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Guided By,

Mr. Kiran V K,
Asst. Professor,
Dept. of CSE,
NSS College of Engineering.
e Smart City Concept
r Urban IoT Architecture
v Experimental Study: PADOVA Smart City
i Conclusion
e Reference
w 03-Jan-16 2
Internet of Things for Smart Cities
What is an IoT ??!!!

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Why smart city ???
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Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public

03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 10

Smart City
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public Buildings

03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 11

Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings

• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 12
Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management

• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 13
Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality

• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 14
Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring

• City Energy Consumption

• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 15
Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion

• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public Buildings

03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 16

Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption

• Smart Lighting
• Automation of public
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 17
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 18
Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking

• Automation of public
03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 19
Smart City
• Structural Health of Buildings
• Waste Management
• Air Quality
• Noise Monitoring
• Traffic Congestion
• City Energy Consumption
• Smart Parking
• Smart Lighting

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Web Service Approach of IoT Architecture

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Protocol for IoT Nodes

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Protocol for IoT Nodes

• XML is the commonly used
• Size of XML is too large for IoT
• EXI- proposed by
• Schema less and Schema
informed encoding
• Schema less generated directly
from XML
• For schema informed need 2 EXI
processors for shared XML

03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 24

Protocol for IoT Nodes

• HTTP/TCP protocols yields poor
performance for small data on
lossy environments
• So CoAP over UDP with
retransmission for reliability
• HTTP-CoAP cross proxy setup
used for connecting regular
device to IoT
• CoAP supports all the HTTP
operations by binary format

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Protocol for IoT Nodes

• IPv6 provides a huge address
• For IoT needed compressed
IPv6 and UDP header –
6LoWPAN, for low power
constrained networks

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Link Layer Technologies
Unconstrained Constrained
• High Reliability • Low energy Consumption
• Low latency • Low Transfer Rates 1Mbits/s
• High Transfer rates • Long latency
• But complex and high energy • Low transmission rate
consumption, not used in IoT • Power saving policies
• Eg: LAN, MAN, WAN- • Eg: IEEE 802.15.4,
Ethernet, WiFi, Fiber Optic, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11 (low
Broad band powerline power), RFID
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Devices Used

2.Gateways DBMS
3.IoT Peripheral Node
Enterprise resource
Planning Systems

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Devices Used
1.Backend Servers

3.IoT Peripheral Node

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Devices Used
1.Backend Servers

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Study on:

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System Architecture of PADOVA Smart City

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• Constrained Link Layer

• WSN Gateway
• HTTP-CoAP Proxy
• Operator Mobile Device

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Collected Data Examples:

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Collected Data Examples:

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Collected Data Examples:

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• Solutions available on Urban IoT
• Upcoming Technologies
• Large Products Market

03-Jan-16 Internet of Things for Smart Cities 39

• Zanella, Andrea, et al. "Internet of things for smart cities."
Internet of Things Journal, IEEE 1.1 (2014): 22-32.
• Bellavista, Paolo, et al. "Convergence of MANET and WSN in
IoT urban scenarios." Sensors Journal, IEEE 13.10 (2013):
• Atzori, L., Iera, A., & Morabito, G. (2010). The internet of
things: A survey. Computer networks, 54(15), 2787-2805.

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