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Startup Ideas and Technologies for the

Program for Entrepreneurs

The purpose of this document is to provide ideas for students to match with in order to present at the
P4E Kickoff (to attract teammates and meet the advisory team).

Prepared by Howie Rhee

Versioning: July 23, 2010

Startup Ideas and Technologies for the Program for Entrepreneurs ........................................................... 1

"Fixation Yogurt" or "Smooth Yogurt" ...................................................................................................... 6

10 Speed Traveler Website ....................................................................................................................... 8 10

Alteneu Fusion Media ............................................................................................................................. 12

AlumniLoans............................................................................................................................................ 14

Autoextract ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Bamû Hotel & Learning Lab .................................................................................................................... 18

Bump In ................................................................................................................................................... 21

CarBone................................................................................................................................................... 23

Chatty Solutions ...................................................................................................................................... 26

Doggie Foats by Hutch ............................................................................................................................ 29

EatLocal ................................................................................................................................................... 31

Effective Thin-Film Solar Cells ................................................................................................................. 33

Electrothermal devices for acute and chronic pain ................................................................................ 35 ........................................................................................................................................... 37

Energy Efficient Integration Solutions .................................................................................................... 39

Energy Tanks ........................................................................................................................................... 41 44

First Dance .............................................................................................................................................. 46

FizzBin Technologies ............................................................................................................................... 49

Food Composition Scanner ..................................................................................................................... 52

Fun 101 ................................................................................................................................................... 55

Global Students Connect ........................................................................................................................ 57

Home Networking Services ..................................................................................................................... 59

Hospitality Information Support ............................................................................................................. 61

Hudquarters ............................................................................................................................................ 64

imaging technologies .............................................................................................................................. 67

Improv'eat ............................................................................................................................................... 69

INCA Biotech ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Industrial Sustainability Solutions ........................................................................................................... 74

Innovation Logistics ................................................................................................................................ 76

Innovative Book-shelf ............................................................................................................................. 79

Japanese Restaurant ............................................................................................................................... 81 .............................................................................................................................. 82

Jellyfish Art .............................................................................................................................................. 84

KBRT ........................................................................................................................................................ 86

KnowledgeCurrent .................................................................................................................................. 87

LifeDash................................................................................................................................................... 90

Medical Games ....................................................................................................................................... 92

Micro Kinetic Energy Capture ................................................................................................................. 94

Micro-Consulting for North Carolina ...................................................................................................... 96

Micropower............................................................................................................................................. 99

Mobile Mechanics ................................................................................................................................. 101

MoxMe!................................................................................................................................................. 103 ....................................................................................................................................... 108

N/A ........................................................................................................................................................ 110

Neolitics, Inc. ......................................................................................................................................... 112

Newco Addison ..................................................................................................................................... 116

Newco Li ................................................................................................................................................ 119

Newco Narayanaswami ........................................................................................................................ 122

Newco Schaeffer ................................................................................................................................... 124

Newco Sehn .......................................................................................................................................... 127

Nugle ..................................................................................................................................................... 129

NukeLime .............................................................................................................................................. 131

Organizing ............................................................................................................................................. 133

Orphans for EcoTourism! ...................................................................................................................... 135

Oyster Digital Media ............................................................................................................................. 139

PreSport ................................................................................................................................................ 141

Protein diagnostics biotechnology........................................................................................................ 145 148

Red Shift Electronics ............................................................................................................................. 151

Salsa Timoteo ........................................................................................................................................ 154

Seatzard ................................................................................................................................................ 157

self contained percutaneous biopsy system ......................................................................................... 159

Simple Steps Family and Health Center ................................................................................................ 161

SimpleRegistry ...................................................................................................................................... 163

Singapore Advanced Biologics (SABio).................................................................................................. 165

Social Finance For Educational Loans through the Internet ................................................................. 168

Southeast TechInventures .................................................................................................................... 171

SPARK Electric Supercharger................................................................................................................. 173

Stitch Brands ......................................................................................................................................... 175

TECH-Nica.............................................................................................................................................. 177

Umbilical Tube ...................................................................................................................................... 179

universal review .................................................................................................................................... 181

VAMP H2O ............................................................................................................................................ 183

Video-based fitness and athletic web application ................................................................................ 186

Visible Brands ........................................................................................................................................ 190

Wall St. Cheat Sheet.............................................................................................................................. 192

Watu Research ...................................................................................................................................... 194

WholeVisit Health ................................................................................................................................. 197

Wine CLub ............................................................................................................................................. 199

YouRock, Inc. ......................................................................................................................................... 200

"Fixation Yogurt" or "Smooth Yogurt"

In about 10 words: Yogurt franchise built to create an addictive experience for customers

Vertical: Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line), Consumer Marketing (includes

consumer products and services)

Your Name: Melvin Hines, Jr.

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 229-395-5905

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/20/2010 8:54:31 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

There currently are very few yogurt chains within the United States. The largest chain has less than 50
stores. Based upon my team's research, nearly all the stores focus on two key messages: (1) it brings you
back to being a kid again, and (2) it is good for you.

My idea is to create a franchise that builds upon an experience for the customer. Like Starbuck's Coffee,
this unique experience will cause even those who have not generally tried yogurt in the past to want to
come in on a daily or weekly basis.

Other ideas I have focus on trade dress, and holding down labor costs so that the yogurt will be priced
competitively while offering a better experience.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The idea behind my franchise would be to create an "experience" that causes people to want to come
and stay. Almost like Starbuck's Coffee. Other yogurt companies merely focus on the yogurt being
"good for you" or having some sort of childhood design. My focus is to make people want to come here,
even if they have never tried yogurt before.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The idea is to quickly build a franchise with enough strength within the Triangle to eventually spread
throughout the state, and potentially even further. Because there are no major national chains, the
market is wide and previous local entrants have been relatively successful.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Melvin Hines and potentially one other person

Name of the key contact: Melvin Hines

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 229-395-5905

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

I had a head start last spring on finding out the intial costs, as well as some great locations. However, the
idea fell through when the investors decided to graduate and leave instead.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Funding, Support, Available Locations within the area

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Less than one year

Anything else you'd like to mention:


10 Speed Traveler Website

In about 10 words: Website for outdoor enthusiasts who like to travel

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Michael Fitzpatrick

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 210 862-4480

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 5/11/2010 10:56:06 PM

Brief description of the business idea: is a website for outdoor enthusiasts who like to travel. There are links to
restaurants, outdoor gear shops and outdoor activity locations, e.g. Mt Baker ski mountain with the
ability to create an itinerary, etc.

With the advent of smartphones, I would like to transform the website into a mobile application for an
iphone or equivalent. Users would be able to immediately access and update the website while on

Funding would be provided through niche marketing and sponsorships like REI.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

If you are interested in traveling to Asheville, NC to go hiking, no single point website exists to find an
outdoor shop w/ maps, a recommended restaurant, and where to go hiking. You would have to visit
multiple sites that serve the greater public. Although this website specifically addresses a niche market,
it would allow you an easy opportunity to find the above answers through a medium of like-minded

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Converting the website to a mobile application will allow customers to take advantage of it on road
trips, travel, etc.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

I have created the website.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

I paid a company to create the graphic interfaces and functionality of the company, I am currently the
only one involved.

Name of the key contact: Michael Fitzpatrick

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 210 862-4480

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The website works, no outstanding debt.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

1. converting the website to a mobile application - I am not skilled in this capacity.

2. Determining if any type of exclusivity is required for users who are permitted to 'edit/update' the site.
For example, do we want anyone to be able to add a restaurant, or do you have to first 'friend' the site
on facebook?

3. Marketing - again, I have no skill in this. There is ample opportunity for regional marketing and space
has been integrated into the website to allow for future one-line advertisements. How do we approach
local retailers like a local hotel, and how do we approach national sponsors like REI or Outside

4. I think a neat opportunity exists to push different filters that emphasize environmental causes like an
organic or vegetarian restaurant.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Depends on the ability to convert the website to a mobile application.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I would love to work with someone or a group of people passionate about outdoor sports, passionate
about the environment, and hopefully skilled in the IT side.


In about 10 words: Vet investments and investors, and guide them toward mutually profitable

Vertical: Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line), Financial Services

Your Name: Jim Thomas

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-225-1784

How'd you hear about us? : Matthew Nash of CASE

Timestamp: 6/3/2010 10:53:32 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Identify mid-sized businesses in East Africa that provide profitable investment opportunities. I am most
interested in African companies that have triple bottom line mindset and which, with the help of
investment, will create more jobs.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We overcoming risks of investment in Africa by removing some of the unknowns. With our knowledge of
and networks in Africa, we are able to screen for reputable and well run companies; and help both the
Africans and the investors navigate the cultural differences.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

In an initial market analysis, we see that we may stand alone in filling a large business niche. First, we
stand between micro-enterprise (e.g., road-side stand) and macro-enterprise (e.g.,
telecommunications). Mid-sized businesses (e.g., a one-stop wedding supplies business) in Africa are an
untapped investment opportunity. Second, we provide a means to overcome the cultural distances and

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Initially, will operate as a subsidiary of, a fully functional nonprofit that
supports African-founded and led nonprofits. has a trademark on the name Africa Rising.
(see We also own several africarising domain names (.org, .us, .info, but not

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Jim Thomas, founder and president of; founder of

Jess Shorland, active volunteer helping to form a business plan.

Mary Muhara, East African liaison (salaried) for Mary is based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Name of the key contact: Jim Thomas

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-225-1784

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

We are conducting Initial market research. I have identified an initial African company to invest in and a
likely investor. Through these two, we are working out the steps of a prototypical investment

Jess Shorland has a grant for developing business ideas. She is devoting a portion of those funds to
development of the business.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The greatest barrier is negative preconceptions of Africa among Western investors. Another may be
inexperience of African business people relating to foreign investors.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The initial prototype investment could be finalized in a few months. With adequate resources, the
business could be fully functional by the end of 2010. More likely, it will be fully functional by summer

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I am traveling to Uganda an Kenya June 16-30. if there is anything you would like me to look into while I
am there, please let me know before the 16th.

Alteneu Fusion Media


Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Jarred Myers

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: +27724609577

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 2:39:32 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Alteneu Fusion Media (AFM) is a hybrid marketing communication combining traditional media with
multiple product giveaways.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

AFM targets this sweet spot by advertising single or multiple products with different target markets per
display. The products are part of a giveaway; all the entrant needs to do is contact the marketer and
register their details. As a “payment” for entry the customer agrees to view/listen to a 30 second
advertisement on the product. For every specified number of entries a product is given away thus
encouraging participation.

When the customer enters subsequent competitions the system profiles him/her and communicates
additional promotional products available in the customers region based on previous competition

This gradually creates an accurate purchasing profile.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Marketing benefits achieved:

1. increased brand awareness in the target market

2. pitching the product in a distraction free environment

3. creating a desire for the product

4. stimulating hope of ownership

5. improving the brand image in the eyes of its target market through the endowment effect

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Jarred Myers-Inventor

Name of the key contact: Jarred Myers

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: +27724609577

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Technology back-end

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Progressive integration

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Bottom line

1. A standard revenue is achieved for the initial display advertisement

2. A second revenue is achieved for the 30 second promo

3. An additional revenue is obtained for the follow-up referral ( either from the original advertiser
or from a competitor)

4. Bonus income is generated from the local retailer selling the advertisers product (similar to the
Google adwords auction system)


In about 10 words: AlumniLoans seeks to connect graduate students in business, law, and medicine
with alumni of their universities through an innovative and self-sustaining lending model.

Vertical: Financial Services

Your Name: Marc Reiners

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 206.849.5445

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email, An email from Howie

Timestamp: 7/19/2010 12:56:04 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

AlumniLoans will offer cost effective student loans to graduate students at rates considerably lower than
private loans and/or Graduate PLUS loans. AlumniLoans aims to align incentives for the university,
currently enrolled graduate students, and university alumni in an innovative way that creates win-win
scenarios for all parties.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

AlumniLoans is creating an innovative and self-sustaining lending model for student loans. Students
have the opportunity to borrow at favorable interest rates that are lower than private bank loans or
graduate PLUS loans, and at the same time form meaningful connections with alumni of their
universities. Alumni have an opportunity to invest in current graduate students and help subsidize their
tuition while also earning a reasonable ROI and having the opportunity to engage and mentor current
students. The university has a self-sustaining lending model that more closely connects alumni with
current graduate students. The proposed lending model can rapidly scale to multiple departments
within a university as well as multiple universities.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Graduate students have a more cost effective option for student loans, as AlumniLoans provides student
loans at lower interest rates than are available from private banks or through graduate PLUS loans. In
addition, students benefit from connecting to school alumni and mentors.

Alumni have an opportunity to connect with current students and provide mentorship and guidance,
while earning a reasonable return on their financial investment.

The university has an innovative, self-sustaining lending model to offer their graduate students and a
new way to engage with alumni.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Need to further research whether there could be an opportunity to file a business process patent for
this concept.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Only the founder at this time, a 2nd year Fuqua MBA student.

Name of the key contact: Marc Reiners

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 206.849.5445

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Currently in bootstrap mode. Have sketched out a rough business model and started preliminary
research to determine feasibility of the idea. Have also started test marketing the idea with select
alumni from various universities to gauge interest level. Initial research and test marketing has produced
positive results.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The greatest challenge is raising sufficient investor capital to launch and grow the business. AlumniLoans
needs to reach a critical mass of student loans in order to cover operating expenses. That being said, the
total addressable market for graduate student loans is massive.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Looking to start a pilot program with a university and begin lending to a small number of graduate
students in the Fall 2011 timeframe.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

If you are passionate about changing the existing student loan model in order to make loans available at
more competitive rates while at the same time establishing a closer link between current graduate
students and alumni, please contact me for more info.


In about 10 words: To commercialize a medical device for minimally invasive surgery.

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Ziad Mohamed

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 770-866-2136

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/27/2010 6:56:53 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

To develop and commercialize a medical device that allows surgeons to remove tissues from the body in
a standardized minimally invasive way, regardless of their size, composition, number, type of procedure
(endoscopically or open), or surgical skill.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Current technologies require the surgeon to capture, control, and remove tissue, repeatedly. This
results in a time-consuming process that requires a great deal of precision at the end of laborious and
time-consuming procedure. With this new technology the surgeon would need to capture, control, and
remove tissue only once. The process would essentially change from a batch flow to a continuous flow,
allowing much shorter procedure times. Furthermore with this system, gas does not need to be
insufflated into the body cavity, in order to operate safely. This enables the use in minimally invasive
open surgery.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Any endoscopic medical procedure that ends in "-ectomy" i.e. any procedure that involves the removal
of something from a body cavity.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

1 patent pending for method and apparatus.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Ziad Mohamed

Name of the key contact: Ziad Mohamed

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 770-866-2136

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

-Some prototyping has been completed.

-All funding has been by the inventor.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Money, money, and money.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

1-2 years post first round of funding.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I am looking for 1 or 2 other Fuqua students that are interested in this idea. Ideally, they would have an
interest in finance and/or marketing.

Bamû Hotel & Learning Lab

In about 10 words: Bamû Hotel & Learning Lab is an eco-friendly lodging and educational enterprise
catered to culturally curious students, tourists, and adventurers travelling in Brazil.

Vertical: Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line)

Your Name: Beatriz E. Rodriguez

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.599.8757

How'd you hear about us? : Virginia Steinmetz, Director-Duke Graduate Students Career Services

Timestamp: 6/29/2010 8:42:14 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

In recent decades, Brazil has emerged as an economic powerhouse. It is projected that by 2020 Brazil
will become one of the world’s five biggest economies along with China and the United States. Political
stability, entrepreneurship, private sector innovation, and social investment have played a pivotal role
Brazil’s renaissance.

Across the world, business leaders and travelers are taking notice of Brazil’s growing importance in the
world’s stage and are beginning to expand their economic and social ties to the country. Interest in
Brazil’s new identity and the country’s rich and diverse culture is positively affecting the tourist industry.

The country had 5 million visitors in 2008 and ranked as the main travel destination in South America.
Two future events will magnify the growth of the industry, the FIFA Soccer World Cup to be celebrated
in 2014 and The Olympics scheduled to take place in 2016.

Salvador is the third largest city in Brazil and it is one of the country’s most important ports and
international trading centers. Tourism is an important sector of the city’s economic development.
Salvador is the second most popular tourist destination in Brazil. In 2005, it received 2.5 million visitors.
Its historic city center has been declared a World Heritage Site and its syncretism of African and
Portuguese cultural practices make it one of the most vibrant cities in Brazil.

Bamû Hotel & Learning Lab is a lodging and educational company that leverages the surge in
international tourism to Brazil with a keen focus in the city of Salvador. Bamû Hotel & Learning Lab
offers two distinct sets of services. First, Bamû Hotel is an eco-friendly lodge and a learning space
equipped with cultural amenities such as art studios, instruments and supplies. At the hotel, guests can
enjoy hands-on training in a diverse array of traditional and contemporary artistic expressions of

Salvador. Second, Bamû Learning Lab designs and coordinates educational experiences for travelers,
such as service-learning, language instruction, and summer programs, that seek to support and
empower host communities and encourage travelers and students to take part, learn from, and
appreciate local cultural expressions and customs.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Using a business model that leverages best practices in the for-profit and non-profit sectors, such as fair
trade principles, inclusive Human Resources practices, and care for the environment, Bamû Hotel &
Learning Lab. leverages tourism generated revenue to benefit the community of Salvador de Bahia in
the Northeastern littoral of Brazil.

Bamû Hotel & Learning Lab will create positive and measurable impact in Salvador, Brazil by
implementing social development model that will:

- Employ and provide competitive wages and training to chronically underemployed and/or
unemployed women heads-of-household and young adults in the city of Salvador, Brazil.

- Adopt a sustainable economy model by doing business local farms, merchants, small businesses,
and cultural workers.

- Build and operate an ecologically responsible and sustainable hotel infrastructure that will
utilize alternative power sources, safe water and waste management, biodegradable certified cleaning
products, among other green initiatives.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Beatriz E. Rodriguez-Balanta

Name of the key contact: Beatriz E. Rodriguez-Balanta

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919.599.8657

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

2 yrs.

Anything else you'd like to mention:


Bump In

In about 10 words: rideshare technology

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Augie Phillips

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 415-699-8193

How'd you hear about us? : friend Young Yang ( unsure if he is an alum )

Timestamp: 5/31/2010 7:37:32 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

A Green Buisness- rideshare enabling with fuel compensation

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Nothing like it that i've seen

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Green living, cheap transportation, money savings, pr for gas companies.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Me - Augie Phillips

Name of the key contact: augie phillips

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 415 699-8193

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Only an idea. No work on funding to date. I have no experience with start ups, or funding.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

advertising, funding,some tech but not pioneering new areas

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Could be quite fast. The technology may be off the shelf.

Funding, marketing and launching are the real challenges.

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: The creation of porous carbon electrodes from waste animal bone

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Kenny Gould

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 704-975-8612

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/5/2010 2:21:40 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

CarBone recycles waste animal bone by converting it into porous carbon electrodes for use in oxygen
batteries and modern electronics. The process retains a portion of the bone’s phosphates, which can
then be sold to back to the ceramics and fertilizer industries (the only current use for bone).

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

CarBone’s process is novel. More importantly, however it is extremely relevant to a variety of

electrochemical applications. The chief application is the production of porous carbon electrodes.
Porous carbon electrodes are often used in energy storage devices, ranging from simple lithium-based
batteries to more complex mechanisms using superconducting technologies. Use of energy storage
devices that utilize porous carbon electrodes is expected to increase substantially in the next five years.
CarBone makes the production of these electrodes both more efficient and more sustainable. Efficiency
arises from the absence of expensive precious metals in CarBone’s process, which are common in the
artificial creation of porous electrode material. Sustainability obviously comes from CarBone’s ‘recycling
nature’; the process uses waste material to turn a carbon intensive process into a more environmentally
friendly one. Hence, the technology appeals to both the profit and sustainability motives of firms
producing energy storage devices.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

One application for graphitized bone is in superconductors. Graphitized bone, modified with an
electrochemical catalyst, can take the place of the porous carbon electrode found in superconductors.
Today, superconductors as used in MRI and NMR machines, as well as in digital circuits and maglev
trains. They also have emerging application in the large batteries used in hybrid cars. Future demand for

superconductors is expected to increase substantially as they are put into use in electric cars, power
storage devices, smart grids, and transformers.

Another desirable application for graphitized bone is in rechargeable batteries. Sony released the
commercial lithium ion battery used today in 1991. However, at the rate technology is currently
evolving, the 19-year-old chemistry is out of date. The way of the future is the oxygen battery, the more
efficient predecessor of the lithium ion battery. The oxygen battery is ten times lighter than the lithium
ion battery, and can pull oxygen straight from the air. Graphitized bone mimics the porous carbon
electrode that makes oxygen batteries work.

There are a multitude of future applications for porous carbon electrodes: superconductors and
rechargeable batteries are just two valid options.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Currently, the technology asset only extends to ownership over the material creating process, as full
research and development (primarily electrochemical testing) for the technology is unfinished. CarBone
is on track to finish research and development of the technology and secure final domestic intellectual
property by Spring 2011.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Our team currently consists of co-founder and inventor David Benson, co-founder Kenneth Gould, and
inventor/chemist Joshua Stecher. The team is advised by Dr. Michael Therien, leader of the Therien
Theoretical Chemistry Group at Duke, and by Dr. Larry Boyd, professor of engineering, founder of
numerous biomedical device firms, and director of various entrepreneurial programs at Duke. David
Benson is a Duke senior double majoring in economics and mathematics. His academic focus has long
been on innovation and research, being twice published in leading peer reviewed economics journals
and nominated for Duke’s prestigious Faculty Scholars Award. He is heavily involved in Duke’s
entrepreneurial programs, serving as treasurer for The Duke Entrepreneur (managing up to $3,000) and
board member for the Duke Entrepreneurial Leadership Venture. Kenneth Gould is a Duke freshman
majoring in English and History with a certificate in Markets and Management Studies. He is the author
of two books and is currently writing a third with Dr. Ziggy Yoediono of the Fuqua School of Business. At
Fuqua, Kenneth also develops marketing strategies for the Masters in Management Studies program.
Joshua Stecher is a 4th year PhD candidate in the Chemistry Department. Working both at Duke and the
University of Pennsylvania, he is an expert in various chemical fields, including organic chemistry.

Name of the key contact: David Benson

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 901-825-7557

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

CarBone has three phases of development:

1) Initial research and material gathering

2) Electrochemical testing and prototype development

3) Final product

CarBone is currently toward the end of Phase 1. We have completed initial market research and are
beginning electrochemical testing/prototype development.

Winner of the Elevator Pitch Competition Judges Choice Award (Energy and Environment Track, $150

Winner of the Audience Choice Award (Undergraduate Led Track, $100 dollars)

Recipient of the Dannenberg Research Grant ($350 dollars)

4th place overall, Elevator Pitch Competition Finals

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Because the electrochemistry has yet to be finished, the proper royalties schedule has not been devised.
This keeps CarBone from offering concrete financials. Without financials, our business plan is not as
competitive. The good news is that we hope to finish testing by Fall 2010. What we seek from the P4E
program is help with these financials.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

As previously mentioned, CarBone has three phases of development:

1) Initial research and material gathering

2) Electrochemical testing and prototype development

3) Final product

We will finish Phase 1 by the end of May 2010 and begin Phase 2, electrochemical testing/prototype
development in the beginning of April 2010. Phase two will last throughout the next year, and final
domestic IP will be secured for the technology asset by Spring 2011.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Dave and I are looking for serious individuals who are interested helping CarBone become a reality.
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing back from you.

Chatty Solutions

In about 10 words: Smartphone-enable SaaS applications

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Rashid Khan

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-523-0766

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/28/2010 12:22:43 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Chatty Solutions ( has developed Chatty Apps, an online platform for
smartphone-enabling SaaS applications and Web forms. The company is being bootstrapped by Rashid
Khan who is a serial entrepreneur with two successful ventures in the past (Ultimus Inc and Sintech Inc).
The product is more or less ready and is being shown to some early customers and prospects. The
company is looking for help in developing a go-to-market stratgey and a business model.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Chatty Apps is based on a unique, patent-pending technology. It enables SaaS application developers to
rapildy smartphone-enable their applications. The differentiators from other mobile app development
tools are:

1. One application can support multiple devices

2. Application runs like a native app in each smartphone--it is not force-fit

3. Work is not lost if the mobiule connection is lost or the user is interrupted (which happens pretty
often for mobile users). Work can be resumed from the point of interruption

4. Users can switch to the device that is most convenient for the moment. For example do part of the
work in a smartphone while traveling, and then complete the rest at home on a laptop

5. Rapid development in a hosted environment

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

By 2012, 60% of the workforce in the US will be using a smartphone. In parallel, software-as-a-service
(SaaS) is becoming the most common software delivery model. SaaS apps have to run on smartphones
to be successful, and there are many different sizes of smartphones. Web apps designed for
laptops/desktops are not efficient on smartphones becuase of small size. Chatty Apps enables SaaS
vendors to rapidly smartphone-enable their user interface so that they can work like native appps on
many different smartphones. They save SaaS vendors time and money, and provide a rich experience to
the end users.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

- Core patent has been filed and is pending. Covers the basic concept and its future incarnations

- Have received registered US Trademark for the word "Chatty"

- Have filed for trademark on the words "Mobilize your Apps"

- Website developed and released ( )

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Rashid N. Khan Founder, inventor and CEO ( )

Development Team in Pakistan consitsing of:

- 3 senior developers with over 10 yeard development experience each in world-class product

- 1 professionsl services consultant with over 8 years experience

- 1 support manaber with 10+ years of global support experience

Name of the key contact: Rashid N. Khan

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-523-0766

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

- product developed and in final beta phase.. will be ready July 1, 2010

- web site and some marketing collateral developed but could use improvements

- self-funded and want to keep it that way. Bootstrap like prior two ventures.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

- How to effectively bootstrap venture in a highly competitive environment

- market positioning

- pricing

- selling model and customer acquisition

- business mode

- keeping competitive advantage

- developing go-to-market stratgey

- developing exit strategy

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

- Expect to have 2-3 beta customers in the next 2-3 months

- Goal is to have 10 paying customers by year-end. Breakeven in 2011.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I have bootstrapped 2 successful companies and this is my third venture. I am too old (56) and too used
to my freedom as an entrepreneur to go through the BS of raising funding through investors, especially
VC who I will not touch with a 10-ft pole. So my challange is to bootstrap this venture. My motto is "Less
is more" and "Small is beautiful". I also am doing this for helping my mother country of Pakistan. Even if
it fails, I will have done my part. I am looking for brainpower that can challange me, teach me and learn
from me, and develop a sound strategy to make this happen.

Doggie Foats by Hutch

In about 10 words: Light weight cool dog float


Your Name: Elaine Lockhead

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-698-2651

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/19/2010 11:38:21 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Dog life jackets are cumbersome and hot. Doggie floats work better and keep dogs happy and cool.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

This product was designed by a 7 year old boy because his dog would not swim.

This is a product that could easily be picked up by the major media (perhaps the Oprah effect) . The
story behind the product is as good as the product.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Original design has been sent to a patent attorney but we have not proceeded further

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Hutch Koontz, just turned 8

Stetson, 2 year old dachshund, a great poster child

Mom - Elaine Lockhead

Jessie, owns the factory in Taiwan where the new model has just been modified.

Name of the key contact: Elaine Lockhead - will put you on the phone with Hutch

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-698-2651

Status of work already done and any funding to date: to read the story. Initial product sold OK but a redesign was needed as it looked
like a homemade product (and therefore something people could make themselves) so we took the
product to a factory in Taiwan and redesigned it.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

No significant barriers or challenges above normal. This will be a product that will be launched by
someone with great marketing savvy. It will most likely be a quick success if we hit it right so production
will need to meet demand in brief time frames.

good problem to have :)

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

All we need to do is purchase the internal float foam and price the product. Assumption is that we can
get it on the market for about $29.00 retail

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Do this one if you want to have a little fun with marketing and if you believe in the opportunity to hit a
home run.


In about 10 words: Hungry? EatLocal will find your lunch or dinner.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Ted Getten

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 434.409.7826

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 4:40:16 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

EatLocal is a location-based smartphone application that enables users to identify nearby restaurants,
view menus, and order (and pay for) their meals. The concept is quite simple – for a consumer, you
simply launch EatLocal on a smartphone. The application will load information about nearby restaurants
(nearby is according to the user – in a big city this might be a five block radius; in a small town it might
be five miles) including location, contact information, and a menu. The user can use the application to
browse menus – or to place an order and pay for takeout or delivery. For participating restaurants, they
get visibility from potential customers, plus a very easy to use platform to facilitate online ordering.

The final product is a comprehensive restaurant ordering app for those restaurants that can’t be
Chipotle and implement their own online ordering system, but still want to play in this space.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The underlying technology is actually quite simple – using smartphone GPS the app finds the customer,
shows a list of restaurants with matching location data, and displays menus in a simple UI. None of the
technology is new – what is new is bundling together restaurants under a single application. And for
restaurants without the budget to develop apps and a mobile / online presence, EatLocal does the hard

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

An additional dimension of this concept is the social side – restaurants will have an easier time
connecting with local patrons through the app. If the user is in an unfamiliar place, he can find new
dining possibilities. If the user is in her hometown, she’ll build an allegiance to those restaurants she can
easily order from via phone.

The other upside of this concept is the scalability of the idea. What can start with restaurants, could also
move into other businesses. After all, this app is about not only finding businesses, but also interacting
with them.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Ted Getten

Name of the key contact: Ted Getten

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 434.408.7826

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

This idea is still in its concept stage.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The biggest barrier to entry will be the development of a ‘universal’ iPhone / Android app that meets the
needs of a variety of restaurants – and then getting those restaurants to sign-on.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

I believe this concept could be launched as a Beta within the next 12 months.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Effective Thin-Film Solar Cells

In about 10 words: Process for effective solar cells

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Wendy Kong

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.515.7199

How'd you hear about us? : NC State OTT

Timestamp: 4/28/2010 3:01:37 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

This is a novel and simple method for generating effective solar cells.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a novel, yet simple, method to form thin-
film solar cells featuring topography. The architecture of these solar cells provides the following
advantages over conventional, planar solar cells.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:


* It harvests light more efficiently.

* It creates "self-cleaning" surface that minimize accumulation of dirt/contaminants that would

otherwise prevent sunlight from being absorbed.

* The production cost is much less than the current silicon-based solar cells.

* It is compatible with current processes and materials and can be used with highly flexible substrates.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

No IP has been filed. The technology is being kept confidential and is patentable.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :


Dr. Jan Genzer

Dr. Michael Dickey

Dr. Jon Paul Maria

Name of the key contact: Michael Dickey

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919.513.0273

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Experimental data and prototypes are available. More funding has been awarded, however, the scope of
work to be performed is toward a slightly different direction.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Anything else you'd like to mention:

An MBA student at NCSU is currently working on this. NCSU has not made commitment to him.

Electrothermal devices for acute and chronic pain

In about 10 words: Medical device for thermoelectric pain management

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Lawrence M Boyd

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-308-9443

How'd you hear about us? : Howie is THE MAN

Timestamp: 3/1/2010 7:20:12 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Palmetto Biomedical has been working on developing electrothermal devices for heating and cooling
inside the body in order to address acute and chronic pain. We have done extensive research into the
scientific literature, some market analysis and have done some bench testing of electrothermal devices
in order to understand the technology. Product designs have been outline and plans are to submit a
provisional patent application shortly.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Multiple design solutions have been developed for both acute (e.g., post operative) and chronic pain
applications. Current techniques are either based on using ice and a cooler with pump to circulate cold
water (for acute pain) or an implantable spinal cord stimulator (for chronic pain) .

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Pain represents a huge clinical problem, especially chronic pain. Narcotic solutions are problematic and
there is a need for non pharmaceutical solutions. Spinal cord stimulators are a large market, yet the
technology is only marginally effective in many patients.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

An extensive design history with plans for a provisional patent application in the near future.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Lawrence M Boyd, PhD

Robert Isaacs, MD

Name of the key contact: Lawrence Boyd

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-308-9443

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Funded by Palmetto. Some prototyping and bench testing of commercial thermoelectric (Peltier) chips.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Relatively complex technology, especially for a fully implantable design.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Acute applications may take 2-3 years, chronic applications longer (5 years or more).

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: Encore3 aggregates and provides a marketplace for "group buying" deals (i.e.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Peter Menachem

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: +1.919.491.8210

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea, An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 1:14:07 PM

Brief description of the business idea: is a development stage company providing deal aggregation, a secondary marketplace to

resell deals, a white label deal platform, and search engine. Initial daily deal sites such as Groupon have
help evolve a new “value buying” industry that has grown into a global phenomenon. Similar to travel
websites, consumers want to be able to see all of their options and effectively perform all of their
bargain related tasks in one place. provides that service.

With the founders knowledge of the industry and ability to track trends and data, the company is
positioned as an industry consultant and knowledgeable source of data. The company is developing a
strategy to monetize its knowledge.

Finally, the company is exploring its own group buying deal component to initially launch in the Durham

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The marketplace is highly fragmented. Encore3 brings organization for consumers seeking discounts in
their respective cities. No longer do consumers need to check multiple websites as we provide a one
stop site to finding new deals, locate deals that are no longer offered, and even sell deals that were
purchased and are no longer wanted.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Encore3 provides an optimal experience for users. In the same way that provides travelers
with a superior one stop trip planning tool, provides consumers with the ability to
customize their buying experience and see only what they desire, without having to visit multiple sites.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The company maintains the rights to its designs and knowhow.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Peter Menachem-Founder

Michael Compton-Founder

Name of the key contact: Peter Menachem

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: +1.919.491.8120

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The initial design and layout of the site have been completed. The coding and backend development are
currently being developed. Approximately $5,000.00 has been invested.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The deal landscape is constantly evolving with new sites offering deals or new unique ways to offer
discounts that consumers desire. Encore3 must closely follow the industry and competitors to ensure
that it providing the optimal user experience.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The company estimates an initial launch by 3Q 2010.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

The group buying industry is rapidly evolving. Similar to travel websites of the dot com boom, a
consolidation in the industry has already begun and will continue. is positioned to be a
leader in the space as others are only fulfilling a niche within the newly evolving group buying industry.
The company is excited to refine its strategy and implementation.

Energy Efficient Integration Solutions

In about 10 words: LED energy efficient lighting and control solutions

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Energy and the Environment
(includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Mark M. Haupt

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.255.2515

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email, An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/27/2010 9:24:31 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

We are developing LED lighting and control technology for hospital rooms, nursing homes, and hotels.
Other venues will benefit from our solution. We are in Phase II of a Green Grant application for a
Postural Stability study and intend to conduct the study at the VA or Duke Hospital.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

That we are aware of, there is not any product or service that combines LED lighting and control in a
hospital, tactical or emergency environment on the market. That we are aware of, there is not a
product or service that combines LED lighting and control in a hospital or emergency environment on
the market. Additionally, the solution would be used in any venue where large numbers of people

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The solution will reduce the number of injuries and misreading activities in a hospital, tactical or
emergency setting. Power reduction and power requirements make the solution perfect for
temporary/tactical/emergency situations where mobile or easily transportable lighting is required.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We are in the process of locating a Patent Attorney. Each student will have to sign a Non Disclosure

NDA's have been signed by all parties involved.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Mark M. Haupt, Duke EEMBA 95, President, Energy Efficient Integration, LLC; Owner and President,
Converged Services, LLC; President, NC Veterans Business Association, 501c3

Gregg Labiak, Vice President Energy Efficient Integration, Owner and President, Genesis LED Lighting, Inc

Name of the key contact: Mark M. Haupt

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919.255.2515

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Commercial off the shelf LED lighting products have been identified. System control hardware and
software are in design phase.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

None known.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Less than 12 months.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Tours of our lighting "lab" will be provided to any student interested.

We need well-rounded student(s) to assist in marketing analysis, solution marketing, patent application,
formalizing and documenting the design, and developing supply chain and operational methodologies’.

An active duty service person or prior service veteran would be a key addition to the team. National
Guard or US Coast Guard members would also add value.

Energy Tanks

In about 10 words: Energy storage from the grid to adpat from blackouts, and then generate
electricity with solar panels.

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Gabriel

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: +584143161023

How'd you hear about us? : Future Duke MBA student. Javier Moya

Timestamp: 5/30/2010 2:25:16 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Electricity shortages in Venezuela are now a constant not yet expected to be mitigated. Our main hydro
power plant, which provides 80 % of the energy mix, is currently working at 20 % installed capacity. Lack
of maintenance and droughts have let to this situation.

Self generation with diesel or gas gen sets is not an attractive option for households or offices. Noise,
lack of fuel ( it is illegal to buy retail diesel, and LPG is very scarce), dimensions, and maintenance are
some of the negative sides for this option.

I have divided the problem in two part: Adaptation and Mitigation

Thru adaptation we suggest energy storage from the grid. Electricity, when available, is well connected
in urban areas. So, as a water tank, we are storing energy in special batteries, with inverter chargers. We
call them Energy Tanks.

Mitigation is the second stage of the project. We can add a solar panel to the energy tank configuration,
and pursue energy independence. The lack of incentives makes solar an expensive solution, unless we
divide the investment process.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We have an inverter charger ( DC-AC), with special AGM batteries. We are providing a solution called
Energy Tanks, specially for places where a generator set is not possible, due to lack of space, or
inconvenience of the type of fuel and noise.

Our unit is small, it is pure sine wave ( excellent quality), they have designed the unit according to our

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Our main customers are the people that lose money due to energy shortages. There are programmed
blackouts in Venezuela all over our 26 states, and there are also the non programmed blackouts.

Households with medical needs cannot afford not have electricity for their appliances, the same with
laboratories, medical services, besides operational availability for offices, etc.

There is hardly any competition. It is a new product for our market. But competition will arrive.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We have the contact with our factory in China. They have customised our product. With logo, and tech

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Currently 2 partners, both engineers, with over 15 years experience in the energy sector, but little
experience in marketing.

Name of the key contact: Gabriel Pérez

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: +584143161023

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

We have sold some 30 energy tanks, with have purchased over 150 still to be shipped from the factory.
We are making an installation video, improving our web page , web marketing,
we will rent offices this next month, we have talked with investors, but more than money, we need
better marketing so the consumer does not feel that our product is ´too good to be true´.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Currency fluctuation related to the US dollar.

Thru energy storage, we are not saving energy, we are storing a little extra, so the government could
stop imports. However, we say that it is a solar PV system, where we sell the panels on a second phase.
They will not stop PV imports.

Installation: It feeds the system thru the main panel, so an electrician is needed. We have some other
plug and play products for a second phase.

The risk that blackouts and energy shortages will be eliminated by the government is not viable. All
systems are degraded, climate change predicts hotter summers, and even if the reservoirs of our hydros
increase a little, half of the productive capacity in the country is paralyzed due to fines and energy cuts.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We have split the country into 4 regions, then by state, and have evaluated the amount of degradation
of the distribution and transmission networks of each area. We have also documented the amount of
hours for energy cut downs by city, and by city council. We have estimated the amount of people that
can pay for a solution, and then our expected market share.

We are wholesalers, looking for local distributors of the product. We can share advertisement expenses,
and help with training and client submission.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Our worse case scenario, with little sales, and importing with air freight and high fixed costs, we have an
NPV > 700.000 US$.

But, we need to increase our distribution network, and continue to get larger contracts ( we have
installed in subway stores, baseball teams, etc), in order to increase our reliability.


In about 10 words: next generation online education on the web and mobile devices

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Harvey Singh

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-293-0079

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 4:12:50 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

We're creating an unparalled system for personalized online education system and online marketplace
(Social Learning Platform(TM) for job-related training and skill development.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

It utilized cloud-based, patent pending technology, Web 2.0/3.0, Web and Mobile devices (iPhone and
iPad and Android, etc.). Social media, Social learning.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

online education in professional, higher-education and k-12.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Harvey Singh, serial entrepreneur in online education and training market.

Name of the key contact: Harvey Singh

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-293-0079

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Funded by founder.

Product is being used by early adopters.

Product going through innovation at break-neck speed.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

breadth and depth of the learning system.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

starting second half of 2010; june 1st

Anything else you'd like to mention:

great opportunity for someone with internet technology, social marketing, business planning, strategy,
business development, PR

First Dance

In about 10 words: online ondemand free interactive wedding planner

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line)

Your Name: Santosh Malik

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 5104090202

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Univeristy OLV

Timestamp: 3/12/2010 7:23:20 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

In 2010 an estimated 2.17 million couples will get married. Whether they know it or not when
individuals plan on getting married they are entering into one of the five most stressful life events.
Marriage is a happy event but stressful none the less. Planning a wedding is a major contributor to this
stress which is why 41% of couples employ the services of a wedding planner. In 2008 the cost of a
wedding planner averaged $1907. This cost is somewhat prohibitive and leads the majority of couples
to plan the wedding themselves or to opt for a fully packaged destination wedding. Online wedding
planning resources are plentiful and full of great information but most are only as valuable as the
amount of time individuals are willing to spend using them. Today a gap exists in the wedding planning
market. A solution is needed for couples who are time starved, cost conscious and still want their big
day to be personalized. First Dance will fulfill this market need by giving users highly customized
wedding package solutions and the organization of a wedding planner on a free online First Dance
Platform (FDP).

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Planning a wedding can be a very stressful activity. Bride and groom (users) hire wedding planners to get
expert localized advice and to simplify all matters related to planning. Of course, it’s the wedding party
which ultimately drives decisions. The central idea of our innovation is to provide users the advice and
simplification of a wedding planner without the cost. We will provide a virtual guide through the
wedding planning process in the form of hosted portal (website: or
The initial delivery of the innovation will be to provide an online “free” service with later plans to
productize the innovation and expand them into the broader areas of event planning. Wedding planners
themselves can be the future prospect for this product.

The core value proposition lies in the notion of customized wedding packages based on a user profile
generated by an online questionnaire. Packages will include all relevant wedding details and allow users
to override suggested vendors or select “do it myself.” The entire wedding lifecycle will be covered step
by step from proposal to honeymoon. The users use the suggested package as a starting point and our
service will further guide them at each step in making an informed decision in the form of vendor
ratings, user ratings, floor-plan, seating arrangements, etc. Users can interact with the service anytime
using different media (web or mobile) and can tweak the plan as and when required. Authorized family
and friends can contribute suggestions in a virtual setting via highly interactive interfaces or by other
social medium including email, chat, and text message. Throughout the process the product will be
building a package of user selections (ex. Venue, caterer, florist, etc.). This package will offer users a
discount and consolidated payment. Free customized package solutions with great flexibility will give
users the simplicity and expertise of wedding planner without the cost.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

FDC will be 100% interactive and user driven web site, users will first register, create an account and
then First Dance Platform (FDP) will ask them a few questions. Key questions are the location of the
wedding, wedding date, and budget. Other more detailed questions will be optional and facilitate more
focused suggestions (i.e. cultural influence, desired venue type, food type, etc). Using these questions, a
profile will be created and FDP will make recommendations to the users for each action item. There will
be two sets of recommendations: one from FDP using the algorithm calculations and past user ratings,
and the other from family and friends. Recommendations from FDP will be a list of suggestions (top 5)
based on a user’s profile. All recommendations will be localized based on the location of the wedding.
Certain options (catering, venue, etc.) will suggest that users meet with vendors in person. First dance
will coordinate meetings. After meetings users can opt to select the vendor or try another vendor.
Once a vendor has been selected a pre-negotiated rate will be added to the package price. Each user
will have a “running tab” which keeps total budget in front of them the whole way. The final outcome
will be a set of recommendations in a form of package – starting from bridal shower to honeymoon.
Packages will include total cost, details of each selection, and a combined package rating. Users will
always have a choice to modify their package. Users will be required to pay deposits along the way. At
the end of the process when the final bill is due users will receive a bundle discount depending on the
number of vendors they selected through first

This venture requires moderate amounts of market research about user preferences and vendor ratings.
This information has to be built in the FDP first, so that FDP can initially guide users. As we get more
users on FDP, the data collected from these users will be fed back to FDP and will be used to generate
new set of recommendations and ratings using the newly generated SI. The key is revenue generation
since it is likely in a few cases that users get the recommendations from FDP and abandon the site.
Hence, the First Dance will have several revenue generation methods. The model will be based on some
kind of PPC model – a thorough market research needs to be done to find out how much the vendors
are willing to pay for such a service. First Dance will also take a portion of vendor discounts as payment
for services.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

None. Product will be built using open source technologies. However, there is a possibility that we will
patent our score algorithm.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Santosh Malik

Name of the key contact: Santosh Malik

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 5104090202

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Work not started. No funding yet.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Saturated market - many competitors already in the market

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:


Anything else you'd like to mention:

I have a pre-business plan analysis submitted for Entrepreneurship course which I can share (if required)

FizzBin Technologies

In about 10 words: Power transistor for telecommunications and energy applications

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Jim Vorhaus

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: (919) 968-3036

How'd you hear about us? : NC IDEA

Timestamp: 5/26/2010 10:45:39 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

The product is a new semiconductor switch to be used in DC-DC converters in electronic devices such as
cell phones and computers. Compared to conventional MOSFET switches, the new device will have
superior performance and a higher switching frequency improving conversion efficiency and reducing
cost. The same technology can be used to create other semiconductor devices for applications in
telecommunications and renewable energy markets among others.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The product utilizes III-V material (GaAs) technology rather than silicon as in standard MOSFET switches.
GaAs’s superior electrical characteristics give the device a substantial switching speed advantage. A
novel device design enables a switch structure compact enough to overcome the inherent cost
advantage of silicon devices. For high-end switches a 5-25x overall performance advantage will be
achieved enabling improvement in the converter efficiency by as much as 5 points. This performance
improvement will be achieved with a design that can be manufactured and sold at a comparable market
price to the incumbent products.

In addition to superior performance at comparable cost, the product’s faster switching will enable cost
reduction in the overall converter assembly by reducing the size and cost of required external
components (inductors, etc.). The product will also be surface mountable (no wire bonds) and will
require no package, further adding to its value proposition.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

As a switch, the new device will significantly improve DC-DC converter efficiency. Converter inefficiency
is the main driver of excess energy consumption and heat generation in many electornic applications
limiting the battery life and/or increase the operating cost of cells phones, laptop computers, servers,
etc. In addition, beacuse of the new switch design the converters will be smaller reducing overall cost
and volume.

In other applications the technology will enable amplifier devices and multi-function assemblies that are
significantly smaller and cheaper than can otherwise be produced today with, in many case, superior
performance providing a compelling value proposition to potential customers.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

At present, a variety of novel device designs for various different applications and markets have been
conceived and documented as proprietary material. No patents have yet been filed but the material
necessary to begin patent applications exists.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

James L. Vorhaus, President, Product Connection, Inc. (founder and inventor)

Name of the key contact: Jim Vorhaus

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (919) 968-3036

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The GaAs power FET is a device that was developed in the mid 1970s and has remained largely
unchanged since then in terms of its basic physcial structure. It is commonly used in many high-power
amplifier applications such as cell phone and wimax transmitters, as well as military radar and
communication systems. Despite potentially superior performance it has not been used in switching
applications (for DC-DC converters as an example) because of its higher manufacturing cost compared to
conventional silicon devices.

By combining unrelated existing technologies the inventor has conceived of a way to redesign the GaAs
power FET to make it much cheaper to manufacture and, at the same time, reducing its size and
improving its performance. While such a device has not yet been built a prototype could be easily and
quickly manfuactured using existing semiconductor foundries and their existing processes requiring
minimal development and NRE.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

This is a fabless semiconductor "play". Semiconductor plays, in general, are very difficult to fund in the
present environment becuase of the perception that they have very high investment requirements and
require a long time before return on that investment can be realized. This invention, because it makes

use of existing technologies, would be relatively quick and cheap to get to the point of a marketable
product. However, making the case to investors to fund the effort will be difficult for the reasons just

The primary barrier to entry is making a compelling enough business case to get the necessary (modest)
funding needed to create a first prototype.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

WIth funding, a prototype device would be available in 6-9 months. Customer evaluation/acceptance
would take approximately 2 years primarily because the novel nature of the device structure would
require significant reliability test data be accumulated. Ramping up manufacturing would be very quick
as existing foundry/vendor capabilities would be utilized for all fabrication, packaging and test activities.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

This is a unique opportunity born of the intersection of disparate technologies developed for other
applications which, when properly combined, can result in a product that has both superior
performance and lower cost than the incumbent technologies in several large, attractive markets
(telecommunications, renewable energy, consumer electronics, military, etc.). At that same time it is a
simple idea that does not require that any new technology be developed significantly reducing the
normal risk associated with technology start-ups.

I have more than 30 years of experience in developing high technology products in large (Fortune 100)
and small (start-up) companies and everything in between. This is among the best product platform
ideas I have seen from the point of view of low technology risk and high potential reward. I am looking
for some strong business and strategic planning expertise to aid me in putting together the superior
business plan needed to get this idea funded.

Food Composition Scanner

In about 10 words: Food scanner for fat, protein, carb and calorie content

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Consumer Marketing (includes
consumer products and services)

Your Name: Sachin Kholamkar

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 8063923230

How'd you hear about us? : Google

Timestamp: 7/22/2010 9:35:07 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

In the world of diet and health, knowing and controlling what you eat influences the major part of your
chances of reaching your target goal, whether it be weight loss, weight gain or just to stay in shape.
Current methods of dietary measurements are not very accurate and involve cumbersome efforts from
the person watching his/her diet.

Knowing only three constituents of your food - fat, proteins and carbohydrates - can give powerful
control to individuals to achieve their health goals by knowing food intake statistics for every meal.

We are inventing a device, portable food composition scanner, which can scan a food plate and tell us its
fat, protein and carbohydrate content. Together tied up with a health and exercise plan, this package
can help people achieve their health goals effectively.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

As of today, there is no other product in the market that can compare the potential of food composition

There are 'bar-code' scanners that give calorie information for standard products but it is very limited
and inconvenient, especially when eaten in portions or if the package displaying the bar-code is lost. In
addition, it limits the eating options of the client to 'standard' foods identified by a barcode.

With nearly zero competition and ballooning health industry sector of more than $40 billion, FPC is
expected to make a breakthrough success. In addition, tied up with fitness center and health programs,
the scanner can be rented as a part of the package.

To start with the FPC package is targeted at health industry with clients intending to lose, maintain or
gain weight.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Customers will use it everytime they grab anything to eat. It can be used by fitness centers as their
package deal provision to members. Additionally, it can be used by doctors/nutritionists for medical
research/application purposes.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Not yet patented.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Idea generator – Sachin Kholamkar

Research team is yet to be formed.

Name of the key contact: Sachin Kholamkar.

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 8063923230

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Currently, several technological approaches are being considered for inventing the scanner. These
approaches will be evaluated by the research team. One approach will be selected based on its
feasibility, cost and size among other factors.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Forming the right team (with relevant background experience/knowledge), process and obtaining funds.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Due to the complex nature of the project it is estimated that it may take anywhere from 2 to 7 years for
the market launch of the product.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Though I am from an engineering background (mechanical) I need people from diverse backgrounds
such as physics, chemistry and instrumentation to help me with the project. The right candidate(s)
would have understanding of:

- atomic/molecular structures of macro-nutrients (proteins, fats and carbs),

- Mass spectrometry, use of Near Infra-red (NIR) in spectrometry.

- Operation of density measurement and spectrometry devices.

Fun 101

In about 10 words: Consumer product and web-based learning program for 2-5 year olds.

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Rob Higby

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 617-571-7180

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea, Duke Alum

Timestamp: 6/16/2010 1:15:37 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Fun101 is a dynamic learning company targeting 2-5 year old children. Through its Fun101 “101Kits”
based on its patent pending QuadLearn teaching architecture, as well as Fun101's safe internet
experience, Fun101 revolutionizes learning for 2-5 year old children by teaching the fundamentals of
reading, spelling and research while also focusing on a specific topic.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Fun101's patent pending QuadLearn learning architecture combines a multitude of learning best
practices into a focused learning experience for 2-5 year old children. Through video, reading,
flashcards and web-based learning, 2-5 year olds can both learn about a specific topic (i.e. baseball or
trucks), while also learning fundamentals of reading, word association, spelling and speaking, all via a
fun interactive experience for both children and parents.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Fun101's "101Kits" will be sold to to the millions of young families world wide who have a vested
interest in 1) teaching thier children about a specific topic; while 2) also teaching thier children the
fundamentals of reading, word association, spelling and speaking.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Fun101's patent pending QuadLearn learning architecture combines a multitude of learning best
practices into a single learning experience focused on specific topic. Versus other child learning
products which teach children via a medium, such as video or books or toys, Fun101 teaches children
about specific topic (i.e. Trucks) by utilizing a combination of this well adopted mediums. Fun101
further provides an advanced learning experience on the fundamentals of reading, word association,
spelling and speaking.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Currently, Fun101 is a 5 person team, coupled with a group of indicated Angel Investors.

Founder is Rob Higby, father of 3 children. Duke '96 Grad; MIT '03 MBA Grad; Entreprenuer.

OC Venture Angels are the current investors which are also joined by an advisory board comprised of
several leading pediatricians based in the Boston, MA area.

Name of the key contact: Rob Higby

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 617-571-7180

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Fun101 has recieved a small round of Series A angel funding. Prototypes are currently being developed.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:


Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Productization of the first 20 101Kits and the Fun101 Webite anticipated for general availability in June

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Global Students Connect

In about 10 words: An internet portal to connect development, military, and government sectors of

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Dan Hare

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 760 908 6059

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/27/2010 7:58:29 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

To provide the environment for the global leaders of tomorrow to connect today by giving them the
tools to increase their voice and brand, leverage their networks, and to maximize their impact.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Essentially rebranding social network tools and applications.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The leaders of tomorrow are constantly seeking an environment to network and 'brand themselves'.

This portal idea provides an environment to accomplish this plus there are a variety of off shoot biz
opps from it.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Domain name (s) registered.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Dan Hare

Name of the key contact: Dan Hare

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 760 908 6059

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

I have a Powerpoint that is enough to frame the idea.

No funding to date.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

This project needs to grow within an academic institution framework and out from there.

I am not within that framework. I developed this idea after doing a documentary film on the middle east
and realized the great need for our global leaders of tomorrow to connect and build relationships within
an environment of globalization and cooperation.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Depending on the web portal development time, which I anticipate would be about 90 days from
funding, it would progressively grow over 18 months to a first phase level.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

This idea is perfect for college and university students if only for the reason that is the entry point into
the user base.

Home Networking Services

In about 10 words: Home networking service provider

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Zhenqing (Qing) He

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: USA: +1 608-886-3976 , China: +81 152 2152 7918

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/26/2010 10:45:03 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

My idea is to create a home networking services company. Home networking can be much more than a
router and two or three family laptops sharing an internet connection. With a home server attached to a
home network, users can access all their important electronic documents, applications, and personal
media (pictures, music, movies, recorded TV shows, etc) from not just inside their home but anywhere
where there is an internet connection. Cheap electronic storage, more and more open-source remote
access software, and increasingly faster internet connections worldwide are the trends which are
making home networking a possibility and more powerful. Most home owners, however, will not have
the technical know-how and/or time to set up such a multifunctional home network. The company that I
envision will provide the installation and instruction service along with the necessary hardware.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Making the public aware of the benefits of managing their own home server is the first challenge, and I
believe that this is the largest challenge to make this idea viable. Beyond the marketing challenge,
standardized methods for installation and servicing, along with a diverse “pick-and-choose”
customization options for clients will further make the home networking service more attractive. Finally
remote access troubleshooting should make maintenance of these home networks both fast and low-

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

A complete home server will allow customers to access their important information, applications, and
personal media anywhere where there is internet service. Although internet service provider (ISP)
upload speeds may inhibit streaming high definition video and other high-bandwidth activities at the
moment, internet speeds will only increase. Furthermore, a home server can serve as a method of

backup, considering hard drive crashes are considerably more common these days than computer virus

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

None at the moment. It may be necessary to develop advanced remote access software to facilitate
interfacing with the home server from outside the immediate home network. Furthermore the home
server hardware builds may be considered an IP.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Myself only at the moment.

Name of the key contact: Zhenqing (Qing) He

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: USA: +1 608-886-3976

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

I have part of a home server working currently as a prototype for the functionalities that I envision.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Making the public aware of the benefits / possibilities of managing their own home server.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

One to two years – hardware builds need to be finalized along with a strong business model / plan.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Hospitality Information Support

In about 10 words: Small hotel online reservation system

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Lee Richardson

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-687-4444

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 3/4/2010 1:35:34 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

We have developed an online reservation system for small hotels. This system is easy to get up and
running and allows small hotels to quickly begin getting reservations 24/7 on their websites. The system
allows hotels to block and free inventory and provides for multiple rooming options, such as
smoking/non-smoking, single/double, first floor/second floor. It can run stand-alone or in client-server
mode. It is in operation at one hotel now and we are looking to expand.

We have done market research and found nothing in this market niche. We need help with go-to-market
and sales strategies.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The software is a custom designed and built hospitality reservation system, with the ability to maintain
inventory based upon various options. Guests can reserve their rooms 2/7 and make payment via credit
card on a secure server Our competitive edge is that there is no other stand-alone system like ours in
the marketplace. The customer can install our software and not pay any commissions to the software
provider. We also provide the option for the server piece to reside on our server, for which we charge a
low annual fee. All other systems (that we are aware of) are part of an online reservation system which
is part of the software company's infrastructure, not stand-alone as ours is.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Many small hotels (less than 100 rooms) have no online reservation system. They must take reservations
by phone or email, often losing customers due to the lack of being able to get a confirmation
immediately. They also will not have to pay any commissions to another company. They can pay our
(optional) support fee and/or pay us a fee to host the server piece on our server.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The core reservation engine is copyrighted.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Serguey Siminov, Ph.D., founder and inventor

Gayle Knepper, founder

Lee Richardson, founder

Name of the key contact: Lee Richardson

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-687-4444

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The system is up and running at (Look on the left-hand side.) We have developed
marketing materials, pricing and more technical brochures. We are self-funded.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The main area we need help in is sales and go-to-market strategy. Stepping back from that immediate
need, we may need outside funding to hire sales staff. Ideally we would secure strategic investment (as
opposed to VC funding) from someone already connected to the hotel industry.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We believe the product is in beta in terms of market roll-out. It is in production at one site already and
functioning well on a daily 24/7 basis. We need more sites and more feedback from the market. We may
need more market research on competitors and pricing. And of course the software can always be
improved and continues to undergo improvements.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

We are located in Durham, which should make it easy for students to work with us.

One of the founders, Lee Richardson, is a Duke graduate, T'76, and owns the management company at
Duke Tower, which is the first user site.

Lee speaks fluent Japanese and Serguei speaks Russian. Serguei has a Ph.D. in computer science.

All the founders have other jobs currently.

We also see revenue potential for website services. Often hotels without online reservations have poor
or outdated websites. We can perform website modernization as we also help get the online reservation
system up and running. Product revenue ultimately should dwarf service revenue, but at the beginning
it could be very helpful for cash flow.


In about 10 words: infant travel supplies located past airport security

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Charlie Kauffunger

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 301-215-7370

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/15/2010 12:15:31 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Air travel with young children is tough; getting through airport security is tougher. With today’s
stringent security guidelines and limitations on liquids, the question of whether to take milk and other
infant-critical items on a plane trip has become a no-win proposition: Do I (1) bring all these items, hold
up the security line, and receive looks of disgust from business travelers and TSA personnel alike, or (2)
forego the milk and strained peas, have my child start screaming from hunger before we board the
flight, and receive the same pained looks from passengers and flight crew? Parents need a better
alternative. Hudquarters is a gate-located oasis for infants and toddlers, stocked with milk, bottles, baby
food and other travel-ready supplies that allow parents to streamline the airport security process but
still have the provisions they need for their travel ahead.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Airlines do not supply any baby food or other infant/toddler items beyond milk and orange juice found
on the beverage cart. Airport stores have very few, if any, items specific to young children; so if you
forget bottles or pacifiers you are out of luck until you reach your destination. This idea provides a
convenience for parents that allows them to provide their children with necessary items in a more
efficient manner than it currently available.

Implementing this idea does not require any special technology. The convenience concept for the idea
should be applied in multiple ways:

1. Customer visits store to purchase items. Core items should be travel-sized and focus on the following

a. MILK: whole milk, formula, single baby bottles

b. DIAPERING SUPPLIES: diapers, wipes, diaper cream

c. FOOD: bottled baby food, cereal, applesauce, juice, baby spoons/forks

d. TRAVEL: pacifiers, toys/games, blankets, diaper bags, sippy cups

2. Customer pre-orders items online and order is ready for pick up at the store.

3. Customer pre-orders items online and the order is delivered to the gate at a pre-determined time
prior to flight departure (using same type of process at duty-free purchases).

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

This idea is not a want, it is a need. Try traveling with a one year old with no food or milk and you'll
understand why.

Airports are the most viable application for this idea, although the store portion of the idea could fare
well at other transportation centers, such as train stations.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Alan and Nyla Reed - founders

Name of the key contact: Nyla Reed

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 703-795-8866 (cell)

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

No work has been done past the business idea. If this project is selected and developed, capital to fund
the project will be raised by Marwill Reed Capital, located in New York, New York.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The following possible challenges would need to be investigated:

1. Access: How difficult is it to get store space in an airport? Is a large multi-airport contract required or
could the concept be piloted at one or two major airports and then expanded?

2. Cost: Is the cost of purchasing travel-sized items prohibitive?

3. Managing online ordering: How will online ordering manage flight delays/cancellations? How will the
store manage processing customers who arrive late for their pickups and have limited time to catch
their flights?

4. Competition: If the initial idea meets with success, how could quickly establish ourselves in the
market before existing businesses (such as Hudson News) begin to carry similar items?

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Not known; there is no business plan as of yet. A full research effort will be required and marketing
strategy and plan would need to be developed.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

“Hudquarters” is a play on “headquarters” and “Hudson”, Alan and Nyla’s one-year old son. Hudson’s
frequent trips from LGA/EWR/JFK to DEN and LAX to visit family inspired this business idea.

imaging technologies

In about 10 words: imaging agents

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Jackie Quay

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-967-8785

How'd you hear about us? : UNC OTD

Timestamp: 5/5/2010 3:41:06 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

1. Hybrid Nanoparticles as Dual Therapeutic/Imaging Contrast Agents

2. Hybrid Nanomaterials as Multimodal Imaging Contrast Agents

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

1. Hybrid Nanoparticles as Dual Therapeutic/Imaging Contrast Agents

The hybrid nanomaterials are based on coordination polymer nanoparticles and related organic polymer
nanoparticles. The nanomaterials are combined with drugs and/or contrast agents that have the
propensity to coordinate to metal centers or have organic bridging ligands. The hybrid nanoporticles can
be customized during formulation for improved tumor specific accumulation and upon administration
to the patient allow for real-time direct measurement (through the use of standard imaging techniques)
of how efficiently the therapeutic agents have accumulated in the tumors. Such a dual therapeutic
agent/imaging contrast agent delivery approach enables physicians to determine if the drug formulation
is working well on the patient, paving the way for individualized medicine.

2. Hybrid Nanomaterials as Multimodal Imaging Contrast Agents

These imaging agents represent a new strategy in designing efficient multimodal imaging contrast
agents based on hybrid nanomaterials. The hybrid nanomaterials were synthesized by three different
means; by copolymerizing functionalized Gd chelates with inorganic components; grafting functionalized
Gd chelates onto the surface of a nanoparticle core; and layer-by-layer deposition of Gd chelates and
other components. These nanomaterials were further inorganic and organic luminophores to lead to
improved contrast agents for both MRI and optical imaging. Surface modification with PEG and/or

bioconjugation with antibodies have also been performed on these nanomaterials in an effort to make
them long-circulating and target-specific. These new nanomaterials provide an ideal platform for
designing new generation of smart, target-specific multimodal imaging contrast agents that can be used
for early cancer detection or inflammation imaging.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

1. Such a dual therapeutic agent/imaging contrast agent delivery approach enables physicians to
determine if the drug formulation is working well on the patient, paving the way for individualized

2. These new nanomaterials provide an ideal platform for designing new generation of smart, target-
specific multimodal imaging contrast agents that can be used for early cancer detection or inflammation

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

1. PCT WO2009139939

2. US pending but prosecution has not begun WO2007124131

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Wenbin Lin is the Inventor

Name of the key contact: Wenbin Lin

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-966-3929

Status of work already done and any funding to date:


Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

10 years due to need for clinical trial

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: Medicinal food that is tasty, sustainable, eco-friendly and relevant

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Energy and the Environment
(includes cleantech and sustainability), Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line)

Your Name: Todd A. Fitts

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: (404) 214-9021 ext. 2 or (404) 585-PURE (7873)

How'd you hear about us? : Fuqua news as I am a Fuqua MBA alum

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 2:15:19 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The innovation is applying ancient wisdom, knowledge and technique that has been lost over
generations to optimize food as medicine in a convenient and relevant manner. This is one of many
solutions for the unfunded healthcare liability and now crisis in the US and other nations. Since disease
begins with nutritional deficiencies or imbalances through improper food, environmental pollution and
emotional extremes such as stress, Improve'eat addresses all three areas to a certain degree. Our
competitive advantage for the first solution out of R&D (The Pure Wraps coconut "tortilla") is derived
from its pure and simple ingredients that first do no harm while delivering medicinal properties in a
relevant form which is a "tortilla." The Pure Wraps are raw, gluten-free (and free of all major food
allergens), alkaline, have a shelf life of 6 months without using chemicals, are not refrigerated nor frozen
and are flexible while having a high tinsile strength. Furthermore, this solution has a patent pending in
SE Asia to provide a further competitive edge and protection even though the technique utilized is
unknown or not thought possible by many given the absence of gluten which is a binding protein. This
technique can be applied to other food solutions and some are in the latter stages of R&D while the
Pure Wraps are in production and have been market tested to find price discovery and areas for
improvement which have been incorporated.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The application for "The Pure Wraps" coconut tortilla is enormous given the ubiquitous nature of bread
and tortillas/wraps. If people can now take their "medicine" which is food (properly defined) within their
sandwiches, burritos, enchiladas, hoagies, sushi or other types of meals or snacks that utilize bread or
tortillas/wraps, those that consume food can now add to their health instead of subtracting from it
during every meal or snack. They simply switch to the convenience and tastiness of the Pure Wraps. This

not a linear increase for people and society as a whole, it is an exponential jump making it a disruptive
technology (we prefer terming it "disruptive technique") since there is improper accounting for "food
substitutes" and "food like items" in what is called "food." This is the type of "low cost" solution that on
a probability basis keeps many people from developing dibetes, obesity, alzheimers, strokes, heart
disease and many other ailments that can sink a society with too many laibilities and not enough
resources. Since trace vitamins and minerals (from proper soil and handled/processed and packaged
properly) can give the human body what it needs to fight off disease (nutritional imbalances), the Pure
Wraps can target the disease by incorporating various types of spices in it such as turmeric which is an
anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and helps against the spread of osteoporosis and cancer. Turmeric is a
spice found in our Curry flavor Pure Wraps as Curry is a blend of spices. We use certified organic Curry
and dehydrate it with the Pure Wraps (cooking kills enzymes and nutrients). You can now see how the
Pure Wraps disruptive technique is a tasty, economical, sustainable, convenient and relevant way to
attack disease and our unfunded healthcre liability and crisis. Many people will choose the Pure Wraps
simply based on convenience, its gluten-free properties (and free of all major food allergens), raw
status, pure and simple ingredients or its alkaline properties (cancer cannot grow in an alkaline
environment). However, the healthcare crisis will reach a tipping point where this becomes a need
instead of a perceived want. This is why the Pure Wraps must be positioned for the need even though
we are unable to determine the exact timeline of the future tipping point.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

A patent has been filed in the country of production in SE Asia with future reciprocity to other nations in
the region. Aditionally, trademarking is being processed for the US and select overseas markets.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Todd A. Fitts, CFA is the founder, CEO and majority owner while Maureen Kennedy Shanahan is the
minority owner and President.

Name of the key contact: Todd A. Fitts

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (404) 214-9021 ext. 2 or (404) 585-PURE (7873)

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Improveat has completed the market test for the Pure Wraps within select Atlanta organic stores. With
Whole Foods interest and their asking for quantities we are able to supply, production was setup in SE
Asia where wild coconuts (soon to be certified organic and biodynamic) are plentiful. This production
facility is operational and is now being scaled. US Stores will be supplied with the new and larger version
of the Pure Wraps by July 1, 2010 and they will be available for purchase from our website (direct to
consumer) by August 1, 2010. Demand is currently well ahead of supply as we have a waiting list of
customers (rtailers and inividuals). Funding has come from the founder Todd A. Fitts though other
sources both inside and outside will provide future growth capital needs.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The major barrier is producing within a developing SE Asia country and properly communicating the
availability and benefits of the Pure Wraps to the targeted audiences. Future challenges will be to keep
up with demand and protect the brand and technique from competititors.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We will be in the marketplace with our already tested Pure Wraps by July 1, 2010. Many by-products
derived from the coconut (husk, shell, water) will take at least 15 months to bring to market. Proven
MBA students will have the opportunity to be CEO and owners of brand extensions within Improveat
and/or opportunities from the by-products sold off from producing the Pure Wraps.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Improveat looks for 3 characteristics from its team members:

1) A strong passion for the vision, goals, principles and beliefs of Improveat

2) A trusted professional that has a drive to learn while continuously improving

3) Ability to know and focus on one's strengths while being able to work in unity with a team to
accomplish the goals of the professional company

INCA Biotech

In about 10 words: New drug targets (and drugs) for a variety of cancers.

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Arno L. Greenleaf, PhD

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-684-4034

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/25/2010 5:11:40 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Employ our "Synthetic Lethal" approach (see below) to identify novel anti-cancer drug TARGETS (our
targets are enzymes, for which we assume an inhibitor can be found).

For new Targets, find inhibitors. Develop inhibitors into cancer-specific drugs.

Note: INCA stands for INhibitors of CAncer, or INhibiting CAncer.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We use the power of genetics, specifically RNAi technology on a genome-wide scale, to find
genes/proteins that when "knocked down" in a cancer cell cause the cell to die, whereas when knocked
down in an isogenic non-cancer cell have little or no effect on survival. Such lethality, which depends on
inactivation of both the "cancer" gene and the Target gene, is called Synthetic Lethality. The pair of
genes that need to be inactivated together to cause lethality is a Synthetic Lethal Pair. REM: In the non-
cancer cell, where the cancer gene is not inactivated, the inactivation of the target does not cause
lethality. The effects of a drug that inactivates the Target are cancer-cell specific !

A second (complementary) approach is to identify Synthetic Lethal Pairs in the model organism S.
cerevisiae (baker's yeast), and then test if the orthologous pair in human cells also shows synthetic

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Use to identify new Targets for several different kinds of cancer.

Once new targets are identified, drugs can be developed.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Draft of invention description in OLV; awaiting "proof of concept" experimental results.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Arno L. Greenleaf, PhD, inventor

Craig B. Bennett, PhD, inventor

Name of the key contact: Arno Greenleaf

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-=684-4034

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Work to date mostly research in databases to find extant target candidates.

We just received a $10,000 voucher from the School of Medicine for RNAi knockdown trial studies in the
Duke RNAi Facility. We hope that the results will provide proof of concept for an initial set of targets
(focus initially on breast and ovarian cancers).

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Right now, mainly money.

ALG has applications in for two large grants to support these efforts; one will be reviewed in June and
one a few months later. Chances of success are unknowable (but we still maintain an optimistic stance).

We believe that finding potential targets will not be the major challenge. Validating targets and then
finding inhibitors may be more significant barriers.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

With proof of concept that the approach uncovers new targets for one or more cancers, we may be
ready for commercialization (estimate: less than a year).

Time to marketplace for products would be substantially longer.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Both Dr. Greenleaf & Dr. Bennett will be glad to discuss these ideas with students and mentors.

Industrial Sustainability Solutions

In about 10 words: Industrial sustainability solutions for mid-sized manufacturers

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability), Consulting & Strategy

Your Name: Michael Noel

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.760.7646

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 7/20/2010 2:08:09 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

A full service / turnkey sustainability consultancy for mid-sized manufacturing companies. Web
dashboard, consulting, and contracting based company that performs full site audits, recommends
sustainable solutions re: three aspects of a "triple bottom line", and implements solutions while keeping
tabs on improvements and cost-savings generated with a web-based dashboard. Several different value
propositions and revenue stream models to be analyzed. Web dashboard has been created, pilot
facilities have been secured... Need business and implementation plan.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Web-based dashboard keeps track of improvements impact on triple bottom line. Full turnkey solutions
consulting and implementing.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Cost savings realized through doing what is right. Also great PR / Marketing opportunities. Modeled
after Interface / Ray Anderson success.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Web dashboard has been created. Initial and secondary customers on board.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Noel Group, LLC - creator / founders (Marc & Michael Noel)

Independent Consultant - Jason Massey

Web portal / dashboard creator - Wade Fulghum

Pilot Company #1 - Nomaco, Inc. - Claude Demby, CEO

Pilot Company #2 - Nomacorc, LLC - Lars von Kantzow, CEO

Name of the key contact: Michael Noel / Jason Massey

Email address for key contact: /

Phone number for key contact: 919.760.7646

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Financial backing in place. Web-site designed. Pilot customers on board.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We would like to start with pilot companies beginning of 2011

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Innovation Logistics

In about 10 words: Online Global Marketplace for Innovation

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Energy and the Environment (includes
cleantech and sustainability), Research & Development

Your Name: Dr. Jason Sender

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: +44 788 184 6260 or +1 202 679 3001

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/21/2010 4:24:22 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Our idea is simple: An online global marketplace for innovation. We will have an online marketplace
that will allow companies to outsource R&D by listing their research needs on our website, which will
run large-value competitions. R&D is a $1 trillion a year industry and we can effectively turn some forms
of research from a fixed cost into a variable cost. This pay-for-success formula could save companies a

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Our idea is simple: by reducing transaction costs for both parties, and by creating a transparent
marketplace for innovation, we aim to turn research and development into a product that can be
bought and sold. Rather than paying high fixed costs for uncertain outcomes, companies will be able to
turn some of their R&D spend into a variable cost – a cost incurred only if the research is successful. On
the other side, scientists will finally be able to sell their ideas without fear that a company will steal their
ideas or that their patents will be violated, and without the huge transaction costs involved in shopping
a new invention. Innovation is research plus a business idea and all too often a company cannot depend
on successful research and inventors end up getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the
payout – we want to change all of this. In other words: we want to reduce the risk and increase the
returns for both parties.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

What is it we are offering? A web-based platform that allows companies to offer a large payout
(minimum $1 million) for the first product design submitted within the time period of the competition
(e.g., within 3 months) that meets certain criteria. For example, instead of spending $100 million

researching a battery for cellular phones that lasts 50% longer when the research may or may not be
successful, a cellular phone maker could list a competition in our marketplace offering a prize of $50
million for the first person who submits a product meeting certain technical specifications – not just 50%
longer life but also in terms of manufacturing costs and size. The phone manufacturer would then turn
a fixed cost into a lower variable cost that would be incurred only if the research was successful. In the
recessionary cost-cutting environment in which the world finds itself today, can a company afford not to
list in our marketplace?

Our company makes money by taking 1% of the money offered ($50,000 minimum) for listing the
competition and 20% of the money offered if the competition has a winner.

Our model is a 'crowdcasting' model.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We own the website ''

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

The company is run by Dr. Jason Sender and Dr. Georg Dumitras, who met while doing their MBA's at
The Rotterdam School of Management in The Netherlands. Jason Sender, Trinity '97, has an MA and
Ph.D. in philosophy from The University of Leeds in the United Kingdom and has worked in the USA, UK,
and The Netherlands. His work experience includes everything from political work to work as a
freelance consultant. Georg has spent eight years (2000 - 2007) in different areas of R&D (electronics,
photonics, semiconductor physics, Ph.D. in physics) in two German companies (Infineon Technologies,

Name of the key contact: Dr. Jason Sender

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: +44 788 184 6260 or +1 202 462 3177

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

We have a draft business plan and are in the process or finalizing the business plan. We seek help in
coming up with business strategies and implementation in three key functional areas:

1. Technology: Design and implementation of website, including the strategy, design, and
implementation of competitions.

2. Marketing/Public Relations: Design and implement a marketing and public relations strategy for our
company, both online and offline.

3. Sales: Help design and implement a sales strategy, i.e., figure out which companies to target and help
to get a few large companies on board.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

There are not any. We have no direct competitors with the same business model. Our indirect
competitors are in-house R&D departments.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

6-12 months to launch, but after the launch there will be another period of 6 to 12 months before it will
be clear how much of a success the company will be.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

According to the The Wall Street Journal, global spending on research and development will be $1.14
trillion in 2009. If just 2% of this total flowed through our company – a conservative estimate given our
business idea – that would amount to $22.8 billion flowing through our marketplace; revenues for our
firm of over $2 billion, and profits above $1 billion. Furthermore, by creating a smooth business
marketplace for all parties involved with research and development, we aim to significantly increase the
total global spend on research and development, already an area set for large growth in the coming

It is worth noting that now is the right time to launch such a business. McKinsey & Company released a
report on 3 March 2009 entitled ‘And the winner is ...’ which explored the use of prizes for
philanthropic purposes. While our plan is aimed primarily at corporations and to a much lesser extent at
governments, many of the conclusions of the McKinsey report are relevant to our business plan. As the
report notes: “We look forward to continued growth in prize use and further evolution of best
practices...A prize is an old idea that remains surprisingly powerful today.” The McKinsey report says
that the total value of prizes “with award values of more than $100,000...has increased more than 15-
fold” in the last 35 years and estimates that “the total prize sector could already be worth as much as $1
to $2 billion” and even notes that the US Congress has even proposed prizes in value up to $80 billion.

The Wall Street Journal (2009/12/18) ‘U.S. Spending on Research to Fall’. (last accessed 2009/06/02).

McKinsey & Company (2009). ‘And the winner is ...’.
ts/And_the_winner_is.aspx (last accessed 2009/11/24). Report was released on 3 March 2009.

Innovative Book-shelf

In about 10 words: Innovative bookshelves for libraries

Vertical: Engineering

Your Name: Joanne Jia

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919 4914055

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/28/2010 11:35:05 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

This is a design for improved library bookshelves. I got a patent for this design. Traditional bookshelves
would be inconvenient when people want to select books from the bottom shelf - they have to bend
down or squat to see names on the spines of the books. In my design, I add a simple and low-cost
mechanism to the bottom shelf so it would rotate above to a desired angle so that people would select
books even without bending down or squatting. This idea has a lot of economic value behind: by using
such new bookshelves, library could make better use of its space. Also, it largely helps readers.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

In the new bookshelves, there is a simple and low-cost mechanism added to the bottom shelf, which
facilitates this particular shelf to rotate above to a desired angle. Thus, people would select books even
without bending down or squatting.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

It has a wide application in libraries. Since it would save space for libraries and make the book selecting
process more convenient for reader.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Inverters, sales people

Name of the key contact: Joanne Jia

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919 4914055

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Patent received.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Anything else you'd like to mention:

It would be great to try the new bookshelves in libraries that are planned to build, or some libraries
where space is not enough. Begin from a small-scale, and make it a trend!

Japanese Restaurant

In about 10 words: Japanese Food for the Young

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Victor

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 5.5119302932e+011

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 6/18/2010 12:54:50 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Develop a japanese restaurant franchise. Japanese food for the young. Focus a healthy food in a fast-
food processes. Focused on serving young people healthy food in a fast way. similar like starbucks

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Name of the key contact: Victor

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 5.5119302932e+011

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

1 year

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: Online interactive streaming video jazz piano lessons

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Bill rinehart

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 6179353282

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/19/2010 10:11:01 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

A subscription site of online interactive streaming video/flash based jazz piano lessons.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Birds-eye view of a piano keyboard being played by a jazz pianist who demonstrates musical concepts in
sync with flash animation of musical notation. Students watch the keyboard and notation and interact
with an onscreen glossary or terms, immediate feedback quizzes, user forum and can download pdf files
practice sessions and custom playalongs to practice with.

There are lots of online lesson sites; few teach jazz and those that do discuss it at a very superficial level
and without the interactivity provided by the hybrid video/flash platform of or the
authenticity of deriving the content from transcriptions of famous jazz solos.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Customers will use it (and have been for 3 years) because it is unique for it's scholarship and quality of

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Fair use

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Bill rinehart

Name of the key contact: Bill rinehart

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 6179353282

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Site has been active for 3 years with consistent revenue of $750+/month with minimal advertising. I
think there is a huge upside for this site if it is managed with professional and sustained marketing and
advertising efforts.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

While the technology is sufficient for the moment it needs to be constantly updated. Future challenges
are mobile browsing and the future of the flash platform.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The site has been profitable since it's inception 3 years ago. I believe that with professional management
it has a huge upside.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

As a jazz musician I am able to drive the creation of content but I am not able to handle the marketing
and technology that the site needs to grow and that is why i am contacting you. I believe that with
professional management of marketing and technology the site has a huge upside. I would welcome
partnering with individuals who have expertise in these areas to help the site achieve it's potential.

Jellyfish Art

In about 10 words: Pet Jellyfish

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Alex Andon

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 4158103343

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 3/17/2010 4:15:11 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Jellyfish Art sells pet jellyfish and the specialized tanks and accessories required to keep them. Jellyfish
have been wildly successful at public aquariums since scientists figured out how to keep them alive in
captivity with special tanks and food several years ago. Jellyfish Art has commercialized this technology
so anyone can have a pet jellyfish. The company operates an online store at and
sells directly to customers.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Jellyfish cannot go in a regular fish tank because they will get stuck in corners and sucked into filtration
intakes. Jellyfish Art's tanks must be round and water flow is carefully designed to keep the jellies
suspended in the water. The company also provides a special frozen food made of several species of
plankton. Jellyfish Art supplies a variety of jellyfish species from a global catalog, ranging from moon
jellies just 2 inches in diameter to Japanese sea nettles with 3 foot long tentacles. Jellyfish Art has made
it as easy to keep pet jellyfish as a regular fish.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Jellyfish Art is currently doubling profits every two months as a startup. Since the first jellyfish was
displayed at a public aquarium several years ago, over 90% of public aquariums have erected jellyfish
exhibits. However, people could not have their own jellyfish because they require a special tank and
food. Jellyfish Art makes pet jellyfish a possibility for the first time. All business is direct-to-customer
including live jellyfish, which can be shipped through the mail via overnight express. The ornamental
aquarium market is $3 billion in the U.S. alone.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Alex Andon, Trinity '06, Founder and President

Cam Urban, Director of Marketing

Name of the key contact: Alex Andon

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 4158103343

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Jellyfish Art was founded in April of 2009. Gross profits have been doubling every two months since the
company started making regular sales in August 2009. Almost all marketing is done online through the
website: The company keeps inventory and ships direct to customers.
Jellyfish Art supports the founder and there are several people working part time.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Scaling and penetrating the ornamental aquarium market. Jellyfish Art is using an e-commerce business
model yet many fish tanks are bought at brick-and-mortar retail stores. One challenge is to work with
these retailers to drive customers to Jellyfish Art's website while sharing profits, possibly with coupons
tagged for each store. As jellyfish are becoming a hot alternative to a regular fish tank, large existing
online aquarium fish retailers are beginning to offer jellyfish and pose competitive challenges to Jellyfish

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Jellyfish Art is already in the marketplace and profitable. The flagship product, the Desktop Jellyfish
Tank, is rolling out of beta-testing (end of March '10).

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Product development has been the main focus for the past three months, although the company is
selling units and profitable. Now that the product has been refined (as of March '10), there will be a big
push in marketing over the next month. The website will be overhauled and an affiliate marketing
program will be launched with the 200+ affiliates who have requested to be included.



Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Vorakarn Chanyavanich

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 303-880-4801

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/28/2010 3:47:05 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

KBRT develops software solutions to improve treatment planning for radiation therapy.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Name of the key contact: VORAKARN CHANYAVANICH

Email address for key contact: KBRTSOLUTIONS@GMAIL.COM

Phone number for key contact: 303-880-4801

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: knowledge management tool for mid to large sized companies

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Consulting & Strategy

Your Name: Charlie Kauffunger

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 301-215-7370

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/15/2010 1:38:24 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Of those that completed an Educe Group survey in Fall 2008, more than 60% cited the constant loss of
institutional knowledge as the biggest concern with their knowledge management programs today.
With a growing number of baby boomers nearing retirement, and younger employees frequently
switching to different positions—or to different companies altogether, organizations are facing the need
to better collect and transfer knowledge among their employees to maintain their competitive
advantage and improve organizational effectiveness. As the bulk of workplace learning rapidly
transitions from traditional instructor-led events to informal employee-driven learning, learning
organizations must evolve to meet the challenges of this new environment. To develop an effective
learning strategy, they must understand how employees find the information they need to do their jobs,
then use this information to optimize the flow of knowledge through the organization.
KnowledgeCurrent is a knowledge management assessment tool that allows companies to examine
what knowledge resources are available to their employees, who uses them, and which are most

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Current knowledge management tools address one specific area of knowledge management. Typically,
they are either data repositories (think Sharepoint) or social networking applications (such as Yammer,
the enterprise answer to Twitter). There is nothing on the market that helps organizations understand
the breadth of applications, systems, and other resources that are being used by their employees.
Having this understanding would allow companies to develop more appropriate and better targeted
knowledge management plans that answer questions such as:

1. Where are our resource bottlenecks and how do we alleviate them?

2. Are the tools we have made available to our employees being used? How can we improve utilization?

3. Are we investing in the right tools, or should our priorities shift elsewhere?

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The product is attractive to individuals in the learning and performance industry because they are the
ones tasked with developing business cases for investment in these types of technologies. The results of
the assessment will give them concrete information that is not readily available in most organizations,
and allow them to present a business case for knowledge management backed up with actual statistics.

Clients will purchase a 10 week offering that includes the following components:

1. Kickoff and Planning phase to customize the knowledge management assessment for their

2. Deployment phase to conduct the web-based assessment

3. Evaluation phase where the client receives the results of the assessment and recommendations for
either updating their existing knowledge management strategy or creating one for the future

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

KnowledgeCurrent is based on open source code that has been customized. The reporting component is
a separately licensed third party product.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Several employees of the Educe Group have been involved with the design, development, and
preliminary testing of KnowledgeCurrent. To date, all development has been done in-house.

Name of the key contact: Nyla Reed

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 703-795-8866 (cell)

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

There is a working prototype of the assessment tool that is currently being piloted internally by the
Educe Group. One presentation has been delivered at an industry conference resulting in a few
potential beta testers; the presentation introduced KnowledgeCurrent with the tagline “Know the
Flow”, and the presentation was titled “Understanding the Flow of Organizational Knowledge”. While
the reporting tool has been identified, the connection between the assessment tool and the reporting

tool is still outstanding as are the identification of the full portfolio of reports that should be offered as
part of the package. The 10 week service offering has been drafted but needs more attention in terms
of defining the scope of each deliverable. The Educe Group has funded all development efforts to date.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The following possible challenges will need to be investigated:

1. Scalability: from a technical perspective, need to identify the limitations of the tool, if any, in terms of
handling complex organizations.

2. Marketing: although learning and performance leaders would be one target market, knowledge
management does not have a consistent “home” across organizations—sometimes functional areas are
responsible, sometimes HR, etc.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Not known. A full blown business plan and marketing strategy need to be developed. Development of
the reporting component should be able to be accomplished in 8-12 weeks from the time the
specifications are developed. Any refinements to the existing tool would have to be scoped out in order
for a timeline to be provided. There is already a server that can be used to make the tool available for
initial clients.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

KnowledgeCurrent is envisioned to be the first application rolled out as part of a suite of applications
that address various aspects of knowledge management. Although the suite is just in the idea stage, we
are interested in having four components in total, each one named after one of the four elements:
KnowledgeCurrent (water) - assessment tool, GroundSwell (earth) - knowledge base and content
repository, TradeWind (wind) - information exchange and collaboration, and Spark (fire) - something
cool, TBD based on how the market evolves.


In about 10 words: Your life online – in one starting point.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Ted Getten

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 434.409.7826

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 4:37:10 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

LifeDash is a website that will act as a starting point for your life online. A better web starting point than
myYahoo or iGoogle, LifeDash enables you to keep track of every account or subscription that you
access online -- even if it is for an offline product. LifeDash essentially creates a central point for users to
organize their 'transactional' activities -- checking their Delta SkyMiles balance, verifying when their
subscription to US Weekly runs out, seeing how many cell phone minutes remain for the month.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

While there are a few sites out there that aggregate accounts (e.g., and
and attempts by some major companies to enter this space (e.g., American Express), there does not
exist any service where users can get a comprehensive view of their online activities. And while LifeDash
will be a starting point (a place for users to take care of the transactional activities of their weblife), it
will also be a place where carefully targeted advertising can result in significant commerce. For example,
users who have Delta SkyMiles can be targeted with offers to earn miles while subscribers to US Weekly
can be targeted to purchase a subscription to InTouch magazine. Obviously, this will be done in a
targeted and unobtrusive manner so users first and foremost get value out of the dashboard.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The biggest barrier will be building the site, due to the fact that many businesses do not utilize OAuth, so
we will have to create a way to tap into accounts and pull data into LifeDash.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Ted Getten

Name of the key contact: Ted Getten

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 434.409.7826

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

This idea is concept-only at this point.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The biggest barrier will be building the site, due to the fact that many businesses do not utilize OAuth, so
we will have to create a way to tap into accounts and pull data into LifeDash.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

I believe this concept could be launched as a Beta within the next 12 months.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Medical Games

In about 10 words: Simple, easy to use online learning games for doctors

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Peter Lamar

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 4079292221

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 4:34:47 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Start a game studio that creates medical simulations for educational and training applications. Work to
bring down the enormous cost of educating health professionals by making these simulations
widespread and available within an internet browser and playable with a mouse click. Use the
repetitious nature of games to assist learning. A student can attempt a procedure hundreds of times in a
simulated environment and become familiar with dozens of possible outcomes.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

High production value gaming graphics and sound combined with an ease of use interface. Games must
have vast amounts of information yet must be playable with a single mouse click and have an intuitive
almost apple-like interface. It must be as accessible to a 55 year old doctor who has never played video
games as a 25 year old med student. The Unity engine would be used to create an immersive 3D
experience that could be played on an internet browser as easily as an IPhone or game console.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Emergency personnel and medical students could be tested in simulated high pressure situations.
Additional applications include Paramedics challenged to a variety of first response scenarios, diabetic
children learning how to better manage their blood sugar, nurses practicing various patient fluid
monitors on interfaces similar to commercial computer systems currently in use.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Peter Lamar

Name of the key contact: Peter Lamar

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 4079292221

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Concept has been proven successfully with the game “Burn Center” which I managed development of.
“Burn Center” was exceptionally well received by the American Burn Association and the Department of
Homeland Security, and received “Overall Best Serious Game” and “Best Small Business Game” awards
in 2008 from Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC). It tested
first response in the aftermath of a terror attack and fluid management in a burn resuscitation situation.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

One challenge is acquiring a government grant to get started. Another challenge is creating a product
that is both educational and engaging and has a successful monetization strategy as well. A team needs
to be successfully built and a suitable medical subject matter expert must be found.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

A midsized simulation product can be designed, developed and tested in about a year. Targeting the
public sector would help eliminate some market risk but would require a grant, lengthening
commercialization time. Immersive educational games is currently a small market but it is fairly certain it
will be a growing as technology becomes faster and cheaper.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Micro Kinetic Energy Capture

In about 10 words: Distributed processing of localized energy sources

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Worth Ketchem

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 843-509-1665

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 3/2/2010 2:45:10 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

The idea of Micro Kinetic Energy Capture is to capture multiple inputs of generated kinetic energy and
aggregate them into a meanful whole. Use of this aggregated energy could be channeled to immediate
use with excesses converted to hydrogen and later turned to electricity using fuel cells.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Micro generators are used to capture kinetic energy and are linked to a centralized distribution unit that
pushes electricity to co-located electricity hungry devices, places excess back to the grid or stores it as
hydrogen for later use. The necessary devices already exist in some form but are constantly being
improved upon. There are basically three devices critical to this application; micro generators,
controllers/converters for gathering and distributing the generated electricity, and hydrogen storage
with fuel cell. The technological challenge is one of aggregation.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The original concept involved capturing kinetic energy generated by the movement of floating docks in
relation to stationary peers. There are limitless potential applications inlcuding linked exercise
equipment in series, opening and closing of contantly used door, and on and on. The one area that most
interests me would be micro wind turbine roof lines. The selling point for these systems is simply the self
reliance of generating our own energy that uses sources previously unused. In the example of exercise
equipment, a facility could have an ID system that indentifies the amount of energy generated by a
customer and rebating them some of their fee or offering additional services. Loss weight, make money,
save the world!!!

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The best individual componenets would need to be sourced. There are promising research efforts out
there that may be the best places to look for breakthrough technologies that apply to the various stages
of this system

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Founder - Worth Ketchem

Name of the key contact: Worth D. Ketchem

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 843-509-1665

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Concept only

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Would aggregated amounts of electricity reach a meaningful level? Cost of components. Net metering

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

2 years

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Micro-Consulting for North Carolina

In about 10 words: A NonProfit for NonProfits to provide student practical experience

Vertical: Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line), Consulting & Strategy

Your Name: Deep Mehtaji

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 910-274-8210

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 3/1/2010 3:43:45 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Micro-Consulting for North Carolina (MCforNC) provides volunteer student consultants to nonprofits to
help them with technical needs, and teach them the specialized skills required to sustain their

Nonprofits face a catch-22: in order to raise money and sustain their operations, they need
infrastructure. However, infrastructure costs money and time that they don't have.

MCforNC is here to solve that problem. Essentially, we are a SWAT team of super-interns: we go in, we
work with a nonprofit on their technical needs, in areas including web design, grant writing, research,
and data management. Finally, we teach them the skills to solve similar problems on their own. We
enable our nonprofit clients to have greater social impact on the local community.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

There are a variety of other consulting organizations. Some of these are large, multinational
corporations (BCG, McKinsey), and some are much smaller nonprofits themselves (NYPowerNY). Both of
these organizations offer solutions to non profits, either for a fee or on a pro-bono basis. However, the
services are geared towards larger-scale nonprofits with higher-level needs like Board development,
Strategic planning, Complex IT infrastructure assistance, Marketing and Research, & Fund Development.

There are also many national and local skills-based volunteer organizations, including,,,,,, DurhamCARES, Executive Service Corps, and Triangle Impact. These organizations either
match community volunteers with long term positions (including leadership roles), or recruit community
members for short term unskilled positions.

Finally, there are programs such as Fuqua on Board, which provides pro-bono consulting services to
community organizations by Fuqua MBA students. Many other business schools have similar programs.
However, the services provided are for higher level needs—strategic consulting, rather than technical

MCforNC is different in that we connect students to nonprofits to solve small, skills-specific technical
problems on a short-term basis. MCforNC gives students the opportunity to build on their classroom
knowledge and make a difference in their local community by providing a sustainable solution to a
nonprofits problems.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

We started MCforNC because we saw a crucial market need that was not being met. Small, underfunded
nonprofits have micro-level problems that hamper their development. Members of the nonprofit must
figure out solutions to these problems by themselves. However, this takes a large amount of time and
energy--time and energy that could be devoted to other organizational priorities.

These micro-level problems are small, so they do not require $2000 solutions, they require $200
solutions. Not many companies offer solutions to these problems for just $200; even if there were such
solutions available, it is not economical for the startup nonprofit to purchase these for every micro-level
problem. Beyond this, a model of a few firms providing a few clients with a few $200 solutions does not
serve the larger community. Far more small problems are likely to occur in the future if the client does
not learn to solve problems efficiently themselves. This business model is not sustainable.

What is needed is a sustainable model that could solve most of these micro-level problems. The way to
serve every client is to take advantage of the vast, untapped skilled volunteer labor market. Skilled
volunteer labor does not have time to solve the macro-level problems for free; they do have time for the
micro-level problems. Thus, an organization could connect these skilled volunteers with nonprofit
organizations in need. The volunteers would solve the micro-level problem, and teach the members of
the nonprofit the skills necessary to solve future small problems on their own. This would be

A small amount of help can make a huge impact on startup organization. MCforNC can provide this
micro-level help, and allow small organizations to make a macro impact on the community.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

This is a social venture we do not need a IP. Since our volunteers use our clients resources and data we
are working with the Duke law clinic to develop a liability contract that will give us some immunity in
case something goes wrong. We also plan to make our volunteers sign a confidentiality statement which
is also being written up by the Duke law clinic.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

We have 5 co-founders and members of our Board of Directors all with backgrounds from engineering
to physics to business. There are three other core members (subject area partners), with expertise in
graphic design, business, and law. We also have five community leaders and UNC faculty on our Board of

Name of the key contact: Deep Mehtaji

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 910-274-8210

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

We've completed 3 projects for nonprofits in the community (ScientificaHelpers, TriangleCares, Cakes N'
More), and we are currently working on 3 more (DurhamCares, VoraciTee, Neemtree). We are also
obtaining engagement contracts for several future projects (El Centro Hispano, GenesisHome, and the
Walltown Children's Theater) which we will begin within the next month.

We've started a volunteer recruitment drive, and so far have found 7 dedicated volunteers to engage
with current and future projects.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:


Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We have already registered as a 501(c)(3) organization. We currently recruit students form Duke and
UNC. Currently we do not charge our nonprofits as we are in our start-up phase. We would eventually
like to charge a nominal fee for some of our services which will allow us to hire/pay experts to train our
volunteers and do quality work.

Anything else you'd like to mention:



In about 10 words: Microengine for portable power

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability), Consumer
Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: William Gardner

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 5049140546

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 3/1/2010 1:07:38 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Imagine a laptop running for 24 hours without being recharged. Imagine an autonomous surveillance
drone running for 5x longer. The Micropower team is developing a microengine that will improve
portability for a wide range of electronics and devices. The Microengine also represents an 20%
reduction in carbon emissions when compared to charging a battery from the grid in the USA when
fueled by E-85 from corn, and an 87% reduction when fueled by E-100 from biomass.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Microengines do not exist. We have the patents and are negotiating exclusive rights from related IP
from MIT.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

ANY portable power application. Consumer electronics, medical devices for use in the field, robots,
home power generation.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Provisional patent filed through Duke. Some component IP is being negotiated out of MIT. Exclusive
rights on all fronts

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Jon Protz, MIT Phd, Duke Prof

Will Gardner, Phd student

Andy Camacho, Phd student,

Hardy Shen, MEM student, Duke undergrad

Jason Massey, VC

Shalav Gupta, Fuqua

Name of the key contact: Will Gardner

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 5049140546

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Working on prototype design right now

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Fabrication facilities at Duke are lacking, requiring much of the fab to be outsourced

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

2 years for commercial or government product prototype

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Mobile Mechanics

In about 10 words: Provide light to medium auto repair and maintenance services in corporate
parking lots and parking garages utilizing specially designed trucks.

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Evan McCormick

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 617-272-0006

How'd you hear about us? : In P4E

Timestamp: 5/27/2010 12:08:00 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Tired of wasting your valuable time waiting at the auto repair shop? Mobile Mechanics seeks to solve
this problem by offering a consumer-friendly auto repair service that fixes a customer’s car while they
are at work. Utilizing specially design trucks, Mobile Mechanics sets up shop at corporate parking lots or
parking garages to perform light to medium auto repair tasks such as oil and brake fluid changes, tire
changes/rotation, air filter replacement, fix steering alignment, etc. Mobile Mechanics will provide
services on a monthly basis to establish consistency and trust with the customers.

The company will work with employers to create a truly customer-friendly approach to auto repair and
maintenance. First, Mobile Mechanic will establish a specific day per month that they will be onsite to
provide services. The employer will send a notification to the employees via email reminding them of an
upcoming service date. Employees will have the ability to sign-up for service via internet in advance
(and ask for special services), or sign up the day of service (capacity dependent). The car is repaired
while the customer earns their pay check!

Depending upon capacity utilization, Mobile Mechanics can also provide at-home repair services with
the same trucks. The ever present population of stay-at-home parents and the increasing population of
telecommuting employees—both segments equally unhappy with the traditional auto repair services—
are prime candidates for Mobile Mechanics.

The truck will be equipped with standard, high volume oil, oil filters, air filters, etc. The company will
utilize “hot shot” vendors such as Napa, AutoZone, and O’Reilly Automotive to provide affordable, just-
in-time delivery of larger items. The recent expansion of these businesses offers a dense network of
parts supply and reduces the required working capital investment.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The key concept for Mobile Mechanics is convenience and reliability for the customer. Furthermore, the
truck design will be patented.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Consumers are willing to pay for convenience, and getting your car serviced is often an unpleasant

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

None currently, but expecting the file a patent for the truck design.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Evan McCormick (2nd Year at Fuqua)

Name of the key contact: Evan McCormick

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 617-272-0006

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

This idea is in the early stages of development. I am seeking a few students to help me flesh out the
concept, define the business model, design the truck, and source interested corporate customers.

No funding to date.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

1) Is there enough work to maintain sufficient capacity utilization and profitability?

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The goal is to have the business fully running by May 2012.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

As a former equity analyst covering the automotive industry, I have a lot of industry contacts the team
can leverage in the diligence stage.


In about 10 words: Next generation social networking SaaS designed for Group Collaboration

Vertical: Social Networking

Your Name: Danny Briere

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: (860) 429-0100

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 3:15:05 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

MoxMe! addresses the nexus of Google, Facebook, MySpace, and other social networking initiatives,
seeking to take the best of each and offer a best-of-breed middleman capability that addresses real
needs. It is addressing the next generation social networking opportunity by focusing on group
applications, and doing so across all major social networking platforms. Where social networking
platforms have been strong in meeting the needs of individuals -- enabling friends, sharing of photos,
and the like -- they have been very weak in enabling groups of individuals to collaborate to accomplish
anything. What's more, users are joining new sites less and less, and are looking for their groups to be
active on their preferred existing platform. MoxMe! is a cross-platform software-as-a-service that
synchronizes roles, content, and memberships across key platforms like Google, Facebook, MySpace,
Yahoo!, LinkedIn and others -- enabling a group to co-exist in multiple places, while also supporting
vertical applications to be shared by members so they can work collaboratively to get something done.
Social Networking therefore transitions to Social Working. Turning the power of social networking into
actually being able to DO something, to us represents the next plateau of the social networking space.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Few social networking platforms are set up to handle groups well. Facebook is all about the individual;
trying to work in a group is next to impossible under its existing model. Google has great collaboration
tools, but they lack cohesion and social networking to really make them fully applicable to the needs of
groups. MySpace is interesting with entertainment-focused content, but weak everywhere else.
LinkedIn, Yahoo! and others have areas called Groups, but they, like the others, are mostly pursuing a
decade old model of how groups operate. MoxMe! adds multiple new paradigms to the equation and
does so across platforms using APIs and mapping:

- Shared Calendaring, so you can truly know what is going on across all your groups.

- Shared Contacts, so you can have one multi-use database that syncs with your mobile and address

- Shared Applications, so you can truly work together within the same applications

- App Store, so you can use those applications applicable to your group (eg, Boy Scouts can all work in
the same Merit Badge program

- New paradigms for supporting grandparent/parent/child and proxy family relationships,

supergroup/group/subgroup definitions, family/friend/groupmate roles, and so on

This is complex detailed stuff that we've been working on perfecting for three years. This is where
Facebook, Google, and others need to go, and so that makes us on the leading edge here. We can offer
these environments major/dramatic increases in functionality while remaining compatible with their
services, and offering users the ability to use whatever platform they are comfortable with to take part -
- even if it is just their email program for basic levels of participation. This is democratization of groups in
social networking, and a much needed next step in their evolution.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

There are all sorts of applications for enhanced group-level functionality in the market. However, we're
focusing on a few key markets that are bounded in the local community. In the education space,
colleges/universities, high schools, middle schools, etc. are prime targets. This marketplace is rushing
towards Google Apps for Education but finding the whole platform wanting when it comes to trying to
match with the varied requirements of groups -- just because you have Google Sites, Apps, Gmail, and
other Google programs does not mean it all works together in groups where there are all sorts of
varying paradigms at play. For schools, we are an extension of their learning platform and other
software -- extending it into the social networking environment and Google Apps where parents,
students, and others are more comfortable participating. Said another way, you can either build a
portal for parents, students, faculty, staff, and others, and try to convince everyone to use it -- this has
failed in most instances -- or you can, as we suggest, let people take part where they are comfortable
taking part. So school courses can have a presence in Facebook, Google, Moodle, and other places -- and
if the students want to participate in Facebook, but parents in Google or someplace else, and
technophobic teachers in just email, we have a paradigm to make that work and work well. It's the way
groups themselves want to self organize. (Can you imagine to form a group we tried to tell everyone
they had to use Verizon for their mobile phone? It wouldn't work!)

The application of MoxMe! beyond education is likewise as easy. We'll be using the penetration into
schools as the launching ground into the nearby communities, and in practice this has been easy. It's
very easy for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sports clubs, fraternities, non-profits, etc., to establish extensions
of their Facebook fan pages or Google Groups or other social networking platform presences, into
MoxMe! to broaden their reach and effectiveness. Now they can be part of a central group signup

paradigm where people can easily opt into and out of groups -- and all communications and
collaboration with those groups likewise easily turns on and off.

MoxMe! is applicable for all groups, and takes the position of extending group functionality rather than
trying to convert people to yet another platform. It's an unprecedented level of freedom that is proving
in trials to be very attractive.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Initial patents have been filed on various elements of this; enhancements and new filings are needed to
continue to envelop what we are doing.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

This project is ideal for P4E because of the way it has evolved and developed. There is lots of
opportunity for a group of students to be part of the leading edge of the leading edge of social
networking, and play a large role in the company going forward.

The company started out as a school project of five kids in the local community (4 of the kids being my
own). They were assigned a team of programmers and project manager, and have successively
developed the project to the point it is today, under my guidance and technical planning. Students and
staff from the local school system and several universities have been contributing guidance. We are at
the point where the company is getting serious traction with schools and universities and more "adult"
management staff are going to be hired to drive the company into the market. The pace is very rapid.

Right now, there have been two teams of programmers working in Pakistan and India, of about 15
programmers in total. This is expected to continue through the foreseeable future. The management of
the company is essentially a handful of parttime people that are in the process of transitioning into the
company or ready to transition to others. As the lead investor at this point (this one of three companies
I am funding at the moment), I have been coordinating these resources, but we will be building the
ramp team in the next few months, so the timing with this program is perfect. If you are looking for an
opportunity to just play a very junior role in a startup, this is not the opportunity for you. I'm looking for
a team to impress me and take this and run with it. (Note that there is a lot of press potential in a group
of middle school and high school kids turning their startup over to college and grad school students to
take it to the next level.)

Name of the key contact: Danny Briere

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (860) 429-0100

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

There are many levels to the platform that are considered complete, inasmuchas a web-based product is
ever complete. The core backoffice product that is the foundation logic is done, as part of the initial

105 implementation. This has been integrated into the Facebook application which is live on
Facebook under the various beta trial participant names, eg UCONN, various high schools, etc. The
Facebook application fully syncs with Google Apps and so groups resident in Facebook also can be
resident in Google and Extensions of the products into Widgets, web pages, mobile
phones, etc. exist as well.

Work that will be completed this summer is integration via middleman software with most leading
educational learning systems (via SIF), integration into Moodle with sync to Google (Moogle) and to
Facebook (Moodlebook), and entertainment content from MySpace. The potential for integration with
Yahoo! and LinkedIn this summer will likely slip to the Fall.

Funding has been fully private at this point, but an initial round is planned in the next 3-6 months; we
want to be able to have dozens of implementations in place with leading school systems prior to
funding. This is being contracted for now.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

1) Monetization. We exist in an interesting area marked by free offerings (Google Apps for Education
eg), subscription based offerings, ad-based offerings, commission-based offerings, and so on. There are
all sorts of ways to monetize this, and yet one of our goals is to closely map our offerings to the leading
players, especially Google, as they themselves continue to penetrate the market As such, we're
interested in getting our first rounds of funding perhaps from sources close to these players This will
affect our plans for monetization.

2) People. We are starved for more hands to take this into the market. We've gotten this beyond the
prototype stage and are now in serious implementation and debugging mode with major launches for
the 2010-2011 school year. Given we are symbiotic to existing software installed and not trying to
compete with it directly, our initial sales have been with very little lag or issue. We need people to ramp.

There are no technical issues that concern us -- we know what we want to do and in what order. This
has been hard to do, but not insurmountable. The middle/high school/college kids have been great at
defining this in ways that students think and this has been complemented with opinions from IT staff,
principals, faculty, other staff at schools.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We are in control of the timeline. We can launch now based on what we have. It fills a market need.
We have planned additional functionality for this Summer and Fall, and will evaluate next steps based
on market feedback. We'd like to launch at a TechCrunch Disrupt-style venue.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

The whole social networking space continues to explode and take over. Google is lacking a solid social
networking strategy; Facebook is lacking real useful apps and an approach to groups that makes sense.
Our strategy is defensible as these two players continue to fight against each other. We believe our exit

strategy lies with one of the leading social networks or with one of the major educational software
players. We want to push the boundaries of what constitutes a fully connected community, and since
communities are based in groups and not really in individuals, we think we can create a very viral
approach that significantly transcends the way current solutions approach the problem. We'd love to
have you involved. Cutting your teeth on a bleeding edge social networking startup has value all over
the place.


In about 10 words: Web and mobile based application for mobile tagging


Your Name: Aki Garrett

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 215-850-6795

How'd you hear about us? : Current Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/8/2010 11:18:55 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

MyPlucks is a mobile application and web based platform that utilizes QR-code (Quick Response Code)
technology (essentially 2-D barcodes) and links to existing social networks (i.e. Facebook) allowing users
to capture, store and share items (i.e restaurants, books, clothing, shoes, movies, advertisements) that
they like. Currently, QR-codes are omnipresent in Asia and to a certain degree in Europe. However, QR-
codes do not have a robust presence in North America, as companies have not been able to figure out
how to effectively leverage this free feature/mode of advertising. There is no platform or social vehicle
available to companies, which makes QR-codes a viable advertising and promotional tool. MyPlucks
seeks to bring QR-codes to North America in a big way, revolutionizing the way in which companies
advertise and reach consumers

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

One of the largest exports in the US and North America is western culture. People are constantly
defining themselves, through their myriad interests and desires. Whether it be through fashion, food,
travel or any other experiences that a person has, MyPlucks will give people the opportunity to capture,
store and share their experiences with their friends and family. Everyday people come in contact with
things that they want to remember or have access to in the future. However, we are unable to
remember everything. MyPlucks incentivizes users to capture QR-codes for coupons, discounts,
priviledged access to products, etc. Moreover, companies will be compelled to advertise through the
"Recommended Plucks" section of the application, because that will be constant streaming
advertisment customized to the "plucking patterns" of each "Plucker" (a person who captures QR-
codes). Therefore, companies will get very precise advertising to the customers that most likely
purchase or consume their products. This is not only more cost effective for companies, but it also has
better yield on advertising dollars spent.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The creation of QR codes is free and can be done on the internet. There are no IP rights that would
prevent anyone from creating a QR-code. Currently, MyPlucks doesn't have any IP protection.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Aki Garrett co-founder

Royal Jackson - co-founder

Name of the key contact: Aki Garrett

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 215-850-6795

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

No Funding to Date. The concept and initial idea "deck" has been created, giving the look and feel of
both the mobile and web-based application. I have conducted a few initial meetings with entrepreneurs
and professors who have an understanding of either entrepreneurship and/or mobile/web based start-
ups to discuss viability and challenges of the idea. I am really in need of an experienced
programmer/coder to create a working prototype, as well as, a student who desires to work on the
marketing and strategy portion of the business

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The largest barrier to entry that is known so far is getting companies to adopt and see the efficacy in
using QR-codes. With the proper marketing and strategic implementation, this barrier should be

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

1-1.5 years

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: Device and support services to address medical treatment non-compliance.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Consumer Marketing (includes consumer
products and services)

Your Name: Michael Noel

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.760.7646

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 7/20/2010 2:18:32 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Device and support services to address medical treatment non-compliance. Event capturing device that
feeds a database accessible through a "Nike +" style web interface coupled with rewards / incentives to
keep track of patient treatment compliance.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Pill dispensor that records events (i.e. pill being taken or not being taken) coupled with a web-based
patient / doctor user interface used for communication, data collection, rewards / incentives recording,

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Increasing medical compliance / adherence (one of the biggest costs in pharmaceuticals industry).

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Prototyping underway. Web-site creation underway.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

DSM Innovation Center team (large publicly traded Dutch company)

Team is primarily European based... US team needs to be created

Name of the key contact: Tom Castile

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (262) 790-9477

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

DSM funding to date. Aggressive market penetration planned for near future. Design work well

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Competition is increasing. Many new entrants expected.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

January 2011 phase 1 market introduction

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Neolitics, Inc.

In about 10 words: Evolutionary optical based chemical analytics system for drastic improvement of
process analytics.

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Energy and the Environment
(includes cleantech and sustainability), Food / Agriculture

Your Name: Ali Radfar, M.D.

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 646-457-1074

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 6/1/2010 2:46:39 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

To develop and commercialize an evolutionary platform for use across all industries (Pharmaceutical, Oil
/ Natural Gas, Food / Beverage, etc.) which currently use process spectroscopy as a Process Analytical
Technology (PAT) for control and optimzation of manufacturing processes.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The core of Neolitics' technology is a micro-optical electro-mechanical (MOEM) element. Neolitics'

MOEM prototype consists of a small form-factor, multi-spectral, optical spectrophotometer, capable of
in-line telemetric monitoring of process variables.

An enabling attribute which differentiates the Neolitics' MOEMs platform from any existing competitor
device, is its ability to autonomously scale its output pre-scan and validate its output post-scan through
DYNAMIC, in-situ referencing and dark correction, using ADAPTIVE optics, i.e. the plaform OBVIATES the
need to STOP a manufacturing process to re-calibrate a device against a standard.

Additionally, the existing Neolitics MOEMS prototype device is currently has a footprint less than 1/10th
the size of any existing marketed optical spectrophotometric device. This will allow manufacturers to
directly attach the device to agitating process equipment, permitting it to be built larger, thus have
higher yields.

While a number of smaller competing MOEMS based spectrophotometers have recently been
introduced to the market, very few are truly process hardened. Of those that are process capable, none
are able to dynamically scale their output through direct (and dynamic) referencing without interrupting
the process.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Multiple top tier industry leaders have confirmed that the Neolitics’ product is a disruptive technology
which will foster an evolution in the manufacturing and processing of pharmaceuticals, oil/gas,
food/agriculture, etc.

In the short term, the Neolitics solution will significantly improve throughput and yields within multi-
step batch manufacturing processes. For example, real-time monitoring of endpoints, in both the
blending and drying process steps, will both serve to accelerate and/or improve the production of
pharmaceuticals. In addition, the in-situ, real-time nature of the technology prevents the need for
discreet sampling, which significantly reduces the risk of product contamination and associated needless
costs and decreased throughput.

In the long term, drug manufactures are looking for a technology, which enables a shift to a mode of
continuous, as opposed to batch manufacturing. To do this, the manufacturer needs to monitor
multiple control points in real-time throughout the process with a single instrument. Many of these
control points are in process environments where the conditions and/or mechanical constraints limit the
deployment of traditional technologies. Neolitics’ rugged, compact, flexible architecture and dynamic
capabilities allow for deployment in these restrictive environments unlike most other systems.

The real value to the pharmaceutical market sector of continuous manufacturing is higher throughput,
decreased manual (i.e., labor) interaction with the process, improved validation, and higher yields
through the reduction in risk associated with product contamination due to batch handling.

Ultimately, the drive within pharmaceuticals toward continuous manufacturing processing is driven by
economics. With the cost to develop new pharmaceuticals reaching unprecedented levels and a
reduction in the time pharmaceutical companies are protected from generic offerings, improved yields
and throughput are critical to a company’s ability to recoup internal R&D cost associated with bringing a
new product to market.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

1) Patent #7,719,680 B2 (Awarded May 18, 2010)

Spectroscope and Method Performing Spectroscopy Utilizing an Adaptive Optical Element

2) Patent #7,740,098 B2 (Awarded October 21, 2008)

Spectroscope and Method of Performing Spectroscopy Utilizing a Micro Mirror Array

3) Patent # 6,670,810 B2 (Awarded December 30, 2003)

System and Method of Distributed Monitoring of Surroundings Using Telemetry of Data from Remote

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Sean Christian, M.S. (Founder and Inventor)

Michael Strauss, MBA (Founder)

Ali Radfar, M.D. (Founder)

Name of the key contact: Ali Radfar, M.D.

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 646-457-1074

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Approximately $2.5 million has thus far been invested (by Weatherford International Ltd.) in the
development of Neolitics' working Micro-Optical Electro-mechanical Element (MOEMS) prototype
device, for use in oil and natural gas exploration. This prototype is the foundation of Neolitics' current
MOEMS platform, for targeted use in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Neolitics' MOEMS IP was created by Sean Christian on behalf of Weatherfod International Ltd, during his
employment with Custom Sensors Technologies (CST), Inc. All technology created by Sean Christian is
currently owned by CST. CST has agreed to a full transfer of this intellectual property, upon Neolitics'
payment of $500,000 in cash, upon closure of the anticipated $2.5 million Angel investment round
(efforts of which are anticipated to begin in September 2010).

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Given that Neolitics currently has a working prototype of its MOEMS device, we believe that, upon
closure of the $2.5 million Angel investment round (anticipated in Q1 2011), and with appropriate
additions to our existing team of three founders, we may complete design modifications to our
pharmaceutical platform and begin global sales in Q3 or Q4 2012.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Neolitics has secured a Letter of Intent from GlaxoSmithkline Pharmaceuticals (GSK), to employ the
Neolitics MOEMs plaform (upon adaptation for pharmaceutical use)for validation of in-line process
pharmaceutical manufacturing, with subsequent adoption / integration in ALL GSK large scale global
pharmaceutical production.

Neolitics has secured legal representation from globally renowned O'Melveny & Myers, LLP, a top tier
firm with expertise in Intellectual Property, Mergers & Acquisitions and Venture Capital. The firm boasts
more than 1,000 attorneys practicing out of 14 offices and 7 countries (U.S., U.K., Belgium, Japan, Hong
Kong, Singapore, and China)

Neolitics is in discussions with Bell Labs to secure more critical IP to develop an application specific
MOEMs device that will allow greater dynamic range into the deep infrared spectral range and allow the
sensor to self align its optical elements. This will give us another market differentiator and create even
greater barriers of entry to the competition.

Newco Addison

In about 10 words: context driven medical search engine driven from electronic medical record

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Ed Addison

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number:

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Univeristy OLV

Timestamp: 3/23/2010 8:28:58 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

This venture is a medical search engine with a completely new paradigm. Rather than being driven from
a query box (the Google paradigm), this engine drives search and data mining directly from your real or
virtual electronic medical record. Every consumer will be able to "understand" aspects of their health
and explore issues more deeply in context by drilling down from their personal data. The search engine
uses semantic web technology and some snazzy user interface concepts. The business model will
involve a combination of sponsorship, advertising, subscriptions to advanced services, and third party e-
commerce for relevant products and services.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Imagine virtually amalgamating your electronic medical record from all available sources - your provider,
labs, personal history record that you have provided, any EMR vendor or portal, even your genome if it
is known. Then, the resulting complexity of data may be daunting to interpret. This medical search
engine generates context driven queries from your full or partial virtual medical record based on
categories you choose and problems the system spots. These queries are executed against multiple
external search engines and curated information sources. The results are clustered and organized in a
way that you can relate them directly to your EMR and ask further questions. This involves federated
search, semantic web technology, and natural language extraction technology to implement and
requires the cloud for execution.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The main application is a context driven medical search engine for consumers that enables them to mine
their personal medical record.

Other vertical context driven search engines could be developed form the resulting technology.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Provisional patents in preparation.

Trade secrets regarding use of semantic web technology.

Exploring partnerships to bring the company into existence.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Ed Addison -

Infinity Venture Group -

(This is a venture consulting firm, not a VC fund)

Several colleagues

While the concept is partially formed and the technology is being developed, the founding team is wide
open and not yet established. There is an equity opportunity for the right business and technical talent.
Ideally this is a Fuqua student and a CS student or two.

Name of the key contact: Ed Addison

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 9103981200

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

No funding to date. Company not formed yet. Founder is both a Fuqua graduate and a PhD in computer
science and an experienced search engine entrepreneur who has founded and exited two search engine
ventures previously. Founder needs a team as he is busy with multiple projects.

The founder has developed the technical concept and some of the business concepts behind the
venture. While experimentation has been done, a full prototype is not complete yet. Technical
"students" and engineers are being recruited over the summer 2010 to build the prototype. A
demonstration is expected by Q4, 2010 if adequate staff identified.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

All search engine companies have business model challenges. Consumers do not like to pay subscription
fees and advertising requires a daunting amount of traffic.

This search engine has huge potential. There is no decent medical search engine out there and that is
because they are all modeled after the Google paradigm. This search engine turns the model on its ear
and drives search from a full or partial medical record and organizes and mines information for the user.

There are technical challenges to achieve near perfection, there are business challenges as to how to get
sponsorships, ramp up to advertising level traffic streams, and sell adjunct products.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Demonstration 2010

Complete Prototype and Business Plan 2011

Full Development and Limited Beta 2012

Beta Launch 2013

Mature Launch 2014

Exit or IPO 2017-2020

Anything else you'd like to mention:

See founder's background at

Looking for an eager team to contribute substantially and share generous equity

Participants must be able to contribute without salary expectations until 2012

Newco Li

In about 10 words: first cosmetics chain stores in China, selling products and providing consulting

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Dongning Li

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 86-1370-114-2371

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Univeristy OLV

Timestamp: 3/29/2010 11:33:45 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

The vision I have focuses on creating China’s first comprehensive cosmetic center that provides women
throughout China a supportive environment for their advancement in society. In my eyes, cosmetics
gives women more than just beauty, it gives them confidence thus helps them succeed in society. The
unique chain of cosmetics stores will offer not only access to top shelf and boutique beauty products,
but also extensive educational training to customers including the application of cosmetics and
individual consulting on personal image. I want to expand this concept as a national chain throughout
China, providing even more services than offered by Sephora in Europe/US or Shasha in Hong Kong.

China’s face is changing rapidly, but as a nation, she still has not yet learned how to use eyeliner. From
my extensive observations and research gained from being a contributing member of the largest online
cosmetic community and talks with hundreds of women across all ages and backgrounds, I find many
Chinese women, especially the ones at or above my age, do not use cosmetics because they have little
knowledge on appropriately choosing and applying the makeup products. They were led to ignore their
gender differences with men’s during earlier education when China had not implemented its reforms
and opening policy. As China has opened, they felt lost after finding numerous cosmetics quickly flooded
into China. There is a huge need that will allow me to follow my passion for make-up to help other
women by incorporating my interest into running a business that helps women succeed in society.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Most comsmetics stores just focus on selling products but do not provide consulting or training service
for customers, which is the most needed in cusotmers'decision of purchasing, from my observation and
researches, so this is going to make the business successful.

Another idea I have is to link the business with a charity organization that my friend and I are
establishing now to set up the positive image of the business.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The high quality of the consulting service will appeal users.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Name of the key contact: Dongning Li

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 86-1370-114-2371

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Corporate Training & Consulting

-Organized regular professional image trainings for British Council staff, work partners and a consulting
company and thus have accumulated rich experience

-Invited to speak at 10 Beijing area universities to 1,200 students about professional dress and cosmetics

-Organizing monthly Cosmetic Club meetings for professional businesswomen to discuss different styles
of make-up, introduce global brands; the club also serves as a women’s support group

Industry Knowledge and involvement

-Stay current on all new trends; read latest publications and watch related television programs

-Regularly perform market research to better understand the industry and identify future trends

-Actively involved and a major contributor to both China’s top BBS for cosmetics education
( and the major US online cosmetics community (

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

1. Financial Investment

2. Difficulty of recruiting experienced staff to provide high quality consulting

3. Competition from existing and potential competitors

4. How to sell the idea to customers

5. Marketing and commercials

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

2010-2012: marketing reseach, feasibility analysis and seek for investment

2012-2014: establish the first store in Beijing, publicize the business and take up certain market shares

From 2014: Begin to have profits and spread the business to other four big cities in China

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Newco Narayanaswami

In about 10 words: social networking site that tracks positive actions and quantifies it.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Remya Narayanaswami

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.536.8901

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 2:56:28 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

A social networking website that tracks people's activities and assigns points (or dollar value) to it. There
is a gaming element to it where members of the network can buy stocks of people based on their value.
To get an idea, the gaming aspect is similar to Hollywood Stock Exchange ( The goal
would be to encourage positive actions like volunteering for 'Habitat', helping a friend / team and also
hold people accountable for wrong doings. Members can join various communities of their interest - for
example: Fuqua School of Business, Tree Huggers, Politicians etc. These communities could be groups in
Facebook or other social networking sites.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

This would be a network of similar minded people who encourage and support positive actions for the
betterment of the society. The quantification of the actions provide a 'fun / gaming' aspect to it. For
advertisers, this would be a niche target segment.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Customers would use it similar to Facebook or other social networking site and also similar to gaming

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

None as of now.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

This is at an ideation stage and currently only I am involved.

Name of the key contact: Remya Narayanaswami

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919.536.8901

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

No funding to date.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Potential competitors include big players like Facebook and Twitter.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

1 year

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Looking for Engineers as well apart from business school students.

Newco Schaeffer

In about 10 words: A Robot Domestic that does your chores

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device), Consumer Marketing (includes
consumer products and services)

Your Name: Monika Schaeffer

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-943-9169

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Univeristy OLV

Timestamp: 5/17/2010 6:28:30 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

As Artificial Intelligence techniques advance and processors and sensors drop in cost and size and rise in
power, we are rapidly approaching a point where personal robotics should become practical and
affordable. However, robotics researchers, whose goal it is to build the single most impressive robot and
improve the state-of-the-art, are often more willing to drop cash for expensive top-of-the-line sensors
and processors to solve problems rather than working on improving results using cheaper components.
Meanwhile, the consumer robotics market is largely dominated by robotic pets. The most successful
domestic robot, the Roomba, sells because it works consistently well and is as cheap as any other small
appliance, but its uses are limited. I plan to start a company to develop and market a multi-purpose
domestic robot that is inexpensive, robust, and useful. Such a robot would be of immediate help to the
infirm or disabled, but before long would be as cheap and practical as any home appliance or consumer

A major feature of this robot will be expandability; if the robot hits the consumer market in 2012
knowing how to fold laundry (the first application currently in development), dust a shelf, and empty a
dishwasher, and in 2013, the company develops algorithms for bed making, window cleaning, and
library cataloging and organization, and some industrious users have programmed theirs to dispense cat
food from a can, monitor and restock their fridge's beer supply, and empty the dustbins on their
Roombas, all of these software upgrades would be made immediately and freely available to consumers
who have already purchased the robot hardware.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Such a multi-purpose robot is the sum of many small technological innovations. Among these are:

- active sensor usage which allows the robot to choose sensing actions to minimize action cost and
maximize useful information gain. For example, the robot might have foveal vision similar to a human
eye - segments of the image deemed important might be processed at a higher resolution than those in
the robot's peripheral vision, which is itself monitored in the background at a lower resolution for
potentially important things requiring more attention.

- time indexed differentiable mapping and self-localization that would allow the robot to learn the
layout of and safely navigate a house with static (walls), semi-static (chairs), moving (dogs), and
interactive (doors) obstacles.

- a complex human interaction protocol that would, for instance, differentiate between (so as to not
annoy) a user who doesn't care about how his laundry is folded, one who wants his laundry folded in a
specific way and is willing to work with the robot until these parameters are learned, and everyone in
between. In the later cases, the robot should also be able to formulate questions whose answers would
most quickly help in determining preferences, instead of relying on the user to explain problems to the
robot. Although this robot is intended to be just a servant and not good company, human interaction is
still a difficult problem.

- for the laundry-folding application, a model of fabric behavior and topology which can predict how an
item of clothing (a non-rigid, highly variable object) will behave, search for action paths to take the item
from one configuration to another, and compare a real world item to a generic class model in order to
determine the desired end state; a robot that cannot tell the difference between a tshirt and a pair of
jeans will be able to fold neither. This also includes a predictive vision system where the robot can
predict what the item should look like in the state the robot believes it is in, compare the prediction with
actual images, and update the understanding of the state accordingly.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

I view this product as having three distinct, temporally sequential user bases.

The first generation robot would be marketed as an aid for those who have some medical impediment
towards doing common chores. We would be able to form a mutually beneficial relationship with these
users, who would help us market-test, trouble-shoot, and improve the product while receiving much-
needed help around the house. The relatively small size of this demographic would allow us to provide
personal service while we work to make the robot more reliable. It should be possible to run the
company up to and through this phase as a non-profit, which would ease funding and reduce pressure
to turn an immediate profit during the research and development stage. When the amortized cost of an
individual robot is low enough for the commercial market, the surplus funds left from this stage could be
continued to be used towards helping these people with robots.

The second target demographic is the early adopters and the technophiles. This group is willing to try
new things and is reasonably competent with consumer electronics. Some of these, like some Roomba
users, might be robot enthusiasts and will enjoy exploring the capabilities of the hardware beyond those
available out of the box. (At the very least, there will be YouTube videos of the robot interacting with

cats.) These users will offer constructive criticism and expect improvements, but will be forgiving if the
product generally works well.

Eventually, a domestic robot will be viewed as a common appliance, and owning one would be as
normal as owning a washing machine, a dishwasher, or a computer. At first, many will consider the
robot to be a silly curiosity that does something they can do perfectly fine themselves, but after some
time, folding clothes by hand would be seen as much a waste of time as washing clothes by hand. This
demographic expects appliances like this robot to be intuitive and reliable.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Monika Schaeffer (current Duke PhD candidate and part-time graduate student, in computer vision, AI,
and robotics)

Amit Patel (recent Duke PhD graduate in computational topology)

Name of the key contact: Monika Schaeffer

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919 943 9169

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

I am currently developing methods for robot laundry-folding in simulation. I also intend to soon start
testing computer vision techniques for processing images of fabric on a variety of cheap cameras. (These
two steps are relatively inexpensive and will save us money in building and testing prototype robots
later.) I haven't applied for any funding yet but I have begun to compile a list of grants to apply for; once
the laundry folding simulation is suitably pretty and can be presented as a proof of concept, I will begin
sending in applications.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The first generation robots provided for the infirm and disabled should be developed enough to begin
in-home testing in a year and a half after sufficient funding is acquired to hire a research, coding, and
engineering team.

From there, the robot should be ready for the commercial market within a year or two.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Newco Sehn

In about 10 words: Behavioral targeted ad network for print magazines

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Nick Sehn

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 312-339-9707

How'd you hear about us? : Current Fuqua Student

Timestamp: 5/27/2010 5:07:28 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

The basic premise is to combine the concepts of targeted online display advertising (especially
behavioral targeting) with printed ads in magazines. The business will use on-demand printing
capabilities to print personalized versions of magazines that include individually targeted ads. For
example, the reader of The Economist is in-market for buying a new SUV. Based on her online
behavioral profile, the technology determines this and what category of car she is interested in. Now,
SUV advertisers can buy ad space for this individual and achieve better ROI because the ad is efficiently
targeted to a person that will have the highest response.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

This business combines technology for online advertising and on-demand printing. The main
competitive advantage would be to build a behavioral targeted ad network that can correlate users
online behavior with their offline print magazine subscriptions.

The printing part of the business would be outsourced to on-demand printers. Some new technology
may need to be invented for creating the personalized digital files for printing.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Targeted print ads in magazines provide value for the advertisers, the magazine publishers, and the end
consumers. The advertisers get to put their brands in front of the people that matter most and are most
likely to respond to the ad. This makes smarter, more efficient use out of their limited ad budgets. The
publishers see benefits because advertisers are likely to pay higher rates for targeted ads that work
better. Publishers can micro-segment their ad inventory and see a large lift in ad revenue. Consumers
find value in seeing ads for products they care about.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Nick Sehn

Name of the key contact: Nick Sehn

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 312-339-9707

Status of work already done and any funding to date:


Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Must build a behavioral ad network - takes time but doable. At this point, also investigating licensing
technology from an existing network.

Biggest challenge will be changing the buying process for ad placements in magazines. Need to validate
this can be accomplished by talking with media buyers at ad agencies.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

12-18 months

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Anyone with ad sales (especially for print magazines) would be very helpful to the project. In addition,
looking for 2-3 students to validate market opportunity and make contacts for a limited number of
magazines and ad agencies.

The founder, Nick Sehn, has 3+ years of ad network experience and contacts to help in building/licensing
behavioral ad technology.


In about 10 words: online suite of productivity and collaboration applications and storage for

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line)

Your Name: Al Huntoon

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-598-6935

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/29/2010 3:41:10 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Create a web based Software application as Service that has comprehensive suite of productivity and
collaboration applications and storage aimed at providing the nonprofit sector with customized online
software. It would bundle donor management, bookkeeping, HRIS, volunteer management, grant
management, evaluation application as well as offering file storage. It would generate revenues
through user fees.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The innovation has to do with the market rather than an invention or technological or product

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Small and midsize nonprofits tend to be challenged in the area of information management. Also
existing software that is targeted toward this market can tend to be expensive relative to the
organizations' budgets. combining the SaaS approach with "sector sensitive" professional support that
is targeted to nonprofit needs could really have a significant impact on the social sector.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

No intellectual property at present.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Al Huntoon

Name of the key contact: Al Huntoon

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-598-6935

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Negligible, the work is at the very preliminary concept stage.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Although I have a deep knowledge of the sector's information management needs I do not have the
technical skills or connnections to bring the service to market.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

1.5 years.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I realize that this might not be a good fit for the Program for Entrepreneurs since it does not involve an
invention or technilogical innovation but I know that the concept does have good potential impact on
the social sector.


In about 10 words: One stop online destination for pursuing one's interests and passions.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Anshul Singh

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: +91-9901444500

How'd you hear about us? : Incoming Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 12:52:21 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

This is an online portal which connects a common man with people of similar interests, the vendors in
that domain, and also the experts in that domain. It’s a one stop destination for everything an individual
needs in order to learn and pursue his passions.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

This social networking online portal is interest specific. The Nukelime team will help find experts in
different domains, and also help connecting the end user to the events and event management
companies involved in the same.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

This online portal will be used by people across the globe who want to take their passions seriously and
also want to pursue them as careers.

The manufacturers and event management companies would be interested in it as they would get a
dedicated customer base.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Anshul Singh [Duke MBA Class of 2012] and Manish Kumar

Name of the key contact: Anshul Singh

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: +91-9901444500

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Got quatations from Software firms for the online portal development. Wireframe and requirements
document completed.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Marketing and creating Vendor/Event Management Network

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

3 months

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: Website for group event’s organizers

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Rafael Fontecilla

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 1 919 236 9229

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Univeristy OLV

Timestamp: 5/29/2010 9:28:45 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Organizing is a company that will organize social events among people. The company’s objectives are to
offer a quick, convenient and informational service for those customers that need to organize an event
and they do not have the time to do it. Today, people do not have much time and it is common that we
want to organize social events, but we finished not doing anything due to time restrictions. Organizing
recognize this customer need and will offer a high tech solution according to the expectations of heavy
internet users (Facebook, Twitter, and so on). The main idea will be to have a website that will have the
supplier’s information related to the event and also the tools that will quickly connect users with their
potential participants in the event.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The website will provide the tools and key information that will encourage the organization of social

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Users will have access to important information about events (place, timing, price, and so on) and at the
same time they will be connected to their potential event’s participants. Once they invite the people
they want to participate in the event, users will have quick answers about the attendance of the event
that they are organizing

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Starting the process

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :


Name of the key contact: Rafael Fontecilla

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 1 919 236 9229

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Development of the business idea, initial consumer research, software feasibility

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Suppliers network, start customer’s initial relationship (massive) and define the revenue model

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

18 months

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Orphans for EcoTourism!

In about 10 words: Tourism Agencies that are operated by and for talented orphans, serving the
needs of the cultural and eco-tourism industry in Macedonia.

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability), Social
Ventures (includes double bottom-line)

Your Name: Vera Lalchevska

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-381-8566

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 3/2/2010 12:47:03 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Miracles can happen when the needs of one country are met by the talents of its orphan and extremely
poor children. On the one hand, I have always wanted to help needy children, and especially those who
are either born into very poor families and end up begging on the streets, or those who live all their lives
without knowing the love of a parent. These children have so many talents to discover, yet they are the
weakness of every society, and remain an unused potential in most countries. On the other hand, I have
always had a dream that the Republic of Macedonia, would become one of the most attractive cultural
and mountain eco-tourism places in the world. With 70% of the country covered in magnificent
mountains, with all sorts of fruits and vegetables tasting like paradise, and with the city of Ohrid and its
surrounding cliffs which housed 365 churches once upon a time, Macedonia has so much potential. A
country whose name is in the Bible, the birthplace of Mother Theresa and the Jerusalem of Eastern
Europe – Macedonia is simply an unexplored beauty and a cradle of humanity’s civilization. If only there
was an organized cultural and mountain eco-tourism industry. This would not only preserve the natural
and cultural heritage of the country, but also create sustainable employment opportunities for the
people living in the most beautiful areas that are unfortunately being consistently depopulated because
of the lack of jobs. In the absence of an organized eco-tourism industry, and tourism agencies across the
country, the Republic of Macedonia, for all its wealth of nature, history and cultural heritage, will
deplete and destroy its natural resources, and yet never be able to develop to its full potential.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Miracles can happen when the needs of one country are met by the talents of its orphan and extremely
poor children. This thought came to me as I struggled in having to choose between the two project

ideas I had finally narrowed down my list to, in a homework assignment for a Social Entrepreneurship
class at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. On the one hand, I have always wanted to help
needy children, and especially those who are either born into very poor families and end up begging on
the streets, or those who live all their lives without knowing the love of a parent. These children have so
many talents to discover, yet they are the weakness of every society, and remain an unused potential in
most countries. On the other hand, I have always had a dream that the Republic of Macedonia, would
become one of the most attractive cultural and mountain eco-tourism places in the world. With 70% of
the country covered in magnificent mountains, with all sorts of fruits and vegetables tasting like
paradise, and with the city of Ohrid and its surrounding cliffs which housed 365 churches once upon a
time, Macedonia has so much potential. A country whose name is in the Bible, the birthplace of Mother
Theresa and the Jerusalem of Eastern Europe – Macedonia is simply an unexplored beauty and a cradle
of humanity’s civilization. If only there was an organized cultural and mountain eco-tourism industry.
This would not only preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the country, but also create sustainable
employment opportunities for the people living in the most beautiful areas that are unfortunately being
consistently depopulated because of the lack of jobs. In the absence of an organized eco-tourism
industry, and tourism agencies across the country, the Republic of Macedonia, for all its wealth of
nature, history and cultural heritage, will deplete and destroy its natural resources, and yet never be
able to develop to its full potential.

My idea is to create "Tourism Agency-Schools" out of orphanages. These schools would be organized in
the manner of apprentice schools, where the children would not only be educated, nourished and
housed, but also trained to do skills which could immediately impact the eco-tourism industry, and
eventually, the economy of their country. In fact, the schools themselves would turn into tourism
agencies. The orphans would be able to use these skills to make a living and at the same time fill a
desperately needed gap in the market supply of the eco-tourism industry: tourism agencies, mountain
tour guides, monastery guides, cooks, musicians, dancers, and so on.

The idea, then, is to start with a pilot project – building one central Tourism Agency-School which will
accept 50 children (from parents and from other regular orphanages that are currently overpopulated)
between the ages of 12 and 18. The Tourism Agency-School and its surroundings would be built in such
a manner as to generate energy and inspiration in terms of architectural style, color, designs and
lighting, flora and fauna. It would also provide all musical instruments that are used in traditional
Macedonian music, including violin, piano, bagpipes, harmonica, drums, zurli, flute, and so on. The
instructors would be chosen in a similar fashion to those young college graduates chosen by Teach for
America, from colleges across the world (Switzerland, Italy, the US) which are known for their academic
excellence in the tourism industry. For the young graduates of these schools, the teaching experience in
the Macedonian Tourism Agency-Schools would be a unique learning and living experience abroad, and
a chance to use their skills immediately in the market.

The pilot orphanage would function at the beginning as the first national tourism agency organizing
tours and visits within the country. Macedonia, a country of 2.5 million people has been attracting
between 100,000 and 500,000 tourists per year in the past 5 years. A niche which has not been taken
advantage of yet is cultural tourism. The city of Ohrid, the potential destination of the pilot project, is a

potential attraction for 200 million tourists from Eastern Europe, thanks to its unique aspect of housing
the first Slavonic Literary School in the Monastery of St. Clement in the 9th century, where hundreds of
missionaries were schooled in the religion and the letter of the Eastern Orthodox Church, traveling as far
as Ukraine to spread this religion and language. It is thanks to this school that most Eastern European
countries, from Bulgaria to Russia, use the Cyrillic alphabet, speak a Slavic language, and practice the
Eastern Orthodox religion.

While at first hand the agency would also be staffed by 5 professionals in the tourism industry chosen
through an international tender, these would serve as mentors and models for the orphans who, in 3
years time would need to replace them. The skills that could be learned at this sort of apprentice
schools, and later used in the tourism agency are: cooking traditional food, guiding visits to mountains
and monasteries, dancing, playing authentic instruments, making handmade authentic jewelry and
clothes, making souvenirs, learning how to host people in private homes, and so on.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Inspite of the effort on behalf of the current Government in promoting Macedonia throughout the world
via newspaper advertisements and the website “,” there is no adequate and
eco-friendly supply to fit the growing tourism demand. Though the Government recently adopted a
National Strategy for the Tourism Industry (2009-2013), and aims to open a Government Agency for the
Support and Promotion of Tourism (which will serve the tourism businesses, not the tourists), there is
not one central tourism agency that provides tourists coming to the country with maps, tour guides,
information about the whole country, souvenirs, etc. Even I, as a local citizen, do not know where to
turn, whom to talk to, if I wish to have a guided tour of the city of Skopje, the capital, and birthplace of
renowned Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. What is needed is a central, national tourism agency, with
branches across the country, that will invest in preserving and properly offering the natural and cultural
wealth of the country. Instead, what is being built is huge hotels that will not take into consideration
the repercussions of mass tourism on the natural and cultural environment.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

At the moment our team is composed of two young Macedonian women who have travelled the world
and decided to go back to Macedonia. Both of us are/were Duke graduate students. One of us is an
economist and lawyer, and the other is a political scientist who is currently getting a degree in
International Development from Duke. We have both won a series of scholarships and awards,
including Fulbright, the Rotary Fellowship, and the Robert McNamara Fellowship. One of us is an
Assistant Professor of Economics at American College in the Republic of Macedonia, the other a former
Government employee. Between the two of us, it would not be an exaggeration to say that we know
most of the stakeholders for this project. We are both full of energy, enthusiasm and new ideas. And we
need a young, passionate and determined team.

Name of the key contact: Vera Lalchevska

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-381-8566 (USA) OR +389-2-3211-856 (Macedonia)

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Idea stage.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:


Competition from private tourism agencies.

Competition/disagreement from "normal" orphanages.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

It will take at least three years to launch the project and successfully complete the pilot stage.
Schools/Agencies have to be built, mentor/teacher agents have to be recruited and trained, orphans
have to be recruited and trained.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Having worked for the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, I am well aware of the priorities and
needs of the country, and the acceptability of this kind of idea to the current government. I am also
aware of the weaknesses in the system, and am certain that the Government would be thrilled to
collaborate with such a project. With our enthusiasm, energy, and entrepreneurial spirit, and with our
young work force, I am sure that they will embrace what we have to offer. On the other hand, this idea
would function much better with the partnership of the Government, using its resources such as the
Macedonian National Tourism Portal, networks, and the already established strategies and goals.

Oyster Digital Media

In about 10 words: In-store interactive retail digital merchandising

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Jordan Scott Baltimore

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 6468721441

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/2/2010 12:30:47 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Oyster Digital Media is developing the Retail Experience Platform - an on-shelf digital merchandising &
customer communication platform for retailers and brands.

The Retail Experience Platform is an intelligent, interactive solution that combines key features of digital
signage, kiosks and product content display.

Founded originally to develop a shelf-edge digital price tagging network, Oyster has expanded to
produce a network that allows consumers to learn more about products and promotions on shelf based
interactive touchscreens.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

A combination of intellectual property, a patent pending method for content serving, a unique approach
from the retailer's point of view, and a future in retail analytics.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

It will both save money and generate sales and margin growth for retailers and brands. The network will
also reduce traditional merchandising costs and reduce the likelihood of a customer returning their
purchase. Signage and product information will always be up-to-date and accurate, and retailers will be
able to run timely promotions. Consumers will be able to find more information at the point of
purchase, allowing them to make smarter purchasing decisions and enhance their shopping experience.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We have a patent pending for our method of content serving, based on the "active or passive
identification" of a consumer in the store.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Founder is full-time on the project. Key advisors include former CEOs, CIOs and EVPs from Circuit City
and CompUSA in addition to the past Director of In-Store Networks from Wal-Mart.

Name of the key contact: Jordan Scott Baltimore

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 6468721441

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Self funded, the company recently signed Samsung as its first client. We are currently partnered with a
leading digital signage/kiosk company to provide our software solutions.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

We need to bring the technology in-house.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Our first rollout will happen by June 15.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Oyster Digital Media can benefit from significant strategic/retail/technology resources and


In about 10 words: Pre workout sports drink for 18-34 year old, male athletes

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Hayes Hopple

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: (917) 841-6352

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/30/2010 11:59:26 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Few pre workout solutions are currently available for sale. Those that do exist are sold in specialty stores
such as GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe, select athletic facilities, or online sports supplement websites.
Mass marketed sports drinks are dominated by Gatorade and Powerade, but such products are mainly
intended for post workout consumption. Furthermore, the functional drink market’s recent growth
signals consumer dissatisfaction with purely aspirational-marketed brands. People now want drinks that
provide physical and emotional benefits.

PreSport™, a 10 ounce RTD sports beverage that has been developed by leading sports nutrition
scientists, has the opportunity to be an early entrant into the pre workout sports drink market. The
brand’s “Stronger-Faster-Harder” benefit delivery system is designed to enhance lean muscle growth
when strength training, increase speed, quickness, and endurance when engaging in cardiovascular
activities, and enhanced fat burning among athletes when consumed prior to engaging in vigorous
physical activity.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The Pre Company's marketing plan involves initial product sales and distribution to the over five
thousand small grocery stores and delis within the New York City Tri-State area. After a grassroots
marketing effort has been established in New York City, PreSport™ will penetrate new markets through
partnerships with independent beverage distributors and internal field sales employees. Such a strategy
will enable the PreSport™ brand to establish itself within the mass market opposed to limiting sales to
specialty trade classes (as evidenced by current pre workout sports supplements.) In doing so,
PreSport™ will be made available to the growing segment of recreational athletes, many of whom do
not shop for their athletic needs within the specialty store trade class.

Next, the brand will generate an emotional appeal through targeting key influencers within territories of
distribution. Initial marketing events involve but are not limited to select sampling and promotional
activities in gyms and local competitive events.

Strong distribution coupled with creative and effective marketing tactics will create brand loyalty and
grow sales. Consumers will consume the 10-ounce beverage 15 minutes prior to engaging in physical
activity. Amino acids, protein fragments, and caffeine blends will safely give users a stimulant effect (to
let him/her know it's working), while also delivering viable results after repeated use. Essentially, repeat
purchases will stem from product efficacy and clever marketing while initially launched in a small but
densely populated target geography.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Nearly 30% of the United States engages in regular fitness, which is defined by the Center for Disease
Control as “20+ minutes of vigorous physical activity three or more days per week.” Although goals
vary, the public’s motivations behind working out can largely be categorized into four, often
overlapping, groupings:

1) General health

2) Weight control

3) Strength training

4) Athletic competition.

The proprietary blend of ingredients found in PreSport™ are able to help users meet each of these goals
more effectively and efficiently through the brand's "Stronger-Faster-Harder" benefit delivery system.
Though the brand has yet to undergo formal consumer testing, key ingredient efficacy studies found in
select athletic and science journals has found the following results when consumed prior to activity:


More forceful squats (+8%)

More forceful bench press (+35%)


5% Increase in time trials among middle distance runners.

5% Increase in short burst intervals


30% reduced body fat (versus water or other leading sports drinks)

In addition to the efficacy of the product, PreSport™ contains select amino acids capable of safely
delivering a stimulatory effect, which provides a boost of energy and, more importantly, a sense that the
brand is altering the user’s mood (i.e. it’s working.)

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The brand name PreSport™ is to be a registered trademark, as well as the slogan "Making Athletes
Better", which has recently passed through an initial trademark search conducted by the law firm of
Cowan, Leibowitz, and Latman.

For reasons pertaining to the disclosure of the formula's ingredients when filing for patent protection,
The Pre Company will protect its recipe through trade secrecy. The formula is known only by the
company’s founder and the formula’s creator. To ensure the creator does not produce similar products
or disclose the ingredients to others, the brand has been protected with signed non-disclosure

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

The Pre Company, LLC is currently owned and operated by Richard "Hayes" Hopple and one silent
partner. Hayes Hopple will act as the company's Founder and Chief Executive Officer.

Name of the key contact: Hayes Hopple

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (917) 841-6352

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Initial funding has been raised and allocated toward the creation of the formula, samples for prospective
investors and small batches necessary for consumer testing.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

As with any startup, The Pre Company faces several barriers to entry prior to profitability. Ranging in
order of severity from greatest to least, overcoming the following obstacles will be critical to success:

• Incumbents’ Economies of Scale

• Gatorade’s Pre Workout Drinks

• Consumer acceptance and brand loyalty

• Trade adoption

• Training and skills

• Intellectual property

• Environmental factors

• Supply Risks

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

TPC will sell and distribute PreSport™ to the greater New York tri-state area beginning Fall 2010.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Protein diagnostics biotechnology

In about 10 words: Biotechnology for improved (and new) protein diagnostics and lab assays

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Cole

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 301-633-9538

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/29/2010 9:34:32 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Protein assays are the basis for a wide range of diagnostic tests, bioscience research techniques, and
discovery methods. One of the biggest challenges limiting their speed, breadth of application, and ease
of use is "non-target protein adsorption." We want to commercialize a new biomaterial coating that
eliminates non-target protein adsorption, and thus may:

1. Improve the speed and sensitivity of existing protein-based diagnostics and research techniques

2. Enable simpler diagnostic products that can be used in new settings (home, ambulance, clinic)

3. Enable entirely new diagnostic tests and research methods that weren't previously possible

The technology is based on the research of Dr. Chilkoti, Duke Professor of Biomedical Engineering, who
has successfully spun-out his research in the past (see PhaseBio and his ELP technology)

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Proteins are used as the "biomarker" for diagnosing a large number of diseases. They also play a key
role in bioscience research, where protein levels can help characterize biological processes and diseases,
as well as indicate the effectiveness and mechanism of therapies. To detect the presence and
concentrations of proteins - thus enabling diagnosis or descovery - chip-based protein assays are often
used. These chips (small wafers) have a number of antibodies attached to them that bind and capture
the protein of interest ("target"), which can then be processed to determine its concentration using
florescence. The problem with current chips is that you get significant adsorption of non-target
proteins, which decreases the sensitivity of the diagnostic technique, and either limits the applications
of the test or requires the sample to be purified.

Chilkoti's technology is a "polymer brush" coating that's applied to the surface of a chip. It eliminates
adsorption of non-target proteins, which offers a number of advantages:

1. Allows for the sample to be very "dirty" - it can handle samples of blood, serum, urine, saliva, and cell
lysate without any detectable adsorption

2. High sensitivity - it can detect proteins in the femtomolar (10^-15) range; it's over 100 times more
sensitive than other fluorescent assays. This may enable new diagnostic approaches that weren't
previously possible.

3. Quick detection time (~10 minutes) since the sample can be small and unpurified. No need for
plasma separation and signal amplification.

4. No need for purification - this may enable simple diagnoses in new settings (home, ambulance,
clinic), where previously the requirement for purification material, test time, and know-how was

5. Has a shelf-life of months due to a non-covalent attachment method used for manufacturing

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

We believe there are three broad categories of applications:

1. Improving the sensitivity and speed of existing protein diagnostic techniques in a wide range of

2. Simplifying diagnostic tests to enable versions that can be used in new settings (home, ambulance,

3. Enabling new diagnostics where protein levels were previously too low to detect

4. Enhancing existing protein test systems where random adsorption is a drawback, including industry
standard ELISA procedures and assays for lab research

There may also be other applications enabled by the advantages mentioned previously. We hope the
students will work with us to identify and assess potential markets/applications and provide insights into
the best targets.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Dr. Chilkoti is the inventor for 2 Duke-owned patent applications related to his polymer brush
technology: US20060057180 and US20070072220

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Dr. Chilkoti - Duke Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Center for Biological Inspired
Materials and Material Systems.

He previously founded PhaseBio, a biotech start-up created to commercialize his other research:
proteins for enhancing drug delivery and purification. The company just finished raising a $25M Series B
round from VCs, including NEA and Hatteras.

Angus Hucknall - Graduate student in Dr. Chilkoti's lab who has been developing the technology.

Cole Shelton - Duke alum ('08) with a degree in biomedical engineering; conducted his senior thesis
research in Chilkoti's lab. Currently works as a consultant at Sagentia.

Name of the key contact: Cole Shelton

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 301-633-9538

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The technology has been developed and validated in serum and blood with clinical markers. It has also
been tested with cell lysate and shown to have no measurable adsorption.

No funding has been raised and a formal company has not yet been created.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:


Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:


Anything else you'd like to mention:

We're looking forward to connecting with a group of interested students who want to take an active
role in commercializing the technology. Due to the very early stage of the project, students will benefit
from seeing the entire process and will have room for considerable impact. In particular, we hope
students will help us better understand the potential markets for the technology and how it's positioned
in each, perhaps enabling both "big bets" and "quick wins." We can also attempt to work with students
to define their roles based on their areas of interest.


In about 10 words: Social website for broad applications of preferential ballot elections

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Professor Hubert Bray

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: (919)757-8428

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/20/2010 3:44:08 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Develop a social networking website which centers around preferential ballot elections and their
applications. Applications include forums for discussing and ranking political candidates, best
restaurants, best video cameras, best new cars, or what a group of friends wants to do Friday night. The
fundamental social unit on the website will be "groups," some public and some private. A public group
would be one which anyone who meets a basic set of criteria (like geographic location) can join. For
example, in politics, there would be a "United States" group and a "North Carolina" group where people
residing in these areas could discuss politics. The hook, though, would be that each group would have a
hierarchical structure of elected leaders. Hence, political enthusiasts would have a forum for discussing
political ideas and "running for office" in a virtual kind of way. The benefit of moving up the ranks of the
elected offices is higher visibility. Each "representative" would have a number associated to them
representing the number of voters that they represent. The more successful they are at representing
popular viewpoints, the higher their number would be. This same principle can be applied to elections
of best restaurants, best consumer electronics, etc. There would also be private groups were an
executive board could vote on policy decisions like who to hire for an important position, where
stockholders could express their opinions and preferences, where faculty could vote on issues important
to their departments before, during, or after a faculty meeting, or where a group of friends could have
discussions and votes about what to do Friday night. The key to all of this is an efficient and useful way
to organize the opinions of large numbers of people, which the proposer has developed.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The new technologies that are needed and which have been developed by the proposer are innovative
ways of organizing the opinions of large numbers of people in ways which are useful and which allow
people with similar opinions to be grouped together. How does one organize a group discussion
between 10,000 people? How does one make the broad range of opinions represented by the diverse

group easily visible? How does one organize large groups of people so that useful discussions between
competing viewpoints are facilitated? The proposer has innovative solutions to these problems.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The big problem with existing technologies in organizing people's opinions is that most opinions, even
those with substantial support, are not clearly visible. For example, consider restaurant rankings. Most
websites cater to the high end restaurants in terms of rankings, and otherwise simply list all of the other
restaurants. The point is that there are many criteria by which to evaluate a restaurant, so it is
important to separate the clientele for fine dining from those who are looking for inexpensive
alternatives. Beyond this, some people like spicy foods, and some do not. The point is that people are
more likely to get useful opinions from other people with similar preferences. These same ideas are
useful in a broad range of applications from politics to consumer products. The proposer claims to have
the next generation of ranking and grouping algorithms which, when compared to the most common
existing technologies, have the useful characteristic that they actually work much better.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

No patents so far, although this is planned for the future.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Hubert Bray, professor of mathematics, Duke University

Name of the key contact: Hubert Bray

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (919)757-8428

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

This work is still in the concept stage. The algorithms are completely worked out, but the website has
not yet been developed.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

This project needs a go-getter who is enthusiastic about pursuing this idea aggressively. Step 1 is to
develop version 1 of the website. This will require getting web developers involved. Step 2 is to
popularize the website, probably beginning with college students. Step 3 is to market the website
effectively. Since groups will have specific focuses, this allows for the possibility of targeted

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

No timeline has been created yet.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

A project like this could be a lot of fun to pursue, but it would also require a lot of hard work. However,
the possibilities are exciting.

Red Shift Electronics

In about 10 words: Broker electronic waste to certified recyclers to extend the life cycle and
maximize the value of old electronics.

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Evan McCormick

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 617-272-0006

How'd you hear about us? : In P4E

Timestamp: 5/26/2010 10:44:01 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Electronic waste (e-waste) is the fastest growing portion of the solid waste stream in the world,
increasing 15% annually due to device proliferation and the digitization of the world economy.
Increasingly strict disposal laws, as well as rising resale and scrap values, are driving electronic
manufacturers, retailers, corporations, municipalities, and consumers to actively collect and recycle e-
waste. However, as a young industry, the value chain is disconnected and generally vertically
integrated, which causes market inefficiencies. Today, most firms engage in the entire spectrum of e-
waste from collection to recycling. Given the nuances in value in different e-waste streams, such a
framework does not maximize the value of the electronics.

Red Shift Electronics (“Red Shift”) is seeking to radically alter the industry structure. Our vision is to split
the value two in two: collection and recycling, and serve as the middleman that connects both
segments. Due to the relatively low value-to-weight of e-waste, creating economies of scale is
extremely important to industry participants. Red Shift Electronics will source e-waste for recyclers in
bulk, which enables the recyclers to focus entirely on their core competency of demanufacturing
electronics and selling the scrap metal to scrap refiners. Under this structure, recyclers can eliminate
their costly collection infrastructure and process e-waste in much greater volumes.

Red Shift’s mission is to establish long-term contracts with large users of electronics and logistics
providers as a source of e-waste. Subsequently, we will broker the e-waste to certified recyclers for a
fee. Red Shift will maximize the value of the incoming waste stream by first establishing whether the e-
waste can be sold used or must be scrapped. Once this determination is made, Red Shift will leverage
its database of buyers to maximize the value of the electronics. We will share a portion of the revenue
with our sourcing partners to align incentives. Additionally, we will provide inventory analytics to the
buyers to inform them about their purchases and maximize the value of the inventory.

Given the “black market” that has developed around e-waste disposal—where containers of e-waste are
shipped to India, China, or Africa for illegal dumping—Red Shift will certify the “green” credentials of our
buyer network to alleviate the concerns of our e-waste providers. Manufacturers, retailers, and
corporations are willing to pay a fee to properly dispose of e-waste to improve the public relations in a
world where being green is increasingly valued by consumers.

The overarching goal is to maximize the value of e-waste by aggregating and properly allocating large
volumes of e-waste to the best equipped end market (resale or recycle). Our suppliers will benefit from
our profit sharing arrangement to minimize the cost of recycling, and the processors will benefit from
improved economies of scale. For Red Shift, the network effect and our long-term supplier contracts
create a sustainable competitive advantage.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The key concept is to disrupt the vertical integration of the e-waste industry to gain improved
efficiencies and maximize the value of old electronics. Red Shift’s vision is that the industry should be
split into two segments: collection and recycling. This structure should enable the industry to generate
an improved return on investment from the waste stream as firms are able to focus on a core
competency and process e-waste in large volumes.

Red Shift’s business model borrows heavily from similar models in the salvaged automobile and used
industrial equipment market. Establishing a middle man for the industry will help the burgeoning
industry provide increased value to its customers. Utilizing the internet to attract and educate potential
buyers will be a core component of the technology offering.

If the business model succeeds, Red Shift will become the preferred partner for manufacturers,
corporations, and retailers seeking to offset the cost of electronic disposal as we will be able to share
the benefits of our buyer network with them.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

This business model is specifically geared towards electronic recycling. Manufacturers, retailers, and
corporations will utilize Red Shift to help recoup the costs of disposing of old electronics as well as
gaining the peace-of-mind knowing that their e-waste is being handled properly.

E-waste recyclers will utilize Red Shift to gain access to high volumes of electronics to either resell or
dismantle for scrap metal. The buyers will be able to minimize/eliminate their collection infrastructure
and focus entirely on processing electronics.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Currently no intellectual property exists. This will be an “execution” business; however, long-term
supply contracts will provide protection. Furthermore, trade secrets and tacit knowledge will protect
the use of our internet approach.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Evan McCormick and Dan Barnes are both Second Year students at Fuqua leading the project.

Name of the key contact: Evan McCormick

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 617-272-0006

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant primary and secondary market research. Business plan is in process and expected to be
completed by early September. Early discussions with e-waste providers and recyclers have begun. No
funding to date.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

There are three primary challenges:

1) Establish long-term supply agreements with large manufacturers, retailers, and corporations.

2) Lack of federal e-waste disposal law creates confusion and limits incentive to properly dispose of

3) Scale is necessary in this business—need to get big fast.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The goal is to have the business fully running by May 2011.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Given that Evan McCormick has taken the first two courses in P4E (with another project that has
concluded), and the team has conducted the required market research and target customer profile, this
project will be part of NV3. Accordingly, you will get less exposure to the primary market research and
customer call experience that is taught in NV1 & NV2. The goal of this project is to create a detailed
operating plan and seek capital to aggressively build the business during the school year.

While we are a profit-seeking entity, having a passion about electronic recycling and being “green” is a

Salsa Timoteo

In about 10 words: Salsa Timoteo develops, manufacturers, and distributes all natural, gluten free

Vertical: Speciality Food

Your Name: Peter Menachem

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: +1.919.491.8210

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/25/2010 11:14:15 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Salsa Timoteo develops, manufacturers, and distributes all natural, gluten free premium salsa and other
related food products. Salsa is the number #1 condiment in America, outselling even ketchup. The
company has managed to gain a small foothold through guerrilla techniques and relationships with
individual stores. The product currently sells only in Arizona, most notably at three Whole Foods and a
fourteen store specialty food chain. The current award winning product line consists of 8 SKUs and is
expected to grow in retail locations but also through e-commerce and repackaging of products into gift
or sampling packages.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Salsa Timoteo began as a fresh recipe with a two week shelf life and developed into a shelf stable
formulation that can last for up to two years. The company uses highly developed recipes and processes
that have led to winning 30+ awards for its products. Salsa Timoteo products are certified all natural
and gluten free. The products maintain a superior quality and taste, compared to competitors, by using
only fresh ingredients. Similar products rely upon dried or less expensive processed ingredients (i.e.,
fresh tomatoes vs. tomato paste).

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Salsa Timoteo products are premium level speciality food items. The market has a wide quality gap
between “fresh” products and shelf stable products. Salsa Timoteo products bridge the gap by
maintaining quality but allowing stores and end users to safely sell and/or store the product for
extended periods. This differentiation is especially important as stores search for products that help
them stand out in a sea of products in the grocery business. With the continually increasing demand for
speciality food in the marketplace, Salsa Timoteo is able to fill the gap where low end salsas are not able

to provide gourmet quality. Additionally, the gluten free nature of the products targets the growing
group of gluten free consumers.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Salsa Timoteo currently holds rights to 2 US Federal Trademarks and 7 Arizona Trademarks/Tradenames.
In addition, the company maintains trade secrets and knowhow on its product recipes, manufacturing
processes, and packaging techniques.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Peter Menachem - Owner

Jay Chernikoff - Owner

Tim Willhite - Founder

Name of the key contact: Peter Menachem

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: +1.919.491.8120

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The company currently has developed 7 sauces which it is selling only in the Arizona market. The
company has been bootstrapped by the founder and current team. Funding to date has been
approximately $50,000. The company is currently reinvesting all profits and has available cash to
finance inventory and near term expansion.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The sauce and salsa industry is highly competitive. Salsa Timoteo recognizes this and maintains
competitive by constantly innovating products, cutting costs, and providing superior, hands on, service
to its customers.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

The products are currently being sold at just under 20 stores in Arizona and showing great promise. Our
next step will be to grow from a handful of Arizona Whole Foods to the entire Southern Pacific region, a
move that will require the company to move from its current stage to a business with a well thought out
strategy and plan of execution. With some luck and continued sales growth, we expect a full southwest
regional roll-out of current products within 12 months and a nationwide roll-out in approximately 18
months. We anticipate refining the product line and adding new products as needed.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

This company is in a unique space in the consumer marketplace and poised to grow from an early stage
venture into a full scale operation with nationwide distribution. A strong team with unique and creative
ideas will enable this growth. Salsa Timoteo allows the opportunity to be part of a team that is building
a specialty brand from the ground up. Whether interest in branding, sales, marketing, e-commerce,
consumer products, logistics, or a myriad of other areas, this business offers the opportunity to touch
them all.


In about 10 words: Think Yelp meets Seatguru for Stadium Seats

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Ryan Jackson

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 571-216-0907

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email, An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/27/2010 9:41:01 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

While looking to buy tickets to a Washington Nationals game, I realized that besides guessing from a
seating chart I had no idea whether the seats I was about to purchase were good. Of course like any
good sports fan I turned to the usual message boards and blogs to try and find out about the seats.
What I came to realize is that every fan has opinions about where the good seats, what makes a good
seat, and where the good seat values are. I decided that creating a website that allows people to rate
different stadium seating could be extremely useful, not only to the fan but also to those running
stadiums. Thus was born the idea of Seatzard, which allows "stadium goers" to rate exact seats at
different stadiums.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

I am trying to create a product that does not currently exist, as I have been unable to find a website that
provides a rating of different stadium seating. There are currently websites with pictures taken from
certain sections ( and some teams provide pictures) but I have not found these to be useful
or give a good indication of seats in these sections are good. From a fans perspective, I am giving them a
voice of what makes a certain seat good and from a stadium owners perspective I am giving them the
data that they can use to make the fans experience better and possibly adjust pricing accordingly.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

I see two major customers here. First, stadium goers/users will register for at the Seatzard website
which will allow them to rate exact seats at each sports stadium. They will be able to 1.) rate the seats
on a set scale (i.e. 1 to 10), 2.) amenities around those seats (i.e food, proximity to restrooms, etc.), and
3.) finally enter specific comments about those seats. Second, after collecting this data, those who are

in charge of running the stadium would be able to purchase the date to use to improve the stadium

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Currently none.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :


Name of the key contact: Ryan Jackson

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 571-216-0907

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

No funding to date and only begun preliminary research on getting stadium statistics.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Obivously, at this early stage there are tons of question marks but some of the main issues that I have
run into are:

A.) Determining the best revenue model. Potential ideas include: 1. To set up Seatzard as a social
network with revenues generated from advertising. 2. Collecting the data and selling it to stadium
owners 3. Licensing out the program and data to other companies (i.e. Ticketmaster, Ebay, etc.) 3.
Eventually having the Seatzard as a ticket exchange.

B.) Trying to easily find exact seating diagrams of stadiums, including sections, rows, and seat numbers,
has been difficult and may need to be done manually.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Once the statistics are collected for different stadiums and figuring out a way to display this so users can
easily interact with Seatzard, a beta version could easily be rolled out. Get stadium owners to see the
value in the Seatzard service will be a more lengthy process.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Nothing at this point, but I am constantly coming up with new thoughts on this plan so hopefully this
section can be updated.

self contained percutaneous biopsy system

In about 10 words: Percutaneous self contained biopsy system.

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Meghal Antani MD MBA

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 301-412-2413

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie, I am a 2009 GEMBA graduate and a current HSM

Timestamp: 5/19/2010 4:09:44 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Percutaneous ultrasound guided biopsy of the liver, kidneys, and other organs has become immensely
more common in the last 10+ years as an alternative to surgical biopsy. Current biopsy systems involve
placing an external "coaxial" needle into the organ under ultrasound or CT guidance, taking between
two to six samples via the coaxial needle with another needle attached to a biopsy gun (biopsy needle
has to be taken out after each individual biopsy), and removing all the needles, and "hoping for the
best" with respect to complications such as bleeding. A fully contained biopsy system would involve
placing the biopsy needle in the area to be sampled, and the system would obtain the desired number
of samples and automatically place them into a small vial (or at least hold onto them until the needle is
removed). At completion, the system would "plug" the biopsy tract with a compound such as gelfoam
that eliminates bleeding. Net result: reduction in complications, procedure time, and cost.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Net result: reduction in complications, procedure time, and cost.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Percutaneous ultrasound guided biopsy of the liver, kidneys, and other organs has become immensely
more common in the last 10+ years as an alternative to surgical biopsy.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

no IP obtained yet.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Meghal Antani MD MBA (Duke Fuqua GEMBA 2009 graduate)

Name of the key contact:

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact:

Status of work already done and any funding to date:


Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

FDA approval

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I am a GEMBA 2009 graduate and a current HSM student.

Simple Steps Family and Health Center

In about 10 words: Integrated Health Family Center oriented to Low Income Consumers

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Fernando Trueba Gris

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: (+52)15517981025

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email, An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/20/2010 3:11:21 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Simple Steps is the first Integrated Health Family Center oriented to Low Income Consumers in Mexico
and Latin America (30 to 40 million people). It offers a wide variety of services to prevent and reduce
obesity, such as: Gym, soccer, tennis, paddle tennis, basket ball, climbing wall, running track, box,
detection clinics, education and orientation sessions, cooking lessons, yoga, nutritional advisory,
personal trainer, a talent development center, and others.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

1. Integrated Health Services

2. We target Low Income Consumers

3. We offer a unique Attendance-Discount Rate

4. Corporate and Government partnerships to cover start-up and fixed costs

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

1. Fitness centers have become a luxury affordable only for the rich (Avg. Monthly cost of $200 USD)

2. Mexico is the most obese country in the world (70% of combined obesity and diabetes)

3. The minister of health spends $10 Billion USD per year to treat obesity and diabetes related issues -
this number is expected to grow 60% in the next 7 years

4. Children are no longer free to play in the streets and public parks due to the high crime and kidnap

5. At Simple Steps, consumers will find tailored health care solutions to improve their life quality

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The Simple Steps brand is in process of registration

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Inventor and Founder: Fernando Trueba

Partners: Ramadevi Bylapudi and Olgun Kurker

Name of the key contact: Fernando Trueba Gris

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: (+52)15517981025

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

- Concept develpment: Done

- Logo and Brand image: Done

- Business Plan: In process

- Financial Plan: In process

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

- Partnering with the Mexican government is always a challenge

- The main barrier is to raise the funds to launch the first center

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

- Early 2012

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: register for items and experiences for life events and fundraising, redeem them
in cash.

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Brandon Warner

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 302-504-4587

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/19/2010 5:15:36 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

SimpleRegistry is similar to a traditional registry in which you register for the individual gifts you would
like to receive. However, with SimpleRegistry, anything you can think of and assign a cost to can be
added to your registry.

You easily build a registry with items, activities, and experiences you'd like to receive and guests
contribute monetary gifts towards them. You can also split large gifts into any sized portions you wish to
make group giving easy.

As you receive monetary gifts, redeem them as often as you would like. Instead of sending you the
actual gifts, we send you a bank check or bank transfer so you can personally purchase the items,
activities, and experiences whenever and from wherever you choose.

By the time you read this, SimpleRegistry will have completed beta testing and is live. Go to to learn more.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Almost all registries have a relationship with the retailer of the goods and/or services being registered
for (think or The competitive edge with SimpleRegistry is that it
provides the user with the freedom to purchase the actual item or experience when the user is ready.

SimpleRegistry was founded by the same team behind Traveler's Joy (, one of the
largest honeymoon registry services in the US.

The same business model that has made Traveler's Joy a success will be used with SimpleRegistry but for
all types of life events (think baby, holidays, graduation, birthday, retirement, anniversary, etc.) and
fundraising initiatives.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Having one registry for everything from anywhere is a still a new concept in the marketplace.
SimpleRegistry is:

a) changing the way people register for items and experiences, and fundraise

b) making it possible to register for any life event you can imagine

c) changing the way people receive their gifts

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Outside counsel has submitted trademark appliations.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

There are 4 founders across the US including one in San Fran, two in Cincinatti, and one that splits time
between Milwaukee, Durham, Wilmington (Delaware), and Nairobi, Kenya.

Name of the key contact: Brandon Warner

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 302-504-4587

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Privateley funded. Wedding, Baby, and Fundraising is live. Two other life event areas are currently being
worked on by development team.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Finding the most effective marketing methods for each life event. We have the expertise in the wedding
marketplace because of Traveler's Joy but we need to develop a marketing strategy so that
SimpleRegistry is considered for every life event.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Wedding, Baby, and Fundraising is live. Two other life event areas are currently being worked on by
development team.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Singapore Advanced Biologics (SABio)

In about 10 words: A one-stop source for advanced biologics in Singapore, South East Asia, India
and China

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Mariano Garcia-Blanco

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 613-8632

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/29/2010 12:58:34 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Mission. Singapore Advanced Biologics (SABio) proposes to create a one-stop source for advanced
biologics for the research and clinical markets in Singapore, South East Asia, India and China. Biologics,
macromolecular compounds derived or inspired by natural structures, are revolutionizing research and
medicine around the world. SABio proposes to exploit biologics to help the research enterprise.

This summary focuses on the first three years of SABio (phase I) and deals exclusively with the research
market, which includes universities, institutes, academic hospitals, government agencies, and private
industry in Singapore and South East Asia. Scientists in Singapore and the region are at a competitive
disadvantage since good quality biologics are more expensive and take longer to arrive in their
laboratories relative to their competitors in the US, Japan and Europe. This situation is incompatible
with the vision of Singapore as a research and biomedicine hub. The first goal of SABio is to remedy this

Core technologies. The core technologies of phase I involves the design, synthesis, quality control, and
validation of 1) oligodeoxyribonucleotides (aka DNA oligos), 2) oligoribonucleotides (aka RNA oligos,
usually short interfering RNAs (siRNAs)), 3) peptides, and 4) specialized biologics (e.g., peptide-nucleic
acids, antibodies) and bioconjugation. Additionally SABio will grow a proteomics platform within the
Outram Campus facility to support researchers at Duke-NUS and the SGH Department of Clinical
Research. This initiative takes advantage of the intention of the SGH Department of Clinical Research to
acquire a MALDI mass spectrometer. As the company grows the team will consider expanding into
biological assay and diagnostic kit development in niche research areas covered by the founding
scientists (Drs Vasudevan and Garcia-Blanco).

The team. SABio was founded by Dr. Subhash Vasudevan, who is internationally recognized for his work
on the development of antiviral therapeutics and is Associate Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases

at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, and Dr. Mariano A. Garcia-Blanco, who is a world leader in RNA
biology and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, and
Professor at Duke University School of Medicine. SABio will appoint a Chief Executive Officer with the
technical expertise to manage the two areas.

Market. The market for phase I is the research “industry” in Singapore and the region. We estimate the
size in terms of investigators and expenditures in biologics to be between $1.5 and 2.0 million per year
and we are making a very conservative estimate that during the first three years we will reach 50% of
the market (even when there is no internal competition). The attractive and unique feature of SABio
compared to other players is the quality and depth of experience of the team (the founders, proposed
CEO and the Board of Directors as well as a vibrant Scientific Advisory Board that can help the venture to

Competition. There are no other companies in Singapore or South East Asia that would provide the
expertise and one point source for diverse biologics SABio can. We also considered that, in the future,
we would compete with Chinese companies wanting to sell biologics in Singapore. Our strategy for this
is “offense” rather than “defense”. Expansion into China will be the primary focus of phase II. As soon
as phase I is underway we will establish a location in or near Shanghai to take the competition to China
and open that market to SABio. We believe that the name of Singapore carries the imprimatur of
quality and will use this positive association aggressively to sell our biologics. Phase II will also see
movement to the clinical market (diagnostics and therapeutics).

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

see above

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

see above

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Mariano A Garcia-Blanco

Subhash Vasudevan

Name of the key contact: Mariano A Garcia-Blanco

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919-613-8632

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Initial contacts with institutions (Duke-NUS and SingHealth) and some local (Singapore) VCs

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Investment culture is underdeveloped

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

A few months

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Social Finance For Educational Loans through the Internet

In about 10 words: Social Finance For Educational Loans through the Internet

Vertical: Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line)

Your Name: Manju Puri

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919 660 7657

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/26/2010 10:41:56 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Every year, thousands of students from the developing world attend university or graduate school in the
US or Europe. Many of these students return to their home countries, putting to work the skills they
have learned abroad. Some of these students attend for free, but the demand for scholarships by
qualified applicants greatly outstrips its supply. Many of those who are admitted simply cannot attend
because they do not qualify for student loan programs in the countries where they will attend school.

And for every student that applies but does not attend, thousands more dream of attending but dare
not even fill out an application because of financial considerations. As a result, thousands of qualified
applications go unfilled, and thousands upon thousands of dreams are extinguished due to the lack of
adequate financial opportunity.

Simply put, the supply of funding for foreign students is below the socially optimal level.

This creates problems in at least three ways. First, the would-be students suffer directly from lack of
access to education. Second, their communities suffer because they do not have an opportunity to
accumulate the human capital that can further increase their community's quality of life. Third, the
schools suffer, inasmuch as seats are allocated not to those who are best able to benefit from the
education, but to those who can best afford the opportunity.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Our project aims to increase the supply of loans available to students by making use of peer-to-peer
lending technologies that will enable applicants to borrow money from alumni of the same program
who come from the applicant's region.

Peer-to-peer lending networks have mushroomed in recent years. An important question is what kind
of mechanism design allows for such lending to take place effectively. Put differently, is there a way to

facilitate society members to fund other individuals at reasonable rates of interest. And are there
circumstances when individual lending can be a more powerful and effective way of funding than
lending by banks? Recent research by Professor Puri with coauthors study the mechanisms that allow
peer-to-peer lending to work. They show that peer-to-peer lending results in more successful listings,
lower interest rates, and lower default rates, particularly when the borrower and lender share socio-
economic characteristics. When borrowers and lenders have verifiably similar backgrounds, default
rates are lower and liquidity is higher. By pairing lender/alumni with students/borrowers from the same
educational institution and the same region of the world, our plan takes full advantage of the
borrower/lender affinity effects and the social pressure that helps alleviate defaults that have been
shown to be important in the peer-to-peer lending sphere.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Specifically, our website will allow graduates of University X from country ABC to open investment
accounts. The investment accounts will pay rates of return that approach, but are below, the rates
faced by would-be students of University X who also hail from country ABC or a nearby region. Would-
be students will borrow at rates below what they would face from commercial borrowers, because the
default risk will be lower through this channel, and because the lending technology will keep overhead
and transaction costs to a minimum. University involvement allows for credible verification of both
potential admits as well as the alumini network itself, an important ingredient to making such credit
giving successful.

For example, Japanese alumni from the Fuqua School of Business can open accounts that will fund
students loans for other Japanese students who wish to attend the Fuqua School of Business.

One way to quantify the value added of this innovation is to compare current lending rates by Sallie
Mae, currently the only public sector agency that lends to international students, to the estimated
default rate on international student loans. Sallie Mae lends at LIBOR + 8% to international students.
Our calculations conservatively suggest that we can break even at rates 2-3% lower. Our lending model
therefore not only lowers borrowing costs, it redistributes default risk away from universities onto our
network, where default risk is lower because social pressures are higher.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Manju Puri and David Robinson

Name of the key contact: Manju Puri and David Robinson

Email address for key contact:,

Phone number for key contact: 919 660 7657 or 919 660 8023

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Southeast TechInventures

In about 10 words: Medical device for eye surgery

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Ashok Mendiratta

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919.572.0200, x-106

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Univeristy OLV

Timestamp: 5/27/2010 11:13:07 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Novel optical scalpel for ultra-precise ophthalmic laser surgeries.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The technology involves development of a novel optical scalpel for ultra-precise ophthalmic laser
surgeries. The proposed novel optical scalpel is based on properties of nanojet-induced mode that the
focused laser spots with progressively smaller sizes down to diffraction limit can be realized in a
microsphere chain within an optical-guide.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Provisional filed

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Team from UNCC and STI

Name of the key contact: Vasily Astratov

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 704.687.8131

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

NIH STTR awarded - work is starting now.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

5 yrs

Anything else you'd like to mention:

SPARK Electric Supercharger

In about 10 words: electric supercharger for motorcycle application

Vertical: Transportation

Your Name: Andrew Misenheimer

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 704-798-6646

How'd you hear about us? : NC IDEA

Timestamp: 5/24/2010 2:24:21 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Motorcyclists today want more power in their vehicles but the current technology is too dangerous and
expensive. SPARK has created an electric supercharger for motorcycle application providing the same
power as current turbochargers and superchargers but adds additional features to improve driver
safety. Unlike current technology, the electric supercharger uses sensors to limit the boost when the
bike is leaned over in a turn or the front tire pitches up off the ground. The system will be sold online as
an easy plug-and-play kit for selected motorcycle models and within two years solidify a major
motorcycle manufacturer for factory installation.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

The sensors allow power to be applied to the motorcycle engine in a controlled, safer manner. In
addition, electrical systems replace mechanical making it more compact and easier to install. Unlike
other technology for mechanical forced-induction, the system can be turned on and off so that energy is
not used all the time thus improving fuel efficiency.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Motorcyclists are wanting more power but increasing engine displacement makes the bike more heavy
and difficult to maneuver. Mechanical turbochargers and superchargers require a lot of components
and are not easy to control. Customers will purchase the kit online that is complimentary to their bike
at a price competitive to other mechanical systems. Eventually, a motorcycle manufacturer will install
the system at the factory just as Suzuki installs Yoshimura exhaust systems.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

There is an intellectual property for the electrical control system using sensors to limit the power of the
electric supercharger. This concept is patentable and should limit competition in the future market for
electric forced induction.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Andrew Misenheimre - Inventor, Engineer, Founder

Name of the key contact: Andrew Misenheimer

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 704-798-6646

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Business Plan

Prototype constructed but not tested

2010 eGames Competition - $500 for 3rd place in Business Plan

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Concept has been bootstrapped so funding has been an issue

Proof of concept needs to be completed but theoretically viability

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Three months if first prototype functions acceptably

Anything else you'd like to mention:

I am currently a graduate student at NCSU in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Power

Systems. I graduated from NCSU with a BS in Mechanical Engineering this May so I will remain in
Raleigh, NC for the next two years.

Stitch Brands

In about 10 words: Enabling mass customization of men’s and women’s apparel

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Brian Hedlund

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 541-292-2663

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 5/29/2010 2:33:59 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Stitch Brands is a company that puts a new twist on apparel manufacturing and retail distribution. The
purpose of Stitch Brands is to offer segment-targeted brands that sell consumers clothing that is custom
designed and co-created by them and tailor made to fit their exact specifications with high quality at
affordable prices through retail and online formats.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

-Mass Customization enabled through a global network of made-to-order OEMs

-Co-Creation Product Configuration Software and Retail Experiences - Similar to NikeiD, we will be able
to enable consumers to easily custom design clothing that fits their virtual size profile.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

The core premise and value proposition of Stitch Brands has mainstream appeal and the possibility to
revolutionize the manufacture and distribution of retail products. Having the ability to custom create
your own apparel and ensure that it will fit you, all while being at competitive prices is a superior
shopping experience compared to today's method with the exception of immediate gratification.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

The concept behind Stitch Brands has very low barriers for entry at the moment. We'd like help
identifying and developing intellectual property areas to protect the concept to the highest degree

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Myself and a small advisory board.

Name of the key contact: Brian Hedlund

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 541-292-2663

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

To date I have endless ideas and thoughts and have begun to draft a business plan.

I still have considerable work to be done researching and evaluating consumer opportunities and
specific models, distilling a single actionable course from the wide range of initial concepts, securing
funding and launching the concept.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

There are no significant barriers to the concept that I have encountered. My limiting factor to date has
been my availability of time to dedicate to the project.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

I believe that with proper business planning and sufficient planning we could commercialize the initial
brand, website and region of retail stores in 18 months.

Anything else you'd like to mention:


In about 10 words: Eco-friendly construction and sustainability.

Vertical: Energy and the Environment (includes cleantech and sustainability)

Your Name: Lee Greenberg

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 703-738-4478

How'd you hear about us? : My wife is a Fuqua grad

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 2:42:35 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

TECH-Nica currently offers alternative energy solutions and alarm systems in Nicaragua. We are also
currently building a home out of recyecled shipping containers. We would like to build the business into
a one stop eco-friendly shop. We would work with biofuels, waste water treatement, recycling and
alternative construction such as retaining walls made from tires. Our goal is to build and educate people
on environmentally friendly construction, energy, landscaping and agricultural alternatives to the
traditional methods used in Nicaragua today.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We are taking sucessful alternative energy products, solutions and construction techniques from all over
the world and putting them to use in Nicaragua. The types of materials and constuction commonly used
here are both primitive and harmful to the enviornment. We would be creating jobs, helping the
environment, and saving customers money since many alternative building techniques are less
expensive than concrete and stone buildings.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

What we have found is that if people are given two choices and the only difference is that one is eco
friendly and one is not, they will choose the eco-friendly option. With the added benefit that eco-
friendly construction can be safer and cheaper, then customers will certainly use it.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):


Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Lee Greenberg is the current owner and CEO.

Name of the key contact: Lee Greenberg

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 703-738-4478

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The company has been in operation for two and a half years. We have some demo products in stock,
and we have sold some solar water heaters and alarm systems. We are currently building a house out of
recycled shipping containers and a retaining wall made from 3,000 used tires. All of the funding has
been from Lee Greenberg.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The biggest barrier we have at the moment is education. If we could properly educate people on the
benefits of eco-friendly products, that would help grow the business. Also, our current limited funding is
a barrier to trying new methods and products.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We are already in the marketplace, but we are looking to expand our reach and take things to the next
level within the next year.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Umbilical Tube

In about 10 words: Implanted umbillical tube for disease management or GPS tracking

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: Fred Ebrahemi

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 310-386-9460

How'd you hear about us? : Duke Alum mailing list

Timestamp: 5/25/2010 3:42:30 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

A small permanent hollow tube is implanted in the umbilical cord at the time of birth at the same time
as the umbilical cord is cut and tied. This tube then provides accessible central access for life.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Proprietary technology with filed patent application for process and device for implanting a device at

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Non-invasive and lifetime solution for chronic diseases diagnosed pre-birth or at birth that will require
pernteral drugs. Alternatively, implanting a GPS tracking device at birth. Also the permanent umbilical
hallow tube can be used for yet to be determined treatment of disease. Parallel is cord blood registeries
and deposits.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

IP includes patent pending and trade secrets.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Kamran Ghodsian, MD, Inventor

Maziar Ghodsian, DO, Inventor

Fred Ebrahemi, Consultant

Name of the key contact: Fred Ebrahemi

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 310-386-9460

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Patent filed.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Assess whether human data and 510(k) filing is required. Funding for investment and/or identifying the
right joint venture partner.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:


Anything else you'd like to mention:

Link to filed patent:

universal review

In about 10 words: combine product reviews into one website

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Junliang Zhu

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 919-323-7981

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/28/2010 10:53:33 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Amazon has its own user review on specific product. has its own, dell has its own,
has its own.

If I want to search a product, I will go through all these website, and read reviews from so many
websites, which is time consuming.

I want to create a uniersal product review database, and become the one-stop website from review to

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

No one is doing that :)

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

the consumer would use the website as the first stop to get reviews,

hopefully, it would also be the final stop for them to purchase the product.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

not yet.

have a small SQL database running, draging reviews from the website into the database

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :


Name of the key contact: Me

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 919 323 7981

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

have a small SQL database working now.

haven't had any funding yet.

if i put the database online, it's possible to get funds from google ads

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

one is technic, how to be as comprehensive as possible

one is marketing, how to attract people

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

about half year to 1 year to prepare the IT and Marketing

Anything else you'd like to mention:

i am Duke sophomore, raising junior :)

can work with the new coming MBA student for 2 years


In about 10 words: Vampire Spring Water -- for those souls that seek to remain forever young

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)


Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 310 860 1833

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 5/20/2010 5:22:54 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

We market various alcoholic beverages under the brand names, Vampire, Dracula, Witches' Brew, and
others. We also have sold an energy drink called VAMP N.R.G. Recently we developed a Vampire spring
water, which we call Vamp H2O. The first bottles are being produced this week. The idea is for
someone to get the Vampire Water company up and going. We own the website
which we can use to help spread the word about Vamp H2O.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We differentiate our products by applying our Vampire brand to them.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Most waters are marketed either on price or on purity --- but in each case, the marketing is done in a
serious way. In other words, the water is marketed almost solely as a health aid. Our company blends
romance, intrigue and adventure into our beverage products and all that we do. We offer liquid
entertainment. This differentiates us from our competition, and we believe consumers will go out of
their way and even pay more to obtain our Vamp H2O because of our unique branding strategy.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We control the trademarks to Vampire, Dracula and related permutations of them, such as Vamp and
Dracola, in the beverage industry.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

We are a small 10 person and under company with revenues under $3 Million. The main contacts
would be Michael Machat, Founder/CEO/President and Duke graduate; Mark Morton, VP of Sales, and
Alex Nascimento, VP of Internet Marketing.

Name of the key contact: MICHAEL MACHAT

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 310 860 1833

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

The artwork is complete, and we are bottling 3 different packages of the product -- a blue bottle Vamp
H2O, a red bottle Vamp H2O, and a clear bottle Vamp H2O. Our other Vampire products have a
successful track history. The challenge is to develop this product outside of our wine and spirit
distribution network. There are a few distributors we have that might be able to distribute water as
well as alcohol, but those are few. We can use our website to assist the launch of the
water. We have distribution contacts in North Carolina and production contacts in North Carolina in

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

The ratio of the freight to the cost of the water is high, so it is important to minimize the movement of
the water in order to not eat up profits.

Getting the product listed in stores is a challenge.

Arranging for the delivery is also a challenge.

Getting paid can sometimes be a challenge.

Getting the product timely produced is sometimes a challenge.

Producing the product at the right price is a challenge.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We're ready now.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Whoever is interested should check out the following websites to get an idea of what we do:


Also, we will provide a jpg of the package to anyone interested. The product will go up on our websites
within a couple of weeks once it is produced.

Video-based fitness and athletic web application

In about 10 words: Video-based fitness and athletic web application

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Marc

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 301-633-9538

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 4/28/2010 2:39:42 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

We're building a web application to address the needs of fitness, athletic, and medical staff in creating
fitness plans for their clients, athletes and patients. The first phase of the site (currently entering beta)
will allow personal trainers, physical therapists, and others to quickly and simply send video-based
workouts to their patients; future functionality will include a mobile app and the ability to burn workout
DVDs to send home with their patients. In the next 3-6 months, we also hope to begin adapting the
current site to create a new web application specifically for professional sports teams and athletic
departments at large universities to help manage their athletes. We hope the students will help refine
our concept and strategy, but our current hypothesis for the revenue model includes advertising and
monthly subscriptions for trainers/therapists, and large yearly license fees for universities and sports
teams. We're currently working on converting our first customer, the Florida Marlins, to fund the next
round of development.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We've created a video-based web application that allows fitness and medical staff to create workouts to
send to their clients and patients. They create the workout using a simple interface to select exercises
from our large video database and designate the appropriate number of sets, reps, etc. They can then
send the workout via E-mail to other individuals, where it can be viewed as an interactive video playlist
of exercises with video, audio, and/or text instructions, or it can be printed as a "handout" and taken to
the gym. We also have plans for a phone app and the ability to automatically burn DVD of the workout.
In parallel, we will also leverage the current website to design a separate web application specifically
catered toward professional sports teams and large university athletic departments.

There are a number of "workout-builder" websites that are geared towards the individual, but very few
are designed specifically for the trainer/therapist, and even fewer are video-based, professional, and

offer baseline free functionality. We are also in the midst of testing and refining our interface to make
the site quicker and more intuitive than sites currently on the market

To date, we have identified no video-based web applications for large universities and sports teams, and
our initial research indicates they use mostly paper-based systems, either photocopied out of a book or
generated via an out-of-date CD-ROM. Initial reactions to an up-to-date video-based system like ours
has been very positive.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

We're currently aware of two different potential areas:

1. Daily on-the-job use by well-qualified personal trainers, physical therapists, cardiac rehab therapists,
and select nurses or physician assistants

Across the board, this group needs quick, simple fitness programs they can share with their clients and
patients to help them achieve their fitness goals, recover from injury and surgery, or to improve their
health to reduce risk factors. Our site allows the trainers and therapists to create custom workouts to
their clients. Other healthcare staff often don't have time to prepare custom material, so they can
select pre-made fitness regimens for each of their main patient types. This site may generate revenue
from advertising and monthly subscriptions. There may also be potential for affiliate linking and
premium videos.

2. Athletic training staff in professional sports and universities using the site to train their athletes.

The training staff need a simple, one-stop place to manage all their athletes. This will likely need to be a
separate application than the one above, though most of the functionality will be similar. We imagine
the business model for this site will be large yearly license fees.

Our initial focus may be professional baseball teams and Division 2 schools. We're currently in
negotiations with the Florida Marlins, and we have direct connections with 4 other professional baseball
teams. We also have connections to a number of athletic departments.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We own all the media we've created for the site, including hundreds of individual exercise videos for our

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

The co-founders are:

Chad - Personal trainer for >15 years and founder of a fitness studio in Illinois; leads content
development and provides funding

Marc - Duke alum; oversees web design and development

Select training, athletic, and rehab staff from Chad's fitness studio also help develop material, provide
connections and give feedback.

Name of the key contact: Marc

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 301-633-9538

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

In the next two weeks, we are finishing bug testing for the beta version of the first release of our public
site. This first release is a "lite" version, but it contains the features required to be functional and useful.
It is intended for general use with personal trainers, physical therapists, and other healthcare staff.

All current developments have been financed internally. We hope to look at alternatives when the
student team comes on board.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We hope to have the beta site finished in the next couple weeks, and then begin testing and refining, as
well as deciding what new features should be developed for the second release. In early June, we also
hope to start planning for a web product that leverages our existing public site, but is designed
specifically for professional sports and universities. We would hope to role out the application for the
first customer within 6-12 months from project start.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

We think this could be a really good opportunity for students to take the reigns and help steer the
direction of a promising new company, as well as get great, broad experience with web (and mobile)
ventures. This will involve many key business activities, including strategic and financial planning,
business model design, market research, and marketing in both a B2B (e.g. professional sports) and B2C

More specifically, we'll work with students to identify the best fit in terms of their interest, but we'd love
students to take charge of:

- Building the business case, including financial and competitive components

- Developing and testing our business model

- Conducting market research to refine our idea of the key customer segments and their needs

- Based on those segments and needs, conducting strategic planning to recommend what
versions/functionalities/products we should role out and when

- Developing a sales and marketing plan

Visible Brands

In about 10 words: Targeted Advertising Network Serving Physical Retail

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Tim Morton

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 206-841-9900

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 4/27/2010 6:28:40 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

Digital Advertising Network serving physical retail

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Visible Brands has filed over 60 patent claims with the USPTO that range from the automatic delivery of
advertising content, identity and other related subjects. Our system delivers personalized, targeted,
relevant, actionable advertising content to shoppers where and when it matters most --- without
requiring any change in behavior.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Visible Brands will forever change how major CPG Brands engage their customers, deliver relevant offers
and convert browsers to loyal buyers. CPG brands spend $90 billion on instore trade promotion and
advertising -- 3x total online advertising spend. Visible Brands further changes the economic potential
for Grocers who average 1.8% net profit after taxes. For the customer, Visible Brands enables all
shoppers to act on high value, relevant digital offers when and where it matters most.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Over 60 patent claims filed with USPTO. Unfortunately, we are unable to share the details at this time.
Team includes industry veterins from IBM, Microsoft, CISCO, AT&T, Carnegie Mellon, former Chair of
IEEE Tech. Cmte and ....serial entrepreneur from the Fuqua School of Business/'96.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Tim Morton, Fuqua 1996 -- Company methods and system have remained stealthy since inception. That
all changes this fall.

Name of the key contact: Tim Morton

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 206-841-9900

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

We have completed an initial round of funding through local investors in Seattle and Europe. We have
deployed the "adMedia Genome Project" in Seattle which is where we test our digital advertising and
data systems. We are also working with live store data, engaging with major CPG Brands, online
advertising exchages and aggregators and completing our ops model for initial field trials.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

2010 - Validation of economics, IP and Business Model through field trials and live store data -
commercial field trial - single store.

2011 - Commercial deployments - multi store, development of operational model for scale rollouts

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Visible Brands has an exceptionally significant opportunity -- and we welcome the opportunity to
develop a working relationship through Fuqua and the entrpreneurial program.

Wall St. Cheat Sheet

In about 10 words: financial media website with branded products

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Damien Hoffman

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 786-525-6762

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 3/1/2010 7:26:53 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

The Wall Street Journal recently ranked Wall St. Cheat Sheet the 11th best financial blog on the web.
Our goal is to build a sustainable business model in the rapidly transitioning media space. We have built
a stable foundation, and are looking for some savvy minds to help us continue improving our model.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Our Board leader Larry Kramer (founder and former CEO of MarketWatch) says the media business is in
a "tailspin." Advertising is shifting into the shape of an hour glass where content providers can either sell
premium or very low cost ads. Social media is revolutionizing the way media is consumed and marketed.
As guys in our early 30's, we are creating a new financial media company which is nimble and warmly
welcomes new opportunities. Many of our competitors are hanging on to old school models which are

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

We are providing valuable premium products and high quality journalism with a more entertaining voice
and transparent structure.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We have a Trademark pending for the term "Cheat Sheet". Once we receive the official reply, we plan to
follow the "For Dummies" model with our content. We have all the relationships necessary to execute
this plan once we're ready.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Damien (Duke Alum) & Derek Hoffman, founders.

Board of Directors

Larry Kramer, founder and former CEO of MarketWatch.

Elizabeth Spiers (Duke Alum), founding editor of Gawker, co-founder of Deal Breaker Media, and top
contributor to media bistro.

Tracy Sigler, former VP of Motley Fool.

Stewart Ross, Managing Partner of Pinnacle Capital.

Name of the key contact: Damien Hoffman

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 786-525-6762

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Initial foundation for company has been built. Ending garage phase. Looking to raise a Series A at the
end of 2010 or beginning of 2011.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Figuring out how to get people to open their wallets. Meaning, determining what people want us to
offer them for sale.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

We are live.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

This is the perfect opportunity for a student who wants to become an equity holder in a promising
company with excellent contacts and the experience to succeed. A top contributing intern will
absolutely earn a job with our team.

Watu Research

In about 10 words: Using SMS technology as an inexpensive and quick solution for market research
in developing countries

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,

multimedia), Social Ventures (includes double bottom-line), Consulting & Strategy

Your Name: Chiara McPhee

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 339 368 0111

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email, An email from Howie

Timestamp: 5/11/2010 12:24:47 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

One Line Pitch:There are over six billion people on this planet. Every one of them has a voice. Watu
connects people and improves social outcomes – cheaper, faster, without boundaries.

Business Summary:Utilizing SMS technology, Watu can survey anyone, anywhere – and all they need is a
phone. Developing countries account for 3B of the world’s 4B mobile devices. Through Watu,
populations that currently do not have a voice can now be asked for their opinion.

Client Benefit: Provide accurate, timely, cost-effective access to data on consumer behavior and decision
making in emerging markets that are otherwise difficult to reach.

Social Benefit: Directly supply income to consumers, create jobs, and reduce corruption in developing

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Services: In 2010, businesses around the world expect to increase their use mobile phone surveys by
66%. The use of SMS technology provides a remedy for several core issues facing developing market
research through the reduction the data collection overhead costs ($0.10/message), introduction of
remote respondents to the survey pool (emerging market access), and drastic increase in response times
(42% within two hours). Watu will provide clients with the following services:

Design: Create a culturally tailored approach to identify and assess a target population.

Survey: Translate questions, execute an SMS survey, and collect the results.

Analyze: Perform an analysis of the results, identify key findings, and create a customized report.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Target Market: The market research industry is worth approximately $28B globally. Developing
countries account for ¾ of the world’s 4B+ mobile phones. In March 2009 alone, an additional 128M
people signed up for a mobile phone service in India, 89M in China, and 96M across Africa. By 2013,
GSMA expects expansion to 6B mobile phones, with fastest subscriber growth in Africa. Pilots are
currently in progress for Tanzania and Thailand.

Customers: Watu will gain market share against the traditional research services by selling a mobile
survey service on a project-by-project basis to international non-governmental organizations seeking
validation of project demand in developing countries, consumer product companies seeking to expand
to emerging markets, and market research firms.

Business Model: 1) Traditional data collection / research (customer provides numbers); 2) Pre-selected
panel of respondents through “village lady” network model.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Not possible as of yet - looking into software engineering solutions which would be IP.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :


Chiara McPhee (Duke Undergrad 2008)

Steve Moses (Fuqua 2012) - starts this Fall

Both are former Accenture consultants.

Management: Steve Moses (Co-lead), Chiara McPhee (Co-lead), Jack Wolf (CEO, Directive Research,
Meredith Marketing), Bill McPhee (CEO, Praxis Consulting, Mi3 Venture Capital), Cyndi Scarlett
(Principal, Monitoring and Evaluation, IBTCI), Tajrina Hai (Health Officer, Thailand Government)

Name of the key contact: Steve Moses or Chiara McPhee

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 339 368 0111

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

- Have posed idea to Directive CEO within Meredith Marketing

- Have pitched partner opportunities with OnePoint for the technology interim solution

- Scheduled to pilot with READ International in August

- Scheduled to pilot with local schools in Tanzania over the next month

- Scheduled to pilot with health NGO on the border of Burma

- Tentative talks of pilots in Guatemala with a small NGO

Once proven, we have extensive contacts within the World Bank and Gates Foundation that are
interested in pursuing this kind of market research.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Intellectual property, eventually managing panels globally

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

1-2 years, with a 3 year exit strategy

Anything else you'd like to mention:

Customer Problem: The thirst for information on developing markets drove the greatest research
growth since 2007, as firms seek to further understand dynamic consumer spending. However,
organizations today have difficulty accessing these markets due to issues surrounding data collection
costs, geographical reach, and response times.

Competitive Advantage: First mover advantage; experienced advisory board; quantifiable direct-to-
consumer income; positive social impact; tested, third-party vendor technology (investigating potential
development of proprietary technology as well).

WholeVisit Health

In about 10 words: Website for complementary and integrative medicine practitioners

Vertical: Healthcare (includes biotech and med device)

Your Name: John Petito

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 518-533-8535

How'd you hear about us? : A non-Fuqua student idea

Timestamp: 5/28/2010 10:13:49 PM

Brief description of the business idea:

WholeVisit Health is a website that helps patients find information about the integrative care that meets
their health needs, identify local health resources, and schedule appointments instantly, all for free.

Revenue is derived from add-on marketing features sold to practitioners who market their practices and
services on WholeVisit Health.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

WholeVisit Health brings the best of Web 2.0 functionality to patients and practitioners of
complementary and alternative medicine. Although the underlying technology is not fundamentally new
to the web, its application to the health care space is recent, and it is the first entrant of its kind to the
complementary and alternative medicine space.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine can use the service to market their practice
and services to a targeted audience of users. There is not currently a marketing tool like WholeVisit
Health specifically geared toward this market.

Users of complementary and alternative medicine can use the service to find information about services
that can help them with their medical conditions, and to conveniently book care online.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

John Petito, Co-Founder

Farouk Meralli, Co-Founder

Name of the key contact: John Petito

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 518-533-8535

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Website has been launched (, but needs to finish building out marketing tools to
sell to practitioners. The site has already attracted over 1,200 practitioners to list their practices.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Need help revising a practitioner marketing strategy, and need to create a consumer marketing strategy
to drive adoption by users of complementary and alternative medicine.

Currently lack resources to fully develop and execute on these plans.

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Timeline to commercialization is 3-6 months, dependent on technical development.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

There is significant opportunity to get hands-on experience with a product that is already launched. Both
co-founders are Harvard graduates, and have consulting backgrounds in the healthcare space. The need
is for driven, intelligent people with an interest in developing and executing a marketing strategy for an
innovative web-based product in the health care space. The co-founders are seeking to find potential
partners through this program.

Wine CLub

In about 10 words: Website to sell wines subscrption for a wine club

Vertical: Consumer Marketing (includes consumer products and services)

Your Name: Victor Brito

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 55 11 9302 9322

How'd you hear about us? : An email from Howie

Timestamp: 6/18/2010 12:48:06 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Develop a Wine CLub, (online) to sell specif bio-dynamics and small producers wines.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Name of the key contact: Victor

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact:

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:

Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

3 - 5 months

Anything else you'd like to mention:

YouRock, Inc.

In about 10 words: 1st place prize in Duke competition. YouRock is an online marketplace that
matches sponsors with events seeking sponsorship.

Vertical: Information Technology / Media / Entertainment (includes websites, hardware,


Your Name: Jeremy Cotter

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number: 949-836-6344

How'd you hear about us? : DukeGEN email

Timestamp: 6/1/2010 12:35:07 AM

Brief description of the business idea:

Our company won 1st place in the recent Duke Startup Competition:

YouRock is an online marketplace that matches sponsors with events seeking sponsorship. For example,
matching events such as the Boston Marathon with sports drink companies. This is a starting point for
online tracking of offline advertising. We’re building powerful metrics to track the effectiveness of this
offline advertising market.

Brief description of the underlying innovation and/or technology:

We have the best engineers on staff to build powerful technology.

Possible applications of your innovation and/or technology:

As an example, we match events such as the Boston Marathon with sports drink companies. There are
many other applications that are confidential.

Status of the intellectual property (if applicable):

We plan to file a patent in the coming months for an algorithm we are developing.

Individuals currently involved (inventors, founders, etc...) :

Jeremy Cotter:

Formerly at Google and Facebook

Graduated from Duke in '02

Justin Ip

Senior Software engineer

Graduated from Duke in '02

As mentioned, we won 1st place in Duke startup competition:

Name of the key contact: Jeremy Cotter

Email address for key contact:

Phone number for key contact: 949-836-6344

Status of work already done and any funding to date:

Already have existing customers. Private beta version will arrive in coming weeks. Have office space in
prestigious waterfront location in San Francisco. Early ex-Googlers are interested in investing in us.

Significant barriers or challenges, if known:


Estimate of the timeline to the marketplace / commercialization:

Will launch this summer. Already working with real live customers.

Anything else you'd like to mention:

If you're brilliant, we want you on our team.

We bring former Google and Facebook experience to the team. We are a fun, fast-moving company to
work with.


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