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Executive Summary


What is Ideavan: -

Ideavan is the first online platform in Bangladesh which is giving a platform to companies,
agencies, MNC’s or any other entities who are struggling with ideas of different sort of problems
like introducing a new product, fighting to gain more market share, identify or come up with new
marketing plans. In short coming up with a solution which will help them to solve the problem
they are facing by with a most prominent group of knowledge base people gathered by Ideavan.

Ideavan has a solid and potential knowledge group of people who know how this industry works
and how we can improve most of the problems companies face. These potential experts are
university students, marketing enthusiasts, under-grad students, grad students, marketing experts,
marketing related freelancers etc. all together in a single platform. They are the people and
Ideavan together will build a bridge to solve all kinds of problems brands are facing while
promoting their products to their customers.

Objectives of Ideavan:
Ideavan is the one and only entity which has the only focus on the subject of giving solutions to
the brands which are having problems with any of their products. And we want provide this
solution in a bit different way in context with Bangladesh.

Main idea of Ideavan is to solve any kind of problems the brands are facing with any of its
products regarding grabbing the market with the people who are the real users of those products.
Ideavan is building a knowledge base community of people who are not related to the industry
but know the brands, the products and know how industry works. Ideavan is picking this
community of people after multiple level of screening of collecting proper solutions regarding
this field. So Ideavan can assure you that the people who will work on your problems are the
people who know the industry.
How Ideavan works: -

Ideavan is a platform where companies can come and share the problems they are facing in the
current market.
If you have any problem related to any of your products under your brand we are here to solve it
for you. You only have to guide us what type of problems you are facing with your products in
the market? How you want to solve it? And rest is our duty to solve the problems for you.

How we do that? We will study about your product and your market. Then we will design a
matrix with our experts and will decide how many possible ways to solve your design and which
one is the more feasible. Then we will design a case study contest for the people who are
potentially know the market and know the situations you are going through. They will solve the
problems you are facing. We will choose the best possible solutions for lots of answers provided
by our potential knowledge base people and will provide you a full proof industry related and
feasible, achievable well-furnished solutions. These solutions will come to the people who can
be the users of your products. So their solutions can be more relatable with your products and
more achievable for you.

How You will be benefitted from the Ideavan:

Ideavan is solely devoted to you to solve the problems you are facing with any of your products.

 Firstly Ideavan will give you the opportunity to solve the problems you are facing with
your product. It will do everything from writing the cases regarding the problems to
publishing the cases to the proper knowledge base people, to collect all the solutions
properly, to sort proper solutions, to ranks top cases, to give you some proper fesible
suggestions about the problems, to finish the event. It will help you to access more ideas
than you will ever get from any of your marketing team or any marketing agencies.
 Secondly as Ideavan is an online, it is open for all. So anbody can come up with a
solution about anything. So you can get ideas from different dimensions. We know the
ideas of mass people will not be that effective. But from the solutions of mass people you
can get the idea what your people really want from your product.
So Ideavan is not just a platform of providing solution to you. It is also a platform which
will give you an insight of what your target market is really wanted from you. So it will
work also as a market research for you while collecting the solutions.
 Ideavan will give you hundreds of solutions for only one problem of any of your
products through the case contest. And Ideavan will provide these solutions in a very
well-structured way with after a proper research. And Ideavan will do all this by itself
without involving any other agencies or entity involved. But the price structure we are
following in the process is relatively very low compare to the industry benchmark. So
you will get as many as hundreds of fully furnished idea without organizing any
conferences, any events, any hackathons or involving any huge names of this industry
with a huge chunk of money and moreover without any kind of hassle. And ideavan will
provide you all this services in one package within a proper timeline.
 Ideavan can also give you market data after conducting the contest. Based on the contest
result Ideavan will get a proper data of how people are thinking about the brand? Do they
really like the product the way it is? What are the aspects they want to be improved? Etc.
kinds of market research sectors. Ideavan will provide you these data with a very low
price range than the industry.
 Lastly we all know brands like you are very keen to get ideas from the newly fresh
generation who has the in depth knowledge of marketing of all over the world and have
the ability to connect those marketing knowledge with the real life aspects in context of
Bangladesh. Ideavan is giving you the biggest possible platform of young minds who will
be totally focused on the solving the problems your products are facing comparing
different aspects of the survival of the product. so it is a very big opportunity for you to
connect brand with the one of the biggest online platform of proper knowledge base
people community to get the proper solution for your brand.

Proposal summary:

Ideavan is willing to collaborate with your one of the most recognizable brands in Bangladesh as
a partner in this business. Ideavan is assuring you that with this collaboration Ideavan will give
you all the possible outcomes of the solutions of your products with the 100% transparency.
Though collaborating with you will give Ideavan a different aspect of recognitions in the
industry. On the other hand Ideavan will do all kind of hard work to solve all kinds of problems
regarding the products under your brand and will make it more recognizable among your

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