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Rate Analysis 071/072

SN GoN:5/2-(1) Earthwork in excavation for foundation in soft soil 1Cum
1 S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1 Labour : Uskd 0.7 Md 350 245
sub-Total 245
2 Tools and Plants 7.35
Total(UG) 252.35
CP 37.8525
Total 290.20 8.22
2 GoN:39/6-(5) Boulder Soling in Foundation 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 1.50 Md 350.00 525.00
2.00 Mterial : Boulder 1.20 cum 870.03 1044.03
sub-Total(UG) 1569.03
CP 235.35
Total 1804.39 51.09
3 GoN:2/25-Ka Filling with ordinary soil compaction includes the work such as providing laying and compacting the soil with watering 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 0.25 Md 350.00 87.50
2.00 Mterial : Mud cum 0.00 0.00
sub-Total(UG) 87.50
CP 13.13
Total 100.63 2.85
4 GoN:46/7-(4)Kha 1:1.5:3RCC for super-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.80 Md 550.00 440.00
Uskd 7.00 Md 350.00 2450.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.40 mt 16116.33 6446.53
Aggregate 0.86 cum 1706.18 1467.31
Sand 0.43 cum 806.18 342.62
sub-Total(UG) 11146.47
CP 1671.97
Total 12818.44 362.98
5 Stone Masonry with 1:4 c/s mortar 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 550.00 825.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 350.00 1750.00
2.00 Mterial : Stone 1.10 Cum 870.03 957.03
Cement 0.16 mt 16116.33 2562.50
Sand 0.45 cum 806.18 362.78
sub-Total 6457.31
CP 968.60
Total 7425.90 210.28
6 GoN:47/7-(5) Steel bar bending, cutting, binding, placing etc complete 1mT
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 550.00 6600.00
Uskd 12.00 Md 350.00 4200.00
3.00 Mterial : Steel bar 1.05 mt 93616.33 98297.15
Binding wire 10.00 kG 125.00 1250.00
sub-Total(UG) 110347.15
CP 16552.07
Total 126899.22
Total per kG 126.90
7 GoN:55/(2)Ka Formwork for slab, beam, etc (Wooden) 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.72 Md 550.00 946.00
Uskd 2.57 Md 350.00 899.50
2.00 Mterial :Ordinary wood 0.53 Cum 6666.67 3506.67
Iron nail 2.50 kG 140.00 350.00
sub-Total(UG) 5702.17
CP 855.33
Total 6557.49
Total per sqm 655.75 60.92
8 GoN:44/7-(2)ga 1:3:6 PCC for sub-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 550.00 550.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 350.00 1400.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.22 mt 16116.33 3545.59
Agrigate 0.65 cum 1706.18 1109.01
Sand 0.24 cum 806.18 193.48
sub-Total(UG) 6798.09
CP 1019.71
Total 7817.80 221.38
9 GoN:14-(1)Ga pointing work with 1:3c/s mortar 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1 Labour : Skd 10.5 Md 550.00 5775.00
Uskd 12 Md 350.00 4200.00
2 Material; Cement 0.155 mt 16116.33 2498.03
Sand 0.32 cum 806.18 257.98
sub-Total 12731.01 11.83
CP 1909.65112
Total 14640.66
Total per sqm 146.41 13.60
Bheemdatt Municipality
Office of Municipal Executive
Mahendranager ,Kanchanpur
Sudar PashimProvince ,Nepal
Comparative Chart
Name of Project:-Toilet Block Construction Work
Location:-Sharaswati school
Municipality :- BhimDatt Municipality-02 Contract no: /Work/075/076
Mahara Construction
Estimated Zorba Construction Rashmi Builders Pvt.Ltd Remark
Service Pvt.Ltd.
S.N. Description Quantity Unit
Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount

1 Earth Work In Excavation Work 21.91 cum 396.55 8687.06 9.00 197.16 9.05 198.25 9.00 197.16

2 Stone Solling Work 6.37 cum 1828.57 11646.55 52.00 331.20 52.80 336.29 52.50 334.38

3 Pcc work (1:6) 2.17 cum 10184.15 22136.27 238.00 517.32 238.50 518.40 238.00 517.32

### #REF! #REF! ### #REF! #REF! 203.00 #REF! 204.00 #REF! 203.80 #REF!

4 Brick masonary Work(1:4) 6.58 Cum 11059.89 72749.41 324.00 2131.20 324.50 2134.49 324.40 2133.83

5 Plastering Work 24.84 sqm 289.39 7188.55 25.00 621.00 26.50 658.26 26.00 645.84

7 Punning Work 20.70 sqm 225.87 4675.48 20.00 414.00 20.90 432.63 20.50 424.35

8 PCC For RCC Work ( 1:2:4 ) 1.18 cum 11729.09 13786.96 348.00 409.06 349.90 411.29 349.50 410.82

9 Steel Rein-Forcement Bar work 101.86 Kg 116.90 11907.32 128.00 13038.21 129.80 13221.56 129.00 13140.08

10 Form Work 9.21 sqm 679.63 6259.38 65.00 598.65 66.00 607.86 66.00 607.86

### #REF! #REF! ### #REF! #REF! 1755.00 #REF! 1759.00 #REF! 1758.00 #REF!

11 ElectriFication Work #REF! ### #REF! #REF! 800.00 #REF! 819.00 #REF! 818.00 #REF!

Pipe Fitting , Procurement & Other

15 1.00 Job 3000.00 3000.00 2500.00 2500.00 2900.00 2900.00 2800.00 2800.00
Miscellenous Work

Sub total #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

VAT @13% #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Grand total #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Less or above than estimate in figure #REF! #REF! #REF!
Less or above than estimate in % #REF! #REF! #REF!
Ranking I III II
Bheemdatt Municipality
Office of Municipal Executive
Mahendranager ,Kanchanpur
Name of Project:-Toilet Block Construction Work
Location:-Sharaswati school
Municipality :- BhimDatt Municipality-02 F/Y 2075/076
Bill of Quantity
S.n. Description Qty. Unit In Figure In words Amount Remarks
1 Earth Work In Excavation Work 21.91 cum
2 Stone Solling Work 6.37 cum
3 Pcc work (1:6) 2.17 cum
### #REF! #REF! ###
4 Brick masonary Work(1:4) 6.58 Cum
5 Plastering Work 24.84 sqm
7 Punning Work 20.70 sqm
8 PCC For RCC Work ( 1:2:4 ) 1.18 cum
9 Steel Rein-Forcement Bar work 101.86 Kg
10 Form Work 9.21 sqm
### #REF! #REF! ###
11 ElectriFication Work #REF! ###
Pipe Fitting , Procurement & Other Miscellenous
15 Work 1.00 Job
Total Amount
VAT 13% 0.00
Grand Total Rs 0.00
In words:

Name of Firm:

Address of Firm:

Athorized Signature and Date :

Office Seal:

Rate analysis - 2075/076
Bhimdatt Municipality
Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Hexagonal mesh size 100x120mm Mrsh wire:-
1 10swg selvedge wire:-7swg, 12swg binding wire ( box size 3mx1mx1m) Per box

17-1.4,17- 5 and 17- 6 (DoLIDAR)

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.57 Md 650.00 370.50

Uskd 0.41 Md 450.00 184.50

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire 39.41 Kg. 100.00 3941.00

sub-Total(ug.) 4496.00

CP 674.40

Total rate per box Rs. 5170.40

per cum 1723.47

Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Hexagonal mesh size 100x120mm Mrsh wire:-
2 10swg selvedge wire:-7swg, 12swg binding wire ( box size 2mx1mx1m) Per box

17-1.4,17- 5 and 17- 6 (DoLIDAR)

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.39 Md 650.00 253.50

Uskd 0.29 Md 450.00 130.50

Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire

2 27.26 Kg. 100.00 2726.00

sub-Total(ug.) 3110.00

CP 466.50

Total rate per box Rs. 3576.50

per cum 1788.25

4 Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Hexagonal mesh size 100x120mm

Mrsh wire:-10swg selvedge wire:-7swg ( box size 3mx1mx.5m) Per box

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.39 Md 650.00 253.50

Uskd 0.2 Md 450.00 90.00

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire 26.89 Kg. 100.00 2689.00

sub-Total(ug.) 3032.50

CP 454.88

Total rate per box Rs. 3487.38

per cum 2324.92

5 Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Hexagonal mesh size 100x120mm

Mrsh wire:-10swg selvedge wire:-7swg, 12swg binding wire ( box size3mx1mx0.3m) Per box

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.32 Md 650.00 208.00

Uskd 0.25 Md 450.00 112.50

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire 23.3 Kg. 100.00 2330.00

sub-Total(ug.) 2650.50

CP 397.58

Total rate per box Rs. 3048.08

Average per cum 1945.54

3 Packing&filling of gabion crates with rubble stones at site .For 1.00 Cum. DOR(24.02.04)

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skilled 0.25 Md 650.00 162.50

Unskilledd 0.75 Md 450.00 337.50

2 Material:- boulder 1.1 cum 870.03 957.03

sub-Total(ug.) 1457.03

CP 218.55

Total rate per Cum Rs. 1675.58

F. Y. 2075/076
Earhten Road - Market Materials: First segment - BTR
Gravel Road - Other Materials: First segment - GR
Black Topped Road -
Haulage Distance (kM) Colltn Loading /Unloading (Md) Truck (Working Hr) Diesel(ltr.) Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost at Site (Rs)
SN Location Matrl to be Supplied Source unit
Total BT GR ER (Md) BT GR ER Sum BT GR ER Sum BT GR ER Sum at Source per Unit Cost Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24
1.Aggregates-River Bed Mahakali 10cum 9 9 0 0 30 1.51 0 0 1.51 3.25 0 0 3.25 17.12 0.00 0.00 17.12 0.00 17061.76 1706.18 1 cum
2.Sand Mahakali 10cum 9 9 0 0 10 1.51 0 0 1.51 3.25 0 0 3.25 17.12 0.00 0.00 17.12 0.00 8061.76 806.18 1cum
3.Stone/boulder Khola 10cum 9 9 0 0 10 1.81 0 0 1.81 3.84 0 0 3.84 19.99 0.00 0.00 19.99 0.00 8700.27 870.03 1cum
1 4.Cement(PPC NS marka) Mahendranagar 10 mt 1 1 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 1.59 0 0 1.59 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.33 160000.00 161163.30 805.82 1 bag (50 kG)
.Cement(OPC NS marka) Mahendranagar 10 mt 1 1 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 1.59 0 0 1.59 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.33 176000.00 177163.30 885.82 1bag (50 kG)
5.Mild Steel Mahendranagar 10 mt 1 1 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 1.59 0 0 1.59 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.33 935000.00 936163.30 93.62 1kG
6.Filter /Gravel Khola 10cum 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 4500.00 450.00 1 cum

Page 6 of 43
Detailed Analysis of Rates
F.Y. 2074/075
(4)Average excavating (Soft soil)
Activit Specs. (A) Labour Input (B) Material Input (C) Equipment Input
y No. Clause No. Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Hydraulic Excavator
Diesel Lit 0.127 64.91 8.26 ( 11 to 150 HP, upto Hr 0.013 1800 22.92

Unskilled nos. 0
Skilled nos. 0.2 0
T & P 3% 0
0 8.26 22.92
Total of A+B+C 31.18
Overhead 0.15 0.00
Total 31.18
E/W Excavation Skilled nos.
Rate analysis - 2075/076

Making Rectangular gabion box (3mx1.5mx0.75m) with two way knot including cutting of wires, netting etc. complete
mesh (100mm x 100mm), mesh wire 10SWG and elvedge wire 7 SWG including procurement of Gabion wire

Pre Box. GoN Norm: 16-9 a

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.70 Md 650.00 455.00

Uskd 0.44 Md 450.00 198.00

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire 33.30 Kg. 100.00 3330.00

sub-Total(ug.)/Box 3983.00

Rate/Sqm. 252.89

CP 597.45

Total rate per box Rs. 4580.45

Rate/Sqm. 290.82

1 Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Rectangular mesh size 150x150mm

Mrsh wire:-10swg selvedge wire:-7swg, 12swg binding wire ( box size 3mx1.5mx0.6m) Per box

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.50 Md 650.00 325.00

Uskd 0.20 Md 450.00 90.00

Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire

2 20 Kg. 100.00 2000.00

Sub total /per box 2415.00

Sub total /per sqm. 247.69 284.85

CP 362.25

Total rate per box Rs. 3024.94

4 Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Hexagonal mesh size 100x120mm

Mrsh wire:-10swg selvedge wire:-7swg ( box size 3mx1mx.5m) Per box

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.39 Md 650.00 253.50

Uskd 0.2 Md 450.00 90.00

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire 26.89 Kg. 100.00 2689.00

sub-Total(ug.) 3032.50

CP 454.88

Total rate per box Rs. 3487.38

per cum 2324.92

5 Fabrication of gabion boxes including rolling,cutting& weaving Hexagonal mesh size 100x120mm

Mrsh wire:-10swg selvedge wire:-7swg, 12swg binding wire ( box size3mx1mx0.3m) Per box

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.32 Md 650.00 208.00

Uskd 0.25 Md 450.00 112.50

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire 23.3 Kg. 100.00 2330.00

sub-Total(ug.) 2650.50

CP 397.58
Total rate per box Rs. 3048.08

Making Rectangular gabion box (3mx1.5mx1m) with two way knot including cutting of wires, netting etc.
complete mesh (100mm x 100mm), mesh wire 10SWG and elvedge wire 7 SWG including procurement of
1 Gabion wire

Pre Box. GoN Norm: 16-9 a

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skd 0.7 Md 650.00 455.00

Uskd 0.3 Md 450.00 135.00

2 Material:- Mesh wire+selvedge wire+ binding wire 36 Kg. 100.00 3600.00

sub-Total(ug.) 4190.00
CP 628.50

Total rate per box Rs. 4818.50

per cum 1241.48

2 Packing & filling of gabion crates with rubble stones at site .For 1.00 Cum. GoN Norm: 16-11

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks

1 Labour : Skilled

Skd 0.30 md 650.00 195.00

Unskilledd 0.75 Md 450.00 337.50

2 Material:- boulder 1 cum 870.03 870.03

sub-Total 1402.53 UG rate

CP 210.38

Total rate per Cum Rs. 1612.91

Rate Analysis 2075/76
SN GoN:5/2-(1) Earthwork in excavation for foundation in soft soil 1Cum
1 S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 0.60 Md 450.00 270.00
sub-Total 270.00
2.00 Tools and Plants 8.10
Total(UG) 278.10 7.87
CP 41.72
Total 319.82 9.06
2 GoN:39/6-(5) Boulder Soling in Foundation 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 1.50 Md 450.00 675.00
2.00 Mterial : Boulder 1.10 cum 870.03 957.03
sub-Total(UG) 1632.03 46.26
CP 244.80
Total 1876.83 53.15
3 GoN:2/25-Ka Filling with ordinary soil compaction includes the work such as providing laying and compacting
the soil with watering 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 0.25 Md 450.00 112.50
2.00 Mterial : Mud cum 0.00
sub-Total(UG) 112.50 3.19
CP 16.88
Total 129.38 3.66
4 GoN:44/7-(2)Gha 1:2:4 PCC for sub-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 650.00 650.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 450.00 1800.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.32 mt 16116.33 5157.23
Agrigate 0.86 cum 1706.18 1458.78
Sand 0.45 cum 806.18 358.75
sub-Total(UG) 9424.75 266.88
CP 1413.71
Total 10838.47 306.91
5 GoN:96/11-(1) 1:2:4 Cement concrete flooring work with punning 10sqm.
a) 50mm.(2'') thick
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.25 Md 650.00 812.50
Uskd 2.50 Md 450.00 1125.00
2.00 Material; cement 0.17 mt. 16116.33 2739.78
Sand 0.02 Cum 806.18 18.54
Aggregate 0.46 Cum 1706.18 784.84
Sub-Total(UG) 5480.66 509.17
CP 822.10
Total 6302.76
Total per sqm 6302.76 585.55
6 1 1/2" Thick 1:2:4 Cement concrete flooring work 1sqm.
SN Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour: Skd 0.125 md 650.00 81.25
Uskd 0.20 md 450.00 90.00
Material: Cement 0.013 mt 16116.33 209.51
Sand 0.018 cum 806.18 14.51
0.036 cum 1706.18 61.42
3 GoN:46/7-(4)Ga 1:2:4RCC for super-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.80 Md 650.00 520.00
Uskd 7.00 Md 450.00 3150.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.32 mt 16116.33 5157.23
Aggregate 0.89 cum 1706.18 1518.50
Sand 0.45 cum 806.18 358.75
sub-Total(UG) 10704.47
CP 1605.67
Total 12310.14 348.58
3 GoN:46/7-(4)Kha 1:1.5:3RCC for super-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.80 Md 650.00 520.00
Uskd 7.000 Md 450.00 3150.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.400 mt 16116.33 6446.53
Aggregate 0.860 cum 1706.18 1467.31
Sand 0.425 cum 806.18 342.62
sub-Total(UG) 11926.47 337.72
CP 1788.97
Total 13715.44 388.38
7 GoN:35/6-Ka-3 Stone Masonry with 1:6 c/s mortar 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 650.00 975.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 450.00 2250.00
2.00 Mterial : Stone 1.10 Cum 870.03 957.03
Cement 0.11 mt 16116.33 1708.33
Sand 0.47 cum 806.18 378.90
sub-Total 6269.26 177.70
CP 940.39
Total 7209.65 204.15
4 GoN:35/6-Ka-3 Stone Masonry with 1:4 c/s mortar 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 650.00 975.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 450.00 2250.00
2.00 Mterial : Stone 1.10 Cum 870.03 957.03
Cement 0.159 mt 16116.33 2562.50
Sand 0.45 cum 806.18 362.78
sub-Total 7107.31 201.45
CP 1066.10
Total 8173.40 231.44
4 GoN:32/5-(1)Kha2 Brick Masonry with 1:4 c/s mortar 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 650.00 975.00
Uskd 2.20 Md 450.00 990.00
2.00 Mterial : Brick 560.00 Nos 11.00 6160.00
Cement 0.10 mt 16116.33 1611.63
Sand 0.28 cum 806.18 225.73
sub-Total(UG) 9962.36 282.38
CP 1494.35
Total 11456.72 324.42
5 GoN:110/12-(1)Gha 12.5 mm thick plaster with 1:4 c/s mortar 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 650.00 7800.00
Uskd 16.00 Md 450.00 7200.00
2.00 Material; Cement 0.54 mt 16116.33 8670.59
Sand 1.46 cum 806.18 1177.02
sub-Total 24847.60 23.11
CP 3727.14
Total 28574.74
Total per sqm 285.75 26.55
11 GoN:110/12-(1)Gha 12.5 mm thick plaster with 1:6 c/s mortar 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 650.00 7800.00
Uskd 16.00 Md 450.00 7200.00
2.00 Material; Cement 0.38 mt 16116.33 6156.44
Sand 1.57 cum 806.18 1265.70
sub-Total 22422.13 20.86
CP 3363.32
Total 25785.45
Total per sqm 257.85 23.96

12 GoN:109/11-(20) 3mm.thick cement punning 10sqm

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 650.00 650.00
Uskd 1.00 Md 450.00 450.00
2.00 Material; cement 0.05 mt. 16116.33 857.39
Sub-Total(UG) 1957.39 18.21
CP 293.61
Total 2251.00
Total per sqm 225.10 20.91
6 GoN:47/7-(5) Steel bar bending, cutting, binding, placing etc complete 1mT
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 650.00 7800.00
Uskd 12.00 Md 450.00 5400.00
3.00 Mterial : Steel bar 1.05 mt 93616.33 98297.15
Binding wire 10.00 kG 125.00 1250.00
sub-Total(UG) 112747.15 112.75
CP 16912.07
Total 129659.22
Total per kG 129.66
7 GoN:55/(2)Ka Formwork for slab, beam, etc (Wooden) 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.72 Md 650.00 1118.00
Uskd 2.57 Md 450.00 1156.50
2.00 Mterial :Ordinary wood 0.53 Cum 6788.57 3570.79
Iron nail 2.50 kG 140.00 350.00
sub-Total(UG) 6195.29 57.63
CP 929.29
Total 7124.58
Total per sqm 712.46 66.19
15 GoN:75/10-(1) Wood work for Chaukhat ( Sal wood of 100mmX75mm section) 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 34.00 Md 650.00 22100.00
Uskd 3.40 Md 450.00 1530.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 1.10 Cum 174636.00 192099.60
Holdfast 92.00 No 110.00 10120.00
Screw 184.00 No 4.00 736.00
sub-Total(UG) 226585.60 6422.49
CP 33987.84
Total 260573.44 7378.62
16 GoN:76/10-(2) Wood work for pannelled shutture ( Sal wood ) 2.114sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 10.00 Md 650.00 6500.00
Uskd 1.00 Md 450.00 450.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 0.08 Cum 174636.00 14669.42
Hinge 100 mm 6.00 No 44.00 264.00
Chheskini 150 mm 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
250mm locking set 1.00 No 215.00 215.00
Handle (ordinary) 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
Screw 100.00 No 4.40 440.00
sub-Total(UG) 22738.42 1000.57
CP 3410.76
Total 26149.19
Total per sqm 12369.53 1149.17
17 GoN:76/10-(2) Wood work for glazed shutture ( Sal wood ) 2.23sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 9.00 Md 650.00 5850.00
Uskd 0.90 Md 450.00 405.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 0.05 Cum 174636.00 8557.16
4mm glass 1.09 sqm 645.00 699.83
Hinge 75 mm 8.00 No 35.00 280.00
Chheskini 100 mm 4.00 No 40.00 160.00
Handle (ordinary) 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
Screw 100.00 No 4.00 400.00
sub-Total(UG) 16451.99 686.29
CP 2467.80
Total 18919.79
Total per sqm 8484.21 788.21
18 GoN:76/10-(2) Wood work for G I Mosquito Proof Net ( Sal wood ) 2.245sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 5.00 Md 650.00 3250.00
Uskd 0.50 Md 450.00 225.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 0.03 Cum 174636.00 4540.54
24 gauge G I wiremesh 2.13 sqm 300.00 639.00
Hinge100 mm 3.00 No 44.00 132.00
Chheskini 150 mm 2.00 No 74.00 148.00
Handle (ordinary) 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
Screw 90.00 No 4.00 360.00
Spring 2.00 No 175.00 350.00
sub-Total 9744.54 403.77
CP 1461.68
Total 11206.22
Total per sqm 4991.63 463.74
HMG:24/(2)Kha 4.5 X 20 mm Fbricationing, Jointing and Placing iron Grills and cleaning with Khaski and
17 painting with aluminium paint. 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 5.00 Md 650.00 3250.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 450.00 2250.00
2.00 Grills 107.60 sqm 2.00 215.20
sub-Tota(UG) 5715.20
CP 857.28
Total 6572.48
Total per sqm 1829.03 169.92

GoN:13/(10)Kha Two coat colour washing with Prepared Plastic emultion paint on new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 650.00 7800.00
Uskd 8.00 Md 450.00 3600.00
Material; Prepareed Emultion
2.00 Paint(Light NS) 24.10 kG 413.00 9953.30
sub-Tota(UG) 21353.30 19.84
CP 3203.00
Total 24556.30
Total per sqm 245.56 22.81
20 GoN:116/(4)Kha Two coat colour washing with cement paint on new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 5.00 Md 650.00 3250.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 450.00 2250.00

2.00 Material; water proof cement paint 48.50 kG 58.00 2813.00

sub-Tota(UG) 8313.00 7.73
CP 1246.95
Total 9559.95
Total per sqm 95.60 8.88
21 GoN:117/13-(5)Ka,Kha,Ga Two coat enamel painting over one coat primer new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 650.00 7800.00
Uskd 8.00 Md 450.00 3600.00
2.00 Material; wood primer 8.10 Ltr 295.00 2389.50
Readymade enamel paint 16.00 Ltr 440.00 7040.00
sub-Total(UG) 20829.50 19.38
CP 3124.43
Total 23953.93
Total per sqm 239.54 22.25
22 GoN:117/13-(6) Two coat aluminium painting over one coat primer, new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 10.75 Md 650.00 6987.50
Uskd 10.75 Md 450.00 4837.50
2.00 Material; metal primer 8.10 Ltr 270.00 2187.00
Readymade aluminium paint 10.76 Ltr 440.00 4734.40
Sand paper 4.00 Nos 20.00 80.00
sub-Total(UG) 18826.40 17.51
CP 2823.96
Total 21650.36
Total per sqm 216.50 20.11
23 GoN:103/11-(7) Porcelene glazed tiling with 1:4 cement mortar 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 13.00 Md 650.00 8450.00
Uskd 4.50 Md 450.00 2025.00

Material; Porcelene glazed tile

2.00 11.00 sqm 624.08 6864.88
cement 0.056 mT 16116.33 902.51
Sand 0.152 cum 806.18 122.54
White cement 3.23 kG 25.00 80.70
Sub-Total(UG) 18445.63 171.37
CP 2766.84
Total 21212.48
Total per sqm 2121.25 197.07
24 GoN:107/11-(15)Kha Brick SoalingFlat Dry for 10Sq.m
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.50 Md 650.00 325.00
Uskd 1.00 Md 450.00 450.00
2.00 Mterial : Brick 420.00 Nos 11.00 4620.00
Cement 0.00 mt 16116.33 0.00
Sand 0.71 cum 806.18 572.39
sub-Total 5967.39 55.51
CP 895.11
Total 6862.49
Total per sqm 686.25 63.75

24 HMG:103/11-(7) Covering the Roof with C.G.I. sheet 10sqm

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.10 Md 650.00 715.00
Uskd 1.25 Md 450.00 562.50

Material; 24 Gauge CGI sheet

2.00 12.00 sqm 3969.32 47631.84
Bolt nut 8mm 1.00 kG 180.00 180.00
J hook 1.39 kG 140.00 194.44
Bitumen Washer 5.50 Nos 6.00 33.00 packet 30rs
Sub-Total(UG) 49316.78
CP 7397.52
Total 56714.30
Total per sqm 5671.43 526.89
8 GoN:44/7-(2)ga 1:3:6 PCC for sub-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 650.00 650.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 450.00 1800.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.22 mt 16116.33 3545.59
Agrigate 0.65 cum 1706.18 1109.01
Sand 0.24 cum 806.18 193.48
sub-Total(UG) 7298.09 206.86
CP 1094.71
Total 8392.80 237.66
Bheemdatt Municipality
Office of Municipal Executive
Mahendranager ,Kanchanpur
Province no.-7,Nepal
Quantity and Cost Estimate
Name of Project:-Srilanka Wing wall & Approach Road Costruction
Location:-Srilanka , Khola
Municipality :- BhimDatt Municipality-10 (F/Y:2074/75)
S.n. Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Earthwork In Excavation
Wing Wall 4.00 5.00 2.90 1.20 69.60
Earthen Drain work 1.00 65.00 1.00 0.50 32.50
Sub-Total 102.10 Cum 278.10 28394.01
2 Boulder Solling Work
Wing Wall 4.00 5.00 2.90 0.20 11.60
Sub-Total 11.60 Cum 1632.03 18931.55
3 PCC Work In Foundation(1:3:6)
Wing Wall 4.00 5.00 2.90 0.10 5.80
Sub-Total 5.80 Cum 7298.09 42328.92
4 Stone Masonary Work (1:4)
Wing Wall 4.00 5.00 0.60 3.68 44.10
Sub-Total 44.10 Cum 7107.31 313432.17
5 Gabion Box (3*1*1) Hexagonal Mesh Of Size 10*12cm
Extra Work 20.00 20.00
Sub-Total 20.00 Nos 4496.00 89920.00
6 Boulder Packing In Gabion Box Of (3*1*1) 20.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 60.00
Sub-Total 60.00 Cum 1402.53 84151.62
7 Gravel Filling Work
West Side 1.00 15.00 6.5 2.25 219.38
Work to be done by the using equipments &
East Side 1.00 65.00 6.50 3.00 1267.50
tools of Bheemdatt Municipality Office
Sub-Total 1486.88 Cum

Estimated Amount 577158.27

Public Contribution 57715.83
Nepal Red Cross Socitry 400000.00
Bheemdatt McPT 119442.44
Total Amount 519442.44

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Bheemdatt Municipality
Office of Municipal Executive
Mahendranager ,Kanchanpur
Sudar Pashim Province ,Nepal
Quantity and Cost Estimate
Name of Project:-Toilet Block Construction Work
Location:-Sharaswati school
Municipality :- BhimDatt Municipality-02 (F/Y:2077/78)
S.n. Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Earth Work In Excavation Work
Long Wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 0.60 0.28
Short Wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 0.60 0.17
septic tank 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.80 14.40
soak pit 1.00 4.71 1.50 7.07
total 21.91 cum 396.55 8687.06
2 Stone Solling Work
Long Wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 0.20 0.09
Short Wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 0.20 0.06
Floor For Toilet 1.00 2.00 1.20 0.20 0.48
septic tank 1.00 2.00 4.00 0.20 1.60
soak pit 1.00 4.71 0.20 0.94
soling work 1.00 4.00 4.00 0.20 3.20
total 6.37 cum 1828.57 11646.55
3 Pcc work (1:6)
Long Wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 0.10 0.05
Short Wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 0.10 0.03
Floor For Toilet 1.00 2.00 1.20 0.08 0.18
septic tank 1 2 4 0.1 0.8
soling work 1 4 4 0.07 1.12
total 2.17 cum 10184.15 22136.27
4 Brick masonary Work(1:4)
foundatio of toilet block 1 1.00 1.2 0.23 0.30 0.08
foundatio of toilet block 2 1.00 2 0.23 0.30 0.14
9" Wall short wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 2.00 0.55
9" Wall long wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 2.40 1.10
septic tank 1.00 9.00 0.23 1.80 3.73
soak pit 1.00 4.71 0.23 1.50 0.97
total 6.58 Cum 11059.89 72749.41
5 Plastering Work
9" Wall short wall 2 1.2 @ 1.10 2.64
9" Wall long wall 2 2 @ 1.50 6.00
septic tank 1 9 @ 1.8 16.20
total 24.84 sqm 289.39 7188.55
6 Painting works
9" Wall short wall 2 1.2 @ 1.1 2.64
9" Wall long wall 2 2 @ 1.5 6.00
8.64 sqm 245.53 2121.41
7 Punning Work
Floor 1.00 1.50 3.00 4.50
wall of septic tank 1.00 9.00 1.80 16.20
total 20.70 sqm 225.87 4675.48
8 PCC For RCC Work ( 1:2:4 )
Slab of septic tank 1.00 1.50 3.00 0.13 0.56
lental band 1.00 2.00 0.11 0.11 0.02
slab of soak pit 1.00 4.71 0.13 0.59
total 1.18 cum 11729.09 13786.96
9 Steel Rein-Forcement Bar work
For Slab @ 15cm C/C Spacing 12mm 26.67
dia Long Bar 10.00 3.00 0.89
For Slab @ 15cm C/C Spacing 12mm 26.67
dia Short Bar 20.00 1.50 0.89
slab of soak pit 48.53
total 101.86 Kg 116.90 11907.32
10 Form Work
Slab of septic tank 1.00 1.50 3.00 4.50
slab of soak pit 1.00 4.71 4.71
9.21 sqm 679.63 6259.38
11 ElectriFication Work 1.00 5.00 point 820.00 4100.00
Supplying & Fixing Of Fixed Door
With 9mm Board & Aluminium
12 Section Size 101*45*1.5mm
Door 1.00 0.90 2.10 1.89 sqm 11275.00 21309.75
13 water and sanitation works
wash basin 1.00 Nos 2400.00 2400.00
comorde indian style 1.00 Nos 3990.00 3990.00
flushing cistern 10 lit capicity 1.00 Nos 2900.00 2900.00
ppr pipe 25 mm for water supply 1.00 25.00 Rm 74.00 1850.00
stell tap 1.00 10.00 Nos 360.00 3600.00
upvc pipe 110 mm 1.00 10.00 Rm 475.00 4750.00
shawer 1.00 1.00 piece 840.00 840.00
14 tile works
Floor For Toilet 1.00 2.00 1.10 2.20
wall of toilet 1.00 6.40 1.20 7.68
Deduct Door -1.00 0.90 1.20 -1.08
sub-Total 8.80 sqm 2473.56 21767.33

Pipe Fitting , Procurement & Other

Miscellenous Work
15 1.00 Job 3000.00 3000.00

Dismental of existin structure 1.00

16 1.00 job 5000.00 5000.00

Hording board instaltion 1.00

17 1.00 job 2000.00 2000.00
Total Estimated Amount 238665.47
Contengincy @2.5% 5966.64
Sub Total 244632.10

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

F. Y. 2077/078
Earhten Road - Market Materials: First segment - BTR Bheemadatt Municipality
Gravel Road - Other Materials: First segment - GR
Black Topped Road -
Haulage Distance (kM) Colltn Loading /Unloading (Md) Truck (Working Hr) Diesel(ltr.) Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost at Site (Rs)
SN Location Matrl to be Supplied Source unit
Total BT GR ER (Md) BT GR ER Sum BT GR ER Sum BT GR ER Sum at Source per Unit Cost Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24
1.Aggregates-River Bed Mahakali 10cum 6 6 0 0 30 1.36 0 0 1.36 2.89 0 0 2.89 11.42 0.00 0.00 11.42 19865.30 1986.53 1 cum
Crusher Run-Aggregate (upto
40 mm) Suda/Bhasi 10cum 5 5 0 0 0 1.31 0 0 1.31 2.77 0 0 2.77 9.52 0.00 0.00 9.52 14500.00 17600.80 1760.08 1 cum
Aggregate (upto 20 mm) Suda/Bhasi 10cum 5 5 0 0 0 1.31 0 0 1.31 2.77 0 0 2.77 9.52 0.00 0.00 9.52 16000.00 19100.80 1910.08 1 cum
Aggregate (upto 10 mm) Suda/Bhasi 10cum 5 5 0 0 0 1.31 0 0 1.31 2.77 0 0 2.77 9.52 0.00 0.00 9.52 16000.00 19100.80 1910.08 1 cum
Aggregate (upto 6 mm) Suda/Bhasi 10cum 5 5 0 0 0 1.31 0 0 1.31 2.77 0 0 2.77 9.52 0.00 0.00 9.52 15000.00 18100.80 1810.08 1 cum
Stone dust Suda/Bhasi 10cum 5 5 0 0 0 1.31 0 0 1.31 2.77 0 0 2.77 9.52 0.00 0.00 9.52 6500.00 9600.80 960.08 1 cum
1 Crusher sand Suda/Bhasi 10cum 5 5 0 0 0 1.31 0 0 1.31 2.77 0 0 2.77 9.52 0.00 0.00 9.52 7150.00 10250.80 1025.08 1 cum
Mud/Earth soil local transported 10cum 3 2 1 0 5 1.13 1.23 0 2.36 2.39 2.6 0 4.99 3.81 2.29 0.00 6.1 0.00 7341.50 734.15 1 cum
2.Sand Mahakali 10cum 8 8 0 0 10 1.46 0 0 1.46 3.13 0 0 3.13 15.22 0.00 0.00 15.22 9394.30 939.43 1cum
3.Stone/boulder Mahakali 10cum 7 7 0 0 10 1.67 0 0 1.67 3.54 0 0 3.54 15.55 0.00 0.00 15.55 9765.00 976.50 1cum
4.Cement(PPC NS marka) Mahendranagar 10 mt 1 1 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 1.59 0 0 1.59 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.33 160000.00 161406.70 807.03 1 bag (50 kG)
.Cement(OPC NS marka) Mahendranagar 10 mt 1 1 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 1.59 0 0 1.59 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.33 176000.00 177406.70 887.03 1bag (50 kG)
5.Mild Steel Mahendranagar 10 mt 1 1 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 1.59 0 0 1.59 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.33 940000.00 941406.70 94.14 1kG
6.Filter /Gravel Mahendranagar 10cum 8 8 0 0 10 1.46 0 0 1.46 3.13 0 0 3.13 15.22 0.00 0.00 15.22 9394.30 939.43 1 cum

Page 20 of 43
Rate Analysis 2077/078
SN GoN:5/2-(1) Earthwork in excavation for foundation in soft soil 1Cum
1 S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 0.70 Md 550.00 385.00
sub-Total 385.00
2.00 Tools and Plants 11.55
Total(UG) 396.55 11.23
CP 59.48
Total 456.03 12.91
2 GoN:39/6-(5) Boulder Soling in Foundation 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 1.50 Md 550.00 825.00
2.00 Mterial : Boulder 1.10 cum 976.50 1074.15
sub-Total(UG) 1899.15 53.83
CP 284.87
Total 2184.02 61.84
3 GoN:2/25-Ka Filling with ordinary soil compaction includes the work such as providing laying and compacting
the soil with watering 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Uskd 0.25 Md 550.00 137.50
2.00 Mterial : Mud cum 0.00
sub-Total(UG) 137.50 3.90
CP 20.63
Total 158.13 4.48
4 GoN:44/7-(2)Gha 1:2:4 PCC for sub-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 550.00 2200.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.32 mt 17740.67 5677.01
Agrigate 0.86 cum 1910.08 1633.12
Sand 0.45 cum 939.43 418.05
sub-Total(UG) 10778.18 305.20
CP 1616.73
Total 12394.91 350.98
5 GoN:96/11-(1) 1:2:4 Cement concrete flooring work with punning 10sqm.
a) 50mm.(2'') thick
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.25 Md 850.00 1062.50
Uskd 2.50 Md 550.00 1375.00
2.00 Material; cement 0.17 mt. 17740.67 3015.91
Sand 0.02 Cum 939.43 21.61
Aggregate 0.46 Cum 1910.08 878.64
Sub-Total(UG) 635.37 59.03
CP 95.30
Total 730.67
Total per sqm 730.67 67.88
6 1 1/2" Thick 1:2:4 Cement concrete flooring work 1sqm.
SN Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour: Skd 0.125 md 850.00 106.25
Uskd 0.20 md 550.00 110.00
Material: Cement 0.013 mt 17740.67 230.63
Sand 0.018 cum 939.43 16.91
0.036 cum 1910.08 68.76
Sub-Total(UG) 532.55 49.50
CP 79.88
Total 612.43
Total per sqm 612.43 56.93
3 GoN:46/7-(4)Ga 1:2:4RCC for super-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.80 Md 850.00 680.00
Uskd 7.00 Md 550.00 3850.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.32 mt 17740.67 5677.01
Aggregate 0.89 cum 1910.08 1699.97
Sand 0.45 cum 939.43 418.05
sub-Total(UG) 12325.03
CP 1848.75
Total 14173.79 401.36
3 GoN:46/7-(4)Kha 1:1.5:3RCC for super-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.80 Md 850.00 680.00
Uskd 7.000 Md 550.00 3850.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.400 mt 17740.67 7096.27
Aggregate 0.860 cum 1910.08 1642.67
Sand 0.425 cum 939.43 399.26
sub-Total(UG) 13668.19 387.04
CP 2050.23
Total 15718.42 445.10
7 GoN:35/6-Ka-3 Stone Masonry with 1:6 c/s mortar 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 850.00 1275.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 550.00 2750.00
2.00 Mterial : Stone 1.10 Cum 976.50 1074.15
Cement 0.11 mt 17740.67 1880.51
Sand 0.47 cum 939.43 441.53
sub-Total 7421.19 210.35
CP 1113.18
Total 8534.37 241.67
4 GoN:35/6-Ka-3 Stone Masonry with 1:4 c/s mortar 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 850.00 1275.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 550.00 2750.00
2.00 Mterial : Stone 1.10 Cum 976.50 1074.15
Cement 0.159 mt 17740.67 2820.77
Sand 0.45 cum 939.43 422.74
sub-Total 8342.66 236.47
CP 1251.40
Total 9594.06 271.67
4 GoN:32/5-(1)Kha2 Brick Masonry with 1:4 c/s mortar 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 850.00 1275.00
Uskd 2.20 Md 550.00 1210.00
2.00 Mterial : Brick 560.00 Nos 12.00 6720.00
Cement 0.10 mt 17740.67 1774.07
Sand 0.28 cum 939.43 263.04
sub-Total(UG) 11242.11 318.65
CP 1686.32
Total 12928.42 366.09
5 GoN:110/12-(1)Gha 12.5 mm thick plaster with 1:4 c/s mortar 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 850.00 10200.00
Uskd 16.00 Md 550.00 8800.00
2.00 Material; Cement 0.54 mt 17740.67 9544.48
Sand 1.46 cum 939.43 1371.57
sub-Total 29916.05 27.83
CP 4487.41
Total 34403.46
Total per sqm 344.03 31.96
11 GoN:110/12-(1)Gha 12.5 mm thick plaster with 1:6 c/s mortar 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 850.00 10200.00
Uskd 16.00 Md 550.00 8800.00
2.00 Material; Cement 0.38 mt 17740.67 6776.94
Sand 1.57 cum 939.43 1474.91
sub-Total 27251.84 25.35
CP 4087.78
Total 31339.62
Total per sqm 313.40 29.12

12 GoN:109/11-(20) 3mm.thick cement punning 10sqm

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 1.00 Md 550.00 550.00
2.00 Material; cement 0.05 mt. 17740.67 943.80
Sub-Total(UG) 2343.80 21.80
CP 351.57
Total 2695.37
Total per sqm 269.54 25.04
6 GoN:47/7-(5) Steel bar bending, cutting, binding, placing etc complete 1mT
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 850.00 10200.00
Uskd 12.00 Md 550.00 6600.00
3.00 Mterial : Steel bar 1.05 mt 94140.67 98847.70
Binding wire 10.00 kG 125.00 1250.00
sub-Total(UG) 116897.70 116.90
CP 17534.66
Total 134432.36
Total per kG 134.43
7 GoN:55/(2)Ka Formwork for slab, beam, etc (Wooden) 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.72 Md 850.00 1462.00
Uskd 2.57 Md 550.00 1413.50
2.00 Mterial :Ordinary wood 0.53 Cum 6788.57 3570.79
Iron nail 2.50 kG 140.00 350.00
sub-Total(UG) 6796.29 63.22
CP 1019.44
Total 7815.73
Total per sqm 781.57 72.61
15 GoN:75/10-(1) Wood work for Chaukhat ( Sal wood of 100mmX75mm section) 1cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 34.00 Md 850.00 28900.00
Uskd 3.40 Md 550.00 1870.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 1.10 Cum 175000.00 192500.00
Holdfast 92.00 No 110.00 10120.00
Screw 184.00 No 4.00 736.00
sub-Total(UG) 234126.00 6636.22
CP 35118.90
Total 269244.90 7624.17
16 GoN:76/10-(2) Wood work for pannelled shutture ( Sal wood ) 2.114sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 10.00 Md 850.00 8500.00
Uskd 1.00 Md 550.00 550.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 0.08 Cum 175000.00 14700.00
Hinge 100 mm 6.00 No 44.00 264.00
Chheskini 150 mm 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
250mm locking set 1.00 No 215.00 215.00
Handle (ordinary) 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
Screw 100.00 No 4.40 440.00
sub-Total(UG) 24869.00 1094.32
CP 3730.35
Total 28599.35
Total per sqm 13528.55 1256.84
17 GoN:76/10-(2) Wood work for glazed shutture ( Sal wood ) 2.23sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 9.00 Md 850.00 7650.00
Uskd 0.90 Md 550.00 495.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 0.05 Cum 175000.00 8575.00
4mm glass 1.09 sqm 645.00 699.83
Hinge 75 mm 8.00 No 35.00 280.00
Chheskini 100 mm 4.00 No 40.00 160.00
Handle (ordinary) 2.00 No 50.00 100.00
Screw 100.00 No 4.00 400.00
sub-Total(UG) 18359.83 765.87
CP 2753.97
Total 21113.80
Total per sqm 9468.07 879.61
18 GoN:76/10-(2) Wood work for G I Mosquito Proof Net ( Sal wood ) 2.245sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 0.50 Md 550.00 275.00
2.00 Mterial : Sal wood 0.03 Cum 175000.00 4550.00
24 gauge G I wiremesh 2.13 sqm 300.00 639.00
Hinge100 mm 0.00 No 44.00 0.00
Chheskini 150 mm 0.00 No 74.00 0.00
Handle (ordinary) 0.00 No 50.00 0.00
Screw 0.00 No 4.00 0.00
Spring 0.00 No 175.00 0.00
sub-Total 6314.00 261.63
CP 947.10
Total 7261.10
Total per sqm 3234.34 300.48
HMG:24/(2)Kha 4.5 X 20 mm Fbricationing, Jointing and Placing iron Grills and cleaning with Khaski and
17 painting with aluminium paint. 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 5.00 Md 850.00 4250.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 550.00 2750.00
2.00 Grills 107.60 sqm 2.00 215.20
sub-Tota(UG) 7215.20
CP 1082.28
Total 8297.48
Total per sqm 1829.03 169.92

GoN:13/(10)Kha Two coat colour washing with Prepared Plastic emultion paint on new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 850.00 10200.00
Uskd 8.00 Md 550.00 4400.00
Material; Prepareed Emultion
2.00 Paint(Light NS) 24.10 kG 413.00 9953.30
sub-Tota(UG) 24553.30 22.81
CP 3683.00
Total 28236.30
Total per sqm 282.36 26.23
20 GoN:116/(4)Kha Two coat colour washing with cement paint on new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 5.00 Md 850.00 4250.00
Uskd 5.00 Md 550.00 2750.00

2.00 Material; water proof cement paint 48.50 kG 58.00 2813.00

sub-Tota(UG) 98.13 9.13
CP 14.72
Total 112.85
Total per sqm 112.85 10.48
21 GoN:117/13-(5)Ka,Kha,Ga Two coat enamel painting over one coat primer new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 12.00 Md 850.00 10200.00
Uskd 8.00 Md 550.00 4400.00
2.00 Material; wood primer 8.10 Ltr 295.00 2389.50
Readymade enamel paint 16.00 Ltr 440.00 7040.00
sub-Total(UG) 24029.50 22.35
CP 3604.43
Total 27633.93
Total per sqm 276.34 25.67
22 GoN:117/13-(6) Two coat aluminium painting over one coat primer, new surface 100sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 10.75 Md 850.00 9137.50
Uskd 10.75 Md 550.00 5912.50
2.00 Material; metal primer 8.10 Ltr 270.00 2187.00
Readymade aluminium paint 10.76 Ltr 440.00 4734.40
Sand paper 4.00 Nos 20.00 80.00
sub-Total(UG) 22051.40 20.51
CP 3307.71
Total 25359.11
Total per sqm 253.59 23.56
23 GoN:103/11-(7) Porcelene glazed tiling with 1:4 cement mortar 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 13.00 Md 850.00 11050.00
Uskd 4.50 Md 550.00 2475.00

Material; Porcelene glazed tile

2.00 11.00 sqm 624.08 6864.88
cement 0.056 mT 17740.67 993.48
Sand 0.152 cum 939.43 142.79
White cement 3.23 kG 25.00 80.70
Sub-Total(UG) 21606.85 200.73
CP 3241.03
Total 24847.88
Total per sqm 2484.79 230.84
24 GoN:107/11-(15)Kha Brick SoalingFlat Dry for 10Sq.m
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 0.50 Md 850.00 425.00
Uskd 1.00 Md 550.00 550.00
2.00 Mterial : Brick 420.00 Nos 12.00 5040.00
Cement 0.00 mt 17740.67 0.00
Sand 0.71 cum 939.43 667.00
sub-Total 6682.00 62.16
CP 1002.30
Total 7684.29
Total per sqm 768.43 71.39

24 HMG:103/11-(7) Covering the Roof with C.G.I. sheet 10sqm

S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.10 Md 850.00 935.00
Uskd 1.25 Md 550.00 687.50

Material; 24 Gauge CGI sheet

2.00 12.00 sqm 616.56 7398.73
Bolt nut 8mm 1.00 kG 180.00 180.00
J hook 1.39 kG 140.00 194.44
Bitumen Washer 5.50 Nos 6.00 33.00 packet 30rs
Sub-Total(UG) 942.87
CP 141.43
Total 1084.30
Total per sqm 1084.30 100.73
8 GoN:44/7-(2)ga 1:3:6 PCC for sub-structure 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 550.00 2200.00
3.00 Mterial : Cement 0.22 mt 17740.67 3902.95
Agrigate 0.65 cum 1910.08 1241.55
Sand 0.24 cum 939.43 225.46
sub-Total(UG) 8419.96 238.66
CP 1262.99
Total 9682.96 274.19
GoN:24/73 m distance 2 diagonal and 5 hexagonal barbed wire in 40mm x 40mm x 4mm ms angle per 30m
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 550.00 2200.00
3.00 Mterial : ms angle 2.92 kg 119.00 347.60
Barbed wire 250.00 rm 16.12 4029.85
U hook 77.00 no 11.00 847.00
sub-Total(UG) 8274.45 84.09
CP 1241.17
Total 9515.62
per runnig m 317.19 96.70

GoN:24/73 m distance 2 diagonal and 4 hexagonal barbed wire in 40mm x 40mm x 4mm ms angle per 30m
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 4.00 Md 550.00 2200.00
3.00 Mterial : ms angle 2.92 kg 0.00 0.00
Barbed wire 220.20 rm 19.70 4338.27
U hook 77.00 no 11.00 847.00
sub-Total(UG) 8235.27 83.69
CP 1235.29
Total 9470.56
per runnig m 315.69 96.25
27 GoN: 9-(1)Roofing work for 26 Gause coloured CGI Sheet With All Complete Work. 10sqm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.10 Md 850.00 935.00
Uskd 1.25 Md 550.00 687.50
2.00 Mterial :
CGI Sheet 12.00 sqm 616.56 7398.73
Nut Bolt 3.00 No 10.00 30.00
J Hook 2.00 No 7.50 15.00
Bitumen Washer 1.00 No 3.00 3.00
sub-Total(UG) 906.92 84.30
CP 136.04
Total 1042.96
Total per sqm 1042.96 96.94
28 GoN: 9-(2)Roofing work for ridge with plain sheet 26 Gause With All Complete Work. 10Rm
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 2.00 Md 850.00 1700.00
Uskd 3.00 Md 550.00 1650.00
2.00 Mterial :
GI Sheet 12.00 sqm 50.81 609.76
Nut Bolt 3.00 No 10.00 30.00
J Hook 2.00 No 7.50 15.00
Bitumen Washer 1.00 No 3.00 3.00
sub-Total(UG) 4007.76 122.19
CP 601.16
Total 4608.92
Total per rm 460.89 140.52
29 GoN:32/5-(1)Kha3 Brick Masonry with 1:6 c/s mortar 1Cum
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs)
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.50 Md 850.00 1275.00
Uskd 2.20 Md 550.00 1210.00
2.00 Mterial : Brick 560.00 Nos 11.00 6160.00
Cement 0.07 mt 17740.67 1241.85
Sand 0.30 cum 939.43 281.83
sub-Total(UG) 10168.68 288.23
CP 1525.301385
Total 11693.98 331.46
8 GoN:Flash ruled pointing work in S/M wall (100m2)
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 10.00 Md 850.00 8500.00
Uskd 14.00 Md 550.00 7700.00
2.00 Material; Cement 0.61 mt 17740.67 10857.29
Sand 0.43 cum 939.43 403.95
sub-Total 27461.24 25.55
CP 4119.19
Total 31855.04
Total per sqm 318.55 29.59

GoN:Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising
of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the
dismantled Material, disposal of unserviceable Material and stacking the serviceable Material with all lifts and
lead of 1000 meters ( SS-202 ) ( 10cum)
Dismantling Brick / Tile work
In cement mortar
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 10.00 Md 550.00 5500.00
Tools and Plants 190.50
sub-Total 6540.50 6.08
CP 981.08
Total 7521.58
Total per cum 752.16 69.88
GoN:Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising
of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the
dismantled Material, disposal of unserviceable Material and stacking the serviceable Material with all lifts and
lead of 1000 meters ( SS-202 ) ( 10cum)
Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20
1 Unit = cum, (for 20.0 cum)
S.N Description Qty Unit Rate (Rs) Amt. (Rs) Remarks
1.00 Labour : Skd 1.00 Md 850.00 850.00
Uskd 30.00 Md 550.00 16500.00
Tools and Plants 520.50
sub-Total 17870.50 16.62
CP 2680.58
Total 20551.08
Total per cum 1027.55 95.46
Nepal Red Cross Society
Mahendranager ,Kanchanpur
Sudar Pashim Province ,Nepal
Quantity and Cost Estimate
Name of Project:-Toilet Block Construction Work
Location:-Sharaswati school
Municipality :- BhimDatt Municipality-02 (F/Y:2077/78)
S.n. Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Earth Work In Excavation Work
Long Wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 0.60 0.28
Short Wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 0.60 0.17
septic tank 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.80 14.40
soak pit 1.00 4.71 1.50 7.07
total 21.91 cum 396.55 8687.06
2 Stone Solling Work
Long Wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 0.15 0.07
Short Wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 0.15 0.04
Floor For Toilet 1.00 2.00 1.20 0.15 0.36
septic tank 1.00 2.00 4.00 0.15 1.20
soak pit 1.00 4.71 0.15 0.71
path soling work 1 1.00 8.50 1.40 0.15 1.79
path soling work 2 1.00 8.90 1.75 0.15 2.34
path soling work 3 1.00 6.10 1.40 0.15 1.28
path soling work 4 1.00 2.10 1.80 0.15 0.57
path soling work 5 1.00 2.50 0.30 0.15 0.11
path soling work 6 -1.00 0.23 1.80 0.15 -0.06
total 8.40 cum 1828.57 15353.71
3 Pcc work (1:6)
Long Wall 1.00 2.00 0.23 0.08 0.04
Short Wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 0.08 0.02
septic tank 1 2 4 0.08 0.6
path ppc 1 1 8.5 1.4 0.05 0.595
path ppc 2 1 8.9 1.75 0.05 0.77875
path ppc 3 1 6.1 1.4 0.05 0.427
path ppc 4 1 2.1 1.8 0.05 0.189
path ppc 5 1 4.11014 0.3 0.05 0.0616521
path ppc 6 -1 0.23 1.8 0.05 -0.0207
total 2.69 cum 10184.15 27391.11
4 Brick masonary Work(1:4)
foundatio of toilet block 1 1.00 1.2 0.23 0.30 0.08
foundatio of toilet block 2 1.00 2 0.23 0.30 0.14
9" Wall short wall 1.00 1.20 0.23 1.70 0.47
9" Wall long wall 1.00 2.60 0.23 0.62 0.37
1.00 1.70 0.23 2.60 1.02
septic tank 1.00 10.98 0.23 1.80 4.55
soak pit 1.00 4.71 0.23 1.70 1.10
Wall for foundation of water tank 2.00 1.80 0.23 0.60 0.50
total 8.22 Cum 11059.89 90965.89
5 Plastering Work
9" Wall short wall 1 1.2 @ 0.80 0.96
9" Wall long wall 1 2.6 @ -0.28 -0.73
septic tank 1 10.98 @ 1.8 19.76
total 20.00 sqm 289.39 5786.72
6 Painting works
9" Wall short wall 1 1.2 @ 1.7 2.04
9" long wall 1 2.6 @ 1.7 4.42
9" long wall 1 2.6 @ 0.62 1.61
8.07 sqm 245.53 1981.94

7 Punning Work
wall of septic tank 1.00 10.98 1.80 19.76
total 19.76 sqm 225.87 4464.06
8 PCC For RCC Work ( 1:2:4 )
Slab of septic tank 1.00 1.50 3.00 0.13 0.56
lental band 1.00 2.00 0.11 0.11 0.02
slab of soak pit 1.00 4.71 0.10 0.47
total 1.06 cum 11729.09 12405.86
9 Steel Rein-Forcement Bar work
For Slab @ 15cm C/C Spacing 12mm 26.67
dia Long Bar 10.00 3.00 0.89

For Slab @ 15cm C/C Spacing 12mm 26.67

dia Short Bar 20.00 1.50 0.89
slab of soak pit 38.82
total 92.16 Kg 116.90 10772.77
10 Form Work
Slab of septic tank 1.00 1.50 3.00 4.50
4.50 sqm 679.63 3058.33
11 ElectriFication Work 1.00 5.00 point 820.00 4100.00
Supplying & Fixing Of Fixed Door
With 9mm Board & Aluminium
12 Section Size 101*45*1.5mm
Door 1.00 0.85 1.97 1.67 sqm 11275.00 18879.99
13 water and sanitation works
wash basin 1.00 1.00 Nos 2500.00 2500.00
comorde american style 1.00 1.00 Nos 8580.00 8580.00
ppr pipe 25 mm for water supply 1.00 25.00 Rm 74.00 1850.00
stell tap 2.00 2.00 Nos 360.00 720.00
shawer 1.00 1.00 piece 840.00 840.00
towel rod 1.00 1.00 piece 530.00 530.00
water tank 1000 lit 1.00 1000.00 per lit 13.00 13000.00
14 Tile works
Floor For Toilet 1.00 2.20 1.05 2.31
wall of toilet1 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.81
wall of toilet2 1.00 0.18 0.90 0.16
wall of toilet3 1.00 0.30 2.00 0.60
wall of toilet4 1.00 0.08 2.67 0.21
wall of toilet5 1.00 0.15 2.67 0.40
wall of toilet6 1.00 1.38 1.70 2.35
wall of toilet7 1.00 1.70 1.05 1.79
wall of toilet8 1.00 2.30 1.70 3.91
wall of toilet10 -1.00 0.42 0.37 -0.16
deduction for comd -1.00 0.30 0.30 -0.09
sub-Total 12.30 sqm 2473.56 30425.24

Pipe Fitting , Procurement & Other

Miscellenous Work
15 1.00 Job 3000.00 3000.00

Dismental of existin structure 1.00

16 1.00 job 3000.00 3000.00
Total Estimated Amount 268292.68
Contengincy @2.5% 6707.32
Sub Total 275000.00

Prepared by Checked by Approved by


Rate analysis for 2074/75

Description of works: Subgra Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 1003
de m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No. ction
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.01 Skilled andmd 0.0100 610.00 6.10 Grader (75Hp) hr 0.0100 1200.00 0.00
Unskilled prepara
md 0.1000 400.00 40.00 Diesel lit 0.1220 64.91 7.92 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 900.00 15.30
tion of Sub total of A = 46.10 Sub total of B = 7.92 Sub total of C = 15.30
formati Sub total of A +B + C = 69.32 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 10.40 Unit Rate = 79.72
on in Assuming 15 cm of cutting 11.96
Description of works: cutting
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel wearing course Unit : 1
class m3
Spec. cl. No: 1205
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type disposal
Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.12 Skilled of md 0.0050 610.00 3.05 Aggregate cu.m. 1.2200 832.39 1015.51 Road Roller hr 0.0360 900.00 32.40
Unskilled materia
md 0.02000 400.00 8.00 Diesel lit 1.9800 64.91 128.52 Grader hr 0.036 1200.00
l upto Water Bowser hr 0.05 550.00 27.50
10m Loader hr 0.011 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 11.05 Sub total of B = 1144.04 Sub total of C = 73.10
Sub total of A +B + C = 1228.19 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 184.23 Unit Rate = 1412.41

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for base
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1202
course lead upto 10m.
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.06 Skilled md 0.0050 610.00 3.05 Base aggregate cu.m. 1.300 1634.67 2125.08 Grader hr 0.033 1200.00
Unskilled md 1.4000 400.00 560.00 Diesel lit 0.660 64.91 42.84 Vibrator Rolller hr 0.033 900.00 29.70
Water Bowser hr 0.033 550.00 18.15
Loader hr 0.011 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 563.05 Sub total of B = 2167.92 Sub total of C = 61.05
Sub total of A +B + C = 2792.02 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 418.80 Unit Rate = 3210.82

Description of works: Providing, and spraying bituminious prime coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using
Unit : 1 lit
wire , brushes, broom etc before applying prime coat
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1302
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.04 Skilled md 0.0030 610.00 1.83 Bitumen lit 1.05 84.75 88.99 Boiler hr 0.014 180.00 2.52
Unskilled md 0.0460 400.00 18.40 Kerosene lit 0.10 64.91 6.49 Hand Sprayer hr 0.014 260.00 3.64

Sub total of A = 20.23 Sub total of B = 95.48 Sub total of C = 6.16

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommened by: Approved by:


Sub total of A +B + C = 121.87 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 18.28 Unit Rate = 140.15

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommened by: Approved by:


Description of works: Providing, and spraying bituminious tack coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using
Unit : 1 lit
wire , brushes, broom etc before applying tack coat
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1302
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.01 Skilled md 0.0030 610.00 1.83 Bitumen lit 1.05 84.75 88.99 boiler hr 0.0025 180.00 0.45
Unskilled md 0.0460 400.00 18.40 Kerosene lit 0.10 64.91 6.49 Sprayer hr 0.003 260.00 0.65
Diesel lit 0.28 64.91 18.17 Air compresser hr 0.0030 250.00 0.75
Sub total of A = 20.23 Sub total of B = 113.65 Sub total of C = 1.85
Sub total of A +B + C = 135.73 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 20.36 Unit Rate = 156.09
Description of works: Providing, mixing, laying and compaction of premix carpet.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1307,1308
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.09 Skilled md 0.45 610.00 274.50 Bitumen lit 77.00 84.75 6525.75 Roller hr 0.50 900.00 450.00
Unskilled md 4.50 400.00 1800.00 Kerosene lit 7.70 64.91 499.81 Sprayer hr 0.50 260.00 130.00
Aggregates m3 1.20 1584.67 1901.61
Sub total of A = 2074.50 Sub total of B = 8927.17 Sub total of C = 580.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 11581.67 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1737.25 Unit Rate = 13318.92
20mm thick 231.63 266.38
Item no:
Description of works: Providing and laying sand seal. Unit : 10
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1305
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.07 Skilled md 0.10 610.00 61.00 Bitumen lit 6.60 84.75 559.35 Boiler hr 0.04 180.00 7.20
Unskilled md 0.14 400.00 56.00 Kerosene lit 0.10 64.91 6.49 Roller hr 0.01 900.00 9.00
Diesel lit 0.81 64.91 52.58 Sprayer hr 0.01 260.00 2.60
Fine Aggregate m3 0.12 1281.95 153.83
Sub total of A = 117.00 Sub total of B = 772.25 Sub total of C = 18.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 908.05 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 136.21 Unit Rate = 1044.26
for 1sqm 104.43
Earthwork Excavation
UNIT cu. m.
Source Type Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total (Rs.)
Labor Unskilled 0.50 m-day 400.00 200.00 200.00
Actual Rate 200.00
3% 6.00
Sub Total 206.00
Overhead 15% 30.90
Rate per m³ 236.90

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommened by: Approved by:


Rate analysis for DBST 2074/75

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand mix gravel wearing course class Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 1201 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.02 Skilled md 0.0050 610.00 3.05 Gravel cu.m. 1.2800 450.00 576.00 Road Roller hr 0.0300 900.00 27.00
Unskilled md 1.0500 400.00 420.00 Diesel lit 0.6600 64.91 42.84

Sub total of A = 423.05 Sub total of B = 618.84 Sub total of C = 27.00

Sub total of A +B + C = 1068.89 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 160.33 Unit Rate = 1229.22

Description of works: Subgrade construction and preparation of formation in cutting including disposal of material upto 10m Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 1003 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.01 Skilled md 0.0100 610.00 6.10 Grader (75Hp) hr 0.0100 1200.00 0.00
Unskilled md 0.1000 400.00 40.00 Diesel lit 0.1220 64.91 7.92 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 900.00 15.30
Sub total of A = 46.10 Sub total of B = 7.92 Sub total of C = 15.30
Sub total of A +B + C = 69.32 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 10.40 Unit Rate = 79.72
Assuming 15 cm of cutting 11.96
Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for base course lead upto
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1202
10m.(using 40down Aggrigate)
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.06 Skilled md 0.0050 610.00 3.05 Base aggregate cu.m. 1.200 1522.55 1827.06 Grader hr 0.033 1200.00
Unskilled md 0.0200 400.00 8.00 Diesel lit 0.990 64.91 64.26 Vibrator Rolller hr 0.033 900.00 29.70
Water Bowser hr 0.033 550.00 18.15
Loader hr 0.011 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 11.05 Sub total of B = 1891.32 Sub total of C = 61.05
Sub total of A +B + C = 1963.42 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 294.51 Unit Rate = 2257.93

Item no:

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Description of works: Providing and laying semi-grouting with compaction 50mm thickness.(20Down Agg.)
Unit : 10 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1304
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.06.01 Skilled md 0.2100 610.00 128.10 Bitumen lit 35.0000 68.00 2380.00 Boiler hr 0.0700 140.00 9.80
Unskilled md 1.8000 400.00 720.00 Kerosene lit 0.2500 64.91 16.23 Roller hr 0.0700 900.00 63.00
Diesel lit 2.5200 64.91 163.57 Sprayer hr 0.0700 260.00 18.20
Coarse agg. m3 0.6000 1822.55 1093.53 Agg. Spreader hr 0.0700 260.00 18.20
Key agg. m3 0.1500 1312.55 196.88
Sub total of A = 848.10 Sub total of B = 3850.21 Sub total of C = 109.20
Sub total of A +B + C = 4807.51 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 721.13 Unit Rate = 5528.64

Description of works: Providing, mixing, laying and compaction of premix carpet.

Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1307,1308
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.09 Skilled md 0.45 610.00 274.50 Bitumen lit 77.00 68.00 5236.00 Roller hr 0.50 900.00 450.00
Unskilled md 4.50 400.00 1800.00 Kerosene lit 7.70 64.91 499.81 Sprayer hr 0.50 260.00 130.00
Aggregates m3 1.20 1462.55 1755.06
Sub total of A = 2074.50 Sub total of B = 7490.87 Sub total of C = 580.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 10145.37 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1521.80 Unit Rate = 11667.17
20mm thick 202.91 233.34
Item no:
Description of works: Providing and laying sand seal.
Unit : 10 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1305
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.07 Skilled md 0.10 610.00 61.00 Bitumen lit 6.60 68.00 448.80 Boiler hr 0.04 470.00 18.80
Unskilled md 0.14 400.00 56.00 Kerosene lit 0.10 64.91 6.49 Roller hr 0.01 900.00 9.00
Diesel lit 0.81 64.91 52.58 Sprayer hr 0.01 260.00 2.60
Sand m3 0.12 806.18 96.74
Sub total of A = 117.00 Sub total of B = 604.61 Sub total of C = 30.40
Sub total of A +B + C = 752.01 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 112.80 Unit Rate = 864.81
For 1sqm 86.48

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Construction of roadway in embankments and miscellaneous backfilling areas with approved

material obtained either from
- excavation for road construction or
- borrow pits or
- other sources
including the excavation from borrow pit (which shall be covered separately under S. No. 5) and
transportation (which shall be covered under S. No. 6 or 11) components. In this case, initial lead
is 100 m. With Compaction and all complete
UNIT cu. m.
S.N. 10 & 5,a (DoLIDAR) Resp. Clause of Spec. 2-5 & 2-1.2.2, 2-1.8, 2-1.9
Source Type Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total (Rs.)
Labor Unskilled 0.25 m-day 400.00 100.00 100.00
Equipment Roller Vibratory 0.0167 Hrs. 900.00 15.03 15.03
Actual Rate 115.03
Tools ,Plants & Equipments @ 3% 3.00
Sub Total 118.03
Overhead 15% 17.70
Rate per m³ 135.73

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Compatibility Report for Toilet Block sarswati school.xls
Run on 11/11/2020 13:42

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' by excavator (2)'!
' by excavator (2)'!
'Gabion Rate
'Toilet Block'!I66
'Toilet Block'!I68
'Toilet Block'!I70:I76

'Rateanalysis (3)'!K343

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'Toilet Block (revised)'!I79

'Toilet Block (revised)'!I82:I86

'Toilet Block (revised)'!I88

'Rate analysis PT'!

'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
'Rate analysis PT'!
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'Rate analysis SG'!
'Rate analysis SG'!
'Rate analysis SG'!
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Nepal Red Cross Society
Mahendranager ,Kanchanpur
Sudar Pashim Province ,Nepal
Measurment Sheet
Name of Project:-Toilet Block Construction Work
Location:-laxmi School
Municipality :- BhimDatt Municipality-19 (F/Y:2077/78)
S.n. Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Earth Work In Excavation Work
Long Wall 1.00 8.07 0.45 0.75 2.72
Short Wall 1.00 2.60 0.45 0.75 0.88
partation wall1 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.60 0.55
partation wall2 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.60 0.55
septic tank 1.00 2.60 2.60 2.00 13.52
soak pit 1.00 2.54 1.80 4.58
water tank foundation 4.00 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.49
wash basin area wall 3.00 1.50 0.35 0.45 0.71
total 23.98 Cum 396.55 9511.05
2 Stone Solling Work
Long Wall 1.00 8.07 0.45 0.15 0.54
Short Wall 1.00 2.60 0.45 0.15 0.18
Floor For Toilet 1.00 8.00 3.00 0.15 3.60
partation wall1 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.15 0.14
partation wall2 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.15 0.14
septic tank 1.00 2.60 2.60 0.15 1.01
soak pit 1.00 2.54 0.15 0.38
water tank foundation 4 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.12
wash basin area wall 3 1.5 0.35 0.15 0.24
total 6.35 Cum 1828.57 11604.39
3 Pcc work (1:6)
Long Wall 1.00 8.07 0.45 0.08 0.29
Short Wall 1.00 2.60 0.45 0.08 0.09
Floor For Toilet 1.00 8.00 3.00 0.08 1.92
partation wall1 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.08 0.07
partation wall2 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.08 0.07
septic tank 1 2.6 2.6 0.08 0.54
water tank foundation 4 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.36
wash basin area wall 3 1.5 0.35 0.08 0.13
total 3.48 Cum 10184.15 35449.36
4 Stone masonary Work(1:4)
Long Wall 1.00 8.07 0.45 0.52 1.89
Short Wall 1.00 2.60 0.45 0.52 0.61
partation wall1 1.00 2.60 0.35 1.70 1.55
partation wall2 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.62 0.56
Long Wall 1.00 8.07 0.35 0.45 1.27
Short Wall 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.45 0.41
partation wall1 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.45 0.41
partation wall2 1.00 2.60 0.35 0.45 0.41
wash basin area wall 3 1.5 0.35 0.67 0.126
total 7.23 Cum 8342.66 60327.59
5 Pcc for RCC( 1:2:4)
DPC beam
Long Wall 1.00 7.85 0.23 0.23 0.42
Short Wall 1.00 2.77 0.23 0.23 0.15
partation wall1 1.00 2.77 0.23 0.23 0.15
partation wall2 1.00 2.77 0.23 0.23 0.15
Lintel band
Long Wall 1.00 7.85 0.23 0.10 0.18
Short Wall 1.00 2.77 0.23 0.10 0.06
partation wall1 1.00 2.77 0.23 0.10 0.06
partation wall2 1.00 2.77 0.23 0.10 0.06
slab 1.00 8.52 3.90 0.10 3.32
Slab of septic tank 1.00 2.60 2.60 0.10 0.68
slab of soak pit 1.00 2.54 0.10 0.25
4.55 Cum 12325.03 56070.81
6 Reinforcement work
DPC beam
Long Wall 8.00 8.75 @ 0.89 62.22
8mm dia stirrups 58.00 0.82 @ 0.40 18.79
Short Wall 16.00 3.90 @ 0.89 55.47
8mm dia stirrups 26.00 0.82 @ 0.40 8.53
partation wall1 16.00 3.90 @ 0.89 55.47
8mm dia stirrups 26.00 0.82 @ 0.40 8.53
partation wall2 16.00 3.90 @ 0.89 55.47
8mm dia stirrups 26.00 0.82 @ 0.40 8.53
Lintel band
Long Wall 4.00 8.75 @ 0.89 31.11
8mm dia stirrups 58.33 0.23 @ 0.40 5.37
Short Wall 4.00 3.90 @ 0.89 13.87
8mm dia stirrups 26.00 0.23 @ 0.40 2.39
partation wall1 4.00 3.90 @ 0.89 13.87
8mm dia stirrups 26.00 0.23 @ 0.40 2.39
partation wall2 4.00 3.90 @ 0.89 13.87
8mm dia stirrups 26.00 0.23 @ 0.40 2.39
For Slab @ 15cm C/C Spacing 12mm 40.06
dia Long Bar 17.33 2.60 @ 0.89

For Slab @ 15cm C/C Spacing 12mm 40.06

dia Short Bar 17.33 2.60 @ 0.89
soak pit 20.00
slab of toilet block
secondary bar 10 mm 30.13 9.32 @ 0.62 174.15
main bar 10 mm 63.15 4.37 @ 0.62 170.33
802.84 Kg 116.90 93850.53
7 Brick masonary work (1:4)
Long Wall 2.00 7.85 0.23 2.40 8.67
Short Wall 2.00 2.77 0.23 2.40 3.06
partation wall1 1.00 1.87 0.10 2.40 0.45
partation wall2 1.00 1.87 0.10 2.40 0.45
partation of urinals 11.00 0.60 0.10 0.90 0.59
septic tank 2.00 2.60 0.23 1.78 2.12
2.00 2.14 0.23 1.78 1.75
soak pit 1.00 5.65 0.10 1.80 1.02
deduction for door and windows
door -1.00 1.20 0.23 2.40 -0.66
ventilations -10.00 0.38 0.23 0.45 -0.39
wash basin area wall 1 1.5 0.23 0.9 0.31
17.36 Cum 11242.11 195145.56
8 Plastering Work
Long Wall 4.00 7.85 @ 2.40 75.36
Short Wall 4.00 2.77 @ 2.40 26.59
partation wall1 2.00 1.87 @ 2.40 8.98

partation wall2 2.00 1.87 @ 2.40 8.98
partation of urinals 22.00 0.60 @ 0.90 11.88
septic tank 2.00 2.60 @ 1.78 9.23
2.00 2.14 @ 1.78 7.60
deduction for door and windows
door -2.00 1.20 @ 2.40 -5.76
ventilations -20.00 0.38 @ 0.45 -3.42
celing plaster 1.00 8.52 @ 3.90 33.23
total 172.66 Sqm 289.39 49966.47
9 Painting works
same as plasters area 172.66 Sqm 245.53 42393.48
10 Punning Work
wall of septic tank 1.00 1.80
wall of toilet
1 1.00 4.50 @ 1.00 4.50
2 1.00 4.50 @ 1.00 4.50
partation of urinals 22.00 0.60 @ 1.00 13.20
wall in urinals 1.00 8.00 @ 1.00 8.00
total 30.20 Sqm 225.87 6821.22
13 Form Work
DPC beam
Long Wall 1.00 7.85 @ 0.46 3.61
Short Wall 1.00 2.77 @ 0.46 1.27
partation wall1 1.00 2.77 @ 0.46 1.27
partation wall2 1.00 2.77 @ 0.46 1.27
Lintel band
Long Wall 1.00 7.85 @ 0.20 1.57
Short Wall 1.00 2.77 @ 0.20 0.55
partation wall1 1.00 2.77 @ 0.20 0.55
partation wall2 1.00 2.77 @ 0.20 0.55
slab 1.00 8.52 3.90 0.46 3.92
Slab of septic tank 1.00 2.60 2.60 0.46 1.20
15.78 Sqm 679.63 10725.09
11 ElectriFication Work 1.00 10.00 Point 820.00 8200.00
Supplying & Fixing Of Fixed Door
With 9mm Board & Aluminium
12 Section Size 101*45*1.5mm
Door 3.00 0.85 1.97 5.02 Sqm 11275.00 56639.96
13 water and sanitation works
wash basin 2.00 1.00 Nos 2500.00 2500.00
comorde indian style 2.00 1.00 Nos 1500.00 1500.00
ppr pipe 25 mm for water supply 1.00 25.00 Rm 74.00 1850.00
stell tap 5.00 5.00 Nos 360.00 1800.00
towel rod 1.00 1.00 Piece 530.00 530.00
mirror 2.00 2.00 Nos 907.50 1815.00

water tank stand using tubulaer

black pipe angle and plates

black pipe 2 inch 38.14

4.00 2.10 @ 4.54

plate 14.40
8.00 1.20 @ 1.50

angle 14.15
4.00 1.20 @ 2.95

Kg 120.00 8002.37

channel gate 1.00 1.20 @ 2.10 2.52

15 Sqm 1629.00 4105.08

Ventilatio using angle 10.00 2.49 @ 2.38 59.26

16 Kg 132.00 7822.58
Pipe Fitting , Procurement & Other
1.00 1.00
Miscellenous Work
17 Job 15000.00 15000.00

Dismental of existin structure 1.00 1.00

18 job 5000.00 5000.00
Total Estimated Amount 686630.54
Contengincy @2.5% 17165.76
Sub Total 703796.31

Prepared by Checked by Approved by


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