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Higher Colleges of Technology

Engineering Technology & Science Division
Mechanical Engineering Program

Project/Case Study

Course Name Manufacturing Technology-I Course Code MCE 2323

Max Mark 100 % of final Grade 20 %

Campus Section

LO 1,2,3,4,5

Work type Group (3-4 student per group)

Declaration: Group/Individual
1. No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or
student, an internet source or a book)
2. When another person’s words are used, this is shown in the text with “…” and referenced.
3. No part of this assignment has been written by anyone other than the member(s) of the group
named below.
4. We/I have a copy of this assignment that we/I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged.




Date Submitted:

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Table of Contents

Figures and Tables ................................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction: ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Selection of Components: ..................................................................................................................... 5

Functions and Applications: ................................................................................................................ 5

Engine Block:.................................................................................................................................... 6

Crankshaft: ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Bonnet: .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Bumper:............................................................................................................................................. 8

Door: ................................................................................................................................................. 8

Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Manufacturing Processes: .................................................................................................................. 10

Sand Casting: .................................................................................................................................. 10

Forging: ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Sheet Metal: .................................................................................................................................... 12

Injection Molding: .......................................................................................................................... 12

Gas Metal Arc Welding: ................................................................................................................. 14

Summary: ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Conclusion: .......................................................................................................................................... 15

References:........................................................................................................................................... 15

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Figures and Tables

Figure 1- Major Components of an Automotive Vehicle ....................................................................... 4

Figure 2 - Engine Block .......................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 3 - Crankshaft .............................................................................................................................. 7

Figure 4 - Car Bonnet ............................................................................................................................. 7

Figure 5 – Bumper .................................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 6 – Door ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 7 - Sand Casting......................................................................................................................... 11

Figure 8 - Metal Sheet stamped into different car parts ........................................................................ 12

Figure 9 - Schematic of Injection Molding ........................................................................................... 13

Table 1 - Selection of Components ......................................................................................................... 5

Table 2 - Materials .................................................................................................................................. 9

Table 3 - Summary................................................................................................................................ 14

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study



This project/Case Study aims to develop deep knowledge about different manufacturing processes that

are used in the manufacturing an automotive vehicle. An automotive vehicle is an essential product of

daily life and thousands of parts are assembled in the manufacturing an automotive vehicle. In this case

study, five important components of an automotive vehicle are studied in detail. Five different

mechanical processes will be studied. Each manufacturing process will be allocated to each part. The

use of metal casting, deformation process, sheet metal, plastic molding, and welding in the

manufacturing of an automotive vehicle will be studied in detail. Different parts of an automotive

vehicle are shown in figure 1.

Figure 1- Major Components of an Automotive Vehicle, Economic Times, India Times

The manufacturing of the complex materials has made easy because of the different manufacturing

processes. There is a wide range of manufacturing processes and new processes are being devised daily.

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


The manufacturing processes have enabled the industry to increase the efficiency and decrease the time

duration for the manufacturing of a component. In simple words, manufacturing processes are playing

an important role in the development and manufacturing of daily life products.

Selection of Components:

The selection of the components along with their manufacturing processes is given in table 1.

Table 1 - Selection of Components

Sr. No Components Manufacturing Process

1 Engine Block Sand Casting

2 Crankshaft Forging

3 Bonnet Sheet Metal

4 Bumper Injection Molding

5 Door GMAW

Many parts were available could be chosen. However, these parts are chosen because they play an

essential role in the workability of an automobile. The engine block is an essential component that

contains the cylinders and other important components of an internal combustion engine. The crankshaft

is an important component that helps in the conversion of reciprocating motion of pistons into the

rotatory motion. Bonnet is an external component that helps in covering the engine of the automobile.

It also plays an important role in the aesthetics of an automobile. Similarly, Bumper is an external part;

it provides safety to the vehicle from the collisions and it counts in the aesthetics of the vehicle. The

door is selected because it allows the consumer to sit in the car.

Functions and Applications:

We will now discuss the functions and applications of the selected components.

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Engine Block:

The major functions and applications of an engine block are given in this section. An engine block is

an important component that provides support to the components of an engine. Moreover, the engine

block also helps in transferring heat from the friction of the engine to the engine coolant and atmosphere

(What's in an Engine & Why?, 2003). Figure 2 shows an Engine Block

Figure 2 - Engine Block, GM LT1/4 BARE ENGINE BLOCK


The functions and applications of the crankshaft are to convert the reciprocating motion of engine

pistons into the rotatory motion. The pistons move in reciprocating motion and the power is transmitted

to the crankshaft. The crankshaft converts this motion into rotatory motion that is further transmitted to

the tyres. In this way, crankshaft performs its function (Diy, 2018). Figure 3 shows a crankshaft.

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Figure 3 – Crankshaft, How a car works


The main function of the bonnet is to give the consumer access to the engine, battery, and other

important components. Most of the essential components of the automobile are present inside 7 MCE

2323 - 201920 Project/Case Study the bonnet and bonnet is used for their maintenance. Bonnet can be

lifted for direct access to the important components. Furthermore, the bonnet is an exterior component

and it must have aesthetic qualities for the vehicle. The application of bonnet in racing automobiles is

to provide the transfer of heat through an exhaust. A bonnet of an automobile is shown in figure 4.

Figure 4 - Car Bonnet, Application of Reverse Engineering Technique in Target Setting Process for Improving the Vehicle
Safety Performance (2002)

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study



In every automobile, there are two bumpers. One bumper is in front of the car and the other bumper is

at the back. The main function of the bumper is to provide safety to an automobile during a collision.

Moreover, bumpers are made according to the design of the car so that they can add beauty to the

vehicle. A bumper is shown in figure 5.

Figure 5 – Bumper, Dodge Charger Replacement Bumper


The main function of a door is to permit the consumer to sit in the car. Moreover, the internal side of

the door has many functions for operating the vehicle. Another application of a car door is to provide

safety to the driver. Doors are incorporated with safety features that do not transmit the colliding force

to the driver (Spy, 2007). A car door is shown in figure 6.

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Figure 6 – Door, TurboSquid


The material information of the five important components of an automobile vehicle is given in table


Table 2 - Materials

Sr. No Component Material

1 Engine Block Grey Cast Iron

2 Crankshaft Steel

3 Bonnet Steel and Aluminum Alloys

4 Bumper Polycarbonates

5 Door Steel and Carbon Fibre

Gray cast iron is selected for the engine block because of its compatibility with the high temperatures.

Pure steel is chosen for the crankshaft because of its stress absorption and high finish. Aluminum and

steel are used to manufacture the alloy for the bonnet. It is selected because it will help in the resistance

against corrosion and will provide hardness and strength for the harsh external environment.

Polycarbonates are flexible and they absorb the force. Therefore, they are selected for the bumpers. As
MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study

far as the doors are concerned, carbon fibre and steel alloys are used for high strength, lightweight, and

collision absorption.

Manufacturing Processes:

The manufacturing processes for each part are given in table 1. They will be discussed in detail in this


Sand Casting:

The sand casting of an engine block involves the following steps.

1. Prepare the mold of your engine block.

2. Spray the surface of the engine block with graphite spray for lubrication.

3. Sift the sand.

4. Make sure that the sand is not completely dry by splashing water into it.

5. Fill the mold box with sand.

6. Press the engine block on the sand.

7. Pull the mold out and clean the engine block.

8. Close the mold box and make the runner and gate with sprue.

9. Melt the cast iron and pour it through the gate.

10. After the cooling down of two or three days, break the mold.

11. Machine the engine block for removing the imperfections (JETER, 2020).

Figure 7 shows the process of sand casting.

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Figure 7 - Sand Casting, Warren School

Sand casting is used to fabricate an engine block because of the low cost of sand casting. Especially

with such intricate details and requirements, any other technique such as milling would be too much

time consuming and expensive. Another technique which is possible for casting engine blocks is die

casting but the hot metal causes the dies to wear out quickly.


Forging is a manufacturing process that is based on deforming the metal. It is used for the production

of the crankshaft. Forging is selected for crankshaft because forging increases the strength of the

materials. A forging die is used for manufacturing the crankshaft. The crankshaft is a sensitive

component and it requires very high strength. Pure steel is forged for manufacturing the crankshaft

(Forging, 2009).

The reason why a crankshaft is specifically forged is that the task of the said part is to convert all the

energy being produced by the vertical motion of pistons into rotational energy and hence it is exposed

to high magnitudes of forces and pressure, thus it needs to be strong and firm so a simple, non-forged
MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study

crankshaft will not do.

Sheet Metal:

Sheet metals are extensively used in different industries. Sheet metals cover a long-range or processes

that are performed on the sheet metal. In simple words, sheet metal is a process that is used for

converting the metal in the sheet form. For a car bonnet, the aluminum and steel are mixed for making

an alloy and the alloy is then converted into sheets for the manufacturing of car bonnet. For the car

bonnet, the metal is passed through the rollers and then converted into sheet form. Figure 8 shows the

manufacturing of car bonnet through sheet metal working (Labs, 2012).

Figure 8 - Metal Sheet stamped into different car parts, HT Metal Stampings

The reason why a sheet metal is used to manufacture a bonnet because it is cost effective and a quick

process. It would take too much capitol and time if specifically machined. Nor does it need to have

very high strength because the task of the bonnet is not of primarily absorbing impacts.

Injection Molding:

Injection molding is the most common plastic molding manufacturing process. The bumper of the car

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


is manufactured through injection molding. The injection-molding machine is used in a fully automatic

process. The material (polycarbonates) in the solid form will be fed to the machine. The rotating screw

will melt the solid material and the lead screw will feed the molten plastic to the die. After cooling, the

die will be separated and the molded part will be obtained. Injection molding is a quick process that

provides enough finishing. Several bumpers can be manufactured at a time. The advantage of injection

molding is that there are no joints in the part (CUSTOMPART.NET, 2019). The schematics of injection

molding is shown in figure 9.

Figure 9 - Schematic of Injection Molding, RNA Automation

The best way to manufacture any plastic product is through injection molding. It is simple and cost

effective. Not only that, it maintains a high level of accuracy between the parts as this is required

when manufacturing a bumper because bumpers are regularly replaced and hence a change of size of

other parameters would render the replacement of bumpers impossible.

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Gas Metal Arc Welding:

Gas metal arc welding will be discussed in detail that is used for the manufacturing of a car door.

Different parts of the car door are brought together and joined with the help of GMAW. GMAW is a

welding technique that uses an electrode and gas supply. It burns the base area of the two parts and joins

them together. The important parameter in the manufacture of an automobile is the weight of the

component. The weight of that metal must not cross the critical range (Hicks, 1999).

GMAW is preferred because the whole process of it can be automated. Furthermore, access to only one

side of the surface is required and not both, hence it can be used in difficult or hard to reach places.


Table 3 - Summary

Sr. Manufacturing
Part Name Part Function Material Comments
No. Process
Supports the machining for
1 Engine Block engine Sand Casting Gray Cast Iron obtaining the
components required
machining for
obtaining the
2 Crankshaft Forging Steel required
motion into
finish. High
rotary motion
Steel and High strength
Gives assess to
3 Bonnet Sheet Metal Aluminum with high
the engine
Alloy flexibility
Injection flexibility and
4 Bumper Provides safety Polycarbonates
Molding no joints in
the part
machining for
Allows humans Steel and
5 Door GMAW removing the
to sit in the car Carbon Fibre

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study



In this case study, five major components of an automotive vehicle are analysed for their manufacturing

processes and materials. The engine block, crankshaft, bonnet, bumper, and doors are observed.

Similarly, five different manufacturing processes are observed in detail. Sand casting, forging, sheet

metal working, injection molding, and gas metal arc welding are observed in detail. The materials for

the five essential components are also observed. It was seen that sand casting and forging requires extra

machining for the required finish. The same is the case with GMAW. The report is concluded by saying

that several manufacturing processes are involved in the manufacturing of an automobile and every

process has its specifications.


CUSTOMPART.NET. (2019). Injection Molding. Retrieved April 2020, from

Diy, M. C. (2018). How to Build Racing Engines: Crankshafts Guide. Retrieved April 2020, from

Forging. (2009, February 18). Retrieved April 2020, from rt168.htm

Hicks, J. (1999). Welded Joint Design. Industrial Press. Retrieved April 2020

JETER, P. (2020). How to Sand Cast an Engine Block. Retrieved April 2020, from

Labs, S. V. (2012, June). Sheet Metal Working. Retrieved April 2020, from

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study


Spy, W. (2007, October 30). Get Doore. Retrieved April 2020, from

What's in an Engine & Why? (2003, October 05). Retrieved April 2020, from ck.html

MCE 2323 – 202010 Project/Case Study

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