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Martin Thoma The computer vision community has published a wide range of segmentation algorithms so far. Those
algorithms can be grouped by the kind of data they
operate on and the kind of segmentation they are able
Abstract—This survey gives an overview over different
techniques used for pixel-level semantic segmentation. to produce.
Metrics and datasets for the evaluation of segmenta- The following subsections will give four different
tion algorithms and traditional approaches for segmen- criteria by which segmentation algorithms can be
tation such as unsupervised methods, Decision Forests classified.
and SVMs are described and pointers to the relevant
papers are given. Recently published approaches with This survey describes fixed-class (see Section II-A),
convolutional neural networks are mentioned and typical single-class affiliation (see Section II-B) algorithms
arXiv:1602.06541v2 [cs.CV] 11 May 2016

problematic situations for segmentation algorithms are which work on grayscale or colored single pixel images
examined. A taxonomy of segmentation algorithms is (see Section II-C) in a completely automated, passive
fashion (see Section II-D).

Semantic segmentation is the task of clustering A. Allowed classes
parts of images together which belong to the same
object class. This type of algorithm has several use- Semantic segmentation is a classification task. As
cases such as detecting road signs [MBLAGJ+ 07], such, the classes on which the algorithm is trained is a
detecting tumors [MBVLG02], detecting medical in- central design decision.
struments in operations [WAH97], colon crypts segmen- Most algorithms work with a fixed set of classes;
tation [CRSS14], land use and land cover classifica- some even only work on binary classes like fore-
tion [HDT02]. In contrast, non-semantic segmentation ground vs background [RM07], [CS10] or street vs
only clusters pixels together based on general character- no street [BKTT15].
istics of single objects. Hence the task of non-semantic However, there are also unsupervised segmentation
segmentation is not well-defined, as many different algorithms which do not distinguish classes at all (see
segmentations might be acceptable. Section V-B) as well as segmentation algorithms which
Several applications of segmentation in medicine are are able to recognize when they don’t know a class.
listed in [PXP00]. For example, in [GRC+ 08] a void class was added
Object detection, in comparison to semantic seg- for classes which were not in the training set. Such
mentation, has to distinguish different instances of the a void class was also used in the MSRCv2 dataset
same object. While having a semantic segmentation (see Section III-B2) to make it possible to make more
is certainly a big advantage when trying to get object coarse segmentations and thus having to spend less
instances, there are a couple of problems: neighboring time annotating the image.
pixels of the same class might belong to different object
instances and regions which are not connected my
belong to the same object instance. For example, a B. Class affiliation of pixels
tree in front of a car which visually divides the car into
two parts. Humans do an incredible job when looking at the
This paper is organized as follows: It begins by giving world. For example, when we see a glass of water
a taxonomy of segmentation algorithms in Section II. standing on a table we can automatically say that there
A summary of quality measures and datasets which are is the glass and behind it the table, even if we only had a
used for semantic segmentation follows in Section III. single image and were not allowed to move. This means
A summary of traditional segmentation algorithms and we simultaneously two labels to the coordinates of the
their characteristics follows in Section V, as well as a glass: Glass and table. Although there is much more
brief, non-exhaustive summary of recently published work being done on single class affiliation segmenta-
semantic segmentation algorithms which are based on tion algorithms, there is a publication about multiple
neural networks in Section VI. Finally, Section VII class affiliation segmentation [LRAL08]. Similarly,
informs the reader about typical problematic cases for recent publications in pixel-level object segmentation
segmentation algorithms. used layered models [YHRF12].

C. Input Data

The available data which can be used for the

inference of a segmentation varies by application.
• Grayscale vs colored: Grayscale images are
commonly used in medical imaging such as
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or ultrasonog- (a) Example Scene (b) Visualization of a found seg-
raphy whereas colored photographs are obviously mentation
• Excluding or including depth data: RGB-D, Figure 1: An example of a scene and a possible visu-
sometimes also called range [HJBJ+ 96] is avail- alization of a found segmentation.
able in robotics, autonomous cars and recently
also in consumer electronics such as Microsoft
• Single image vs stereo images vs co- A. Quality measures for evaluation
segmentation: Single image segmentation is the A performance measure is a crucial part of any
most wide-spread kind of segmentation, but using machine learning system. As users of a semantic
stereo images was already tried in [BVZ01]. It can segmentation system expect correct results, the accuracy
be seen as a more natural way of segmentation as is the most commonly used performance measure, but
most mammals have two eyes. It can also be seen there are other measures of quality which matter when
as being related to having depth data. segmentation algorithms are compared. This section
Co-segmentation as in [RMBK06], [CXGS12] is gives an overview of those quality measures.
the problem of finding a consistent segmentation 1) Accuracy: Showing the correctness of the segmen-
for multiple images. This problem can be seen tation hypotheses is done in most publications about
in two ways: One the one hand, it can be seen semantic segmentation. However, there are a couple
as the problem of finding common objects in at of different ways how this accuracy can be displayed.
least two images. On the other hand, every image One way to give readers a first qualitative impression
after the first can be used as an additional sourceof the obtained segmentations is by showing examples
of information to find a meaningful segmentation. such as Figure 1.
This idea can be extended to time series such as However, this can only support the explanation of
videos. particular problems or showcase special situation. For
• 2D vs 3D: Segmenting images is a 2D segmenta- meaningful information about the overall accuracy, there
tion task where the smallest unit is called a pixel.
are a couple of metrics how accuracy can be defined.
In 3D data, such as volumetric X-ray CT images
For this section, let k ∈ N be the number of classes,
as they were used in [HHR01], the smallest unit nij ∈ N0 with i, j ∈ 1, . . . , k be the number of pixels
is called a voxel.
which belong to class i and were labeled as Pclass j.
(nij ) is called a confusion matrix. Let ti = j=1 nij
be the total number of pixels of class i.
One way to compare segmentation algorithms is by
D. Operation state the pixel-wise accuracy of the predicted segmentation
as done in many publications [SWRC06], [CP08],
The operation state of the classifying machine can [LSD14]. This is also called per-pixel rate and de-
either be active as in [SUM+ 11], [SSA12] where robots Pk
fined as Pi=1 k . Taking the pixel-wise classification
can move objects to find a segmentation or passive, i=1 ti

where the received image cannot be influenced. Among accuracy has two major drawbacks:
the passive algorithms, some segment in a completely P1 Tasks like segmenting images for autonomous cars
automatic fashion, others work in an interactive mode. have large regions which have one class. This
One example would be a system where the user clicks makes achieving classification accuracies of more
on the background or marks a coarse segmentation and than 30 % with a priori knowledge only possible.
the algorithm finds a fine-grained segmentation. [BJ00], For example, a system might learn that a certain
[RKB04], [PS07] describe systems which work in an position of the image is most of the time “sky”
interactive mode. while another position is most of the time “road”.

P2 The manually labeled images could have a more segmentation, every image needs to be processed within
coarse labeling. For example, a human classifier 20 ms [BKTT15]. This time is called latency.
could have labeled a region as “car” and the Most papers do not give exact values for the time
algorithm could have split that region into the their application needs. One reason might be that this is
general “car” and the more specific “wheel of a very hardware, implementation and in some cases even
car” data specific. For example, [HJBJ+ 96] notes that their
Three accuracy metrics which do not suffer from algorithm needs 10 s on a Sun SparcStation 20. The
problem P1 are used in [LSD14]: fastest CPU ever produced for this system had 200 MHz.
• mean accuracy: k ·
Pk nii Comparing this directly with results which were ob-
i=1 ti ∈ [0, 1]
• mean intersection over union:
tained using an Intel i7-4820K with 3.9 GHz would not
Pk nP be meaningful.
k · i=1 ti −nii + k nji ∈ [0, 1]
j=1 However, it does still make sense to mention the
• frequency weighted intersection over union:
Pk −1 Pk nP
execution time as well as the hardware in individual
( i=1 ti ) i=1 ti · t −n + k n ∈ [0, 1]
i ii j=1 ji
papers. This gives the interested reader the possibility to
Another problem might be pixels which cannot be estimate how difficult it might be to adjust the algorithm
assigned to one of the known classes. For this reason, to work in the required time-constraints.
[SWRC06] makes use of a void class. This class gets Besides the latency, the throughput is another
completely ignored for all quality measures. Hence the relevant characteristic of algorithms and implementa-
total number of pixels is assumed to be width · height − tions for semantic segmentation. For example, for the
number of void pixels. automatic description of images in order to enable text
One way to deal with problem P1 and problem P2 search the throughput is of much higher importance
is giving the confusion matrix as done in [SWRC06]. than latency.
However, this approach is not feasible if many classes 3) Stability: A reasonable requirement on semantic
are given. segmentation algorithms is the stability of a segmen-
The F -measure is useful for binary classifica- tation over slight changes in the input image. When
tion task such as the KITTI road segmentation the image data is sightly blurred by smoke such as
benchmark [FKG13] or crypt segmentation as done in Figure 4(c), the segmentation should not change.
by [CRSS14]. It is calculated as “the harmonic mean Also, two images which show a slight change in
of the precision and recall” [PH05]: perspective should also only result in slight changes in
tp the segmentation [PH05].
Fβ = (1 + β)2 4) Memory usage: Peak memory usage matters
(1 + β 2 ) · tp + β 2 · fn + fp
when segmentation algorithms are used in devices like
where β = 1 is chosen in most cases and tp means smartphones or cameras, or when the algorithms have
true positive, fn means false negative and fp means to finish in a given time frame, run on the graphics
false positive. processing unit (GPU) and consume so much memory
Finally, it should be noted that a lot of other measures for single image segmentation that only the latest
for the accuracy of segmentations were proposed for graphic cards can be used. However, no publication
non-semantic segmentation. One of those accuracy were available mentioning the peak memory usage.
measures is Normalized Probabilistic Rand (NPR)
index which was introduced in [UPH05] and eval-
B. Datasets
uated in [CSI+ 09] on dermoscopy images. Other
non-semantic segmentation measures were introduced The computer vision community produced a couple
in [MFTM01], but the reason for creating them seems to of different datasets which are publicly available. In
be to deal with the under-defined task description of non- the following, only the most widely used ones as well
semantic segmentation. These accuracy measures try to as three medical databases are described. An overview
deal with different levels of coarsity of the segmentation. over the quantity and the kind of data is given by
This is much less of a problem in semantic segmentation Table I.
and thus those measures are not explained here. 1) PASCAL VOC: The PASCAL1 VOC2 challenge
2) Speed: A maximum upper bound on the execution was organized eight times with different datasets:
time for the inference on a single image is a hard Once every year from 2005 to 2012 [EVGW+ b].
requirement for some applications. For example, in the 1 pattern analysis, statistical modelling and computational learning,
case of autonomous cars an algorithm which classifies an EU network of excellence
pixel as street or no-street and thus makes a semantic 2 Visual Object Classes

Beginning with 2007, a segmentation challenge was Training

added [EVGW+ a]. Prediction
The dataset consists of annotated photographs from
Preprocessing Data, a photo sharing website. There are
multiple challenges for PASCAL VOC. The 2012 Feature extraction augmentation
competition had five challenges of which one is a
segmentation challenge where a single class label was
given for each pixel. The classes are: aeroplane, bicycle, Window Window-wise Post-
bird, boat, bottle, bus, car, cat, chair, cow, dining table, extraction Classification processing
dog, horse, motorbike, person, potted plant, sheep, sofa,
train, tv/monitor. Figure 2: A typical segmentation pipeline gets raw
Although no new competitions will be held, new pixel data, applies preprocessing techniques
algorithms can be evaluated on the 2010, 2011 and like scaling and feature extraction like HOG
2012 data via features. For training, data augmentation
The PASCAL VOC segmentation challenges use the techniques such as image rotation can be
segmentation over union criterion (see Section III-A). applied. For every single image, patches of
2) MSRCv2: Microsoft Research has published a the image called windows are extracted and
database of 591 photographs with pixel-level annotation those windows are classified. The resulting
of 21 classes: aeroplane, bike, bird, boat, body, book, semantic segmentation can be refined by
building, car, cat, chair, cow, dog, face, flower, grass, simple morphologic operations or by more
road, sheep, sign, sky, tree, water. Additionally, there complex approaches such as Markov Random
is a void label for pixels which do not belong to Fields (MRFs).
any of the 21 classes or which are close to the
segmentation boundary. This allows a “rough and quick
hand-segmentation which does not align exactly with
the object boundaries” [SWRC06]. IV. S EGMENTATION P IPELINE
3) Medical Databases: The Warwick-QU Dataset
consists of 165 images with pixel-level annotation of
5 classes: “healthy, adenomatous, moderately differen- Typically, semantic segmentation is done with a
tiated, moderately-to-poorly differentiated, and poorly classifier which operates on fixed-size feature inputs
differentiated” [CSM09]. This dataset is part of the and a sliding-window approach [DT05], [YBCK10],
Gland Segmentation (GlaS) challenge. [SCZ08]. This means a classifier is trained on images
The DIARETDB1 [KKV+ 14] is a dataset of 89 im- of a fixed size. The trained classifier is then fed with
ages fundus images. Those images show the interior rectangular regions of the image which are called win-
surface of the eye. Fundus images can be used to detect dows. Although the classifier gets an image patch of e.g.
diabetic retinopathy. The images have four classes of 51 px × 51 px of the environment, it might only classify
coarse annotations: hard and soft exudates, hemorrhages the center pixel or a subset of the complete window.
and red small dots. This segmentation pipeline is visualized in Figure 2.
20 test and additionally 20 training retinal fun- This approach was taken by [BKTT15] and a major-
dus images are available through the DRIVE data ity of the VOC2007 participants [EVGW+ a]. As this
set [SAN+ 04]. The vessels were annotated. Addition- approach has to apply the patch classifier 512 · 512 =
ally, [AP11] added vascular features. 262 144 times for images of size 512 px × 512 px, there
The Open-CAS Endoscopic Datasets [MHMK+ 14] are techniques for speeding it up such as applying a
are 60 images taken from laparoscopic adrenalectomies stride and interpolating the results.
and 60 images taken from laparoscopic pancreatic
resections. Those are from 3 surgical procedures each. Neural networks are able to apply the sliding window
Half of the data was annotated by a medical expert for approach in a very efficient way by handling a trained
“medial instrument” and “no medical instrument”. All network as a convolution and applying the convolution
images were labeled by anonymous untrained workers on the complete image.
to which they refer to as knowledge workers (KWs). However, there are alternatives. Namely MRFs and
One crowd annotation was obtained for each image by Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) which take the
a majority vote on a pixel basis of 10 segmentations information of the complete image and segment it in
given by 10 different KWs. an holistic approach.

V. T RADITIONAL A PPROACHES the directions is calculated for each patch. HOG features
Image segmentation algorithms which use traditional were proposed in [DT05] and are used in [BMBM10],
approaches, hence don’t apply neural networks and [FGMR10] for segmentation tasks.
make heavy use of domain knowledge, are wide-spread 3) SIFT: Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)
in the computer vision community. Features which can feature descriptors describe keypoints in an image. The
be used for segmentation are described in Section V-A, image patch of the size 16 × 16 around the keypoint
a very brief overview of unsupervised, non-semantic is taken. This patch is divided in 16 distinct parts of
segmentation is given in Section V-B, Random Decision the size 4 × 4. For each of those parts a histogram of
Forests are described in Section V-C, Markov Random 8 orientations is calculated similar as for HOG features.
Fields in Section V-E and Support Vector Machines This results in a 128-dimensional feature vector for
(SVMs) in Section V-D. Postprocessing is covered in each keypoint.
Section V-G. It should be emphasized that SIFT is a global feature
It should be noted that algorithms can use combina- for a complete image.
tion of methods. For example, [TNL14] makes use of a SIFT is described in detail in [Low04] and are used
combination of a SVM and a MRF. Also, auto-encoders in [PTN09].
can be used to learn features which in turn can be used 4) BOV: Bag-of-visual-words (BOV), also called
by any classifier. bag of keypoints, is based on vector quantization.
Similar to HOG features, BOV features are histograms
which count the number of occurrences of certain
A. Features and Preprocessing methods patterns within a patch of the image. BOV are described
The choice of features is very important in traditional in [CDF+ 04] and used in combination with SIFT
approaches. The most commonly used local and global feature descriptors in [CP08].
features are explained in the following as well as feature 5) Poselets: Poselets rely on manually added extra
dimensionality reduction algorithms. keypoints such as “right shoulder”, “left shoulder”,
1) Pixel Color: Pixel color in different image spaces “right knee” and “left knee”. They were originally
(e.g. 3 features for RGB, 3 features for HSV, 1 feature used for human pose estimation. Finding those extra
for the gray-value) are the most widely used features. A keypoints is easily possible for well-known image
typical image is in the RGB color space, but depending classes like humans. However, it is difficult for classes
on the classifier and the problem another color space like airplanes, ships, organs or cells where the human
might result in better segmentations. RGB, YcBcr, HSL, annotators do not know the keypoints. Additionally, the
Lab and YIQ are some examples used by [CRSS14]. keypoints have to be chosen for every single class. There
No single color space has been proven to be superior are strategies to deal with those problems like viewpoint-
to all others in all contexts [CJSW01]. However, the dependent keypoints. Poselets were used in [BMBM10]
most common choices seem to be RGB and HSI. to detect people and in [BBMM11] for general object
Reasons for choosing RGB is simplicity and the support detection of the PASCAL VOC dataset.
by programming languages, whereas the choice of 6) Textons: A texton is the minimal building block
the HSI color space might make it simpler for the of vision. The computer vision literature does not give a
classifier to become invariant to illumination. One strict definition for textons, but edge detectors could be
reason for choosing CIE-L*a*b* color space is that it one example. One might argue that deep learning tech-
approximates human perception of brightness [KP92]. niques with Convolution Neuronal Networks (CNNs)
It follows that choosing the L*a*b color space helps learn textons in the first filters.
algorithms to detect structures which are seen by An excellent explanation of textons can be found
humans. Another way of improving the structure within in [ZGWX05].
an image is histogram equalization, which can be 7) Dimensionality Reduction: High-resolution im-
applied to improve contrast [PAA+ 87], [RM07]. ages have a lot of pixels. Having one or more feature per
2) Histogram of oriented Gradients: Histogram of pixel results in well over a million features. This makes
oriented gradients (HOG) features interpret the image training difficult while the higher resolution might not
as a discrete function I : N2 → { 0, . . . , 255 } which contain much more information. A simple approach
maps the position (x, y) to a color. For each pixel, there to deal with this is downsampling the high-resolution
are two gradients: The partial derivative of x and y. image to a low-resolution variant. Another way of
Now the original image is transformed to two feature doing dimensionality reduction is principal component
maps of equal size which represents the gradient. These analysis (PCA), which is applied by [COWR11]. The
feature maps are splitted into patches and a histogram of idea behind PCA is to find a hyperplane on which all

feature vectors can be projected with a minimal loss The 4-neighborhood (north, east, south west) or an 8-
of information. A detailed description of PCA is given neighborhood (north, north-east, east, south-east, south,
by [Smi02]. south-west, west, north-west) are plausible choices.
One problem of PCA is the fact that it does not One way to cut the edges is by building a minimum
distinguish different classes. This means it can happen spanning tree and removing edges above a threshold.
that a perfectly linearly separable set of feature vectors This threshold can either be constant, adapted to the
becomes not separable at all after applying PCA. graph or adjusted by the user. After the edge-cutting
There are many other techniques for dimensionality step, the connected components are the segments.
reduction. An overview and a comparison over some A graph-based method which ranked 2nd in the
of them is given by [vdMPvdH09]. Pascal VOC 2010 challenge [EVGW+ 10] is described
in [CS10]. The system makes heavy use of the multi-
cue contour detector globalPb [MAFM08] and needs
B. Unsupervised Segmentation about 10 GB of main memory [CS11].
Unsupervised segmentation algorithms can be used 3) Random Walks: Random walks belong to the
in supervised segmentation as another source of infor- graph-based image segmentation algorithms. Random
mation or to refine a segmentation. While unsupervised walk image segmentation usually works as follows:
segmentation algorithms can never be semantic, they are Seed points are placed on the image for the different
well-studied and deserve at least a very brief overview. objects in the image. From every single pixel, the
Semantic segmentation algorithms store information probability to reach the different seed points by a
about the classes they were trained to segment while random walk is calculated. This is done by taking
non-semantic segmentation algorithms try to detect image gradients as described in Section V-A for HOG
consistent regions or region boundaries. features. The class of the pixel is the class of which a
1) Clustering Algorithms: Clustering algorithms can seed point will be reached with highest probability. At
directly be applied on the pixels, when one gives a first, this is an interactive segmentation method, but it
feature vector per pixel. Two clustering algorithms are can be extended to be non-interactive by using another
k-means and the mean-shift algorithm. segmentation methods output as seed points.
The k-means algorithm is a general-purpose cluster- 4) Active Contour Models: Active contour models
ing algorithm which requires the number of clusters to (ACMs) are algorithms which segment images roughly
be given beforehand. Initially, it places the k centroids along edges, but also try to find a border which is
randomly in the feature space. Then it assigns each smooth. This is done by defining a so called energy
data point to the nearest centroid, moves the centroid function which will be minimized. They were initially
to the center of the cluster and continues the process described in [KWT88]. ACMs can be used to segment
until a stopping criterion is reached. A faster variant is an image or to refine segmentation as it was done
described in [Har75]. in [AM98] for brain MR images.
k-means was applied by [CLP98] for medical image 5) Watershed Segmentation: The watershed algo-
segmentation. rithm takes a grayscale image and interprets it as a
Another clustering algorithm is the mean-shift algo- height map. Low values are catchment basins and
rithm which was introduced by [CM02] for segmen- the higher values between two neighboring catchment
tation tasks. The algorithm finds the cluster centers basins is the watershed. The catchment basins should
by initializing centroids at random seed points and contain what the developer wants to capture. This
iteratively shifting them to the mean coordinate within implies that those areas must be dark on grayscale
a certain range. Instead of taking a hard range constraint, images. The algorithm starts to fill the basins from
the mean can also be calculated by using any kernel. the lowest point. When two basins are connected, a
This effectively applies a weight to the coordinates watershed is found. The algorithm stops when the
of the points. The mean shift algorithm finds cluster highest point is reached.
centers at positions with a highest local density of A detailed description of the watershed segmentation
points. algorithm is given in [RM00].
2) Graph Based Image Segmentation: Graph-based The watershed segmentation was used in [JLD03] to
image segmentation algorithms typically interpret pixels segment white blood cells. As the authors describe,
as vertices and an edge weight is a measure of the segmentation by watershed transform has two
dissimilarity such as the difference in color [FH04], flaws: Over-segmentation due to local minima and thick
[Fel]. There are several different candidates for edges. watersheds due to plateaus.

C. Random Decision Forests 1) If data is linearly separable, it can be separated

Random Decision Forests were first proposed by a hyperplane. There is one hyperplane which
in [Ho95]. This type of classifier applies techniques maximizes the distance to the next datapoints
called ensemble learning, where multiple classifiers (support vectors). This hyperplane should be taken:
are trained and a combination of their hypotheses is
used. One ensemble learning technique is the random minimize kwk2
subspaces method where each classifier is trained
w,b 2
on a random subspace of the feature space. Another s.t. ∀m
i=1 yi · (hw, xi i + b) ≥ 1
| {z }
ensemble learning technique is bagging, which is sgn applied to this gives the classification
training the trees on random subsets of the training set.
2) Even if the underlying process which generates the
In the case of Random Decision Forests, the classifiers
features for the two classes is linearly separable,
are decision trees. A decision tree is a tree where each
noise can make the data not separable. The intro-
inner node uses one or more features to decide in which
duction of slack variables to relax the requirement
branch to descend. Each leaf is a class.
of linear separability solves this problem. The
One strength of Random Decision Forests compared
trade-off between accepting some errors and a
to many other classifiers like SVMs and neural networks
more complex model is weighted by a parameter
is that the scale of measure of the features (nominal,
C ∈ R+ 0 . The bigger C, the more errors are
ordinal, interval, ratio) can be arbitrary. Another advan-
accepted. The new optimization problem is:
tage of Random Decision Forests compared to SVMs,
for example, is the speed of training and classification. m
1 X
Decision trees were extensively studied in the past minimize kwk2 + C · ξi
w 2 i=1
20 years and a multitude of training algorithms have
been proposed (e.g. ID3 in [Qui86], C4.5 in [Qui93]). s.t. ∀m
i=1 yi · (hw, xi i + b) ≥ 1 − ξi
Possible training hyperparameters are the measure to Note that 0 ≤ ξi ≤ 1 means that the data point
evaluate the “goodness of split” [Min89], the number of is within the margin, whereas ξi ≥ 1 means it is
decision trees being used, and if the depth of the trees misclassified. An SVM with C > 0 is also called
is restricted. Typically in the context of classification, a soft-margin SVM.
decision trees are trained by adding new nodes until 3) The primal problem is to find the normal vector
each leaf contains only nodes of a single class or until it w and the bias b. The dual problem is to express
is not possible to split further. This is called a stopping w as a linear combination of the training data xi :
There are two typical training modes: Central axis X
projection and perceptron training. In training, for w= αi yi xi
each node a hyperplane is searched which is optimal
according to an error function. where yi ∈ { −1, 1 } represents the class of the
Random Decision Forests with texton features (see training example and αi are Lagrange multipliers.
Section V-A6) are applied in [SJC08] for segmentation. The usage of Lagrange multipliers is explained
In the [MSC] dataset, they report a per-pixel accuracy with some examples in [Smi04]. The usage of the
rate of 66.9 % for their best system. This system Lagrange multipliers αi changes the optimization
requires 415 ms for the segmentation of 320 px×213 px problem depend on the αi which are weights for
images on a single 2.7 GHz core. On the Pascal the feature vectors. It turns out that most αi will
VOC 2007 dataset, they report an average per-pixel be zero. The non-zero weighted vectors are called
accuracy for their best segmentation system of 42 %. support vectors.
An excellent introduction to Random Decision The optimization problem is now, according
Forests for semantic segmentation is given by [SCZ08]. to [Bur98]:
m m m
X 1 XX
D. SVMs maximize αi − αi αj yi yj hxi , xj i
αi 2 i=1 j=1
SVMs are well-studied binary classifiers which can i=1
be described by five central ideas. For those ideas, the s.t. ∀m
i=1 0 ≤ αi ≤ C
training data is represented as (xi , yi ) where xi is the Xm
feature vector and yi ∈ { −1, 1 } the binary label for s.t. αi yi = 0
training example i ∈ { 1, . . . , m }. i=1

4) Not every dataset is linearly separable. This prob- y7 y8 y9

lem is approached by transforming the feature x7 x8 x9
vectors x with a non-linear mapping Φ into y4 y5 y6
a higher dimensional (probably ∞-dimensional) x4 x5 x6
space. As the feature vectors x are only used y1 y2 y3
within scalar product hxi , xj i, it is not necessary x1 x2 x3
to do the transformation. It is enough to do the
calculation Figure 3: CRF with 4-neighborhood. Each node xi
represents a pixel and each node yi represents
K(xi , xj ) = hxi , xj i a label.
This function K is called a kernel. The idea of
never explicitly transforming the vectors xi to the
higher dimensional space is called the kernel trick. gets labeled as shown in Figure 3. For example, a MRF
Common kernels include the polynomial kernel which is trained on images of the size 224 px×224 pixel
and gets the raw RGB values as features has
KP (xi , xj ) = (hxi , xj i + r)p
| ·{z
224 224 · 3} + |224{z
· 224} = 200 704
of degree p and coefficient r, the Gaussian radial input output
basis function (RBF) kernel
random variables. Those random variables are condi-
−γkxi −xj k2
KGauss (xi , xj ) = e 2σ 2 tionally independent, given their local neighborhood.
These (in)dependencies can be expressed with a graph.
and the sigmoid kernel Let G = (V, E) be the associated undirected graph
Ktanh (xi , xj ) = tanh(γhxi , xj i − r) of an MRF and C be the set of all maximal cliques in
that graph. Nodes represent random variables x, y and
where the parameter γ determines how much edges represent conditional dependencies. Just like in
influence single training examples have. he 4-neighborhood [SWRC06] and the 8-neighborhood
5) The described SVMs can only distinguish between are reasonable choices for constructing the graph.
two classes. Common strategies to expand those Typically, random variables y represent the class of a
binary classifiers to multi-class classification is single pixel, random variables x represent a pixel values
the one-vs-all and the one-vs-one strategy. In the and edges represent pixel neighborhood in computer
one-vs-all strategy n classifiers have to be trained vision problems segmentation problems where MRFs
which can distinguish one of the n classes against are used. Accordingly, the random variables y live
all other classes. In the one-vs-one strategy n 2−n on 1, . . . , nr of classes and the random variables x
classifiers are trained; one classifier for each pair typically live on 0, . . . , 255 or [0, 1].
of classes. The probability of x, y can be expressed as
A detailed description of SVMs can be found 1
in [Bur98]. P (x, y) = e−E(x,y)
SVMs are used by [YHRF12] on the 2009 and 2010
PASCAL segmentation challenge [EVGW+ 10]. They where Z = x,y e is a normalization term
did not hand their classifier in to the challenge itself, called the partition function and E is called the energy
but calculated an average rank of 7 among the different function. A common choice for the energy function is
categories. X
[FGMR10] also used an SVM based method with E(x, y) = ψc (x, y)
HOG features and achieved the 7th rank in the 2010
PASCAL segmentation challenge by mean accuracy. It where ψ is called a clique potential. One choice for
needs about 2 s on a 2.8 GHz 8-core Intel processor. cliques of size two x, y = (x1 , x2 ) is [KP06]
+w if x1 6= x2
E. Markov Random Fields ψc (x1 , x2 ) = wδ(x1 , x2 ) =
−w if x1 = x2
MRFs are undirected probabilistic graphical models
which are wide-spread model in computer vision. The According to [Mur12], the most common way of
overall idea of MRFs is to assign a random variable for inference over the posterior MRF in computer vision
each feature and a random variable for each pixel which problems is Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation.

Detailed introductions to MRFs are given by VI. N EURAL N ETWORKS FOR S EMANTIC
[BKR11], [Mur12]. MRFs are used by [ZBS01] and S EGMENTATION
[MSB12] for image segmentation. Artificial neural networks are classifiers which are
inspired by biologic neurons. Every single artificial
F. Conditional Random Fields neuron has some inputs which are weighted and sumed
CRFs are MRFs where all clique potentials are up. Then, the neuron applies a so called activation
conditioned on input features [Mur12]. This means, function to the weighted sum and gives an output. Those
instead of learning the distribution P (y, x), the task neurons can take either a feature vector as input or the
is reformulated to learn the distribution P (y|x). One output of other neurons. In this way, they build up
consequence of this reformulation is that CRFs need feature hierarchies.
much less parameters as the distribution of x does The parameters they learn are the weights w ∈ R.
not have to be estimated. Another advantage of CRFs They are learned by gradient descent. To do so, an error
compared to MRFs is that no distribution assumption function — usually cross-entropy or mean squared error
about x has to be made. — is necessary. For the gradient descent algorithm, one
sees the labeled training data as given, the weights
A CRF has the partition function Z:
X as variables and the error function as a surface in
Z(x) = P (x, y) this weight-space. Minimizing the error function in the
y weight space adapts the neural network to the problem.
and joint probability distribution There are lots of ideas around neural networks like
regularization, better optimization algorithms, automat-
1 Y ically building up architectures, design choices for
P (y|x) = ψc (yc |x)
Z(x) activation functions. This is not explained in detail here,
but some of the mayor breakthroughs are outlined.
The simplest way to define the clique potentials ψ is CNNs are neural networks which learn image filters.
the count of the class yc given x added with a positive They drastically reduce the number of parameters which
smoothing constant to prevent the complete term from have to be learned while being still general enough for
getting zero. the problem domain of images. This was shown by Alex
CRFs as described in [LRKT09] have reached top Krizhevsky et al. in [KSH12]. One major idea was a
performance in PASCAL VOC 2010 [VOC10] and clever regularization called dropout training, which set
are also used in [HZCP04], [SWRC06] for semantic the output of neurons while training randomly to zero.
segmentation. Another contribution was the usage of an activation
A method similar to CRFs was proposed function called rectified linear unit:
in [GBVdW+ 10]. The system of Gonfaus
ranked 1st by mean accuracy in the segmentation task ϕReLU (x) = max(0, x)
of the PASCAL VOC 2010 challenge [EVGW 10]. Those are much faster to train than the commonly used
An introduction to CRFs is given by [SM11]. sigmoid activation functions
G. Post-processing methods ϕSigmoid (x) = −x
e +1
Post-processing refine a found segmentation and Krizhevsky et al. implemented those ideas and partici-
remove obvious errors. For example, the morphological pated in the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition
operations opening and closing can remove noise. The Challenge (ILSVRC). The best other system, which
opening operation is a dilation followed by a erosion. used SIFT features and Fisher Vectors, had a perfor-
This removes tiny segments. The closing operation is a mance of about 25.7 % while the network by Alex
erosion followed by a dilation. This removes tiny gaps Krizhevsky et al. got 17.0 % error rate on the ILSVRC-
in otherwise filled regions. They were used in [CLP98] 2010 dataset. As a preprocessing step, they downsam-
for biomedical image segmentation. pled all images to a fixed size of 256 px×256 px before
Another way of refinement of the found segmentation they fed the features into their network. This network
is by adjusting the segmentation to match close edges. is commonly known as AlexNet.
This was used in [BBMM11] with an ultra-metric Since AlexNet was developed, a lot of different
contour map [AMFM09]. neural networks have been proposed. One interesting
Active contour models are another example of a example is [PC13], where a recurrent CNN for semantic
post-processing method [KWT88]. segmentation is presented.

Another notable paper is [LSD14]. The algorithm

presented there makes use of a classifying network such
as AlexNet, but applies the complete network as an
image filter. This way, each pixel gets a probability
distribution for each of the trained classes. By taking
the most likely class, a semantic segmentation can be
done with arbitrary image sizes.
A very recent publication by Dai et al. [DHS15] (a) Lens Flare (b) Vignetting
showed that segmentation with much deeper networks Image by [Hus07] Image by [Man12]
is possible and achieves better results.
More detailed explanations to neural networks for
visual recognition is given by [LKJ15].


Different segmentation workflows have different
(c) Smoke by cauterization (d) Camouflage
problems. However, there are a couple of special cases Image by [GVSY13] Image by [Kaf07]
which should be tested. Those cases might not occur
often in the training data, but it could still happen in
the productive system.
I am not aware of any systematic work which exam-
ined the influence of problems such as the following.

A. Lens Flare
Lens flare is the effect of light getting scattered in (e) Transparency (f) Viewpoint
the lens system of the camera. The testing data set of
the KITTI road evaluation benchmark [FKG13] has a Figure 4: Examples of images which might cause
couple of photos with this problem. Figure 4(a) shows semantic segmentation systems to fail.
an extreme example of lens flare.

B. Vignetting 2) Camouflage: Some objects, like animals in the

wild, actively try to hide (see Figure 4(d) as an example).
Vignetting is the effect of a photograph getting darker
In other cases it might just be bad luck that objects
in the corners. This can have many reasons, for example
are hard for humans to detect. This problem has two
filters on the camera blocking light at the corners.
interesting aspects: On the one hand, the segmenting
system might suffer from the same problems as humans
C. Blurred images do. On the other hand, the segmenting system might be
Images can be blurred for a couple of reasons. A better than humans are, but it is forced to learn from
problem with the lenses mechanics, focusing on the images labeled by humans. If the labels are wrong, the
wrong point, too quick movement, smoke or foam. One system is forced to learn something wrong.
example of a blurred image is Figure 4(c), which was 3) Semi-transparent Occlusion: Some objects like
taken during an in vivo porcine procedure of diaphragm drinking glasses can be visible and still leave the object
dissection. The smoke was caused by cauterization. behind them visible as shown in Figure 4(e). This is
mainly a definition problem: Is the seen pixel the glass
D. Other Problems label or the smartphone label?
If the following effects can occur at all and if they 4) Viewpoints: Changes in viewpoints can be a
are problems depends heavily on the problem domain problem, if they don’t occur in the training data. For
and the used model. example, an image captioning system which was trained
1) Partial Occlusions: Segmentation systems which on photographs of professional photographers might
employ a model of the objects which should be not have photos from the point of view of a child. This
segmented might suffer from partial occlusions. is visualized in Figure 4(f).


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Number Number
Database Image Resolution (width × height) of of Channels Data source
Images Classes
Colon Crypt DB (302 px − 1116 px) × (349 px − 875 px) 389 2 3 [CRSS]
DIARETDB1 1500 px × 1500 px 89 4 3 [KKV+ 14]
KITTI Road (1226 px − 1242 px) × (370 px − 376 px) 289 2 3 [FKG13]
MSRCv1 (213 px − 320 px) × (213 px − 320 px) 240 9 3 [MSR]
MSRCv2 (213 px − 320 px) × (162 px − 320 px) 591 23 3 [MSR]
Open-CAS Endoscopic Datasets 640 px × 480 px 120 2 3 [MHMK+ 14]
PASCAL VOC 2012 (142 px − 500 px) × ( 71 px − 500 px) 2913 20 3 [EVGW+ 12]
Warwick-QU (567 px − 775 px) × (430 px − 522 px) 165 5 3 [CSM09]

Table I: An overview over publicly available image databases with a semantic segmentation ground trouth.

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