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CLINICAL BACTERIOLOGY (week 3 Laboratory) paper will absorb the liquid and can be easily
BACTERIAL SMEAR PREPARATION AND SIMPLE 2. Get a new, clean, and dry glass slide.
STAIN Using a wax marking pencil or felt permanent
marker, mark off the areas of the slide where
 Usually bacteria have no color, so they generate smears will be placed.
little contrast if examined under the microscope. 3. Obtain cultures of the bacteria, and place
Therefore, to see bacteria with the microscope, it is the tubes in a suitable rack on the bench.
necessary to apply color by using a staining reagent. Sterilize your inoculating loop. If agar slant
Once stained, the bacteria may be observed and cultures are used, place a loopful of water
studied with respect to their shape, size, and into one area of the slide. If broth cultures are
arrangement. The preparation of a stained bacterial used, no additional liquid is necessary. Light
smear involves several steps. the Bunsen burner.
 First, a bacterial colony is  placed on a glass 4. Firmly hold the loop as you would hold a
slide and “fixed” with heat, partly to ensure that they pencil, and place it nearly vertically into the
remain attached to the glass. Then, for simple blue tip portion of a Bunsen burner flame for
staining, a basic stain is applied. Such a stain carries a few seconds or until it glows red hot. Allow
a positive electrical charge. The negatively charged the loop to cool several seconds.
surface and cytoplasm of bacteria attracts the stain, 5. Take the bacterial culture in the opposite
and staining takes place. hand, remove the cap. Place the tip of the
tube in the flame for a few seconds. This will
In this exercise, we shall explore the proper methods burn off any dust or lint and kill any airborne
for simple staining. The technique is called the simple organisms that might happen to fall into the
stain technique because only a single stain is used. tube.
6. Insert the lop into the tube, and touch it
This exercise also will demonstrate the important
every gently to the main portion of the slant.
techniques for handling bacterial cultures. Each is a
Be careful not to dig into the medium or
“pure culture;” it contains only one species of
scrape it. If a broth medium is used, dip the
bacterium. The bacteria have been cultivated in a
loop carefully into the liquid. Remove the
liquid growth medium such as nutrient broth or on a
loop, re-flame the tip of the tube briefly, then
solid growth medium such as nutrient agar. 
replace the cap.
7. Mix the loopful of bacteria with the
loopful of water on the slide, and swirl the
 PREPARATION OF A BACTERIAL SMEAR liquid out to the area of a five-centavo coin.
 A bacterial smear is a thin layer of bacteria For broth cultures, simply swirl the loopful of
placed on a slide for staining. Preparing the bacteria on the marked slide area. Complete
smear requires attention to a number of details the procedure by reflaming the loop. You now
that help prevent contamination of the culture have a bacterial smear.
and ensure safety to the medical technologist. 8. Prepare other smear in the remaining
Each step in this procedure has an important spaces with different bacteria.
reason, and each should be followed carefully as 9. Air-dry the slide until all the liquid
a prerequisite to successful work. evaporates.
 Procedure: 10. Heat-fix the smears by quickly passing
1. Begin this exercise by disinfecting the the slide through the Bunsen burner flame
laboratory desk. Then place a clean sheet of three times. The heat should contact the
paper towel or absorbent material over the underside of the slide. This procedure kills
area to be used. Should a spill occur, the the bacteria that may still be alive, facilitates
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stain penetration, and fixes cells to the slide  THE SIMPLE STAIN TECHNIQUE
so they do not wash off when stained. The  The simple stain technique is a rapid and
slide is now ready to be stained. effective way of preparing a bacterial smear
for viewing. It is a one-step procedure in
which the smear is covered with stain and
allowed to sit undisturbed for a minute or
so, during which the bacterial cytoplasm
chemically unites with the basic stain. The
remaining stain is then washed away.
 Procedure:
1. Prepare air-dried, heat-fixed smears of
bacterial species. One or more smears
may be prepared on a slide and stained
2. At the staining rack or staining tray,
cover the smears with the selected basic
stain, and let the preparation remain
undisturbed for a minute.
3. Gently wash off the excess stain with a
gentle stream of water by holding the
slide parallel to the stream. Then blot the
slide with an absorbent paper. Do not
wipe the slide. The slide is now ready for
4. Once the slide is dry, place one drop of
immersion oil directly to the stained
smear area and examine the slide under
the microscope using OIO.

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