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Synthesis Paper: Due to eLearn by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9.


Pope Francis has a called a council of the world’s Catholic thinkers and leaders to determine a “fifth” mark of the church that will
promote diversity, equity, and inclusion—and he’s asked for your ideas! Based on your group’s research into a “new” mark of the
church, individually write a paper that demonstrates to the council why your mark is most needed for the church and/or world

Essay Type:

 The form of your essay must be that of a Toulmin argument as discussed in class on Tuesday, November 17. A Toulmin
essay has the following parts:

1. What are you advocating? [In other words, what is your thesis?]
2. Why do you believe that? [What reasons do you have to support your thesis?]
3. Do you have anything to back that up? [What evidence do you have?]
4. But what about . . . ? [How would a “naysayer” respond to your thesis, and what is your reply?]


 You must cite in substantial and accurate ways at least four scholarly sources (more may be necessary to make your
argument well).
 These sources may be the same as those used for your group presentation; however, different or additional sources may be

Essay Format

 Anticipate the paper will be at least 1250 words.

 Chicago style footnotes must be used to cite the sources (see link on eLearn and the examples marked .
 A Chicago style works cited list must be included.

Keep in Mind

 You should anticipate writing multiple drafts of your paper.

 In those drafts you should:
o Proofread the format of your argument to be sure it is a Toulmin argument.
o Proofread the argument itself to ask if you are offering the best ideas you can in the clearest, most compelling
manner possible. Be sure the essay reflects critical thinking.
o Proofread the text of your essay for grammar and spelling (and run spell check).
o Read your essay aloud to make sure the sentences flow well and make sense, and that there are no missing words
or phrases.
o Double-check that all ideas that do not originate with you (whether directly quoted or paraphrased) are cited using
o Review your footnotes and bibliography to insure they are in Chicago style.

Note Well

 All the bullet points above are criteria by which this essay will be assessed for grading. Use them as a checklist to help
insure you are submitting your best possible work.

 While you have done the research with your group members, the essay’s argument and wording must be your own, and
should reflect your own understanding of the proposed mark of the church and its relevance.

 Essays that include plagiarism (e.g., representing someone else’s work as your own and/or failing to properly cite that
work) will earn zero points.

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