Forensic Ballistics Reviewer

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DIRECTIONS: For each of the following items or statements, four answers

are suggested; the answers are letters from the four suggestions assigned letters
A, B, C and D. Choose your selected answer by shading the box corresponding to

1. The earliest event involving a firearm identification case that occurred in

1835 happened in what place?
a. Georgia State, U.S.A.
b. London, England
c. Paris, France
d. State of Oregon, U.S.A.


2. One of the first recorded instances of someone being permitted to provide

testimony to the effect of firing a pistol at human hair and paper target
occurred in what court?
a. Kansas State Court
b. Massachusetts State Court
c. New York Court
d. Wisconsin State Court

3. As a ballistician or firearms examiner, he should:

a. Know everything about everything
b. Know less and less about less and less
c. Know more and more about more and more
d. Know more and more about less and less
4. A division of forensic ballistics that refers to the work of the police
investigation in the field of crime science.
a. Field investigation
b. Legal proceeding
c. Scene of the crime operation (SOCO)
d. Technical examination
5. The second smallest commonly used shotgun, with a barrel just larger than
half an inch in diameter. This was the kind of shotgun used by U.S. Vice-
President Dick Cheney in accidentally shooting Austin lawyer Harry Whitting
last February 11, 2006 at the Armstrong Ranch, Texas.
a. 10-gauge
b. 12-gauge
c. 18-gauge
d. 28-gauge
6. The first law in the Philippines prohibiting sale, manufacture, illegal
possession and disposition of firearms and explosives.
a. Act No. 2711
b. Presidential Decree 1866
c. Republic Act No. 8294
d. Republic Act No. 482
7. In firearm identification, it refers to those characteristics which are
determinable even before the manufacture of the firearm.
a. Class characteristics
b. Geoballistics
c. Individual characteristics
d. Mechanical fingerprints
8. He is credited with the conception of the term Forensic Ballistics, though he
later admitted to be an inadequate name for the science.
a. Alexander Lacassagne
b. Benjamin Robins
c. Calvin Goddard
d. Hiram Stevens Berdan
9. There are four (4) types of firearms, the rifle, shotgun, pistol and revolver.
When you recover a rimless fired cartridge cases, your suspicion is focused
a. Pistol
b. Pistol or rifle
c. Revolver
d. Shotgun
10.He is the first to study striation marks on tools and used their comparison
results in the solution of crimes.
a. John Fisher
b. Paul Jeserich
c. Rellim Yelkcep
d. Von Dreyse
11.In the broadest sense, the term ballistics is defined as:
a. A science that deals with the motion of projectiles
b. Art of projectiles in motion
c. Ballistae
d. Scientific term of projectiles in motion
12.Last February 11, 2006 at 5:30 p.m., Saturday, Vice-President of the United
States of America Dick Cheney accidentally shot Austin Lawyer Harry
Whittington. He was using what kind of a weapon?
a. Armalite AR-17 – Semi – Automatic Shotgun 12 – Gauge
b. Perazzi – Double – Barreled shotgun 28 – Gauge
c. Remington M1900 – Single Barreled Shotgun 1- Gauge
d. Vandalia – Single Shot Shotgun 12 – Gauge
13.The development of firearm followed the invention of gunpowder in
Western Europe sometime early in which century?
a. 12th century
b. 13th century
c. 15th century
d. Stone age
14.This involves the preservation, identification,extraction and documentation
of computer evidence stored as data or magnetically encoded information
a. Computer analysis
b. Computer forensics
c. Computer technology
d. Data base system
15.One of the earliest recorded used of firearms in warfare was:
a. Attack in Seville, Spain in 1247
b. Ambush cades of Cesar in Russia in 1129
c. American war of independence in 1775-1883
d. Cannonball attack is Constantinople in 1217
16.The term ballistics derived from the Greek works ballo or ballein which
a. To throw
b. To eject
c. To fly
d. To push forward
17.The forensic ballistics case that led to the opening of the first independent
scientific crime detection laboratory in the United States.
a. John F. Kennedy assassination
b. Martin Luther king assassination
c. The murder of John Lennon
d. 1929 St. Valentines day massacre
18.It is an imaginary traced of position followed by an object moving through
the space?
a. External ballistics
b. Motion
c. Parabola
d. Trajectory
19.Jovito Cabuslay vs. People of the Philippines and Sandiganbayan (471 SCRA
241-265, September 2005) was a forensic ballistics case which was all
a. Bullet recovered from the crime scene did not come from the
suspected firearms
b. Illegal possession of firearm
c. M-16 rifle was not presented in court as evidence
d. Negative powder residue on the hands of the victim
20.The curve path travelled by a projectile in the air during its fight
a. Geoballistics
b. Parabolic flight
c. Parabola
d. Trajectory
21.The Hollywood image of the investigator picking up a weapon by its barrel
with a pencil or stick in order to protect fingerprints is one that must be
avoided. This practice will only serve or disturb powder deposits and
consequently may alter the striation marking on test fired bullets. If the
recovery of latent fingerprints is a primary concern, it is best to hold the
firearm at:
a. At the firearm grip
b. At the trigger
c. Muzzle of the muzzle
d. The edge of the trigger guard
22.What is the correct technique of picking up firearm at the scene of the
a. Holding the barrel
b. Holding the gun on the grip
c. Inserting something in the bore to pick it up
d. Placing handkerchief on the trigger guard
23.The fired bullet or shell and test bullet or shell are examined in what kind of
a. Cross order
b. Juxtaposition
c. One after the other
d. Side by side
24.These are patters of tine orange brown lesions on the skin made by a
reaction of powder during shooting.
a. Abrasion
b. Contusion
c. Soot
d. Tattooing
25.The first case involving firearm evidence took place in 1902 in the United
States. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the expert on the case had a gunsmith test
fire the alleged murder weapon into a wad of cotton wool. What was the
instrument that was used to match the bullet from the victim with the test
a. Comparison microscope
b. Microscope
c. Magnifying glass
d. Stereoscope
26.It is a metallic unit propelled or projected from a barrel of a gun.
a. Cartridge case
b. Pellets or bullets
c. Propellant
d. Shell
27.The pitch of rifling is the number of inches traveled by the bullet to make a
a. 1 complete tum
b. 3 complete tums
c. 4 complete tums
d. 5 complete tums
28.Rifling in the bore of small arm is designed to:
a. Decrease the amount of recoil
b. Increase the speed of the bullet
c. Mark the bullet for purposes of identification
d. Prevent the bullet from turning and over end in the air
29.The bullet in flight is being propelled by the:
a. Barrel
b. Firing pin
c. Gun powder
d. Primer
30.A very accurate test by which a firearm examiner can determine the
distance from a bullet hole from which a gun was fired is called the:
a. Alphoneptiamine test
b. Benzedrine test
c. Diphenylamine test
d. Pistol or rifle test
31.The mark left on a bullet by a gun barrel is different from those left by any
other gun barrel.
a. Bullet which caused a fatal wound
b. Direction from which a shot was fired
c. Gun from which a bullet was fired
d. Person who fired a particular gun
32.The rifling of a firearm is located inside the barrel. It consists of:
a. Depressed portion
b. Lands portion
c. Lands and grooves
d. Raised portion
33.Cannelure is valuable in firearm identification because they help the
firearm examiner determines the:
a. Identity of the weapon that fired a particular bullet
b. Manufacturer of the weapon
c. Manufacturer of the bullet
d. Type of gun that fired a particular bullet
34.The term that applies to explosive or gunpowder that easily absorb
a. Hygroscopic
b. Explosive train
c. Single-base powder
d. Non-hygroscopic
35. The term muzzled velocity refers most accurately to the:
a. Acceleration of the projectile in flight
b. Average speed of the bullet in flight
c. Rate of expansion of the grooves in the muzzle
d. Speed at which the bullet leaves the revolver
36.The discharged bullet is initiated in the:
a. Base or nose
b. Left side
c. Right side
d. End of bullet
37.The discharged shells are initiated in the:
a. Inside or outside of a case near open end
b. On any part of the shell
c. Where firing pin strikes
d. None of the above
38.Characteristic of gunpowder reactions that is important in determining the
length of time. It can be kept under normal stowage conditions without
deterioration and its adaptability to various military uses.
a. Loading properties
b. Stability
c. Sensitivity
d. Pressure
39.The caliber of a gun is:
a. Its barrel length
b. The circumference
c. The size of ammunition used
d. Diameter of the bore of its barrel
40.A homicide crime was committed with the use of a shotgun. All parts of the
exploded shell have been recovered by the investigator of the crime. In
order to identify the shell with the gun that fired, the crime laboratory
should be given:
a. The cap
b. The cap the wads and the pellets
c. The cap and the wads
d. The cap and the pellets
41.Of the following, the most accurate statement concerning the identification
of an unknown firearm by means of ballistics is that:
a. Most pistols which have left lead have at least eight lands
b. Pistol with the same number of land can be differentiated by the
direction of the lead
c. The width of the groove in pistol can be determined by the angle of
d. The angle of the lead is the angle which the land forms with the
42.The dermal nitrate test or paraffin test is used to:
a. Detect whether a witness is telling the truth
b. Determine whether a suspect has fired a gun recently
c. Discover whether the deceased person was poisoned
d. Estimate the approximate time of the deceased
43.The term double action with reference to revolver means most nearly that:
a. Pulling the trigger cocks the hammer and presents a fresh cartridge
for firing
b. The revolver has both safety and automatic firing action
c. The revolver can fire with or without automatic shell ejection
d. The shell of a fired shot is ejected and fresh cartridges pushed from
the magazine at the same time.
44.A bullet is made of steel and with copper entry is:
a. Armor piercing bullet
b. Bullet with plastic sabot
c. Bullet with secondary explosion
d. Tracer bullet
45.The flame that is produced at the rear of the barrel of a gun after firing
a. Friction
b. Heat
c. Flareback
d. Muzzle blast
46.What is the term used in the depth of a bullet penetration on a target?
a. Terminal accuracy
b. Terminal velocity
c. Terminal energy
d. Terminal speed
47.In forensic ballistics, the wounding power of a bullet is due to the mass and
its velocity. Which is very important?
a. Mass
b. Velocity
c. Weight
d. All of the above
48.From the standpoint of a ballistician or firearm examiner, what is the most
important single process in the manufacture of a barrel?
a. Boring process
b. Grinding process
c. Rifling process
d. Reaming process
49.Lead bullets are designed to be fired from what king of caliber firearm?
a. Caliber .223
b. Caliber .32
c. Caliber .38
d. Caliber .45
50.What is the substance that causes explosion by its sudden explosion or
a. Acid
b. Base
c. Explosive
d. Organic
51.A rifle, pistol and revolver ammunition is called cartridge. Shotgun
ammunition is called:
a. Pellet
b. Shell
c. Shot shell
d. All of the above
52.One of the following is not an ingredient of a priming mixture:
a. Antimony sulfide
b. Barium chlorate
c. Potassium chlorate
d. Potassium nitrate
53.What type of firearm is designed to propel by means of compressed air?
a. Air rifle
b. Carbine rifle
c. Marlin rifle
d. Springfield armory
54.It is the steel block that closes the rear of the bore against the force of the
a. Bore
b. Breech face
c. Breech block
d. Chamber
55.What is the rate of speed of a bullet per unit of time?
a. Muzzle blast
b. Penetration
c. Terminal energy
d. Velocity
56.These are explosives that serve to initiative the propellant and the reaction
of high explosives?
a. Explosive train
b. Initiating explosives
c. Booster explosives
d. Detonators
57.What isthetype offirearm that isfed by the chamber?
a. Automatic type
b. Bolt action type
c. Single shot type
d. Slide action type
58.It is the most popular and traditional mode of removing gunpowder
a. Swabbing cotton moistened with 5% nitric acid
b. Spraying hands with sodium rhodizonate
c. Washing hands with vinegar
d. Washing both hands with hot water
59.He was the inventor of comparison microscope where two bullets could be
laid adjacent to one another for comparative examinations.
a. Alexander Forsyth
b. Alfred Bemhard Nobel
c. Charles Waite
d. Rudolf Christian Bottger
60.What metallic object is attached to the free end of the cylindrical tip of a
cartridge case, propelled by the expansive force of the propellant and it is
responsible in damaging the target?
a. Bullet
b. Missile or projectile
c. Slug
d. All of these
61.It is a part of the firearm assembly that contains the internal parts of a gun.
a. Cylinder
b. Chamber
c. Frame
d. Yoke
62.The test procedures which define the position of a shooter based on the
location of spent cartridge cases or shot shell casing in crime scene
a. Ejection pattern testing
b. Function test
c. Full-auto conversion test
d. Silencer testing
63.A king of explosive that is mix with oxygen, ammonium nitrate and fuel
which is very stable explosive?
c. RDX
d. TNT
64.He was an Italian mathematician who claimed that no part of the part of
the path of the projectile could be a straight line and the greater the
velocity of the projectile the flatter its path.
a. Ascanio Sobrero
b. Berthold Schwartz
c. Galileo Galilei
d. Niccolo Tartaglia
65.This refers to the total failure of a cartridge to discharge during the firing
a. Hangfire
b. Center fire
c. Misfire
d. Rim fire
66.Which of the following test is used to determine whether a person fire a
a. Duquinois Levine test
b. Luminescence test
c. Paraffin test
d. Takayama test
67.A firearm with a smooth bore barrel and muzzle loading military shoulder
arm designed to fire or discharge a single round lead ball projectile.
a. Musket
b. Rifle
c. Shoulder arm
d. Shotgun
68.Which tool mark is produced by a single application of a tool in an area of
a. Compression
b. Friction
c. Indention
d. Impression
69.If a firearm was found in a crime scene appear to be loaded with
ammunition. It is best to transport said firearm to the crime laboratory as it
is, which the exception that a tag be secured to the weapon labeled as:
a. Evidence firearm
b. Danger: loaded weapon
c. For laboratory examination
d. Warming: firearm evidence
70.The following are the different types of burning actions of a propellant or
gun powder except:
a. Regressive burning
b. Neutral burning
c. Progressive burning
d. Fast burning
71.It is a tubular metal or paper rolled used as a container of a bullet, primer
and gunpowder:
a. Ammunition
b. Bullet
c. Cartridge case or empty shell
d. Round
72.One of the following is not an element to establish liability for illegal
possession of firearm (People v. Ancheta, CR – 03548, August 29, 1989).
a. Firearm is carried outside of residence
b. Lack of authority to carry a firearm
c. No legal right to carry a firearm
d. Possession of a firearm
73.It refers to the particular characteristics of a gun:
a. Accidental characteristics
b. Class characteristics
c. Individual characteristics
d. Mechanical characteristics
74.The large database of firearm records, crime scene information and others
are kept on a system sponsored by the FBI and the ATF.
a. Automated Firearms Search System
c. Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS)
d. National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN)
75.A discipline mainly concerned with determining neither a bullet nor
cartridge was fire from a particular firearm.
a. Ballistics
b. Firearm identification
c. Medical ballistics
d. Shot ballistics
76.The movement of a bullet out the cartridge case due to the recoil of the
firearm and the inertia of the bullet is called:
a. Burnishing
b. Leaded edge
c. Popping
d. Ricochet
77.The diameter of the bore of a rifled firearm. It is usually expressed in
hundred of inches or millimeters.
a. Bore
b. Caliper
c. Caliber
d. Gauge
78.The spiral grooves that are formed in the bore of a firearm barrel which are
designed to impart spin to the spin to the projectile when it is fired.
a. Grooves
b. Lands
c. Rifling
d. Striated marks
79.It refers to the interior of a barrel of a gun?
a. Bore
b. Hole
c. Groove
d. Spiral cut
80.The mechanism in a firearm that throws a cartridge or fired case from the
a. Breech block
b. Extractor rod
c. Extractor
d. Ejector
81.The most vital information in eliminating suicide cases of gunshot wound:
a. Distance or range
b. King of gun
c. Kind of person
d. Location of the gunshot wound
82.The mechanism of a firearm by which a cartridge of fired cases is
withdrawn from the chamber.
a. Chamber
b. Extractor Rod
c. Ejector
d. Extractor
83.What is the integrated ballistic identification system (IBIS) software
programme developed for cartridge case identification?
a. Bulletproof
b. Basscatcher
c. Drugfire
d. National integrated ballistic information network (NIBIN)
84.What is the integrated ballistic identification system (IBIS) Software
programme developed for bullet identification?
a. Brasscatcher
b. Bulletproof
c. Drugfire
d. National integrated ballistic information network (INBIN)
85.A kind of firearm that has a rotating cylinder and contains several chambers
into which a cartridge is hand-loaded and the rotation of fresh cartridge
placed into position for the next shot.
a. Pistol
b. Rifle
c. Revolver
d. Shotgun
86.It is known in layman’s term as the speed which is the distance per second
the bullet travels as it propels out of the weapon.
a. Acceleration
b. Muzzled blast
c. Muzzle velocity
d. Trajectory
87.The term used for an obsolete barrel-making process where barrel is
formed by twisting or braiding together steel and iron wires or bars. The
resulting cable is then wound around a mandrel and forged into a barrel
tube. It is sometimes called laminated barrel.
a. Damascus barrel
b. Drillings
c. Paradox barrel
d. Zwilling barrel
88.A fired bullet extracted from the victim of shooting is marked in the
a. Base
b. Body
c. Nose
d. Ogive
89.This refers to a Roman war machine originally referred to as dart-thrower.
a. Ballista
b. Catapult
c. Onager or gastraphetes
d. Trebuchet
90.It is an instrument that is used for the propulsion of projectile by means of
the expansive force of gases of burning gunpowder?
a. Ammunition
b. Firearm
c. Handgun
d. Weapon
91.What is the origin of the term cartridge from the French word?
a. Ammo
b. Bourelet
c. Charta
d. Cartouche
92.A metal cap containing a highly sensitive priming mixture of chemical
compound which when hit or struck by firing rod would ignite.
a. Boxer primer
b. Berdan primer
c. Center fire primer
d. Rimfire primer
93.These are bullets made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip
which are designed to ignite on contact with the target.
a. Armour piercing bullets
b. Incendiary bullets
c. Tracer bullets
d. Frangible bullets
94.He is an English alchemist credited in the invention of gunpowder.
a. Alfred Bemhard Nobel
b. Bethold Schwartz
c. Christian Friedrich Schonbein
d. Roger Bacon
95.It is otherwise known as guncotton in the world of explosives.
a. Blachpowder
b. Ballistites
c. Nitroglycerine
d. Nitrocellulose
96.He is a German-Swiss scientist who accidentally discovered guncotton while
working in the kitchen at his home.
a. Ascanio Sobrero
b. Christian Friedrich Schondbein
c. Henri Braconnot
d. Theopile-Jule Pelouze
97.He is famous American firearm designer and inventor of Armalite M-16
a. Eugene Stoner
b. John Moses Browning
c. Samuel Colt
d. Uziel Gal
98.What are the class characteristics of a Caliber .30 carbine rifle?
a. 4 lands, 4 grooves, right twist
b. Lands, 5 grooves, right twist
c. 5 lands, 5 grooves, left twist
99.The 7.65 mm parabellum is equivalent to what caliber?
a. Caliber .223
b. Caliber .32
c. Caliber .38
d. Caliber .45
100. What is the test used to determine the presence of gunpowder to
clothing especially colored one’s?
a. Dermal nitrate test
b. Griess test
c. Harrison – Giroy test
d. Naphthalene test
101. In fire arm identification, refers to those characteristics which ware
determinable only after the manufacture of the firearm.
a. Accidental characteristics
b. Class characteristics
c. Individual characteristics
d. Mechanical fingerprints
102. One of the following is not a major component of a pistol firearm.
a. Barrel
b. Frame
c. Slide
d. Trigger
103. What is the effective range of Armalite M-16 military rifle?
a. 200 m
b. 300 m
c. 400 m
d. 500 m
104. What is the cycle rate of fire of Armalite M-16 military rifle?
a. 300 rounds per minute
b. 400 rounds per minute
c. 500 rounds per minute
d. 600 rounds per minute
105. The true caliber of a gun is:
a. Bore diameter
b. Grooved caliber
c. Nominal caliber
d. None of the above
106. In selecting the test bullet for comparison examination, the size of its
caliber should be:
a. Bigger than the exhibit bullet
b. The same size with the exhibit bullet
c. Any size will do
107. If a fired bullet and a firearm are submitted as evidence, a firearm
examiner can determined:
a. The fired bullet was fired from a particular firearm
b. The fired bullet was fired from a class of firearm
c. The fired bullet was fired from another firearm
d. The fired bullet was fired from the submitted firearm
108. The basis of cartridge identification as to have been discharged from
a particular firearm.
a. Caliber of the cartridge case
b. Firing pin and breech face marking
c. Lands and grooves marking
d. Magazine clip markings
109. For purposes if identification of the shell, it should be marked in the :
a. Body of the shell
b. Head of the shell
c. Inside the mouth
d. Rim of the shell
110. The accumulation of lead in the bore of a firearm from the passage of
lead shot or bullet is called:
a. Coppering
b. Metal fouling
c. Souvenir bullet
d. Tandem bullet
111. A firearm identification expert or examiner is one who has:
a. Acquired special skill and training
b. Expert in shooting
c. Experienced gun smith
d. Magazine clip markings
112. A conventional .45 M1911A1 caliber pistol is an:
a. Automatic firearm
b. Loading firearm
c. Single shot firearm
d. None of the above
113. The lands and grooves of rifled gun barrel are cut into the bore of the
gun to:
a. Better terminal ballistics
b. Give long life to the barrel
c. Have better chance for identification
114. I t is a body which is free to move, behave and be modified in
appearance, contour, or texture by ambient conditions, substance, or
gravity, by temperature or by air particles.
a. Ballistics
b. Ballistics body
c. Object
d. Projectile
115. An object thrown an initial velocity and acted upon by the earth’s
pull of pull of gravity is known as:
a. Ammunition
b. Parabola
c. Projectile
d. Trajectory
116. All colt firearms, except armalite 5.56 mm – M16 rifle have:
a. 4 lands, 4 grooves, right twist
b. 5 lands, 5 grooves, right twist
c. 5 lands, 5 grooves, left twist
d. 6 lands, 6 grooves, right twist
117. The motion and the distance travelled by the projectile in the air is
known as:
a. Direct motion
b. Parabola
c. Parabolic flight
d. Rotary motion
118. The chemical added to gunpowder during the glazing process gives
the gunpowder its polished appearance.
a. Antimony
b. Granules
c. Graphite
d. Sulfur
119. The importance of individual marks left on bullet by a bun barrel is
useful in directly the:
a. Bullet which caused a total wound
b. Direction from which a shot was fired
c. Gun from which the bullet was fired
d. Person who fired the particular given
120. It is the measurement of the kinetic energy of a bullet as it is expelled
from the barrel of a firearm.
a. Muzzle blast
b. Muzzle energy
c. Muzzled velocity
d. Muzzle length
121. It is the tendency of the objects with mass to accelerate toward each
a. Acceleration
b. Gravitation
c. Terminal velocity
d. Velocity
122. It is the speed at which the gravitational forces pulling it downward
are equal and opposite to the atmospheric drag?
a. Acceleration
b. Muzzle velocity
c. Terminal velocity
d. Windage
123. A sub-field of ballistics that deals with the study of projectiles
behavior from the time its propellant is ignited to the time projectile leaves
the muzzle of the gun.
a. External ballistics
b. Internal ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics
d. Transitional ballistics
124. It is considered the first step of firing a firearm of any sort.
a. Igniting the propellant
b. Loading the firearm
c. Placing the ammunition in the chamber
d. Squeezing the trigger
125. The earliest known firearm invented in the world?
a. Cannon
b. Caplock
c. Flintlock
d. Matchlock
126. It is a kind of gunpowder that is a mixture of sulphur, charcoal and
potassium or sodium nitrate.
a. Black powder
b. Nitrocellulose
c. Nitroglycerine
d. Propellant
127. This is the fastest method of manufacturing a gun barrel.
a. Button rifling
b. Forging
c. Drilling
d. Reaming
128. The part of the barrel where the bullet exits the cartridge and
engages the rifling is called:
a. Bore
b. Freebore
c. Throat
d. None of the above
129. The act of chambering a cartridge that forces a bullet into the rifling
and it is consider the length of the throat:
a. Breech
b. Breech face
c. Crown
d. Free bore
130. It is the muzzle end of a barrel. It is usually either bended or recessed
to protect it from bumps or scratches that might affect accuracy.
a. Breech face
b. Breech lock
c. Crown
d. Free bore
131. Spiral grooves in a bore that are designed to give a spin to a
projectile for greater accuracy and carrying power.
a. Bore
b. Caliber
c. Gauge
d. Rifling
132. What kind of solution is use in the restoration of the serial number of
a firearm?
a. Acid wash
b. Borax solution
c. Etching solution
d. Magnesium soap
133. Most modern barrels are manufactured from a solid metal piece of:
a. Alkali
b. Alloy
c. Aluminum
d. Mercury
134. A hand firearm usually applied to a single and automatic loading
a. Pistol
b. Revolver
c. Sub-machine gun
d. Shotgun
135. One of the following does not belong to the three (3) basic classes of
a. Bullets that are designed for maximum accuracy and varying ranges
b. Bullets that are designed to maximize damage to a target by
penetrating as deeply as possible
c. Bullets that are designed to maximize damage to a target by
deforming to control to depth to which the bullet penetrates
d. Bullets that are designed to explode upon hitting the target
136. He introduced the first test for gunshot residues in 1933 on the
hands which were called dermal nitrate test or paraffin test.
a. Benjamin Robins
b. John Inglis
c. Kijiru Nambu
d. Tomas “Teodoro” Gonzales
137. It is sometimes known as the king of battle. It was derived from a
French word which means to equip.
a. Artillery
b. Cannon
c. Firearm
d. Gun
138. An autoloading firearm generally involves the following except one:
a. Extracting and ejecting the fired cartridge case
b. Obtaining a new cartridge from a clip, magazine or belt, cocking the
hammer or striker
c. Securing new cartridge in the chamber, ready to fire
d. Squeezing the trigger
139. The following are the elements that determine the trajectory of a
projectile except one.
a. Aerodynamics drag
b. Caliber of the projectile
c. Kind of propellant
d. Shape of the projectile
140. This is a theory in terminal ballistics that wounding effect is created
by shock waves in the tissues of the target.
a. Hydrostatic shock
b. Hydrodynamic shock
c. Magnus effect
d. Wound ballistics
141. One of the following is not a synonymous term of a shotgun firearm:
a. Riot gun
b. Repeating gun
c. Scatter gun
d. Trench gun
142. The principles involved in bullet identification is best characterized
a. Every barrel leaves its thumb mark or fingerprint on every bullet fired
on it.
b. No two barrels are microscopically alike or identical as the anterior
surface of the bore or barrels all possess individual and
characteristics markings of their own.
c. When a bullet is fired from a rifle gun barrel, it becomes engraved by
the rifling and this engraving will vary in its minute details with every
individuals firearm. So it happens that the engraved bullet fired from
another barrels. And conversely, the engravings on the bullets fired
from the same barrel will be the same.
d. All of the above
143. The caliber of the shotgun is measured in terms of:
a. Bore diameter
b. Gauge
c. Inch
d. Millimeter
144. This refers to the constriction at the end of the barrel of a shotgun.
a. Choke barrel
b. Paradox barrel
c. Sawn-off barrel
d. Damascus barrel
145. The extremely large caliber of shotgun shells has led to a wide variety
of different ammunition. The standard type include the following except
a. Birdshot
b. Buchshot
c. Pellet
d. Slug
146. An object that packages the bullet and gunpowder into a single
metallic case precisely made fit to the firing chamber of a firearm.
a. Ammunition
b. Cartridge
c. Shell
d. Shot
147. This is special shotgun ammunition that contains hundreds of
aerodynamic darts or needles instead of shots.
a. Birds bomb
b. Cubic shot
c. Flechette
d. Frag-12
148. In Australia, a bold action and lever action shotguns are classified for
purposes of registration and licensing as:
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
149. Pistols with same under of the barrel grooves may be differentiated
by the direction of the twist of the rifling which may either be to the left or
to the right. Of the following statements, the one which can most
accurately be inferred is that:
a. Most pistol have the same number of grooves
b. Pistols with different number of grooves are rifled differently
c. Some pistols have rifling twisted both left and right
d. The direction of the twist of and pistols can either be left or right.
150. Refers to the metal tube of any firearm through which the bullet
passes or travels:
a. Barrel
b. Bore
c. Grip
d. Muzzle
151. It is the main body of the gun that connects the other parts.
a. Barrel
b. Frame
c. Grip
d. Muzzle
152. Auxiliary parts of a firearm are parts that must be removed first
before disassembly of a firearm except.
a. Barrel bushing
b. Front sight
c. Recoil plug
d. Slide stop pin
153. A revolver is the safest firearm to be used by people because”
a. Almost everyone knows something about how to handle it
b. A misfire does not put the revolver out of action
c. It is the safer for inexperience people
d. The mechanism allows the trigger pull to be better
154. This refers to a single cartridge.
a. Ammunition
b. Cartridge
c. Round
d. All of the above
155. The secret of good natural position
a. A relaxed and natural position
b. Firing slowly and carefully
c. Keeping the thumb along the hammer
d. Proper sighting of the target
156. The composition of the triple base smokeless gunpowder.
a. Nitroglycerine, blackpowder and nitrocellulose
b. Nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose and cordite
c. Nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose and guncotton
d. Nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose and nitroguanadine
157. These are marks that are created when cartridges or cartridge cases
are ejected from the action for a firearm.
a. Chamber marks
b. Ejector marks
c. Extractor marks
d. Firing pin marks
158. It is a phenomenon when bullet flight is slightly unstable. The end of
the projectile wobbles before it picks up a smooth flight path.
a. Gyroscopic action
b. Parabola
c. Tailwag
d. Yaw
159. He was the one who championed the development of a legitimate
bullet comparison.
a. Benjamin Robins
b. Calvin Goddard
c. Charles Waite
d. Jean Samuel Pauly
160. What is the best characteristic of comparison microscope?
a. Bullets are compared side by side
b. Bullets are examined one at a time
c. Use for bullet identification
d. Use for firearm identification
161. The best equipment to be used in order to determine if the bullet is
still inside the body of the victim.
a. Infra-red
b. Personal examination of wound
c. Ultra violet rays
d. X-ray
162. In injuries caused by the use of the firearm where there is no gunshot
wound exit, the best explanation that maybe offered is:
a. The bullet is still inside the body of the victim
b. The bullet has exited from one of the normal external orifices
c. The bullet might have undergone a process of disintegration while
inside the body.
d. The bullet did not hit the target.
163. The entrance wound is usually smaller than the bullet because:
a. Edge of the wound is inverted
b. Edge of the wound is diverted
c. The bullet entered the body perpendicularly
d. The human skin is elastic
164. The cardboard disc and wad are found at the embedded wound. The
possible distance of the firer to the victim is:
a. Close range
b. Far range
c. Medium range
d. All of the above
165. This is created when the muzzle touch the skin causing a circular
abrasion due to the gas forced into the tissues pressing the skin up against
the metal.
a. Barrel mark
b. Contact wound
c. Muzzle mark
d. Recoil mark
166. A barrel of a shotgun that is lacking any sort of choke.
a. Choke barrel
b. Cylinder bore
c. Laminated barrel
d. Paradox barrel
167. The description of the amount of gunpowder used in a shotgun
a. Bore equivalent
b. Dram equivalent
c. Gauge equivalent
d. Shot equivalent
168. A propellant which is ignited by a primer flash is converted to gas
under high pressure and it propels the bullet or short charge through the
barrel and on to the target.
a. Gunpowder
b. Priming mixture
c. Shot shell
d. Slug
169. It was called the dynamite era after Swedish chemist Alfred Bernhard
Nobel invented the dynamite explosives.
a. 1799-1800
b. 1833-1895
c. 1864-1866
d. 1867-1955
170. In firearm identification, extractor mark is usually found in what part
of the cartridge case?
a. Base
b. Extracting groove
c. Land
d. Primer cup
171. It is an English unit of weight which refers to the weight of the bullet.
a. Gram
b. Grain
c. Milligram
d. Pound
172. It refers to a kind of firing pin where the hammer and firing pin act as
one unit.
a. Hammer pin
b. Needle gun
c. Serpentine
d. Striker
173. He is credited of inventing the first successful metallic cartridge in
a. Augustus Demondion
b. Patrick Perguson
c. Paul Mauser
d. Wilhelm Breneke
174. An American gun inventor born in 1883 who developed the first
entirely automatic machine gun that gained worldwide acceptance.
a. Alexander John Forsyth
b. Edward Munier Boxer
c. Hiram Stevens Berdan
d. Hiram Maxim
175. A bullet with hard steel core and that are fired to vehicles and
armored target in general.
a. Armor piercing bullet
b. Ball bullet
c. Incendiary bullet
d. Tracer bullet
176. It is process of making smooth bore barrels after drilling process of
the inside of the barrel was done.
a. Cutting
b. Drilling
c. Reaming
d. Lapping
177. One of the following best characterizes the principle governing
firearm identification.
a. Gunshot wound exit is generally larger than the gunshot wound
b. No two barrels are microscopically identical as the surface of their
bores all posses individual characteristics markings.
c. The bullet is made slightly bigger than the barrel the meant to fit so
they get marked as they travel along the barrel.
d. The longer the barrel, the greater the acceleration.
178. This is a process in built examination where two bullets are arranged
so that they are examined at the same level, same direction and same
image specification under the ballistic microscope.
a. Bullet comparison
b. Bullet identification
c. Juxtaposition
d. All of the above
179. It is the current ballistic fingerprinting network operated by the ATF.
a. Bulletproof
b. Drugfire
c. Integrated ballistic identification system (IBIS)
d. National integrated ballistic information network (NIBIS)

180. This is king of test which determines the amount of force needed to
discharge a firearm.
a. Accidental discharge test
b. Full-auto conversion test
c. Function test
d. Trigger pull test

181. The two most important things that manufacturers of a firearm

consider in producing a bullet.
a. Materials and kinds of metal
b. Penetration and expansion
c. Shape and length
d. Weight and diameter
182. The part of the rifle the leaves distinctive marks on the projectile.
a. Ejector
b. Extractor
c. Firing pin
d. Rifling
183. This is very helpful to a firearm examiner in determining the caliber
of firearm.
a. Diameter and weight of the bullet
b. Kinds of bullet
c. Materials used in bullet test
d. Shape of the bullet
184. A kind of gunshot residue test that determines the presence of lead
in the hands of the firer.
a. Frye test
b. griess or walker test
c. paraffin test
d. sodium rhodizonate test
185. The caliber of a firearm express in millimeter belongs to:
a. American system
b. English system
c. European system
d. French system
186. People vs. Nepomuceno (309 SCRA 1999) was a case decided by the
Supreme Court that was all about:
a. Illegal possession of firearm
b. Illegal possession of unlicensed firearm
c. Illegal sale of firearm
d. Illegal manufacture of firearm
187. What was the recent statutory law on firearms and explosives
amending P.D. 1866 which was approved on June 6, 1997?
a. Act No. 2711
b. R.A. 482
c. R.A. 8294
d. R.A. 1728
188. Unlicensed firearm no longer simply means a firearm without a
license duly issued by lawful authority. It also means:
a. A firearm purchase illegally
b. A firearm used in a crime scene
c. Firearm with expired license
d. No permit to carry firearm outside residence
189. An instrument used for the purpose of recovering a test bullet fired
from a suspected firearm for comparison with the questioned bullet.
a. Caliper
b. Helixometer
c. Onoscope
d. Recovery box
190. An instrument used to determine similarities or dissimilarities
between the evidence shell or bullet and the test shell or bullet.
a. Comparison microscope
b. Helixometer
c. Onoscope
d. Ostroboscope
191. When the draws of a revolver is completed, the index finger should:
a. Be inside the trigger guard
b. Be straighten along the barrel guard
c. Grasp the stock
d. Touch the outside of the trigger
192. Rifles first appeared towards the end of what century?
a. 12th century
b. 13th century
c. 14th century
d. 15th century
193. It is firing of a firearm aimed at a person, without, however the
intention to kill that person but to frighten the offended party. This is
punished under the Revised Penal Code article 254.
a. Accidental firing
b. Discharge of firearm
c. Illegal discharge of firearm
d. Indiscriminate firing
194. What kind of a shotgun barrel is capable of producing wider pellets
a. Less choke barrel
b. More choke barrel
c. Paradox barrel
d. Unchoke barrel
195. What kind of shotgun barrel is capable of producing a tighter pellets
a. Less choke barrel
b. More choke barrel
c. Paradox barrel
d. Unchoke barrel
196. What is the best characteristics of a gunshot wound entry?
a. It is usually larger than the exist
b. It does not manifest a characteristics shape
c. With diverted edges
d. The gunshot wound entry is oval or circular
197. What mark is found on the bullet after it passes the gun barrel of a
a. Mark of the firing pin
b. Mark from the breechblock
c. Mark from the extractor
d. Rifling mark
198. Small firearms are those that propel projectiles of less than one inch
diameter. It has a muzzle velocity of not more than:
a. 800 feet per second
b. 1,400 feet per second
c. 2,500 feet per second
d. 5,000 feet per second
199. The fragment of shells that caused injury after explosion of pill box,
bombs, grenades and mines.
a. Aluminum fragments
b. Metal fragments
c. Projectiles
d. Shrapnels
200. A high-powered firearms usually have a muzzle velocity of about:
a. 800 feet per second
b. 1,400 feet per second
c. 2,500 feet per second
d. 5,000 feet per second
201. The most common material used in the manufacture of non-jacketed
a. Aluminum
b. Copper
c. Lead
d. Metal
202. What is the most common material used in the manufacture of
jacketed bullet?
a. Aluminum
b. Copper
c. Lead
d. Metal
203. It refers to the effect of air drags on a bullet’s flight and can be used
to predict any particular bullet trajectory under any circumstances.
a. Aerodynamic
b. Ballistic coefficient
c. Ballistic body
d. Ballistic test
204. The part of the bullet where caliber of a firearm or bullet diameter is
a. Base
b. Cannelure
c. Nose
d. Ogive
205. Glass, woods, garments or even papers, may influence the path,
shape and fragmentation of projectiles. These are targets which are called.
a. Accidental targets
b. Intermediate targets
c. Primary targets
d. Terminal targets
206. If a bullet is recovered from the crime scene from a body of a victim,
it may be compared to bullets obtained by test firing the suspected
weapon. Test firing is done by using what kind of ammunition?
a. Recovered ammunition
b. Similar ammunition
c. Consecutive test ammunition
d. Comparison test ammunition
207. What test is used to detect the type of bullet composition (jacketed
or not) used in a firearm:
a. Dermal nitrate test
b. Dithiioxamide test
c. Napthalamine test
d. Sodium rhodizonate test
208. What method of analysis is used to detect the composition of a bullet
even if a victim is buried for several years?
a. Neutro Activation Analysis (NAA)
b. Proton – Induced X-ray Wmission (PIXE)
c. Polyvinyl-alcohol (PVAL)
d. Spark Source Mass Spectrometry (SSMS)
209. The elevated portion of the rifling in a fire arm:
a. Bore
b. Groove
c. Land
d. Pitch
210. A discipline of forensic science which has its primary concern to
determine if a bullet, cartridge case and other ammunition component was
fired from a particular firearm.
a. Criminalistics
b. Firearms analysis
c. Firearm identification
d. Toolmark examinations
211. A firearm that is pointed to the target rather than sighted.
a. Pistol
b. Rifle
c. Revolver
d. Shotgun
212. They are credited for the invention of gunpowder.
a. Americans
b. Arabs
c. Chinese
d. Europeans
213. The American calls it as the great equalizers for terrorist.
a. Explosives
b. Gunpowder
c. Time bomb
d. Firearms
214. One of the following is not an example of an electronic weapon:
a. Cop killer
b. Shot batton
c. Stun gun
d. Stunner
215. The colloquial term for bullet:
a. Bala
b. Projectile
c. Slug
d. Shot
216. The revolving part of a revolver that contains the chambers:
a. Cylinder
b. Cylinder gap pivot pin
c. Pivot pin
d. Yoke
217. One of the following is not a condition involved in internal ballistics.
a. Energy is generated
b. Engraving of the cylindrical surface of the bullet
c. Fragment of projectile
d. The gas pressure of generated by the Ignition of propellant
218. The effects of gravitation are conditions covered under what
interrelated fields of ballistics.
a. External ballistics
b. Internal ballistics
c. Transitional ballistics
d. Terminal ballistics
219. One of the elements that does not determine the trajectory of
a. Shape of projectile
b. Caliber of projectile
c. Weight of projectile
d. Metal composition of projectile
220. In wound ballistics, this refers to the tissue displaced as the bullet
passes through the body of the victim.
a. Cavitation
b. Permanent cavitation
c. Temporary cavitation
d. Wounding effect
221. This refers typically to the gunshot wound as exit hole left by the
a. Cavitation
b. Permanent cavitation
c. Temporary cavitation
d. Wounding effect
222. This is the side of the bullet that is in contact with the inner surface
of the barrel.
a. Core
b. Ogive
c. Periphery
d. Tail
223. What is the constant value of the acceleration of projectile due to
a. 9.80 m/s2
b. 9.81 m/s2
c. 9.82 m/s2
d. 9.83 m/s2
224. It is a stable material that upon proper stimulation, rapidly changes
from solid or liquid into hot gases. The pressure exerted on the surrounding
material by the expanding gas constitutes an explosion.
a. Bomb
b. Explosive
c. Gunpowder
d. Primer
225. The first one to conceive the idea of using detonating charge in a
small arm by percussion.
a. Alexander John Forsyth
b. Benjamin Thompson
c. Harold Eugene Edgerton
d. Sir Charles Wheatstone
226. He is widely known as the father of modern ballistics?
a. Alexander Lacassagne
b. Benjamin Robins
c. Calvin Goddard
d. Isaac Newton
227. This is a part of a cartridge case that serves as the base:
a. Case
b. Primer
c. Primer pocket
d. Rim
228. It is the name given to a number of gunpowder used in firearms
which produce negligible smoke when fired.
a. Black powder
b. Dynamite
c. Magnum powder
d. Smokeless powder
229. If you are a ballistician who first arrive at the crime scene, you’re
starting point of your inquiry or investigation starts at:
a. The location of the slug
b. The internal ballistics of the case
c. The victim
d. The firearm that was use
230. In a crime involving the use of firearm, the possible weapon that was
used when there is no cartridge case at the crime scene is:
a. Pistol
b. Revolver
c. Rifle
d. Shotgun
231. It was known as the first smokeless gunpowder invented in 1886 by a
French chemist Paul Marie Eugene Vieille. (It was made of collodion and
a. Ballistite
b. Cordite
c. Nitrocellulose
d. Poudre b
232. The microscopic examination of a bullet is:
a. Conformity test
b. Physical test
c. Physiological test
d. Scientific test
233. The source of energy that forces a bullet out from the gun barrel.
a. Barrel
b. Gunpowder
c. Primer
d. Rifling
234. What is the most reliable basis of bullet identification on the point of
view of a firearm examiner?
a. Lands and grooves marks
b. Miscellaneous marks
c. Miscellaneous and shaving marks
d. Skid marks
235. Shaving marks found on fired bullet is caused by the:
a. Delayed combustion of the gun powder
b. Improper alignment of the chamber of the cylinder with the breech
of the barrel
c. Oversized bullet
d. Weak firing blow
236. The conventional cal. 45 M1911A1 pistol is designed for better
performance and:
a. Accuracy
b. Penetration
c. Killing
d. Stopping power
237. The original and source of firearm may be determined through the
class characteristics and individual characteristics of the gun. It can also be
determined thru:
a. Bore diameter
b. Lands and grooves
c. Nominal caliber
d. Serial number and name of the manufacturer
238. The barrel of firearms especially conventional pistols and revolvers
can be changed and exchanged with other barrels to avoid identification.
This process is called:
a. Lapping
b. Reaming
c. Rifling
d. Swapping
239. A kind of bullet without a piercing copper.
a. Conical bullet
b. Jacketed bullet
c. Naked lead bullet
d. Wad cutter bullet
240. The basis of a positive conclusion in bullet examination that projectile
was fired from a particular firearm.
a. Class characteristics
b. Direction of twist
c. Individual characteristics
d. Rifling
241. The primary purpose of grooving the bore of a gun barrel is to have:
a. Good basis for identification
b. Part of the barrel
c. Spin the bullet for better trajectory
d. Style of the manufacturer
242. The relative position and distance of the assailant and the victim may
established in shooting cases by the presence of gun powder residues on
the victim wound or clothing. The presence of gunpowder residues on the
victim is an indication that the distance is:
a. Far range
b. Closed range
c. 10 feet
d. All of the above
243. It takes place when a bullet is moving with a motion of translation
accompanied by a motion of rotation less than what is provided for by the
a. Marking
b. Stripping
c. Shaving
d. Wobbling
244. What is the first step of making a rifled barrel in a firearm?
a. Broaching
b. Drilling
c. Lapping
d. Reaming
245. The smokeless gunpowder developed by Dr. Fred Olson in the early
1900 where the Nitrocellulose is agitated and dispersed in a solution which
is insoluble.
a. Black powder
b. Ball powder
c. Ballistite
d. Gun cotton
246. A bullet when it strikes a target is designed to open up expanding its
surface area as much as twice the original diameter of the bullet. This
expansion is typically called:
a. Fragmentation
b. Mushrooming
c. Penetration
d. Stopping power
247. A bullet designed to have a cavity
a. Conical bullet
b. Hollow point bullet
c. Square nose bullet
d. Wadcutter bullet
248. Which of the following conditions does not change the shot pattern
of shots fired from a shotgun?
a. Barrel choke
b. Range
c. Shot size
d. Shotgun shell
249. In conducting a test fire, how many test bullets are required for
bullet examination and comparison?
a. 2 bullets
b. 3 bullets
c. 4 bullets
d. 5 bullets
250. In a crime incident involving the use of firearm, which is the most
important and reliable evidence for purposes of firearm identification?
a. Bullet
b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder residue
d. Shot wad
251. A bullet which is evidence of an act or deed, the nature of which
makes it desirable to obtain information relating to the identity of the
firearm form which it was fired, it is called evidence bullet. In homicide
cases, the evidence bullet is often referred as:
a. Confirmatory bullet
b. Identified bullet
c. Mortal or fatal bullet
d. Test bullet
252. What is the famous term for home-made shotgun?
a. Paltik
b. Popgun
c. Pugakang
d. Sumpak
253. This is a process where the gun barrel is aligned with the principle
axis of the aircraft and commonly the aiming device is aligned with the gun
a. Aiming
b. Bore sighting
c. Parallax
d. Snipping
254. He is a gun designer and inventor who produced the first practical
a. Eliphalet Remington
b. John C. Garand
c. Oliver F. Winchester
d. Henry Derringer
255. This is the equipment used as body armor for protection during
military or police operation.
a. Bullet proof vest
b. Battle dress attire
c. Sniper scope
d. Stun gun
256. A tubular metallic or non-metallic container which holds together the
bullet, gunpowder and the primer?
a. Cartridge
b. Shell
c. Slug
d. A and b only
257. Functions of cartridge case are basically the same whether it is fired
from a revolver, pistol, rifle shotgun or machine gun:
a. It serves as means the bullet, gunpowder and primer are assembled
into unit.
b. It serves as a waterproof container for the gunpowder
c. It prevents the escape of the gases to the rear as the sidewalls of the
cartridge case are forced against the walls of the chamber by the
pressure. It serves as a gas seal at the breach end of the barrel.
d. It causes the projectile to go into flight once fired
258. Marks that are found on bullet fired from a revolver, these marks are
found more or less on the anterior portions of the fired bullets from the
chamber before it initially rotate as required by the rifling inside the gun
a. Groove marks
b. Land marks
c. Skid marks
d. Stripping marks
259. He introduced the comparison microscope as indispensable tool of a
modern firearm examiner.
a. Alphose Bartilon (1853 – 1914)
b. Alberts Osbom (1858 – 1946)
c. Calvin Goddard (1891 – 1955)
d. Mathieu Orfila (1787 – 1853)
260. The latest model of firearms have a class characteristics of:
a. 5 lands and 5 grooves
b. 6 lands and 5 grooves
c. 6 lands and 6 grooves
d. 8 lands and 8 grooves
261. The sole regulatory agency of the government on firearms and
explosives administration in the Philippines.
a. Civil Security Force Command
b. Firearms and Explosive Office
c. National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee
d. Philippine Explosives Division
262. The kind of firearm license issued to a private individual for his
personally owned firearm, and to security agencies or company guard
forces for firearm to be used by their security guards.
a. Long regular license (LRL)
b. Regular license (RL)
c. Special permit (SP)
d. Short regular license (SRL)
263. The manufacturer or company name given to an Armalite M-16
military rifle?
a. AR-10
b. AR-12
c. AR-14
d. AR-15
264. Bullets that are similar and lighter designed purposely to increase
range and penetration.
a. Blunt – nose bullets
b. Dumdum bullets
c. Incendiary bullets
d. Spitzer slugs
265. All jacketed and pointed bullets are designed to be fired from what
kind of firearm?
a. Pistol
b. Revolver
c. Rifle
d. Shotgun
266. What is the examination which determines the angle, the direction of
fire and the location or positioning of a shooter?
a. Gunshot residue examination
b. Shot pattern examination
c. Trajectory analysis examination
d. Ejection patter testing
267. One of the following is not a result of comparison identification. Test
fired and recovered bullet can:
a. Be related to the same weapon
b. Be unrelated to the same weapon
c. Conclusions not be bases upon probabilities in test firing
d. Not to be compared with this type of examination
268. The instrument used to measure the rifling grooves on a spent bullet
for comparison with the one used from the suspect’s weapon:
a. Caliper
b. Groove follower
c. Micrometer
d. Stylus
269. He demonstrated at the University of Lyon in 1889 that a bullet can
be matched to the gun that fired by comparing the grooves on the bullet
with the spiral rifling inside the barrel:
a. Bernard Houllier
b. Henry Shrapnel
c. John Fisher
d. Phillip Gravelle
270. It is an outdoor competitive sport where participant fires shotgun at
targets being catapulted into the air by a mechanical device?
a. Assault firing
b. Marksmanship
c. Stationary firing
d. Trapshooting
271. When you talk about 5.56 mm, the equivalent caliber is:
a. Caliber .223
b. Caliber .32
c. Caliber .38
d. Caliber .45
272. The portion of the cartridge which consists of a brass or gliding metal
cup containing a highly sensitive mixture of chemical compound, which
when struck by the firing pin would detonate or ignite.
a. Anvil
b. Primer
c. Priming mixture
d. Propellant
273. Shot pellets are often loaded in cartridge made of:
a. Brass shot cup
b. Bronze shot cup
c. Paper rolled shot cup
d. Polyethylene plastic shot cup
274. The selection factor of the metal for the gun barrels manufacture is
based on its:
a. Alloy structure
b. Alkali structure
c. Chemical structure
d. Metallurgical structure
275. The firing pin mark is found in the:
a. Anvil
b. Base
c. Groove
d. Primer cup
276. It refers to the lower opening of the chamber that aids ammunition
in going inside the chamber as it slides and picks it up from the magazine
and into the chamber.
a. Breeckrace
b. Breechlock
c. Magazine catch
d. Ramp barrel
277. The ejector mark is usually found in the:
a. Center base
b. Near the rim
c. Near the primer
d. Near the breech
278. Characteristics markings peculiar in a particular firearm and which
are not found in all other firearms. They serve as basis to identify a
particular firearm and characteristics markings which are not found in other
a. Artificial characteristics
b. Class characteristics
c. Individual characteristics
d. Mechanical fingerprints
279. Characteristics markings which are transferred to the bullet during its
passage through the bore of a particular barrel and to the base of the
cartridge case when it explodes in the chamber of the gun.
a. Class characteristics
b. Individual characteristics
c. Manufacturing characteristics
d. Mechanical fingerprints
280. It is a bullet not intended to be used in combat but it is utilized by the
gun manufacturer to test the barrel of a gun.
a. Combat load
b. Lead bullet
c. Proof shot
d. Test bullet
281. A computerized program that compares and catalogues bullets and
shell casings.
a. Ballistics identification system
b. Brasscatcher
c. Bulletproof
d. Ballistic microscope
282. One of the following is the only muzzle loading firearm that is with a
smoothbore barrel characteristic. It was originally a sharpahooter’s
a. Musket
b. Matchlock
c. Rifle
d. Shotgun
283. What is the standard magazine capacity of Colt .45 M-1911A1?
a. 6 rounds
b. 7 rounds
c. 8 rounds
d. 9 rounds
284. What is the muzzle velocity of Colt .45 M-1911A1?
a. 150 m/s
b. 250 m/s
c. 350 m/s
d. 450 m/s
285. What is the effective range of an Armalite M-16 rifle?
a. 400 m
b. 500 m
c. 600 m
d. 700 m
286. If AK-47 rifle is a Russian firearm made, how about Galil rifles?
a. American made
b. British made
c. Israeli made
d. Russian made
287. The firearms in the world that have the most magazine capacity?
a. AK-47 rifles
b. M-16 rifles
c. 9 mm UZI pistols
d. Steyr AUG rifles
288. What is the standard cartridge of an Armalite M-16 military rifle?
a. 5.56 mm
b. 7.62 mm
c. 9 mm parabellum
d. 7.65 mm
289. The second bullet during the bullet test examination is called:
a. Confirmatory test
b. Comparison test bullet
c. Initial bullet test
d. All of the above
290. One of the following is not an example of gunpowder being used in
reloading ammunition.
a. HP38
b. Bullseye
c. ‘Hi-skor” 700-x
d. MFP 2006
291. In an incident involving shotgun, any wads recovered are to be
packaged and sent to the crime laboratory. An examination of the size and
composition of the wads may reveal information about the type of
ammunition used and the:
a. Gauge of the shotgun
b. Kind of gunpowder used
c. King of shot shell
d. Name of the manufacturer
292. The discharged evidence bullets should be marked on the base or the
nose. What is the king of marking being used?
a. Initials
b. Number marking
c. “X” marking
d. All of the above
293. In marking collected physical evidence involving cartridge case, the
shell should be marked:
a. Inside the mouth
b. In the primer
c. On the body of the shell
d. Outside near the open mouth
294. The most popular approach and certainly a most convenient one
from the field investigator’s point of view used in removing gunpowder
a. Application of adhesive tape
b. Paraffin test
c. Swabbing
d. Washing
295. As a rule of thumb, the spread in the pattern made by a 12-gauge
shotgun increased __________ of distance from the target.
a. 1 foot
b. Yard
c. 10 feet
d. 5 yards
296. The visual indication to characterize the gunshot wound hole as
being made by a bullet is a dark ring known as:
a. Bullet wipe
b. Singeing
c. Smudging
d. Tattoing
297. They founded the Armalite Company known for manufacturing
sports guns in 1952:
a. Charles Sullivan and George Dorchester
b. Calvin Goddard and Charles Waite
c. Eugene Stoner and Arthur Miller
d. Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson
298. The other colloquial term for a birdshot cartridge of a shotgun
firearm is:
a. Backshot
b. Proofshot
c. Shot shell
d. Snakeshot
299. The word automatic when it refers to firearms means:
a. Automatic in firing mechanism
b. Automatic in loading mechanism
c. Automatic in trigger mechanism
d. All of the above
300. What is the shape fold characteristic that is located on the top of a
shot shell of a shotgun firearm?
a. Circular
b. Oval
c. Star like
d. Square
301. A colloquial term used to describe the ability of a particular weapon
to stop the action of an individual by means of penetrating ballistic injury.
a. Energy
b. Hydrostatic shock
c. One-shot stop
d. Stopping power
302. This refers to a shotgun which contains three barrels, usually shotgun
barrels of the same gauge and rifle barrel, though the only common theme
is that at least one barrel is a shotgun barrel.
a. Drillings
b. Double barreled
c. Side-by-side
d. True cylinder
303. The last method or process of rifling a barrel which is considered as
the fastest and cheapest. In this process, a slightly undersized bored barrel
is placed around a mandrel that contains a negative image of the entire
length of the rifled barrel.
a. Cutting
b. Button rifling
c. Forging
d. Pressing
304. What are the main forces acting on the projectile during its flight?
a. Caliber and weight
b. Gravity and air resistance
c. Trajectory and parabola
d. Velocity and acceleration
305. He invented in 1920 the helixometer instrument that records the
interior of the gun barrel.
a. Henry Goddard
b. John Fisher
c. Paul Jeserich
d. Victor Balthazard
306. European model firearms are usually referred to in English
measurement as millimeter. In determining the caliber, when you talk of
9mm, the equivalent in caliber is:
a. Caliber .223
b. Caliber .32
c. Caliber .38
d. Caliber .45
307. This refers to a cartridge that produces higher energy which is
expected for its bore size.
a. Dumdum
b. MFP 2006 Power Cartridge
c. Magnum
d. Special cartridge
308. The smallest of all arms which is perhaps more commonly called
a. Artillery
b. Handgun
c. Pocket nine
d. Revolver
309. Revolvers have generally fallen out of favor with police and military
personnel because of their relatively:
a. Antiquated styles
b. Low ammunition capacity
c. Long unloading
d. Range capacity
310. The most common method of loading and unloading a revolver is:
a. Caplock design
b. Swing out cylinder
c. Solid frame
d. Top break
311. The part of thecartridge where the caliber and name of the
manufacturer are placed:
a. Boat fail
b. Cannelures
c. Headstamp
d. Rim
312. The term applied to all homemade guns:
a. Pompom guns
b. Pop guns
c. Sumpak or pugakang
d. Zip guns
313. All kinds of revolvers with solid frame types are with cylinder
mechanisms that are:
a. Break open cylinder
b. Removable
c. Swing out to the right
d. Swing out to the left
314. The part of the gun that was the basis for its name Revolver.
a. Barrel
b. Chamber
c. Cylinder
d. Pivoting yoke
315. How many parts does a cartridge generally have, with all other parts
treated as accessories?
a. (3) three
b. (4) four
c. (5) five
d. (6) six
316. What is the type of firearm that has six lands, six grooves and right
hand twist?
a. Browning
b. Carbine
c. Colt
d. Smith and Wesson
317. A copper jacketed bullet is usually fire from what kind of firearm?
a. Pistol
b. Pistol and revolver
c. Rifle
d. Revolver
318. The pitch or rate of twist of the rifling in a pistol or rifle is called:
a. Land
b. Groove
c. Lead
d. One complete revolution of the bullet
319. What is the actual pattern or curved path traveled by a bullet during
its flight?
a. Motion
b. Penetration
c. Trajectory
d. Velocity
320. What is the most common firearm used by the members of the New
Peoples Army (NPA) of the Philippines?
a. AK-47 rifle
b. MFP M – 2006 rifle
c. Ar-15 rifle
d. M-14 rifle
321. Rifle barrel contain grooves that spin the bullet, making it travel
straight and fast, while shotgun barrel generally are smooth, causing the
pellets to _____ when the gun is fired.
a. Disperse
b. Fragment
c. Penetrate
d. Ricochet
322. A division of forensic ballistics that refers to the work of the firearm
examiner or forensic specialist who examines the collected evidences of
a. Field investigation
b. Legao proceeding
c. Scene of the crime operation (SOCO)
d. Technical examination
323. In its narrowest sense, ballistics means:
a. A science of firearm identification
b. Art of gun identification
c. Ballistae
d. Technique in determining the gun used in crime
324. A fired bullet with five lands and five grooves twisted to the left is
fired from the barrel of a firearm with identical class characteristics as that
of the:
a. Browning
b. Colt
c. Smith and Wesson
d. Steyr
325. They are known as the energetic materials in forensic ballistics.
a. Explosives and propellants
b. Gunpowder and black powder
c. Primers and detonators
d. Priming mixture and anvil
326. Once a barrel has been used extensively, it will develop its own suite
of unique irregularities. In some areas, metal will have worn away. This is
a. Bored out
b. Brisance
c. Corrosion
d. Erosion
327. These are marks that are evident or a result of the barrel being worn
or having been bore out.
a. Forcing cone
b. Slippage marks
c. Skid marks
d. Singeing marks
328. It is a flare at the breech end of a revolver barrel that is intended to
guide the bullet into the rifling?
a. Chamber
b. Forcing cone
c. Muzzle
d. Throat
329. They are known in firearm examinations as bolt – face signatures.
a. Caliber and caliper
b. Firing pin and impressions and breech lock markings
c. Rifling marks
d. Type and make of firearms
330. The term Hair trigger means:
a. Trigger pull less than 1 pound
b. Trigger pull more than 1 pound
c. Trigger pull in 3-4 pounds
d. Trigger pull using human hair
331. One of the following is not an example of explosives:
a. MFP
b. PBX
d. RDX
332. The basis for the measurement of the true caliber of a firearm.
a. Barrel diameter
b. Groove diameter
c. Land diameter
d. Muzzle length
333. Bullets are classified by any of the following characteristics except:
a. Length
b. Material content
c. Penetration
d. Shape
334. This refers to the straight distance between the muzzle of the gun
and the target:
a. Distance
b. Line
c. Range
d. Zero range
335. This refers to the farthest distance the projectile can reach that is
propelled from a firearm.
a. Absolute maximum range
b. Accurate range
c. Maximum effective range
d. Range
336. The most popular, most produced and most used machinegun in the
world is:
a. American AR – 15 M16 rifle
b. German Gewehr 43 rifle
c. Israel UZI – 9mm Parabellum
d. Soviet AK-47 rifle
337. The “Roman candle gun” is best characterized by what kind of
a. Flintlock firearm
b. Muzzle loader
c. Matchlock firearm
d. Wheelock firearm
338. Wheelock action which is a successor to the matchlock was
supposedly invented by an Italian renaissance man in the person of:
a. Benjamin Robins
b. Galileo Galilei
c. John Cantius Garand
d. Leonardo da Vinci
339. As a general rule, the firearm that cannot be equipped with a silencer
a. Pistol
b. Rifle
c. Revolver
d. None of the above
340. A firearm that is favored by law enforcement officers for its low
penetration and high stopping power. Many American households use it as
a home defense weapon for the same reason.
a. Pistol
b. Rifle
c. Revolver
d. Shotgun
341. All ammunitions according to location of primer are classified as:
a. Center-fire cartridge
b. Pin-fire cartridge
c. Rim-fire cartridge
d. All of the above
342. When the primer is struck by the firing pin, it would detonate or
a. Detonation
b. Firing
c. Ignition
d. Percussion
343. The markings of the physical evidence must include the:
a. Chain of possession
b. Date of recovery
c. Initial of the recovering officer
d. All of the above
344. In cases of destroyed or mutilated bullets, the markings should be
made on the:
a. Base
b. Body
c. Cylinder
d. Primer
345. In firearm identification, the gun recovered in the crime scene is
marked in the:
a. Barrel
b. Cylinder
c. Frame
d. All of the above
346. The term commonly referred as the disassembly of firearm:
a. Assembly
b. Disengage
c. Field stripping
d. Mounting
347. When firing a gun, you experience malfunctioning if there is failure to
fire (hammer releases but rifle does not fire). What might be the problem?
a. Defective ammunition
b. Deformed hammer or trigger
c. Dirt or rough chamber
d. Sear broken or worn
348. It is the unintentional cessation of fire of the gun during the firing
a. Malfunction
b. Stop firing
c. Stoppages
d. Sustained firing
349. When a firearm is found at the scene of the crime, the position
investigator should take note of the following pertinent facts about the
firearm. If you are the investigator, you will not include the _____ in your
a. Caliber of the firearm
b. Weight of the firearm
c. Serial number of the firearm
d. Type of the firearm
350. The standard ingredients of black powder are potassium nitrate,
sulphur and charcoal, although their proportions may vary. What is the
percentage of sulphur?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%
For the correct answers, students and examinees are advised to consult their
teachers or may contact the author through his e-mail address:


Pertinent Provisions of the Rev. Adm. Code of 1917

10 March 1917

Sec. 877. “Firearm” defined. – “Firearm”, or “arm”, as herein used, includes rifles,
muskets, carbines, shotguns, revolvers, pistols and all other deadly weapons,
from which a bullet, bal, shot, shell or other missile may be discharged by means
of gunpowder or other explosives. The term also includes air rifles, except such as
being of small caliber and limited range are use as toys. The barrel of any firearm
shall be considered a complete firearm for all the purposes hereof.

Sec. 878. Unlawful manufacture, dealing in, acquisition, disposition or possession

of firearms or ammunition thereof, or instruments or implements used or
intended to be used in the article, it shall be unlawful for any person to import,
manufacture, deal in, receive, acquire, buy, sell dispose of, or possess any firearm,
detached parts of firearms or ammunition thereof, any instrument or implement
used or intended to be used in the manufacture of firearms, parts of firearms or

Sec. 879. Exception as to firearms and ammunition used by military and naval
forces or by peace officers. This article shall not apply to firearms and ammunition
regularly and lawfully issued to officers, soldiers, sailors or marines of the United
States Army and Navy, the Philippine Constabulary, guards in the employment of
the Bureau of Prisons, municipal police, provincial governors, lieutenants and
guards of provincial prisoners and jails, when such firearms are in possession of
such officials and public servants for use in the performance of their official
Sec. 880. Authority of President of the Philippines to permit transfer of arms and
ammunition. The President of the Philippines may, in his discretion, authorize the
sale or transfer of firearms and ammunition by the Bureau of Constabulary to
provincial and municipal authorities upon terms and conditions as may be
prescribed by law.

Sec. 881. Special permit for possession of arms by civil employees. The chief of
the Bureau of the National government may apply to the President of the
Philippines for a special permit for any subordinate official or employee, and the
President of the Philippines may issue, or cause to be issued, such special
permission under such terms and conditions as he may deem proper.

Sec. 882. Issuance of special hunting permits. The Department Head may
authorize the Chief of Constabulary to issue special hunting permits to persons
temporarily visiting the Philippines without requiring a bond or deposit as a
guarantee of security for their arms and ammunition. Such special hunting permit
shall be valid only during the temporary sojourn of the holder in the Philippines,
shall be non-transferable and shall be revocable at the pleasure of the
Department Head.

Sec. 883. License required for manufacturer or dealer in firearms. Any persons
desiring to manufacture or deal in firearms, part of firearms or ammunition
therefore, or instruments or implements used or intended to be used in the
manufacture of firearms, parts of firearms or ammunition shall make application
to the President of the Philippines for license, stating therein the facts regarding
the amount of business in the manufacture or purchase and sale of said articles
intended to be transacted by such applicant intends to manufacture or purchase
and sell under the license applied for, and such additional information as may be
especially requested by the President before passing upon the application. The
President may approve or disapprove such application and, in the event of
approval, shall state therein the amount of the bond to be executed by the
applicant before the issuance of the license and the time during which the license
shall be effective, unless sooner revoked by the authority.
Sec. 884. Issuance of license by the Chief of Constabulary – dealer’s bond.
Upon approval of the application by the President of the Philippines it shall be
transmitted to the chief of constabulary who shall issue the license in accordance
with the terms of the approval of the President of the Philippines.

Sec. 885. Additional license to keep firearms in excess of amount permitted

under original license. If any person, having a dealer’s license, shall, for purposes
of sale, desire to import, buy or otherwise acquire, dispose of, possess or have the
custody of any firearm or ammunition in greater amount than is needed or
described in his license, he must apply and secure a new license.

Sec. 886. Record to be kept by persons doing business under dealer’s license.
Every dealer in firearms or ammunition shall keep complete and accurate records
and accounts of importation and sale of firearms and ammunition, with the name,
age, residence, occupation and post office address of each and every purchaser of
any firearm or firearms and ammunition, and the number and date of the license
or each purchaser for the possession of each firearm purchased by him and the
number of the firearm purchased, together with the amount of character of the
ammunition purchased for each firearm, and such dealer in firearms and counting
and verification of all arms and ammunition remaining on hand, and any refusal
upon the part of all arms and ammunition remaining on hand, and any refusal
upon the part of any such dealer to comply with the provisions of this Section
shall be breach of the condition of the bond executed and delivered by such

Sec. 887. License required for individual keeping of arms for personal use –
Security to be given. Any person desiring to possess one or more firearms for
personal protection or for use in hunting or other lawful purposes only, and
ammunition thereof, shall make application for license to possess such firearm or
ammunition as hereinafter provided. Upon making such application, and before
receiving the license, the applicant shall, for the purpose of security, deposit a
(United States or) Philippine Government bond, or make a cash deposit in the
Postal Savings Bank in the sum of forty pesos for each

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