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See related article on page 1220 The basic concept of microdialy-

sis is to mimic the movement of mol-
ecules into and out of a small blood
Cutaneous Microdialysis: Is it Worth vessel by placing a thin tubular dialy-
sis membrane, similar to that used in
the Sweat? artificial kidneys, into a living tissue.
The tubular membrane is connected
Chris D. Anderson1 to a pump and perfused at low speeds
Microdialysis is a minimally invasive technique for chronological study of met- with a physiological solution (the per-
abolic, biochemical, and pharmacological events in living tissue. In the skin, fusate), which equilibrates with the
probes are placed in the dermis or subcutis for research in two main areas, interstitial fluid outside the membrane
percutaneous penetration and various aspects of inflammation. Advances in by diffusion of molecules across the
technique, and the concept of data generation and analysis are leading to membrane in both directions. The
new areas of application. emerging fluid (the dialysate) is then
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2006) 126, 1207–1209. doi:10.1038/sj.jid.5700221 analyzed for the endogenous or exog-
enous compound of interest. In broad
terms, use of microdialysis technique
to date has been in three possible sce-
In our textbooks of dermatology and but what was an artifact (water vapor narios: continual, real-time data col-
research journals, the comparatively that came from sweat glands rather lection aimed at reflecting whole-body
little space given to disorders of sweat than across the stratum corneum) to status as an alternative to repeated
glands does not necessarily corre- be avoided in a skin barrier function blood sampling; organ-specific data
late to the importance assigned to experiment becomes a useful quan- generation without a direct parallel in
abnormal sweating by our patients. tification of sweat gland production time or degree to whole-body status;
Classically, we recognize loss or com- in research on sweating. The abil- and a combination of the aforemen-
promised function — sweat can be ity to quantitate changes in sweating tioned, where the researcher’s tech-
absent, diminished, or heightened. noninvasively has obviated the use of nique and ingenuity must separate
Hyperhidrosis, for example, can be classical but awkward methods such one from the other. The usefulness of
absolutely debilitating in its worst form, as sweat pads, sweat droplet visu- microdialysis is in the measurement of
and anhidrosis can diminish a patient’s alization, and microcannulation. An change — to date, more often change
autonomy and under certain circum- additional advantage is that the meas- provoked by spontaneous events (such
stances even be life threatening. In this urement can be performed repeatedly as metabolic deterioration in an inten-
issue, Morgan et al. (2006) report find- without preventing or interfering with sive care patient) or by the local or
ings from in vivo, human experimental the conduct of the experiment, which systemic administration of a provoking
stimulation of sweating by pharma- documents the chronology of the proc- agent (in the study of inflammation or
cologically active agents over several ess under study. The second method, xenobiotic kinetics), but also, increas-
hours. The article demonstrates a sus- ingly, change provoked by admin-
tained sweating response in the skin Central to the istration of the active agent via the

of healthy volunteers in response to methodology of microdialysis catheter itself.
delivery of the muscarinic agonist pilo- Microdialysis has its origins in ani-
carpine nitrate and a reduction when the article are two mal research chiefly in neuropharma-
atropine sulphate, an antagonist, was bioenginering methods: cological models, but catheters have
administered. Simultaneous adminis- evaporimetry and been inserted into many human organs,
tration of the atropine and the pilocar- including the skin, muscle, brain,
pine blocked the pilocarpine-induced cutaneous microdialysis. breast, bone, and gastrointestinal tract.
sweating completely. The most common organ, however, is
Central to the methodology of which made possible the protocol of the skin, with placement either in the
the article are two bioengineering Morgan et al. (2006), is, at least in its dermis or in the subcutis. Although
methods. The first is evaporimetry, human use, a more recent innovation I feel a certain loyalty to the concept
the classic dermatological bioengi- — cutaneous microdialysis. Though that microdialysis was first used der-
neering innovation (Nilsson, 1977). minimally invasive, it has an increas- matologically to measure percutane-
Evaporimetry was designed to quan- ingly useful place in the bioengineer- ous penetration (Anderson et al., 1991)
titate skin barrier function noninva- ing armamentarium now available to with probes placed in the dermis, the
sively, and indeed this is its chief use, the dermatological scientist. plain fact is that the very first publica-
tions involved placement of catheters
Department of Dermatology, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden into the subcutis in order to study glu-
Correspondence: Prof. Chris Anderson, Department of Dermatology, Linköping University, S 581 85 cose metabolism (Jansson et al., 1988;
Linköping, Sweden. E-mail: Arner et al., 1988). These studies and 1207

those that followed have changed our dermatological scientist can be aghast
concept of the subcutis and its com- at the “black box” mentality some-
plex function. Indeed, also in the field times displayed in the use of “our”
of percutaneous penetration, the tech- organ for microdialysis, but we all
nique has increased our knowledge need to be reminded, at times, of the
of the mechanisms of both local and consequences of catheter insertion
systemic drug delivery and skin barrier in any organ. Figure 1 illustrates, in a
function as it applies to living human not-to-scale photomicrographic col-
skin in both human (Benfeldt et al., lage of a microdialysis membrane on
1999; Muller, 2000) and experimental a slightly inflamed dermis, some of the
model applications (Ault et al., 1992; issues that must be considered in the
Simonsen et al., 2004). interpretation of data from analysis of
The technique is not without its the catheter microdialysate (the issues Figure 1. Microdialysis at a tissue level. Not-to-
technical challenges. Microdialysis being generic for all microdialysis scale collage of photomicrographs showing a
research projects begin with the choice applications). The insertion reaction tubular microdialysis membrane and a section
of dermis into which it could be placed. Cin
of a dialysis membrane through which in the skin is both obvious and easy
represents the concentration of a target molecule
a target molecule is able to permeate; to quantitate (Andersson et al., 1995), measured in the microdialysate. The molecule
the porosity of a membrane is usu- but recovery occurs and subsequent can be present in the dermis (endogenous or
ally described in terms of its molecu- provocation can be studied. Usually exogenous) or can be a molecule in the perfusate
lar weight “cutoff.” The most common a tissue, including the skin, can be (a banal molecule, a calibrator, or a drug to be
membrane has a 20-kilodalton cutoff, expected to return to a near-baseline administered). Cout represents the concentration
though the most efficient movement is level after about 1 hour. After this time of the target substance immediately outside the
membrane; the level will be determined by a
obtained for molecules of much lower it is expected that values observed in
number of factors, such as the characteristics
molecular weight — ideally only a the dialysate will reflect the concen- of the molecule and the membrawne, any
few hundred daltons. Other common tration of a target agent in the inter- interaction between the molecule and the
membrane cutoffs are 100 kilodaltons stitial fluid. But this will only be so membrane, and the concentration gradient
(most effective for molecules less than in absolute terms if the measured raw across the membrane, as well as the pumping
40 kilodaltons) and 3,000 kilodaltons value in the dialysate is adjusted by speed of the perfusate. The sum of these effects
(plasmapheresis membranes, useful consideration of various aspects of can be seen as the efficiency of transport over
the membrane and is bidirectional (recovery or
also for molecules over 100 kilodal- the recovery of the molecule of inter-
loss). C represents the concentration of the target
tons). Membranes may have idio- est, under the relevant circumstances molecule in the tissue at some distance from the
syncratic interactions with particular of the experiment. This demands thor- membrane; derivation of this figure (the actual
target molecules based on factors other ough knowledge of basic tissue sci- aim of the microdialysis procedure) can involve
than molecular weight. Catheters are ence at a general and an organ level, complex modeling of the process. Though the
available in commercially (validated with a focus on vascular and neuro- microdialysis catheter is placed as an imitation of
and certified) formats or as “laboratory- genic reactivity as well as factors such a blood vessel, it is of course unable to react as
a vessel does; the two are in fact in competition
made” constructions. Pumps capable as edema that affect molecular move-
for distribution of a target substance. S represents
of low (0.1–8 microliters per minute) ment in a tissue. The experimental a potential “sink” or “supply” via blood vessels
and consistent speeds are required. design needs to consider these mat- that will affect C. The innate diffusion process
The perfusate characteristics may need ters and propose a “recovery” figure of the target molecule in the tissue (devoid of
modification to cope with rheostatic, or a rationale for the use of raw data blood flow influence) is represented by D. It is
water-transport, or other issues more according to a number of now well- relevant because a target molecule diffusing into
closely related to the target molecule. tried alternatives. the microdialysate must be replaced by diffusion
through the tissue if subsequent microdialysis
The required temporal resolution of Despite the above-mentioned tech-
measurements are not to be artificially low
the experimental protocol needs to be nical, conceptual, and data-interpre- because of a lowered concentration gradient
considered — microdialysis as a tech- tive challenges, microdialysis remains across the membrane. Thus S and D will affect
nique is unnecessary unless change (a unique in the opportunities it offers Cout, Cin, and ultimately the correct estimation of
dynamic process) is to be observed. for observation of what happens in C.
The limits of temporal resolution (in an the actual microenvironment of a
optimal situation, 1–5 minutes) are set tissue, including its cells and more dermis, including protein exudation,
chiefly by the availability of analytical amorphous components. Histamine, which has led to many papers on neu-
techniques that cope with the low vol- a small molecule that is relatively rophysiological mechanisms (Ikoma et
umes and concentrations inherent to easy to analyze, was the first focus on al., 2004). Other aspects of “cell talk”
microdialysis technique. the inflammatory side of cutaneous are also becoming accessible through
Microdialysis requires introduction microdialysis research (Petersen et al., improved analytical techniques, for
into the tissue by means of a guide 1995; Krogstad et al., 1997), but the example for cytokines (Sjögren et al.,
needle and is thus a “minimally inva- perfused hollow fiber can allow meas- 2002). Studies of diseased skin are
sive” technique. The self-righteous urement of many substances in the possible with due attention to study

1208 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2006), Volume 126


design including internal normal skin B (1997) Increased interstitial histamine Petersen L, Nielsen H, Skov P (1995) Codeine
controls. Developments in other spe- concentration in the psoriatic plaque. J Invest induced histamine release in intact human
Dermatol 109:632–5 skin monitored by skin microdialysis
cialties are also showing us the way technique: comparison of intradermal
Morgan C, Friedman P, Church M, Clough G
for broader use, for instance in the (2006) Cutaneous microdialysis as a novel injections with an atraumatic intraprobe
study of tumors (Dabrosin, 2005). means of continuously stimulating eccrine delivery system. Clin Exp Allergy 25:1045–52
Writing a Commentary such as this sweat glands in vivo. J Invest Dermatol Simonsen L, Jorgensen A, Benfeldt E, Groth L
can make the author feel challenged 126:1220–5 (2004) Differentiated in vivo skin penetration
Muller M (2000) Microdialysis in clinical of salicylic compounds in hairless rats
— “So much to do (refer to) and so
drug delivery studies. Adv Drug Deliv Rev measured by cutaneous microdialysis. Eur J
little time (column space).” Read the 45:255–69 Pharm Sci 21:379–88
article by Morgan et al.(2006); fol- Nilsson G (1977) On the measurement of Sjögren F, Svensson C, Anderson C (2002)
low the trail provided by the sub- evaporative water loss. Medical dissertation Technical prerequisites for in vivo
jects and authors referred to there no. 48, Linköping University, Linköping, microdialysis determination of IL-6 in human
and in this commentary. It will lead Sweden. ISBN 91-7372-131-x dermis. Br J Dermatol 146:375–82
you to around 500 articles involving
microdialysis and skin, around 3,000
articles on human microdialysis in
See related article on page 1307
a wide range of organs and applica-
tions, and a total microdialysis bibli-
ography approaching 10,000 articles. The Skin as a Site of Initiation of
Think broadly about the opportunities
offered by cutaneous microdialysis for
application in your own special area
Systemic Autoimmune Disease: New
of research. You will very likely find it
worth the sweat!
Opportunities for Treatment
Jan P. Dutz1,2
TThe author states no conflict of interest.
Dendritic cells are the coordinators of the adaptive immune response. Chronic
REFERENCES activation of skin dendritic cells by keratinocyte expression of CD40 ligand
Anderson C, Andersson T, Molander M (1991) (CD40L; CD154) leads to autoimmunity. In this issue, systemic administration of
Ethanol absorption across human skin tacrolimus is shown by Loser et al. to effectively treat autoimmunity in a murine
measured by in-vivo microdialysis technique. model involving transgenic keratinocyte expression of CD40L.
Acta Derm Venereol 71:389–93
Andersson T, Wårdell K, Anderson C (1995) Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2006) 126, 1209–1212. doi:10.1038/sj.jid.5700238
Human in vivo cutaneous microdialysis:
estimation of histamine release in cold
urticaria. Acta Derm Venereol 75:343–7
Arner P, Bolinder J, Eliasson A, Lundin A, Chronic skin dendritic-cell activation priming of cytotoxic T cells to herpes
Ungerstedt U (1988) Microdialysis of adipose and autoimmunity simplex virus and to have a potentially
tissue and blood for in vivo lipolysis studies.
Am J Physiol 255:E737–42 Over the past 20 years, dendritic cells suppressive role in contact hypersen-
Ault J, Lunte C, Meltzer N, Riley C (1992)
have become recognized as the prime sitivity responses (Kaplan et al., 2005).
Microdialysis sampling for the investigation orchestrators of the adaptive immune With this dual role, dendritic cells are
of dermal drug transport. Pharm Res 9:1256– response (Banchereau and Steinman, probably key players in the march to
61 1998). These cells most efficiently acti- autoimmunity.
Benfeldt E, Serup J, Menné T (1999) Effect of vate or prime T cells (Inaba et al., 1990). Proinflammatory stimulation of
barrier perturbation on cutaneous salicylic
acid penetration in human skin: in vivo
More recently, their dual role as inhibi- dendritic cells with activation signals
pharmacokinetics using microdialysis tory regulators of the immune response such as Toll-like receptors (Iwasaki and
and non-invasive quantification of barrier has been appreciated (Hawiger et al., Medzhitov, 2004) or CD40 ligation
function. Br J Dermatol 140:739–48 2001). For example, Langerhans cells, (Ridge et al., 1998) results in the matu-
Dabrosin C (2005) An in vivo technique for long thought to be proinflammatory ration of dendritic cells and subsequent
studies of growth factors in breast cancer.
Front Biosci 10:1329–35 sentinels, have been shown to be dis- efficient T-cell activation. Chronic den-
Ikoma A, Fartasch M, Heyer G, Miyachi Y,
pensable for the cutaneous (Allan et al., dritic-cell stimulation may result in an
Handwerker H, Schmelz M (2004) Painful 2003) or mucosal (Zhao et al., 2003) autoimmune phenotype. For example,
stimuli evoke itch in patients with chronic
pruritus: central sensit ization for itch. 1
Departments of Dermatology and Medicine and Child & Family Research Institute, University of British
Neurology 62:212–7
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; and 2Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medi-
Jansson PA, Fowelin J, Smith U, Lonnroth P cine and Child & Family Research Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia,
(1988) Characterisation by microdialysis of Canada
intracellular glucose level in subcutaneous Correspondence: Dr. Jan P. Dutz, Department of Medicine and Child & Family Research Institute,
tissue in humans. Am J Physiol 255:E218–20 University of British Columbia, 301-835 W. 10th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V5Z 4E8.
Krogstad A, Lönnroth P, Larsson G, Wallin E-mail: 1209

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