Beer: Basic Pale Ale (Batch Sparge) : Recipe Data: Formulae Results

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Beer: Basic Pale Ale (Batch sparge)

A: Heat 20.5 quarts water to strike temp., 164.8 °F

B: Add small quantities of water at 200°F to raise to correct temp. if necessary.

C: Rest 90 minutes at this temperature.

D: Add 8.3744681 quarts water at 210°F for mash-out at 170°F. Rest 10 minutes.

E: Drain and recirculate first runnings. Take at least 15 minutes.

F: Add 14.300266 quarts water at 170°F. Stir gently, rest 5 minutes, drain and recirculate first runnings.

G: Add 14.300266 quarts water at 170°F. Don't stir, rest 5 minutes, drain and recirculate first runnings.

Brew Day:
Recipe data: OG:
grav.: malt: pounds: gravity:
38 Am. Pale malt 17 43.928 Formulae results: TG:
38 Caramel malt 3.5 9.044 quarts: gallons:
0 Sparge water @ 164.8 20.5 5.125 Notes:
0 Mash Volume: 26.90625 6.726563 Let’s see. Rolling the dice with old Ale Asylum
0 Mash-out water @ 210º: 8.374468 2.093617
0 Mash-out mash volume: 35.28072 8.82018
0 Sparge (total): 28.60053 7.150133
46 sugar: 0 each sparge: 14.30027 3.575066
Total dry grain weight: 20.5 47.5
grain temp.(ºF): 58
Mash:Water ratio (qts.): 1 These formulae assume: 68% mash efficiency
Desired Mash temp. (ºF): 147 boil off of 1qt / 12 minutes
Mash-out temp. (ºF): 163 grain absorption of .45 qts. / pound
Desired beg. wort volume (qts.): 47.5
Desired end wort volume (qts.): 40 time temp.
Original gravity: 52.972 Mash notes: 90 147
quarts lost to grain absorption: 9.225 Boil Time: 90
quarts trapped below spigot: 0.75 Primary temp.: 75
volume lost to evaporation(qts.): 7.5 secondary temp.: 75
Boil Length: 90
Hops: Type: Form: AA%: Oz. Time: HBUs
1 25
2 15
3 n/a

Primary Yeast when: temp: how long: Start date Done/Racked

Ale Asylum start +/- 67F 1 week
Secondary Yeast when: temp: how long:
Leave it ditto 2 weeks
Dry Hop Oz. xxx how long:
NO xxx xxx xxx

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