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0229-BSCS-19 (Ayesha Fayyaz)

Miss Ayesha Sohail

Current Situation of IT industry of Pakistan
Current Situation of Pakistani IT industry

Place: Lahore, Pakistan Reported by: Ambreen

Zubari & Ayesha Fayyaz
Dated: Aug 29,2020

In the last week an online survey and an interview on most popular IT skills was conducted by
us to know the current situation of IT industry in Pakistan. Many of the Professional computer
scientists became part of this survey which make us able to know which IT fields are in and on
which technologies youngsters should work. Moreover, the interview was conducted online by
Muhammad Haroon, a senior software engineer at SandyApps. This experienced proved very
helpful for us to make decision which path we should follow, how can we increase our skill, how
can we earn and many more.

This survey had many questions on various technologies, including mobile development,
ReactNative, web development, graphic designing and many computer languages.

Survey Participants:
In the survey, many of the computer scientists from all over the world participated in this
survey. These all were our seniors, our teachers, our ideals and people from our linked in profiles.

Survey Summary:
This survey is a mirror of emerging fields of IT industry, it tells at this time which technology
youngsters should learn and what has not even scope in future. In the survey different senior software
engineers showed different prospectus about emerging fields.

 Majority of people said web development is preferable skill to learn for youngsters.
 In computer languages, students should learn python.
 Their prospectus about android mobile development was that if youngsters want to learn
android development, they should go with java and flutter
 They also said that if you want to be a remote worker you must have some specific skills,
including programming, development, content writing etc.
 Moreover, they said graphic designing can be a good source of income.
Survey Results:

As we know, websites are useful in any kind of business and online activities.

“ Websites promote 24/7, no employee will do that.”

When they were asked, which of the technology youngsters should learn, the 45% of people
voted in favour of web development.

Python is the most emerging computer language at this time. Companies has not much python
specialists in their company. So when they were asked which language is in demand, 49% of the
people voted in favour of python.

Mobile development is one of the most emerging field in the IT industry. All the people want
everything in their hands. When people were asked about android, they prefer java to build
android software.
There are two ways of creating websites one from a computer language and second from a
word press. 63% people voted in favour of making website computer language

When they were asked about graphic designing, they consider is a good way of earning.

Many of the people said having skills make you a good remote worker.
many of
people consider it a good way of earning. When they were asked about in demand computer
language, almost 50% of the people voted in the favour of python language.

Survey Questions:
1- Which computer language students should learn?

2- Which technology is more in demand?

3- Which language is best for android development?

4- Can grap

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