Time-Frequency Duality: Note: If We Consider Then We Don't Consider

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Time-Frequency Duality

* Note: If we consider then we don’t consider

308201- Communication Systems 19

Symmetry Property

• Consider the Fourier transform pair



308201- Communication Systems 20

Scaling Property

• Consider the Fourier transform pair



308201- Communication Systems 21

Time-Shifting Property

• Consider the Fourier transform pair

• Time shifting introduces phase shift


308201- Communication Systems 22

Frequency-Shifting Property

• Consider the Fourier transform pair

• Exponential Multiplication introduces frequency shift


• Cosine multiplication leads to

308201- Communication Systems 23

Frequency-Shifting Property

308201- Communication Systems 24


• The convolution of two functions and is given as

• Consider two waveforms


• Convolution in time domain

• Convolution in frequency domain

308201- Communication Systems 25

Time Differentiation and
Time Integration
• Consider the Fourier transform relationship

• The following relationship exists for integration

• The following relationship exists for differentiation

308201- Communication Systems 26

Important Fourier Transform Operation

308201- Communication Systems 27

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