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Eyes Open 3 Unit 3 Standard Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Match the questions and answers.
form of the present perfect. Use the verbs 1 Have you ever played a musical instrument?
in brackets. 2 Has anyone in your family ever been to
1 He (play) the violin in music school?
many different concert halls. He’s very famous. 3 Have you ever met a famous musician?
2 I (never do) any graffiti 4 Have you ever downloaded music from the
in my life. I think it’s ugly! Internet?
3 Jennifer (read) all his 5 Have you ever been to a classical concert?
novels. She is a really fast reader!
a Yes, I have. It’s so easy.
4 I (never met) a famous
rock star but Lucy has. b Yes, my mum when she was a little girl.
5 My sister (live) abroad c No, never, but I love the violin.
for many years. In fact, she lives in Vienna now. d Yes, once but I didn’t like it. It was boring.
6 My mum and I (watch) e No, never. I’m not really interested in meeting
the series on television. We love it. anyone like that.

2 Match the sentence halves. 5 Complete the letter. Use the correct form of
1 Matt has helped the present perfect and the verbs in brackets.
2 They have done Dear Ann,
3 We have seen How are you? I’m fine but very busy.
4 My father has played I1 (just start)
5 Music has changed classes and I’ve got so much to do.
a graffiti all over our city. I2 (decide) to
learn to play an instrument and I’m going
b football all his life.
to music classes! I’m going with Tom, my
c his parents to move house.
friend. He 3 (start)
d my life. I love it! to learn the piano. I prefer the drums but my
e lots of jugglers in town recently. parents don’t! 4 you
(ever play) a musical
3 Write questions with the present perfect and instrument?
ever. Use the verbs in brackets.
My other news is that I am going to Art
1 you (travel) to a foreign country?
club on Fridays. It’s great fun! The school
(give) us a wall where
2 she (visit) her friend John? we can do graffiti. I 6
(meet) a lot of new friends, which is great!
3 you (listen) to live music? Our teacher told us last week that we
can paint the common room when we
4 he (do) graffiti?
(finish) the graffiti
5 they (meet) a famous person? I have to go now. I’ll write again soon.
6 you (go) to America?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 3 Standard Grammar

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