Course Syllabus

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GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Course Materials

PRIMARY TEXT(S): Available online

ARTICLE REFERENCE(S): All electronic materials are available on the course page.

Facilitator Information

Maya Chapman 3-10pm (University of Phoenix) (Alternate)
602-387-6359 (Mountain Standard Time)

General Course Description

This general education course is designed to introduce the intentional learner to

communication, collaboration, information utilization, critical thinking, problem solving and
professional competence and values. The course uses an interdisciplinary approach for the
learner to develop personal, academic strategies in order to reach desired goals and achieve
academic success.

Course Topics & Objectives

Week One: Academic Success

• Identify techniques for setting goals.

• Identify techniques for managing time.
• Identify techniques for managing stress.
• Develop educational goals.

Week Two: Communication and Collaboration

• Identify various learning styles.
• Identify various personality types.
• Develop a strategy for communicating and collaborating effectively within a group of
people with different learning styles and personality types.

Week Three: Information Utilization

• Identify technology resources to meet educational goals.
• Identify resources for improving writing.

Week Four: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

• Develop a research strategy for solving a problem.
• Explain how research is applied in everyday life.

Week Five: Professional Competence and Values

• Identify how professional knowledge, abilities, values and ethics impact success.

The Online Weekly Schedule An Online week begins on Tuesday and ends on Monday.
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Where to Go to Class: Your Course Forums

Main: This is the main forum for the class and is where discussion is conducted. It has read-
and-write access for everyone.
Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access forum. It is designed as a place to discuss
issues not related to the course content. This is the forum to which we will send our bios.
Course-Materials: This is a read-only forum, which means you can read messages here but
cannot send any. This is where I will post the course syllabus and materials.
Learning-Team-A, B, C, D, E and F: These six Learning Team forums will be used as
workrooms for the learning teams. You will be assigned to one of these learning teams.
Individual Forum: You will see one forum with your name on it. This is a private forum,
shared only by you and me, the facilitator. Your classmates will not have access to this
forum. This is and where I will post your feedback.You can ask questions here. However, if
you have general questions about instructions of assignments, please post those in the Main
forum, since other students may benefit by that exchange as well.

Where to Submit Your Assignments

Assignment Section: This is where you will post your individual assignments, and where
the designated learning team member will post your team assignments. This is where you
will submit all formal assignments. Navigate to the Assignments Section on eCampus.
Locate the link to submit your assignment as an attachment.

Policies For class policies, please see the "Policies" link on the left side of the Materials
page for the course on eCampus.

Late Assignments Late assignments receive a 10% deduction for each day they are late if
assignments are not posted by 11:59 p.m. M.S.T. on the day they are due. Assignments
more than 3 days late will not be accepted.

Final Week Requirements During Week Five, the requirement for participation is less than
in previous weeks. This week is a time for you to reflect upon the course topics and readings
and to work on your final team project. While you do not need to contribute substantive
messages to the class discussion, you must still post at least one message to any of
our course forums on 2 different days during the week. This requirement is so the
University’s computer system will track your attendance and not drop you from class. Unlike
Weeks One through Four, posting in your Learning Team forum or the Chat Room, or
posting an assignment to the Assignment Section would count toward those two
attendance posts.

Grading Formula

95 A 90 A- 80 B- 70 C-

Weekly Reminders Discussion Questions: Discussion question responses will not count
towards the class participation requirement. Only posts in the Main classroom forum will
count towards your class participation score.
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Week One

Week 1 Assignments

1. Post your personal biography to the Chat Room forum by Wednesday of Week 1.

• Your bio should be posted within a message (not an attachment), single

spaced and approximately 150 to 300 words. Consider sharing with your
classmates where you live, your work, your family composition, your career
goals, your hobbies, your interests, etc.

2. Read the materials linked on the Materials tab in Week 1: Chapter 1 of the text and
articles, and the Online Basics: OLS Orientation that I will be posting for you in the
Course Materials forum.

3. Participate with at least two substantive comments in the Main forum at least 4 of
7 days.

4. Week 1 DQ 1: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 1 DQ 1 thread in the

Main forum by Thursday.

5. Week 1 DQ 2: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 1 DQ 2 thread in the

Main forum by Saturday.

6. Educational Goal-Mapping Worksheet/Academic Readiness Assessment

(Individual Assignment): Post your completed worksheet and assessment as
Microsoft® Word document attachments to the Assignments Section by Day 7

• In preparation for this assignment, complete the Assess Your Readiness for
Academic Success worksheet located on your Week One course Web page.
• Based on your results of the assessment, use the Map Out an Important Goal
worksheet located on your Week One course Web page to develop both a
short-term and a long-term educational goal for yourself.

• In APA formatted papers the third person (he, she, they) is used in academic
writing. Reference to the self, or I, is generally limited to self-reflection or
opinion papers. As this is a personal reflection assignment, the use of the first
person voice is permitted.

7. Note: I will divide the class into Learning Teams by the end of Week 1. Once you are
assigned to a Learning Team, enter the Learning Team forum and introduce
yourself to your teammates.

Post Bio Individual Chat Room Day 2 (Wednesday)

Participation Individual Main Forum Ongoing— 4 days

per week

Week 1 DQ 1 Individual Main Forum Day 3 (Thursday)

GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Week 1 DQ 2 Individual Main Forum Day 5 (Saturday)

Educational Goal Mapping Individual Assignments Day 7 (Monday)

Worksheet/Academic Section
Readiness Assessment
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Week Two

Communication and Collaboration

• Identify various learning styles.

• Identify various personality types.
• Develop a strategy for communicating and collaborating effectively within a group of
people with different learning styles and personality types.

Course Assignments

1. Readings

• Read Ch. 2 of Keys to College Studying

• Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
• Online Basics: APA 6th Edition Made Easy, in the Course Materials forum

o APA Format Checklist, which is attached to Online Basics: APA 6th

Edition Made Easy, in the Course Materials forum
• Online Basics: Managing Your Messages, in the Course Materials forum
• Week Two articles

2. Participate with at least two substantive comments in the Main forum at least 4 of 7
days each week.

3. Discussion Questions

• Week 2 DQ 1: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 2 DQ 1 thread in the

Main forum by Thursday.

• Week 2 DQ 2: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 2 DQ 2 thread in the

Main forum by Saturday.

4. Individual Assignment: Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper

Post your completed assignment as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the
Assignment Section by Day 7 (Monday).

• Resources: Multiple Pathways to Learning Assessment and Personality Spectrum

Assessment, located on your Week Two student Web site

• Complete: In preparation for this assignment, complete the Multiple Pathways to

Learning and the Personality Spectrum assessments located on your Week Two
course Web page. Based on your findings from these assessments, prepare at least a
500-word paper in which you develop strategies for communicating and collaborating
effectively within a group of individuals with different learning styles and personality
types. Address the following items in your paper.

 Identify at least three different learning styles and develop a strategy

for effective communication and collaboration among your selected
learning styles.
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

 Identify at least three different personality types and develop a

strategy for effective communication and collaboration among your
selected personality types.

• Use APA formatting as outlined in the APA Manual, the APA 6th Edition Made
Easy document, and the APA Format Checklist posted in the Course Materials

• Use APA formatting, including at least one (1) outside source (this
source can be your Keys to College Studying… text), as outlined in the APA
Information located in the Center for Writing Excellence (see links in Course
Materials forum).

• In APA formatted papers the third person (he, she, they) is used in academic
writing. Reference to the self, or I, is limited to self-reflection or opinion papers. In
this assignment, the use of the first person voice is not permitted.

5. Learning Team Assignment: GEN 200 Learning Team Charter

• Resources: Multiple Pathways to Learning Assessment, Personality Spectrum

Assessment, and GEN/200 Learning Team Charter Assessment, located on your Week
Two student Web site.

• Share results from the Multiple Pathways to Learning Assessment and Personality
Spectrum Assessment with your fellow Learning Team members.

• Complete the GEN/200 Learning Team Charter located in Week 2 of the GEN/200
Materials page. Elect one learning team member to post your completed assignment
as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment Section by Day 7(Monday).

• Prior to completing the Charter, each team member needs to share

their results from their Multiple Pathways to Learning and the
Personality Spectrum assessments. Team members will need the
results of these assessments to complete the GEN/200 Learning Team

• Nominate one member of your team to post your collectively

completed charter as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment
Section by Day 7 (Monday).

• In APA formatted papers the third person (he, she, they) is used in
academic writing. Reference to the self, or I, is limited to self-reflection or
opinion papers. In this assignment, the use of the first person (such as
we) is permitted.
Participation Individual Main Forum Ongoing— 4 days
per week

Week 2 DQ 1 Individual Main Forum Day 3 (Thursday)

Week 2 DQ 2 Individual Main Forum Day 5 (Saturday)

Communication and Collaboration Individual Assignments Day 7 (Monday)

Strategy Paper Section
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

GEN 200 Learning Team Charter Learning Assignments Day 7 (Monday)

Team Section
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Week Three

Information Utilization

• Identify technology resources to meet educational goals.

• Identify resources for improving writing.

Course Assignments

6. Readings

• Read University of Phoenix Essay Guidelines.

• Online Basics: Online Tone, in the Course Materials forum
• Online Basics: Using the University Library Databases, in the Course
Materials forum
• Week Three articles.
7. Participate with at least two substantive comments in the Main forum at least 4 of 7
days each week.

8. Discussion Questions

• Week 3 DQ 1: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 3 DQ 1 thread in the

Main forum by Thursday.

• Week 3 DQ 2: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 3 DQ 2 thread in the

Main forum by Saturday.

9. Individual Assignment: Student Web Scavenger Hunt

• Resources: Student Web Scavenger Hunt located on your Week Three student Web
• Complete the Student Web Scavenger Hunt located on Week 3 course Web page
(Materials tab). Post your completed assignment as a Microsoft® Word document
attachment to the Assignment Section by Day 7 (Monday).

Professional Values and Ethics Paper (Learning Team Assignment): Review the
Professional Values and Ethics Assignment Instructions located in the Course
Materials forum. This document contains details about the Professional Values and
Ethics Paper, which Learning Teams will complete in Week 5. The instructions also
contain a process description outlining weekly activities teams should complete in
order to finish the Professional Values and Ethics Paper by Week 5. While you do not
need to turn in each of the recommended tasks for Weeks 3 and 4, completing these
items will help keep you on track for completion of the entire project in Week 5.

Consider the process below for approaching this Learning Team assignment:

• In your Learning Team forum, one team member should start a thread for
work on this assignment.
• Within that thread, each team member should click Reply and post his or her
contributions to the assignment.
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

• A couple of days before the assignment is due, one team member can collect
all of the contributions and compile them into one document. He or she should
post the draft document to the Learning Team forum and ask teammates to
proofread and add ideas as needed.
• One team member can incorporate all of the suggested edits. Nominate one
member of your team to post your collectively completed assignment as a
Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment Section by the due date.

Summary of Week 3 Deliverables

Assignment Individual Location Due

or Learning

Participation Individual Main Forum Ongoing— 4

days per week

Week 3 DQ 1 Individual Main Forum Day 3 (Thursday)

Week 3 DQ 2 Individual Main Forum Day 5 (Saturday)

Student Web Scavenger Hunt Individual Assignments Day 7 (Monday)

GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Week Four

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

• Develop a research strategy for solving a problem.

• Explain how research is applied in everyday life.

Course Assignments

10. Readings

• Read Ch. 3 of the text.

• Read the Appendix "Conducting Research"
• Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

11. Participate with at least two substantive comments in the Main forum at least 4 of 7
days each week.

12. Discussion Questions

• Week 4 DQ 1: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 4 DQ 1 thread in the

Main forum by Thursday.

• Week 4 DQ 2: Post a 150- to 200-word response to the Week 4 DQ 2 thread in the

Main forum by Saturday.

13. Individual Assignment: Research Strategy Paper

Submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment Section
by Week 4 Day 7 (Monday).

• Identify a problem in your day-to-day life that you would like to solve
(for example, time management).
• Using the information from your Week Three readings as a guide,
prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you develop a research strategy
to find a solution for your selected problem. Your paper must include the
following items:

o Briefly describe your selected problem.

o Identify what kinds of information you will gather to help you in solving
this problem and where this information can be obtained.

o Describe the process that you will use to evaluate the information that
you gather. What types of things will you consider as you evaluate the
information (for example, perspective and validity)?

o Explain how you will use the information that you find to resolve the
problem. What things will you take into consideration as you consider
possible solutions to your problem?
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

• Use APA formatting as outlined in the APA Manual, the APA 6th Edition Made
Easy document, and the APA Format Checklist posted in the Course
Materials forum.
• Use APA formatting, including at least one (1) outside source (this
source can be your Keys to College Studying… text), as outlined in the
APA Information located in the Center for Writing Excellence (see links in
Course Materials forum).

• In APA formatted papers the third person (he, she, they) is used in academic
writing. Reference to the self, or I, is generally limited to self-reflection or
opinion papers. As this assignment is written from the perspective of the
writer, the use of the first person voice is permitted.

Professional Values and Ethics Paper (Learning Team Assignment):

Continue working on Professional Values and Ethics Paper by following the
activities described in the Professional Values and Ethics Assignment Instructions.

Participation Individual Main Forum Ongoing— 4 days per week

Week 4 DQ 1 Individual Main Forum Day 3 (Thursday)

Week 4 DQ 2 Individual Main Forum Day 5 (Saturday)

Research Strategy Individual Assignments Day 7 (Monday)

Paper Section
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Week Five

Professional Competence and Values

• Identify how professional knowledge, abilities, values and ethics impact success.

Course Assignments

14. Readings

• Read Ch. 12 of Keys to College Studying.

• Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

15. Discussion Questions

• Discussion question responses will NOT be required during the final

week of the course. Optional discussion questions will be provided
during the final week of the course.

16. Individual Assignment: Professional Knowledge and Abilities Paper

Submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment Section
by Week 5 Day 7 (Monday).

o Prepare a 500- to 700-word paper in which you explain how developing

professional knowledge and abilities affect career success. Be sure to address
the following items in your explanation:

 Identify a professional organization or association in a field that

interests you (for example, Association of American Educators,
American Psychological Association).

 Briefly describe your selected organization or association.

 Explain how your selected organization or association can contribute

towards increasing your professional knowledge and abilities.

 Discuss how this knowledge and these abilities can affect your career

• Use APA formatting as outlined in the APA manual, the APA 6th Edition Made
Easy document, and the APA Format Checklist posted in the Course
Materials forum.
• Use APA formatting, including at least one (1) outside source, as
outlined in the APA Information located in the Center for Writing Excellence
(see links in Course Materials forum).

• In APA formatted papers the third person (he, she, they) is used in academic
writing. Reference to the self, or I, is generally limited to self-reflection or
opinion papers. As this assignment is based, in part, on how the attainment
and refinement of professional knowledge and abilities can impact your career
success, the use of the first person voice is permitted.
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

o Prior to submitting your paper to your instructor, submit your paper to

WritePoint in the Center for Writing Excellence.

17. Learning Team Assignment: Professional Values and Ethics Paper

Nominate one member of your team to post your collectively completed assignment
as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment Section by Week 5 Day 7

• Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explain the relationship among
professional values, ethics, and career success. Be sure to address the following
items in your explanation:

 Define values and ethics.

 Identify at least three sources of professional values and ethics.
 Describe how professional values and ethics can influence career
 Provide at least two specific examples in your description.

o Use APA formatting as outlined in the APA Manual, the APA 6th Edition
Made Easy document, and the APA Format Checklist posted in the Course
Materials forum.
o Use APA formatting, including at least three (3) outside sources, as
outlined in the APA Information located in the Center for Writing Excellence
(see links in Course Materials forum).
o In APA formatted papers the third person (he, she, they) is used in academic
writing. Reference to the self, or I, is limited to self-reflection or opinion
papers. In this assignment, the use of the first person voice is not
o Prior to submitting your paper to your instructor, submit your paper to
WritePoint in the Center for Writing Excellence.
o Nominate one member of your team to post your collectively completed
Professional Values and Ethics Paper as a Microsoft® Word to the Assignment
Section by Day 7 (Monday).

Weekly Reminders

Final Week Requirements

Discussion question responses and participation will NOT be required during the final week
of the course. The final week will be dedicated to completing the final assignments listed

Summary of Week 5 Deliverables

Assignment Individual or Location Due


Professional Knowledge and Individual Assignments Day 7

Abilities Paper Section (Monday)
GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Professional Values and Ethics Learning Assignments Day 7

Paper Team Section (Monday)

Learning Team Peer Evaluation Individual Individual Forum Day 7

Form (Monday)

Congratulations! You have completed your first class at University of Phoenix!

©2011 University of Phoenix. All rights reserved

GEN/200 Course: 2/15/2011- 3/21/2011

Standards for Written Work

* All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.
* Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.
* Major points are stated clearly, are supported by specific details, examples
or analysis, and are organized.
* Where appropriate, the paper supports major points with theory relevant to
development of the ideas, and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.
* There is integration of theory and practice whereby the writer is able to link
theories to practical experience (i.e., application to the “real world” work
* Research is adequate and timely for the topic.
* The context and purpose of the writing is clear (e.g., critique, research,
sample memo, business plan, etc.)

* The structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow.
* The paper's organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose and is
directed toward the appropriate evidence.
* Ideas flow in a logical sequence.
* The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews
major points.
* Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and maintain the flow of
thought throughout the paper.
* The conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper.
* The conclusion reviews the major points.

* The paper, including citations and reference page, follow program guidelines
for format.
* The paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aids (e.g., headings)
where appropriate.
* The paper utilizes reference appropriately.
* The paper is neat, with attention given to format requirements.

* Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
* Spelling is correct.

* Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
* Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied structure.
* Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
* Words used are precise and unambiguous.
* The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

If you have any questions about any of the information contained in this syllabus or about
any other aspect of this course please do not hesitate to ask.

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