Psy 15 Interview Instruction Modified

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In Consortium with



Department of Psychology

Psy 15 Fields Methods in Psychology

Instructions for Midterm Output. Recorded Simulation of a Research Interview Session

(Group Assessment Task) (This is Equivalent to the Midterm Exam)

Step 1: Study the following situations.

• You want to know how a high-achieving PhD student copes with impostor syndrome.
• You are interested in examining the well-being of an immigrant who has been away
from the Philippines for two years. The immigrant has a tight-knit clan.
• You want to know how someone with a Taga-salo personality deals with current
pandemic concerns, personal and familial. The person is currently in an isolation unit
because of the pandemic.

Step 2: Choose 1 and create a semi-structured interview schedule for it (10 questions, no
more, no less)

Step 3. Review your interview schedules and make sure they meet the following criteria:
• Questions are clearly worded
• Questions capture the variables or phenomenon of interests that have to be explored
• Questions are arranged in a manner wherein sensitive ones are asked toward the end
• Questions are ethically sensitive

Step 4. Once you are satisfied with your interview schedule, Save this file for submission. Also
include write down names of your groupmates in the content of the interview schedule file.
The Title of the File should follow format: Last names of group members – section – Midterms –

Example: Conway Varias – 15XA – Midterms – Interview

Step 5. Assign people to the following roles:

• Interviewee (only 1 person)
• Interviewer (two persons per interview session)

Note: If you have less than 7 members, you will decide on who will be assigned to which task.

Step 6. Record a three part interview session. Use google or zoom. Do not make a script, let
the conversation flow naturally.
• The first part should be for rapport building
• The second part should be the actual interview where you will use your interview
schedule and it should be devoted to the first 5 questions.
• The third part should be devoted to the last 5 questions in your interview schedule and
for wrapping up.

Note: It is up to you how long each of the part will be, but all-in-all, the whole interview session
should not exceed 1 hour.

Step 7. At the end of your interview session, save all three parts in 1 mp4 video. Name of File
should follow format: Last names of group members – section – Midterms – Video

Example: Conway Varias – 15XA – Midterms – Video

Step 8. Upload the video in your google drive or you tube channel, whichever is applicable.

Step 9. One person should submit the Link to the Video and the interview guide to my email:

NOTE: Refer to the rubric so that you would know how you will be graded.

Deadline: February 20, 2021 11:59 PM Delayed requirements will be accepted, but with
considerable points deducted.

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