John Errington's Tutorial On Power Supply Design: Full Circuit Diagram

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John Errington's tutorial on Power Supply Design

Voltage regulation: a precision circuit

Our final design includes ideas from the previous design, with a more accurate (and lower
voltage) voltage reference, and using an operational amplifier to increase the voltage gain in the
feedback circuit.
To maintain excellent regulation at the load feedback connections are provided to allow
Transformer connection at the load itself. This compensates for the resistance of the connecting wires (see
and rectifier feedback). The feedback connections will be connected to the Vout and 0V terminals at the load.

Smoothing Full circuit diagram

Ripple Current In this circuit

TR1 is biased
with a constant
current provided
Design by the LM317
Example 1 regulator and

Voltage A second
Regulation regulator
(L7815) provides
a constant +15V
to the voltage
Voltage regulator
Regulation (AD580) and the
Simple cct LM318 op amp.

Voltage For details of operation consider the simplified circuit shown below.
Regulation and
Simplified circuit
A current source feeds
current to the base of TR1,
allowing current to flow in
the load and feedback
Voltage divider chain.
Conclusion When the voltage Vf from
the divider chain exceeds
+2.5V the output from the
Current op amp rises, allowing
sources current to flow through TR2
base, and reducing the drive
current to TR1 so as to
maintain the output voltage
at the set value.
The combination of zener
High voltages and resistor R4 allow the op
amp to operate from a single
positive supply, reducing circuit complexity, component count - and cost.
Rules of
thumb C1 prevents oscillation and reduces the output resistance at high frequencies.

Component values and limitations of circuit

The L7815 has Vin Max = 35V and the LM317 has max Vin - Vout = 40V. If necessary higher
voltages can be accommodated by adding an additional series regulator (see High voltages)

TR1 could be a BD645 or similar (Vceo = 60V) and TR2 an MJE340 or similar

The main limitation of this circuit is that using a potentiometer introduces a moving part which is
subject to degredation through wear. For more accurate results a fixed resistor chain should be
used. Alternatively if a programmable (in steps) output voltage is required an MDAC (multiplying
digital to analog converter) can be substituted, allowing control of the output voltage from a
computer or switch asssembly.

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