International Political Security

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International Political security:

 Domestic concept: In domestic arena what security

challenges does a state face and what can they do to
ensure their sovereignty and ensure their survival?
 International concept: Security challenges
internationally influence security environment and
political decision. How? E.g. 9/11 was a global crisis. Did
it affect Pakistan’s political decision? Musharraf decided
to take side with US and start war on terror. Did it result
in increase in terrorism? Hence a political decision
ultimately led to security crisis.
Conceptualization of security in 21st century:
Taken from Barry Buzan article. When the cold war started
there were capitalist on one side and communism on other
side. However, this was not the only tug of war at that time.
At the same time there was a war going on between realists
and liberals. Realists argued that security dilemma is at its
peak, power politics at peak, security manifestation at peak
between states. Both states to counter each other will go to
any limit and will hence get converted into a hard war where
one will win and the other will loose leading to the end of one
and hence the finishing of the war. Liberals argued that the
world had already seen WWI and WWII and now
international organizations and international laws are
established hence rationality will prevail and the issue will be
brought to diplomatic table and will be resolved through
dialogue and anarchy will be ended. 1950’s to 1970’s there
was no war hence the liberals got encouraged. Hence, they
started saying that the concept of security is flawed and even
if there is anarchy it will be resolved through dialogue and
diplomatic efforts. Slowly due to a long confrontation USSR
was collapsing hence it began to stretch out and US
continued its propaganda of portraying US as winning and
USSR loosing. This resulted in USSR thinking over establishing
capitalism as they felt communism had taken them back.
When 1980’s started they attacked Afghanistan which
further deteriorated the situation. In 1980 Stalin’s successor
Nikathev kurchav passed away. His successor was named
Gorbachev who was a communist. When he became the head
of USSR there was internal crisis and on top of all they were
losing in Afghanistan. Hence, he brought some reforms to
normalize the domestic problems. His reforms have 2
 Glasnost: Glass meaning transparency. After becoming
head, he started private media and private press. He
had assumed that America’s propaganda will be
countered. However, the opposite happened and this
further ruined the situation.
 Perestroika: In certain sectors out of which construction
sector was dominant started private businesses and
started direct elections. In short selective businesses and
selective election was started the media started writing
that finally USSR agreed that communism was weak and
capitalism was strong hence capitalism was adopted.
Hence due to this USSR in 1991 announced that instead
of running their own system they are ready to start
going together with the world and bring democracy and
capitalism. This was called the new thinking policy. As
soon as this was announced the cold war ended.
Gorbachev said on that day, “Today we are going to do
a terrible thing with America. We are going to deprive
them of an enemy.” Liberals started celebrating stating
concept of security will finish in 21st century. Barry Buzan
in response wrote an article called conceptualization of
security in 21st century. His thesis was that there is
concept of security and it won’t finish and would rather
multiply meaning it would further grow and get
enhanced. To explain his notion, he said that realists
didn’t define the concept of security properly. Realists
say that security means absence of threat however
realists only assumed that threat was only present at
borders through military aggression. However, for a
state there are multiple kinds of threats i.e.
1. Individual Level: if Pakistani’s do not have health
and education security is that not a threat to
2. Society level: Is sectarianism and culture
deformation not a threat to Pakistan?
3. State Level: Is collapsing institutions not a threat to
4. Global Level: Is covid-19 and 9/11 not a threat to
the Pakistan?
Hence the concept of realists that security means absence of
threat was correct but saying it was restricted to only borders
was not holistic as a state did not only have threats from
military aggression but multiple other threats. Hence in 21st
century concept of security wont finish but would rather
increase. The original concept that realists gave was military
centered approach whereas the expanded concept given by
Buzan was that of non-military existential threats. Hence
realists were talking about traditional security and Buzan was
talking about non traditional security threats. Hence it will
move from traditional to non-traditional and military
centered to non-military centered that will be present at
individual, society, state and global level. These threats will
be present both externally and internally. Hence Buzan gave
5 types of security i.e.
1. Military security (Traditional security)
2. Societal security
3. Economic security NON-TRADITIONAL
4. Political security
5. Environmental security
All these will occur simultaneously and an insecurity in one
domain will lead to an insecurity in all domains.
National Power and its elements:
My ability to influence someone else, my ability to control
someone else or my ability to by any means necessary to
exert my sphere of influence on someone else is know as my
power. Similarly the states power to influence, control,
dictate, coerce and extend its sphere of influence on another
state or non-state actor is known as its national power. There
are certain elements which a state can use for its national
power. These elements enable the state to exert its influence
on another state or non-state actor.
1. Military power (USA): If strategic discourse of America is
seen its strongest is military hence it can be termed as a
military power
2. Economy (China): Their rise is based on economy
3. Technology (Japan)
4. Political clout (EU)
5. Resources (KSA)
Power dynamics can be classified through theoretical lens
1. Realist viewpoint of power: Generally military centered
and hard power. Egoistic maximizer, national interest,
security dilemma and so on involved.
2. Liberal viewpoint of power: Generally, power of
attraction, economy, culture, cooperation and
institutions. Cooperation, trade, diplomacy and so on
Types of National Power: 2 things come in this:
 Hard power: This is that power which was explained by
realist viewpoint and is always based on tangible
elements I.e. military size, equipment and weapons.
Meaning it will be based on elements that are not
physically present. Decisive capability will be military
and manifestation will be in form of war and effects will
be conflicts. Those who have hard power will use stick as
a diplomatic tool i.e. you are either with us or against us
and the nature of the politics will be zero sum game.
Hard power is that form of national power which is
justified through realist viewpoint generally backed by
tangible elements of power and more precisely military
capabilities of a state that play a decisive role in
manifestation of power. When a state relies on hard
power it generally shows it through war so this form of
power generally leads to security dilemma and pushes it
to conflict zone. Any state that follows this policy uses
stick policy and is based on zero sum game.
 Soft Power: This is that power which was explained by
Neo Liberal viewpoint and was based on intangible
elements i.e. culture, trade, cooperation and so on.
Decisive capability will be economic strength resulting in
trade and attraction and the effects will be cooperation
and the diplomatic tool use will be carrots and the
nature of politics will be win-win game. Soft power is
that form of national power which is justified through
neo liberal lens generally backed by intangible elements
of power and is generally decided by economic
capabilities. General manifestation is in form of trade
and diplomatic relations and causes cooperation. Any
state that uses this power is using carrots policy and
would try to attract other states through win-win policy.
How effectively and simultaneously hard and soft power is
used and is operationalized and demonstrated is called smart
power of a state.
Types of elements of national power: They are basically
elements that state use to use their national power.
 In tangible elements:
 Political culture
 Ideology
 Leadership
 Quality of diplomacy
 Efficiency of governmental institutions
 Education level
 National moral and solidarity
 Tangible elements:
 Size of economy
 Military
 Population
 Territory
 Geographical position
 Resources
 Technology
Now to know whether national power is effective there is a
criterion which is known as fungibility or fungible power.
Literal meaning is interconvertibility. Higher the fungibility
higher the effectiveness of elements of national power. Hence
the national political discourse will be to enhance the
fungibility of elements of its national power. Why is Chinas
power increasing and US decreasing? China’s soft economic
power has tangibility where as US military hard power
tangibility is less. China is using its soft power by smart power
and moving it around where as US is not. China is using the
elements of national power wisely US is not.
Balance of power:
It is a part of neo realism theory. It is a state behavior theory
and answers the question why a state behaves the way it
does. Neo realism states that the world has an anarchic
structure because there is no authority over and above the
state i.e. there is absence of global sovereign and unequal
capabilities leading to lack of trust leading to security
dilemma i.e. security of 1 leads to the insecurity of other and
this in turn leads to statism and then to achieve their national
interest they have no other option but that of self help
through which they start increasing their power i.e. power
maximization. USA is present in this international anarchic
structure who will because of their statism, self-help and
national interest increase their power. This will cause
insecurity in China i.e. security dilemma who will try to
increase their power meaning they will try to balance the
increasing power of USA leading to USA again feeling in
secured and them again further increasing their power and
China again trying to balance this increasing power and
again USA increasing and again China balancing. When this
goes on and on China and USA, they will start a power race. If
it is balance through reference of trade will be called trade
war, if propaganda will be called information warfare and if
it is in reference to weapons and military it will be called
arms race. Hence both will be in power race. Now in the same
global structure is present Russia who is also trying to
balance the power with USA. From here a phenomenon will
emerge known as the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Hence China and Russia will form an alliance who will try to
collectively increase their power. In the same anarchic
structure, there is India and Pakistan. A balance of power
cycle is also going on between Pakistan and India and India
and China. Hence in reference to India Pakistan is forming
alliance with China. Historically India was with Russia but in
2005 there was an alliance with USA. As soon as India starts
getting tilted towards USA a new alliance started forming i.e.
China, Pakistan and Russia showing no permanent enemy, no
permanent friend only national interest i.e. Anti-USA and Anti
India alliance.
Hence the principles of balance of power are is that when one
state increases its power another state tries to automatically
counterbalance meaning with reference to power transition
the rival state would automatically adjust its behavior in a
way that it could equal its increasing power so that there
could be maintenance of status quo of equilibrium of
distribution of power so that state could protect its
sovereignty which is important so as to bring the stability of
the system. If 1 state becomes so powerful that the
remaining cannot reach them even through an alliance then
there will be the concept of might is right leading to only
Balance of power can be done through:
 Individual increase of power
 Collective increase of power
However, balance of power will be a driving notion of global
politics. Hence the whole world operates on the parameter to
preserve the equilibrium of distribution of power.
How is balancing done?
 Divide and rule e.g. UK during colonization
 Compensation meaning Pakistan became an alliance
with USA in the war on terror who gave them multiple
aids and funds.
 Armaments e.g. during Afghan cold war America gave
us weapons
 Alliances
 Intervention e.g. Russia did in Syria.
 Buffer states
In global politics every act is an act of balancing of power
since it is the driving force. Every event can be explained
through balance of power. However, it can be explained
through 3 different phenomena’s:
 Intention: Well planned policy of a state that it has to
balance another state. It is long term planning. E.g.
during cold war US plan against USSR.
 Preference: Pakistan has an option that it can go to
either US or China. Hence Pakistan has to see where its
interests lie.
 Contingency
Foreign policy determinants, decision making and analysis:
Definition in terms of common man are the policy guidelines
on the basis of which a country interacts with other states i.e.
one country with another interaction. A more detailed
definition is that it includes the set of general objectives and
goals that guide the relationship and activities of one state in
its interactions at international level. International level
because nowadays it’s not only state to state but also state
and international organizations, regional organizations and
non-state actors, entities etc. But the main point of this all
interaction is the promotion of national interest hence the
definition now becomes a set of general objectives that guide
the relationship and activities of one state with another
based on the promotion of national interest.
 Generally, elements of national power. Higher the
national power higher will be the influence. China is
economically strong hence it is economically influencing
other states and knows whatever it says will be listened
to. Keeping this in mind foreign policy is made. They may
be enablers or disablers. E.g. Pakistan can use military in
reference to India and Afghanistan hence military is an
enabler. However, compared to USA which is stronger
Pakistan cannot use military hence military over here
will be a disabler.
 Other than this there are 2 other factors which also help
in determination of foreign policy:
1. Internal factors/domestic determinants/domestic
 Military capabilities: How strong the military is
will determine how aggressive the foreign policy
will be. E.g. USA is aggressive its because its
military is strong.
 Economic capabilities: If economically strong
value of talks will be strong.
 Type of government: If democratic state will see
what its people want. If dictatorship peoples
wishes wont be heard that much.
 Size of a state and geography
 Culture and history
 Technology
 National capability
 Social structure
 Public mood and role of media
 Politicians and accountability
 Leadership
2. External factors/international determinants:
 International geo-politics: What other states are
 International institutions: Role of state in
international institutions e.g. recently Pakistan in
reference to Kashmir can see who can solve the
issue? UN can solve the issue. Who has control
over UN? USA. Where is USA stuck? Afghanistan.
Who has control over Afghanistan? Pakistan. So,
Pakistan can use Afghan card to make US solve
their issue.
 Response of other states: E.g. Pakistan when
opened kartarpur corridor it was a peace
offering. However India still increased their
violence even further. This will be a determinant.
Did I get a positive response to my positive
 Long term strategic plan: National interest is
seen here and is seen is it being enabled,
achieved and portrayed e.g. Pakistan has
strategic importance in Afghanistan. Hence
Pakistan even if it knows recently Afghanistan
has hurt us but lets it go is because they know
they are of importance.
Analysis of Foreign Policy:
Most notable model was by Graham Allison called ABC model
of Foreign Policy. He said that whenever foreign policy is
made states will operate on this model. They are 3 different
models but at the same time is one as it is being operated
 A: A rational model: Where ever democratic practices
are followed states make decision rationally i.e. they
know they are answerable to the people who elected
them and hence won’t make wrong decisions as people
will next time do analysis and accountability and wont
vote us next time.
 B: Bureaucratic/organizational model: In countries
where parliament is not strong instead organizations or
bureaucracy is strong then major dominant role will be
played by them.
 C: Bargaining/pluralistic model: Everyone is involved.
Everyone is adjusted somewhere. E.g. Pakistan’s policy
towards Iran and on the Other hand towards KSA
Pakistan will see on one hand there is Shia population
and other Sunni population and both are present in
Pakistan hence they will be kept in mind when foreign
policy is made. Because end objective is national
interest. E.g. US in cold war foreign policy was made by
pentagon because conflict was there and military role
was more dominant.
 Maintain integrity of state
 Promoting economic interests
 Providing national security
 Developing national power
 Maintaining world order
 Because no state is independent nowadays and does
need to interact with other state
 Based on the promotion of national interest is most
important. When state makes relation, improves them,
changes them or breaks them it is for their national
interest. Nowadays it’s just national interest and no
other stuff. Not religion, not ideology. In one country
there will be democracy in another dictatorship yet still
they will have trade of 500 million $. Also, ethical
morality plays its part in diplomacy meaning if one
country tries to get diplomatic support based on ethical
morality it doesn’t work e.g. Kashmir issue raised based
on humanitarian ground but the governments other
than Pakistan is giving cold shoulder except few
countries. They have remained silent because their
interests are somewhat aligned with India hence, they
have refrained from openly criticizing India. This is a
realist world. That is why there is no other factor except
national interest in formulation of foreign policy.
Foreign Policy of Pakistan:
 Primary objective is the use of diplomacy to ensure
sovereignty and territorial integrity.
 To ensure national security and combat traditional and
non-traditional security threats. Various tools to protect
security are:
1. Bilateral relations including security relations
including military to military relations including
defence agreements to the point that if one country is
attacked another country will support it e.g. Pakistan
and KSA. Pakistan has the commitments to provide
security whenever the 2 Holy places will be under
2. Alliance system. E.g. NATO, Warsaw act etc. Multi-
lateral security alliances.
 To ensure socio economic development of Pakistan.
 To ensure a just and fair resolution of Kashmir issue.
 Pursuing and maintaining mutually beneficial relations
with neighbours, major powers and Muslim world.
 To play an important role in global peace and
development. Pakistan being a responsible member of
international community it believes that Pakistan has a
positive and instrumental role to play in global
development which is manifested by its continuous role
at UN e.g. Pakistan diplomats have help important
positions at UN, Pak has been one of the largest
contributors of global peace keeping missions at UN,
Pakistan is also playing a positive role in the
neighbourhood by facilitating the afghan Taliban peace
process as they have facilitated this peace process to
end this 19 year war. Pakistan has also offered its
contribution to ease tension between Iran and US
 Safe guarding the interest of Pakistani Diaspora abroad
i.e. the people living outside and their interests.
 To promote or project Pakistan as a dynamic progressive
tolerant and democratic country. It means to project a
soft image of Pakistan.
Factors affecting foreign policy:
 Global Dynamics: Global dynamics means how the world
is changing at foreign policy level and how the expected
changes will happen and the opportunities and
challenges it is bringing for Pakistan and how Pakistan is
tackling them. They are:
 Changing global power dynamics
 Economy has surpassed security and politics as a
key driver of countries foreign policy.
 Unilateralism is taking stage in place of
multilateralism. Multi literalism is believe in the
international system, multi-lateral institutions,
multi-lateral mechanisms for the solving of
problems of the world e.g. through UN, G20,
Regional approach etc. Unilateralism means that
country resolve to individual actions in order to
solve their issues and by passing the multi
literalism. E.g. Climate change. The Paris
agreement was a multi-lateral agreement but
when Trump became the president, he decided they
did not need to take part in this commitment made
at Paris agreement as it resulted in joblessness.
This was unilateralism. Another example is the
solving of nuclear problems in Iran through
organizations was multi literalism but when Trump
refused to accept it and put sanctions it became
unilateralism. Similarly, India decided to leave the
issue of Kashmir to UN it was multilateralism but in
2019 they took over Kashmir and this was a
unilateral decision. Nowadays unilateralism is
being promoted. Countries are willing to go face to
face to solve their problems than to leave it to UN.
Pakistan has tried to rely on multilateral
institutions e.g. we approach UN on issue on
Kashmir. It was unsuccessful as it was just a formal
discussion. In the age of unilateralism expectations
from multilateralism is bad and not needed.
 Regional Dynamics: Equally important. Pakistan’s
foreign policy is more affected by this. If we look at its
geography in east we have India an emerging power
with one of the largest middle class economy, regional
hegemon etc. On the North there is China which is now
the emerging super power, strong relationship with
Pakistan but the emergence of China as economic
competitor of US has created problems for US due to
which it is created stronger relations with India and it in
turn creates problems for Pakistan because US India
relation is giving India the power to speak against
Pakistan. On the North West we have Afghanistan which
has been in war from 19-20 years which has created a
lot of problems for internal and external security of
Pakistan. On the west we have Iran with which too we
have difficult relations. On the southern sides we have
Indian Ocean which has Arabian Sea and is strategically
important. Now in 2020 certain events are causing
Pakistan to change its foreign policy:
 Situation in Afghanistan
 Situation in Middle east
 Economic integration through OBOR
 India’s aggressive attitude keeping in mind Indo-US
 Domestic issues
 Security situation: When civil war started Pakistan’s
image was ruined, it was considered as a safe haven
for terrorists. Investors and tourists stopped. From
2015 Pakistan took an all-out action based on
national action plan and took steps to improve its
security situation due to which investors started
coming to Pakistan and tourism started to promote.
Over all Pakistan’s situation began to improve.
 Political situation: If there is political stability there
will be continuity of policy. Good governance is also
an example of political stability. On these base
investors increase and business increases. Also if there
is no friction among the different organizations of a
country and there is smooth implementation of laws
there is political stability. E.g. Kartarpur corridor
which was on the papers for many years but the
reason PTI got it done was because different
organizations were on the same page.
 Economic situation

It is basically state’s supreme authority that can be present
both in its internal affairs and external relations. When we
say a state is sovereign it means state is free and can take its
decision itself whether they be related to internal affairs or
foreign policy. Even though this concept is 8000 years old but
it came to the front after treaty of Westphalia came into
being leading to formation of nation state system.
Sovereignty is based on:
1. Political authority based on territory: State has political
authority meaning the government that is operating in it
has the authority to take decisions related to its
geographical boundaries. No outside country can tell
any country to let them take its decisions.
2. Complete and exclusive control: Every state being
sovereign has the right to be exclusive irrespective of the
size of the territory, economy and military power. No
other state can come and control it.
3. Complete freedom in internal affairs i.e. state can take
its own decisions. E.g. in Brazil there is rain forests. Now
its Brazils choice to do whatsoever it wants. Canada can
tell brazil or take the issue to UN if they disagree with it
but cannot compel them or force them because Brazil is
sovereign. Brazil has supreme authority.
Principles of sovereignty are:
1. A government has the right, in principal, to do whatever
it wants in its own territory.
2. This is the principle of supreme authority within a
3. A state has sovereignty in both its internal and external
4. According to Rousseau it is indivisible (divided among a
lot of people), absolute, permanent and cannot be
transferred to another entity.
5. For liberal’s sovereignty is defined in terms of state’s
ability to control activities within and across borders.
6. For realists the essence of sovereignty is a bit hard and
states that it is the state’s ability to make authoritative
decisions such as decision to make war.
Globalization limitation on sovereignty: Sovereignty has the
concept that state can take its own decisions but certain
issues came forward due to globalization in which other
states started talking on affairs of other states such as:
1. Environmental issues: Paris climate agreement was
signed which put restriction on states to control its
carbon emission levels. However, if we look at concept
of sovereignty it’s the states decision to do whatsoever it
wants but when it comes to collective security
sovereignty may be compromised.
2. Endangered species: Brazil is using its rainforests to
make hotels and resorts and Canada is opposing it.
3. International humanitarian rights: International
humanitarian laws on basis of which other states can
intervene in other states even though sovereignty
opposes this saying no intervention.
4. International treaties: Pecta Sunt Servanda

National Interest:
Raison de’tat. Reasons of existence of a state. National
interest is defined as the general long term and continuing
process which the state, the nation and the government all
see themselves as serving. It is everything that is required,
necessary and essential for the existence of a state. Hans J
Morgenthau being a realist says national interest is survival,
the protection of physical, political and cultural identity
against encroachments by other nation states. Vernon Von
Dyke says national interest is that which states seek to
protect or achieve in relation to achieve in relation to each
other. It means desires on the part of the sovereign state.
Evolution of concept:
During medieval time concept was there but was not properly
defined. Slowly middle ages came and in middle ages catholic
church was there where the interests of the pope were the
interests of the empires. After this treaty of Westphalia was
signed and nation state system came into being. Monarch
rules were established and the interests of the monarchs
became the interest of the states. Slowly when people
realized this honor of prince was replaced by honor of the
nation leading to the formation of a democratic system.
Any that is selfishly best is national interest and while
designing does not see if its ethical. Thucydides said the
standard of justice depends on the equality of power to
compel. The strong do what they have the power to do and
the weak accept what they have to accept.
Core National Interests: State would always want to preserve
 Survival: No one can disagree on the concept of statism.
It basically means maintain sovereign status related to
internal and external affairs.
 Economic vitality: State not only wants to maintain
economic vitality for its people but also as a source of
national power. In 2007-08 when great recession came
it came as a core national interest. Before these talks
were only about military and wars and power.
 Core values: State never compromises on this and are
core national values e.g. Pakistan is made on Islamic
basis. If its not present their state will be threatened.
Western have democracy and human rights.
Classification: According to Thomas Robinson:
 Based on permanence:
1. Permanent: Security or survival is permanent and is
must. Never can it not be in the national interest.
2. Temporary: Based on circumstances. E.g. Kashmir
issue and FATF. Getting out of Afghanistan
temporary interest for Afghanistan. These are
basically linked with welfare of the state which is
also the primary national interest.
 Based on significance:
1. Primary: Most significant e.g. welfare and security.
2. Secondary: Overseas diplomats and diaspora. It is
also important but not like that of primary.
 Based on commonality:
1. General: Security for all. Every state wants this.
Security is permanent, primary and general.
2. Variable: Muslim ummah defending. Only Muslim
states would want this. Non-Muslim states would
not want this.
How to secure National Interest:
1. Diplomacy: A state diplomats establish contacts with
other states diplomats and negotiations are done and
basically national interest is persuaded i.e. those goals
and objectives are persuaded.
2. Propaganda: It is the art of sales man ship. It is the
systemic attempt to affect the minds, emotions and
actions. Post Modernism theory.
3. Economic means: Through aid and loans
4. Alliances and treaties: Based on common interests and
common enemies. Based on common interests are
usually economic in nature and based on common
enemy are military in nature.
5. Coercive means: Realist point of view. Done through
boycotts, embargo, cut off international relations or
intervene in other states. Mostly associated with US.

International political security (concluding remarks):

In 21st century Pakistan faced many traditional and non-
traditional security threats for that Pakistan needs to
increase its national power, elements and fungibility.
However, that is not enough and needs to proactively engage
itself so as to balance its power with its rival states and for
that it needs to generate a comprehensive foreign policy
which could keep intact the sovereignty of Pakistan which
would only be possible when its national interests are
reflected in its foreign policy and are being achieved. Now in
reverse order Pakistan needs to ensure its national interest so
that it maintains its sovereignty and for that Pakistan needs
to make foreign policy. A good foreign policy is such which
helps in balancing of power. However, its not bandwagon
Ning and Pakistan needs to increase its national power and
its elements and its fungibility so as to counter the traditional
and non-traditional security.

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