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PUNT 1: historical context

We can not explain much about the suspect, because he/she was unknown, we only know
that he was called J.R and he killed five women.
At the time of the murders in London there was an over population and this caused a lot of
violence, hunger and theft.
Eleven prostitutes were murdered and five of the murders are attributed to Jack the Ripper.
The murders were between April 3, 1888 and November 9, 1888. in the Whitechapel district.

punt 2. THE CRIMES.

Jack the ripper made his killings in or near the Whitechapel
district of London's.

JACK THE RIPPER at least DID 5 KILLINGS, and this 5

killings he did in 2 months
The five killings were prostitutes.

Mary Ann Nichols

Annie Chapman,
Elizabeth Stride,
Catherine Eddowes,
Mary Jane Kelly,

The throat of each victim was cut from left to right to then perform an abdominal mutilation
and he also extracted organs.

the nature of the wounds shows that the killer

knew about anatomy, the idea is that Jack was a doctor, a surgeon, or
perhaps a butcher.
punt 3 Investigacions:

we don’t have so many information on the subject of Jack the Ripper because science
forence was primitive, the tracks are few and the suspects are for little value.

The investigation was the responsibility of the Metropolitan Police. one of London’s two
police forces. London police only got involved to analyze the murder of Catherine Eddowes
in Aldgate.
Overall charge of the investigation. was given to Detective Chief Inspector Donald Swanson
of the Metropolitan

One of the police suspects was Michael Ostrog, who was described as a “Russian doctor”
and a convict, who was frequently detained.

There were suspicions and arrests, but it turned out that no one of the arresters was really

Punt 4: Cartas
- When everything began to be made public, the police began to receive letters from
the supposed Jack.
- Many of the letters are insignificant, but there are some that were signed by the one
that described facts that only himself could know.
- CARTA 1: From hell.

jack the ripper sent to the police this letter with also a half of a kidney of a victim and
the other half he ates.

CARTA 2: Their boss

He tried to write this letter with the blood of one of his victims, but he could not do so
as the blood dried up. This letter laughs at the police saying he loves his job and
wants to keep killing prostitutes.

Punt 5: suspects
more than two-thousand suspects were questioned, in the end three-hundred remained, of
whom were questioned thoroughly, we will only explain four of the killers.
- Carl Feigenbaem.
- the police believed that it was J.R because he had already been found guilty of
mutilating several women.
-the nights of the murders he was in the Whitechapel neighbourhood.
● Aron Kosminski
- his DNA was found at the crime scene
- hated prostitute women and had homicidal tendencies.

● Francis Craig
- He was the husband of Mary Jane Kelly (J.R. 's last victim), the police said
that the victims before Marry Jane were trials to finally kill her, for escape
from her marriage.
● Walter Sickert
- He wrote a book where he says many things that only the police knew.
- DNA was found in letters written by J.R.

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