07 Tec Midias Youtube

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O Youtube – Modelo 1

Atividade 3
Vamos aprender algumas das palavras utilizadas na discussão.

a. plastic shopping bags
“Approx. 100 billion of the 380 billion are plastic shopping bags.”
“Recycle, Reuse, Reduce. Recycling your plastic shopping bags is one of the most
obvious courses of action, however only 10% of Australian households take their
plastic bags to a central collection point for recycling.”
b. plastic bags are
“Single-use plastic bags are also well known for their interference in ecosystems
and the part they play in flood events, where they clog pipes and drains.”
“Disturbingly, it is claimed that plastic bags are the most common man-made item
seen by sailors at sea.”

Atividade 4
Observe as sentenças a seguir e complete os espaços em branco usando plastic shopping
bags e plastic bags are, estudados na aula anterior.
a. “The environmental issues associated with ______________________________ have
featured in the news in the last couple of months…”
b. “______________________________ made from ethylene, a gas that is produced as a
by-product of oil, gas and coal production.”
c. “With this number of plastic bags in circulation, it is of little surprise that ________
______________________ a significant pollutant.”
d. “Prior to the 15 euro cent per bag tax, it was estimated that 1.2 million ____________
___________________ were being handed out in Ireland per year.”

Atividade 5
Nas sentenças b e c da Atividade 4, temos plastic bags are. O verbo to be serve para indicar o
estado atual de alguma coisa ou para caracterizar algo. Observando as sentenças b e c, indique
qual o uso do verb to be nelas? Sublinhe a resposta correta (estado ou característica) e marque
com um X o assunto tratado.
Sentença b: estado / característica Sentença c: estado / característica
( ) do que são feitas as sacolas ( ) do que são feitas as sacolas
( ) o que causam ( ) o que causam

O YouTube 1
Atividade 6
Leia o texto Dangers of Plastic Bags e responda:
a. Qual o propósito do texto? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. O que a figura presente no texto mostra? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
c. Resumidamente, quais são os 12 fatos apresentados no texto sobre as sacolas plásticas?
d. Como esses fatos se relacionam com nossa discussão? (As respostas podem variar.)
e. Qual a sua opinião a respeito dos fatos apresentados? (As respostas podem variar.)

O YouTube 2

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