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Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences

1. It is very strange, but o had a/an ______ that the plane would crash.
A. intuition B. omen C. premonition D. prediction
2. Thieves got away with a _____ of jewelry worth thousands of pounds.
A. catch B. loot C. haul D. snatch
3. Although technically speaking he wasn’t sacked, it _______ the same thing.
A. amounts to B. evens out to C. points to D. signifies
4. Only after buying the cottage did we discover that it was ______ with mice.
A. infected B. invaded C. inflicted D. infested
5. Look at the seagulls _____ up and down on the waves near the fishing boats.
A. bouncing B. bobbing C. hopping D. jerking
6. The _____ of the soldiers was high before the battle, because they were confident of victory.
A. mood B. morale C. moral D. temper
7. The town had been _____ for two months but it still resisted the aggressors.
A. circumvented B. besieged C. circled D. surrounded
8. This lovely new dress fits like _____.
A. gauntlet B. gloves C. gown D. treat
9. To say that all Polish Americans wear brightly coloured clothes is a ____ generalization.
A. brushing B. complete C. thorough D. sweeping
10. He was arrested for trying to pass _____ notes at the bank.
A. counterfeit B. camouflaged C. false D. fraudulent
11. _____ difficult to place a child, the reception centre provides long-term care.
A. In cases it is proved B. In cases where it proves
C. In the light of being proved D. In the light of proving
12. _____ hired on short-term contract.
A. The rest staff has been B. The rest of the staff has been
C. The rests staff have been D. The rest of the staff have been
13. Rebecca Eisenberg argues that patents are supposed to foster innovations, ______ to make a wider legal and
political points.
A. while being used B. regardless of being used C. which can be used D. rather than being used
14. She made it clear that under no circumstances _______ the trip.
A. she would cancel B. she cancelled C. would she cancel D. did she cancel
15. This was when he evolved the working method _____.
A. which he has never departed B. from which he has never departed
C. for which he has never departed D. in which he has never departed
16. Arrows could continue to fly forward forever in a straight line ____ which brings them down to earth.
A. were it not for gravity B. without being gravity C. but gravity D. for no gravity
17. I got a letter from University College to say that owing to the financial situation, they ______ the scholarships at
the end of the year instead of at the beginning.
A. can have paid B. would have paid C. must have paid D. were going to pay
18. A new generation of performers, ____ those who by now had become household names, honed their skills before
following the same path onto television.
A. along with talented as B. together with talented as
C. having been more talented than D. no less talented than
19. _______, only people who agree with her are real Jews.
A. We can infer how she is concerned B. Inferred from what she is concerned
C. We can infer what she is concerned D. We can infer that as far as she is concerned
20. It could have been a lot worse _____ there.
A. when he had not been there B. had he not been
C. for he had not been D. whether or not he had been
21. The shark attacked him while he was _____ on his surfboard.
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A. pinpointing B. operating C. motioning D. paddling
22. Perhaps no creature on land or sea ______ so much terror as the Great White Shark.
A. inspires B. makes C. effects D. expresses
23. Colorblindness _____ almost five per cent of the population and far more men than women.
A. affects B. inflicts C. infects D. effects
24. He’s a prisoner. He’s spent half of his life behind ______.
A. irons B. cages C. bars D. chains
25. He _____ his new job as president of the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America in 1932.
A. achieved B. took up C. made over D. concurred
26. To resist corrosion, _____ for today’s car to prevent havoc caused by road salts, gravel and other materials.
A. new coatings have been developed B. having new coatings been developed
C. new coatings developing D. development of new coatings
27. Ancient mountains have been worn away by wind, rain and ____.
A. with agents of erosion B. other agents of erosion C. for agents of erosion D. to other agents of erosion
28. For years, researchers have tried to lower the anti-psychotic dryg dosage to a level _____ disorders, yet controls
A. that they minimize B. the minimum is C. they minimize D. that minimizes
29. In China, acupuncture is used as a anesthesia, permitting patients to have major surgery _____.
A. while fully conscious B. what is fully conscious C. that fully conscious D. which is fully conscious
30. _____ first place in the women’s ten meter platform diving event, Xu Yianmei became China’s first gold medal
winner in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul.
A. To win B. Being won C. Won D. Having won
Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
The advent of the Internet may be one of the most important technological developments in recent years. Never before
have so many people had access to so many different sources of information. For all of the Internet’s advantages,
however, people are currently becoming aware of some of its drawbacks and are looking for creative solutions.
Among the current problems, which include a general lack of reliability and numerous security concerns, the most
crucial is speed.
First of all, the Internet has grown very quickly. In 1990, only a few academics had ever heard of the Internet. In 1996,
over 50 million people used it. Every year, the number of people with access to the Internet doubles. The rapid growth
has been a problem. The computer systems which run the Internet have not been able to keep up with the demand.
Also, sometimes, a request for information must pass through many routing computers before the information can be
obtained. A request for information made in Paris might have to go through computers in New York, Los Angeles and
Tokyo in order to obtain the required information. Consequently, the service is often slow and unpredictable. Service
also tends to be worse when the Internet is busiest - during the business day of the Western Hemisphere - which is also
when companies need its service the most.
Some people are trying to harness the power of networked computers in such a way as to avoid this problem. In 1995,
a group of American universities banded together to form what has come to be known as Internet II. Internet II is a
smaller, more specialized system intended for academic use. Since it is more specialized, fewer users are allowed
access. Consequently, the time required to receive information has decreased.
Businesses are beginning to explore a possible analogue to the Internet II. Many businesses are creating their own
“Intranets”. These are systems that can only be used by the members of the same company. In theory, fewer users
should translate into a faster system. Intranets are very useful for large national and international companies whose
branches need to share information. Another benefit of an Intranet is an increased amount of security. Since only
company employees have access to the information on the Intranet, their information is protected from competitors.
While there is little doubt that the Internet will eventually be a fast and reliable service, industry and the academic
community have taken their own steps toward making more practical global networks.
1. The word access is closest in meaning to _____.
A. sincerity B. admittance C. variation D. inspiration
2. In the passage, which of the following ts NOT true of the Internet?
A. It has become increasingly less popular.

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B. It has created a sense of financial security.
C. It tends to be unreliable.
D. It is sometimes too slow to access.
3. As it can be inferred from the passage, what benefits does Internet II have over the Internet I?
A. Small businesses pay higher premiums to access to the Internet.
B. Internet II contains more information than the Internet.
C. Internet II has fewer users and therefore is faster to access.
D. There is no governmental intervention regulating Internet II.
4. The word "analogue" in paragraph 5 most nearly means _____.
A. solution B. alternative C. similarity D. use
5. The word “harness" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. block B. steal C. utilize D. disguise
6. According to the author, what is one reason why the Internet is sometimes slow?
A. Phone lines are often too busy with phone calls and fax transmissions to handle Internet traffic.
B. Most people do not have computers that are fast enough to take advantage of the Internet.
C. Often a request must travel through many computers before it reaches its final destination.
D. Scientists take up too much time on the Internet , thus slowing it down for everyone else.
7. All of the following are advantages of business “Intranets” mentioned in the passage EXCEPT __________.
A. they move data safer B. they share information with other company branches
C. they provide a higher level of security D. they are cheaper than other alternatives
8. The word obtained is closest in meaning to _____.
A. understood B. distributed C. acquired D. purchased
9. With which of the following conclusions would the author probably agree?
A. Fewer academic communities need to create their own Internet systems.
B. An Internet system with fewer users would be quicker.
C. The technology used by Internet creators is too complex for computer owners to understand.
D. Companies who develop their own Intranets are limiting their information data base.
10. According to the passage, which of the following statements was true in 1990?
A. The Internet was a secure means to gain information.
B. Internet data proved to be impractical.
C. The Internet experienced enormous growth rates.
D. Few people were using the Internet.
Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning to the first one
1. An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local newspaper.
Their engagement .....................................................................................................................
2. Everyone was exhausted apart from Sally.
With .........................................................................................................................................
3. His effort to find a solution didn’t deserve such a savage criticism.
He shouldn’t .............................................................................................................................
4. You won’t reach the station in less than twenty minutes.
It will take ................................................................................................................................
5. She took extra night classes, so as not to have to repeat the course.
She avoided ..............................................................................................................................
6. This reminded me of the time I climbed Mount Fuji.
That takes .................................................................................................................................
7. People are persuaded by adverts to spend more than they can afford.
Adverts tempt ...........................................................................................................................
8. It was pure chance that a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
Only .........................................................................................................................................
9. You’ve got nerve, implying that it was all my fault.
How ..........................................................................................................................................
10. I was greatly relieved to hear that her condition was not serious.
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It was ........................................................................................................................................
11. He’s becoming quite famous as an MC. (name)
He is an MC.
12. We must include buying new furniture in our household budget this year. (accounted)
Buying new furniture our household budget this year
13. Julie always listens to my complants about my work. (ear)
Julie always complants about my work.
14. The novel didn’t come up to their expectations. (short)
The novel .........................................................................................expectations.
15. It’s just possible that we may have to introduce pay cuts. (ruled)
We cuts.
16. We should waste no words talking to that stubborn boy. (breath)
17. The best solution was thought of by Peter. (came)
18. The writer’s writing style contrasted sharply with his spoken language. (contrast)
19. What has this experience taught you? (drawn)
20. I suspected him when he started being so helpful. (rat)

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