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(CHARACTER NAME ALTER PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee The Force user can tap ino the Living Force oftheir surroundings, manipulating the nearby environs. The Force user may spend @) to make all erain curenty within Short range dffcut terrain unt the end of their next tum. The Force user may spend @ to make all erain current within Short range normal terrain until the end of their next turn. aS I I ! Cn Era Cn Spend @ and make a Spend QO ‘0 incase the The Force user may spand Q to give al characters within Short range Survival check to instantly is- power's range by a number of ofthe user concealment cover food, water, or other ert. range bands equal to Range lca supplies wihin Extreme upgrades purchased. range, a jb ! ] ] I Cn Cn Ete Grou) Spend @ to share the senses, The power can affect frm tr [Commit Q after successfully ‘Spend @ to allow a number of of anmals within range ofthe rain such as packod earth, 2ctvating the power to sustain targets equal to the number of ower, adding Eto Parcoption store, or ica ts effects while the user re- Strength upgrades to ignore and Vigilance checks and gain rains witin range of the af- this power’ effec. ing other benefits. fected area, jb a I ] I ] [= vance) CONTROL a cn Spend QO to increase the Spend 9 fo make a smal Spend @ to allow a number of owo's range by a numbor of patch of orain win th targots oqual tothe numer of range bands equal to Range femme focted area impassable, Strenath upgrades to ignore area within the afected eres. Uupgredes purchased. this power's affects. Cn [oes Goa) Spend QQ to upgrade tho it- Wen the user acivatos this power without spending @ ganerated | Spend @ to alow a number of uly ofall checks made by from @ results, add O to all ther Force power checks made within ual to the numberof ‘opponents while Inthe power's this powers area of effect. ‘Strength upgradas to ignore roa of effect ance. this powor's fects Wan he usar acts hie power whos spenng gaerted from © results, add @ to all other Force power checks made within te powere area cf eter 2 (CHARACTER NAME BATTLE MEDITATION PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 2 Eee The Force user directs ali in bata, making them more effective as a coordinate unit The usar mey spend @ to add one automatic #10 all checks made by a numberof Engaged friendly targets up to his Presence before the end of his next tum. ifthe user used any @ to generate @, reduce each target's Wilpower by 1 (6 2 minimum of 1} uni the end of he encounter. (May not be activated multple times) Ces Er | Spend @ to affect a number of Spend @ to increase powers When making a Batt Medkaton power check, the user may make a acional targets equal to Pro- range by a rumber of range Leadership chock as part ofthe pool Ifthe users able to activate the sence per rank of Magnitude bands equal to Range up fammmme power and succeeds on the check, he may send simple orders as part purchased, grades purchased, ofthe power. a y’ jb ] I I [oi Gos) (oO STRENGTH Spend @ to affect a number of Spend @ to increase power" Spend @O to add one adchional automat ¥ to affected characters! actional targets equal to Pro- range by a rumber ef range hooks sence per rank of Magritude fmm bands equal lo Range up- purchased, grades purchased, jb S jb ! I I MAGNITUDE RANGE oJ DURATION Spend @ to affect a number of ‘Spond @ to increase powor's {Commit OOO to sustain the ongoing effects ofthe power on each ‘aciiona targets equal to Pro- rango by a number of range affctod target while it romaine in rango, [sence por rank of Magnitude bands equal to Range up- fam purchased, grades purchased, yi l I fms one! oad | Spend @ to affect a numberof May suffer4 Strain to change fro @ wore used to generate @,, cncose one sl. Whi affected by additional targets equal to Pro- the range ofthe power and the the power, each effected cheractor courts as having the same number sence per rank of Magnitude range upgrades to planetary JR of rani Inthe chosen ski as the affected character with the most purchased, sale ranks in that ski. fthe user used any @ to generate @ each afected charactor must make a @ Discipine check ifhe wishes to resist cboy- y aoe jb (CHARACTER NAME PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 2 Tha Fores user rasrains an enemy, preventing tha target from acting, also sisters! Woune per Q spent.on te check (gnoeng Soak. (May not be activates multiple tres) Eee The usar may spend @ to immobilize a target within Short range until the end of the user's next tum. fhe user used any @ to generate ‘Spend @ to increase powers Spend @ to affect one add- Spend Q to disorent the tar- range by a rumber of range tinal targotwihin range por [20 for a numberof rounds bends equal to Range up- rank of Magnitude purchased, equal to Strength upgrades (grades purchased. purchased, 3 Cones Spend QF whenever a texget affecied by Bind takes an act- ton, that target suffers Stain equa! tothe Force user's Wil Power. (May not be actvated ‘mutipie tines.) g Spend @ to increase power |) SS sevOmmmenme| |gemOQuaeemmme) |S Qvarams meeecmenam | [Rs cieren | |aterannin cn ae ease Ee Commit OOO to sustain the ongoing effects ofthe power en} each affected target. (ey not be ectvated mulipr times.) a I ab I I Cn MAGNITUDE fran) Spend @ to move the target Spend @O to affect one add- PaO eaeeetee piers anerconaeeate ‘ne rango band closer or fa tonal targot within rango por ‘Strength upgrades purchases. thor away. rank of Magnitude purchased, S spent onthe check jb Spend @ to increase powers ]Wen the usr is making a Bind power check, ithe chock was not already opposed, tha user may rll an op range by @ rumber of range posed Discipline vs. Discipline agent one target ofthe power. Ifno @ were used to ganerate @) and the user bends equal to Range up- JR succeeds on the check, he may immediately staggor the target uni the end of his rext turn. tary @ wore grades purchased. used te generate @ and the chock succeeds, the target sutfrs @ Critical Injury, adding +10 tothe (CHARACTER NAME CONJURE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee The Force user calls forth a spectral object tothe hand which lasts fora short time. The usar may spend @) to create @ facsimile of Brawl or Melee weapon anywhere within Engaged range. At the end ofthe user's next tum, tis tem dissipates. At the GM's discretion, the user can instead conjure @ simple ool or other useful low-tech tem with an Encumbrance no greater than 1 Commit © to sustain ane con- Spend@@ to create atonal, ‘Spend @ to increase the maximum ancambxance ofthe facsimile that jurabon per Duration upgrade idortical corjurations equal to [can be conjured by 2 per Magnitude upgrade purchased, purchased while itremeins a ranks in Number upgrade Meaum range. purchased, (ei Cs Ee ‘Spend @ to incase the maximum encumbrance of the facsimile that Spend @ to add one of he fo Commit to sustain one con- ‘can be conjured by 2 por Magnitude upgrade purchased, lowing weapon qualiies tothe uration por Duration upgrade [conjuration: Defensive 1, Det- purchased while remains at lecton 1, Stun 4 /Mecium range. a a I I I Spend OO to cate additonal | Spend @ to add one ofthe fo- Spend @ to increase the rang Commit to sustain one con: Identical corjrations equal to lowing woapan qualies to tho al which tho Facsimile can bo uration par Duration upeyado ranks in Number upgrade Jconjuration: Burn 3, Perce 3, Jam conjured and sustained by one purchased while it remains at purchased, Vicious 3 ((o.a maximum of Extreme). Mecium range. _ 4 —~“ ro ‘Spend @O to summon the facsimile of a creature of Sihouetto 1 oF ‘small instoad of an abject. Ths eraatura is bound to tho user's will ‘and mindlessly follows that character's commands until the ond of the Force users next tum. If tho user has the corpse of tho crosture being conjured to inbue with fale if, this facsimile lasts uti the end of re ‘encounter instead, bt the user gains 7 Conflict for doing so. 4 S (CHARACTER NANE EBB/FLOW PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee Tha Fores user's actions sap strength from his foes, or empower himsef. Ebb: When the Force user makes a skll check, he may rll an Ebb power check 2s part ofthe rll The user may spend @) to sufer 1 Strain, than inflict 1 Strain on all other Engages characters. The Force user may not acvate this multiple times. user may not activate this multiple times. Flow: When the Force user makes 2 sil check, he may rela Flow power check 2s part of the rol. The user may spend Qo heal 1 Strain, The Foreg, 4 Spend @ to exciude a number Spend @O to aflect al other characters at Short range the Force user may spend of targets equal to Magritude to incroase the Strain healed upgredes purchased from be- or inficted by 1 Ing affected. é I l Cn = Cs Goon) Spend @@O once per bb: When making a combined Ebb power check, may spend to the Force user may spend O counter to ask tho GMa single add @ to ary checks made by Engaged opponents until the and ofthe to incroase the & or added “yes oro" question ret tur, by one. Flow: When making @ combined Flow power check, may spend to add (to any checks using the same ski unt the end of the next ur, 3 MAGNITUDE = eon Sion) Spend @ to exclude a number Ebb: When making a combined Ebb power check, may spend @ to the Foroo user may spend of targots equal Magnitude Jada to any checks made by Engaged opponents uni the and ofthe to incraase the Y or 3 added Upgredes purchased from bo- next tur, by one. ing affected. Flow: When making @ combined Flow power check, may spend to add 3 to ary checks using the same skil unt the end of the next um. 3 o Cn = oe Commit © nti the and ofthe curent encounter. For the remainder of Ebb: Once por session, i target suflered at least 5 Strain from this the curent encounter, add O te all sil chacks. Each O and @ adds Power, add ® tothe targets next check. either # or tothe check (user's choice); each @ causes the user to sutfor 1 Strain and gain 1 Confit. Flow: Once per session if the user healed atleast § Strain from this Power, add @ to the user's next chock jb (CHARACTER NAME PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee The Force user can ignore Ife-threatening wounds fora time ]wnen the character surfers a Cotical injury with a saverty no greater than @ the character may activate Endure as an out-of-um incidental and commit | totemporany ignore the effects of that injury. The character does not apply any results from the Ctical injury or a6 +10 to further rls on tha Crit- ical Injury Result table whie © remains commited. When this ongoing effect ends, the character suffers al effects of the Critical jury (uniess it has boon treatec, g Gran) Cones Oo Et Increase the severity of Critical The character can commit one AS an nccental, the character can activate Endure to temporarily g- Injury that can be affected by 1 ackitional O to temporarily ig- ore a Critical Injury the characer is already suffering, and which is ofa per Strength upgrade pur nore one adiional Gita I Sevey that Endure could affet normaly chased. jury per Contr! upgrade pur- chased. 3b Cn Soe) o MAGNITUDE The character can commit one Increase the severity cf Critcal The character can use Endure o affect ales within Short range. The additional O to temporary ig- Injury that can be affected by # cngoing effact nds if tho distance batweon the charactors increases nore one additional Critical I per Strength upgrade pur beyond Short range for any reason, jury per Contro! upgrade pur- Shased _ 3 I om nos Ceo STi Increase the soveiy of rite The character ean commit one Increase the severly of Catal the character can use Endure Injury tat can be affected by 4 addtional © to temporary ig- Injury that ean be affected by 4 to atactalios within Mocium per Strength upgrade pur. nore one additonal ric in Por Strenath upgrade pur- range. The ongoing effect ends chased. jury per Control upgrade pur chased ifthe distance between the chased characters increases beyond Mecium range for any ad oa Wen activating Endure, the charactor may make an Endure power chock, making @ Discipline check with a dificult equal to the severity ofthe Critcel injury and adding © up tothe character's Fore rating. t the character succeeds onthe check and generates (equal tothe | soverty of the Crtical injury, the Critical Injury isnot sored. GHARACTERWANE, ENHANCE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATI ING 1 choice) on the check. Tha Fores user can perform alhetic feats beyond the orginal scape of thar natural abies, ]wnen making an Attics check, the Force user may rll an Enhance power check as par ofthe pool. The user may sperd Q to gain ¥ or © (user's Eee I I ‘CONTROL Cn oO Cons Enhance can be used withthe Enhance can be used withthe "Take a Force leap action; make an Enhance power check. The user Coordination skit Resiiance sil may spend @ to jump horizontally to any lection in Short rango. (May ot be activated muliple times.) é I I Piloting - Planotary sl Cn Cn 7 Cm Enhanee can be used withthe Enhance ean be used with the When performing a Force Leap, the user can jump vertically in adaton Brawl ek. to hor zontal. a I I Piloting - Spaco ski Enhanoe oan be used withthe [Ongoing effect commit C). The user incteases his Brawn characters- ‘Spend @ to increase power's ic by # (toa maximum of 8 range by one range band. jb oO Coos = Co Ongaing effect: commit ©. The user increases his Agility characters- [The user can pectorm a Force Leap as @ manewver instead of an act- ticby 1 (o.a maximum of). on. 3b (CHARACTER NAME FARSIGHT PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee Tha Fores user expands normal isl senses through a connection to the Forea, Tha usar may spend @ to ignore tha affects of darkness or blindness and see normally at up to Madhum range for tne remainder ofthe round (or one minut}. This lows the user to view everything most sentients could normally be able to see on a wel It day. ha: En Cs Ee ‘Spend @ to soe microscor Spend to soe through a sin- ‘Spend @ to make oul fine de- | Spend @ to increase duration detl fe single objet witin ale object at Medium rango as tis ona single object within bby number af rounds (o min- Engaged range hough it were transparent. Medium range, tes) equal fo Duration up- redes purchased. Ete Cs = to increase power Spend @ to increase duraton when making a Viglance or range by a eumber of range by numberof rounde (or min Porcoption chock. mako a Far range by @ number of range bands equal fo Range up utes) equal lo Duration up- sight power check as part of bands equal to Range up= srades purchased. grades purchased, spel nd rand gan grades purchased. ‘or Con the check, a ] ] ] Cs Cn MASTERY Ongoing effect: Commit O af Spend @O to seein every dic] | Spend @O. The user now can 962 as though from a spot within Close tor suczoestuly activating the ction simultanoously, noteing rango (planetary ecal) ofthe users body. Farsight power to increase [and observing things Ina full ranks in Perception by 1 360-dogree are. (May not bo activated multiple times.) jb (CHARACTER NANE FORESEE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee pool. He may spend © to gain ¥¢ par point on the check. a ‘making a Skil check to determine intiatve, the Force user may roll a Foresse power check as pat of The Force user can fee the Force lowing around everything, seeing what's and what wil be. The usar may spend @ ta gain vague hints of everts to come, up toa day inte his own, personal future. redes purchased, Goan) ‘Spend @ to pick out speciic dots equal o Strength up- 3b a (es Spend Q to increase targets affected (Engaged alias) equal to Magnitude upgrades pur- chased. Spend @ to increase power’ range by a rumber of range hands equal fo Range up- grades purchased, [m conmo Affected alles increase ther Ranged and Moo Defonses by 2 forthe fst round of com- bat. purchased, Ee Spend @ to increase days into the future the user can see equal to Duration upgredes a (ens Spend @ to increase targets affected (Engaged alls) equal to Magnitude upgrades pur- chased. RANGE ‘Spend @ to increase powor's rango by a number of range bands equal to Range up- grades purchased, Spend @ to increase powers rango by a number of range bands equal to Range up- orades purchased lorades purchased. Sion) ‘Spend @ to ick out speciic dati equal to Stongth up- a mutiple tmes}) Cn When perforring a Forasoe power check as par of an iialve chack, the Force user may spend Q to allow all affoctec argo to take one free maneuver befora the fst round of combat begins. (tay not be activates Ee urchasod, ‘Spend @ to increase days into no future the usar can see equal to Duration upgrades a (CHARACTER NANE HEAL/HARM PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 activated multiple times) lacrvated T mes.) Eee Tha Force user bolsters his ally with ranawed vigor, or saps his fa of vital anergy. Hes: Light sice Force user only. Spend @ to heal @ numberof Wounds equal to Inelec rom an Engaged Ing ereatur (Intuding user). (May net be Harr: Spend @ to infct a numberof Wounds equal Intallect (ignoring Soak) on an Engaged living target. The user gains 1 Conflict. (May not be 4 MAGNITUDE Spend So —— to increase power Spend @@ to affect one add- range by arumberofrange ional targotwihin range por bends equal to Range up- rank of Magnitude purchased, raves purchased. es ‘Spend @O to affect one add- tera target within range por rank of Magnitude purchased Eon Heat fro @ generated O. tar oot heals Strain equal to Wounds healed. Harm: any @ wore used to gonorate @, user neal Stain equal to Wounds inet, MAGNITUDE Cgamanowes Spend 0O to affect one add range by @ umber of range ional targot within range par bends equal to Range up- rank of Magnitude purchased, srades purchased. Goon) Heat Spend Q to increase Wounds hated by 1 per rank ct Stengtn upgrades purchased. Herm: Spend Q to increase Wounds inficts by 1 por rank Strength uparades pur- Cnn Heal Spend Oto remove one status otect hom argo. Harm: The user may spend to heal Wounds equal fo Wounds infeed on target. Heald cha [acter gains + Confit, 2 fn Eon Heal: Heal addtional Wounds Heal: May combine a 904 Mod ‘qual to ranks in Modicino. icine check with fe Heel power [cneck. If chock succeeds, one Han inf ational Wounds| target who heals Wounes, also ‘equal o ranks in Medicine hal one Geta Iury Harm: May combine an opposed ediene vs. Resilanca chen win the Harm pow check Shack suoceeds, one target who surters Wounds also surers one Crit injury (adsing +10 0 the, co per C20 or Hak Onoe por session, spend 100.00 wo rector one target iho ced ater end of users ast tut te Harm: Onew per session when this power ils a target, ay store one Engaged charecter| abo ced tis enoountr tif, Each charactor gars 7 Conflict Sion) Heat: Spand Q to increase Wounds bested by 1 per rank or Strong upgrades purchases. Harm: Spend @ to ncease vroundsinfictos by 1 por rank ‘Siren upgrades put- chases. (CHARACTER NANE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 2 The Force user lends strength to alles, making them more potent, resourceful and resent fora time, next tur, maximum of €) unt the end of the users next tum, but Doh the Force user anc the target suter 3 Strain, Eee The usar may spend (Oto increase one of another Engaged character's characteristics by 1 (to @ maximum of 6) until the end of the Forse user's This can only be used once per character per encounter. the ser uses @ to gonerate @ the target increases a second charactors by 1 (to 2 4 Ino @ was used to generate @. decrease al Critical Iruries suffered Spend @ to lion te target to ‘and inicio by the target by 10 per Strength upgrade purchased. Ifo [count as having ranks ina sil (O were used to generate @ increese el Citial Injures suffered and equal to user's ranks inthe Inficted by 10 per Stienatn upgrade purciased. ski ‘Spend @@ to increase the powor's range by @ number of range bands ‘equal to Range upgrades purchased. = Goan) or Ino @ was used to generate @,, decrease all Clic Injuries suered Increase characteristics boost: ‘and infictod by the targot by 10 per Strength upgrade purchased. Ifo ed by this power by 2 (toa (O were usod to gonorate @, increase al Critical Injures suffered and maximum of 7) instead of 1 (to Inficted by 10 per Strongth upgrade purchased, 2 maximum of). Ee Commit OO to sustain the effects ofthis power as long at the target remains in range. ¥ I = a Spend QO to increase the I a0 @ was used to generate @, docroase al Critical Injuries suffered powers range by a number of and inficted by the target by 10 per Strath upgrade purchased. no range bands equal to Range (© were used to generate @®, incresse el Critical Injuries suffered and Uupgredes purchased. inflicted by 10 per Steongth upgrade purchased Ee Commit © (instead of OO) to sustain the offects of this Power as long as the target ro 4 (CHARACTER NANE INFLUENCE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Ee The Force user may altemp to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others. The user may spend @ to stress the mind of one living target he Is Engaged with, inficing 1 Strain Special ule: when guiding anc shaping thoughts, ony @ generate from @ may be used! to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred Shir governs tows © may be nea gnetom ponttn store rus an Poo, sang and Nenana Clr emo than Sonn, = I ‘3 : Spend to increase powers = O to increase trge "The Force user may make an opposed Dscpline vs. Discipline chack range by a rumber of range attostod equal to Magnitude combined with an Influence power check. f the user spends @ and bends equal to Range up- Upgrades purchased. Succeeds onthe chack, he can force the farget to adopt an emotional grades purchased, state or believe something untrue lasting for one round or five minutes. 3 I I Cn Grou) When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, cr Negotialon check, the user may rll an Inluence When stressing he mind ofa power chock as part of his dce pool. He may spond @) to gain YF or {9 (usa'schoico) onthe chock argo, the character inflicts 2 strain as I I ! (en Em Eon Spend @ to increase powor's Spend to increase targets Spend @ to increase duration ‘Spend @ to increase duration rango by a rumbor of range affoctod oqual to Magnitude by number of rounds (or min- by number af rounds (or min- bands equal to Range up: upgrades purchased. utes) equal to Duration up- tes) equa o Duration up- grades purchased orades purchased grades purchased. s I I ON Ee fren DU Spend @ to increase powor's Spend @ to increase targets [Spend @ to increase duration ‘Spend @ to increase duration range by @rumber of range affected equal to Magnitude by number ef rounds (or in bby number of rounds (o min- bends equal to Range up- upgredes purchased. tes) equal to Duration up- utes) equal o Duration up- rades purchesed grades purchased. orades purchased, a (CHARACTER NANE JERSERRA’S INFLUENCE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 2; (Ghosts of Dathomir) o Eee Tha Foros user can project tering visons onto foes, forcing thant Fae thee greatest ars. The user may spend @ to target ene cheracter within Short range. That character must immediately make a $@ Fear check 28 an out of tum incisenta The user may not activate this mutiple times. Spend Q to increase the The Force user may spend Q) to increase the dilfeuity ofthe Fear chack by a numberof imes equal 1 powers range by a number of | Svength upgrades purchasod. range bands equal to Range Uggredes purchased. jb ins Spend Q to increase the when making a Fear check, Spend @ to increase the powor's range by a number of the Force user can ela der- numberof targets affected by a Fange bands equal to Range serra’ Influence power check number equal to Magnitude up- ‘equal erount of Strin upgredes purchased. 28 par of the poo). The user redes purchased. may spend @ to gain ¥ or (users choice) on the check, 4 en STRENGTH eos [=m ror Spend © to increase the The Force user may spend [Ongoing eect: commit O. The ‘Spend @ to increase the number of targets affocted by a| toincroase the difculty of tro user inoreages hie Wilpawer Power's rango by a number of number equal to Magnitude u Fear check by a number of Jcharacterstic by 1 (toa max- Tange bands equal to Range ‘ades purchased fimes equal o Strength up- mum of 6.) upgrades purchased. grades purchased, ¥ I I [road [oad ‘The Force user may target one character within Short range and make an opposed Discipine vs. Discipline Once per session after a tar check combined with a Jersera's Influence pewer check Ifthe user spends @) and succaads onthe check, he got alsa Foar chock caused ‘may commit © and foe the target to also commit ©. Bath cice remain cermmited unt the Forea user uncam- by this powor, the Foroo user rite thet ©, othe encountor endo, ‘may have the target perform ee echo moat ta Inederta TheForce user fgane 3 Comic ‘2 (CHARACTER NANE MANIPULATE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Tha Foros user shapes machine components on a moacuiar lev, allowing him fo mend damaged mechanical sysiems The Force user may spend @) to cause ane vehicle or starship he is engaged with to recover one System Stain Eee 3 I Cones Tn Cn Ongoing effect: commit C. ]When using this power. spend [Ongoing effect: commit C. increase the Sysiom Strain Threshold of (One damaged weapon or item to cause largest recover ons vehicie or starship at Engaged range by 3 per ©) commited. counts as being undamaged. ‘Vaddional Stain or System fmm] Stain, or healt adtonal Wound for every Strength up- grade purchased, é é I I com | When making a Mechanics ‘Spend to increase the pos The user may spend @ to heal | When performing a combat Seoestaraceets,,| |sreOpeenrr| [Temcmmes ones) [wie tease eecceres| |comeeme amecteame | |getaenceem wciemegee | [mea bs seine ee, D togain ¥ or (user's may spend Q to infict 1 ad- Seen toes dozer Gyan er yao Stan onthe rg 3 starship at Engaged range by 3 per C)committd, Ongoing effect: commit ©. increase the Hul Trauma of one vehicle oF Spend @ to increase the pow= when using this power, spend lors rango by a numberof Q to cause targats to recover, range bands equal to Range 1 acéitonal Stain or System upgrades purchased, Strain, or healt adetonal Wound for every Strength up- 3 = I Ca Ongoing effect: commit CO. Upgrade the ably of Comput. ors and Mechanics checks Uupgredes purchased. Spend (to increase the pow- When performing a Manipulate power check as part ofa Mechanics lors range by a number of skll check, the user may spend (BQ) to gin > on the check. range bands equal to Rango jam) b jb (CHARACTER NANE MISDIRECT PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee Tha Force user creates isons to fol those around them. The usar may spend @) to make target at upto Short range unable to perceive a chosen person or abject of Sihouette 1 or smaller. Uni the bogin- ning of the user's tur, the target cannot see or sense the hicden person or object. (May not be activated mutipe times.) Ee Gro) Con Spend So —— to increase power [Commit OO to sustain this ‘Spend @O to increase the the user may alter the per- range by arumberofrange power while the boguiled target] | Siouete ofthe objact ob- coived appearance ofthe cho- bends equal to Range up- remains in range sured oriision created by 4 sen person or object instead of grades purchesed, per Strength upgrade pur- hing it chased i b at ] ] GI! ens STRENGTH Cnn Spend @ to affect additonal Spend @ to affect addtional Spend OO to increase the May use this power to force the] targets equal to Presonco por argots aqual to Presonce por Sithouote of the abject eb target o perceive & single ilu- rank of Magnitude purchased, rank of Magnitude purchased, Scurred oilsion cate by 4 sory person or abject, Por Strength upgrade pur- ehased, a I ] I en! Goa (om ‘Spend @ to increase powor's | Commit ore or more O. Add Spend OO to increase the Spend @O to obscure ad rango by a rumbor of range f&por © to all combat checks Sithouette ofthe object ob- ional objects or croat issiors| bands equal to Range up: targoting the Force user. cured oilusion created by 1 Cunning plus Decep- grades purchased er Strength ungrade pur ion. nase jb Bo) ‘Spend @ o increase powers range by a number of range bands equal Spend @ to incroase the Sihoustte ofthe object obscured orile- to Range upgrades purchased. sion created by 1 per Strength upgrade purchased. jb (CHARACTER NAME MOVE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 The Force user can move small objects via the power ofthe Forca range. (May ot be activated mutile mes.) Eee The usar may spend @ to move ane object of Sthovetts © that within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is Short I I Ces en) Spend Q to increase targets Spend Q to increase Sinou- affected equal to Magnitude otto able tobe targotod equal Upgredes purchased: to Sirongth upgrades pur chased. a S ] I = ‘Spend @ to increase power's Spend @ to increase power's range by a number of range range by @ number of range bands equal o Range up- bands equal to Range up= grades purchased. redes purchased. [res Spend Q to increase targots affocted equal to Magnitude Uupgredas purchased! Geen) Spend @ to increase Sino otto able to be targotod oqual to Sirength upgrades pur- — I a fo 10x Sihouette (Sihouette 0 dees 5 damage). MAGNITUDE Spend Oto increase targets acted equal to Magnitude Uupgredes purchased. STRENGTH Spend Qo increase Sinou- tt able tobe targotod equal to Sironath uparades pur- a, I Ca "The Force user ean pul obj ut of secure mountings oF out fof an opponent's grasp. redes purchased, ‘Spend @ to increase power's range by @ number of range bands equal to Range up- MAGNITUDE Spend @ to increase targots affected equal fo Magnitude uparedes purchased. Goena) Spend Qo increase Sihou- otto abl to be targotod equal to Stronath uparades pur- 7, Ci "The character can perform fine maripulaton of iems, allowing him to do whatover he could normally do with his hends via this power a his Power's range. (CHARACTER NANE PROTECT/UNLEASH PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 3 rmutple times) Eee The Force user guides the flow of enerny, protecting himself and others, or unleashing blasts of power upon hs foes. Protect: The user makas @ Protect poner chack and rls 2 4 Discipline check. Spend (DQ to reduce damage trem an energy-based weapon that hit] himself or an Engages character by amount equal fo Wilpone plus 1 per 3. Dark side Force users may only protect themseives. (May not be activate) Unleash: The user makes an Unieash power check and rls a @@ Discipline check. if check succeeds anc spencs (DQ, he attack his, thas a ‘ange of Shor, base damage oqual to Wiloower, and a Ciical Rating of 4. The user gains 1 Confit. (May not be activated mute times.) Spend @O to increase pow- Jers range by a number of range bends equal to Range hk Spend OU ystems to decrease damage Jor add damage equal to ranks of Sirngth upgrades pur- Uggredes purchased. chased. fm stRenctH Spend avreaane to decrease damage| Joradd damage equal to ranks of Strength upgrades pur- chased Unieash: Spend © to inf 1 Strain on target. Con Protect: Spend to gain Det- Jonse equal to 9 spent. Spend 00 to increase pow. e's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgredes purchased. OC aas Spend to affect one add- ional target within range per rank of Magnitude upgrades. Cn Protect: Spend @ to alow Power to protect agains ll types ofettack Spend Lovee eaee! 10 increase pow frerange by amumber ct Unieash: Spend @ to give the attack Ensnare 2 4 MAGNITUDE Spend @ to affect one add tional target within rango por rank of Magnitude upgrades. STRENGTH Spend Q to decrease damage. Jor add damage aqual to ranks ot Sironath uperades pur- chased Ee Protec: Ino @ generated Q Soon Spend @ to decrease damage Joradd damage oqual to ranks tho powsr reduoss damage of ot Strength upgrades pur- al attacks until the beginning chased of tho user's next tum Leas: Spend 0 toe [te tack Bun 2 ‘3 Cn Protoct Light side Force usors may spond a Destiny Point to use Pro- tect ag an out-o-turn ineldental once per seesion. Unleash: Dark side Force users may spend a Destiny Point to use Un- leash as a maneuver once per session [oad Protect Light side Forca usors may spend QQ to rflect al atacks they reduce to 0 damage, dealing damage equal o th inal attack to ettacker. Unleash: Dark side Forco users may spond @ to reduce the Creal Rating ofthe attack to 1. 4 (CHARACTER NANE SEEK PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee Tha Force user allows the wil ofthe Force to lead the way to something last o°forgtan The usar may spend @O to gain insight into the general location or direction ofa person or cbjact that he knows about, regardless of current stance. (May not be activated mutpa times.) The user may spend @ ane succeed ata 0 Vigilance check (or opposes Vigilance vs. Discipline check) o see through Husions 4 ‘Spend @ to gain one adetional detal per Magnitude upgrade pur- Ongoing effect: Commit ©. Upgrade the abit of Vigilance and Per- chased. pion chacks once. (May nol be activated maltipe times.) Geeta = fiend ins Spend Q to emlinate one Spend to gain one addlional detal per Magnitude upgrade pur- Spend @ to gain one adtion- Frce-based illusion por rank chased. at detail per Macritude up- of Strngth upgrades pur grade purchased, chased. a I ] ] Es oO Goena) MAGNITUDE Spend @ to tack one addition ‘Spend @ to enilinate one Force: based iusion per rank of Stength up- ‘Spend @ to gain one aition- altarget grades purchased, detail per Magrtude un- rade purcnesed. a I I I I Et oJ ‘CONTROL [oad Commit to continue tracking JOncing effect: Commit OOO. The user's attacks gain Pierce with Make Seek power check and target even when it moves. rating equal to Cunning plus ranks in Perception (or increases existing so0nd DDD to add} to Pierce by te same amount), ‘mutiple times.) 4 (CHARACTER NANE SENSE PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 The Force user can sense the Force iniractng with the word around him. Eee The usar may spend @ to sense all living things within Shart range (including sentiont and nor-sentent beings). (May not be activated matiple tes.) The user may spend @ to sense the current emotional state of one ving target with whom he is Engaged. (May not be activated multiple times.) I En (Ongoing effect: Commit ©. Once per round. when an attack targets the Force user, he upgredes the dificuly of the pool onca. (May not be a Ivated multiple mes ) Cn Effect Spend @. The Force user senses the curant though of one ving target with whom he is Engaged. (May not be activated muliple é I I DURATION ‘Sense’s ongoing effects may be tiggered one additonal time per 2 a ins Spend Q to increase power's Spend @ to increase numer range by a number of range oF targets fected by power bands equal to Range up- equal to Magnitude upgrades grades purchased. purchased, é I I - oan) Spend Q to increase power's [ens ‘Spend @ to increase number rango by a number of range of targa afacted by powor bands equal to Range up equal to Megniteds upgrades rades purchased Purchased, ¥ I I oJ Gn (Ongoing effect: Commit O, Once por round, when making a combat check, he upgrades the ably of tat chock once. (May net be actvat [oc multiple tenes.) Spend @ to increase power's ‘Spend @ to increase number range by a number of range of targts affected by powor bands equal to Range up- equal to Magnitude upgrades grades purchased. urchasod, 3b (CHARACTER NANE SUPPRESS PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1 Eee The Force user can dampen the effect of incoming Force powers, dramatically diminishing their eflects on himself and his ales. The usar may spend @ to add automatic ¥ to Force power chacks made agains him or any aly within Short range until tne end of his next turn. (May not be activated muliple tres.) Spend @ to adil adcional automat Y equa to Strang upgrades Ongoing effect: Commit © to ‘Spend @ to increase power's purchased. to haste Force power checks. (ay not be activated mut sustain ongoing effects ofthe range by a numberof range ple times.) Power on each flected target band equal to Range up- wile within range, (May not ve) | grades purchased. ecivated matple times.) é I I Commit ane or mare); when an opponent targets he user with a Farce power, after the oppanent generates Spend @ to increase power's 10 ‘reduce the total generated by ane per Clearnmited, to 2 minima of 0. range by a number of range bands equal to Range up= redes purchased. o SRENTH =m [= woe ‘Spend Q 10 add adclional aulomatto Y equal to Strongth upgrades Spend a Destiny Point to use ‘Spend @ to increase powers purchasod. i haste Force power checks. (May not be actvatad mul- 'Supprese as an out-o-tun in range by @ number of range ple times.) eidental once per sossion. bands equal to Range up- redes purchased. s I I oJ ona Cn ‘The usor may make a Suppress power check along with an opposed Whenever a Force user targets a character effcted by Suppress with a Discipline vs. Discipline check targating another Force user within hostile Force power, hat opponent used @ to generate (bon the Short range. Ihe user spends (BQ) and succeeds onthe check, the check, he suffers Stain equal othe users ranks in Discpiine. age Force wer mdi uncon ol © on onde all ongoing affects of Force powers and Force talents that required carried (May not be activated mutple times.) 4 (CHARACTER NANE WARDE’S FORESIGHT PREREQUISITE: FORCE RATING 1; (Chronicles of the Gatekeeper) o Eee Tha Fores user can fee the Force flowing around another spacfic individual to gain insight into what that parson might do, The user may spend @ to gain hints about what another individual within Short range i likely to do inthe near future ‘Spend @ to increase powers ]when making a skil check o determine iniatve, the Force user may roll a Warde's Foresight power check as range by a rumber of range part of tha pool. He may spend @ to add automatic % on his frst check this encounter. bends equal to Range up- grades purchased, a é I I Been Cn Ete Ee Spend @O to-add EI equal to Once per encounter, use the Spend @O to have the bo- spend OO to have the bo- Strength upgrades purchased Basic Powor as a manouver, pusos the powor grants apply uses the power grants apply touser’s next check agzinst emma to all chacks for rounds equal to all checks for rounds equal the target: (May not be actvet- to Duration upgrades pur- to Duration upgrades pur- ed multiple tmes,) chased. (May not be activated chased. (May net be activated 4 uttple tes.) muttple times.) g I ool en Spend @ to neroase power's Spend @ tohave the bo: When pertorming a Warde's ven perorming a Warce's range by a rumbor of ange ruses the power grants apply Foresight powor check as par | | Foresight power cnoak as pat bends oqualto Rango Up: fame to al checks for rounds cata ofan inate check, spend @ Jems of an inate check, spend @ races purchased. fo Duration upgrades pur to ada O on user's frst chock to aad 3¢ or Oto alls fst chased. (ay not be activated this encountor creck ris encounter. ay b I Goac) Ci Spend @O to add EI equal to When perforing a Warde's Foresight power check as part of aninatve check, f the user dd pot us Strength upgrades purchased Jgnovie O, cach aly adds torte Wt the result is itave check the usr used @ to gorersteO, to user's next chock ageinst the user may immediately perform an action before the encounter begin, but ech enemy inthe encounter the target: (May not be actvet- Jad automatic ¥ to the results of his intative check. 2 mulple tmes ) 3b jb

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