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MAE 322

Machine Design
Dr. Hodge Jenkins
Mercer University
What is this ‘Machine Design’ course
really about?
• What you will learn: How to design machine elements
• 1) Design so they won’t break under varying loads
• 2) How to apply and select standard machine components

• If you apply all you learn here, you can still build an awful machine that
does not work well. 
1) Function can be very different from breakage.

• A good functional machine takes more than just good parts.

• But, you need good parts and components to build a good functional
You will learn:
Component Design Philosophies and
• General, good approaches to design machine
elements not to fail under various loadings
• Transmit power, torque or force,
• Transform kinematic motion
• Common Commercial Standards
• Design Rules of thumb (experience)
First: Let’s Define Failure for our
• For Materials:
• Break in to piece,
• deform permanently,
• crack
• Part function:
• to much elastic deformation (too flexible),
• wear, surface damage
Failure: Stress > Strength

• Typically we will limit ourselves to examining stress

• Stress: 1-D, 2-D, 3-D
• σ= Normal (compression or tension),
• τ= Shear
• Loading: Static, Dynamic, Cyclic
• Strength: strength values for materials, determined
Static Material Strength
• Usually necessary to design using published strength
• Experimental test data is better, but generally only
warranted for large quantities or when failure is very
costly (in time, expense, or life) (e.g., aircraft nuclear
• Methods are needed to safely and appropriately use
published strength values for a variety of situations
• In many instances it use depends on whether a material is
ductile or brittle

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Normal Stress vs. Strain (σ vs. ε)
Material tests

In General: ductile materials are limited by their yield strengths and fail
“in shear”
Brittle materials are limited by their ultimate strength (tension and
Each will have their own failure theory.
Need for Static Failure Theories
• Failure theories propose appropriate means of
comparing multi-axial stress states to single
• Usually based on some hypothesis of what aspect
of the stress state is critical
• Some failure theories have gained recognition of
usefulness for various situations

• SY = material yield stress in uniaxial tension

• SUT= material ultimate tensile stress in uniaxial

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Reminder: Use Stress Concentration to
find the maximum stresses

• Localized increase of stress

near discontinuities
• Kt is Theoretical (Geometric)
Stress Concentration Factor

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Need for Static Failure Theories
• Uniaxial stress element (e.g. tension test)

• Multi-axial stress element

• One strength, multiple stresses
• How to compare stress state to single strength?

Strength S
n 
Stress 

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Maximum Normal (Principal) Stress
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑌
𝑛= =
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝜎𝑀𝐴𝑋

• Theory: Yielding begins when the maximum principal stress

in a stress element exceeds the yield strength.
• n=factor of safety
• For any stress element, use Mohr’s circle to find the
principal stresses.
• Compare the largest principal stress to the yield strength.
• Often the first theory to be proposed by engineering
• Is it a good theory?...... Depends.

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Maximum Normal (Principal) Stress Theory
2-D (Plane Stress)
• Experimental failure
data shows the
theory is unsafe in
the 4th quadrant.
• This theory is not
safe to use for
ductile materials.
• So, time for a better
failure theory.

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Statics Load Failure Theories to Study
and Understand
•Maximum Normal Stress
•Maximum Shear Stress
•Distortion Energy
Maximum Shear Stress Theory (MSS)
• Theory: Yielding begins when the maximum
shear stress in a stress element exceeds the
maximum shear stress in a tension test
specimen of the same material when that
specimen begins to yield.
• For a tension test specimen, the maximum
shear stress is 1 /2.
• At yielding, when 1 = Sy, the maximum shear
stress is Sy /2 .
• Could restate the theory as follows:
• Theory: Yielding begins when the maximum shear
stress in a stress element exceeds Sy/2.
Maximum Shear Stress Theory (MSS)
• For any stress element, use Mohr’s circle to find the
maximum shear stress. Compare the maximum shear stress
to Sy/2.
• Ordering the principal stresses such that 1 ≥ 2 ≥ 3,

• Incorporating a factor of safety n

• Or solving for factor of safety

Sy / 2
 max

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Maximum Shear Stress Theory (MSS)
• To compare to experimental data, express max in
terms of principal stresses and plot.
• To simplify, consider a plane stress state
• Let A and B represent the two non-zero principal
stresses, then order them with the zero principal
stress such that 1 ≥ 2 ≥ 3
• Assuming A ≥ B there are three cases to consider
• Case 1: A ≥ B ≥ 0
• Case 2: A ≥ 0 ≥ B
• Case 3: 0 ≥ A ≥ B

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Maximum Shear Stress Theory
(MSS)Plane Stress (C = 0)
• Case 1: A ≥ B ≥ 0
• For this case, 1 = A and 3 = 0
• reduces to A ≥ Sy
• Case 2: A ≥ 0 ≥ B
• For this case, 1 = A and 3 = B
• reduces to A − B ≥ Sy
• Case 3: 0 ≥ A ≥ B
• For this case, 1 = 0 and 3 = B
• reduces to B ≤ −Sy

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

Maximum Shear Stress Theory (MSS)
• Plot three cases
on principal stress
• Case 1: A ≥ B ≥ 0
• A ≥ Sy
• Case 2: A ≥ 0 ≥ B
• A − B ≥ Sy
• Case 3: 0 ≥ A ≥ B
• B ≤ −Sy
• Other lines are
symmetric cases
• Inside envelope is
predicted safe
zone Fig. 5–7
Maximum Shear Stress Theory (MSS)
• Comparison to
experimental failure
• Conservative in all
• Commonly used for
design situations
• Good, safe theory for
design, but could be
more accurate

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design

End Lecture 1

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