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Difference between business model & business plan:

Business model is a way through which company creates or generates its

financial value. A business plan is a document presenting the comapany's

Lean canvas template:

1.Problems(top 1 to 3 prblms)
2.customer segment(b2b,b2c or both,niche,early adopters)
3.Unique value proposition(most compelling thing)
4.Solution(top 3 features)
5.Channel(Path to customers)
6.Revenue stream(revenue)
7.Cost Structure(fixed cost,variable cost,customer acquisition cost)
8.Key Metrics(Key activities you measure)
9.Unfair Advantage(State why your solution can't be copied)

Priotizing your risk &assumptions:

Customer pain level,Ease of reach,Pricing,Market size,technical feasibility

Blue Ocean Strategy:

In this approach your solution have little to no competetion ie an unknown
or new market place

Red Ocean Strategy:

Rivalary,limited profit,cut throat competetion

Value Preposition:
1.Define the competetion
2.Identify imp pdt benefits
3.Plotting the strategy canvas
4.apply 4 action framework-reduce eliminate create raise

MVP(Minimum Viable Pdt)-Build the min features in order to get Feedback

Sol demo-Smallest possible sol capturing the core essence of actual sol

Startup cost-Cost that an enterprise incur before starting a business.
Fixed cost-expenses incurred regularily irrespective of how much you sell
Variable cost-cost that depend on the no of units sold or produced.

Pricing Strategy:
1.Maximization-Price and product output level that generates more profits
2.Market Penetration-
3.Market Skimming-

Profit-It is the revenue that is left with you after the fixed & variable
cost has been deducted from total revenue.
Breakeven-It is the no of units that needed to be sold in order to recover
fixed expenses for that period
Payback Period-The required time to recover the money invested in a startup
cost,assuming certain level of sales.

Boodstrapping-It is a way of starting your business without any external help.

hence by taking personal finances,loans frm friends & family
or by means of revenue or profits.Here we try to covert fix cost
to variable cost.

Type of Leadership:
Autocratic(-ve emotions,dissatisfaction)
Democratic(merge with the team)
Laissez Fiare(Giving complete freedom to the team,always in chaos)
Shared Leadership-Invloving two or more people sharing resposibilites

Collaboration tools & tchniques-Slack,Trello

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