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/ I \
Auxiliary Lexical Modal auxiliaries

To Be work can/ could

To Do play must

To Have sleep should

love have to

read ought to

think may/ might


write …

/ \

Activity verbs State verbs

go know

eat believe

sing love

drink like

cut see

drive hear

play…… have

cost ……

Activity verbs express/ describe actions while state verbs express / describe states. State verbs
are not usually used in any continuous tense ( although there are exceptions). State verbs can be
classified into five groups.

1.Verbs of the mind: know, believe, think, remember, understand, admit,want, agree…..

2. Verbs of feelings and emotions: like, love, hate, dislike, adore, prefer, …

3. Verbs of having and being: be, have, appear, contain, possess, belong, contain, own, include,
4. Verbs of the senses: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, sound….

5. Some other verbs: need, cost, seem, mean, hope….

Some state verbs can also refer to an activity. In this meaning they can be used in a continuous

I think it’s a great idea. ( think=believe> state verb (expresses opinion)

I’m thinking about my exam. (think=consider > activity verb)

We have a second-hand car. ( have= possess > state verb)

She is having some tea. ( have= drink >activity verb)

I feel I can’t go through with it. ( feel= believe > state verb)

How are you feeling? ( feel= experience> activity verb) ….

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