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AVIATOR :: Review Announcement Page | of 6 Engineering and Architecture: AGL-ARP-18-0025-56482, Series: 810 Grade(s): FV-H Status: Closed Vacaney Civil Engineer FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION | vacancy(s) inthe following locations: Salary Range ‘Who May Apply Des Ptaines iat $368,184.00 - $105,688.00 / Per Year U.S. Citizens - Excepted Service Work Schedule is Full Time - Salary includes locality payment OF Conteo! Number ‘Temporary NTE - 03/05/2020 2747%. 492926500 pened Monday 3/5/2018 Series & Grade (57 day(s) ago) REV Job Announcement Number ARP-18-0025-56482 Closed Monday 3/26/2018 See ry SRG AGL-ARP-18-0025-564 36 day(s) ago) No Job Description Job Summary About the Agency ‘Serves at a Civil Engineer forthe Offies of Atponts (ARP), Chicago Aipons District OMe in she Great Lakes Region n support ofthe Airports Improvement Program (AID) and is responsible fr all sirpor program matters such as airport desig, consiniton, minfenance, ‘operations and say Business Comp ‘Chicago Aiponts District Office (CHL-ADO) Responsibilities “This position serves as # Civil Engincc forthe Office of Airports (ARP), Chisago Airports Distt Office in the Gest Lakes Region, in support, ‘ofthe Airport Improvement Progra (AIP). The Aipors Division serves as the principal Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA) organization responsible for al nirport program matters in airport esin,eonsiition, msinenanes operations and say Reviws, evaluates and makes recommendations on all specs ofthe Asport Improvement Program (ALP) grants-in-aid program searing the -Niports Capita! Improvement Plan (ACIP anor Passenger Fuiliy Charge (PF) funding eligi, jusieaion, and conformance wi the approved Airport Layout Pian (ALP). Reviws and comments on engineering design drawings, specications, construction safety, and phasing plans for compliance with established requirements ‘tends pre-design,prevonstreton and construction mectings. Collaborates with senior engineer or supervisor to ensure development projects meet FAA regulations, standards, and guidance. Reviews dala fom eld nspections, satus repr, and projet elossout reports, Coordinates Hindngs with senor enginessuperviso to ensure projets meet technical complianes and alignment with requirements, Visits iors and cuent and proposed consruction sites o observe constuction progress and perform constreton inspections. Provides resus oa senor engineer or supervisor o ensue aecepable levels of satya provided. https;//aviator.faa.gow/Modules/ViewCase/ViewAnnouncement.aspx?case=56482 5/1/2018 AVIATOR :: Review Announcement Page 2 of 6 ‘Serves as pont of contact with internal FAA stakeholders to coordinalessigned AIP development projets, Wilh suppodt of seaiorengincer or supervisor, conta led, sas, nd fer ofill nthe coordination, evalaton, and approval of federal grants or rps CCofaborates wih publi impor ovine within the context of national stport system by applying technical and programming expertise resulting inthe sound investment of federal fans, Reviews professional services conus, including change orders and supplemental aseementso determin eligibility of wrk, Prepares and submis final review determinations to senor engineer or superior before approval In collaboration with senior engineer, develops proposed recommendations for Modification of Standards (MOS) for design and construction documents Participates in unway safety meetings and make recommendations to management garding Sanding allocations Fr any recommended ray say projet. Reviews and procesesacronauteal ties Coordinates with over FAA division regarding eimbursableagresments and projets that may affet an FAA cil or operation, Resolves routine prablems andor issues in absences of applicable guidelines Drafs comespondence for review hy more experienced engineers inching Congressional responses, rsfing papers, pproval ees, and _vidance to sponsors associated wih all aspects of airport development ‘Serves primarily as subject mater expert on alrspceisswes related to o affetng Chicago metropolitan area stporis (Midway Intemational Airport and Chiesgo O°Hare IntrnationalAipon) including efforts relied othe O'Hare Modemizaton Program. The incumbent will be responsible for conducting and coordinating acronautcal stole fr propose constuction projects, termining potential effets ona ‘avigstion, and providing inpat on obstruction evalusions Performs ober dues ws sian ‘Trayel Required ‘Occasional Travel ~The ob may requis travel rom time- tote, bu nat on related dates, regular basis. The travel may be for raining or other works Relocation expenses reimbursed No Requirements Conditions of Employment + US Citizenship is equiea + Selective Serve Reuisation i required for males born alter 12/31/1980, + This position requires frequent tave + Valid Sate Drivers eens is requite, + Fluency in the English language + Noctemical dependenepdug abuse that coud interfere ih jo petormance + Poston i alstine- Temporary Appoiacat NT Qualifications Basie Reairements: In order to meet the basic redirements forthe FV-HIGS/FO-12 you ust possess a degte in professional enginering To be aeoepable, the curriculum must (1) be ina school of enginsering witha Test one curielum acted by the Accreditation Board for Enginering and Technology (ABET) asa profesional enginesrng curiculum; or 2) inched ditferetial and integral calculus and courses (more advanced than frs-yea physics and chemistry) in ive ofthe following seven areas of engineering scence or physics () statis 56482 5/1/2018 hitps:/aviator.faa.gow/Modules/ ViewCase/ ViewAnnouncement.aspxca: AVIATOR :: Review Announcement Page 3 of 6 Synamis (8) stengih of materials stresssieain clatlonships;() id mechanics, hydaies; (Q) thermodynamics (e) electrical eds and res: (nature an properties of mata (eating panicle and agoregtesructure to properties: and (2) any other compsableaea of Fandameal engineering sience o physics, suchas optic, heat trent, soil mechani, o electronics. OR Combination of edueution and experines, For additions information en qualiicaton requirements please visit the Ofice of Personnel Management (OPM) website at ntp+ww.0pm, gow/ualeatons'tandardsTORs/es0800/0800.To qualify fr dis position athe FV-H, you mus posses at east one y specialized experience equivlen fo FV-G/GS/FG-1 anu mas meet the base requirements oulined above, Spocaized exporiense is experience ‘hot has equipped you with the particule knoe, sil, nd abilities to peroem succesfily the duis ofthe positon. Examples ofthese experiences includes: 1) Experience reviewing and commenting om spor project engncsrng design drawings and specication, including construction safety phasing plans. 2) Experience reviewing ane commenting on contracts, change orders, andor supplemental agreements. 3) [Experience gathering and anlyzing data fom varity of Sours and presenting findings via repo or Formal briefing, Qualification requirements mus be met by the closing dat ofthis vacaney announcement We re no aerpting applications fom noncitizens Security Clearance Poblc Trust - Backsround Investigation Education Foteign Education: 1 degree was obtained in foreign nation it mst be evaluated bya private professional organization specializing in imerpretation of foreign eduction credentials or an accredited US. Educational Insittion interns of equivalent oa dare aceite at an “American college or university. Faure ta submit valuation wil sulin os of consideration, FAA is an Equal Opportunity Employer ‘A qs spice wil be considered pales of pola! attain, rs, colo, religion, nto origin, gerd, sexi enation, maria t,o, sie the nom-nettrs, DOT poids rasonsleaconimaton (applicants with dblites Ifyou ned reasrsl ecommedtion aay aro he aplication nd ng oes, plese tly us. Disions on grtingreasoabeaeommton wil bs msde on @ eas-y-cuss bass. Adon ifomation om ‘easonabeusemmodions procedures or an EEO Pros iat on ice os Rabe LACE or by contacting the esl FAA Ci Rights Office Benefits, Review our ber Additional information ‘We may use this vacany to fl oher similar vacamt postions. Position maybe subject a background investigation. ‘one-year probationary period may be requied. ‘The person seleted for this positon may be required ofl inane disclosure statement within 30 days of etry on duty. PAA poe Hii certain outside employment and inci investonens in avation-laed companies, ‘As apart ofthe Federal Wide Hiring Reform Iniative (stealing the hiring proces) the FAA is commited to climinating the we ofthe Knovedge, Skills and Ability (KSA) nartives fom heii epliation inthe hing process Pr all announcements. Therefore, as an applicant for this announcement, you ae NOT required vo provide a narative response in the textbox sted below each KSA. In ie of| roving a KSA narrative response inthe text bos listed Below each KSA, in your work hilary, please inlude information that provides spcile examples of how you meu the response level or answer you chose for each KSA, Your work histry examples should be specific and clearly reflect he highest level of ability. Your KSA answers will be evaluated farther fo validate wheter the level tht you selected is ppopriate base on the work hisory ad experince you provide. Your answers may be adjusted by a Human Resource Specialist as ppropiate, 1 you ae requesting considersion for any ofthe special hiring authorities, you must submit the flowing documentation 30% or Nore Disnbled Veteran Program: You must submit DD 24, Centieate of Discharge (Member 4 copy is prefered), and supporting documentation s sequited by form SF-18 such as an offic statement, dated 1991 or ltr, rom the Deparment of Veterans Aus Or from branch ofthe Armed Forces cenifing othe present existence ofthe veterans service-comnccted disability https:(/ 5/1/2018 AVIATOR :: Review Announcement Page 4 of 6 ‘Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment: You must submits DD 214, Cetifiate of Discharge (Member 4 copy is prefered). Applicams claiming lo-point preference must provide supporting documentation as required by fort SF-15 soc s, an oficial stalement, dated 1991 or later, fom ‘he Deprtnent of Veterans Afar r from a branch ofthe Armed Forces, ceriping othe presen existence ofthe veterans service-comneted isability before preference is avarded Persons with Disabilities and Persons with Targeted Disabilities Appointment: You must provide proof dstiliy documentation he, Schedule A Let) that + May be a eter or eter documentation oa oficial stationeeterhead with an oficial signature, + Clearly states tha you ae eb for appoinunent under the PWDIPHTD hiring authority or Schedule & appointment authrity as cullined in 5 CFR Section 213.3102(0), + Does not need to detail the specifi disability, medical history, or need for accommodation. “The postion may be led a the FV-G, FVII or FVl pay band, “The postin is ful-ime Temporary Appointment NTE 2-year “This is a bargaining wit position sto Impor Information: Locality Pay, COLA How to Apply "You mus ppy online to receive consideration. Your plication must hve atts of "Reeve" by 1:89 PM Eastern Time on the Clase Dat fr be acces. Iyou are plying for poston wsosned wih FAA regis, Your pplication must havea status of "Resived” ‘aah ime a eral isi rated in order to receive consideration for positions msscisled with register. IN DESCRIBING YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE AND/OR EDUC YOUR EXPERIENCE OR EDUCATION. TION, PLEASE BE :AR AND SPECIFIC REGARDING crn the cretion of resumes We strongly encourage applicants to uiize the USAJOI Please ensure EACH work history Includes AL ofthe Following informati + Job Tite (ince series and grade i Federal Job) + Duties (be specific in describing your dies) + Employers name and address + Suporviser name and phone number + Start amd end dates including month, day and year (2g, June 18 2007 to April 5 2008) + Fulltne or part-time status (includ hours worked per week) + Salary Determining length of General or Specialized Experience is dependent on the above information and information may resultin a re to provide ALL ofthis You may upload competed documents to your USAIOBS Account, This wil provide you the opportunity to utliz the uploaded information ‘gain when applying fr faure vaesnees. Please soe this guide, Docuniet Upload Guide, for more information on uploading and re-using the document in your applications. Next steps Candidates for FAA positions are evaluated using our Automated Vacancy Information Access Tool for Online Referral (AVIATOR) system, AVIATOR compares your skills nd experience as described in your application with the requirements of the position, If you are found to be an eligible, highly-qualified candidate, you will be referred to the selecting offical for further consideration, (In some cases, individuals with priority for special consideration must be ‘considered and selected before other candidates.) Whether or not you are contacted for an interview depends upon the https:/’ViewCase/ViewAnnouncement.aspx?case=56482 5/1/2018 AVIATOR :: Review Announcement Page $ of 6 location of the pos ion and the judgment of the selecting official Important - Ifyou make any change (0 your application, you must resubmit it, If you change your application and do not resubmit it, your changes will not be considered part of your application package, and your previous application will be considered. How You Will Be Evaluated IMPORTANT: Applicants may be rated on the extent and quality of experience, education, and waning relevant tothe duties of Ue position(s) All answers provided in the on-line posses must be substantiated, Ensize that your application packaglrestme supports your responses ‘To preview the application questionnaire, jew Application Questionnaire REQUIRED DOCUMENTS You mst fax oF upload a copy of your unoflcia college transcripts, cetfses, PE license, andor foreign education accredited evolution in corde o receive consideration, These documents must be uploaded or faved to 847-294-7691 on or before the closing date of this announcement All submited documents nus referene the srmouncement umber, Flue to submit hese documents wil result in loss of consideration ‘We cannot guarantee timely receipt and assume responsiblity forthe quality or legibility ofthe faxes, legible documents wil sulin loss of consideration, Please limit your fax to amasimum of 10 pugs. You ony ned o submit those items required on the announcement ‘Notification of Personnel Action ($F=50), must be submited wih your application All Veterans Ifyou ar claiming veteran’ preference, you must submit either a DD Form 214 Cenifieste of Release or Discharge om Active Duty (Member 4 Copy or equibalmt a dseument from the anned forces ceriying that within 120 days you are expeted io be discharged or fcleased from active duty service under honorable conditions. Ifyou messing 10 point preerenee, you mast also submit a completed SF-15, ‘Appliaton for 10-Point Vern’ Preferencs, and supponting documents culned on the SF-1S. Documents mist be uploaded or fed the ‘Servicing Human Resource Management Office listed in this announcement and ll docaments must be ceived by the closing date of the announcement I'yo fil to submit documentation, you wil be asessed as a non-veeran you ee ciming 10 point preference but ilo submit the suppoming documents outlined on tbe SF-1S, you will be tentatively assessed asa 5 ble provided your DD Form 214 reflects tha you have the service required to qualify fr preference. Dacorents rst be ‘plonded or faxed tothe Servicing Haman Resource Management Oe Ited inthis announcement and all docunents must be received by the «losing date of he announcement. ITyou filo submit documentation, you will be assessed as 2 non-vetera, Veerans currently on ative duty claiming veterans preferenee: You willbe granted tentative preference iyou submit a dosumet fom te rom active dy service under honorable conditions arm forces cortiying that within 120 days you are expec tobe discharged o and your application shows tha you have the required serve, Pio to being appointed, you must provide to the Serving Human Resource Management Office a DD Form 214 documeatng dischargetcease and showing thal the service was honorable or general. I'you sre on terminal lave, you mst prove documentain certifying authorized termina eve Been aor 3 US, Deparment of Transportation icone cane Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Contact Address Patricia Masupha Federal Avition Adminisvaton hutps:// ?case=56482 5/1/2018 AVIATOR =: Review Announcement Page 6 of 6 Phone: 847-294-7748 Great Lakes Region Fax: 987-294-7601 2300 E. Devon Ave Emil paola masuphadian gow es Pins, I 0018 us 2472947691 ‘The Department of Teansportation (DOT) is ranked #4 inthe 2017 bes places to work in the Federal Government! https://aviator.faa.gow/Modules/ViewCase/ViewAnnouncement.aspx ?ease=56482 5/1/2018

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