supplements and char- nurses to prepare a large quan-
is in the digestive tract.- Dr. coal internally. By the second
charcoal poultice. I sprinkled Baldwin. tity of charcoal slurry. As I
dry charcoal powder directly week, there will be no evidence cleared his legs of all possible
into the oozing wounds and Bowl, deodorizes - Take orally, 1 of the bite. The Brown recluse foreign matter, the crew
tablespoon charcoal powder spider produces a bite that gives smeared this thick paste of
packed the open ulcer with
mixed in water. little or no pain at first but is charcoal slurry on a piece of
charcoal jelly and quickly
recovered.” John Dinsley. Bowl disease - Charcoal is helpful extremely toxic. This creature, cotton flannel that would reach
in the control of diarrhea asso- with the fiddle design on its from side to side and waist to
Bacterial vaginosis - Wet the
ciated with Crohn’s disease, head, is more to be feared than ankles. Then we quickly flipped
tampoon with a solution of ac-
tivated charcoal. colitis or irritable bowel syn- the black widow spider. Within this wet poultice, charcoal side
drome. Four to six tablets may 24 hours a purplish red blister down, over the burned area. In-
Bad eggs eaten, dizzy and stom- be taken two to three times a developes at the site of the bite,
ach upset - Take orally, 1 table- stantly the shrieking ceased,
day between meals. If the char- and extensive tissue death oc- and the exhausted boy heaved
spoon charcoal powder mixed coal seems to irritate the colon, curs beneath the bite. This pro-
in water. a big sign of relief. The cold
one to three tablespoons of pow- duces a very deep and angry ul- charcoal had completely re-
Barbiturates, overdoses - Take dered charcoal may be stirred ceration that may extend down lieved his pain. All that Jimmy
orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal into a glass of water, the char- to the bone. The condition of- had was charcoal. He was
powder mixed in water. Follow coal allowed to settle out, and ten lasts for weeks or months, spared his limbs to walk again.
Charcoal Dosage Schedule in the clear water drunk. - Dr. and typically leaves a deep This case happened before the
the Appendix. Thrash. puckered scar, if amputation advent of cold therapy for
Bean gas, breath hydrogen - Take Breath, fetid - Take orally, 1 table- does not become necessary. burns. After the initial healing,
orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal spoon charcoal powder mixed in There is no antidote and no the boy received skin grafts to
powder mixed in water. water. antivenom. So, in hopes of complete recovery.-Dr. Baldwin.
Bee sting - Rub sting with wet Breath, offensive, after smoking - physically removing all of the
poison, the treatment often re-
charcoal tablet, compress to be
changed at 10 minute intervals
Take orally, 1 tablespoon char-
coal powder mixed in water. sorted to is that of wide surgi- C ancer - The anemia associated
with cancer is produced by the

10 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 11

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cancer’s toxic waste products toxins produced. The Herxhei- plied over this wet charcoal. man at the refinery came run-
which destroy the red blood mer reaction is often so un- The cast appeared slightly ning up. He told the 18 men in
cells. These toxins retard the pleasant that patients abandon gray, but was accepted well by my crew to report to the desig-
work of the bone marrow, but treatment before completion. patients. The unpleasant odor nated safe tent and wait. At 5
they may be adsorbed by char- Taking activated charcoal is one of draining wounds was con- am, the supervisors took us to
coal when taken orally. Certain method for alleviating the trolled for much longer, and a hospital for blood tests. What
cancers in dogs have been symptoms of yeast die-off so there was no adverse effect on we thought was rain was actu-
shown to go into complete re- that patients can continue their wound or fracture. ally benzene spraying out of a
mission with the application of treatment and not suffer. Dr. Carcinogens - Take orally, 1 table- tower 175 ft. in the air. A half
charcoal poultices. Then there Kaufman suggests 20-35 grams spoon charcoal powder mixed in mile away, a refinery employee
are those chemicals known to of activated charcoal a day in water. had accidentally turned the
cause cancer, such as benzopy- divided dosages on an empty Cellulitis - A child’s legs were swol- wrong valve and exposed us to
rene and methylcholanthrene, stomach until the problem is len to double their normal size one of the most carcinogenic
which are also effectively eliminated. The larger amount and clear fluid was seeping substances in the US. Benzene
adsorbed, thus preventing their is taken for more severe situa- through the pores.The parents affects the eyesight, nervous
poisonous effects. tions. He recommends not tak- were instructed to fill two large system, kidneys and liver.
Cancer of the cervix, foul odor of ing charcoal within two hours buckets, one with hot water The tests revealed that all 18
inoperable - Can be relieved by of taking required medications. with charcoal powder mixed in; of us had dangerous levels of
a douche/enema using a solu- Carbamazepine absorption - Take and the other with cold water. benzene in our blood systems.
tion of 2 tablespoons of charcoal orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal The infected legs and feet were The doctors said it would take
powder in a quarter of water. powder mixed in water. to be immersed alternately in up to a year for the benzene to
Cancer-producing compounds - Cast, odor from – For those of you hot, then cold water for a total leave our systems, and the dam-
Take orally, 1 tablespoon char- who have suffered a broken of seven changes. This contrast age would vary from blindness
coal powder mixed in water. limb that required a hard cast bath was to be given four times to liver cancer to kidney failure,
Candidiasis - Richard Kaufman, to immobilize it, you are no during the day. After each wa- and highly possible to death.
PhD, is a bio-nutritional chem- doubt familiar with the bad ter treatment, a charcoal or There was no known treatment
ist. He reports: “Activated char- odor that develops. Most often herbal poultice was to be ap- to remove the benzene from the
coal can be an effective adjunct the smell is just from dead skin, plied to the infected area. We blood. That morning there were
to any regimen for the treat- but it may be from an open prepared garlic and other infec- 18 very scared men.
ment of systemic Candida draining wound. These odors tion-fighting herbal teas to I prayed and remembered a
albicans infections.” The toxins are not only unpleasant, they drink throughout the day. I also man I had met a year ago. He
produced by Candida, absorbed are themselves toxic, and they prescribed plenty of pure water gave me a bag of charcoal cap-
by the blood and carried slow the healing process. This and a nutritious diet, free of sules. He said to take three cap-
throughout the body, are effec- requires that the casts be sugar, grease and lard. After sules, three times daily, and not
tively adsorbed by charcoal. changed often. To avoid such two days of this treatment, the to skip any capsules. After a
Candida toxins cause allergic frequent changes, Dr. Frank pain, redness, and swelling week, the reports showed that
reactions and are responsible Haydon, MD, at Fort Benning, gradually disappeared without there was no benzene in my
for the debilitating symptoms of Georgia, developed a simple a single visit to the doctor’s of- system. Three years later, I met
candidiasis. technique. He took fifteen fice. - Dr. Mary Ann, MD. a lawyer who represented the
Charcoal curbs the growth of grams of activated charcoal Chemicals, air-borne - The follow- other 17 men in a court case.
intestinal-based yeasts, and it (about three to four table- ing true story could fit a war 2 of them had blindness, 4 were
counteracts the Herxsheimer spoons) and mixed it with scenario: “I am a certified on kidney dialysis, and all were
reaction. When, as a result of a enough water to make a slurry. welder, working in a refinery. being treated by a neurological
successful treatment, there is a After the first layer of cast was While I was on my way to work, psychaitrist. The lawyer was
large die-off of yeast cells, there applied, the charcoal slurry was the news report said rain was amazed that I had no health
is a severe, short-term aggra- then poured over the area of ex- expected after midnight. About problems. I thanked God and
vation of Candida symptoms pected drainage. The remain- 1 am, a mist of rain started to my friend for giving me char-
due to the increased amount of der of the plaster was then ap- fall. 15 minutes later, a safety coal remedy.” - Unknown.

12 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 13

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Children - Charcoal repacking tivated charcoal by mouth, and ive oil which she ate with a excessive calories or processed
strategies for children are: mix placed fomentations to the ab- spoon every day for a month. foods on those days.
it together with a banana, mix domen several times a day. On The mixture helped relieve gas 2. Take about 20 grams a day
it with milk, carbonated drink, the third day, she began to get as well as aid in detoxifying her of activated charcoal in divided
fruit juice, charcoal cookie, abdominal distention and nau- body of drugs and other intes- doses for several months. Fol-
sprinkle it on a buttered bread sea. She was given a large dose tinal debris. low with a one month break and
in the form of sandwitches, mix of charcoal by mouth and a fo- Cryptosporidiosis - A water borne resume the cycle.
it with peanut butter, chocolate mentation was applied, which parasite. Activated charcoal re- These programs should not be
syrup, jam, and honey. Char- was afterward replaced by a moves parasitic cysts. Take viewed as license to continue
coal reaches its maximum ab- large charcoal poultice to the orally 1-2 tablespoons of char- any unhealthy practices. Char-
sorption within one minute. If abdomen. The following morn- coal powder in water. coal should be viewed as an
a mixed version, use extra char- ing, the distention was gone. Cyclic vomiting syndrome - Nau- auxiliary to sound health prac-
coal. She was hungry. The treat- sea, vomiting, abdominal pains tices, not as a back-up for in-
Cholera - 2 tablespoons in water ments continued. She never may be successfully treated tentional indiscretions. Should
4 times daily or with each stool. had another attack. - Dr. with charcoal. Take orally, 1 we give in to some carelessness,
Charcoal wards off cholera. I Thrash. tablespoon charcoal powder charcoal is a wonderful aid to
had supplied to a friend, char- Colostomy - 1/2 tsp. of charcoal mixed in water. recovery.
coal bottles for Bombay during powder in water 4 times daily. Diabetes Melitus - Charcoal has
its floods and for Andaman
when there was a tsunami. -
Common cold - 1 tablespoon of
charcoal in a glass of water.
Charcoal adsorbs the toxins that
D engue - A virus infection
caused by Dengue virus.
Charcoal removes toxins, a
been shown, in some individ-
uals, to reduce glucose levels in
the bowel resulting in a reduced
Cholesterol levels, lowers - Acti- trigger the different cold symp- good supplement for dengue need for medication. It has also
vated charcoal lowers the con- toms: fever, diarrhea, conges- cases. One glass of charcoal been shown to reduce the signs
centration of total lipids, cho- tion, etc. water every 2 hours. of blood vessel and nerve dam-
lesterol and triglycerides, in the Complexion, fine - There is no Detoxifier - Charcoal is the best age–a major complication of
blood serum, liver, heart and greater purifier in the medical single detoxifier for whole body diabetes. While obviously not a
brain. It reduces total choles- pharmacy than charcoal. Also, cleansing. Along with charcoal, cure for diabetes, some may
terol by 25%; lowers LDL (bad eat freely cabbage, and greens. use water both on the outside want to consider charcoal as an
cholesterol) by 41%; and If this diet is followed by regu- and inside to help wash away aid in managing their cases.
doubles HDL (good cholesterol). lar bathing, it will work won- poison. Detoxification prevents In her 1994 book, Poisonous
Charcoal is a valuable part of a ders with the most stubborn toxins from infectious agents, Prescriptions, Dr. Landymore-
total cholesterol reducing pro- complexion. - The Cook Book. food, air, water, and substances Lim reports on investigations
gram, but long-term lifestyle Corn - Smear wet charcoal tablet that contact the skin from de- which found that diabetes
changes must be maintained to on a band aid and put on the stroying health. Chronic expo- might in fact be a major side
permanently reduce high cho- corn. sure to toxins produces cellular effect of antibiotics and other
lesterol. Take 1 tablespoon damage, diverse diseases, aller- common pharmaceuticals. The
charcoal in water 3 times a day. Crohn’s disease - Barbara had
Crohn’s disease for 23 years. gic-like reactions, compromised book provides evidence from
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruc- Crohn’s disease causes many immunity and premature ag- studies and hospital records.
tion - Several years ago, a problems. She suffered with ul- ing. As a general detox plan to Diabetic Ulcer - Put charcoal poul-
middle-aged lady came to our cerations of the large intestine, counteract these daily expo- tice on the affected area over-
center as a last resort. She had blood loss, anemia, malabsorp- sures to toxins: night, for a month, or use a
had abdominal surgery at least tion, chronic diarrhea, inconti- 1. Use activated charcoal on charcoal foot bath.
12 times and was having to be nence and a rectal/vaginal fis- two consecutive days each
admitted to the hospital every Diarrhea/dysentry- After each
tula. Barbara changed her diet week. Take a total of 20-35 loose or watery stool, drink a
2-3 weeks for gastric intubation and took a 3 week juice fast. grams each day divided into two
and intravenous fluids. She was mixture of one to two large
Along with the juice fast, she or three doses. Take in the spoonfuls of charcoal powder in
rapidly being debilitated. We took 2/3 dixie cup of activated morning, at midday and before
put her on large amounts of ac- a glass of water. Follow each
charcoal powder mixed with ol- bed on an empty stomach. Avoid

14 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 15

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glass of charcoal water with one Drugs work by manipulating adsorbs poisons, radiation, bad Let there be no meddling with
or two glasses of plain water. some sequence of biochemistry odors, and toxins from the air. the eye. Use only the most mild
For a child, give 1 tsp. of char- in already existing body mecha- Electromagnetic waves - Bamboo applications. EGW, 1898.
coal powder mixed in water. nisms. charcoal will adsorb ethylene Eye, meningitis and encephalitis -
Diazepam (valium) overdose - Take Dyspepsia - Take orally, 1 table- gases released by many electri- Put 1 tablespoon charcoal in a
orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal spoon charcoal powder mixed in cal appliances. Cut bamboo to small cloth. Fold up the ends
powder mixed in water. water. 1 ft. size. Burn and put burnt and put a rubber band. Dip the
Digestive problems - Take orally, bamboo in a jar in your house ball into hot or cold water and
1 tablespoon charcoal powder or office. Bamboo is porus and apply to each eye for a few sec-
mixed in water.
Digitoxin absorption - Take orally,
E ars - Ear infection will be
cleared by pouring a thin
paste of charcoal into the ear
has greater adsorption.
Emergency rooms - Charcoal is
onds. Relieves eye strain.
Eye - “Pink eye” or “sore eyes,” is
1 tablespoon charcoal powder using an eyedropper. If the ear used routinely in ER’s for over- an acute form of bacterial con-
mixed in water. drum has a puncture, use a doses and poisoning. At one junctivitis–an inflammation of
Diphtheria - Look up Tetanus. poultice over the ear. time, a young man, chased by the mucous membrane which
the police, had swallowed all lines the inner surface of the
p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (azo Ebola - Multiple doses of charcoal the cocaine he had. Then we eyelid and continues over the
dye) - Take orally, 1 tablespoon powder mixed in water and poured down one and a half surface of the eyeball. This con-
charcoal powder mixed in wa- taken orally. bottles of charcoal slurry. He dition is highly contagious and
ter. Eczema with infection and odor - never showed any sign of the often occurs in groups of school
Drug intoxications - Activated Treatment is same as in ulcer. cocaine overdose. - Pauline, RN. children. Symptoms include
charcoal is a safe, effective, and On dry eczema, apply wet char- Enemas - 2 tablespoons of charcoal redness, swelling, tearing and
inexpensive gastrointestinal coal paste and cover the area powder mixed in a quart of wa- discomfort. There may be a dis-
absorbent that is recommended with a plastic sheet to keep the ter, given as enema. charge from the eye. Generally
for use by virtually every recent charcoal moist. a thin, watery discharge sug-
text book or hand book in the Eye, bloodied - Make charcoal jelly
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity with flax seed and tape the com- gests that the conjunctivitis is
treatment of acute drug intoxi- due to wireless devices - Cell of viral origin, a white, stringy
cations. It is paradoxical then, press to the eye all night.
phones, computers, wireless de- discharge suggests allergic ori-
that this antidote is seldom em- vices, emit radiation. After Eyes, inflammation of - Apply a gin and a discharge containing
ployed in the clinical practice of speaking on the small 2in x 2in charcoal poul- pus suggests conjunctivitis of a
emergency medicine. Ayurvedic cell phone, one tice over one eyelid for eight to bacterial origin.
doctors in India readily accept feels radiation on ten hours. It should then be re-
moved and another compress 1. Charcoal poultices should be
charcoal as an important natu- the ear. A woman applied overnight. Mix pow-
ral remedy to remove toxins but who kept her cell used on the opposite eyelid. You
can use a tape to hold the poul- dered charcoal with water suf-
fail to prescribe it. phone in the bra ficient to make a thick paste,
Drug overdose - Take orally, had cancer in the tice on the eyelid.
and spread it over a piece of
1 tablespoon charcoal powder shape of the cell Medical practitioners have ex- cloth larger than the inflamed
mixed in water. phone. Taking perimented on the eyes, and in area of the eye. Fold the cloth.
Drugs - A drug creates the allu- charcoal slurry so doing, have not only forever Place this over the eye. Cover
sion of giving energy by prod- once in a while removes radia- weakened the strength of the with a piece of plastic or simi-
ding some organ to give up tion from all parts of the body. delicate organs, but the injury lar material and hold in place
some of its own vitality to pro- Keep charcoal bamboo sticks in done has extended to the brain, with an ace bandage wrapped
duce some desired effect. This a jar and place in your office through the nerves connecting lightly around the head. The
false sense of energy or healing and home to adsorb radiation the eye with the brain. I have bandage should not be so tight
is at the expense of the deprived from the floor, walls, ceiling, positively refused to use any- that it puts pressure on the eye-
organ. There is a common fal- and from your body. It also thing but hot water with a little balls, but it must be snug
lacy that drugs cure disease. serves as a good decoration. salt, or pulverized charcoal put enough to hold the compress in
Drugs do not cure disease. Charcoal powder, if kept open, in a bag, and dipped in hot or place overnight. Remove it in
cold water, as is most agreeable. the morning, and dispose of the

16 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 17

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compress in a manner to avoid nally and use charcoal poultice Gasoline and kerosene - Charcoal into the stomach and intestines.
spreading the infection. on the stomach. The poison will does not adsorb very well, prod- By neutralizing all these toxins,
2. Charcoal slurry water eye be neutralized. Every school ucts such as petroleum hydro- charcoal decreases the work-
drops may be used during the should have 1 kg. of charcoal carbons or plant hydrocarbons, load of the liver as well as the
day. To make the drops boil one powder in their emergency kit. but may reduce the amount of kidneys. While charcoal light-
cup of water with one-fourth Foot and mouth disease - 10 grams toxin taken into the body. ens the load on the body, it could
teaspoon salt and one teaspoon of charcoal powder per 100 cc Gastric and intestinal disorder - also lighten our national bud-
powdered charcoal. When cool, of water (2 tablespoons for 1/2 Charcoal tablets, capsules or get.
strain through several layers of cup water) has been shown to powder in water. Geriatric cases - Elderly have ul-
cheesecloth. Using a dropper, bind the virus in a 1% suspen- Gastritis - Charcoal is a simple cers on their feet or legs. Cir-
put four or five drops of the sion of Foot and Mouth disease home remedy for stomach up- culation to the extremities gets
clear fluid in the affected eye in laboratory experiments. set. One tablespoon of activated more sluggish with age. Some-
every two hours. Foot infections - A swollen big toe charcoal powder can adsorb the times ulcers worsen, resulting
to which charcoal with flax seed amount of bacteria that would in amputation. Serious cases of

F eet, sluggish blood circulation

of - Blood circulation in our
feet is more sluggish than in
and water was applied over-
night, healed in one day com-
pared with a patient who took
completely cover a tennis court.
Take 1 tbsp. charcoal powder
mixed in water or 4 capsules.
ulcers in the extremities will
end up with complete recovery.
Make charcoal jelly, place it di-
other parts of the body, and so antibiotics for one week. Gastro-intestinal dialysis - Char- rectly on the wound. Cover it
swelling of the feet can be a Foot odor - One reputable footwear coal draws drugs from the blood with plastic and put the sock
problem. The foot bath with company is now marketing a back through the gut lining into on. The wound heals within two
charcoal would help to stimu- patented gel insole that is lay- the gastro-intestinal tract where applications. When I see cases
late circulation and to draw out ered with super-activated char- it inactivates them. in nursing homes, it makes me
toxic waste products from the coal. There are several other grieve to know they could be so
blood that might pool in the Gas upon the stomach - Mix
companies offering a variety of 1 tablespoon charcoal in water easily treated. They don’t have
feet. footwear products with char- to suffer. They don’t have to get
and drink it.
Feet, swollen from long walk or coal to combat odor and pro- worse, and they don’t have to
General detoxifier: While most have amputations. - Emily
much standing - Bathe feet in mote general relaxation. people usually think of poison-
warm water into which 2 tbsp. Foot ulcer and legs dark blue from Goiter - Charcoal captures iodine
of charcoal has been stirred. ing as a single event, we need
the knees down - Give charcoal to be reminded that the body is from the kelp when it is burned
Swelling and fatigue will both foot baths daily for one month. and then liberates the iodine in
continually dealing with waste
disappear rapidly. Maintain a strict low fat diet of the digestive tract when char-
products from digestion and
Fever - Charcoal wards off all whole grains, fruits and veg- metabolism. The organs em- coal is taken internally. This
malignant fevers. Take per day, etables. Both legs will regain ployed in filtering and purify- proves beneficial in the treat-
3 tbsp. charcoal powder in water. circulation and their normal ing the blood can always use ment of goiter.
Fire ants - Wet charcoal tablet and color by the end of the month. some extra help. As a general Gout - Big toe swollen, reddish and
rub on an ordinary band aid. Put detoxifier, charcoal is without painful - Is a condition in which
the band aid on the bitten area.
Flatulency (gas) - Take orally,
1 tablespoon charcoal powder
G angrene - a grandfather who
had already lost a toe was
suggested that his badly in-
equal. It purifies the six to eight
liters of digestive fluids that are
secreted daily. This in turn
uric acid crystals form in the
extremities. Mix charcoal pow-
der in a basin of warm water
mixed in water. One fine grain fected foot needed to be ampu- helps to remove foreign sub- and put the foot in it for an
of charcoal carries 100 times its tated. Overnight I placed a stances from the blood. Char- hour. Also take charcoal inter-
weight of gas particles like a charcoal poultice over the foot. coal adsorbs the intoxicant sub- nally. Repeat the procedure the
bus carrying passengers and We did this for a month. The stance and its metabolites that next day. Modify diet so as to
eliminates them through the foot turned from black to are excreted into the small in- minimize the production of uric
stool. healthy pink. We also gave him testine by way of the bile duct, acid.
Food poisoning - Charcoal is effec- simple hydrotherapy treat- thus preventing their reabsorp- Gulf war syndrome - Due to chemi-
tive in food poisoning. Give ments and instructed to improve tion. As we have noted, charcoal cal and biological warfare used
hourly doses of charcoal inter- his dietary habits. - Dr. Dana adsorbs drugs that diffuse back in the Gulf war, soldiers were

18 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 19

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affected with this disease. Use and in some cases of leuco- active ingredient listed is acti- HIV–I - The development of new
of extra doses of charcoal will cythemia. A good indication for vated charcoal (31.7%). It is de- virus inactivation procedures
benefit the soldiers. Army this remedy is a small, pallid scribed as a cream, but comes has become an area of growing
camps should stock charcoal tongue with lenticular spots, more like a paste and is used interest. Photochemical pro-
powder for their soldiers. and with this it may be given intrarectally, or can be applied cesses now represent the most
in any form of disease. A rectal externally. - Julie. promising methods to inacti-

H eart burn - Take 1 tbsp. char

coal powder in water or
capsules or tablets.
injection of charcoal has
checked hemorrhage from the
bowels within 3 weeks. His
Hepatitis - C had chronic Hepati-
tis. His yellow eyes showed
jaundiced condition. His yellow
vate viruses. Chemists are look-
ing at C60—Buckminsterful-
lerene—found in wood char-
Heavy metals - Use charcoal as a color and liver functions re- pigmentation is a sign that liver coal. A water-soluble C60 de-
detox agent to detoxify heavy turned to normal as per the is not doing its job of filtering rivative was tested for antivi-
metals. Charcoal wipes out de- blood tests. - Unknown. out certain waste products in ral activity. The compound
cades of heavy metals. For Hemorrhoids - A man arrived at the blood. Direct sunlight is showed a potent and selective
heavy metal detoxifying, 20 the clinic with very painful and able to break down these bile activity against HIV-1 in
grams of charcoal (2 tbsp.) per bleeding hemorrhoids. One was pigments that accumulate in acutely and chronically infected
day is recommended. external and larger than half the skin. Having C follow a cells. This was attributed to the
Hemoperfusion(removing drugs or an inch and had a central ul- simple vegetarian diet, we virus’ ability to replicate. No
poisons from the blood) appli- cer. He had been suffering for a scheduled him to take a sun adverse effects to the cells were
cations - Activated charcoal is week. The doctor prescribed bath twice a day. Life is in the observed. Furthermore, none of
effective in blood purification several things, including a Sitz blood. Perfect health depends the eighteen tested mice died
for removal of various circulat- bath, topical ice, and a mixture on perfect circulation. We ap- within the test period when the
ing toxic materials and waste of various herbal teas applied plied hot towels on his liver to compound was injected into
metabolites. externally as a douche. But the promote circulation and to their peritoneal cavity.
Hemorrhage from the bowels - Dr. man was convinced it was the stimulate his auto immune sys- These findings should not be
Scudder says that the specific charcoal paste that had brought tem. Charcoal adsorbs bile unexpected. Scientists have
use of charcoal is to arrest hem- him the most dramatic relief. products. We gave charcoal long known that charcoal im-
orrhage from bowels. It has The nurses mixed one teaspoon daily, both internally and exter- pregnated swabs should not be
been used in enema, finely pow- activated charcoal powder with nally as poultice over his liver used in viral research, as char-
dered, to four ounces of water, two tablespoons olive oil to at night. The charcoal would re- coal tends to shut down viral ac-
injected through the rectum. make a paste. This was applied lieve some of the work load on tivity. This research looked into
Why this checks it I cannot tell; to the rectal area overnight. the liver. Waste products within the action of C60 in damaging
that it does it, I have the evi- Three days later the external the bowels would attach to the envelopes that protect a
dence of my own eyes. For sev- hemorrhoid had significantly charcoal and toxins in the blood number of deadly viruses in-
eral years I have employed the decreased in size, and there was would be drawn through the cluding Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV-
second decimal trituration no more pain. The bleeding had skin into the poultice. The sun I & II, and human parvovirus
[finely ground powder] as a also all but stopped. He re- baths, the diet, the fomenta- B19. This latest research rep-
remedy for passive hemor- turned home with instructions tions, and the charcoal helped resents the expanding field of
rhage, with most marked ben- to continue the treatment. He C to recover. charcoal in medical technology.
efit. I employ it in threatened was also instructed on how to Hepatitis A, B, C - This is a liver But whereas the average per-
hemorrhage during typhoid fe- improve his bowel health with disease. The liver is unable to son will not be able to use the
ver; in menorrhagia [abnor- regularity, increased water in- filter poisons and waste prod- concentrated C60 available to
mally high menstrual bleed- take, exercise, and a diet higher ucts from the blood. Take orally, researchers, the benefits are
ing], especially when chronic; in in natural fiber. 1 tablespoon charcoal powder still resident in the lowly char-
prolonged menstruation; the On the web is a product which mixed in water. and external coal.
watery discharge that some- says: Helps relieve these local applications will remove poi- Hornet sting - Place charcoal poul-
times follows menstruation; symptoms associated with hem- sons and will support the liver tice overnight on the stung
hemorrhage from the kidneys; orrhoids: pain, itch, burning, in detoxifying the blood. area.
hemorrhage from the lungs; soreness, discomfort. The main

20 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 21

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I leostomy - ½ tsp of charcoal in
water 4 times a day.
Infected mouth with pus - I made
poultice overnight on bruised
area. Also use hot and cold tow-
be tried. If successful, please
share your story with us.
Jaundice in the new born or neo-
Kidney failure - If charcoal applied
externally can produce such re-
markable results for surface
a very thick charcoal gel and Ipecac (to induce vomiting) - See natal jaundice - Give daily sun wounds will it work for inter-
packed her cheeks with it. She poisoning. baths coupled with 1 tsp. char- nal problems?
had to drink through a straw Insect bites - A little charcoal paste coal in water given through a While working as a lifestyle
and, except for meal times, we or a moistened charcoal tablet nipple every 2-3 hours. With counselor at Uchee Pines Insti-
kept her mouth packed with the applied to a band-aid works well this treatment, a four month old tute, Joel was assigned to care
charcoal. She accepted this for insect bites. baby’s bilirium began to clear for a twenty-six-year old man
treatment, and after one week Intestinal disorders - Charcoal and was down to 4 mg % by the from New Jersey. Ustes was a
the infection was completely treats intestinal disorders such 10th day. Charcoal water may be welder by trade, and had be-
gone. There was no need to re- as diarrhea, constipation, and safely given to a new born baby. come acutely ill from breathing
move even one of her teeth! The cramps. Take orally, 1 tbsp. In one astounding study the the fumes while welding galva-
dentist was completely amazed. charcoal powder mixed in wa- need for exchange transfusions nized metal. These deadly
Infections - Charcoal neutralizes ter. in babies with erythroblastosis fumes are known to destroy the
many different infections. Use fetalis was cut by more than nephrone cells in the kidneys,
Intestinal gas - Charcoal works keeping them from properly fil-
externally and internally. better than medication. 90% with the use of charcoal.
Inflammation, products of - Use a Erythroblastosis fetalis is a se- tering the blood. In his case,
Intestinal pains - Take orally, 1 vere anemia that develops in an Ustes’ blood work showed ex-
charcoal compress during the tablespoon charcoal powder
day and at night. unborn infant because the tremely elevated levels of waste
mixed in water. mother produces antibodies products so he was scheduled
Influenza/the flu - is a highly con- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, to begin kidney dialysis in a
tagious viral infection of the that attack the fetus’ red blood
chronic - Charcoal by mouth; fo- cells. The antibodies are usually couple of weeks. At this point
upper respiratory tract, and mentation; and compresses ap- he came to Uchee Pines and
what is commonly called ‘stom- caused by Rh incompatibility
plied over the abdomen. between the mother ’s blood was put on a cleansing pro-
ach flu’ is technically not really gram. To relieve his kidneys of
the flu, but rather, in most Intoxication - Activated charcoal is type and that of the fetus (that
now being recommended for pa- is, the mother and baby have some of their workload, he was
cases, gastroenteritis, which is given a diet low in proteins. He
an acute inflammation of the tients who have ingested poten- different blood types). These
tially toxic amounts of a poison, babies can be at extreme risk was given a daily walking pro-
lining of the stomach. When- gram out in the sunshine and
ever I have experienced flu like where the ingested substance after birth and, depending on
adsorbs to charcoal. British the severity, a blood transfusion fresh air. Of course there was
symptoms, such as when my time to rest, and meditate upon
stomach starts that unusual Pharmacological Society. may be performed. In one study
Iron - Charcoal adsorbs iron com- done at Fort Benning, Georgia, the blessings of God, but his
gurgling sound that precedes main treatment consisted of a
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pounds poorly. If it is to be used activated charcoal, suspended
for overdose, charcoal should be in water, was given every two daily charcoal bath. This was
chills and fever, I have used supplemented each night with
charcoal. - John Dinsley. given in very large doses. hours. The treatment was con-
tinued for 120 hours in normal a twelve-inch wide poultice ap-
Infrared radiation absorption - newborns and 168 hours in pre- plied around his trunk. Joel
Keep bamboo charcoal in a jar
in your room which will adsorb J apanese Encephalitis, a mos-
quito borne virus - Give
charcoal enema. On the oozing
mature infants, or until biliru-
bin levels fell. Charcoal should
also noticed what I and others
have detected, a distinct urine
the infrared radiation. be begun at four hours of age odor and yellowish stain on the
legs, apply charcoal water di-
Injuries - Severe pain in the head rectly with a brush. Also take to produce the maximum reduc- poultice. How that happens is
due to a head injury with se- orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal tion in elevated bilirubin levels. a mystery that science does not
vere headaches was relieved by powder mixed in water. fully understand. The first and
a charcoal poultice on the head Whether the affected legs will second weeks showed a steady
for a whole week. Those with
motor cycle accidents and
bruised painful bodies will be
improve if placed in plastic bags
filled with charcoal water may
K erosene - Charcoal will absorb
kerosene from the bowels
when given in large enough
drop in Ustes’ blood waste prod-
ucts. By the third week his
blood functions had returned to
relieved by using a charcoal quantities.

22 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 23

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near normal. When Ustes re- hope. The liver was so dis- Liver Dialysis – Donald J. ago with a man with liver can-
turned home, he committed tended that it interfered with Hillebrand, MD, is associate cer demonstrated conclusively
himself to staying with his new her breathing as it pushed up professor of medicine, chief of to me, as have the experiences
health program. Ten years later against her lungs. We radically hepatology, and medical direc- of others since then, that char-
when Dr. Calvin Thrash con- changed her diet to a very tor of liver transplantation at coal can work as effectively in
tacted him, he reported that he simple cleansing program, and Loma Linda University Hospi- the home as in the hospital
had continued on the program at the same time applied char- tal. He reported, before the 53rd without the added stresses.
and had never needed dialysis. coal poultices over the liver for Annual Meeting of the Ameri- Liver failure - Patients with a dis-
- Joel up to eight hours during the can Association for the Study of eased liver or kidney can be
Kidney pain - Take orally, 1-6 day and throughout the night. Liver Diseases, that patients treated at home with a large
tablespoons charcoal powder After just three days she was with episodic type C hepatic en- compress over the mid-back or
mixed in water per day. Use actually breathing easier and cephalopathy (EHE) may be over the abdomen. To hold the
charcoal compress over kidneys her liver was noticeably less able to benefit from dialysis poultice in place, plastic stretch
for 10 hours per day. distended. She did survive a using a charcoal-based liver di- wrap can be wound around the
Kidney, toxins from the blood in - year beyond her doctor’s dismal alysis unit (LDU). In a prospec- person’s stomach. The best time
Take charcoal internally, and prognosis. tive study of eighteen patients to do this is just before going to
apply compress on the kidneys. We put the second woman on a with EHE, sixteen showed sig- bed. In the morning before
similar program, plus a full fe- nificant improvement in men- bathing, the poultice can be
ver treatment to stimulate her tal status within two days. taken off.
L ead - Activated charcoal ad-
sorbs a wide variety of
drugs and chemicals, either
immune system. Within a
couple of weeks the swelling
In their study abstract, Dr. Hill-
ebrand and colleagues write,
Liver functions - Here are lab tests
to demonstrate that what can
solid, liquid or gas, onto a solid was much reduced, and “Charcoal-based hemodiab- happen when charcoal is taken
or liquid surface. Toxic sub- brought marked relief to the sorption utilizing LDU treat- internally may also be effected
stances attach themselves to woman. - Helen. ments are able to safely, rapid- when applied externally. In a
the surface of the charcoal. Be- As reported in The Lancet, re- ly and effectively resolve EHE letter to his doctor, Peter writes:
cause charcoal is not “digested,” search has shown that oxygen failing to respond to twenty- “Following my liver biopsy test
it stays inside the GI tract and adheres to charcoal in four hours of appropriate med- last January, you wrote me to
eliminates the toxin when the hemoperfusion for temporary ical management in patients advise that the biopsy was es-
person has the bowl movement. artificial liver support. Re- who otherwise can face a 10% sentially normal, and that there
- emedicine health. searchers suggest this charac- to 30% risk of death. Other in- was no further treatment
Leishmaniasis - A chronic proto- teristic may be helpful in other dications the Loma Linda team needed at this time. While I ap-
zoan infection. Take 1-6 table- treatments specifically in- are considering for treatment preciate such good news, I also
spoons charcoal powder per day tended to enhance oxygen sup- with the LDU, include chronic took the advise of a close friend
orally, and paint the lesions with ply to certain organs. Is it then liver failure, hepato-renal syn- who suggested an old fashioned
charcoal poultice. (1 Tablespoon just coincidence that other drome, liver failure after sur- remedy that would expedite my
charcoal = 14 capsules, 10 tablets). cases of severe liver failure gical interventions such as liver returning to it’s normal
show marked improvement cholecystectomy, and liver function and enzyme level.
Lesions caused by Bacillus transplant recipients who re-
pyocyanese can be deodorized when the blood is filtered Since last February, I have been
through a charcoal bed? In fact ceive a marginal graft organ. drinking a large glass of water
by the use of charcoal.
patients with liver and kidney Coincidentally, no one knows every day that contains a large
Liver and cancer pain - apply poul- failure can sometimes be why, charcoal taken by mouth tablespoon of activated char-
tice and take orally, 1 table- treated right in the home with has also been found to relieve coal. For the first month or so I
spoon charcoal powder mixed in large compresses placed over the itching that is often associ- also slept at night twice a week,
water. the back or stomach area. Tak- ated with long-term dialysis. with a charcoal poultice taped
Liver cancer - Two women who ing charcoal by mouth will also Most likely you and I are not in over my liver. Last week I had
had cancer of the liver came to help to prevent the build up of a position to access this kind of my doctor in Mt. Vernon, draw
stay with us. The first woman poisons that make the work of technology directly. However, some blood and run the liver
was terminal. Her doctor had these organs more difficult. my experience twenty-six years tests again for me. The results
given up and offered her no
24 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 25

Untitled-1 24-25 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

were, I thought, truly amazing. it, and give this water to the Meteorite illness - Meteorites Mushroom poisoning - More
 Alkaline Phosphatase - 99 sick man to drink, putting ban- when they fall, cause a crater people die from mushroom
down from 218 dages of the charcoal over the and spew noxious gases and poisoning than from any other
 GGTP - 89 down from 302 bowels and stomach. We were make people sick. Take acti- plant. Charcoal easily neutral-
 SGPT - 31 down from 229 about one mile from the city of vated charcoal in such emer- izes the poison from these
“During this same period all the Denison, but the sick man’s son gencies. The Bible predicts that mushrooms. For the Amanita
symptoms of my hiatal hernia went to a blacksmith’s shop, twice meteorites and two aster- (death cap mushroom), conven-
have disappeared, my choles- secured the charcoal, and pul- oids will hit the earth (Rev. 8:7- tional treatment with various
terol level has dropped from 293 verized it, and then used it ac- 10). God’s children should be drugs has had only sporadic
to 270, and my triglycerides cording to the directions given. wise to stock charcoal. success, whereas it is widely
level from 299 to 260. I hope this The result was that in half an Methylcholanthrine - This cancer known that charcoal neutral-
update report is of interest and hour there was a change for the producing agent is formed izes the poison up to twenty
possibly assistance to you in better. We had to go on our jour- when meat is grilled, due to four hours after ingestion.
treating similar patients. ney and leave the family be- scorching fat. Take orally, 1 Charcoal is known to bind the
hind, but what was our surprise tablespoon charcoal powder toxic substance alpha-aman-
the following day to see their mixed in water. itine from water and protein
M alarial fever - This story
comes from Ellen G.
White: “A brother was taken
wagon overtake us. The sick
man was lying in a bed in the
Methylxanthines, overdoses (Caf-
feine, theobromine and theo-
solutions in laboratory experi-
sick with inflammation of the wagon. The blessing of God had phyllin found in coffee, tea, co- In one report, seven people,
bowels and bloody dysentery. worked with the simple means las and chocolate) - Take orally, who had eaten more than three
The man was not a careful used. 1 tablespoon charcoal powder mushrooms (three are gener-
health reformer, but indulged Mammary duct Ectasia - Poultice mixed in water. ally considered a lethal dose),
his appetite. We were just pre- of charcoal powder and flax Microdialysis of the blood - Uptake did not seek treatment until six-
paring to leave Texas, where he seed applied to the area. of drugs by red blood cells is dif- teen hours later. One of the four
had been laboring for several MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitiv- fused by charcoal. women was treated in a sepa-
months, and we had carriages ity suspected substances: rate hospital from the other pa-
Microwave ovens - To remove mi- tients by an exchange transfu-
prepared to take away this smoke, pesticides, plastics, syn- crowave oven radiation, take
brother and his family, and sev- thetic fabrics, scented products, sion and peritoneal dialysis.
1 tbsp. charcoal once a week in- She went into hepatic coma for
eral others who were suffering petroleum products and paints. ternally. Externally, place burnt
from malarial fever. My hus- Charcoal will adsorb some of eight days and had to remain
bamboo in your room. in the hospital for three months
band and I thought we would these products.
stand this expense rather than Migrains due to synthetic fra- before she had recovered suffi-
Measles - Take orally, 1 tablespoon grances - Take orally, 1 table-
have the heads of several fami- charcoal powder mixed in wa- ciently to be sent home. Her
lies die and leave their wives spoon charcoal powder mixed in husband, who had eaten the
ter, and place charcoal pads on water.
and children unprovided for. affected areas. same quantity, was treated by
Two or three were taken in a Mouth sores, Canker sores, those hemoperfusion. He left the hos-
Meningitis (Infection of the central small ulcers in your mouth - pital after six days and was
large spring wagon on spring nervous system) - Take orally,
mattresses. But this man who Will respond nicely to charcoal. quite well. Four others left af-
1 tablespoon charcoal powder Just holding a charcoal tablet ter three days. These individu-
was suffering from inflamma- mixed in water.
tion of the bowels, sent for me up against the sore with your als were treated with blood-fil-
to come to him. My husband Mercury - Activated charcoal tongue will remove the soreness tering equipment using char-
should be used to bind and to within minutes. Or wet your coal, sixteen hours after they
and I decided that it would not
do to move him. Fears were en- inactivate suspected and finger, dip it in charcoal pow- had eaten the mushrooms. This
tertained that mortification had known exposure to all forms of der, and rub the charcoal pow- would indicate that charcoal
mercury, such as battery. Char- der inside your mouth and sleep can effectively remove the tox-
set in. Then the thought came
to me like a communication coal adsorbs metals like mer- overnight. In the morning, ins from the blood even twenty-
from the Lord to take pulver- cury and other heavy metals so swallow the charcoal to do more four hours after eating
that they can be passed out of cleaning inside your system. Amanita. This case suggests
ized charcoal, put water upon
the body.

26 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 27

Untitled-1 26-27 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

that charcoal may also be able Nervous indigestion - Use charcoal over the area of expected drain- had returned to the United
to achieve the same benefits powder in water, or eat it mixed age. The remainder of the plas- States, her translator con-
when taken orally. You may not with olive oil. ter should then be applied over ducted his own programs. An
have to undergo the risky pro- Nuclear radiation - Isotopes of io- this wet charcoal. The cast will elderly man who had attended
cedure of hemoperfusion if you dine are products of nuclear re- slightly appear gray, but unac- the meetings later returned to
have charcoal at hand. actions and are found in ceptable odor of draining his village. As Ruth related the
For mushrooms, amanitine nuclear power plants and wounds will be controlled for story, this man’s daughter came
toxin content is estimated at nuclear fuel processing plants. much longer periods of time home one day to find her hus-
more than 5 mg per gram of They are also used extensively with no adverse effect on wound band unconscious in bed, with
mushroom. Four ounces of in medical treatment facilities. or fracture. a container of pesticide beside
mushroom (a large ingestion for Impregnated activated carbons him. The wife realized he must
a child) would provide less than
20 mg of amanitine toxin. Two
grams of activated charcoal
are used in filtration systems to
prevent radioiodine from escap-
ing to the atmosphere and to
P ancreatitis, chronic, relapsing
due to several abdominal
operations in the past - Fomen-
have taken a large amount of
the poison intending to end his
life. Frantically she ran to her
would provide a 100 to 1 ratio. protect personnel from expo- tations to the abdomen, char- father’s house nearby, begging
Therefore a five-gram dose (half sure. In times of nuclear disas- coal by mouth, and large ab- for help. Instantly charcoal
Tablespoon) would be the mini- ter, take extra doses of charcoal dominal poultices at came to the old man’s mind. He
mum dose considered sufficient internally. Externally, place night.Wheel the patient into quickly had everyone go to the
for successful treatment. burnt bamboo in your room. the sun for a few minutes sev- neighboring houses and gather
Kudankulam residents may eral times a day. up charcoal from the kitchen
fires. He then pounded it as best
N aphtha - Naphtha, absorbed
through skin ingestion, is
stock charcoal in their homes. Peanuts - Charcoal will bind
within sixty seconds to the ma- he could. He mixed it with a cup
of water, they proceeded to force
readily adsorbed by activated
charcoal. Take orally, 1 table-
spoon charcoal powder mixed in
O dor, oral - As for halitosis,
charcoal helps to eliminate
odor, because it cleanses both
jor allergens in peanuts, pre-
venting remaining peanut pro-
teins from activating an aller-
it down the husband’s throat
even though he was uncon-
water. the mouth and the digestive gic response. Take orally, 1-2 scious. It took a great deal of
Nausea and vomiting - The doctors tract. Since the main cause of tablespoons charcoal powder effort and time, but after work-
Thrash have repeatedly treated bad breath is found in the mixed in water. ing on him continuously for sev-
nausea and vomiting with char- mouth, swishing some charcoal Pediatric poisonings - 2 table- eral hours, he began to show
coal. They write: “We have around in the mouth will spoons charcoal in water to be some resistance. They contin-
never seen a case of acute nau- promptly neutralize offensive given orally. ued forcing it down him little
sea and vomiting in which breath. by little until he finally revived.
Pesticide poisoning - Before going It was five to six hours before
treatment was begun early that Onchocesciases (River blindness) to the next story, the reader
continued past three doses of - Take orally, 1-6 tablespoons he regained full consciousness.
needs to be reminded: Do not As the days passed there ap-
charcoal kept down. We believe charcoal powder mixed in wa- give charcoal orally to an un-
it to be the most effective treat- ter. peared to be no adverse effects
conscious patient, unless you from the large dose of poison he
ment available for nausea and Orthopedic casts and wounds - happen to be in the middle of
vomiting and should always be had taken. A remarkable story!
Open draining wounds ban- nowhere, with no other rem- As Ruth told me, this kind of
used as the primary treatment daged in plaster cast immobili- edies, and with no emergency
of choice. Often, very uncom- experience very seldom hap-
zation are a common problem help available. pens in western countries. Be-
fortable patients will feel well for the orthopedic surgeon. The Ruth, RN, was traveling and
in seconds after swallowing the cause of the availability of
odor coming from a draining lecturing in northern India in emergency clinics, and because
charcoal slurry made from wound inside a cast makes fre- the province of Mizoram pre-
charcoal powder stirred in wa- of the general ignorance of first
quent cast changes necessary. senting public health classes. In aid measures and the efficacy
ter. After the first layer of cast is her series, she also makes men- of charcoal, Americans are pre-
Needle abcess due to intravenous applied, a liquid of four table- tion of simple home remedies, disposed to take their chances
medication - Charcoal poultice spoons of charcoal mixed with and naturally talks about the and wait until the ambulance
on the affected area. enough water should be applied benefits of charcoal. After Ruth arrives. But for the differences

28 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 29

Untitled-1 28-29 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

there are similarities too. As in Plague - Extra doses of charcoal adsorbs poison from the intes- charcoal promotes healing of
India, so in America, there is a powder mixed in water to be tines as well as from the blood. caustic burns by retarding bac-
great need for education. Not taken orally. Charcoal is the treatment terial growth and inhibiting in-
only do laymen need to be in- Pleurisy - A poultice treatment of choice for poisoning and drug fection.
formed, educators need to learn hot charcoal and flax seed [as a overdose in children as well as Poison Ivy - Keep area in solution
as well. It is easy to listen to thickening agent] on his chest adults. Doctors recommend of charcoal or apply to the body
stories. It is easy to forget the and back. After several treat- that parents should administer with a brush, charcoal mixed in
stories. It is easy to put off buy- ments over a couple of hours, activated charcoal at home. If water.
ing charcoal for your medicine the patient began to have relief home treatment takes 38 min- Post-surgical colic - 1 tablespoon
chest. It is easy to leave our and felt more comfortable. The utes from the time of taking the charcoal powder mixed in wa-
health to others. But in the end charcoal drew the infection poison, in the emergency dept. ter and taken before surgery
it is our loved ones or ourselves from him and the pleurisy was of a hospital, it takes 73 min- helps avoid gas formation.
who may suffer. cleared up. It has never re- utes or a delay well over an
hour. Pregnancy - A pregnant woman
In case of poisoning: turned. travelling with severe diarrhea
 Immediately drink 4 to 10 large Pneumonia - Take orally, 1 table- Administering activated char- was cleared of diarrhea by sim-
spoonfuls of charcoal mixed spoon charcoal powder mixed in coal in the home is a lot quicker ply chewing on a piece of char-
with a small amount of water. water. than taking the time to get to coal from a cooking stove.
 Fill the glass with water and Poisoning - A little grain of char- the closest emergency room.
Pharmacists and pediatricians Prostrate cancer - Take orally,
drink the contents with the re- coal has for its size, gigantic 1 tablespoon charcoal powder
maining charcoal sediment. electrostatic properties. Char- should make people aware that
activated charcoal could be mixed in water. and place char-
 If a person has eaten within the coal has a singular affinity for
used effectively at home. coal compress.
past two hours, more charcoal poisons. When noxious chemi- Prostatitis - The doctors Thrash
will be required. cals come in contact with the There are over 4,000 substances
that charcoal adsorbs. See the have found that charcoal has
 Repeat the charcoal dosage in charcoal particle, they are proven beneficial for inflamma-
sucked up into its myriads of partial list of substances that
ten minutes, and any time charcoal adsorbs and a list of tion of the prostate gland. They
symptoms worsen. little black holes with such force write in their book, More Natu-
that they are bound and tied. substances that charcoal does
 On the safe side, the patient Lab experiments have shown not adsorb, in the Appendix. ral Remedies: “A hot charcoal
should be taken to the hospital enema promotes healing. Use
that one quart of activated char- Substances not adsorbed by one cup of hot water and one
as quickly as possible for moni- coal powder will adsorb eighty charcoal are Lithium, strong ac-
toring. tablespoon of powdered char-
quarts of ammonia gas. ids and bases; metals and inor- coal. Insert into the rectum
 As a general rule, treat children A tablespoonful charcoal may ganic minerals such as: So-
with one half of the adult dose. with a bulb syringe or enema
be mixed in a little water and dium, iron, lead, iodine, fluo- setup. Allow to remain as long
When stored dry in a dry, taken internally. rine, and boric acid; alcohols as possible, even overnight if it
tightly covered container, char- Many years ago, if a person had such as: Ethanol, methanol, iso- can be retained.”
coal powder, tablets and cap- swallowed some poison, force- propyl alcohol, glycols, and ac-
sules will keep indefinitely. Al- etone; and hydrocarbons (pine Puffy - Charcoal is puffy. One
ful vomiting or “Ipecac” was rec- should never put dry activated
ways keep a container of char- ommended. Ipecac should not oil).
coal powder in your first aid charcoal powder in the mouth.
be given for poisoning manage- While the neutralizing effects One could get choked.
cabinet so that it will be readily ment. Once the poison has been of charcoal on the above toxic
available for the unexpected. absorbed into the intestines, it substances may be minimal, ad-
Phenobarbital – Take orally, 1
tablespoon charcoal powder
cannot be vomited up. Only in
2003 did the Academy of Pedi-
ministering charcoal will do no
harm. In the case of hydrocar-
R adiation emenating from our
televisions, computers
and mobile phones, the bamboo
mixed in water. atrics stop recommending its bons, very large doses of char- charcoal will adsorb. Activated
Phenylbutazone absorption - Take use. Abuse of Ipecac can lead to coal will adsorb them. charcoal can adsorb radiation
orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal heart problems. Using charcoal In the case of caustic agents from the walls and floors. Ten
powder mixed in water. both internally and externally such as domestic bleach, ammo- grams of charcoal can neutral-
is a better way. Charcoal nia, methylated spirit, etc., ize up to 7 grams of toxic mate-
30 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 31

Untitled-1 30-31 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

rial. Keep burnt ing, capturing, or “holding” coal powder in water; also dip would prescribe antibiotics. On
bamboo in a jar or thousands of natural and man- a wet finger into charcoal and the third day when I saw red-
a jar of charcoal in made toxins, including radioac- apply the charcoal inside the ness and felt itchy, I took
your home or of- tive material and radioactive mouth, and on the tongue. 1 tablspoon charcoal mixed in
fice with the lid emissions or emanations. Char- With a second tablespoonful water and the redness and
open.Coconut coals in general and activated charcoal, severe cough and con- itchiness disappeared within 15
charcoal powder charcoal in particular are well gestion will disappear. Charcoal minutes. Putting charcoal paste
has been shown to known to capture and bind ra- adsorbs the viral toxins that on the stitches will also remove
neutralize radia- dioactive material. But for triger congestion. infection. Apply vitamin E oil on
tion better than some reason the public is not Skin problems/Skin ulcers - Take the stitches several times each
other charcoals, which you may being told. Why? orally 1 tablespoon charcoal day to prevent scarring.
take orally, 1-6 tablespoons per powder mixed in water or ap- Strep throat - Swallow slowly a
day mixed in water. Those who
live close to the telephone tow-
ers should take charcoal orally.
S ago thorn in upper thigh -
Bobbi writes: “This thorn
was deeply embedded. We did
ply wet charcoal powder di-
rectly to the dry skin ulcer; and
if the ulcer oozes, sprinkle char-
charcoal slurry. Apply charcoal
powder with a wet finger on the
back of your tongue.
Radiation poisoning - Activated hot and cold treatments, and coal powder on it. Sweating sickness - This struck
charcoal taken internally can then wrapped the thigh in a Smallpox - The virus that causes England and Europe from
bind radionuclides in the GI charcoal pack. After about one smallpox or chicken pox is 1485-1551 and was blamed on
tract from ingested food and un- week, the charcoal drew out the adsorbed by charcoal. Take sewage. What better treats sew-
filtered water, and carry them thorn – all two inches of it.” orally, 1 tablespoon charcoal age than charcoal? Sprinkle
all safely out of the body. Scistosomiasis or fluke infection or powder mixed in water. charcoal powder in the drains
Coconut charcoal is a strong ab- parasitic disease. Charcoal Snake bite, poisonous rattle snake to adsorb ordor and toxins.
sorbent of the emanations of ra- filteration eliminates toxicity bite on hand - Apply thick char- Swine flu - Take orally 1 table-
dium and problems from snails. coal paste on the bitten area. spoon charcoal powder mixed in
thorium. Scorpions - Apply charcoal poultice Cover with guaze and a plastic water every two hours.
Absorption on the area and give some char- sheet over the hand. Later, im-
takes place coal water to drink. Within an
in all kinds
of charcoal,
hour the patient will be alright.
Same treatment for bumble
merse entire arm in cold water
with charcoal. By the next
morning the swelling will dis-
T etanus - a 4 year old girl in
Mexico was diagnosed as
having Tetanus. She was un-
but is most bees, honey bees, wasps, etc. appear and the person will be conscious and suffering convul-
remarked in Scrofulous enlargement of the fully recovered. sions. The doctor did all he
coconut neck glands - Iodine contained Sore throat - For severe sore throat could with no effect. One of the
charcoal. The absorption in- in charcoal is beneficial in and difficulty in breathing, nurses asked if she could try
creases with its fineness of di- scrofulous enlargements of the have the patient eat by spoon, charcoal treatment. The doctor
vision, and decreases with tem- neck glands. Charcoal is given thick charcoal paste. Within said there was no help for the
perature. R.,W.Boyle, M.Sc., in doses of 1-6 tbsp. a day. seconds cough will be relieved. girl and since charcoal could do
Journal of Physical Chemistry, Sebaceous cyst - Wet charcoal pow- no harm, she could try. The
Jan. 1908. For this reason, af- Sprain - After hot and cold fomen-
der applied on cyst and ban- tations, place charcoal poultice nurse placed the little girl in a
ter Fukushima nuclear disas- daged will reduce its size and bath tub of warm water with a
ter, Japan is feverishly buying over sprained ankle.
will remove it permanently af- large amount of charcoal pow-
up all the coconut-based acti- Spider bite, brown recluse - Char- der mixed in. Within half an
ter some applications. coal poultice over toxic spider
vated charcoal. How much bet- hour the convulsions had sub-
ter to keep a bottle of coconut Shigellosis or food poisoning due bite.
to salmonella - One table spoon sided, and the girl had regained
activated charcoal in your Stitches, infection of - I had a sur- consciousness. But shortly af-
emergency shelf? charcoal in water every two gery once and the doctor told
hours, till symptoms subside. ter, the seizures began again.
Even simple non-activated me that if I see redness and When more hot water was
charcoals are effective in Sinus infection, cough and conges- itchiness on the stitches on the added the convulsions ceased.
adsorbing, binding, neutraliz- tion - Take one tablespoon char- third day, to call him and he The girl did recover with no

32 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 33

Untitled-1 32-33 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

complications. Was this just into a jar of charcoal powder infections and abcesses. “One and a pillow was used to prop
some curious coincidence? In and brush. older teen had a deep tropical up the knees to keep the char-
his book Activated Charcoal in Tourista (diarrhea among tourists) sore about a half dollar in size. coal around her feet and from
Medical Applications, David - It is generally caused from E. Pus oozed from the ulcer, and running out. When we com-
Cooney reported two separate coli bacterium in unsanitary it was really foul smelling. I pleted applying the poultices, I
studies that demonstrated ac- food and water. One tablespoon cleaned out the rotten flesh, and my helpers gathered
tivated charcoal’s capability of charcoal in a glass of water, fol- and just poured dry charcoal around our patient and asked
diminishing if not neutralizing lowed by a full glass of water powder into the wet wound. By the Lord to bless the treatments
the effects of the poisonous everytime there is a stool. the second day you could see and to guide our minds as to
properties of the tetanus toxin, Within two days a person was healing had begun. The stench what more we could do. Except
as well as the toxins of tuber- entirely well. Now he never was gone, the wound was clean for a brief period each morning
culosis, and diphtheria. travels without charcoal and al- and new pink tissue had started when her feet received a
Thorn, embedded - Use hot and ways takes a tablespoon with filling in.” sunbath and were allowed to
cold compresses and wrap in the first hint of symptom. When J had duodenal ulcers affecting dry, they were kept in the bags
charcoal pack. The charcoal will planning on a trip, include his marriage. He drank coffee. around the clock, with the char-
draw out the thorn after some charcoal in your first aid kit. Coffee produces acid production coal mixture being changed
days. Tuberculosis - is a bacterial infec- in the stomach. Charcoal neu- four times a day. Her diet was
Toes – Pain from ingrown toe nails tion which is spread through tralizes stomach acidity with a also supplemented with extra
will be relieved with a charcoal inhaling droplets from an in- couple of charcoal capsules. J’s Vitamin A in the form of a daily
poultice to the toe. fected person. Take orally, ulcers disappeared. J takes glass of carrot juice. This pro-
1 tablespoon charcoal powder charcoal when acid indigestion gram restored her health, she
Teeth - When wisdom teeth are re- was dismissed from the hospital,
moved and there is severe pain, mixed in water. comes and not antacid with cal-
cium which actually increases and she walked out on both feet.”
place charcoal tablets at the Toxic fumes in new toxic mattress
spot where the tooth was. As - Keep burnt bamboo in a glass acid production. Underwear layered with charcoal
they dissolve, replace them, un- or a jar of charcoal powder in Uulcers, foul - To half a kg of the for men and a napkin for femi-
til the gums are healed. your room with lid open. If pos- common oatmeal, add two nine needs first manufactured
sible, take orally burnt bamboo ounces of fresh burnt charcoal for space travel, are now incor-
Tonsillitis - Wet your finger, dip it porated in military uniforms,
in charcoal powder, and rub the charcoal powder. finely pounded and sifted. Mix
together well and apply it to for more deadly forms of gas.
powder in the throat, on the Typhoid fever - This story comes
tongue and all around the from Ellen G. White. “A lady foul ulcers and venereal sores; Unconscious - a boy was involved
mouth. Or sleep with a charcoal had typhoid fever. After prayer, the fetid smell and unhealthy in a serious car accident and
tablet in the mouth. In the like a flash of lightning there appearance of which it speed- was in a coma. The doctors gave
morning, swallow it so that the came to me the thought of the ily destroys. little hope of recovery. His liver
charcoal could work inside. charcoal. I said to Dr. Kellogg Ulcers on feet, threatened with and kidney functions were all
to “Send to the blacksmith for gangrene. Dr. Baldwin of Wild- critically high and none of their
Tooth, abcessed - Take a tea bag, procedures were able to stabi-
slit open the bottom, empty the charcoal, and pulverize it, and wood Hospital tells of a woman
to put a poultice of it on her with diabetes. Doctors said she lize his condition. The mother
contents, replace with charcoal wanted other options. I sug-
powder from 3-4 capsules. Tape side.” He tried this, and in one needed double amputation, but
hour he came to me and said, the woman refused and went to gested large charcoal poultices
the bag shut. It is then moist- over the liver and over the kid-
ened and placed against the of- “That prescription was an inspi- Wildwood where Dr. Baldwin
ration from God. The sick one took charge of her case. She neys, to be changed often. Af-
fending tooth; or place thick ter months, the mother said
charcoal and flax seed poultice fell into a restful sleep and the writes in her e-mail: “I had her
crisis passed.” Give charcoal severely damaged feet put into that the boy had died; that the
wrapped in gauze on the in- doctors did allow her to apply
fected tooth overnight.- Dr. orally, 1-6 tablespoons charcoal separate double plastic bags
powder mixed in water. partially filled with a slurry of the charcoal poultices, within
Dana hours all his liver and kidney
charcoal and water at body tem-
Toothpaste - For badly stained perature. The baggies were functions normalized; but doc-
teeth, wet your tooth brush, dip
U lcers - In Nepal, Joel encoun-
tered a regular stream of loosely tied above the ankles tors said that because of so

34 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 35

Untitled-1 34-35 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

much internal trauma, that his she has not had a single recur- French and Germans reported Wounds, infected - Apply charcoal,
body was not able to recover rence. the benefits of charcoal in the flaxseed poultice.
even with the improvement. prevention and treatment of di- Wounds caused by bacteria - Foul
Giving charcoal orally is not
recommended if the patient is
unconscious. The option is to
V ericose leg ulcers - If vericose
veins become bruised, they
frequently lead to ulcers. Use
arrhea during the first world
war. The introduction of poison-
ous gases onto the battlefields
smelling wounds caused by the
bacteria Bacillus pyocyanase
can be dissipated in one treat-
apply a generous amount of hot fomentation and charcoal gave a great impetus to the de- ment by the use of charcoal.
charcoal paste to the abdomen. poultice kept over night. The velopment of charcoal‘s suit- Healing is also improved, as the
Immersing an unconscious vic- British medical journal. The ability for use in military res- charcoal takes up bacteria. One
tim in a charcoal bath may be Lancet reported that: In vari- pirators. Chemical and biologi- good way to apply charcoal to a
another alternative. cose leg ulcers and infected sur- cal warfare, and anthrax are foul ulcer is by putting some of
Upset stomach - One tablespoon gical wounds, a single layer of adsorbed by charcoal. Two thou- the powder in a saltshaker with
charcoal in a cup of warm wa- charcoal cloth covered with a sand years ago, Hippocrates a few grains of rice. With every
ter. Most cases of chest pain, porous fabric sleeve dressing and Pliny both recorded the bandage change, shake the
called heartburn, are nothing gave a noticeable reduction in ability of charcoal to effectively powdered charcoal on the
more than acid indigestion that wound odor in 95% of 39 pa- render harmless this extremely wound. Eczema has also been
can be helped by taking char- tients. Wound cleansing was infectious bacteria. Besides de- successfully treated using char-
coal. A slurry of charcoal and also noted in 80% of the pa- fusing biological agents such as coal, especially where there is
water, or a little olive oil and tients. There were no adverse anthrax, charcoal has been infection and odor.
charcoal mixed together, is of- reactions to the material. The found to be highly effective in
dressings did not stick to the neutralizing mustard gas.
ten all that is needed.
Whether one overate, ate
wounds and could be removed
without difficulty. Because the
Other simple neutralizing
agents include mild acids (5%
X -ray overdose - The doctors
Thrash relate this case of
an overdose of X-rays:
wrong food combinations, ate human skin allows for the Clorox) and bases. Apart from
too fast, ate meals too close to- “We had a patient who had a
transfer of liquids, gases and chemical warfare or germ war- large, deep ulcer (twelve inches
gether, ate too late at night, or fare, it is worth mentioning
even micro-particles through its in diameter) due to an x-ray
ate food that was too old, you permeable membrane and again that it is a common prac-
may be benefited by charcoal as burn on his back. The burn was
pores, it was also shown that tice, in laboratories that per- from an overdose of x-rays used
a health aid. The foul odors pro- form studies into the transmis-
warm, moist activated charcoal for treating skin cancer. The ul-
duced by putrefaction in the poultices were actually able to sibility of different viruses, not
stomach will be quickly cer became infected and foul
draw bacteria and poisons to use charcoal-impregnated smelling. His entire house
adsorbed by charcoal. swabs. More often than not, the
through the skin into the poul- smelled of the ulcer, despite the
Urinary tract infection (UTI) - tice. charcoal inactivates the infec-
Martha’s daughter had severe most fastidious care. We started
Vomiting - With one glass of char- tious nature of viruses. dressing the ulcer by sprinkling
burning upon urination and Charcoal’s antiviral potential
coal water, vomiting will stop. dry charcoal from a saltshaker
pain in her abdomen and sides. Cases of nausea and vomiting, demonstrated in research labs,
The doctors changed antibiot- on all the moist areas before
of whatever cause, will almost should translate into one more applying gauze. Instantly the
ics but could not get clear of the prevention strategy for per-
invariably respond to charcoal odor vanished from the ulcer,
bacteria in the urine. Finally taken orally. Take 1 tablespoon sonal health.
she had a surgery in which the and gradually left the house.
charcoal powder mixed in wa- Water filter - In times of natural Although the patient eventu-
doctor scrapped the lining of the disaster, filter contaminated
ter. If the patient vomits after ally succumbed to the radiation
bladder. When we heard about an initial dose of charcoal, a sec- water like this: take a vessel,
using charcoal in water, and let sickness, he and his whole fam-
ond or third dose will typically put a layer of gravel, a layer of ily were grateful for the char-
her drink this, within one and sand and a layer of charcoal.
settle the stomach. coal.”
a half hours, the pain was gone, Repeat the layers. Pour the con-
and the following day the ur-
gency and frequency was gone.
We use the clarified charcoal/
W ar - While charcoal helps the
biological war that is going
on in our own bodies, both the
taminated water from above.
You may drink the water which
comes from below the layers. Y ellow fever - Give charcoal in-
ternally and apply it exter-
water mixture daily now and nally.

36 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 37

Untitled-1 36-37 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Organophospates [garlic odor] Radioactive substances
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Oxalates Salicylamide
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Parathion Salicylates
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Penicillin Secobarbital
Acetaminophen Diphenylhydantoin
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Pentobarbital Selenium
Acetylcystine Diphenoxylates
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Pentazocine Serax
Aconite Doriden
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Pesticides Silver and some antimony salts
Aconitine Doxepin
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Phenobarbital Sinequan
Alcohol [fruit-like odor] Elaterin
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Phenol Sodium Salicylate
Amitriptyline Hydrochloride Elavil 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Phenothiazine Sominex
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Amphetamine Equanil
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Phenolphthalein Stramonium
Antimony Ergotamine
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Phenylpropanolamine Strychnine
Antipyrine Eithchlorvynol (Placidyl) [pun-
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Phosphorus Sulfonamides
Arsenic gent or aromatic odor]
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Placidyl Synthetic Multivitamins with
Aspirin Gasoline
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Potassium cyanide Mineral
Atropine Glutethimide
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Potassium pemanganate Talwin
Barbital Golden Chain 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Primaquine
Barbital Barbituarates Hemlock
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Propantheline Titanium
Ben-Gay Hexachlorophene
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Propoxyphene Tofranil
Benzodiazepines Imipramine 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Pyriminil (rat poison) [peanuts Tree Tobacco
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Cantharides Iodine
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
odor] Yew
Camphor Ipecac
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Quinacrine Urinary turpentine [violets odor]
Carbon dioxide Isoniazid
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Quinidine Valium
Chlordane Kerosene
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Quinine Veratrine
Chlorine Lead acetate (to a limited extent)
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Chloroquine Malathion 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
* Sence of smell in identifying unknown poisons is given in brackets.
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Mefenamic acid 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
In total some 4,000+ chemicals, drugs, toxins and wastes. For cya-
Meprobame 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Chlorpromazine 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
nide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, alcohol, or boric acid, other anti-
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Cocaine Mercuric chloride
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
dotes are more effective. Remember, in any poisoning emergency time
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Colchicine Mercury
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
is of the essence. Send a quick prayer for wisdom, administer char-
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Congesprin Methylene Blue
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 coal, and if available, consult a Poison Control Center or a doctor for
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Methylsalicylate [wintergreen
Contac instructions and information.
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Cyanide [smells like bitter al-
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 SUBSTANCES NOT ADSORBED BY
Miltown 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Dalmane Morphine
Darvon Mucomyst
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Alcohols: Ethanol, methanol, iso- plant based, such as Pine oil.
DDT (to a limited extent) Muscarin
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
propyl alcohol, glycols, actone Inorganic minerals: Sodium, iron,
Narcotics 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Carbonate lead, iodine, fluorine, boric acid.
Delphinine Neguvon 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
Caustic substances Iron intoxication in children
Digitalis (Foxglove) Nicotine [stale tobacco odor] 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Nortriptyline
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
DDT Malathion pesticide
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 Methanol
Digoxin Opium
Hydrocarbons: Petroleum and Strong acids and bases
Dilantin Oxazepam
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345

38 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 39

Untitled-1 38-39 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

Yellow Jackets, swarm of - A child tablespoons of charcoal. They Industrial waste - Cities use fil- Plant poisons on the earth - Pour
had wasp stings on her from the kept the girl in the tub for 30 tered charcoal to remove chemi- around the area a thick slurry
collar up. They placed the girl minutes. After cleaning her up, cals, heavy metals and other of charcoal water.
in a tub of cool water, covering she seemed perfectly comfort- materials from landfills. They Radioactive Laboratory waste -
everything except her nose and able and was soon playing. Ω should sprinkle charcoal at Short-lived nuclides such as
mouth, and stirred in several toxic waste sites and drains to 85mKr (decay rate 4 hours to
remove toxic odors. 12 days), are captured in large
GENERAL NON-MEDICAL USES OF Insect killer - Insects that get into charcoal beds in nuclear power
CHARCOAL flour, cereals in kitchen shelves plants. And also smaller adsorp-
will be killed by keeping a box tion systems are used in build-
Agriculture – Pollutants from the Flower vase - If added to water in of charcoal in the shelf. ing exhausts for research insti-
air and water end up in the a flower vase, charcoal will pre- Medicines - Charcoal is used in tutions and hospitals, and in
earth. Activated charcoal will vent the stagnant odor that of- making medicines. hood exhausts in individual re-
reduce the level of most organic ten develops, improves the wa- Nuclear biological cloth is made search labs (similar to the char-
pesticides in the soil. ter absorption, and prolongs the from activated carbon cloth. coal exhaust hoods in kitchens).
Charcoal is used as a top dress- blooming of flowers. With the discovery of nano- Radiation Protection: A Guide
ing for gardens, lawns and Food - Charcoal removes colorants technology, activated charcoal for Scientists, Regulators, and
bowling greens. Used in potting and odors that are unpleasant is now spun into thread and one Physicians by Jacob Shapiro.
soils and bedding compounds, from a host of foods. Charcoal application is the production of
charcoal works as a soil sweet- is sometimes used to color some Activated Carbon Cloth for Refrigerator odors may be re-
ener while it neutralizes pesti- foods, such as coloring candy NBC (Nuclear Biological moved by putting a bag of char-
cides and herbicides. It is both (jelly beans). It is used to make Chemical) protective clothing, coal in it.
a fertilizer and an insecticide licorice candy. socks and gloves. Sick buildings – Modern building
for roses. It sweetens soil and Foundry work – Charcoal is used Since we expect a more dreaded materials have formaldehyde
mulch. in the burning of and manufac- future fall out, every common and other chemicals that give
Carrier of biomass - Charcoal can ture of iron. It is used for fuel man needs to prepare for such headaches, nausea and fre-
also act as a carrier of biomass, savings in blast furnaces and disasters which no govern- quent illnesses. A Japanese
as in supporting material in bio- for soot clearance. ments on earth will be able to company coats walls with bam-
logical filters used in your back- Fuel cells - Natural gas used in ve- resolve. Making it a practice to boo charcoal before they are
yard goldfish pond. hicles for fuel has sulphur. wear cotton clothing will help plastered.
Carrier of chemicals - Charcoal is NORIT, a leader in charcoal since synthetics will melt and Submarine industry is entirely de-
a carrier of chemicals as in slow production, uses charcoal to will stick to the skin when such pendent on charcoal as charcoal
release color applications–food absorb sulfur. disasters take place. is effective in removing carbon
dyes and pigments. Scientists Gas masks, filters in - Because Nuclear Power Plants - Activated dioxide from the air.
suspect there are more mecha- charcoal removes poison, it is charcoal scrubs the radioactive Tooth powder - Charcoal in tooth
nisms. used in the filters of the gas gases from the air before it goes powder corrects the odor of the
Catalyzes chemical conversions - masks. up the stack into the atmo- mouth and cleanses the teeth.
Activated charcoal can catalyze Herbicides – Use activated char- sphere. Water - Charcoal is used for pre-
a number of chemical conver- coal for pesticide inactivation. Operating rooms - So that doctors vention of water pollution. It is
sions, or can be a carrier of cata- It removes soil contamination may not doze off in the operat- used in water filters. During
lytic agents such as precious caused by herbicides, fungi- ing rooms, air filters are fitted natural disasters, charcoal
metals. An example is silver cides, pesticides, insecticides with charcoal in them to absorb could be used to filter contami-
impregnated charcoal to disin- and natural plant toxins. Use any escaping anesthesia gases. nated water through the layers
fect water. 400 pounds per acre. Outer space - NASA uses charcoal of gravel, sand and charcoal.
Cushions - Industry is using char- Household: Use in refrigerator and in both its water and air purifi- One manufacturer of charcoal
coal in cushions to absorb ab- in the kitchen to remove ran- cation systems onboard the In- in China recommends charcoal
dominal gas and sound of cid odors. ternational Space Station. as a decontaminant in treating
40 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 41

Untitled-1 40-41 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

domestic water to eliminate smoother skin. APPENDIX
chlorine, carbon dioxide, and War - With the renewed threats of
other saturated gases. Remov- chemical and biological terror-
ing these gases naturally in- ism, charcoal’s use in neutral- EMERGENCY FIRST AID
creases the alkalinity of the izing mustard gas and other
water, which makes washing chemical warfare agents is be- MEASUREMENT CONVERSIONS
things easier, and makes for ing researched. Ω
3 teaspoonfuls = 1 tablespoonful
VETERINARY USE OF CHARCOAL 1 tablespoonful = 14 capsules = 10 tablets = 10 grams.
Camel - One sick camel ate a poi- ter charcoal is stirred in and the 16 tablespoonfuls = 1 cupful
sonous plant. 250 grams of black fraction allowed to settle)
charcoal powder mixed in wa- is used in veterinary cases of
ter was poured into camel’s septicemia, metritis, mastitis, CHARCOAL DOSAGE SCHEDULE*
mouth. lymphangitis, and infected
Cats which eat rat poison or poi- wounds. OF POISON OR GIVEN IF NO FOOD EATEN GIVEN IF FOOD
sonous leaves may be given Lambs which ate poisonous bitter MEDICINE TAKEN IN LAST 2 HOURS EATEN IN LAST 2 HOURS
charcoal powder mixed with weed were cured after giving
milk or food. charcoal mixed with their food. 1 teaspoon 1-2 Tablespoons in 4-10 Tablespoons in
Chicken - For tumors in chicken, Lantana poisoning - Lantana is a 1-2 tablets water followed with water followed with
mix charcoal in chicken feed poisonous plant. Give charcoal 1-2 capsules 2 glasses of water 2 glasses of water
and water. in water or in milk to the live-
Cyanide - If animals drink stag- stock and pets. 1 Tablespoon
nant water or if cyanide is in Love birds - One eye of my love 3-5 tablets 3-4 Tablespoons 6-15 Tablespoons
the water pond, give charcoal bird was red. I mixed charcoal
2-5 capsules
water to the animal. in their water and the redness
Diarrhea in sheep, goats, cows, cleared the same day.
Unknown 1-5 Tablespoons 5-15 Tablespoons
dogs, etc. - A cup of charcoal Maggots due to open wound - Dust
powder should be mixed to their bed and body heavily with black
drinking water or milk. powder plus add in feed and * Repeat all dosages in 10 minutes, and again if symptoms begin to worsen.
Dog which ate rat poison was given water.
charcoal powder mixed in its Monkeys, when eating leaves IN EMERGENCIES: (1) Briefly explain to the patient your con-
food. For eye infection in the which make them sick, eat char- cerns about potential toxicity of ingested substance. (2) Give a
dog, put charcoal poultice on coal from charred trees, logs, as time-limit to drink the dose of activated charcoal within 20 min-
the eye. Parvovirus in dogs well as from man-made kilns. utes. (3) If refused, the patient should be anesthetised, intubated
could be treated with charcoal Odors - To remove odors from pet and ventillated and then decontaminated. The alternative of forc-
in food. Oozing wound on my areas, sprinkle charcoal. ing a nasogastric or orogastric tube is more traumatic and labour
dog’s back dried up after throw- Snake bites to pets - Do same as intensive. www.
ing a handful of charcoal pow- for humans.
der on the wound, which the
ointment did not do. Wasp stings - charcoal bandaid.
Wounds - Some dogs attacked a FOR POISONING
Hoof and mouth virus in animals
may be successfully treated goat. Charcoal sprinkled on cuts  Say a prayer for wisdom, speed and calmness.
with charcoal. and injuries healed the goat.
Sprinkle charcoal from a salt  Manually induce vomitting by massaging the back of the throat
Intravenous charcoal, colloidal shaker on the infected area. Ω with a finger.
charcoal (water remaining af-  Do not induce vomiting for ingestion of gasoline, kerosene,
lighter fluid, or an acid or caustic agent.

42 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 43

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 For acids, neutralize with baking soda in water. 4. Next place the charcoal poultice on the affected body part making
 For caustic agents, neutralize with vinegar in water. sure it completely covers the area.
Administer Charcoal 5. Cover the poultice with plastic (when available, plastic food wrap
 Stir charcoal into a minimal amount of water. Using a straw, works fine) cut to overlap the poultice by an inch on every side. This
suck the charcoal far back on the tongue. Swallow quickly. Fol- will keep it from drying out. If the charcoal dries out, it will not be
low charcoal mixture with 2 glasses of water. able to absorb.
 Give as soon as possible while patient is conscious and able to 6. Finish off by bandaging or taping the poultice securely in place.
swallow. Leave it on for several hours, or better yet, overnight. After 6 to 10
 Small children will resist and must be held. Laying a child on hours another poultice could be applied.
his back will prompt him to swallow reflexively. Use a spoon or Note: Poultices of any kind only work if there is continuous moist
small bulb syringe to give the charcoal mixture. contact with the skin.
 Caution: Do not administer anything if the child is sleepy,
fainting or unable to swallow. Seek professional emergency help. CHARCOAL BANDAID
Moisten gauze portion of bandaid. Rub charcoal tablet or sprinkle char-
coal powder on gauze till well blackened.
1. Grind 3 tablespoons of flaxseed (or use cornstarch). Boil one cup of water with one-fourth teaspoon salt and one teaspoon
2. Mix flax meal together with 1-3 tablespoons of charcoal powder. powdered charcoal. When cool, strain through several layers of clean
cotton cloth. Using a dropper, put four or five drops of the clear fluid
3. Add 1 cup of water. in the affected eye every two hours.
4. Set aside for 10-20 minutes to thicken, or mixture may be heated
and allowed to cool. CHARCOAL PENCIL
5. Spread the jelly evenly over an appropriate size cloth or paper towel.
Heat water, charcoal and corn starch together until thickened. After
6. Cover the jelly with a second cloth or paper towel.
slight cooling, pour the tacky material onto a greased pan. Roll. Place
7. Position poultice over the area to be treated (i.e., liver, stomach, them in an oven overnight to dry. Handle carefully.
kidneys, spleen, knee, eye, ear, sting or bite area).
8. Cover poultice with plastic 1 inch larger all around (to keep paste POISONOUS BITES OR STINGS
from spreading and drying too quickly). Secure with surgical tape
or ace bandage. For Immediate relief:
9. Leave poultice in place overnight or from 2-4 hours, if applied during  Dissolve enough powder or crushed tablets in a minimal amount of
the day. water to make enough paste to cover the affected area.
 Spread paste directly onto the skin.
Plain Poultice OR, For longer relief:
This poultice, without any thickening agent, is a variation of the one  Dissolve enough powder or crushed tablets in a minimal amount of
described above. Consequently the charcoal may dry out more quickly water to make enough paste to cover the affected area.
and will need to be changed or remoistened.  Spread on half a sheet of paper towel or cotton cloth and cover with
1. Mix charcoal (1-2 tbs.) with a little water to form a wet paste. It the other half.
should be moist but not crumbly or drippy.  Mold over the affected area, cover with plastic and make secure.
2. Spread the paste on one half of a folded paper towel, loosely woven  For multiple stings, add 2 cups of charcoal powder to warm bathtub
cloth, or piece of gauze cut to fit the area to be treated. When ready water and immerse body for up to one hour.
the cloth should be moist and thoroughly saturated with the paste.
3. Then cover the paste by folding over the other half of the paper
towel or cloth. To be taken internally by babies or those with sensitive digestion as in
ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel disease, etc.

44 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 45

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 Stir 2-3 tablespoons of charcoal powder into a quart of warm water.
 Allow the charcoal to settle out then pour off the gray water into a FREE PUBLIC HEALTH MEETINGS
baby bottle or a glass.
 This can be repeated several times using the original charcoal. GUEST SPEAKER: JOHN DINSLEY
SNAKE BITES Born in British Columbia, Canada, John has trav-
eled and worked from South America to the North
How can charcoal help in snakebites? It adsorbs the chemicals in snake
Pole, from Nepal to Nova Scotia. He is trained as a
venoms that destroy red blood cells. Swelling begins within ten min-
Lifestyle Counsellor; teaches public health pro-
utes if the snake is venomous.
grams and home remedies workshops. He and his
 Immediately wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. wife Kimberly are owners of Charcoal House LLC.
 Submerge the area in cool water to slow the circulation of venom. John is the main contributor to the column My Eight
 Add charcoal to the water - 1/2 cup to 2-5 gallons of water. DoctorsTM and the editor for He is
 Leave area submerged for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. the author of the award-winning book: Charcoal the
 Prepare a charcoal poultice. Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal & Its applications. Kim-
 Cover the area with a large charcoal poultice. berly hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is the hands on devel-
 Change every 10-15 minutes until the swelling and pain are gone. oper of charcoal Health & Beauty products for Charcoal House LLC.
 Give charcoal orally as well.
 Take 2 tablespoons in 1/2 glass of water every 2 hours for 3 doses. SCHEDULE:
 Take 1 teaspoonful every 4 hours for the next 24 hours. Friday 4:00 pm - “You are the Gatekeeper of Your Health”
 Follow each charcoal dose with 2 glasses of water. There is no Saturday 9:00 am - “Where do you get your PROTEIN from?”
danger of taking more charcoal. Saturday 11:00 am - “Ordained to Heal”
Saturday 1:00 noon- Lunch. FREE for attendees.
REFERENCES Saturday 2:00 pm - “Supernatural Natural Remedies”
Activated Charcoal in Medical Applications by David O. Cooney, 1995. Saturday 6:00 pm - “Medicinal Charcoal for the 21st Century”
Activated Charcoal in Medical Applications by Agatha Thrash, MD & Sunday 2:00 pm - “Charcoal & Home Remedy Demonstrations”
Calvin Thrash, MD, 1988. Monday 4:00 pm - “Charcoal & Home Remedy Demonstrations”
Charcoal by John Dinsley, 2005.
Counsels on Diet and Foods by Ellen G. White, 2001.
emedicine health.
Funk & Wagnallos New Encyclopedia. Oct.31- Nov. 3 - BANGALORE - Whitefield Camping Center,
Home Remedies by Agatha Thrash, MD & Calvin Thrash, MD. Hope Farm.
Hydrotherapy: Simple Treatments for Common Ailments by Charles Directions by bus from KRP Rly Station: Get off at BPL
Thomas, Ph.D. bus stop, 1 stop before Hope Farm. Walk to ‘Spicy Ka Tadka”
restaurant - take the road on the right side of it - take
Hydrotherapy video by first left - and first right on the mud road. - 1st gate on
Natural History by Pliny, Vol. 36. the left. Distance: 1.5 kms from the bus stop. Our auto
Poisonous Prescriptions by Dr. Landymore Lim. will be at “Spice ka tadka” with our banner, but please pay
R. W. Boyle, M.Sc., The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Jan., 1098. him the minimum fare. Accommodation with meals at Rs.450
per day is available at the camp site, but please bear this
Radiation Protection: A Guide for Scientists, Regulators and Physicians expense and make early reservation. Please get out of the
by Jacob Shapiro. city for a weekend to enjoy this camping experience. The
Rational Hydrotherapy by John Harvey Kellogg, 2001. meetings are FREE for all without religious discrimina-
Rx: Charcoal, Agatha Thrash, MD & Calvin Thrash, MD. tion. All who wish to get well and stay well are invited,
Selected Messages, Vol. 2, by Ellen G. White. Contact: Lingaraju, Cell: 9880380037.
The Cook Book. Nov.7-10 -NUZVID, A.P. - Giffard Memorial Auditorium.
The Lancet by British Pharmacological Society. Contact: Samuel Nanavarapu, Cell: 095814 12868.
The Ministry of Healing by Ellen G. White, 2001. Nov.14-17- BANGALORE - Wake Up India Campus. Directions are on p.2. Contact: Ellen, Cell: 99866 53256.

46 The Health Reformer God’s Natural Remedy 1 - Activated Charcoal 47

Untitled-1 46-47 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

400 gms. Bottle Rs. 280 + Rs.80 postage & handling.
250 gms. Bottle Rs. 190 + Rs.50 p & h.
125 gms. Bottle Rs. 100 + Rs.50 p & h.
35 capsules Bottle Rs. 50 + Rs.50 p & h.
100 capsules Bottle Rs. 150 + Rs.50 p & h.
500 tablets Bottle Rs.400 + Rs.80 postage & handling.
100 tablets Bottle Rs.100 + Rs.50 p & h.
50 tablets Bottle Rs. 60 + Rs.50 p & h.
Rs. 80 - for orders above 1 kg. but below 2 kgs.
Rs. 50 - for orders below 1 kg.
Send M.O. to: The Director, Wake Up India, Doddadunnasandra,
Kadugodi, Bangalore 560067. Cell: 9986653256


PRODUCTS: “Charcoal” by John
Dinsley for Rs. 240 per copy (postage
Look up the website: www. included), from: O.W.P.H. (Oriental
Buycharcoalremedies. Watchman Publishing House), Box
com and order the products 1417, Salisbury Park, Pune 411037,
online. Maharashtra. Tel. 020-24261441.


Our Address:
Wake Up India Campus
Kadugodi, Bangalore 560067
Cell: 91+99866 53256

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return to the sender

48 The Health Reformer

Untitled-1 48 11/1/2002, 3:40 AM

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