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Project FELCRA Calcs.


Location JLN SEMARAK KL Checked

Date 03-MAR-2017 Page 8 of 17

References Calculations

6 1 Verification on Loading
( Due to Horizontal Load )

Panel Area A = 1.2 x 1.2 / 2

= 0.72 m^2

Wind Pressure (Positive) = 1.6 kPa
Wind Pressure (Negative) = 2.9 kPa

UDL - Positive = 1.6 x 0.6 1.20

= 0.96 N-mm

UDL - Negaitive = 2.9 x 0.6

= 1.73 N-mm

6 .1 Verification on Mullion Profile

Grade = 6063-T5
Area = 406
Ixx = 27223
Iyy = 134444
Max C1 = 9.9
Zxx = 2750
ry = 18.2
Sx = 2882
Sy = 6085
E = 70000
Shear Modulus G = 26600
Torsion Constant J = 42677
Warping Factor H = 1
Dist. Between Lateral Support = 1200
Weight (kg/m) = 1.10

6 .3 Verification on Section Classification

(Check For Slenderness)

b = 10.6 mm
t = 2.5 mm
yo / yc = -23.1 / 9.9 = - 2.33
(Figure - 4.2) g=0.8/(1-yo/yc) β = g b/t
= 0.24 x 10.6 / 2.5 = 1.02

(For Unwelded Internal Elements)

( Table 4.3 ) 0.5

β0 = 7 x
= 10.6

250 0.5
β1 = 6 x
= 9.05

β ≤ β0
( Clause ) ∴ Fully Compact

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