English Activity 1

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ENGLISH teacher Angelica Beltran Activity Humanities Area student Katherine Dineth Quayazdn Rodriquez Course 1104 week of February +o 5 | ACTIDADES PARA DESARROLL aR Reading comprehension | _ TF you. ere planning to coon tiaeiededs [fr dace tonight, oy will need one pound _of | | round bee® or ground chuck % mare four 4 pound hamburgers. This meal will feed 4 people and will tawe about 30 minvTes To cooK. Here is the list of food you should buy af + grecery slore: - -1 Pound ground beef or ground chuck. a I ~T pack hamburguer_ uns Ij - 1 tomato Place the - the ste | th. br Ol e slove,'jurn slove. to madam eat, le he joan pete for minutes while you mare the ‘hawburgers. You want the pan to be very hot when yoo stat Cocking the meat. : | \_| | Use your hands or @ knife to divide. the poi ° ground! meat into 4 equal portions. Roll each. | Pertien in your hands until it forms a_, cal ) You. have teushe _ you. should have _ ba Oe. almost the pare sizes pe “Flatten each ball between the, palm of your” hands so that you have 4 fldHened. ham bueger ~ palhes thet ave about the same s:z@s i El After the boamburgers have fimished _cooning, _place each ona _hemburguer bum Top each berger with, shee of tomate end you are ready _ to server dinner! Ss You can “dress yo your hamburger by adding whatever sauce, cheese, or vegetable you le best Commen choices. of Suvcec in the United i States are rayonnaise _musterd, Ketehup, or steare _ savce, Common “Topeings for lamburgers ave cheese, mushrooms, onions; “i deati®, ua Frying pan. _sarten _Flcten: aplanar | fathes: carne de hamborgese | Game size: rusine tewnesio wDress; aderezet QWLidentify the fellowing grenmahec! tensas, “write the seritences in your “ote book ard Sao identity the strudore, - Simple tense, simple present, futere, present progressive, present perfect SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ~ : structure . Sb) + NI (-S) -e5, -les) Here, usitthe list of food! Subject vere complemen | 2. You should buy jet the grocer _store| Ee eho ea peor I 3c te Sepia - [ese erent - 4iLet, the | breheat for 5 eiriutes, u - _ pe emer b,You, wat eect SBS gompl emer dude tthe Bell each pochon- QYou should heave) Abell Sb; V é "e oTheat are alost. the. soune size | WFlaten each bell Listen’ the” Bolas bE. Vv 2 =, I2That are bout Ye acied size complement "PP on a hamburger bun} Complement You) Lev ready to serve diy shy ete "ee cow) (dress Dob botoer Vv aoe PRESENT PERFECT TENSE structure Sby +t has/have + V3 '\ When 7 ee fi ished 2That you havey 4 flattend hem burg er Vv ro pale Conpslen eri forsheds N PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE giruclure + 7 + Ving) we YOULOres Y2 alarming to coor brcuyes bo wegers so complement for diaee ti ightis FUTURE structure Sb3 ot Will Shall + V VYous iw re ed, lex of bind f lo Sb} c romplemtent caval _chices complement A eunttes te coor. complement STdevtty modals and write the sentences and its Use Modal: Will sertences eYou will need one pour od of ground beef eThis. meal will feed 4. pele a Will take abot BY pusutes Use: Volition : i ry 2Modal: Should | sentences | 1_| eo Heve is Hie | the! grocery |s | © You Should | heve! 4 balls Use: Probe bitity amd advice BModel: can Sentences 4 ‘ \_| ° You can “dress “ps your haimberger Use: Permiss) on, | | (TTY 4Mare a list) of regular and trreqvlar verbs TS meaning i | | Adéerezar Terimimar APlew cr BLdentify frst or second conditioned a | TF you are planning te coon hamburgers for dimer tomght you wll weed one pound of grovad beef ot ground chuck te ‘mae four vq pound benburge ,~ Because Preset Simple + WillAvott + Verb Uses: A possible situction in the future Predicting a liwely result in the foture GF the condition happens)

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