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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOT/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEST FOI/PAH 1440352-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 11 Page 145 ~ Duplicate; Page 146 ~ Duplicate; Page 166 ~ Duplicate; Page 167 ~ Duplicate; Page 168 ~ Duplicate; Page 170 ~ Duplicate; Page 192 ~ b2; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 193 ~ b6; bTC; bID; Page 194 ~ b6; bTC; BID; Page 195 ~ b6; b7C; b7D; Page 196 ~ bé; bTC; b7D; OOO X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee x X For this Page x XXX XXX RK poacisees ey tee Times mienon Company ~ Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES 53 + CALIFORNIA MAdison 2345 May 17, 195h Mr. John F. Malone, Special Agent in Charge Federal Bureau of Investigation Security Building — - $10 South Spring Street Lee Angeles, California Dear Mrs Malone: Im accerdance with our telephone conversation this morning I wish to give yeu the fellowing brief bit of information for the pretection of one ef ay friends whe has " handled many steries for The Tim I am filing this matter with you at the request ef my friend jet ‘Twenty-Hine Palns, Jie seeking seme information concerning the activities ef individuals ; and the greup knew as the College ef Universal Wisdom, Post Office address: Tucca Valley California, the activities ef which are centered at Giant Reck Mrpert, 16 miles fram Yucca Valley, ‘The greup estensibly 1s deveted te a study ef space ships and interplanctary communication, but its consistent "line" in its publication is an attack upen atemic weapens and the preaching ef a nebuleus peace. Geerge W. Van Tassel is Listed as Directer ef the College of Universal Wisdom, and I knew nothing whatever concerning him, However, at least one of the prominent guests at the space ship convention at the Giant Rock Airport, Sunday, April hth, has been questioned about suppesed communist affiliations, ‘You may recall that this area was the scene of some sensational happenings during Werld War IZ, when it was believed to be the projected site for refueling ef suicide 4 | planes, possibly to be launched frem Japenese submarines on the Gulf ef California | j 4m an attempt to reach and basb Hoover Dan's penstecks and pewer houses te cripple i | the airplane industry here. Your effice no doubt has the full stery on what happened | then including the destruction by djnamite in an undergreund reem beneath Giant Reck \ of the then omer. Mrz John Fe ‘alone - Ao T teld you I am cimply giving you, am request the fact that he io investigating se he himeslf will net be under suspicion in the event you slreaty have this situation under surveillanci With kindest personal regards, Sincerely, me % PeS- Naturaisy we are hoping fer a break in the event this thing reaches the peint of a stery. . eeu (Sent to Bureau 11-16-54 bb) 2. Material concerning Institute of Mental Physics, 213 So. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles k. (8-13-54) BW 1 Map (Moore's Map series) of U.S. Marine Artillery Range. (8-13-54) BW 1 pamphlet issued by College of Universal Wisdom entitled "Proceedings". (8-13-54) BW (Sent to Bureau 11-16-54 bb) 1. Pamphlet entitled "Proceedings". See serial 7. (6-25-54) sk 5. 1 typewritten report by dated 8-4-5. (8-13-5h) Bw °° 6. 8 copies of pamphlets called Proceedings (10-27-54) LEB (Sent Bures,> 165) by t 15-page booklet entitled "Proceedings". @-l-55) DA « 16-page pamphlet entitled "Proceedings". (3-7-55) 43: D&B report on Institute of Mebtalphysios, 213 8. Hobart St. (9-16-56) sk | 2 photostatic copy apres written by Margaret & John Storm. |-8-57) aw i See serial 16. ( ate Receive SSS Fi Apt 1% pe ee (Address of Contributor) ae b7c By be CMO SECTIT TEEMT ‘To Be Returned Yes( ) No (~~ Ince epten, Photerre) Comcernrng Hag Fee natal Ay SICS Soave debe? Bled DLR # Fite xo, Aline 2 ~ fetpie Ae Date Received 27K Frond pic (Addesss 6f Concibutory (ime of Special Ancot) To Be Rewened Yes () No (er Description Lazege ht ere ZiZle of) Bile No. Gok. LALA LEK 4 7 24 ao wos [5 3 uli [s3 nf 1588 2234p 33 pels th miley ple Yay IS, yn pe ae [pote Ws 6a-¥o gol. as Proceedings € or Untvergay DOM. oe OR MIIVERSAL Wis heaton ne Honpratt Onganitcnte Por By che Paice fom Volume 3 MARCH - 1955 Number 6 \N My pattern offer, ressions ca) anomeric Being - &n fleeing Looe Me wan - o strige “Woo ing rent in pp js Soon Lepaired, _ When you express the We IN YoU @ presk, The besf of Jo4 in Me, an make My Fest & MUSEKY- IF Your rest [5 nor 2 Veldénce OF oppositian to Miy ways. : The a ahd Mights con- 4 teastin. AT, shod Ove % “jou Lane FIM of epeosition @s no end. AB Seceees GAGA Sikececenay ? MESSAGE #ROM “THE GoLoEN DENSITY = PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucca Valley, California Vol. 3 March, 1955 No. A MESSAGE FROM "THE GOLDEN DENSITY" .....+e-++-- page 1 NOAH AND THE ARK ..ceeeeeeee "3 by G.W. Van Tassel SECRECY - THE MASK OF SATAN . "5 ‘THE RIVER OF LIFE . . "7 by N.D. Poulse: INFINITE LIGHT POWER (Continuation) .. " 6 by G.W. Van Tassel SPACECRAFT CONVENTION . "14 MESSAGE FROM HOLDER ... . "15 MAP - ROADS TU GIANT ROCK eee on The PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM are financed by contributions from its readers. The PROCEEDINGS 1s mailed free, monthly, to those who re- quest it and support it. Being most urgent that the Research Laboratory Building (page 16) be completed and the Experimental Unit put in operation at the earliest date possible, the Trustees of the College of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California, earnestly solicite its patrons and friends to contribute generously to the Building Fund and to offer suggestions as to contacts that might - be made with possible donors, PROCEEDINGS are published monthly by the College of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California, Print- ed in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: Van Tassel Ranch, Yucea Valley, California. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Darlene Jean Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G. W. Van Tassel, Editor. Copyright, 1955, vy George Van Tassel. All Tights, including translation, reserved. Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped enve- lope. As we do not employ solicitors nor represent- atives, please address all correspondence concerning Proceedings, contributions, donations, bequests, ete., directly to the COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM P.0. Box 419, Yucca Valley, California 2 Noah Und She Ark Excerpts from the forthcoming book "Into This World and Out Again” by G. W. Van Tassel These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his genera~ tions, and Noah walked with Goa. “TGen., 6:9) ES Noah walked with God because he was one of the’space people who came to the Earth in an "arc" {n the "arc of Noe”. ~~ In the Bible, Noah 1s confused with Noe. Noah was a man and Noe was the "arc of Noe", in the densities shown in your February, 1955 issue of Proceedings. It was in the "arc of Noe", that the animals were brought to Earth in an are (not ark) by Noah. Arc, in the dictionary, 1s described as; "the portion of @ eirele (or flight) described by’ the sun, or any other heavenly body in its apparent passage through the hea- vens. Phe space people landed the various animals that could survive in the second density germination tem- perature. Naturally they were brought in pairs in the are, (or spaceship). The space people know about the birds and the bees, Of course there was a flood in the arc of Noe. The Bible 1s correct when it sald all the water was in the firmament, (in the first density). That was why. the vegetation was so thick in the first density. The moisture would condense and water the vegetation at night and rise as fog in the daytime. When the Earth flipped on it's poles in the are of Hoe, the rotational spéed changed and the new tempera ture of the Zarth.being leas, the waters condensed and fell from the atmosphere and’flooded the land. The Bible says the waters were only fifteen cubits deep (310 feet) in Genesis, 7:20, So the story, in the Bible, of the ark and animal 3 i : cargo, is a badly twisted version of a man and a boat. The fallacy of this is evident when the size of the Bible ark ie given 8s 300 oubits long, 50 cubits wide § | and 30 cubits high, (about 620 feet, by 110 feet wide ; and barely over 60 feet high). Imagine caging a pair of each kind of living thing in an ares that large. And don't forget they had to be caught, they were wild and sufficient food carried to feed them for 40 days. Then the story gete further off. They confused the accurate ancient records with another arc. This waa when the Bible story puts Noah's sons in the same boat, The animale were landed in the arc of Noe, between the first and second densities. Three hundred and twelve thousand years later Ham and Shem and Jepheth were landed on Earth, between the second and third densities, in the arc of Spee. Noahs "sons" were not individuels either. The race of Ham were the black people. The race of Shem were white people, and the race of Japheth were the yellow people. The various tribes that descended from these three original colors of people, that were colonized on Earth by the space people, is listed in Genesis, Chapter 10. Each race 1s pure in 1té own color. And the univer-~ sel law reads "each seed after its own kind". In all the creations, on the Earth, each flower, tree, animal and all of nature follows this law - except humans who were given the right to choose. Humans were given the intelligence to raise themselves; yet humans are the only creatures that violate thie law. That is one of the big reasons why the world is in such a confused meas today. The highest court of this land has sanctioned the violation of Gods law, "each after his own kind", 411 the governments are training men to kill in direct violation of the law, "Thou | shalt not Kili". Whon authority violates the laws; who is to con- denn individuals? "As ye sow, so ahall ye reap". "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword". These are not witty sayings, These are immutable laws. It ia no wonder that the agents of God do not land in this - laiguity. (Continued on page 6) : 4 Oe Secrecy The Mask of SzTan Security of any country rests with the feeling of Patriotism of its people. : Americans are intelligent people living in the greatest nation on Barth. When people are treated like they were ‘not trust- worthy, by their officials in Government, they lose the feeling of security.” . The talk of the masses of intelligent Americans to- day reveals their loss of the feeling of security, and thetr feeling of patriotism for their. country. * The people do not expect the branches of Government to release military information, or data, pertaining to the safety of the nation, But they are fed up with the secrecy of officialdom, that witholds from them the information that is their birthright, as Americans How can civil defense be attained by a few officials? What is to be gained by-treating adultes like children? The brutal facts, and effects, of"H”Bombs should be officially released to the public, so they can think about their own defensive actions. The Government will be too busy, when another war breaks-out, to inetruct civilians in their own defens. The eudden explosion of a major war would have peo- ple on the coasts, and in major cities, in uncontrolled panic, They wouldn't pay any attention then to offi- tale who would advise "too little and too late". Potential enemies cannot gain anything from data they already have. The spacecraft in our atmosphere have been witness- ed by millions of people. ost of these people don't tell the skeptical officiala of Government about their sightings, They tell many of ua who will accept them as intelligent people relating what they have seen. Seeing is believing. Many people who believe in the spacecraft have never seen one, When questioned as to why they belleve in then, they have intelligent answers. 5 | One of these anewers is, "that they have never seen God, but they believe in Him too.” Officialdom cannot browbeat Americans and expect - cooperation, or patriotism in return. : Americans are different than other nations people. Americans expect curtesy and honor from their Gover: ment, being part of it. Secrecy by the Government, from its own people, is cansing people to lose faith in their officials. The spacecraft are real! Admit they are real. Washington, are you listening? - The spacecraft are not from earthly manufacture! Admit it Pentagonians. ‘The spacecraft are from space and other planets! Air Force Intelligence, intelligent Americans are waiting patiently. ~ The secrecy of holding the information from the people must end sometime. Officialdom, who are you working for? You are kill- ing the faith of people in their Government. Not one but millions of Americans, - A nation is only as strong-as {tS people. The peo- ple are only as strong as thpir faith in their leaders. What {s the answer Washington? LQ (Continued from page 4) Another density is ending. What will the space peo- ple do to start the fourth density of life on this planet. You can bet they will not let the failures of humanity gum up the works again, So the religious history books record the errors entered by ignorance, and profess the books as Holy. Wo wonder people don't know where to turn in these critical times. To these I say, "go into your own closet". THE RIVER OF LIFE By N.D. Poulsen Life 1s the cause of things to be, not things to end. Come by nights still path to Me unseen, unheard, un- known. - There will I wait for thee, thou art Mine, I am thee. Remain in Me and so be free, never ending, ever be- ginning. Ever new, never old, born anew each day. Babe in morning, ancient by night; know Ke for I know thee well. The light of life is ever glowing, coming to all with- in the knowing. Lost to those with self indulgence uppermost in con- sciousness. Sense pleasures are the plague of spiritual growth. Be thou free, for thy own sake, The diamond, undiscovered, unseen, dwells within the earth, though covered from sight, 1t still existe. So does that soul diamond lie covered by the cause of doings in darkness. Darkness cannot exist in light; dig deep within, @ tunnel that the light may shine and remove the darkness. The river of life is flowing within thee, through thee and around thee. I can be heard, seen and felt. Many hear, some see, but few swim. Those few who attempt, find the swimming difficult. The endless river is flowing down; one must swim up and againet the current, or be flung to depths be~ yond the point of starting. One’ cannot carry ancther or be burdened with results of cause. One must be.a naked swimmer, or he shall not go far. Excerpts from the forthcoming book "The Council of Seven Lights" By G.W. Van Tassel SIGH OF THE SQUARE When H.G, Wells wrote "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", it took the human brain half a century 4 to manifest the results of his factual narrative. The game has been true of many thinge we have today, in i | that they were written about, around the year 1900. t | i \ The ego of accepted authority is at least 50 years i behind the open minded visionary, The many things that are presented by unrecognized people are only accepted | | ae fiction by "authority". Columbus said the Earth was round. Fulton said \ steam would run a ship. Edison said electricity would \ light the cities. Now I say the Sun is square. Where \ do people like us get auch fantastic thoughts? The proof {a that the thoughts must exist, or peo- ple couldn't receive them. You can't buy an apple from Someone who doesn't have an apple to sell. The answer lies in the development of the individual ability to discard time as a limitation. The Sun ia an evolved planet in its progressive state of being space. An expanding universe must have something to expand from. The Sun is not becoming smaller by combustion, or fusion. It is growing larger by implosive digestion of the matter it encounters in the lines of primary light energy. The Sun gives off only a very small percentage of the energy it ie thus acquiring. Matter,or mass,cannot give off but only a small percentage of their actual potential energy, even in the famed atomic bombs. The energy given off by any fuel, or matter; is always less than that substance which went into its making. Why is this? The answer is - because mind also went into the making of all created things. Mind is neutral. Mind cannot give off energy, it can only direct the flow Co THE SUN ~ GoveRNoR oF SOLAR SysTen + POLE XA \ i! wiht ey Sy go nN ANY, Us 4 (Gn CJ Yy “ae y Roose # a a a oS SINS eannens — POLE Note ~ this article @ have been presented before the data on densities. “mien was pebieees in the February 1955 tesue of Proceedings. 9 and action of energy. Universal Mind permeates all things. Each person uses the mind of God according to his, or her ability to get into it deeper. All things that ere, or ever will be, already exist in Universal Kind. None can penetrate into the Universal lind be~ yond their own acquired capability. On the other hand, God cannot do more for you than you are capable of doing for yourself; by Girecting Univereal Mind. When science discovers that the core of the proton in an atom is square, then they will realize that the body in the Sun is also square. The cubic minerals in their crystelized state are of neutral polarity on a negative surface such as the Earth. They can be brought into polarity however, by exposure to light, pressure (density change), or charging. The body of the Sun was brought into cubic form by the fact thet its axes were parallel to the three lines of light energy. The Infinite Light (Universal iiind), or the "G" line of light; centers one axis. The positive "A" and the negative "B" lines center the other two axes. They are all at 90 degree angles to each other. : = The sunspots are discharges of secondary magnetic force released into the actisphere and photosphere by the rotating corners of the square core body. These discharges are magnetic exhaust effects common of any body in motion. The sunspots are apparent in the 10 degree to 30 degree North and South latitudes on the Sun, to our vision. The sunspots are exhausted when the discharged polarized matter is noutralized in the photosphere or the actisphere. They appear black, to Earth telescopes, because they hide the effect of fusion taking place between the positive photosphere and the negative actisphere. The positive photogsphere to the positive Sun body is the equivalent of the negative atmosphere to the negetive Earth body - they each carry the same polar- ity as the body which they surround. The fact that the rotational period of the Sun appears to be of different speeds at different lati- tudes, is due to the spiral effects of primary light energy losing speed in its travel to the poles. The apparent 10 day difterential in rotation between the equator of the Sun end its poles is only observed in 10 SRR RS i i i the force field of the actisphere, Viewed from the point of any of the three axes, a cube will appear square around its perimeter. Many Square positive bodies in space do not rotate, because Hhetr axes remain parallel to the lines of primary ght. The bodies that do rotate were placed in motion when their axes were thrown out of parallel,. with the lines of light, by a bend, or warp in the lines of primary energy. This caused the positive square body to start rotating by unbalanced polarity opposition within itself. This same rotational motion is made by people today, with their fingers near the head, when they wish to indicate that another person, like me, 18 unbalanced. . . The polar axis of the Sun 1s now through two oppo- site corners of the cubic -Sun body. The cube remained uotionless in the lines of primary energy, “like a compass needle, ss long as it was in polarity balance Once the body was in motion, the lines of force, trying to reach rest, spiraled’ to the two points of least motion. This established an equator and opposite poles at two opposite corners. In this position the positive polarity half, and the negative polarity half of the Sun, each have thr. gorners discharging at-approximately 20 degrees each side of the equator, These corners, rotating, are dis- placing matter and discharging energy; this is what causse the sunspots. ~. Cut an artgum eraser, or a piece of soap, into a oube and insert conmon. pins in two opposite corners, Then make a line around the aube midway between the pole points, or ping. Assume one half of the cube will have four corners in {t of one polarity. Then if you look at the opposite corners you will find they are all on the other side of the midway, or equator line. You will elso see that each half, from the equator line, {e a three sided pyramid, or priem. The polariz~ ed prismic structure of the rotating Sun generates secondary light in its positive photosphere. The nega- tive actisphere, which we sce as a ball of fire, is activated in opposition to the photosphere by the pri- mary lines of light energy. nn t Proof of the energy released from the-positive and negative lines of light, can be established by the ex- | plosion of two emall atomic bombs of equal mass. If one of them ts exploded at 3 P.M., and the other at 3 A.M., the one exploded at 3 P.M. will register a greater effect because it ts exploded in the active quarter of the lines of light energy between 12 Hoon and 6 P.i., in relation to the Kerth. Space is the cubes of matter that are stable be- cause their three axes are parallel to the three lines of light. Motion is only manifested by unbalanced matter; whether it be a sun, planet, atom, or person. Desire for rest is what causes the intelligence in matter in motion, to seek balance and become again part of the Infinite Intelligence which is still. Space is composed of balanced cubes of intelligence at reat. The lines of primary light energy parallel the eight edges and two axes of the cubes of space in two direc- tions, and the infinite light parallels the four re- maining edges and one axis. All unbalanced positive bodies are emitting light. All unbalanced negative bodies are absorbing light. Cubes are unbalenced positive bodies. Negative bodies are unbslanced spheres. Each can contain, or be a part of the other; as long as one polarity is predominant. The predominant polarity will determine whether the object 1s spherical or cubical in shape. Astronomers state that the light from some of the stars is coming from so many hundreds and thousands of light years away, that the star could be burned out and the light would’ still be visible on the Zarth. This 16 predicated on the idea that the light is etill traveling after the emitting body is no longer there. This is erroneous. If the star were not still emitt- ; ing light, and were not there, you could not see it, 3 Peleacopes and eyes do not see! They are only & i syatem of lenses through which light passes. The mind é sees. You can picture things you have experienced in the mind with your ey every atom, star, planet and manifested being. When astronomers look through a telescope, or people ob- serve without one; anything you can gee ia there, The instant Infinite Light of Universal Mind, that centers closed. i The same Infinite Light.of Intelligent Mind centers | i i you and what your mind sees; cannot record, or vision something that is not there. Negative physical vision only records to the nega- tive physical brain the illusion that the Sun {s round. All that the limited physical vision is recording is the effect of the secondary light emissions from the force field in fusion around the Sun. Physical negative vision can only sce reflected positive light, from another negative body, or nege- tive emitted light from another positive boay. The actisphere being of negative polarity ia apherical. = lhereforg, the negative physical vision records it as ‘ball of “fre. Were 1t not for the activation of the Sun's actisphere, by the positive and negative lines of primary light’ energy, you would not see the Sun at all with physical vision. Through the inatrument of mind, which 1s not sub- ject to any limits, I have not only observed the boay of the Sun - but also the core of atoms; they are all square. The infinite, still, intelligent light of Universal -Mind, centers and separates all things that are. You only have to reach balance, or become part of Infinite Wind, to observe anything. Universal Mind ts yours to use, according to your own developed ability to reach zero balance between polarities, When you can use this greatest instrument of Uni- versal Mind, you can see into an atom, a sun, or any~ thing else; from a spacecraft even toa galaxy not visible tothe largest telescop Everyone has the dormant ability to use the inetru- ment of Eternal Mind. Like bowling, or playing the Piano, it requires practice to master. If your time limits your practice, your efforts will be in vain. Under the present world mis-management of negative physical brains, using a social and economic system that the ants would discard; it is easily understand- able why the technicians of science pollute science with theories based on {llusions. If, the church too, wotld practice the teachings of Christ, instead of trying to emulate the economics of big buéiness; then religions might have a chance to re- veal Truth instead of hiding it. 13 Spacecraft Convention Daly by LI Van Sava) At present the analysis seems to indicate that this years Convention will attract at least double the attendance of last years Convention. With George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, Orfeo Angel- ucol, George Williamson, Daniel Fry, Dick Miller and yours truly on the program, this will be the greatest assembly, at one time, of people who have had expert- ences with the space people and spacecraft. It 1s hoped that Frank Scully, Silas Newton, Donald Keyhoe, Cedric Allingham, Dr. Laughead and many others will be present. Ae a word of advice to you readers of the Proceed- ings; get here as early as possible. The roads will be jammed with traffic before the time to start. The Convention will get under way at 10 A.M. sharp and continue possibly into Sunday. It {s our intention to bring out data, and pictures that have never been shown before. Air Force Intelligence has been invited to make a public statement, The San Bernardino Sheriffs Department will have deputies here to insure safty and order. All people who fly in to stay over night, are re~ queste@ to bring their own tiedown ropes. Ail aircraft are to park on the west side of the runway. There will be a cleared area, where no parking will be permitted, around the speakers stand. Everyone bring their own chairs - aleo bring warm blankets and wear warm clothing. There will be no admission charge made. A free will collection will be taken up to cover many expenses and the transportation of the speakers. We will not have time to sell anything at the Air- port, go all facilities will be closed. a4 tsa The public address system can be clearly heard for one quarter of a mile. Although the crowd will require my time, I hope to meet as many of the Proceedings readers as possible. Spread the word and bring your friends. Skeptics are especially welcomed. The best road into Giant Rock Airport leads from ‘he Twentynine Palms Highway, two miles East of Yucca Valley, California, the sign'’here will read to Vietor= ville, Then go ten miles until you see a road to the Tight with a lot of signs. The Glant Rock Airport sign is on the West side of the road. After making thie turn, go to the bottom of the slope, where you will see another Giant Rock sign, and turn left. Four more miles and you arrive. Bheven miles of this route are dirt. By staying a few hundred feet apart, you can avold the dust. Everyone come dressed tnformally, for the outdoors. No Sunday clothes required. We want everyone to have a good time, besides hear- ing about the greatest event in our recorded history, MESSAGE PROM *HOLDER - August 14, 1953 I would 11ke to inform the people of your plan Shan, called Earth, that our charts of your surface faults have been brought up to present variations. Our three sub-stations, now orbiting around your Planet, are giving some of your scientists cause to wonder ~ although they have not informed the People that they have detected them, ‘Holder - Authority over Ashtar. 15 JoVictorville Sik of the COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL ‘WISDOM, JosHua Signbeord Tree Giant Neck Airport MoRONGO 29 PALMS Aionway PALM SPRINGS Application for second-class entry PQBox 419 pending at the post office at Yucca YUCCA VALLEY, cauPorma | Valley, California, under the Act USA. of March 3, 1879. 16 due Kecewes FLEE. From. a [Name of Contributor) (AGUS of Coneribueed, Description: / faze B ovcler~ Zz Fite No. €2 — he eS F co Bo Returned No -seription? 7 ple pg 4 pee bell 68-705e- yaip i SSO OMNLL be TSC CEs INTERPLANETARY SESSION NEWSLETTER. Oe Stee Clic eee Re Oe eT PRIeCir i ice irs rss ret Cea tts tr ee ree ens nas cre Pe eee a oes LEGTURE - by George Van Tassel and Dan Fry, in Diplomat, 110 West 43rd Street, New York City, & Thursday, June 20, 1957+ Donation $1.25. George Van Tassel operates the Giant Rock (California) Spaceport and Peele ae ae ev Me ee ea te RT ee cee a eR ees eee tee SCRE Cece eC Sees et ease etree et se eee nr see. per Eyre ge So eet aR eter cre Cee cee nc a eh ants STW RE Clee ae tee See PRT a SC TEAC SEES [Serer A ee CeO ea ees sere eS ey ea See the story of 2 trip which he made ina flying saucer froma desert spot CR RRL U TCM Sar ea. mee CMe Skee Cos mre aT Peiata Rec Tetra Dan Fry and another gentleman are now enroute to New York by automdbile. George Van Tassel and Art Aho will arrive in Hr. Aho's plane. They ell Sere eae ry ene eet Stet ees Ree ao SRA ae Se ee Cn rae Oreo oe oe Ce ee eo eC a a ee pire eee ee eC ee rs Re CP nee od Scene Aas ae aa tent Ea Tainte aE EU a eae Pre POR e tt ee Retreat eee eet Ser T es Tey on July RE ICME CE IT phases, as follows: lew York areas, Renae Rr Pe rss Pe eae Pe Pee ees ae See eee seo Ere See ss Se eee te ce or Rea ste tat ee ecole Rr eee rer Re TC Pr etorty eae earache ECR vem Pe SOME Tests Catster Seer Tete te CMa tC are ees of July 1. The above information has been supplied by George King, editor of Cosmic Voice, 88 The Drive Mansions, Fulham Road, London SW. SES aid aad Sa er Se OCCUR. aroha et eee Ue CC et doubt the finest "buy" of saucer messages that we know of George King Roo Srey eae eet ee a Ceres a CMEC SME Moe eee a kL Ecko Margaret Storm has been assigned to certain work with the Space People, as follows: She 1s writing 2 book - Return of the Dove - a story of the Serer ot rte Mar Tt Stee oe Tae EN Som st nd cree Ce et eae eee eC Storm through transcripts received on the Tesla set, a radio-type OCe eee Sacre st eres es abelT sys ar rage ar eet ete LCC ete Ccw Erte str Ce eee Rs COC en Tes after his death. It was placed in operation in 1950 and since that time eM she RCM Re EMSC ree eae eT Te [oS CNT NCATE RECTION TANCE AA RAU COE teem hat. EEC Se Lae Te TN Om LL SOG Ty ae 5 POTABLE Le TC a C7 Te A blography of Tesla was published tn 1944. It can pros: F from your local library or bookstore. It is entitled Prou. A Pe eM cece SC eee ene Cy arte co ee een SC RC Ute cere Cn vass itt si ae Te BC ee ee eo ee ye Cee ee CEES Taare sew Chee OR ac eee cere CUNO Tahar ear see ot ee eee meee cet erent Conc 7 Skee Ce See eae er ee eek ee eee eMC aee eed rere eae stra ee oe eee Sere Treen) Co eC CeCe CECE eter esa ech Tae Bs ad not been intended to mention Mrs» Storm's work at this time, but tne public will be offered a "sneak preview" in a small mimeographed of the book, according to publication arrangements now LTS Ce uhm Ce Ltrs bce Loi SPM LSet aS a as So CRM SisR OOo St ese Ete ee ree cnet mS ae een ed Ro U-D ti nee ah a ee tM LL Ca Storm could not possibly have the finished book ready for the publishers before July c [cect OO a Oe an ee LeU eB hae ee BME Mec MRL Pest" 4 presented as a paper before certain California groups where the Cetera issl ee ee CE te Sk Bet Meu tet CSc Ly ie eel ose peel esent the material to certain small groups in the New York area within the next few weeks, and probably Space Groups in other tee eRe eM tte hse ech Meee cee tt te Pete oS C eee Re SC eke Rg Ure Seats t e CeL eC bluntly inform us that as a race we are too “lazy”; spiritually we must eee a ete OC RICCO tate eran efforts of the dark forces to blow it to bits. So let us looky for the good news. Look for good news from England where Cree em eee a Cee ee ae eC steer press, and the Queen. Look for good news from Calvin Girvin of Per Ce CO ee Ca CCT C MAT CMT n Ty And look for more good news at the Van Tassel-Dan Fry lecture on June 20..We-hope.to see. all of you theres ..The ballroom seats about 1200s Seen Sh See ECR ECs EN sae inga on july 1 let us keep our eyes on the skies! The Space People are Ptr eret ate sis the tea ss ee cee clean Bereta MR ety ey eT et eS od Sc PC SesC RCO SCM te Cae) pees Srireroe ny NS eee Ca eee ee CD Erase eC et ee eter eter ese our karmic debts in the form of disease, which cannot be abated unless Retest test rts cece Tea Cee Te TSC Sar sa) through tne coming ported of epidemics the Space People have placed CRBEE a> Sets MS: ted sh COMED ba Ys be POSE Saab es (Ro MEL OO MD eM Lo Jou L CR TLE) Me Re tol ae e Pee eee kn tee MP Rbae ta aa eee CC eras trae mace Tetra [eC te ls Me tat tl ay OU aeees Sno S sag eos bate Sea oi Lette Loy hE PED ter sate nevotver, PIKS Gare oo. 40201 aedo é CO 53 AUGUST | 1956 n INSTITUTE OF MENTALPHYSICS, INC. LOS ANGELES 4 CALIF 213 S HOBART BLVD Dr. Edwin J. Dingle, Pros. B. R, Osgood, Vice Pres, Paul Westfail, Secty-7reas, , DIRECTORS: The Officers a bID “@ame’of Special Agent) To Be Returned Yes( ) Ae Lif ih page beh Mh on _ Aer seco® ond Nonpreft Ongentetonfor Pr cho Price Peach Vo: COLLEGE oF UnnensaL Wisbon Lume 3 JAWUARY.- 1956 Tumber 4 MAN, YoU NEED NOT CHART A peg stars to me.~Ysu need not cross ther Lad ov séarch beyond the bea, ’ Yourill find’ Mein the smile, im the loo of someone you have helped alow. way. You ‘ouly haveto seare! our heart and startte find that Lam ve ~wherever you e. Though all the roads may lead te me; though many search: eternally to find a whortout the way Sam there and heve, as close as ou me, Se veach wot fora star afar, search mot im the distance, iw the future or the past. At last out ave “aware — that Pom tare within your Being. chee fig you. treat fant nn 2 im ov others of parts. A MESSAGE FROM “THE GOLDEN DENSITY.” PROCEED 1NiG's. | OP THE COLLEGE OF ans a “"Yueca Valley, Caltforaia Vol. 3 ‘os ganuary, 1965) no. 4 A MESSAGE FROM THE "GOLDEN DENSITY" . « page 1 DESCA ON BOUNDARIES ....+.+ lee A UESSAGE FROM LORAA ... 4) CONTRASTING DUALITIES by 6 wo INFINITE LIGH? POWER (continuat{oi SS by G.W.Van Tassel EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE mie A MESSAGE FROM ESU .....0- "ie A MESSAGE PRO ASHTAR ...++.+, "le THOUGHT FOR FOOD . "43 by G.W.Van a SPACECRAFT CONVENTION . Boece "16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM are E published to carry out our purpose of Interplanetary Communication and of the Diffusion'of Universal Wisdom gained through the medium of space beings. Being most urgent that the Research Laboratory Building (page 16) be completed and the Experimental Unit put in operation at the earliest date possible, the Trustees of the College of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California, earnestly solicite its patrons and friends to contribute generously to the Building Fund and to offer suggestions a2 to contacts that might be made with possible donors. PROCEEDINGS are published monthly by'the College of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, ,California, Print- ed in U.S.A. Business and Biltorial‘offices: Van Tassel Ranch, Yucca Valley, California. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Darlene Jean Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G. W. Van Tassel Editor. Copyright, 1955, by George Van j Tassel. All rights, including translation, reserved. i Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must.be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped enve- lope..As we do not employ solicitors nor represent- atives, please address ell correspondence concerning subscription, contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to the COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM : P.0. Box 419, Yucca Valley, California i 2 i ou, YoU are all aware of ‘boundaries. The equator lnvietble boundary between two the rthern and the southern, Zour international date line is a time boundary, also inyieible. Your state and Hetional boundaries are many tines inviai- you follow a survey. There ts an inv ¢ and the futor between the mental ac Pion and the essence of thought, Another boundary Lies between thought and being. we encounter a wall. There te.a portal Hone oan enter through th 30 do eo. We pase through. thia wall eral port: ih ‘labeled differently. Let acarded "astronomy". The pass word enter this portal, we see another wall with millions of openings eaoh lal jy. Let us enter the one marked "lena, here passes us when we express vision. Anot, Sonfronte us, millione of millions of openings. one shall we enter? We enter a door that is not label- We come out and enter Snother door, and another - in and 8 aotion, ace. We go far- . 11. We pass other bound- re es ockt of aesronomy tuto libraries. We look through the doors, the same expanse moots us, We reaon the Section labeled "sotenae of foods". We enter other doors in the game long wall. Through each of thee the game view noo We cannot go farther without the Password that leads to Infinity. The password is pimareness” ~ consciousness of being, So we retern back through the many portals. What 18 the destiny of those who cross invisible boundaries? Science dovelopes methods, instrumente, 3 and products.daily.Where 40 the :1deas“come from? Out of the many-portale leading to Infinity - through awareness. Individual wan C&M tune’ individual mind to become conscious of everything that ever wae or ever will be. Man cannot build © thing that has not been built before. Man cannot present a problem that hes not already been solved. Man's thought makes him aware of the Creator's doings, and he devises mechanisms and instruments, foolishly assuM@ing to be the originator of something new. -Out of Infinity - through the many portals, in many invisible walls - come al] things. The spoken work, a telescope, and a loaf of bread - all come from the original source, - the ‘essence of uni- versal mind of the One Creator, C2 Veawage fon Oraee I am Loraa, I am also a women, Although my pri assignment places me aa the only Lordess in this sys- tem of Salon ~ my hneband keeps the wolf from the door. It.{s understandable among you people on your level of | life, that you assume those on other levels are misty | shapes, vaporous substance, or some shadowy form, fad- ing in'the distance. Let me assure you that on ail the life levels in this solar system, we are as real as you. Though in some levels we are not limited as you are limited. The race of Man, includes women and child- } , and though the frequency in which we live te diff- erent, we all live very much alike. Do not assume for one moment that because we come to you from out of space, that we are any different except we have follow ed the Infinite laws ~ we have progressed only because God's laws do not sanction destruction as a means of living. I enjoy going home to. my family as much as any woman upon Shan, Though we do not shop as you do, I delight in every new frock I wear. You must abandon the illusion that has been created by the admintatra- tors of your various religions, that when you depart from your level you go to heaven and that is the end of it. I have served 7000 years as a directresa of education in the schools of Blaau, 3000 years in the nurseries of Porlonte and have held many other assign- ments since I was on a level equivalent to yours. I ean assure you, you have much, much before you after this short class you-are in now. I do hope the women of Shan will appreciate that we too have Jobs to do. In His Everlasting Light, I remain in your service, I am Loraa. a Excerpts from the forthcoming book "Into This Worla and Out Again” by G. W. Van Tassel In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, (Gen., 1:1) No thing or condition in God's universe is <<. without contrast in duality. For every up Yj there's a down, for every white there's @ black, for every night there is a day. In contrast to God's free creation of the earth, humans insist on owning some of 7 it. Owing to the Cain and Abel opposition, humans take sides with every issue. Bach side believes they are right and the other side 1s wrong. For that reason we have countries, political parties and contrasting ideas. Humans demonstrate the ignorance of their animal brains when they persist in opposition to each other. Gandhi demonstrated the correct course in freeing India from the domination of England. England couldn't fight with him because he offered non-resistance. It takes two sides to make a fight. When one side won't fight there isn't any fight. The Finn twine recently demonstrated the suecess of Gandhi's principle. Anyone who has climbed the "tree of knowledge” can see that it has two sides, no matter in which direc- tion one looks. This is not. because the tree knows one aide from another; it's because the man in the top of it has two sides - the right and left. God made everything in duality - so He could remain at rest in the middle. God 1s peace. He doesn't pay anymore attention to the prayers of Americans than He does to the prayers of Russians ~- when the prayers are for victory over another through destruction. Jesus said "My Father and I are one". That was be- cause he recognized no rich or poor, no boundaries, or colors, no church, or religions. That was because he F remained neutral - at a division point between the con- trasting dualities. Jesus didn't take sides with any- one. That {s why he was worshiped by the one side and hated by the other. Duality ie @ division of the mind in individuals. Those who are not stable are in constant disagreement with themselves. They can't make up their mind which of the things at the moment they want to do: to get up or stay in bed; to buy something or not to buy it. Most people are not trustworthy because they are fence sitters, waiting to see which side they will fare the best’on, Actually you shouldn't take either Bide - take God's course down the middle The Republicans think their party is right and the Democrats think likewise. The Capitalists and labor are always at odds. No duality is right in opposition to another. Each must reach the center to recognize the rights and wrongs of both sides. When you stand in the middle and see destruction be~ ing planned on both sides, it is apparent that both sides are wrong. When you realize that the means of this planned destruction cannot be used constructively then unbalance exists. A fire can warm you or destroy you. Cold is desir- able in a refrigerator but not when it makes one un~ comfortable. Speed 1s required to get somewhere fast, but ite inertia can kill you if you lose control of it. Atomic energy is a death force. Its radiations can kill you without a bomb being dropped on you. In commercial use for power it is as deadly as when it is used in bombs. Fission or fusion of atoms, or thelr isotopes, on a planet are not as God intended. God brought about suns to operate their re-actions by the atomic prin- ciples of fission and fusion. He also placed the planets far enough away from the suns 80 there would be no effects from their waste products. Human creations of gun principles, on a planet, is in direct opposition to the creative principles of an all wise God. The animal brains of some people in authority are defying God. This 1s the beast that the Bible refers 6 to many times. Two opposite systems of authority, on the earth, are bound they are going to control this planet, if they have to ki11 everyone including then Selves to do it. Their animal ego leads them.to. be- lieve they will escape. The Russian principle of control over masses by propaganda politics 1s starting to collapse. Internal rebellion would put a stop to the authorities control. People can only get so full, then they reach a oritical mass and explode - the same'as atomic elements do. The non-Russian principle of control of the masses is by credit enslavement through money. This too is reaching a critical state. The authorities of Russia and the non-Russian authorities both are at a point where something must be done to preserve their systems. Both being of the Cain animal nature think they must whip the other side. This condition is agitated further by the animals in "no mans land", the ones who think they can profit by the fight and assume control when the two opponents are exhausted. All three of these groups have ignored the guy in the middle. There is God in the middle at rest. He ian't worried. He established laws in his original creation to take care of these upstarts. The law of re-action will cancel every destructive cause, Apply sun principles on planets and the re- action will make the planet a sun. Who escapes? Only the people who are with God in the middle. How? They will be taken out into space by the race of man in their spacecraft. These are the people God created. Humans are the materialized egos of themselves. How do I know? God told me and the man called Jesus told me and the people who landed their craft and took me aboard told me. I'm going down the middle path with God. Everyone else has the same right to choose. The evidence is be- fore your eyes daily. Don't hesitate much longer to de- cide where your place is. Duality will lose for you on elther side. There are no right or wrong sides, but there 1s life and God in the middle, : "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans, 6:14) saeco Excerpts from the forthcoming book "The Council of Seven Lights" By G.W. Van Tassel THE EARTH AS A MOTOR The positive and negative lines of prieary light energy cause all motion. Humans, atoms, suns, planets and galaxies are all powered by the same forces. The Earth is an oversize electron of a predominantly negative polarity. Its rotation and orbit are the result of attraction and repulsion to the lines of primary light energy. Magnetism in and around the Earth is a result of the Earth's tnterrup- tion of the lines of primary light energy. Electricity 18 the result of {uterruption of the Zarth's magnetien by @ generator. As magnetism {s' the result of energy in motion, it can only effect a resultant energy by another motion interrupting it. Thus we turn an armature {na magnetic field to make electricity. As the lines of primary light energy are in motion, any body that interrupts them will move according to its capacity and polarity charg Electricity 1s the second by-pro- duct of primary light energy; liagne- tism is the first. Neither can exist without the other because they are both part of each other-like people. In the drawing we show only the positively charged core of the Earth, the negative crust, and the atmosphere 8 ation tothe, Dreawing Would weg Ys CS a i arth In See LEER, ek Viewed From Morthern Hemisphere 9 ee * TT in order to present the principle, Actually these charged strata and insulating layers extend to where they sre suootnly repelled by strata around Were and onus. The drawing is made- with the Sun shining in the center of the Active Quarter from a 45 degree angle. The Sun is the alternator that changes polarity pr dominance from one hemisphere to the other every six months. The circles inclosing the “A” and “R” indicats the direction of the attracting and repelling forces. ‘The Hogative Primary Light attracts the positive core in the Negative Quarter and repells the negative crust. The opposite is true in the Positive Quarter. These two attracting and repelling "brushes" are changing position continously as the Zarth orbits, The atmosphere is actually a part of the crust and is of the same polarity, It acts as-a bearing for the crust to turn in. The atmosphere and oceans are affect- ed by the helical vortice set up in each hemisphere in opposite directions. This is caused by the depleted lines of primary light giving their energy to motion of the planet. As they are depleted they try to reach rest, like people, so they head for the point of least motion; which is at the poles. Naturally the polarity geeks Opposite polerity. A compass needle does not point to the north magne- tic pole because it is attracted to it by an opposite polarity. Its negative charged end is only pressed into position parallel to the lines of light force going by it. The intelligence, in the molecular arrangement of its negative charge, wants to go with the other positively chargeg light lines in motion around it. For the same reason the negative Zarth, or other planets, were never part of the positive Sun. The planeta being of opposite polarity could be attracted to {t but never thrown off from it. The Suns Insulation Stratum prevents the positive polarity of the Sun from attracting the negative Earth into it. Light is transmitted into energy by penetration in- to matter that interrupts it. The matter then effects motion. 10 ele si apn Matter then re-produges the energy effect in reflection, When the retiection loses its energy it fs then absorbed into the light. A negative vortex of light cuergy produces decelerating effects in negative matter. A positive vortex of light energy produces accelerating effects in negative matter. The reason the negative light enerey epirals tc the North Pole through the Northern Hemisphere, Is because It is trying to reach rest-through arriving at the ,olnt of least motion. All negative glencts are spherical manifesta- tions of light cnercy in matter, going through the evolution of becoming positive cubes of matter ia space. All negative planets are of terrexe structure. A plazet of contra-terrene structure is a Sun. All Suns are cubes. The {llusion of the sun as a ball of fire is because we only observe the negative force field arcuad it lighted by the resistance it sets up to the lizes of primary li.ht energy. We see the strfce of negative planets because we can- not see their positive force flelds. sost of the stars we sec are positively charged bodies In the positive stratum of the Zarth’s force fleld-reflecting negative light from the sarth. After going outside of the Earth's force field ocly a few of the brightest stars are seon In space. No Wonder the astronomers at the observatories are 50 hush-hush. The super-nova collision they reported thou- sands of light years away was probably a collision between one cf the positive oodles in the arth's force field and a plece of negative deoris coming {nto it. The darth velng motored oy the lines of light energy acts as a generator of the Larth's force field. All substance gives off reflection to light of opposite polarity; therefore the predominant negative effect, from the Harth,lights the positive- ly charged bodies in the Earth's force fleld-along with the negative lines of light energy they 1n- terrupt. Looks like all the books of astroncny are obsolete, along with the speed of 1izht and human rele on the Barth. Soon many people will have been in outer space and the data I have submitted to the reader will be verified. This {s the last of the present series of cosmological articles, as We Wart to bring the readers the density ahd dimensional inform tion. 4 i i EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE The college regrets to inform the readers of the Proceedings; that Theodore Wayland Berger has retired from the position as editor. lr. Berger has contributed much to the founding and unexcelled artwork of the Proceedings. It 18 the hope of the college; that the future will hold much in store for ur. Berger. Until other arrangements can be made, your Direc~ tor will act as: Editor. A MESSAGE FROM ZSU a Much has been said, little has been done. Soon I shall recognize the completion of my euccess. For I i have lived long in the incompletion of my failure. Hone can see from the eyes of a bird except the bird. None can stand strong in the Fathers service, unless he has known the weakness of himself. Patterns of : the future are only successful completions of the failures of the past. Stand together. Love one another. Learn your smaliness that you may recognize your greatness. ONE OF THE RECEAT XESSAGES FROM ASHTAR Received by G.W.Van Tassel Saturday, October 16, 1954 In your past several years, numerous experimenta tions with the death force- nuclear and atomic powers - have been conducted. In the normal pattern of balance in Shan, the Earth, any individual disturbance will be balanced out in 28'days. However, the ignorance in authority, have perpetuated several tests within 28 day cycles. The harmonic repercussions of these unbalanced forces are about to strike the planet Shan in rebound. You are going to witness earthquakes, storms, tidal effects, volcanic activities aid extremes of flood and arid conditions. Ignorance is about to recieve its reward. From Schare, Ashtar, discontinue. A eee 88, THOUGHT 1s food for the mind. The ques- tion that {s brought to your Director very frequently however — 1a the question of > food for the body. Many are the people who profeas to be Vegetarians because they do not want to contribute to the killing of animals. I an going to answer the controversy as the spa: ple Gave it to me. The vegetable is a form of first dimenatonel 1ite— Stationary life. The animal is @ form with second dimensional life and motion — Moving life, Humans are a form of third dimensional lite, motion, and songo{ousness —Coneotons of God, or a higher @iety and self. Man or the epace people are a form of fourth dimen- sional life, motion, consciousness and emergence. Buer- gence 1s the act of having emerged from the animal bodies of human The space people (the Bible called them ange: not limited to the deneity of the flesh. are When an aminal Vegetation it gives to that atationary form of bife —motion, It could not move around before as a plant. When humans eat an animal or a plant they give to them consciousness —to recognise self and God. The inert matter of flesh, whether it be human, animal, or vegetable substances, {a only a conduotor of light energy —to manifest life in form. Each lower Qimension of sudstance—forms—oontributes its dimen- ational cheracterstic to forms above tt. Each higher dimensional form—oontributes evolyement to substance of forms beneath it. Animals give motion to vegetation. Humans give recognition of God and self to animals. Man gives 43 emergence from negative human flesh to positive spiritual reality to humaus- Animals are designed to Concentrate vegetable substance for humans. Humans are designed to recognize right from wrong and to get out of the mortal grade of flesh through conseiousne of something called spirit. Those who eat only what the animals eat, are evolv- ing backwards to the second dimension by their own choice. Some vegetarians say they do not want to assimi- late the magnetiem of the animals. Magnetism is the exhaust effect of the positive and negative lines of light-energy interrupted by any body. Magnetism is the sane, whether it is the result of interruption of light-energy by a planet, a human, or a steer. Magnetism does not carry the characteristics of anything it 1s effected by. Fear of death is a product of the brain and the fear dies with the brain. Recognition of life is a Produot of the consciousness of be-ing. The brain of @ physical body does not contribute anything to in- tellect. Intellect of spiritual thought force gener- ates the brain of human bodies. It is the reaction of the carnal animal brain that does not want to eat ite own kind. The spiritual mind of man knows that the substance of flesh is not the carrier of life——but a manifested conductor that reveals the spirit in form. Por the same reason— the spiritual minded man does not contribute to the killing of his own kind —or spirit in manifested human form. Having acquired the bodies of humans, through the violation of the original laws of the Creative Spirit, by the fathers of the Adamic race of man and the mothers of the animal race of Eve, mortals are stuck with a manifested negative substance animal flesh coat and a positive, real, eternal spiritual body. It 18 erroneous to call the flesh a body. It is an inert limited mobile coffin. The physical you is not alive—1t 1s only a negative substance-filler of the living boay. 4 a Try to tempt a carcass with the most savory food— the carcass won't eat anything after the living body has departed from it. When you see, touch, taste, smell or hear anything; it 1s not the flesh that senses, it 1a the everlast- ing ‘real spiritual body that senses. : Anyone who can depart out of the body and return at will —or involuntarily —wiil testify that everything feels, smells, tastes, looks and eounda the same as when they are burdened with the coffin of flesh. In assimilating conductive substance of animal or vegetable food substance, you are not contributing to the death of anything. You are contributing to their evolution, The essence of life is everywhere - whether there are spiritual or animal forms there to express the life force or not. Life is not confined to forms any more than God is confined in churches. Forms only make use of the life force in manifested sensings and actions. Life will live you in spite of your reactions to it. God is not an Indian giver. When you were giver form to manifest life —God dia not give 1t for one span in confinement of flesh. Everyone was created at the same time —no one is older than anybody else. Life and Mime and Space are the trinity of eternity es all ere infinite Life 1s not confined to the Earth, or Heaven, or man, nor animal or plant. Life Is! Light is Life and God te light. You are manifesting God. God, Light and Life and Space and Time are neutral. God doesn't express good or evil—~—He gave to man the power to choose and direct His force. If you mani- fest destruction, or greed, or evil actions, your God evil. If you manifest Love, Compassion or creative actions your God is good. The Creator's acts are crea- tive. Your manifested thoughts, worde and actions are what determine whether you are using God's life-force for Him or against Him. You can't fo01 God with human ideas. You either evolve in the way of His perpetual progression, or you g0 Dackward by your own choice. It is better to be re buked by a man of wisdom, than to be agreed with by fool. You still have the right to choos 15 SPA "Space Peoples: Associated Contacts on. Earth" This convention will bring to the public new people who have been aboard various sizes of space- ships. ares The convention will be held in Los Angeles, Calif., at a hall-and date to be announced later. It will be sometime between February 15th, and \arch ith. Do not be confused by any otier conventions. "Space ", presents George Williamson, Truman bethrum. orfeo Angelucct, Daniel Fry, Dick Miller, George Van Tassel and others. Admission will be FREE. pending at the post office at Yucca Valley, California, under the Act of March 3, 1679. PQ Box 419 ‘YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA Date Received F259 4 From Apt 12 be bic By, To Be Returncd Yes ) Zi No (-r ee hee ot I reps, “art Cette Reccednye” fo asgd _ vf ce fe eee Whe rer aca To Be Ret Deseriptiv sy of Us File No. fe No sare, Bop SEE (Hee jlidey ge ibe eS" gogo TIN 76 ToweeT TIN TIN Towcnnnus Tan TIN. Tole Beas TN Toaster | TN Ke TIN favTHoRity | _ av uate thE, = oa ; niawlalaa ‘OLD WOMAN) i Leland eal clo Vs $765. ] eS omy unt A aes Lbs teh Kee B Efe mi ie fstuls afr sue] 5 fis} Pie “BE 5 DR ea MR DALE CHEM.CO. oo TWENTE VALAT [ag DR SOHNE K ACEAARDIND BA fe Q AROPOSED BASELINE Hota” eee visitas ole | C OIA. TREE * NQNATL HOWE Oh eae PIE PoE RI RY in LE “RUE RUE REE RAE Bet 18 BANNING, WSTANTL Mow Tu TweNTy MWe PALS ‘wua Th PINT? BASIN *{eereovvcrion, GHEE of baer. paoniBiT©E0) MOORES MAP “FRIES No. | JOSHUA TREE-29 PALMS AREE No. 2- VICTORVILLE- APPLE VALLEY AR No.3- 29PALMS- RICE AREA No.4- RICE-COLORADO RIVER AREA No. 5- LANCASTER: PALMDALE AREA U.S. MARINE ART, RANGE -APRROL. Ge =< CODE 4-14-4 MARINE ART. RANGE BORDER, ao PAVED HIWAYS Omron = MAINTAINED GRAVEL ROADS FB £000 DIRT ROADS SS] eure e MARINE ART. RANGE BORDE UTE,» OSHA TREE NAT'L. MONUMENT FTO NEEDLES, cr SAN BERNARDINO BASELINE O= WELLS ane ANIIUAL MAGNETINY GUNGE 0° DECREASE Cy TO PARKER DAM TO PHEONIX, ARIZ. COPIES AVAIL 0 ERLY DRIVE, JOSHUA TREE (AU ZL AF? We Blow) La E Pz imice | 1-5-1952 ]"%- ABRIDGE pute Received, FS By/ - Jo Be Returned YO) a No (7 b7c 1 Daectiten regents sy fated P-#-S¥ ae No. ewemecenle: POBE Vee be Gap COl0- tee REPORT August 4, 1954 Since the date of my last report to you I have been given several pieces of literature about Flying Saucer meetings, and information regarding’ loca- tions of meetings in re Saucers. It was one of these articles ammounc- ing a meeting at Giant Rock Airport, closely followed by a newspaper article relating that Florence Minna Thiel, 40 year old writer was found dead "of thirst and exposure" saturday, July 10, 1954, in that area that induced a trip to Twenty-nine Palms last Saturday. Miss Thiel had been attending meetings at Giant Rock Airport, where ifr. George Van Tassel is considered an authority on Saucers". The Saucer~groups appear’ to -be “another means-of.-raising-funds. for-.the. Communist Party. When chosen by the Communist screening group, members would be given further indoctrination. A very conceivable place to clear them would be through such a place as Giant Rock Airport, located p proxi- mately fifteen miles NW of Joshua Tree, California. The Giant Rock group, which now has under construction a so-called "Col- lege of Universal Wisdom" to be located at Giant Rock Airport, is in my opinion teaching and advocating the overthrow of the U. S. Government by publishing literature which subtly aids in Communist indoctrination, and could provide a substantial amount of revenue as a fund raising "front" group for the Communist Party. (See Envelope marked "1", containing "Proceedings" of the College of Universal Wisdom, and a map of the Twenty- nine Palms area, containing detailed information in re both Giant Rock Airport and our Marine Base.) The Saucer angle is undertoned in the Giant Rock literature in order to carry along any right-thinking people, ap- parently to obtain additional funds from them. Glent Rock has quite a fow residents of the airport. They have dwellings in trailer houses, some of them built into the rocks, while others are hitched to automobiles. There is aden inside the Giant Rock itself, downstairs, which houses curios, paintings, books, piano, lounging chairs, lamps, a couch, table, a floor model globe of the world, and the usual inetdentals.~ The"den" 1's used“ forthe office of the group. “The rock (Giant Rock) is equal to seven stories in height. It has on the wall, as a sortiof tapestry, a large square, black, on which is superimposed 4 symbol in white, a large circle, approximately three feet in diameter, blsectéd vertically. There is a landing strip adjacent to the Rock. This strip is not used as an airport, commercially, but only occasionally by individuals fly- ing in from at least one place they mentioned, LA International Airport. The large landing field at Giant Rock is about a hundred yards from the Rock, and appears as though a circular object may have landed or taken off, although the marks of violent circular motion could have been made purposely with other equipment to indicate to gullible members the arri- val of such craft as Saucers. This area is located SE of Giant Rock,as seon from the road. There is a small cubby hole of a lunch room, adjacent to the Giant Rock, with pictures and cards posted on the wall including various clippings b6 zezoar - | - 5-4-54 rch ee 2 and pictures concerning Flying Saucers, and a picture of a bright red Flying Saucer. There is an artist's drawing of the proposed "College of Universal Wisdom", the purpose for which funds are presumably being collected. The picture, well done and architecturally impressive, would remove doubt that there is such a building planned and would aid in drawing additional funds from newcomers. They give out literature only to those who seem interested, and of whom they seem not to be suspicious. Note enclosed copy of "Proceedings", and certain sentences called to your attention by underscoring. See "1". Flying from the top of Giant Rock Airport is a peculiar piece of material that is supposed to be a wind indicator. If you have aman in that area now, and there was one of a type which could conceivably have been a man from your office already on the job there, he will lmow whether there is another significance in that gadget which strongly resembles a flag. They tmve various types of radio equipment, also. One of the several danger points of these "Flying Saucer" groups is that each location will have, or may already have in operation a very powerful telescope which can, in the case of the Giant Rock group or. any other group conveniently located beside a big military installation, train its glass upon our Base and learn many things discernable to trained enemy agents regarding equipment, activity, and personnel or visiting dignitaries, There are Saucer mectings held near Muroc Base, also,”but at this date I do not know location, nor whether a telescope has been established there. There is little doubt that so-called religious groups of a sensationgl or unorthodox nature are.producing literature and training designed to indoctrinate our peéple to the Conmunist program. Note enclosed litere- ture in re religion, envelope marked "3", Concerning the body found in the desert, that of Florence Minna Thiel, it seems possible that she may have made it known to her Saucer Founda- tion authorities that she knew what was going on and intimated that she was planning to go to the police with her information, It is difficult to believe that anyone would die of the ascribed causes in that locality as it is not distant from civilization, and there 1s-moter. traffic along. her route. (See "2") A place called "Mentalphysics" (The Institute of), also located in that area, was apparently deserted. However, this huge, sprawling set of buildings resembled a prison camp with holes arranged along an inner wall, af eye level, waich could be very useful to the enemy in event of wartime defense should this place prove Communist. On the door of. /% this apparently deserted desert cult headquarters, they had a small box / containing cards which you are to sign (in printing) and mail to the y LA home office for further information. My attention was drawn to the larity between the professed "Metaphysics" of the "Colloge of Universaiiiny Wisdom" at Giant Rock, and the huge neon sign "Mentalphysics", which’#® suggested that a similar headquarters might be the matnspring of both jag groups. In Los Angeles their main offices are located at 215 Ss. Hobawt = Blvd, LA 4, They use various names in their "religion", The neon sign visible at night just north of 29 Palms Highway, E of Jushua ae is captioned simply "Mentalphysics." The home address of this gro Ntne..Institute of-Mentalphysies", and.when.you reach the pgs gh Hobart Blvd, you will find yet another name, "Church ja REPORT eee with the word "International" placed inconspicuously, higher than the rest of the title, so that the church appears at first glance to be merely another orthodox¢hurch, The church is very unusual in that it contains long rows of offices, a large time-clock, a covered outside baloony on the second floor level from which observers could easily cheek any person arriving in a car or attempting to approach the build- ing, while the persons on this strangely covered balcony would be in- visible to those approaching. The building is huge, white stone, ex- ceeding in size any compcrable building of which I know except the Jewish Service Building, at 590 N. Vermont. See photo on brown card, in "5", The slightly differing names of this bunch of nuts could prove advantagious from the standpoint of fund raising, especially as they seem to run a --profitabté“mail-order-business on the sides Incidentally. -the-area-covered by the "Mentalphysics" buildings along the 29 Palms Highway would make the possibility of detaining or handling underground large groups of "wetbacks" or other subversive or Communist groups a distinct menece. The buildings cover a huge ground area and could be a distinct menace should these sprawling buildings be merely a ‘cover’ for large rooms or cells underground, as the religious pretense would make it possible to move large numbers of persons along one of our principle highways with little fear of unfavorable observation. Note attached card. Mr. Callahan, Hanilton Sales Corp., spoke with a loose tongue and an amazing knowledge (for a man who arrived in 29 Palms only tuo years ago) of our Marine Base, Uranium fields, and even the proposed guided missil sites. bé supueae Bees SRE | wie HAMILTON SALES CORPORATION | FRANK L-GALLAHAN 257° HURR Ser Enel: 1, 2, and 3 [Black Cat Left to Modin , [Desert Death of Writer Asia Batre Ue Kary Oe 6A- fold yar (ce of eatolphyai Complete Vir $ $25.00 Postpaid (Fourtegh, Publications) 8 88 a0 BeaEERE RREE Ooocoooogcan The ving Word. 1 encore donation of 8 posoge 8 Signee dees. State . ‘Student No. DING LE MEI PRIVATE RECORDINGS IN MENTALPHYSICS “Voice of Ding Le Mei {Ton recordings) . Private Racrdings of the ~ What oly tastons. “The Mystery of Meditation” Recordings (Ten recordings) De Luxe Edition $25.00 Popular Edition $15.50 a tg Tm TM Les ‘THIS OFFICIAL BOOKLIST 1s DATED TUNE IST, 1952, AND CANCELS. ALL’ previous Lists written by Ding Le Mei are gift books of the utmost inspir tion and usefulness. Students friends by the thousand have test to the manner in which these Books and Lessons have helped them toward more abundant living. No matter what the occasion, you wi find one of these remarkable publica- tions suitable as the Ideal Gift. Please ute Order Form, which is to be found on a separate page of this Book ly acquiring your needs from The Institute, you save money and you hel your friend. (Net included in the Library of Fourtoen Publications) New Book—"My Life in Tibet Our Silver Anniversary Year—1952 The * Faultless * Philosophy * of - Life Dear Friend: It testimonials are to be believed—and we have thousands of them on fle—books published by this Insitvie have helped thousands of people to be successful—to be well and happy—and to find their God. Are YOU desirous of getting more out of life, of learning how to do it ir ical way? Then YOU will be interested in this letter ‘and book-list which tell you about these wonder- ful books. We are now having new editions pul lished, and the opportunity presents itself for you to obtain the pretent stock at a trifle beyond publishing costs of three of four years ago; o& long os they last you are privileged to acqui them for the donations shown on the attoched books. Edwin J. Dingle's “LESSON ON SUPPLY” will prepare you with the correct technique to truly ‘enter into the keen competition of this moder ‘age. Similarly, his lessons on “CONSTIPATION,” the root of all disease, and “YOUR EYE! invaluable. This is first-hand information. The ‘author has experimented with his own body and proven in his own life the value and efficacy of the information contained in these greot helps te humanity. “BREATHING YOUR WAY TO YOUTH" iso complete course of instruction in the absolute Truth of health and youlh—oblainable by dona- tion for $7.50. Then our “CHEMICAL GUIDE"—A chart and manuscript teaching you the secrets of correct scientific diet for your own chemical type; teaches you to RECOGNIZE other types, together with predisposing tendencies to disease, outstanding characteristics and abilities and how to develop yourself and to approach and anticipate the re- ‘actions of others. Every mother should have one ‘and use it in feeding the family. If you are un- healthy—i you ere unhappy, there may be a chemical cause. If you are melancholy, full of fear—unable to face the world and get from it ‘that which is your rightful heritage, there may be a chemical couse—the “GUIDE” will help you definitely in approaching your health problems, “INFORMATION ON DIET" runs hand-in-hand with the “GUIDE,” giving you effective combina tions of food and containing all that you ordi narily need to know about scientifically fueling your body. For those interested in spiritual development, “HOW TO MEDITATE" and "YOUR MIND AND ITS MYSTERIES” are sister volumes, and together with “IMAGINATION” present a wellroun understanding of your occult, psychic and itual self. Ding Le Mei’s great book is his “BOR- DERLANDS OF ETERNITY" (with “My Life in Tibet")—it is @ most remorkable record of his unique experiences as a traveler, @ geographer, @ seeker, a philosopher and teacher. It hat no peer os a gift book, and should be in the library of every student. And it goes without saying that his “VOICE OF THE LOGOS," a deeply spiritual ‘oppeal to true seekers, is a MUST for all who are truly seeking the secret of thelr own true nature; ithelps every seeker to find God, and what more. ‘can we expect of « book? In view of the fact that The Institute of Mental- ‘a non-profit corporation, you are given lege of acquiring. this complete library of Fourteen Wonderful Publications for a dona- tion of not less than $25.00 (a considerable sav- ing over regular price). By acquiring these books direct from us on @ donation basis, you save money and are assured that the interests of hu- manity are advanced. Yours for a Better and Happier Humanity, THE INSTITUTE OF MENTALPHYSICS. “THE VOICE OF THE LOGOS” “BORDERLANDS OF ETERNITY” DONATION: $20 Per Copy DONATION. #7 #0 Per Copy List of Publications Issued by the Institute of Mentalphysics By acquiring these Books direct from The Institute on "donation bats, you save money and ate assured th ‘the interests of humanity ate advanced Gi Breathing Your Way To Youth. . .$7.50 ‘A trative on core bresthing ond soling. The seteral way le promate more Nea Your Chemical Type, Gi and Health .....-. iit ond Ac ‘duporing Allene, Prin Imagination—Your Creative Ar How To Meditate Your Mind and Its Mysteries....$ .50 The unporaleled method of discovery ond divacton of hot ie popolniy called. the Subconscious Mina tootacing We Univeral 1 Information On Eelngy rene for 9 able tdeor of builsng healthy bodies through noel Lesson On “Your Ears”. Thr docomeniry len her cine “Borderlands of Eternity” volcne of id page of wanda’ on sreeinnel 3 "mow remork “The Voice of the Logos” Avnew book, jst of book"Seye ths Author, “I the con Boot lead the reader info the sedy af Mantalyi eel thot be wil be 1 pea word con prove Non, Can be. coved Dor. Embraces frm Soy in the your Lesson On “Supply” Hot been called “The Greatest La "HOW to establish the tow of Sepply in Lesson On “Constipation”. ..... .$1.00 The roo! Aecored by many fo have brought them COMPLETE LIBRARY (14 Publications) DONATION: $25.00 (Use Order Form Overlasf) Library of VICTORIOUS LIVING §= yx ee piviiisae sate mitre ih a ns tea a I ied Sat i tes te eer ive he Trath, and then it disappeared, and Toft meena ‘Our Publications Department is first time, two beautifully designed Cover Volum ‘These unique hand-made Covers resemble hand- ‘All leering prising the "Library of Victorious Living.” somely tooled leather bound volumes. The "Fifty Little Books” of Life—thirsty, you sowsht but could net find The Sinan Voor sarc my fond, sow at on ond You bhava eves to see and cars to hear. as matter what out rlinionsbalafy—indeod, no mat Joy of your own LORD within you.” TH happy to present to the student-body of Mentolphysics, for the ‘contain the Fifty Lite Books com blocked in an easy-to-read design ia real gold-leaf. When on your bookshelf these two beautiful Covers look like Part One and Part Two of one large volume. For making a selection of one of the Fifty Little Books con- fained in the larger Cover, ane merely hat to lithe fst page and there ore all Fifty Litle Books numerically arranged, ready for your selection. PART ONE + PART TWO The single purpose of this volume is to present, in as clear c form as possible, an oulline of the Science of Mentalphysics. Il is olso an invitation to the reade te learn how to discover his own true nature and Part Two is @ continuation of Part One. Through the study and practice of Mentalphysics, the Art of True ving can be yourr—self-mastery, physical vitality, prolonged youth, intensified talents, superior intell- his own illimitable powers. There are twenty-seven Little Books divided into four parts which make up Part One, each @ complete subject in itself decling ith “The Secret of Victorious Living.” They are: ion of the Unie 5. gence, growth of character, nobler and more abun- dant life. The last of the twenty-three of the Fifty Lle Books are divided into five parts showing you how these qualities can be-attained. They are: in Man's Ascending 6 5 8 8 : >. Life's Jublates of Man's Evolution” USE THIS ORDER FORM To the Secretary, THE INSTITUTE OF MENTALPHYSICS 213 South Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 4, California, U.S.A, Please send to me, postpei PART ONE, “Library of Victorious Living"’—Vol. 1 to Vol. 27—Donation $10.00. PART TWO, “Library of Victorious Living"—-Vol. 28 to Vel. 50—Denation $10.00. PART ONE ond PART TWO, Complete—Donation $18.00 . Your Mind its Mysteries ‘van you return the other mates set you may agp thie book at OUR GIFT, ‘er tar yur ents arming st presale PROOF ef Mentlpos, NOTE: Initiate Members ate eniled to diplome ater six-month’ satisfactory progress. The full initiate. cours losis month. Bot your greeter power should begin almost at once, os you brath a ligence. Within. SECOND AND HOBART BLVD. eR: Clea Ags ANGELES 4, CALIF., U.S.A. Information Blank — To Be Mailed Immediately Which Great Gift Do You Choose? Show here the First Purpose you intend 4o achieve. Put a cross in one of the little squares below to show your choice: 1 Greater Health of Body Greater Succes in Business of Profesion EI More Power te Halp Others Greater Inoligenee and Mental Power 1D More Poise and Cultare Greater Talont in My Choten Feld Greeter lnfuence Over Others Greater Feith in and Love for God CE Raliof From Worry, Fear or Grist More Knowledge of Life Mysteries 1D More Sele Maetry Relat From Paraying Ideas of Handicaps 1D The Peace and Comfort of True Wivdom 1 Joyful, Inspieed, Beautiful Outlook 1D Longer, Glorious Life More Boautfel Home Life for Forty Cl Special Purpose (Plese specify} —— —— = 1) Secret Purpose. If you with hold your purpose secret, and put a eros in this square. Sometimes ths is best expecially i others sro concarrod and you wish to respect thar confidence, DIRECTIONS: Show above your FIRST purpose, not your SUPREME or ULTIMATE purpose. The time for supreme purposes is later. when more wisdom can be used in deciding upon them, when you have beter knowledge of your own great powers, when you have PROVED these by your first achievement. Most of the other gifts will then be fon their way, if not ALREADY realized GIVE US THIS INFORMATION AT ONCE YOUR NAME FULL — —— 7 ‘Wisi Ba Yoo ame AT MAIUNG ADDRESS _—____ DATE THIS 1s watteo com on town. Pisate sand me the manutripts, printed matter, photographic material, et, which an Initiate Member recsives upon ‘enrolment. The $5.00. deposit requved it enclosed. BUT THIS $500 15 TO BE RETURNED TO ME, if | choove fo return the meterial within thity daye ater cocaving #t. IF | keep it longer than thiry days, you are to use the * * crit advan yuo oe ee {9200 monthly. | further understand that [shall have the pre MAIL THIS BLANK NOW Enclose $5.00 money order, personal check or bank draft, payable to Institute of Mentalphysics. Currency should be registered. Checks or money orders should be made payable to The Institute of Mentalphysics DO NOT SEND CURRENCY UNLESS REGISTERED Did you know that there is mystery, sirange power, marsélousatagic, iin she very air that you Breathe? . Did you know shat, among thoxe'who have studied this strange power in he ai shou uy sont unbelievable fea ody and wind ove beg performed? Did you know hat the wonders,yi"reid of, the amazing expoits of ‘Adepis in the Far East and Tibet, CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED except ty the use of breathing methods whieh seem to. CONTROL this astounding power of the ar? Few people do know these things. Rewer still know much about the baffling methods used by the wonder-working adepts to give them such stupendous mind-power. ‘What we now disclose to you, therefore, should open your eyes to vistas of power before undreamed-of, possibilities WITHIN YOU and in the air about you that may lead (o quitk and surprising success in your undertakings, great improvement in your mental and physical strength, and capid growth of your talents and abilices. For this strange power in the air abour us, f properly used, can help y6u, too, tg perform mar- vels in your life. Test This Force For Yourself We shall stare with a simple demonstration of this force-that you can teat immediately for yourself Pt aeet oh ee all ake up more startling examples. ‘ Did you ever notice chat when lifting séinéthing very heavy, something. that rakes all your strength, YOU AUTOMATICALLY HOLD YOUR BREATH, Why do you do this? You have probably been in avany nejraccidents while driving or dodg- ing automobiles. Have you noticed that ia such dangerous emergeacies, you gasp and HOLD YOUR BREATH, whilesjgue mind works witb lightning Speed to save you from the danger2-A8iiyfamain, do you hold your Breath? ‘When you suddenly get bad news, -ttidiiyou. wane to THINK FAST about the new sievation that confropitayea, AGAIN YOU HOLD YOUR BREATH. Why? Scop and think about these mysteries concerning yourself, One would think that on such occasions, when you want MORE strength of mind-power, {ie natural thing co do-would be to KEEP ON breathing, so that your blood 0 yourbrain could ger more oxygen. Aygtead you do. ust the apposite. si ve xe WISE NATURE CaUStSWOP'TO DO THE RIGHT THING INSTING: TIVELY. Your mind inaguet ore eiieat and powerful than ie is oa such cisions, Atcwars Jou maybe surpsed atthe mana Prevare of ind you display ‘Try this simple test. Lift one\and of a heavy piece of furniture, Notice that the most natural sing to do. bold your breath, Then ty 1 fife she piece of furniture again, WITHOUT holding your breath. You will find it ‘uch harder, perhaps impossible, if the furniture is heavy enough. Is There Some Hidden Power? Why does holding the breath, on such occasions, seem to give you ‘greacer strengch? Does some HIDDEN POWER in the aie enter your brain and blood, PRESSED ito, use bj. the: geeater pressure of the Ings?” Our tmotera scents da bor give woUmGny andes, aod seem Cob bade the mystery. 4 = ‘The Wite Men of ibe B > sim to have DEMONSTRATED shat there sachs hidden pone Wee bh con be made ae of tru ‘correct breabiog praca BB Ibe abpatene miracles the Adepes perform sri he aid of ie Reman. ethan, seat “o PROVE, sol {cemendots reults 1 out phnde ad one boda Tnvesd of usiog this powe nits emececaces, dace cao ue ANY THREE coor ouly sed dates ahd ben apcomplt tinge hae ght ober be te Possible. Curious States. ef Mind-Body Control As a scientific writer wroce ina recent magazine article, “We are at last facing the fact chat here the Bast ean teach us. Algeady research has shown ‘thar controlling of the breathing cin bring about very curious states of mind-body coatrol.” e “The writer then goes on to, ell of 4 man lying under water for three- quarters of an hour, without deawaing, through a technique of breath- control. He tells of another, wigh a similar technique, walking along a fire trench without injurysco his baze feee, though the thermometer showed a terhiperature of 800 degrees Fahegheit. As this is almost FOUR TIMES as hot as boiling-wacer, it is difelc fo believe that the fect would not be Dlistered and burned co a crisp in such a case. Yet they are not, as many travelers in the Far Ease can: textify, who have seen similar performances. Many people think these agbazing: decd are accomplished through faith ‘lone. Bur the scientific writer explains that, though faith. may be part of ig, the performers used certain bagalbscontrol methods, and did not appear to believe thac faith alone was suificient, Very definitely, the Adepts of the Far’ Bast believe that certain practices Of breath-control are necessary to the great powers of mind and body that they demonstrate. And as chggcare she only ones ‘who are now able to make such remarkable ‘demon: ‘Sf those powers, itis quite obvious that Ireach-conteol, as they prs body. He: does do. marvelous things to mind and The Metitodnj-a Magician “The late Houdini, che magilan'who amazed people all over the world with his puzzling fens, explaioed tha they were sccomplished, tn mat fases, only with the aid of cessin, breathing practices. How much of his electrify fait i ‘sywhere, was due to _ sec — pia sige coc Beveiaie Ges ehinporeinc HE Bo oily pated 3 as NOOR me onderanding ane ponent its. Porwonatly, we can use ke WITHOUT Understanding itcae Wise fen and Adepts bavg done forages, Practically all great actretes and jctor must piatice-ctthig methods of breath-control, hey fod it bighly essential 10° magnelit Hele and magnetic personally. The mow curious demoostaton of hs mysions power in the si aboutus, and the way we ean use ic thegugh proper breathing methods, cook place recently inthe city of Prague, Caechoslovakia, as ported recently in the MAGAZINE DIGEST. Here evo young facory workers had discovered thac after certain rather vigorous brexthing ckerises, they ould MAKE THEMSELVES INTO HUMAN RADIO RECEIVING SETS, With noth- ing but a loud speaker, ro which they held-their hands, they could cane in Ail ay salon wip sev yee iy beggin he leary and beauifully chbugh the lou speaker. They ere hnvestigated by fepores ad profesor, butno expandign cold be oeed excep that the breathing exercises appeared ¢o be estertal in conducting the performance. ‘Quite evidently, therefore, there is sime peculiar power in the sir we breathe, sad in CERTAIN WAYS OF BREATHING, that ix litle understood, that fan produce strange results, aad give strength vo our ands and bodies which can be obtained in no orber wey. Strange But Unexplainable Results “The Western world has neglected this power that is in the air around ts, which can be used through proper breaching methods. Inthe Orient, on the concrary, this vast force is Fecognized and seed to.a far greater extent Espertally fa Tibes in the Flimalayte, where it has been used for thousands of years, methods have been developed thax are-nothing les chen astound: {ng in their effects, which increase mind-power and body.power to such an extent a8 10 stagger those who have seen the apparent mivacles the Adepee perform The Wisdom of Mysterious Tibet _ was in Tibet that the Founder of Mentalphysics, Edwi sequred knowedge of his present methods of bieath-control them personally from one of the most ‘distinguished Adepts of that far co try. He has personally witnessed che wonders chat can be performed with thei aid, He spent cweaty-one years injthe Orient. Before being adie to Tite, Meapent many years preparation. His Sst Guile-was an Adopt in Singhpore oho dcponteated his power to Me Dingle by walking barefoot cu edbot io, Years itr, through his man's influence ter many personal visits to vaio Temples ofthe Eat, and much ftudy of thsi methods Me, Dingle wen Tibet. where brewth conto and the felting power of iad, appear to be developed to-he bighest pole too inthe wold today, Tere Bi seceived what igh he aled pow tradoace courte inthis ling biden Windom In his own life, the methods Wai. proved their eflectiveness. He was teansformed from a sickly, brokbo-dowa man, intd an athlete. Though long past themida mack of Lis he i aan athe cody, Hei cel in his undertakings. People who hear bif@,addcess an audience marvel at the magnetism of his voice and personality. How You Can Acquire These Methods What Mr. Dingle learned of beath-control will be disclosed ro you in + the messages of Mentalphysics, che Science of True Living. In these mes- sages, you too will be made acquaineed with that suange marvelous power in the ait you breathe. You, 1, will be shown methods of, breath control which influence so mysteriously your soental states, your control over your body, and your abiliy co accomplish the things you want co accomplish. this i only one af the ysteites you will laarn In. Mentalphys ‘There ere many others, some avon more Inpertaat. They will teed you to knowledge of stupendous gowers long hidden within you, ready ta be colled upon ond sted. All breath, indeed, accord of God and in God, With every breath closely chan you realize, The mystery of Life Itelf, of all that is, of God's Jove and wisdom, may be learned by,watching the Breach of Life breathing Icself within you, according co che'seers and sages. Ponder this quotation from the Song Celestial, believed co have been written 500 yéats before “The wise in sprit cleave to Me, ito My Being brougbt: Hearts Gxed on Mes brauhs breathed to Me: pralsing Me, each co each, So have they happiness and peace, sath pigus tbought and speech; ‘And unto these-—thos serving wel, thus loving eeatelessly— T give a mind of perfect mood, whereby they deaw to Mes ‘And, all for love of them, within their darkened souls I dwell, Fanorance dispel." SECOND AND HOBART, BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES; 4,CALIFORNIA, U. S.A. 213 South Hobart Boul Los Angeles 4, California, Edwin J. Dingle, FR.GS. Dear Reader: Now: For $2.00 you can try what others have paid thousands of dollars for. Now you can afford to try the great Science of Men- talphysics. You can see for yourself whether you can master first, yourself, then every problem that confronts you~ rising to hetgnts before idreaned of, achieving works so great as to astound all who know you. Fame, fortune, power, genius, happiness and a life of great influence and harmony are the natural result when one learns to use the great store of energy and intelligence vithin Perhaps the material I sent you before described results that seem almost too good to be true. If you have deen skeptical, I respect you for it. It indicates that you will be a BETTER STUDENT than the average, more intelligent, one who, when convinced, can do greater things with our methods. I am specially desirous, therefore, to have YOU among our number. From among such people wiil come those who may astonish the world with their achtevements. So I am making you @ gost unusual offer. You know, it 4s one of our cardinal principles to give all students ‘the Same equal consideration. Yet there are some, I know, who find the initial donation of $5.00 a stumbling block. T have pondered the matter for some time and nave finally devised a plan which will enable you.to test Mentalphysics with only @ $2.00 donation, a plan that is fair to you and fair also to all my other students. Here it is: 1. With a deposit of only $2-00, you receive al the material which is sent with & deposit of $5.00. (The first two weeks' lessons.) Iwo weeks later, you receive, in addition, the lessons for the third and fourth week. Thirty days later, you may return all four les~ sons, and get your $2.00 back, if you are not amazed at your progress in thirty days. Instead of having only seven days to examine and test the strangely powerful metheds of Mentalphysics, you have thirty days to make up your mind-~your money back if you choose to return the lessons Huhta thirty days after-startiggs If you decide to continue, I will continue send- ing the later lessons, and your donation will be only $3.00 a month and ONLY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CARE TO CONTINUE, just the same as if you had begun with a donation of $5.00 instead of only $2.00. The $3.00 difterenco need never be paid. Only two things will be omitted. As you know, students usually have the privilege of writing me for special advice regarding any problem that arises in con- nection with the course. Often they don't, and the only letter I get is when they tell me, after a'period of study, how auch more successful, healthy, happy, or more prosperous they are, and the remarkable change for the better in their lives. The lessons are complete without any special advice from me, and as the personalized correspondence costs us time and money, I will omit it in your case and pass the saving along to you. I will also omit the periodical tests and the diploma which is issued to those who pass the tests. satisfactorily. If you later decide you WANT these privil- eges, you may Send the extra $5.00 at ANY TIME during the progress of the course, and full privileges will be ex- tended to you. Meantime, you get for $2.00 all that others have received only after a donation of $5.00, and you are, offered a THIRTY DAY free test of the method instead of seven days. If you only knew what is in store for you, if you only knew the tremendous mind power, strength, poise, courage and self-confidence you can have, if you only knew the startling changes for the better you can make in your life, you might gladly pay a hundred or a thousand times that sum. jeople HAVE, after they found what Mentalphysies c: Tf Some have found Wentalphysies to be worth so puch that they give us THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS NORE than is required, surely you want to try for $2.00 what they value at thous- ands--especially when your $2.00 will be returned at the ond of thirty days if you, too, don't find the lessons worth weny times thet amount. We in the Western world forget that Science is still incomplete. We have, indeed, just scratched the surface. There is far more unknown than known. And what we under- stand LEAST is the profound depth and power of the human mind. In fact, we are just beginning to realize the com~ plexities and powers within our mind, and to study them. Hitherto we have studied the OUTER WORLD instead of our own INNER WORLD. Yet in the East, wise men for thousands of years have been studying almost NOTHING ELSE. Little wonder if they have developed methods and practices which to us are unexplainable, but which produce amazing results! Can the human mind really DO the astounding things reported in books on Tibet and the Fer Hast? Can it do what in previous ages were called mixacles? Are there really stupendous powers in us? If, as scientists Say, the subconscious mind never forgets, controls our health, inspires the works of genius--{s there a way wo can use it when ends ve eit Intelligent people are beginning to realize that ve are on the threshold of amazing discoveries--powers that will Soon make & new world, and will already make NEW PEOPLE of ‘those who use then, I offer you proof that the rich rewards of life mastery can be yours. I know you'ro an intelligent person who insists upon it. That's why I send the first great messages of Mentalphysics to you on approval, your §2.00 doposit to be RETURNED if you don't agree that here is what you are looking for, the method that will bring you what you want. Don't accept anything without proof. Read the lessons themselves, apply the methods for THIRTY DAYS before finally making up your mind. (The offer 1s fully described on the enclosed Information Blank.) ALL that 1s necessary to change your world is to ghange yourself. Then people change their attitude tevard you. You inspire different responses. Self Mastery leads inevitably to- ward mastery of others. And through otbors.— mastery of 7 AND ECONOMIC SUCCESS. OPPORTUNITY, SOCIAL Let there be no more *ifs* in your life. No more delays, no more waiting, no more denial and frustration, no lack and no obstacles. ‘Instead let there be certainty.” Do NOW the things you want to do, be NOW the victorious person you want to be, have NOW the rich rewards of friendship, honor and wealth that are rightfully yours, enjoy NOW the splendid vitality and health that makes of 2ife a glorious adventure. Above all, be open-minded. Investigate. Send the enclosed Information Blank, read the material we send you, test the methods for a whole month. If convinced then, con- tinue. If not, return the material and your $2.00 deposit will be refunded to you. Sineorely yours, ‘This offer may soon be withdraw, I guarantee to hold it open for fourteen days following delivery of this letter. But the 50 day trial offer and the reduced enrollment donation are temporary only, until wo de~ termine their advisability. Don't run’ the risk of delay and possible disappointment. Enroll today. The Faultless Philosaphy af Lite 213 SOUTH HOBART BLVD. LOS ANGELES 4, CALIFORNIA USA A WRS. MYERS IS IN CHARGE WHILE ‘THE "CHANCELLOH' IS ON-HIS AUGUST ‘ VACATION. For Further Information About Mentalphysics Mail Coupon Below: The Institute of Mentalphysics 213 S. Hobart Blvd. Los Angeles 4, Calif. | should like #o have further information about the Science of Mentalphysics. to me ihe free booklet which you issue from time to time. The SHeience of Mentalphpsics ° -MENTALPHYSICS. ise interpretation of ail = lors and phwophies WEE blog sgt by every te. Here thrive atin thr pracical applies ta bodied. Mentlphyce i the Rey which unlocks the ‘Ger to he Naden meaning of the Bible ad ll Holy Books Ii sn fact the Gospel ofthe New Ages Prinpes which lend to albmasey, the relation of ‘er highs cables, nd thelr aca Semon hye! vitay, prlonged yeath.inenafed ‘lens owror tnlgencee growth of character, oobletend Happies,joy peace, haraoay and the vices ae: cooplsmest of our worthy suprises all rede ts She power to which Mentalphyncr le the gue} Toe ‘ractns taught ve en fd by banded evr Soaisig inthis ee A method ir ght rather sa Ces hod wich hae been wed by wee se for hounds of years to wall Cemalves of powere ie mown to the maltude 10 approach greater knowledge of te tmnensty of me's te capable, to se Me tealae the tal Tru of Lie aed the Gaal Victory of ” ° ee frther information wets to ‘THE INSTITUTE OF MENTALPHYSICS 213, South. Hobart Boulevard, os Angeles ¢ Calor USA, Document (s) Not Scanned (only the cover page is scanned) Description of Document (s) The Apt of True Leving ‘Communication Delivered by Rey. Eowwn J. Dinas, S., Founder, on the occasion oe ee the Science of Mentalphysics. ge Reason of the Tagtite of Mental © Angeles, California, USA.) leations Dept. of ll Arat Church of Myate Chetty) 218 Se, Hobart Blvd. es Angeles, 4, California, USA. ¥D-192 : (7-17-52) BULKY EXHIBIT - INVENTORY OF PROPERTY ACQUIRED AS EVIDENCE Bufiile: Los Angeles Field Division April 26, 1955 Date Title and Character of Case: GEORGE WELLINGTON VAN TASSEL INFORMATION CONCERNING Date Property Acquired: 4-22-55 Source From Which Property Acquired: George Van Tassel Giant Kock Airport Yueca Valley, California Location of Property or Bulky Exhibit: © Bulky exhibit room Reason for Retention of Property and Reference, indefinitely retained Efforts Made to Dispose of Same: b6 Description of Property or Exhibit and Submitted by SA Identity of Agent Submitting Same: 1. Seventeen editions of "Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom" Yueca Valley California, dating from October 1953 to October 195}. fos 1 Field File # 62 - 4080 - 1B1 “mci: 510 South Spring Btreet, Room 900 Los Angeles 13, California, : May 21, 195b. ss ees Rs a This is to acknoviedge youe'Jetter of May 746-14. %. 195k, in regard to a request made ‘af you by a * fend at. fventy-Hine Palms. Your interest $x ing thia matter to the attention of this office &® very much appreciated. I enjoyed talking with you on the tele- phone, and I would like to aseure you af the cooper- ation of this office on any ma ‘eters of mutual, inter- eat. = Very truly yours, 7. MALORE Special Agetit in Charge ® q FD-T1 (1-40-45) Federal Burean of Investigation ‘Mnited States Department of Fustice COMPLAINT FORM Agarose. Giant Rock Airport--in 29 Palms crea. AMareME-or Subject Telephone Number of Complainant Security “etter - C HEN TBO or Character of Case Date and Time Complaint Received DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT: FACTS OF COMPLAINT: Compl. tel. sévised tht she ené hor husb, visited fricnés in Wemet over the week-end ond tat the friends had henra tire wos Flying Saucer meeting at Gicnt Rack Airport Seturday S/FI/S, She Sard they AIT decided to go tO soe wat Ws TOInG on. She cavised thet they did not rrrive until after 9 PY, They srid thst lights snd no Sires and therefore porsons could not be distinguished, sche thet ater urrived—overyoody Wrest EINE LON; TOM Home on tho Renge, ote.--commmity singing. After the singing thon everyone begin to chant in unisén "Peace, love, harmony”. tset—she—c iow f—thre-Erony zsives winted to report §t for whetever velue i Sho seid thot toni teo fe tor rvitbemntctr vrenches off to the left from the rocd leading to 29 valns. SEARCHED. DENED.. 7 SERIALITED 7.7 FILED. 6 1 ae 496g t FR) tiga ANGELES Le ® ¢ a emer SAUCER SAGA LL Guided’ Tour Aboard Space Ship Related |, Pull up a little white cloud,} |mnake yourself comfortable and| ark ia a tory soot the Bart ‘man from El Monte who took| guided cour abosrd’ 2 fying) Daniel. W. Fry, an earnest| junamiting man who believes in| Saucer People, neha press con : \Jlerence at Rodger Young Aud) : (FEY |racyhomase’ sbowe ‘Sis ide ‘ space. I's a matural)he believes people ‘ought to | through the sky. 2 said, just like the wind know -about ‘the, Saucerite: in| His host was William 1, Gi lives sailing shins go, | eres also the matter of thane atin} oy, eho manages to tree he | ; cer People veturned| case weapons +? long [init] Siler “Reteareh roundacon| petnes fie apt where ne ha 8k made space hobogs out {[He nevltmder a staggering handlen | “Yhoata 29 minutes be the, Saucer People {Me nevlhe'e never een “one of the Faq) said, and then soared| That, he hopes, won't | His Tins b ) |pen again. If it do [appare| Convention Star " \comtacted tuiter | will be a ‘they | Gitroy te counting on the 46 : jve contacted him since, |e" ets—ot| year-old Fry to. sac, It soul oO it he doesnt want to order [forgive the ‘expression, at the| Paeuam Plat they” anid “aaybe rotind| 1954 International Saucer. Com-| Aer the next iessage ‘They|vention athe Carthay” Circle a2 Hid he was pckea a6 8) cents) Theater next Sune 45, tontact becnune hese survive Fry agreed yesterday to take| SPACE RIDER?—Doniel W. leceiver for thought, ‘eon’ alledetector det from am inde] Fry soys he wot fying | hence aiacel AtlenU' pendent polygraph expert) saucer passenger. | his experience struct vert akomelime’ belore the’ Saucer | Posen er mee pho | gomewnat, unusual he ad & “phils meet, and. Gilroy com: " jer unum venin Dalles Gilroy COM see ves tn a trailer “some until December 1980, See Meee ot to. know Af thia|wiere in EL Monte” with a witel® confided in his wite | Baayen, gmt tg Anew HE th tna two enitdren, F1y told iv! he hay decided to tel! Anyh He's the only man to agree to) terviewers. ie what may, 1 {ake thin tort. Totfered S500 fol. He said he had wandered out {wo ote smicer riers to take| into” the desere that July. eve it obte they refused |ming to look around, Suddenly Glivoy ldentited himsel, nthe ssicer, an oblae. spheroid cidentaly, aa "a Californian| With no propeller blades or Jets whose ancestor, one Sgt. Orte-/plopped down nearby, | ga, came over with Father Ser-| “It frightened me, but I had) Fo’ Gnd iad out all the high t9, S60 Tt" he ral | na | °-o"fan'my hand over the met Dig Moment Comes sand 3 aeomed Incredibly Fry said his big_moment|Smo0lh. A voice szemed to] came on the evening of uly 4,/C0m@,out of the alr at my side 850, ‘at White, Sands, Naty 2a” Yankee accent, saving, 1050, at White Sand,’ NM-| Setter not touch the hull, Pal Teoket technicians yer cket technica ore|_ tet the volee explained the| hensively that-he is still a rock-|StiP Was, a, remote-controlled let man for a local concern and| HH, carrier governed by a) Ibopes to have the job.after his) ter craLt out Of sight, and Dose hear of his experience) Tarn to Page 9, Column 4) Oxnard Calif. June 17 1954 Federal Bureau of Investiration Los Angeles California, b6 Dear sirs: bic 1 do not want to seem as one looking for reasons to write your office but maybe the enclosed facts vill be of value, or without a doubt you are already aware and know the destiny of this group. Tuesday June 15 last. and I flew to to visit our friend , ang artist and fellow member of the Death Valley ‘49ers. While there he asked if Dr. and I would care to fly him over to the "soace men group". Dr. being a good photographer, and a picture was nee ied, we gladly agreed. (nis 00 of Van ceceee So much in the way of explaination. he enclosed pamphlet is something. hy first reaction was one of fear that someone might see me reading same. However after raading it the second time I could not hebp but find in it many tiings that might be as though one was reading Marisism. I have taken the liberty to under- score some passages that somewhat explain themselves. 4lso the very layout of this paace is ideal for one or a group to be of danger. The surprising thing that hit ue at first was that there were several small buildings and trailers located next to the mountain. At the entrance door of each of them was standing a man, and he seemingly stayed there during our visit which lasted about one hour. To say the least it is an ideal place for hidden setups of any Find. I do hope I have not given you the impression of a "busy body” but these facts are on my mind and I know of no agency more respected hence this note to you. 1 in any way cast reflections on my friend nor does The Doctor does not know of this letter to your office, CYosing =I would be most hapoy to do your choosing in any matter. I do have an "in" as of now and will be rlad to beat your service. Pe Na P 8 I shall be in the Bishop area all next week. a M nard Calif. 6 o2- eee 7 We © South Spring.Street, Room 900 Los Angeles 13, California June 21, 1954 Oxnard, California Dear Thank you for your etter of June 17, 1954 and its enclosure. X sincerely appreciate your intessst in- making, this information avatlable. bic Yours. very truly, we JOHN F, MALONE, HNB:bla Speciai- Agent. in charge South Spring Street, Room 900 Los Angel. 13, California June 21,1954 1 ‘Bear! Thank its enclosure, this ing you for your letter of Jime,17,'2954 and” piniverely aj 6 availa} tha fe LO agg ype : O2~ GTO L~ YOFO eget CERES a 62-26 0-29 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer mae qe a v love of Univers] “adon Subject's Name and Aliases hyees Valley, Jelitorata ‘areas of Subject @fephgne Number of Complainant Sed 5 Fi Character of Case Date and Tine Complaint Received DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT: FACTS OF COMPLAINT: c2:pleinsat advised that cubjoct College ia t2 be Incated at Giant Rock iirport, now vader sansiruction 2 uoeting place of persons Wi are inter- t it is tonching and advocating tho overthrow of the U3 Gov't. by gvblishing ture which aide in Gawunict indestrinstion and teat 14 could aerwe ao o fund. ising grou (%ront group) for tho OP. She notos that the loortion is nvch thes it the yeti Larine Saso (inti ary Renzo) oon be ahoarved and that 2 flying caver croup vill havo pyoer%il telosconcs at band. Sho fvrniehed n nhmpblet $rou the subicet Qollace, entitled © Jisga" ond olallyenriniod can of tho ares shoviot the proxinity of Giont Rook sirvert to tho varire artillery Ran-os three itccn vontionad are ettachod horete im x 100-0 1 serial onvelopes, Tho foundore? trie Gellegeie—¥ dip Seevge—h ot Zomrlatnant believes that because 9 ainilarity of purnone this Located in line \nzolos, ab 215 South Fobart Boulevard, La Mt dhe furnisked material waterial is attreled hoveto im a 1CO-0-14 envolope. : obtained tram file search on 8-9-5! ACTION RECOMMENDED BY AGENT Index neues on attached sheat - tile 100, ORE ie Special Agent Institute of Ylentalnhysice Yollege of Universal wisdom 6220-6725 4/3 62-0-5814, 18213, 18213 A 2100-17156 2100-17157 100-16516-41 George Ys Van Tassel 100-0-60513 1/8 100-0-65116 100-0-60315 100-16835-498 George i/ellington Yan Tassel 99-1516-150 66-120-3-885 George Van Tassel e771 62=1:080-4 100-0-63116 < Xo eZ be eh ioces Ate o ‘ oe ic nga, O te chy | y pligs clot ep iben poche Che ; ipa eae ee ae Ay b fee A GM AE Fo Ege far ee Mave of ath www ‘ cower L 7 ADI tp A of hate po fo bed oe 2 Loe ge? Aen le a fpdn- OIG gation ,V0r Fle 270 Ac tt: asele cenkonnan Inspector JOSEPH STZ00 telephoned from the Bureau today at 3:00 P.M, concerning captioned matter. He desired to be advised. conc the prog, of our attempts to locate VAN TASSEL. I toli him that SA 5 still attempting to find VAN TASSEL for interview purposes, however, VAN TASSEL 4") & of town on one of his trips and his wife does not know his itdnerary nor dc she know his current location. Inspector SIZ00 stated that the Bureau desires that this mitter be brought to a logical conclusion by interviewing VAN TASSEL Just as soon | as possible and that SA[] should make another contact with the rife’ = on Wednesday of this week and thereafter advise the Bureau of tk> régulté. 7c He stated ‘the Bureau is very interested in knowing whether or not Yofo - Le / ARCHED. ¢ e PERLE AR he NOVET La place of learning pertaining to religion, she advised that her husband through hie periodical mentioned above has solicited donations for the advancement ofthis college. She furthey ‘that -As_to be jested adjacent. ‘Rock import at Yucca Valley. MRS. VAN TASSEL declared that on August 2h, 1953, at approximately 2:00 A.M, while she and her husband were sleeping out of doors adjacent to the Glant Rock air strip, her husband was awakened by @ person from outer space in a flying saucer which had landed on the air strip. MRS. VAN TASSEL was quick to point out ahe was not awakened and did not see the spaceman or his means of trans- portation. MRS. VAN TASGEL declared that her husband related that the Spaceman took her husband aboard the flying saucer which was occupied by three additional spacemen. MRS, VAN TASSEL declared that her. husband failed to mention the color or the size of this space craft! She stated that the spacemen were sinilar in évery description to earth men. She advised that the epacemen did not carry weapons nor was there any armament noticed on the flying saucer. She declared that according to her husband, the saucer and spacenen spent approximately tventy minutes on earth after which time they departed into outer space. The epaceman who woke up her husband was the leader or spokesman for the group. He spoke in English and informed her husband that earth men should. give up using metal as they are ruining radio frequencies with the over-use of metal. Relative to her husband, she stated he was born in Ohio, city unknown, March 12, 1910, she mentioned that it 1s possible her husband was born in Ashtabula. He failed to receive e high school diploma as he lackea three months schooling: He left Obio in 1929 for California. MRS. VAN TASSEL declared she married her husband on January 31, 1932,/4n Yuma, Arizona; her maiden name being EVA MEEK. 0 A she deflered that her husband, prior to 1947, worked as a Flight Test Engfneer,gt Lockheeh Aircraft, Burbank, California, ‘and lived on Arhacoff (ph.) Street in Los Angeles. Sue declared that in 19k7 she; her husband, and her daughter, DARLENE, moved to Yucca Valle. she stated her daughter is Secretary-Treastrer of the College of Universal Wisdom. She also pointed out that her husband presently operates the Giant Rock Airport under CAA regu- lations. She advised her husband 1s not a pilot, but does hold a mechanics certificate with CAA, Tt-was noted by the reporting agent that the*air strip known as Great Rock is a flat, ary, lake bed. The area surrounding the air strip 4s rock and desert with no buildings of consequence Fping noted. ‘The writer and si[- interviews MBS. VAN. TASSEL-- n an underground cave Iike room which was excavated sra-tee base 3 - ‘TASSEL "advised that thi: preuputly the hetyuerters ofthe College of Universal Wi on the Srencourspunding the aF etelp Waste every "respect very aor prinitape. The following description for GEORGE WELLINGTON VAN. ASSEL was furnished by his wife. Name GEORGE WELLINGTON VAN TASSEL Race White Born March 12, 1910, ohio Height 5 10" Weight 185 pounds Fair Blond, balding Byes Bue Build Medium Occupation Operator Great Rock Airport Address Post Office Box 419, Yucea Valley, California born ® e Office Memorandum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SAC, LOS ANGELES DaTe November be 2 GEORGE WELLINGTON VAN TASSEL INFORMATION CONCERNING At G1ant Rock Airport, Yucca Valley, Californi: The above-captioned individual was interviewed on November 16, 1954, by SAS and the writer. VAN TASSEL declared that he moved from Los Angeles to Giant Rock seven years ago and purchased a ranch near this area and subsequently leased land near Giant Rock from the Government, He stated that this newly acquired land is known as Giant Rock Airport. He pointed out that the Airport was acquired under the "Airport Act" and 1s a certified CAA emergency landing strip. Relative to space men and gpace craft, VAN TASSEL declared that a year ago last August, while sleeping out of doors with his wife in the Giant Rock area, and at about 2:00 a.m. he was awakened by a man from space. This individual spoke English and was dressed in a grey one Plece suit similar to a sweat suit in that 1t did not have any buttons, pockets, and noticeable seams. This person, according to VAN TASSEL, invited him to inspect a space craft or flying saucer, which had landed on Giant Rock Air Strip. VAN TASSEL claimed the craft was bell shaped resembling a saucer. He further described the ship as approximately 35 feet in diameter and is now known as the scout type craft. Aboard this craft was located three other male individuals wearing the same type of dress and identical in every respect with earth people. VAN TASSEL claims thatthe three individuals aboard the craft were mutes in that they could not talk, He claimed they conversed through thought transfers, and also operated the flight of the craft through thought control. He stated that the spokesman for the. group claimed he could talk because he was trained by his family to speak, The spokesman stated SEARCHED. Cac :MRB fenmuzesMe HR » @ that earth men are using too much metal in their every- day work and are fowling up radio frequencies and thought transfers because of this over use of metal. According to VAN TASSEL, these individuals came from Venus and are by no means hostile nor do they intend to harm this country or inhabitants in any manner, He declared they did not carry weapons, and the space craft was not armed. He mentioned that a field of force was located around the space craft which would prohibit anything known to earth men to penetrate, VAN TASSEL claims this craft departed from the earth after 20 minutes and has not been back since, VAN TASSEL furnished the following background, which he claimed might help to understand his dealings with space men: He mentioned that he advocates and follows a metaphysical religion or research. This religion or research is based on thought transfers, VAN TASSEL claimed that he had been contacted by men from space prior to their landing on earth in August, 1953, through thought transfers. Heagain pointed out that space men used this medium to communicate with one another. He mentioned that through thought transfers with space men he has been able to ascertain that there will be a third world war and a large destructive Atom explosion as a result of this war. He stated that these "facts" ean be verified through the Bible; however, he did not relate the book or passage in which these facts could be located. He was quick to point out that the war would not be universal, and that space people would not be involved, He stated that space people are peace loving and under no circumstances would enter or provoke a war, He claims that space people have imparted to him a means of rejuvenating earth peoples! life expectency from what it is today to 300-1500 years, He claimed this is done through a principle of light energy rejuvenation. This principle was not developed by VAN TASSEL. In connection with his metaphysical religion and research he publishes bi-monthly a publication in the form of a booklet called "PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA", He declared this publication 1s free and has grown from an original ® ® mailing list of 250 to 1000 copies. VAN TASSEL stated that he sends this publication to various individuals, Universities, and Governmental Agencies throughout the world, He declared this publication is forwarded to the FBI at Washington, D. C. The College of Universal Wisdom, according to VAN TASSEL, will be devoted to inter-planetary communications and a diffusion of universal wisdom gained through the medium of space beings. He stated that he has donated 10 acres of his ranch holdings to the college. He mentioned that many. of the buildings will be made free of metal, which will be keeping within the request of the space men. He declared that for the most part he secures money for his needs of life, for the furtherance of his religion, research, and college through the generosity of certain individuals, numbering about 100, He failed to identify any ofthese people, He also mentioned that he derives income from his air strip and a very small restaurant, which is located at Giant Rock. It should be noted that Giant Rock is located approximately 18 miles north of the nearest highway, which was noticed not to be frequently travelled. This road leading to Giant Rock on the 29 Palms Highway is dirt for the mostpart and very rough, While the writer was at Giant Rock, which was on two occasions, no visitors were noted in the area, Concerning himself, VAN TASSEL readily stated that he came to California from Cleveland, Ohio, in 1929 where he worked as a mechanic for Universal Airlines, which is now known as American Airlines, After arriving in California, he claimed he worked for Douglas Aircraft, Hughes Aircraft, and Lockheed Aircraft as a mechanic. He declared he left Lockheed in about 1947 and moved to Giant Rock with wife and daughter, DARLENE. VAN TASSEL claimed he was acquainted with SA WALTER BOTT (deceased) and helped him on many cases at Lockheed, VAN TASSEL was not aware of SA BOTT's demise. VAN TASSEL voluntarily stated that he is not hiding anything nor is he doing anything against the laws of this country in his research at Giant Rock, He voluntarily mentioned that he is a loyal American and would be available at any time to assist the Bureau. ‘The following 18 a description of VAN TASSEL as obtained through observation: Race: White Age: 4o-45, : 5t 9" 170 Blue Blond, balding Medium Complexion: Ruddy Characteristics: Dirty and unkempt; discolored teeth Occupation: Owner and operator Giant Rock Airport and Giant Rock Restaurant. Wife: EVA MEEK VAN TASSEL Daughter: DARLENE VAN 'TASSEL Address: P.O, Box 419, Yucea Valley, California. DIRECTOR, FBI November 16, 195), , SAG, IOS ANORLES (62-1080) rk GSDROE WELLINGTON VAN TASSEL Giant Rock Airport Yucea Valley, California INFORMATION CONCERNING ATTENTION: INSP:CTOR JOSEPH STZ00 Re telephone calls from Inspector SIZ00 November 12 and November 16, 195k; Los Angeles teletype to Bureau November 13, 1951. ‘The above-captioned individual was interviewed on November 16, 195k by sa [ ] and SA VAN TASSEL declared that he moved from Los Angeles to Giant Rock seven years ago and purchased a ranch near this area and subsequently leased land near Giant Rock from the Government, He stated that this newly acquired land is known as Olant Hock Airport. He pointed out that the airport was acquired under the "Airport Act" and is a certified CAA emergency landing strip. Relative to space men and space craft, VAN TASSEL declared that a year ago last August, while slesping out of doors with his wife in the Olant Rock area, and at about 2:00 a.m. he was awakened by a man from space. This individual spoke English and was dressed in a grey one piece suit siailar to a sweat suit in that it did not heve any buttons, pockets, and noticeable seams, ‘This person, according to VAN TASSEL, invited him to inspect a space eraft or flying saucer, which had landed on Giant Rock air strip. VAN TASSEL claimed the craft was bell shaped resenbling a saucer, He further described the ship as approximately 35 feet in diameter and is now know as the scout type craft. Aboard this craft was located ‘three other mile individuals wearing the same type of dress and identical in every respect with earth peoples euoTOsTAT COPE nonber—L_DateLeatire + WA b2-%080 -WE, LA 62-1080 VAN TASSEL claims that the three individuals aboard the craft were mutes in that they could not talk. He claimed they conversed through thought transfers, and also operated the flight of the craft through thought control. ‘He stated that the spokesman for the group claimed he could talk because he was trained by his family to speak. ‘he spokesnan stated that earth men are using too much metal in their everyday work and are fowling up radio frequencies and thought transfers because of this over use of metal, According to VAN TASSEL, these individuals cane fron Venus and are by no moans hostile nor do they intend to harm this country or inhabitants in any manner. He declared they did not carry weapons, and the space craft was not armed. He mentioned that a field of force was located around the space craft which would prohibit anything know to earth men to penetrate, VAN TASSEL clains this craft departed from the earth after 20 minutes and has not been back since, VAN TASSEL furnished the following background which he claimed might help to understand his dealings with space men, He mentioned that he advocates and follows a metaphysical religion or research, This religion or research is based on thought transfers. VAN TASSEL claimed that he had been contacted by men from space prior to their landing on earth in August, 1953 through thought transfers, He again pointed out that space men used this medium to commmicate with one another. Ho mentioned that through thought transfers with space men, he has been able to ascertain that there will be a third world war and a large destructive atom explosion as a result of this war. He stated that these "facts" can be verified through the Bible; however, he did not relate the book or passage in which these facts could be located, He was quick to point out that the war would not be universal, and that space yeople would not be involved. He stated that space people are peace loving and under no cirounstances would enter or provoke a.war. He claime that space people have imparted to him a means of rejuvenating earth peoples! life expectancy from what it is today to 300 = 1500 years, He claimed this is done through a principle of light energy rejuvenation, This principle was not developed by VAN TASSEL, In connection with his metaphysical religion and research, he publishes bi-monthly a publication in the form of a booklet called "PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, YUCCA VALL.Y, CALIFORNIA," He declared this publication is free and has grom from an original mailing list of 250 to 1,000 copies. VAN TASSEL etated that he sends this -2- LA 62-4080 publication to various individuals, Universities, and Governmental Agencies throughout the world, He declared this publication is forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Washington, D. C. ‘The College of Universal Wisdom, according to VAN TASSEL, will be devoted to inter-planetary communications and a diffusion of universal wisdom gained through the nedium of space beings, He stated that he has donated 10 agres of his ranch holdings to the college. He mentioned that many of the buildings will be made free of metal, which will be keeping within the request of the space nen. He declared that for the most part he secures money for his needs of life, for the furtherance of his religion, research, and college through the generosity of certain individuals, number about 100, He failed to identity any of these people. He also mentioned that he derives Sncone fron hia sity stip and a very enall, restunraij'nhici is located at Giant Rock. Tt should be noted that Giant Rock is located approximtely 18 miles north of: the nearest highway which was noticed not to be frequently travelled. This road leading to Giant Rock on the 29 Palms Highway is dirt, for the most part apd very rough, While SAC was at Giant Rock, which was on two occasions, no visitors were noted in the areas), Concerning himself, VAN TASSEL readily stated that he came to Califomia from Cleveland, Ohio in 1929 where he worked ss a mechanic for Universal Airlines, which 1s now known as American Airlines, After arriving in California, he cledmed he worked for Douglas Aircraft, Hughes Aircraft, and Lockheed Aircraft as a mechanic. He declared he left Lockheed in about 1947 and moved to’@iant Rock with his wife and daughter, DARLENE, VIN TASSEL claimed he was acquainted with SA WALT:R BOTT (deceased) and helped him on many eases at Lockheed, VAN TASSEL was not aware of SA BOTT's denise, Eee VAN TASSEL volimtarily stated that he is not hiding anything nor is he doing anything against the laws of this country in his research at Giant Rock. He voluntarily mentioned thet he is a loyal American and would be available gt ‘any time to assist the Burem. VAN TASSEL did not volunteer the names of any individuals whom he was soliciting for funds except his statement above that he sent his publications to various individuals, universities and Government agencies and also the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington, D. C. nor was he asked per Inspector SI200's instructions. ae IA 62-4080 In connection with the "PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM", Yucca Valley, California, which has been mentioned by captioned individual in his interview, the following issues of this publication are being transmitted herewith to the Bureau in order that the particular philosophy, which is advocated by the "College of. Universal Wisdom," might be more clearly described, These "PRO ved October 19, 195k, personally Yucca Valley, California, by and have been maintained in Angeles > These issues are dated as follows October 15, 1953; November 1, 19533. November 15, 19533 December 1, 1953; December 15, tt January 1, 1954; January 15, 1954; February 1, 1954; Februar: 15, 195k; March’ 15, 19543 May 15, igh, aria 1, 195s April 15, 19543 June 1, 195k. It 1s to be noted that the November 1, 1953 issue sets forth under article captioned "our Comste Communicators" on page 2, the particuler religious hierarchy of the "College of Universal Wisden.” ‘The particular philosophy of the "Colloce of Universal Wisdom” 1s reflected in Volume 1 #3, November 15, 1953, issue of "PROCEEDINGS," which reflects as follows: "Space Craft and Space People, by GEORGE M. VAN TASSEL "our experience, in developing thought transference, has made it possible to carry on an interchange of information with the people who are operating space craft. These very highly intelligent beings are all in human form. There are no 'monsters!, ‘pains, or ‘ants! operating the space craft fran other spheres. The people and the ships differ in many ways depending on the sector and location from where they come. Some of them are from out ‘solar.system but many gre from other systema, . “the space people were the first human forms of life. to occupy the Earth, Their descendants built the great pyramid and compiled the records in it. Their basic information about truth is partially recorded in most of the sacred literature -he "gf to-day and 1s also preserved in the anoient recortls of other civilizations, These peeple from other celestial bodies are the same ones, as mentioned in the Bible ~ before the apple was, eaten - the race of Adam. “they maintain a space station that hes been orbiting around Mars for ttousands $f, year: Ib 48 ten miles in diameter,: gome 1500 mile: from the surface of Mars, spherical -in shape and recorded by our astronomers as the inner toon of Mars. “he ‘little people’ of Frank Scully's book, ‘Behind the Plying Saucera’ and of the Brush Creek, California, ineident, ae from our Moon. ‘Their civilization is af advariced one and they are living under the surface of: the Moon. Their s¢iences are 25,000 years ahead of ours, "Some people from Venus have landed on our earth and meved among us without being recognized as auch, because they look like us. Many of them we Still here; Professor George AdamBki talked with one of them recently. "Spage. people from other, more distant places, have also been landing on our Earth for the last hundred years. Many of them and descendants of them are our topmost scientists, arehitects, inventors, teachers, and publie and gevernmental officials. The proof of this 1s evidenced by the fact that our advancements have been greater in the lest 75 years than they have been for the last. 10,000 years. Most of these accepted experts do-not: even imow their true identity as their minds were ‘blanked’ to the past by the birth. However, their memories will be restored when the space people begin to land here in large numbers. These space people literally have the powers of is of God.' Jesus was born by one.of them and is one of their foremost leaders. The star of Bethlehem was a space craft that ‘stéod by! at the birth, At his resurreetion he was bodily

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