Final Lecture, Camus' Sisyphus Marcel's

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Camus’ Sisyphus

& Marcel’s
▪ Repetition, absurdity
▪ perfunctoriness of human life
Myth of ▪ Meaning to be found in absurdity: taking
on/assuming a certain disposition
Sisyphus: key ▪ Scorning the gods…makes Sisyphus superior
elements to his fate!
“Sketch of
and a Metaphysics
of Hope”
▪ Levels/forms of hoping: laying/articulating
the problematic
▪ Precondition for hope/ing:
▪ Captivity/darkness
▪ Despair
▪ Is neither “optimism” nor “pessimism”
▪ Hope is a process—something that is to be lived: living in hope!: something
that is communal
▪ Not a physical form of hoping, but metaphysical!
▪ Transcends human imagination: not tied up to our imagined outcomes or
plans we seek/wish to realise!
▪ Requires: patience, waiting, relaxation!

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