Acknowledgement Thesis

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The researchers expresses their heartfelt gratitude to those who in one way helped in the

completion of this research study

First , to our Almighty God , for the gift of wisdom and knowledge and for giving us the courage

for the accomplishment of the study.

To Sir Mark Harvey B. Adamson, RPh, MSPh , Dean, College of Nursing for his patience in

instructing and teaching us on how to do or conduct this study. His great ideas contributed a lot

for the betterment of this paper

To the statistician, Mr. Janus Carlo S. Pestano, who gave suggestions as well as help in the

analysis and interpretation of data for the study

To the respondents of this study, for being approachable, cooperative and for spending their

time in answering the checklist provided

And most of all to our family and love once ,who served as our inspiration ,motivator and

provider of our financial expenses

The Researchers

R.B, F.G, J.M, M.M, & M.R

The researchers would like to extend their sincere thanks and gratitude to the following

persons who have contributed and supported them in the fulfillment of this study.

To Ms. Helen R. Sestina, RN, MAN, Dean, College of Nursing, for the wisdom,

patience and all out support;

to Ms. Rebecca J. Dela Cruz, RN, MAN, their thesis adviser for her patience and

time in checking and rechecking the manuscripts and for sharing her suggestions and

constructive criticisms, which meant so much for the completion of this study;

to the validators, Ms. Maela R. Babate, RN, MAN, Ms. Marilou M. Villegas, RN,

MAN, Mr. Ser Rosenkranz G. Espartero, RN, MAN, and Ms. Leila G. Garcia, RN, MAN

for correcting and making suggestions for the betterment of the study;

to the grammarian, Ms. Selfa S. Aventura, who gave time and effort in correcting

the grammar of the study;

to the statistician, Ms. Marifi P. de Asis, who gave suggestions as well as help in

the analysis and interpretation of data for the study;

to the respondents of this study, for being approachable, cooperative and for

spending their time in answering the checklist provided;

to the beloved families of the researchers, for their unending financial, emotional,

moral and spiritual support;

and most of all, the researchers would like to extend wholeheartedly the gratitude

and praise to ever loving and merciful God for touching and bringing together those

people who literally shared their abundant resources, talents, skills, time and effort for

the completion of the study.

The Researchers


This research study is barely dedicated to the maritime students specially to those who
where to board a ship the readiness not only intellectually but also socially and emotionally

Also to our beloved parents this works serves our token for their hardships for us.

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been our source of
inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their moral,
spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

To our brothers, sisters, relatives, mentor, friends, and classmates who shared their words of
advice and encouragement to finish this study.

And lastly, we dedicated this research to the Almighty God, thank you for the guidance,
strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life. All of these, we offer to
Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Bachelor Marine

Transportation, this thesis entitled “Human Relations onboard the ship has been prepared
and submitted by the following researchers: John Patrick I. Ermino, Reynald Castaneda ,
Justin Consolacion, Eric John Corpuz, Emmerson Delos Santos ,Rick Flawrence Gelido ,
Peter Cedric Gloria, John Israel Movida, Ray Kevin Transfiguracion , Bryan Votacion and
hereby accepted

Panel of Examinees

Dr. Joel Rey A. Decano, AB, LI.B,MA, Ph. D

Dr. Eddy Z. Moyano

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