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hd {e) Iso] NVcTd ek] NeliiNg cert Sree Pe 2 pets Fy en Your Performance Solutions Key Top Rankers One Mark Questions Section My Subscriptions ~ Buy Packages Bookmarks 45 mins rer eee) rer) Frere) Total Questions :15 Max Marks: 15 Correct the following sentence. (A) No sooner had I reached the office when T got the news of your arrival (B) No sooner I had reached the office than I got the news of your arrival (C) No sooner had I reached the office than I got the new of your arrival (D) No soonerhad I reached the office than I had got the new of your arrival Correct Anewer: € Not Attempted :® Hide Solution No sooner.......when is an ineorreet correlative pair. The moment you see a comparative degree (sooner), it naturally occurs to you that the proper correlative should be than. So, ‘C” is the right sentence. 2 Correct the following sentence. (A) The man laboured to good results (B) The man laboured for good results (©) The man laboured far good result (D) The man laboured with good results Correct Answer: B ‘Not Attempted: tide Soltion Geers) Why did the man labour? The man laboured for good results The preposition “for” is used to show the purpose or function. For example a machine for slicing bread. Correct the following sentence. {> (A) Either of the boys are eligible for selection (B) Either of the boy are eligible for selection (©) Either of the boys is eligible for selection (D) Either of boys is eligible to selection Correct Anawer: € ‘Not attempted :@ Hide Solution Either means one or the other of two or each of two. In either case we take one at a time. So, the verb should be singular. In each sentence below, a group of words has been underlined. Pick out the one which can substitute the underlined group of words correctly, without changing the meaning of the sentence, He never has and ever will take a decision against his conscience. (A) has taken nor will ever take (B) had taken and will ever take (©) has and never will take (D) had and ever will take Correct Answer: A ‘Not tempted :O Hide Solution E Can the verb ‘take’ be used with auxiliary verb thas’ ? No, thas’ should be followed by Vs, ie. ‘taken’ Fill in the blank with an appropriate word phrase. oo Tmade a few enquiries, but nothing it in the end. (A) came of (B) came off (C) came over ) came up Correct Answer: A Not artempted :O ~ Hide Solution “Came of” means to be the result of something. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word phrase. ‘We were in the middle of our conversation. (A) aut out (B) cat off (©) cut up (D) eut through Comrect Answer: 8 ‘Not attempted: tide Solon Geers) “Cut off means to interrupt somebody who is speaking on the telephone by breaking the connection. Fill in the Dlank with an appropriate word. He ___ his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown. (A) quoted (B) cited (©) refered ©) spoke Correct Answer: 8 ‘Not attempted: tie Solon ‘cite’ is often used to mention something as a reason or au example, or in order to support what you are saying Fill in the blank with an appropriate word phrase. ao He a beantiful drawing of a house. (A) made (B) created 10. n (dia (D) generated Comrect Answer: € Not Attempted :@ Hie Solution ‘did’ (eather informal) to make or prepare something. especially something artistic or something to Fill in the blank with an appropriate word phrase. The reason for this omission is lack of time. (A) central (B) principal (© prime (D) key Correct Answer: B ‘Not Artempted Principal means most important. It is used for statements of fact about which there can be no argument. To state an opinion or to try to persuade somebody of the facts as you see them. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the main pair. DEGREE : TEMPERATURE =: (A) nutrient : nourishment (B) scale : length (©) calorie : menu (D) decibel ; sound Correct Answer: D Not attempted: ade Sohaion (Unit of measurement) Degree is the unit in which temperature is measured just as decibel is the unit in which sound is measured, Seleet the pair that best expression a relationship similar to that expressed in the main pair. CARAT : GOLD: = 2 a (A) proof: aleohol (B) liter : beer (© pound : sugar (D) meter : rope Correct Answer: A Not attempted :O Hide Solution (Unit of measurement) carat is the measure of purity of gold just as proof is the measure of purity of alcohol. One can measure beer in liters, sugar in pounds, rope in meters. But these do not measure their purity. Choose the best synonym for the following. Juggemaut (A) avenger (B) irresistible force (©) lucky team (D) whip Ccomectanswen 8 Not atempted Hide Solution ‘A massive inexorable force campaign, movement. or object that crushes whatever is in its path. Its synonymous word is irresistible force. Choose the best synonym for the following. These are the ramifications of the situation (A) consequences (B) lessons (C) branching out () dangers Correct Answer: € Net Attempted :® Hide solution Ee A branched structure or arrangement of branches (as on a plant). Its synonymous phrase is branching out. 4 Choose the statement where underlined word in used correctly. (A) before we can go fishing, we must bail out the boat (B) generally, a higher bale is set for more serious crimes than for minor ones (C) for clean, comfortable dog bedding, nothing beats a fresh. dry bail of straw (D) the poet often composed verses of intense bail when he was ina dark mood. Correct Answer: A ‘Not Atempted :@ Bail: (1) To remove water from a boat (2) The security money paid to ensure the appearance of a prisoner in court Bale: (1) a large, closely pressed package of material (2) evil or sorrow 15. Choose the statement where underlined word in used correetty. (A) Except for some cacti, the desert landscape was bear (B) I swear I will never bear your secrets to a single soul (©) He is unable to bare much weight ou his injured of foot (D) I cannot bear to see violent movies Correct Answer: D Not Atternpted: © Hide Solution bear: (1) to endure someone or something 2) to cany someone or something; to support someone or something (3) a large mammal belonging to the family Ursidae bare: (1) plain, unadomed, lacking covering (2) to reveal or uncover something. Two Marks Questions 16. 1”. Section Total Questions: 5 “Some men are definitely intelligent, others are definitely not intelligent, but of intermediate men, we should say, intelligent’ ? Yes, think, so or no, I should ‘tbe inclined to call him intelligent.” Mich of the following reflects the intention of the writer well? (A) To call men intelligent who are not strikingly so must be to use the concept with undue imprecision (B) Every empirical concept has a degree of vagueness (C) Calling someone intelligent or not depends upon one’s whim. (D) There is no need to be as indecisive as the writer of the above Correct Answer: A ‘Not Artempted:@ Hide Solution ‘The writer clearly states in the last part of his statement, that he should or should not be inclined to call him intelligent. The only option, which reflects that intention, is the first option and thus is the answer. Option B is wrong because we cannot generalize all empizical concepts to be vague on basis of this and itis imelevant also. Option C and D are also vague. The Americans with disabilities act (ADA) was designed to ensure the there is not discrimination against and unfair termination of Gifferently-abled workers in the workplace. However, after the act was introduced, thete has been a marked inerease in unemployment among the differently — abled. Which of the following best explains this seeming discrepancy? (A) A mumbe of differently — abled people chose not to work (B) Notwilling to deal with the issues of workplace discrimination of the differently-abled several companies recruited fewer of them in the first place (© Knowing that the act was about to be enforced. companies terminated some of the differently — abled while they had a chance (D) There was no act introduced that would guarantee a job for the 18 differently-abled Correct Anawer: 8 [Not Attempted: Hide Solution Step 1: Analyzing the argument An Act that was designed to help the differently — abled seems to have had a detrimental effect on their employment levels. This seeming contradiction in the argument has to be removed by addinginformation that will explain the lower employment levels after the introduction of the Act. The correct option should also accept that the law was designed to help the differently — abled and not question its motives. Step 2: Eliminating options Option (A) can be eliminated because it does not explain why the differently — abled chose not to work at a time when the government is making things easier for them to work Option (C) can be eliminated because the option seems to impl that the act tried to prevent the termination of the employment of the differently — abled. When the argument does not say so. Also the option seems to imply that the differently — abled were treated unfairly — implying that the act is a failure. XYZ corporation has two division, both of which performed consistently over the last five years. The Interment Services Division accounted for approximately 30% of the corporation’s transactions and 50% of the corporation's profits; the Toxic Household Products Division accounts for the balance. The statements above support which of the folowing inferences about XYZ corporation over the last five years? (A) Measured in dollars, the total profits for XYZ corporation have remained stable over the last five years. (B) Interment Services is an increasingly competitive field, while Toxic Houschold Products are a largely untapped market. (©) The Toxic Household Products Division yields a lower average profit per transaction than does the Interment Services Division. (D) Most families will, over a given five ~ year period, spend more money on Interment Services tan on Loxic Housenold Products. Correct Answer: € Not attempted :@ Hide Solution Only one of these answer choices MUST be true; let’s take a look at the options: (A) We only know about percentages, or proportions, so we can’t draw inferences about dollar amounts. (B) No information is provided about competition for either Interment Services or Toxic Household products. (C) This is the correct choice, Interment Services has a profit to transactions ratio of 50%, 30% or § : 3, while Toxic Household products has a ratio of 50% 70% or 5:7. Therefore. the Toxic Household Produets Division is doing more than twice as many ‘transactions as the Interment Services Division, but yielding the sane profits (D) Per-fumily spending is never mentioned, so we can't infer anything about it. Informed people generally assimilate information from several divergent sources before coming to an opinion. However, most popular news organizations view foreign affairs solely through the eyes of our State Department. In reporting the political crisis in foreign country B, news organizations must endeavor to find alternative sources of information. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the argument above? (A) To the degree that a mews source gives an account of another county that mirrors that of our State Department, that reporting is suspect. (B) To protect their integrity, news media should avoid the influence of State Department releases in their coverage of foreign affairs. (© Reporting that is not influenced by the State Department is usually more accurate than are other accounts. (D) The altemative sources of information mentioned in the passage ight not share the same views as the State Department. Correct Answer: D Not Attomoted : © Y Hide Solution In tis question, the author is contrasting how informed people get their news in general versus one specific situation: foreign affairs. Since foreign affairs are reported on by news organizations uniquely through the filter of the state department it stands to reason that this is at odds with the initial statement of how informed people get their information. The author then conduces that news organizations should attempt to find secondary sources of informations instead of relying exclusively on the state department. Answer choice A is somewhat difficult to follow, but it states that other news sources that give the same information as out state department should be viewed with skepticism. This isn’t what the author is saying, Answer B again seems to paint the state department ina negative elight. The media can report on what the state department releases however they should also aspire to find a second and third source to support the findings provided. B is thus incorrect. Answer choice C is tempting. It hits on the author's theme that information ‘would be more believable if it were not coming solely from the state would be more believable if it were not coming solely from the state department, Answer choice D is perfect. The author wants to take into consideration other sources of information and these source in conjunction with the reverse vampires will provide a more complete picture. The only way the author’s conclusion of multiple sources providing more informed information wouldn't be true is if they all just parroted the information provided by the state department. If all the sources say the same thing, then there's no difference. But if some sources differ, then the full picture begins to emerge. Answer choice D also doesn’t use strong language, only that the source “may” have different information. Answer choice D is the correct answer. 2. Producer: Many of the productions of my plays by amateur theater groups are poorly done, and such interpretations do not provide a true measure of my skills as a dramatist. Which one of the following can be properly inferred from producer’s statement? (A) Some amateur theater group’s productions of producer’s plays provide a true measure of his skills as a dramatist. (B) All amateur theater group productions of producer’s plays that are not poorly done provide a true measure of his skills as a dramatist (C) All of the productions of producer’s plays by amateur theater groups that do not provide a true measure of his skills as a dramatist are poorly done (D) At least some amateur theatrical group’s productions of producer’s plays fail to provide a true measure of his skills as a dramatist. Comect ase: Nocattenpted © Hie Solution Step 1: Identify the Question Type: The keywords “properly inferred” in the question stem are a sure sign ofan inference question. Step 2: Untangle the stinualus: producer's comments can be reduced to an if'then statement. If productions of his plays are poorly done, then they don’t provide a true measure of his skills as a dramatist. And many amateur theater groups perform his plays poorly. Step 3: Predict the answer: While we many not be able to predit what the correct answer choice will infer, we can be certain that it is a statement that must be true if we accept producer’s statement as true. Step 4: Evaluate the choices: Since many amateur productions are poorly done, and no poorly done production provides a true measure of producer's kills, it must be true that at least some amateur groups productions do not provide a true measure of his skills, so (D) is correct. Don’t be affaid of (D) because it seems “obvious.” This is not a test maker trick — an “obvious” answer is none that must be true, so it works as a valid inference. (A) Seiously distorts producer's statement. Just because some amateur production don’t do him justice doesn’t mean that there are other productions that do (B) is another sort of distortion. Producer's statement about certain poorly done productions in no way guarantees anything about productions that aren’t poorly done. (©) is far too extreme, Producer does establish a comelation between poor production quality and failure to provide a true measure of his skills, but that correlation has only been established for a certain set of productions and can’t be extended to all productions The answer is (D). Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy {5 2020 Copyighs reserva ny ACE Engineering Academy. Desired & Deeiapes iy Care Innovations Pt Le

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