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B58TB – Thermodynamics A

Short Lab Report Sheet

Marcet Boiler Experiment

Please refer to the Lab manual for the Marcet Boiler Experiment

Student Name : Dharmaal Manie Bin Mohd Manimaran

HW ID : H00334938
Max Mark=5
1. Why is this lab exercise useful; where can the results be used in engineering
design/industry? List a minimum of three engineering applications.
The Marcet boiler is useful for its application in designing pressure cookers, hot air
balloons and steam boilers for textile industry.

2. Show the calculation to obtain the values of the products αAs and MC.
d Qt d U dQ
By the first law of Thermodynamics + = where the heat transfer to
dt dt dt
d Qt dU dT
Ambient is =α A s (T −T α ) and the change in internal energy is =M c .
dt dt dt
Therefore the energy conservative of heating can be written as
dQ d Th
=α A s ( T h−T α ) + M c and the energy conservative of cooling would be
dt dt
0=α A s ( T c −T α ) + M c .

3. Explain the necessity to expel the air from the apparatus at start the of experiment.

The reading of the vessel will be more than the atmospheric pressure before starting
the experiment which will give a less accurate reading while conducting the
experiment because the purpose is to observe the relationship between the change in
temperature and pressure.

4. Applying 1st law of thermodynamics, explain the energy balance at T = T max in this
Since it’s a closed system, there is no work done in the system. Therefore is zero
dQ dW dU dQ dU
from the equation + = so it becomes = . This means that all the
dt dt dt dt dt
internal energy in the vessel is from the heat energy allowing the temperature to be
the maximum.

B58TB – Thermodynamics A

5. How does the published data of P versus T compare to measured data of P versus T
for both heating and cooling? Explain your findings.
From the measured data, the heating and cooling temperature for pressure of 8 bar is
the same at 175 degree Celsius and 448 Kelvin. From the published data of Saturated
Water and Steam Table. The temperature at 8 bar would be 170.4 degree Celsius and
443.4 Kelvin. The measured data has a slight difference compared to the published
data. This could be due to errors made in the experiment

6. List a few examples of industrial application of the liquid and vapour behaviour
observed through the experiment.
High temperature lubrication for load bearing. Painting and pasteurisation.

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