Body-Fin Aerodynamic Interference For Low Aspect Ratio Missiles

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Body-Fin Aerodynamic Interference for Low Aspect Ratio Missiles

Brent W. Bossi* and H. F. Nelson'

University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401

Abstract LB = body alone lift

L W ) = body lift in presence of fin
The supersonic missile interference factor, KB(w), M = freestream Mach number
is a measure of the change in normal force on the body P = freestream dynamic pressure
due t o the presence of the fins. An Euler code is used to R = missile body radius
numerically evaluate KB(w) for low aspect ratio mis- SBT = slender body theory
siles at Mach numbers from 3 to 4 and angles of attack sw = fin planform area
up t o 20 deg. Missile fin span to body radius ratios = fin span to body radius ratio
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

(SIR) range from 1.3 t o 2.0, such that aspect ratios z = missile axial coordinate measured from nose
vary fiom 0.05 to 4. Afterbody length effects are also ZA/R = afterbody length to body radius ratio
considered. Euler results compare well with available ZLE = z-location of the fin leading edge
experimental data. Body pressure isobars show that ZN/R = tangent ogive nose length to body radius ratio
shock and expansion waves from the fin interact with a = missile angle of attack
the body and strongly contribute to KB(w), thus, Eu- aeq = equivalent angle of attack
ler predictions differ significantly from those of slen- B = missile sideslip angle
der body theory (SBT). As aspect ratio decreases from Aav = vortex contribution to a,,
4 to 0.05, KB(w) increases t o a maximum value and E = fin semivertex angle
then 1) decreases for small values of angle of attack
and 2) remains fairly constant for high values of angle
of attack. The aspect ratio for the maximum K B ( ~ ) Introduction
depends on SIR. Generally KB(w) increases in mag-
nitude and its maximum value shifts t o lower aspect Current trends in missile design emphasize low as-
ratios when Mach number increases. KB(w) values are pect ratio fins so that missile launchers can be smaller
presented graphically for use in conceptual and prelim- and to better use available launcher volume. Launch
inary design. tubes are often grouped together in a checkerboard
fashion. Figure 1 schematically shows how low aspect
Nomenclature ratio missiles can be efficiently stowed in a launch tube
to save space and allow clustering of a number of mis-
AR = aspect ratio of wing formed by siles. The fin span to body radius ratio (SIR) of the

joining two fins
= missile normal force coefficient
missiles shown in Fig. 1 is a. Typical S/R values
of current missiles range from 2 t o 4, so the fins must
CNB = body alone normal force coefficient be folded t o fit small launchers. This adds mechanical
Ac& -
= CN Cfi complexity that is avoided with low aspect ratio fins.
%,, = normal force curve slope of the fin Aerodynamic data are sparce for low aspect ratio
KB (W = incremental body interference factor, missiles. L u c e r ~ l developed
*~ empirical curves based
A L ~ ( ~ ) / L ~ on Morikawa's3 interference factors to predict the nor-
KW(B) = fin interference factor mal force coefficient for a variety of low aspect ratio
= sideslip interference factor missile configurations for Mach numbers from 2.5 to
ALBfwl. = incremental normal force on the body
, 7.7. He developed empirical correlations using test
in the presence of the fin data from 29 combinations of Mach number and missile
Lw = normal force of fin alone configuration for a up to 20 deg. The missile configur*
tions were cruciform, generally in the "+' orientation
'Graduate Student, Department of Me-
chanical and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, though some were in the "xn orientation. The missile
currently Engineer, Naval Air Warfare Center-Weapons Division, fins included thick and thin lifting surfaces. Lucero's
China Lake, CA 93555. Member AIAA. empirical curves are used for preliminary design and
tprofesor of Aerospace Engineering, Thermal Radiative have been added t o Missile DATCOM;4 however, bet-
Transfer Group, Department of Mechanical and A m p a c e En-
gineering and Engineering Mechanics. Associate Fellow AIAA. ter nonempirical methods are needed to improve the
Copyright 0 1 9 9 2 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and conceptual and preliminary design data base.
Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. The equivalent angle of attack method516 is gen-
erally used in conceptual and preliminary design. This BaseQby Nielsenlo for fins with aspect ratios of 0.5, 1.0
method analyzes the individual missile components and 2.0 at taper ratios of 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0. Crucifom
separately and then sums the results together to find configurations in the " +" orientation were considered
the total missile normal force coefficient. The c o m p e a t a from 0 to 40 deg, and Mach number from 2.5 to
nent separation for a wing-body configuration is repre- 4.5.
sented by

Missile G e o m e t r y
The terms on the right side represent the body alone The missile configuration used for this research is
normal force coefficient, the normal force coefficient on shown in Fig. 2. The missile has a tangent ogive nose
the fins in the presence of the body, and the incrc- with a length to radius ratio of six (ZN/R = 6) and a
mental normal force coefficient on the body due to the cylindrical body for Z/R 2 6. It has clipped-delta fins
fins, respectively. Interference factors are used to ac- in the "+" cruciform configuration, which are modelled
count for the mntnaI interference between the missile as infinitely thin flat plates with a 45 deg semivertex
components. They are included in the definition of the angle. The fin root chord leading edge was located at
equivalent angle of attack, which can be written as ZLE/R = 30 to minimize nose effects. Aspect ratio
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

varied from 4 over the delta fin to as low as 0.05 over

the clipped-delta fin. The fin trailing edge is straight
and its location depends on S/R and aspect ratio. For
this research only the horizontal fins are analyzed.
where the terms on the right hand side represent the Aspect ratio was controlled by the root chord
effects from body npwash, fin sideslip angle and vortex length. The aspect ratio for the small delta fin por-
interaction, respectively. Equation 2 is used t o deter- tion at the front of the clipped-delta fin is given by
mine CNW(,) CN,(,) in Eq. 1 by multiplying a,
by the fin alone lift-curve slope, such that

Starting at the rear of the delta fin ($ = %+ w)

the fin has constant span (S/R). Thus, while marching
The purpose of this research is to investigate the
down the missile, the fin area increases while the span
interference factor KB(W)for low aspect ratio missiles.
remains constant such that the aspect ratio decreases
A companion investigation of the interference factor
as a function of Z/R according t o
Kw(B) for low aspect ratio missiles is given in Ref. 7.
K B ~ wis) defined as

where ALB(w)is the incremental normal force on the At the trailing edge of the delta fin Eq. 5 and Eq.
body in the presence of the fin. Lw is the fin alone lift. 6 predict the same value of AR. As Z/R approaches
When KB( w )is positive, the fin interference produces infinity, Eg. 6 shows that AR approaches zero.
a favorable effect on the body lift, because the body For the afterbody analysis, three aspect ratio (0.5,
produces greater lift than when i t is isolated. Like- 0.1 and 0.05) fins were selected. For a given AR and
wise, when KBtW) is negative the fin interference is S/R, Eq. 6 was used to locate the fin trailing edge
unfavorable. (Z/R). The missile fuselage was then extended 10 mis-
The literature on KB(W)for low aspect ratio mis- sile radii beyond the fin trailing edge. This allowed the
siles is sparse. Nielsen8 developed theoretical K B ( ~ ) calculation of K B ( ~data ) in terms of afterbody length
data using slender body theory (SBT). The SBT re- and aspect ratio.
sults are only a function of SIR; there is no depen- ZEUS
dence on Mach number, aspect ratio or angle of attack. The numerical Euler code ZEUS"J2 (ZonalEUler
SBT is a special case of linearized potential theory. In -
Solver) was used for this research. It is a finite volume
addition t o being irrotational and isentropic, SBT as- code developed by the Naval Surface Weapons Center
sumes that axial 0ow derivatives are smallcompared to which predicts the steady, supersonic flowfield between
crossflow derivatives, the axial flow derivatives are ne- the body and the bow shock using a spatial marching
glected. These assumptions limit SBT to small a and method. The flowfield solution is obtained using the
preclude modelling effects from vorticity, shock waves second order G o d u n ~ v ' ~ .method
'~ in conjuction with
and expansion waves. the Riemann15 problem. The code is extremely robust
The only experimental KB(W) that is available and flexible. Its accuracy is well d o c~rnented~~*'"~~
have been developed from the Triservice-NASA Data for a wide spectrum of applications from missiles with
noncircular fuselage cross-sections to spinning projec- All computations were performed on the IBM 4381
tiles used in tank guns. Many more examples exist, computer at the University of Missouri-Rolla. CPU
but these references show the versatility of ZEUS. times up to 30 minutes were required for complete flow-
M e s h Size field solutions over the entire missile.
For body alone ZEUS calculations at small a , fine Comparisons to Previous Work
grids generate spurious crossflow effects that lead to Theoretical predictions of K B ( w )have been pre-
inaccurate body force predictions.20 In this research sented by Nielsenl0 using slender body theory; how-
results from three mesh sues (18 x 24 (r x $), 36 x 36 ever, these predictions are generally two times larger
and 36 x 36 with clustering) were compared with wind than the current Euler results. Instead of placing the
tunnel data and the coarse mesh gave the best results. SBT results on the figures, they are summarized in
Additionally, using fine grids (36 x 36, clustered 36 x Table 1. Recall that SBT results are not a function of
36, 60 x 60, etc.) over the finned portion of the missile AR.
also produced inaccurate body forces. Consequently,
an 18 x 24 (r x $) grid mesh was used over the missile Table Slender Body Theory KB(W)Results
forebody and finned sections to obtain accurate body
force predictions. The accuracy of the 18 x 24 results lww
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

for K B ( w )is verified in Ref. 21.

Data Reduction
ZEUS solves the Euler equations to determine the
pressure distribution on the missile surface and inte-
When possible, the results of this research are
grates it over the surface to determine the lift in the
compared with experimental data. Only one source
presence of the fins. The solution is marched in Z/R
of experimental KB(W)values (Nielsenlo) was found
along the fuselage, so each step results in new fin trail-
and it was for missiles with afterbodies. Comparisions
ing edge position, or a new, lower AR. Two computer
t o experimental data are presented in this paper for
runs are necessary to evaluate K B ( w ) . First, a body
missiles with specific values of afterbody length.
alone analysis is done t o find the lift ( L B )on the body
No experimental KB(W data for non-afterbody
in the absence of fins. Next, the wing-body configu-
missiles was found. However, Bossi2' showed that the
ration is analyzed to find the lift on the body in the
Enler equations accurately predict ACNw for these
presence of the fins (LB(w1). The difference between
types of missiles. Referring to Eq. 1, ACNw is de-
these two quantities is ALB(W).For consistency and
fined as
simplicity, linear theory was used to find Lw. The
equation for Lw is

where the sum of CNw(,) and CN,(,) is found from

Eq. 3 using the interference parameters K W ( ~and )
which is valid for fins with supersonic leading edges. K B ( W ) Equation
- 8 can be written as
The equation may not be accurate for fins with long
root chords; however, i t was used to keep the reference
lift consistent. Once and Lw are known, Eq.
4 is used t o find K B ( W ) .
by combining Eqs. 2 and 3. Comparisons of the
Resulta and Discussion predicted ACNw were made with wind tunnel data
from Spearman and T r e s ~ o t tand
~ ~ the differences
K B ( ~results
) from slender body theory are were found to be within 10%. B o s ~ i ~ has? ~ 'shown
strictly a function of SIR. However, Euler solutions that ZEUS gives accurate KW(B) predictions; conse-
show that K B ( ~is )also a function of a, AR and Mach quently, KB(w predictions for missiles without after-
number. This research extends KB(W) data for as- bodies should be acceptable for preliminary design.
pect ratios from 4.0 t o 0.05 with SIR values of 1.3, 1.5 Aspect Ratio
and 2.0. Mach number was varied between 3.0 and 4.0 The K B ( W )results are plotted vs. 1/AR to en-
with angles of attack u p t o 20 deg. Afterbody length hance the low aspect ratio regime in Figs. 3 , 4 and 5 at
(ZA/R) was varied from 0.0 to 10.0. When ZA/R = five angles of attack (3,6,10, 15 and 20 deg) for SIR =
0.0, KB(W)data in terms of aspect ratio was generated 2.0, 1.5, and 1.3, respectively. Figure 3 shows K B ( w )
by marching down the missile and utilizing Eq. 6 to a t S I R = 2.0. For each a , KB(W)steadily increases
convert position to aspect ratio. When ZA/R > 0.0, with 1/AR until 1/AR = 5 (AR = 0.2). As 1/AR in-
the fins have a specific aspect ratio and trailing edge creases above 5, KB(W)steadily decreases for small a
location and the solution is continued for Z/R beyond whereas, at larger a it remains fairly constant. Fig-
the fin trailing edge. Afterbody analysis was done for ures 4 and 5 show the same general trends for KB(W)
fins with aspect ratios of 0.5, 0.1 and 0.05. as Fig. 3 does, except for three differences. First, the
peaks in K B ( ~shift ) t o larger values of 1/AR. Sec- strongly effected by the expansion and shock wave in-
ond, for large a and very small 1/AR, Figs. 4 and 5 teraction between the fins and the body. Figure 12
show t h a t KB(W)decreases before steadily increasing shows body pressure versus Z/R for six angular (4)
t o its maximum value. This trend is more pronounced locations around the missile cross-section. Changes in
at SIR = 1.3 (see Fig. 5). Finally, as S/R decreases aspect ratio, angle of attack and Mach number directly
the maximum value of KB(W)increases; however, this effect the body pressure distribution which in turn ef-
is due t o the normalhation of K B ( W )not , to the flow- fects K B ( W ) .A good understanding of the pressure
field physics. Large S/R fins have greater effects on d a t a shown in Fig. 12 is needed to understand how
body force and produce larger ALB(W) values then AR, a and Mach number effect KB(W).
small S I R fins, but when S I R is decreased A L B ( ~ ) Figure 12 shows PIP, vs. Z/R at several values of
decreases at a slower rate than Lw resulting in larger 4 starting from the fin leading edge location for a mis-
maximum KB(W) values as in Figs 4 and 5. These sile with SIR = 2.0 (AR = 0.05). The position of the
normalbation effects do not effect KW(B)and K4, be- fin trailing edge, G Eis , also shown. At the fin lead-
cause for these interference factors the numerator deals ing edge the PIP, curve labeled 4 = 90- (located just
with the fm force and not the body force as it does for above the fin) decreases while the PIP, curve labeled
K B ( W ) .In this situation the fin area cancels, eliminat- 4 = 90+ (located just below the fin) increases. These
ing the sensitivity t o normalisation. two curves show how the body pressure varies along the
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

A n g l e of Attack top and bottom root chord, respectively. The pressure

In order t o investigate the effect of a, the data along the 4 = 90- curve decreases due to the expan-
shown in Fig. 5 was replotted versus a in Fig. 6 for AR sion wave from the fin, while the pressure along the 4
= 2.0, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.05. Figure 6 shows that K B ( W )is = 90+ curve increases due t o the fin shock wave. The
a nonlinear function of a a t low aspect ratios. At larger pressure along the remaining angular locations is not
aspect ratios, (AR = 2.0) K B ( ~does ) not change sig- affected by the fin until a short distance downstream
nificantly with a. NielsenLOfound similar trends in the from the fin leading edge where the shock and expan-
experimental data. sion waves intercept the fuselage. At Z/R = 40 the
Mach Number shock and expansion waves have entirely intercepted
Figures 7 and 8 show effects of Mach number on the body as shown by the pressure along the 4 = 0
K B ( ~as) a h c t i o n of 1/AR a t a = 3 and 20 deg, re- and 180 curves and pressure recovery begins to occur.
spectively. As Mach number increases the maximum The pressure curves in Fig. 12 help explain the
value of KB(W) shifts t o larger values of 1/AR. At maximum KB(W)values shown in Fig. 3. The maxi-
both angles of attack K B ( ~decreases
) with increas- mum K B ( ~value ) occurs near 1/AR = 5 (AR = 0.2)
ing Mach number a t low 1/AR and increases with in- for a = 3 deg. Recall from Eq. 6 that the missile
creasing Mach number a t large 1/AR. Changing Mach length that corresponds t o AR = 0.2 is Z/R = 40.5
number has a larger effect on K B ( W )a t low a than a t Figure 12 shows that the shock and expansion waves
high a. Explanations of these trends will be presented have completely intercepted the body (reached 4 = 0
in the flowfield analysis section. and 180 deg.) and the body pressure is starting to
Afterbody Effecte recover a t Z/R = 40.5. This implies that the maxi-
For this analysis, the ratio ZA/R represents t h e mum K B ( ~value ) occurs when the fin expansion and
extension of the body beyond the trailing edge of the shock waves intercept the entire body. For longer mis-
fin in ten- of body radii, and it is referred t o as the siles (Z/R 2 40.5) pressure recovery occurs along the
afterbody. Figures 9,10 and 11show the effect of after- fuselage. During the pressure recovery (Z/R 2 40.5,
body length on K B ( w )for fins with aspect ratio- 0.5, or AR 5 0.2) K B ( ~steadily
) decreases toward zero at
0.1 and 0.05 at S/R = 2 and M = 3.5, for a = 3, 10 small a. At high a, the shock and expansion waves are
and 20 deg, respectively. Only the AR = 0.5 d a t a show stronger and have larger wave angles, thereby delaying
a strong dependence on afterbody length. K B ( w ) ini- pressure recovery as shown by Fig. 13, which shows
tially increases as ZA/R increases, but reaches a m a - PIP, vs. Z/R at a = 10 deg. This is the major rea-
imum and then decreases slightly. For the two smaller son that KB(W)is a nonlinear function of aspect ratio
aspect ratios, K B ( ~shows) little dependence on ZA/R. and angle of attack as shown in Fig. 6.
Note that as a increases Figs. 9 and 10 show When S I R decreases the maximum values of
that the effect of afterbody length on KB(W)decreases. K B ( W )shift t o larger values of 1/AR (Figs. 3, 4 and
Nielsenl0 predicted this, but did not have enough d a t a 5). The shift is a geometry effect based on the relation
to pursue it. Nielsen1° used the Triservice-NASA Data between AR and S I R (Eq.6). Figure 14 shows PIP,
BaseQ t o generate experimental KB(W)values. Some vs. Z/R for a missile with S I R = 1.5 (AR = 0.05).
of his data are presented on Figs. 10 and 11 and it Pressure recovery begins near Z/R = 40, just as it did
compares extremely well to the Euler results. in Fig. 12 for a missile with S I R = 2.0. However, be-
Flowfield Analysis cause S/R is smaller, AR = 0.1 at Z/R = 40, which is
The Euler K B ( W )data presented in Figs 3-11 are one-half the AR associated with the fin in Fig. 12 at
Z/R = 40,hence, when K B ( ~is )plotted vs. 1/AR the point discussed earlier naturally occurs as Mach num-
maximum of each KB(W)curve naturally shifts toward ber increases, because the maximum K B ( w )shifts to
larger 1/AR (smaller AR) values. the lower aspect ratios.
Recall that K B ( ~initially
) decreases a t very low Finally, shock and expansion waves are directly re-
1/AR and large a before steadily increasing to its maxi- sponsible for the afterbody effects. Figures 9, 10 and
mum as 1/AR is increased (see Fig. 5). This occurs be- 11 showed that K B ( ~changed ) very little with after-
cause the high a delays the shock and expansion wave body length for missiles with very low aspect ratio fins,
interaction with the body, because the shock and ex- while for missiles with larger aspect ratio fins a signif-
pansion wave angles become larger. Figure 15 shows icant increase in K B ( W )occured as afterbody length
P/P, vs. Z/R for a small fin (SIR = 1.3) at a = 15 increased. For small AR missiles the body pressure re-
deg. The only portion of the body effected by the shock laxes close to its fi-ee stream value at the fin trailing
and expansion waves is the side (4 = 90- and 4 = go+), edge. Figure 16 shows PIP, curves on the afterbody
which has a negligible effect on the body lift. At Z/R for a 0.05 aspect ratio fin with S I R = 1.3. The fin trail-
= 31 a significant upper portion of the body is effected ing edge is located at Z/R = 42.15. On the afterbody
by the expansion waves as shown by the decrease in the (Z/R 2 42.15) the only pressure curves that show sig-
4 = 45 curve. The associated aspect ratio for a missile nificant change are 4 = 90- and 90+. They are located
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

of length Z/R = 31 is 0.705 (1/AR = 1.42) for S I R on the side of the fuselage and have negligible effect on
= 1.3. For Z/R <_ 31, A L B ( ~experiences
) negligible body l i t and hence on K E ( ~ ) .
change while Lw increases due to the fin area increase, Figure 17 shows the body pressure for a missile
causing K B f W )to decrease. K B ( ~begins
) to increase with AR = 0.5 fins (S/R = 1.3). The fin trailing edge
for 1/AR 2 1.42, because the expansion waves effect is located at Z/R = 31.35; consequently, the afterbody
enough of the body to significantly change begins at Z/R = 31.15. For missiles with larger aspect
Figure 6 showed K B ( w )to be a nonlinear function ratio fins, the fin root chord length is short, so that the
of a. This occurs because shock and expansion wave fin trailing edge is located closer t o the fin leading edge.
interaction between the fins and the body changes with At the fin trailing edge the shock and expansion waves
a. However, At high a K B ( ~was ) relativity insensitive have not completely intercepted the body. Hence, they
to a, while at low a K B ( ~increased
) slighlty as a are carried over to the afterbody and cause KB(w)to
increased from 15 to 20 deg. Referring to Fig. 15' (a increase with afterbody length. Once the shock and
= 20 deg), the expansion and shock waves do not have expansion waves have completely intercepted the body,
the immediate impact on the body pressures as they pressure recovery begins and K B ( W )begins t o decrease
do for the lower angles of attack (see Fig. 12), because with Z/R.
of the larger shock and expansion wave angles. The ZEUS is an Euler code, so it does not include any
expansion waves have a minimal effect on the body boundary layer effects along the missile fins and body.
pressures that strongly effect body lift (i-e. 4 = 45 and For small S/R fins with long root chords, the boundary
0 deg). layer thickness may be significant and effect K B ( w ) .A
The preceding paragraphs have explained the in- detailed boundary layer analysis is beyond the scope
dividual aspects of Figs. 3-6. The nature of K B ( w ) of the research. However, a flat plate analysis (Ref.
is mainly dependent on the shock and expansion wave 23) for M = 3.5 over an insulaked wall yields a bound-
interaction between the fins and the body. The key ele- ary layer thickness (6/R) on the fin a t its the trailing
ments that determine KB(*) are 1)the strength of the edge of the order of 0.005 t o 0.01 depending on the 6x1
shock and expansion waves, 2) the location where they aspect ratio. The same magnitude of boundary layer
have completely intercepted the body and 3) the body thickness also occurs on the body. Thus, the effects of
pressure recwey after the shock and expansion waves boundary layer thickness on the fins and body appears
have intercepted the body. Each of these three ele- to be negligible. This analysis only shows order of mag-
ments is a function of S/r, AR, a and M. As these pa- nitudes and i t does not include high angle of attack or
rameters change, they produce the complicated KB(w ) body-fin interaction effects.
curves shown in Figs. 3-6.
Figures 7 and 8 showed that the maximum K B ( ~ ) Conclusions
values increase and shift to lower aspect ratios with in-
creasing Mach number. As Mach number increases, the An Euler code has been used t o examine the ef-
iin shock and expansion waves become stronger and fects of a, SIR, and AR on K B ( ~for) low aspect ratio
their angles become smaller so that they take more missiles at Mach numbers from 3 t o 4. This analysis
distance to completely intercept the body. Thus, the extends K B ( w ) data well beyond the limits of slen-
change in the body pressure acts over a larger por- der body theory, in which KB(W) is only a functicn
tion of the body. As a result, KB(W)increases with of S/R. Aspect ratio was varied from 0.05 to 4.0 and
the maximum value located at a larger Z/R, which S/R ranged from 1.3 to 2 for angles of attack up to 20
corresponds t o a lower aspect ratio. The cross-over deg. K B ( W )
was found to be a strong and complicated
function of both AR and a. K B ( w Iincreases as aspect
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= 0.2. For AR less than M 0.2, KB(WJshows two dif- Journal of Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 4,
ferent trends depending on angle of attack. For small April, 1951, pp.217-228.
a , K B ( ~decreases
) as AR decreases, but for high a
4. Bruns, K. D., Moore, M. E., Stan, S. L. and Vuke-
K B ( ~ remains fairly constant with decreasing AR.
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KB(W is strongly dependent on shock and expan-
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expansion waves from the fin leading edge intercept the craft and Rockets, Vol. 20, No. 4, July-Aug. 1983,
entire body cross section. This occurs at a specific Z/R pp. 356-362.
value. If the missile is longer than this Z/R, pressure
recovery occurs along the fuselage at small values of a, 6. Hemsch, M. J., "The Component Build-Up
which tends t o decrease KB(W)for the missile. At high Method for Engineering Analysis of Missiles at
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Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

its maximum value. ogy, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics,

KB(W)significantly varies with afterbody length Edited by M. R. Mendenhall, AIAA, New York,
only for the larger aspect ratio missilies. The after- to be published 1992.
body itself does not alter the flowfield enough to change
7. Bossi B. W. and Nelson, H.F., " Fin-Body Interfer-
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In the future, boundary layer effects on KB(W)
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to include larger angles of attack and a wider range Base," NASA Langley Research Center, 1991, (un-
of Mach numbers. Extensions should also be made to published)
other fin configurations and nonckcular fuselage cross
sections. Also, the vertical position of the fins on the 10. Nielsen, J. N., "Supersonic Wing-Body Interfer-
fuselage wU influence K B ( W ) and this effect needs to ence a t High Angles of Attack with Emphasis on
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11. Wardlaw, A. B. and Davis, S. F., "A Second Order
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This research has been supported by McDonnell face Weapons Center, Report NSWC T R 86-506,
Douglas Missile Systems Company, St. Louis, Mis- Dec. 1986.
souri Contract monitors were Andrew A. Jenn and 12. Wardlaw, A. B. and Priolo, .F. J., "Applying the
Kurt D. Bausch. Additional funds have been provided ZEUS Code," Naval Surface Weapons Center, Re-
by the Missouri Research Assistance Act. Approved port NSWC T R 86508, Dec. 1986.
for public release: distribution is unlimited. Case No.
92-1494. 13. Glae, N. M. and Wardlaw Jr., A. B., "A High-
Order Godunov Scheme for Steady Supersonic Gas
References Dynamics," Journal of Computational Physics,
Vol. 58, No. 2, April, 1985, pp.157-187.
1. Lucero, E. F., "Approximate Method for Predict-
ing Supersonic Normal Force Coefficient of Very- 14. Krispin, J. and Glae, H. M., "Second Order Go-
Low-Aspect-Ratio Lifting Surfaces," AIAA Paper dunov Methods and Self-similar Steady Super-
840575, 1984. sonic Three Dimensional Flowfields," AIAA Paper
91-1653, 1991.
2. Lucero, E. F., "Predicting the Supersonic Aero-
dynamics of Very-Low-Aspect-Ratio Lifting Sur- 15. Osher, S., "Reimann Solvers, The Entropy Con-
faces," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 22, dition, And Difference Approximations," SZAM
No. 6, March-April 1985, pp. 114125. Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, April 1984, pp. 217-235.
16. Talpalliker, M., 'Numerical Solutions to Wing-
Body Interference of Missiles in Supersonic Flow,'
M. S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechan-
ics, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1989.
17. Est, B. E., "Computational Aerodynamics of Su-
personic Missiles With Noncircular Cross Sec-
tion," M. S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Me-
chanics, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1991.
2. 1 zd
Fig. 2. Missile Geometry Configuration.
18. Evans, J. and Wardlaw, A., "Prediction of Tilbu-
lar Projectile Aerodynamics Using the ZEUS Euler
Code," AIAA Paper 89-0334, 1989.
19. Priolo, E. F., Wardlaw Jr., A. B., "Euler Space-
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

Marching Computations With Crossflow Seper*

tion For Missile-Type Bodies," AIAA Paper 90-
0616, 1990.
20. Baltikus, F., Personal Contact, Feb., 1990
21. Bossi, B. W., 'Computational Aerodynamics of
Low Aspect Ratio Missiles in Supersonic Flow,'
M. S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechan-
ics, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1991.
22. Spearman, M. L. and Trescott, Jr., C. D., "Effects
of Wing Planform on the Static Aerodynamics of a
Cruciform Wing-Body Missile for Mach Numbers
u p to 4.63," NASA TMX-1839, July 1969.
23. Anderson Jr., J. D., Hypersonic and High Tem-
perature Gas Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York, Fig. 3. K B f Wvs.
) l/AR, S I R = 2.0, M = 3.5.
1989, pp. 243.

Rg. 4. K B I w )VS. 1/AR, S I R = 1.5, M = 3.5.

Fig. 1. Missile Stowage Advantages for Low As-

pect Ratio Fins.
0 10 20
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638


Fig. 5. KB(W)VS. 1/AR, S/R = 1.3, M = 3.5. Fig. 8. Mach Number Effects on Ks(w), S/R =
2.0, a = 20 deg.

Fig. 6. KB(W)VS. a , S/R = 1.3, h4 = 3.5. Z A IR

Fig. 9. Afterbody effects, vs. ZA/R, M =

3.5, SIR = 2.0, a = 3 deg.

AR = 0.05
AR = 0.1
AR = 0.5
0 Nielsen

0 5 1 0 1 5
Fig. 7. Mach Number Effects on K B ( ~ )S/R
, =
) Z*/R, hf
Fig. 10. Afterbody effects, K B ( ~VS.
2.0, a = 3 deg.
- 3.5, S/R = 2.0, a = 10 deg.
AR = 0.05
* AR = 0.1
AR = 0.5
0 Nielsen
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

Fig. 11. Afterbody effects, KB(W)

vs. ZA/R, M
= 3.5, S/R = 2.0, a = 20 deg.
Fig. 14. PIP, vs. Z/R, SIR = 1.5, AR = 0.05,
M = 3.5, a = 3 deg.

Fig. 12. PIP, vs. Z/R, SIR = 2.0, AR = 0.05,

M = 3.5, cr = 3 deg.

Fig. 15. PIP, vs. Z/R, SIR = 1.3, AR = 0.05,

M = 3.5, a = 20 deg.

Fig. 13. PIP, vs. Z/R, SIR = 2.0, AR = 0.05,
M = 3.5, cr = 10 deg.
Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology on September 30, 2012 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1992-4638

Fig. 16. PIP, vs. Z/R, Afterbody Analysis for
fin trailing edge at Z/R = 42.15,, AR = 0.05, SIR =
1.3, M = 3.5, a = 3 deg.

Fig. 17. PIP, vs. Z/R, Afterbody Analysis for

fin trailing edge at Z/R = 31.25, AR = 0.5, S I R = 1.5,
M = 3.5, a = 3 deg.

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