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Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

Investigating the effect of value stream mapping on procurement

effectiveness: a case study
Shuwei Jing1 · Kaixuan Hou1 · Junai Yan1 · Zih‑Ping Ho2 · Lu Han3 

Received: 18 June 2019 / Accepted: 20 May 2020

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

In order to find a new lean methodology to improve the process of procurement management, this paper takes the warehouse
in the manufacturing enterprise as a case to study. During lean consulting service provision, the firsthand material which the
research work needs through the spot inspection was collected. To analysis the whole procurement process, the procurement
value stream map based on the data collected was plot. Then the whole procurement process can be seen in the procurement
value stream map, including making procurement plans, audit, procurement, transportation, inspection, storage, classifying
and receiving materials. According to the procurement value stream map, wastes and non-value activities in the procurement
process can be easily found and the improvement methods can be prompted. The contribution of this paper main reflects
in two aspects: (1) the procurement value stream mapping (P-VSM) enriches improvement methodology of procurement
management; (2) the P-VSM methodology enlarges the application scope of lean tools on one side.

Keywords  Supply chain management · Value chain · Case study · Lean management · Survey studies

Introduction Render 2000); (2) products are made up of raw materials, the
quality of the materials determines the quality of products;
Procurement is among the most essential of all activities in (3) the stocks represent a large proportion of funds, the for-
manufacturing enterprises. Its importance is mainly reflected mulation and implementation of material procurement plans
in the followings: (1) procurement cost accounts for 50–60% play an important role in the operation of manufacturing
of a company’s total costs (Anderson et al. 2012; Heizer and enterprises. As the starting point of all value-added activi-
ties, procurement process includes the whole process of
logistics, technology flow, information flow and service flow
* Lu Han from the supply-side to the demand-side. Procurement activ-
ities become the core of creating value and profits for enter-
Shuwei Jing prises. Some scholars have provided new methods for the
further research of procurement management. Zimmermann
Kaixuan Hou and Foerstl (2014) analysis the purchasing and supply man-
agement practice from a perspective of performance link.
Junai Yan Rodríguez-Escobar and González-Benito (2017) realizes to
improve procurement management according to strategic
Zih‑Ping Ho alignment. Central Procurement Organizations (Fang and
Natarajan 2019); Project Procurement Management (Rane
School of Management Science and Engineering, Shanxi et al. 2019); Green Procurement (Liu et al. 2020; Ivanova
University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, 2019; Blome et al. 2014); Outsource parts of the purchas-
China ing process. (Bals and Turkulainen 2017); cross-functional
Administration Specialist, R&D Department, Chang Bing integration with other departments (Johnson et al. 2014).
Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Kukang, Changhua, Defining purchasing strategies using Kraljic portfolio model
Taiwan, Republic of China
(KPM) (Gangurde and Chavan 2016); multi-echelon supply
School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, chain network (Sarrafha et al. 2015).
Shanghai 200082, China

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

Existing improvement measures have improved the it maps, as a one-page diagram, reflected flow of materials,
proficiency and profits of procurement activities in some products, information and their linkage.
contexts. These measures, however, are not systematic and In what follows, we first conduct a literature review of
are sometimes ineffective in eliminating wastes and delay, procurement management and value stream mapping given
due to ignored the process of value increment at the outset. in “Literatures review” section. We find it necessary to
There are many non-value-added activities in the existing improve the procurement process of manufacturing enter-
procurement activities, such as waiting time, duplicating prises based on the value-added process. We then present
efforts, confused labour structure, expensive procure- the new concept of the procurement value stream mapping
ment cost, lack of flexibility in the supply mechanism, (P-VSM) in “Procurement value stream mapping” section.
and false information. However, these measures cannot Finally, we choose one manufacturing enterprise warehouse
identify non-value-added activities, they cannot eliminate as the case study to analyse in “Case study” section. The
all delays and wastes systematically. The procurement pro- conclusions and prospects are presented in “Conclusions”
cess creates value from the two aspects following as: (1) section.
through procurement, resources are obtained to ensure the
smooth progress of normal production, which is the benefit
of procurement; (2) in the procurement process, there will Literatures review
be various expenses, which is the procurement cost. In
order to pursue the maximization of procurement value, To illustrate how to apply the theory of value stream to pro-
to reduce the procurement cost and obtain the maximum curement management, we first review existing research
benefit with the least cost is necessary. Ohno (1988) have about management and value stream. This paper analyses
summed up the waste phenomena in the production pro- the literature of procurement management and value stream.
cess of enterprises into the following seven kinds: error
correction, over production, material handling, moving, Procurement management
waiting, inventory and process. Value stream mapping
(VSM) is a useful methodology that can identify these Procurement management is defined as procurement activi-
non-value added activities in the procurement process and ties that include planning, organization, coordination and
eliminate wastes, thus reducing costs. However, VSM is control. Providing a steady supply of raw materials is an
rarely used in procurement process. We combine VSM and important component in procurement activities (Lawson
procurement management into procurement value stream et al. 2009). Procurement management plays an important
mapping (P-VSM) to research how to save cost and create role in cutting down the inventory backlog and purchasing
value in procurement activity. raw material stably in manufacturing enterprises (Edler and
To research P-VSM empirically, a famous manufacturing Georghiou 2007). Especially under changing market condi-
enterprise TY in China was taken as a case study to research. tions, the product life-cycle is becoming increasingly shorter.
First, we analyse the whole procurement process, includ- Advanced procurement management then becomes the core
ing making procurement plans, enquiry, audit, procurement, of competition. For the most part, when the products have
transportation, material inspection, storage, classification quality problems, due to the procurement management not
and receiving materials. Then, we draw a value stream map- working well (Wolinsky, 2015). The direct consequence
ping of procurement based on the analysis above. Based on of inefficiency in procurement activities is unpunctual
the analysis of the current P-VSM, we can find non-value- delivery (Ndubisi et al. 2013). As the competition of the
added activities in each process, and we can also find the market tends to be more intense, the role of procurement
improvement measures for them. Second, we can draw the management tends to be more important. In the situation
future P-VSM after improvement. Finally, with the combina- of demand-orientation, procurement management not only
tion of the future P-VSM and the reality of the enterprise, we plays a functional role in reducing costs but also tends to be
can take specific improvement measures. Then, we can con- a strategic way to attracted customers. The factors affect-
tinually promote the lean-kaizen using P-VSM. The results ing procurement management will be divided into three
of this research verify that the P-VSM can indeed shorten categories: (1) internal factors of the enterprise, including
the procurement cycle, and the procurement processes are procurement management skills, discourse power, executive
improved and simplified during this research. The scientific supports and the mechanism of supplier network governance
research is that there is no overall research on procurement (Saga and Kunimoto 2016); (2) inter-organizational relation-
improvement in the existing research; our work takes the ship factors, including goal consistency, supplier trusts, and
inventory, supply chain and platform involved in procure- supplier similarity (Ibem and Laryea 2015); and (3) supplier
ment as a system, which is the development for the existing factors, including supplier capacity and desire of suppliers
research. Furthermore, P-VSM is an extended lean concept; (Aydin et al. 2017).

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

In the transition from seller’s market to buyer’s market, constitute a tool to improve this situation, and purchasing
there are many shortcomings exposed in traditional procure- can help organizations create business networks with sup-
ment management activities following as: (1) Organizational pliers, as purchasing has evolved from a support function to
structure: the division of labour is unclear, and the power a key strategic tool for organizations. (3) Intelligent business
and responsibilities of staffs are uncertain (Saga and Kuni- models. Schulz and Müller (2017) verifies that development,
moto 2016). (2) Procurement methods: the supply-side and sales and procurement will have to work jointly to realize
demand-side have not established a stable cooperative rela- innovations, and intelligent business models will offer enor-
tionship, and there is not a guarantee for the timeliness and mous opportunities. (4) Collaborative product improvement
quality of materials (Aydin et al. 2017). (3) Procurement (Springer et al. 2011). And the findings highlight the need
information: information asymmetry will have a harmful to develop a coherent sourcing strategy for specific com-
influence. The works of the purchaser and supplier, pro- modity groups, including reinforcing tactics and avoiding
curement department and other departments, managers trade-offs. (2) Improvement of procurement management
and operators are easily confused by misinformation. (4) based on supply chain. Criticalities of process management
Management of suppliers: the existing research lacks the (efficiency and effectiveness): (1) Online auctions, Emiliani
performance evaluation and professional management of (2000) proposes that online auctions will delay the adop-
the suppliers. (5) Procurement plans: the prediction of the tion of modern supply chain management methods and the
enterprise and the demands of materials are mismatched. implementation of lean production that are needed for both
The result is that the enterprise cannot organize procure- buyers and suppliers in order to truly eliminate waste and
ment activities based on the demand of production, and the reduce total costs. (2) Improving services supply manage-
balance between material supply plans and current demands ment. Hawkins et al. (2015) find that procurement process
cannot be achieved. (6) Procurement logistics: tracking pro- impacts the supplier’s level of delivered service quality, and
curement is not realistic. Many things are not working, such they verify that improving services supply management can
as purchase requisition, purchase review, our inquiry, quo- improve procurement activity. (3) Appropriate operational
tation, transportation, and quality monitoring. (7) Supervi- and strategic criteria. Nair et al. (2015) examine how pur-
sion and administration: the absence of effective supervision chasing’s strategic participation influences supply manage-
(Binková 2012). There is no duty classification for author- ment activities via the choice of appropriate operational and
izing, issuing, executing and recording, there may be black- strategic criteria. (3) Improvement of procurement manage-
box operations (Schoenherr et al. 2012). ment based on platform. Some paper put forward process
In addition, at the same time, the theory of procurement model framework of procurement, such as: (1) A generic
management is also developing, such as procurement man- business process model for small purchases (Parikh and
agement based on inventory theory, timely procurement Joshi 2005). They offer a generic business process model
management based on supply chain coordination, and pro- for small purchases and employs equity-implementation
fessional procurement management based on reverse auc- model to explain the factors leading to the success in this
tions (Park and Park 2015, Teng and Chern 2010). Some purchasing process transformation. (2) A process model for
scholars proposed other theories. For example, procurement evaluating and assessing possible suppliers (Kakouris et al.
management can be divided into three types based on how 2006), they focuses in particular on the planning and quali-
much suppliers participate in product development. First, fying phases of the process, and offers outsourcing decision
the purchaser designs the supplier’s production; second, the makers a structured and systematic selection framework. (3)
buyers and suppliers both participate in the design; third, A structured purchasing process model (Van der Valk and
the purchaser provides functional requirements of techni- Rozemeijer 2009). They confirm that a proper specification
cal standards and installation parameters (Pascual-Miguel is an important prerequisite for purchasing services success-
et al. 2015). These procurement management theories were fully. And they proposed an expansion to the traditional pur-
applicable under some circumstances; however, they have chasing process which incorporates the steps of pre-selecting
their own scope of application and limitations. suppliers and detailing the initial specification. Then, many
Many scholars put forward improvement measures for scholars have researched the improvement of procurement
procurement. (1) Improvement of procurement management process.
based on inventory. there have been authors talking about
improvements of procurement process: (1) tactical sourcing Value stream mapping
levers. Hesping and Schiele (2016) verifies that the appli-
cation of tactical sourcing levers varies according to ‘stra- Given this summary, from the manufacturing or operations
tegic importance’ and ‘supply risk’, and tactical sourcing management literature, we recognize that major process
levers is effective in procurement activities. (2) Business improvement has involved lean tools and Value stream map-
networks. Úbeda et al. (2015) finds that business networks ping (VSM). The VSM was the main tool used to identify the

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

opportunities for various lean techniques (Abdulmalek and customer. It is no longer the sole goal to reduce business
Rajgopal 2007). And many innovative frameworks to apply costs. Now the main goal is to continuously improve the
Value Stream Mapping to products. For example, Braglia quality, timely meet customer needs and enhance competi-
et al.(2006) make an innovation framework with complex tiveness. Procurement management will take place through-
Bill of Materials is presented. Serrano Lasa et al. (2008) out the entire value-added process of manufacturing enter-
research that the different aspects of planning projects for prises. However, it is rare to see a study on the improvement
redesigning productive systems using VSM. of procurement management activities from the perspective
Some scholars suggest that enterprises should discern of value flow.
the value activities in the operations before formulating In summary, the existing literature has focused on how to
enterprise strategies. These value activities include basic improve procurement management based on inventory, sup-
value activities and ancillary value activities. Together, they ply chain and platform separately; ignoring the procurement
constitute the value chain of the whole enterprise. Value system is a complete system. The contribution of this paper
chain can also be defined as value stream in lean manu- is to make a systematic research on improving procurement
facture process (Francis et al. 2014). The concept of value management using P-VSM. (1) This paper enriches improve-
stream divides enterprise activities into value-added activi- ment methodology of procurement management; (2) The
ties and non-value-added activities. Value-added activities P-VSM methodology enlarges the scope of application of
are activities that directly create value for customers. Non- lean tools.
value-added activities are activities that include moving the
work piece, replacing uniforms and fixtures, and activities
that are necessary for turn-over although they do not create Procurement value stream mapping
value (such as transportation and waiting time). The VSM
plays an important role in recognizing whether activities The P-VSM is a breakthrough for traditional lean value
can create value for enterprises, and managers can eliminate stream. The traditional value stream has been applied
non-value-added activities as far as possible (Dinis-Carvalho to many areas successfully. Based on the abundance of
et al. 2019). They allows enterprises to realize the goal of research, this paper initially proposes a lean tool from the
decreasing costs, shortening production time, eliminating perspective of procurement activities creating value, and
resource waste and maximizing product value. then applies it to improve the procurement process of manu-
The traditional VSM can be converted into Dynamic facturing enterprises, especially for the lean-kaizen. Apply-
value stream (Shafique. 2014). For example, the dynamic ing the theory of value stream to purchasing activities, we
VSM based on Industrial Internet of Things (Balaji et al. find that the P-VSM plays an important role for the lean-
2020). The VSM has been widely applied in various fields kaizen of procurement.
successfully following as: procurement process in the public The P-VSM is an important breakthrough for the tradi-
sector (Hofacker et al. 2012), quotation preparation process tional value stream applied to the field of procurement man-
(Stadnicka and Ratnayake 2018), quotation creation process agement in manufacturing. We use the P-VSM to analyse the
(Sremcev et al. 2019), pulp and paper industry (Erixon and process of procurement depending on the value stream map-
Bjorklund 2018), products development value stream (Jing ping of procurement (P-VSM). The P-VSM can reflect all
et al. 2019), continuous construction processes (Barathwaj value-added and non-value-added activities during the entire
et al. 2017), improving efficiency of offices (Chen and Cox procurement process, including making procurement plans,
2012), healthcare environments (Henrique et al. 2016), pro- purchasing raw materials and purchasing materials from the
duction assembly (Westin et al. 2014; Matt 2014), chemi- departments of production and transportation. In this way,
cal plant (Michlowicz and Zwolinska 2015), exploitation of the non-value-added parts can be found, wastes and delays
software (Ali et al. 2016), government management (Scor- can be reduced for all procurement activities. The ability of
sone 2008), and glass industry (Atieh et al. 2016), supply procurement management directly reflects the management
chain networks (Plapper et al. 2018). level of the company. The targets of P-VSM include two
As the origin of the value-added process in all production parts following as: (1) the first part is to reduce the workload
and operations, procurement management plays an impor- of purchasing managers, and (2) the second is to establish a
tant role in adding value for the enterprise. However, the way more complete system of scrapping and cancelling stocks.
to create value varies at different stages of the processes. The goal of these targets is to reduce waste and delays, and
Traditional procurement management focuses on reducing improve the efficiency of procurement.
the costs of the enterprise, creating value for the enterprise Based on the research of procurement process (Schoe-
through saving costs. The theory of modern procurement nherr et al. 2012), this paper draw from the consolidate
management believes that the process of increasing the value framework of value stream mapping (Chen et al. 2010),
includes the entire supply chain, from the supplier to the and proposed a new model draw in Fig. 1, and we named

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

Fig. 1  The schematic diagram of the P-VSM

this figure as P-VSM. The P-VSM is used to describe the The improvement process of procurement
material flow, time flow, information flow, etc. These management
flows are involved in the process of the enterprise from
making the procurement plan to obtaining the materials To apply the P-VSM to prompt procurement management
of the operation department. The P-VSM helps enter- in the enterprises, we need to specifically analyse accord-
prises simplify the procurement management process ing to the P-VSM procedures. That is, we need to draw the
using lean management tools and ideas. At the same time, current status of the P-VSM for the enterprise based on the
the P-VSM can help find wasteful links in the original current procurement process. We also need to identify non-
procurement process and create overall improvement. In value-added parts and make improvement measures. Then,
practice, we need to first draw the current P-VSM of the we need to draw the future state diagram of the P-VSM.
warehouse and identify delays and waste at various nodes According to this procurement value map, we can find how
throughout the procurement process based on the map. to improve procurement processes comparing the two dia-
Second, in order to solve problems reflected in the current grams. Finally, we can put forward specific improvement
P-VSM, we can find the appropriate solution in reality as measures based on the previous analysis. The specific steps
much as possible. Third, we draw a P-VSM of the future are reflected in Fig. 2.
state. Finally, we find the applicable countermeasures and
implementations according to compare the two diagrams
Observing the current procurement
of P-VSM. The drawing of P-VSM mainly include two process
contexts as follows:
Drawing the P-VSM before improvement
1. The information flows. Based on the production capacity
and the forecast of market demands, the procurement
departments need to do the following: make procure- Analyzing the current situation,
ment plans, perform an enquiry, summarize purchasing identifying non-value-added links
plans, manage the loan application, give approval, con-
trol the budget, and process the financial audit. Putting forward improvement measures
2. The material flows. The mean of the material flow in practice
includes the transportation of procurement materials
from the supplier, the inspection of materials before
Drawing P-VSM after improvement
sending them into the warehouse, the classification of
materials, and the operation departments finally taking
the goods. Comparing Two maps and improving
procurement management

Fig. 2  The analysis process flow of the P-VSM

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

(1) Observe the current procurement process of the ware- Based on the interview of first-line workers, field obser-
house. For a specific warehouse in an enterprise, we need vation, equipment account and document analysis, we find
to observe the current information creatively and record many problems in its procurement management, for exam-
it in detail; for example, procurement plan, procurement ple, making accounts repeatedly, a lack of any mechanism
model, supplier transportation, goods verification, sorting for scrapping, entering data into the computer manually, and
the materials and putting the above in storage and getting a large storehouse workload. To solve the problems above,
materials. At the same time, in order to survey their specific this paper surveyed procurement activities in this enterprise
work contexts roundly, we need to interview relevant staffs, for a long time, and found many problems in the procure-
observe the time to complete each process, the interval that ment processes:
workers need to wait and the man-days of some key pro-
cesses in the whole procurement process. In particular, it is 1. Warehouse management tools. The current warehouse
necessary to record, collate, and backup the key complicated management tools include stores requisition, warehouse
procedures. (2) Draw the current P-VSM for the enterprise warrant, purchase certificate, GAMA software, UFIDA,
before improvement. We need to draw the current P-VSM of etc. First, in the daily warehouse management process,
an enterprise according to the existing procurement process. staffs need to fill out complex documents, and they then
We will draw the procedures of procurement on the P-VSM need to enter the information recorded in the document
based on these inherent logic relationships. We will mark into the computer. This process wastes too much time.
operating time and waiting time of every link under the cor- Furthermore, GAMA software and UFIDA cannot con-
responding position. (3) Analyse the present situation and nect directly, so that staffs need to do extra financial
propose improvement measures. In this step, we will analyse statements.
the present situation of procurement management, according 2. Procurement mechanism. The procurement mechanism
to the current P-VSM and identify which parts can be can- of this enterprise is not complete. This has led to high
celled and which parts can be upgraded based on reality, and storage costs for companies. For example, in completing
then we can put forward corresponding improvement meas- job treks, we found that, when the goods are damaged
ures. (4) Draw the future P-VSM after improvement. We or fail to satisfy production demands, they are still con-
draw the future P-VSM after improvement based on the idea served in the warehouse. This method not only increases
of lean management and the improved measures mentioned the operation cost of the enterprise but also reduces pur-
above. Then, we can find how to improve procurement chasing efficiency. Furthermore, each operation depart-
management according to comparing the two diagrams. (5) ment cannot obtain goods for production in time due to
Improve procurement management. Set goals according to the lack of a systematic management mechanism. To
the aforementioned study. Design specific improvement pro- produce, many operation departments have to set up a
grammes in several aspects, especially in some key areas. separate warehouse in the production workshop. This is
Try to improve the procurement management mechanism also known as an ancillary warehouse. It is worth men-
of enterprises continuously. tioning that the inventory is too large to be conserved in
the repair department, and the damage to the materials
in the ancillary warehouse is serious.
Case study 3. Procurement model. Depending on the statistics of TY,
there are approximately 120 temporary procurement
Case overview applications in 7 months. There are approximately 150
work days in addition to office days. There are approxi-
We take a typical enterprise in manufacturing in China as mately 0.8 temporary purchasing applications per day.
a case to study. This enterprise is called TY. One reason However, the monthly procurement cycle is too long.
for the choice is the TY has all the features of the service- Purchasing materials are distributed to the production
embedded manufacturing; the other is that its business per- team at once, which is not easy for the warehouse to
formance has been declining and suffered from market share manage. The cost of temporary procurement is high,
decline and poor customer satisfaction. We have provided and procurement staffs need to go out and buy materi-
consulting services for enterprise management over time. als almost every day.
The aim of this paper is to show the application potential of
a new tool for the procurement process, and this case as start The improvement of procurement management
representative of future replication. The analytical thinking
of this paper can be applied into other enterprises, according The capacity of procurement management directly reflects
to adjustment specific parameters of procurement organiza- the management level and the ability of competition. It is
tion, people, working hours and so on. essential to the success or failure of the enterprise in the

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

market share. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the pro- procurement process. Then, we can estimate the improve-
curement management of TY. This paper will improve the ments of every process. Finally, we can plot the current
procurement management of TY based on the P-VSM. P-VSM based on the above information (Fig. 4).
Based on the current P-VSM for the case enterprise in
Step 1: Plot the current procurement flowchart Fig. 4, there is a clear understanding of the overall value
flow for the TY enterprise procurement process. First, the
Observe and record the procurement state of departments, procurement department needs to make a monthly procure-
staffs, and work conditions in TY. It is also necessary to ment plan based on the material demands of each depart-
interview the operators of each process and to record the ment. They need to go to each department to reform the
interview data. Then, we need to analyse each process and statistical plans. Second, the procurement department
the relationship among these processes. Be sure to record needs to go to the market to make an inquiry based on
the key and complicated processes using video. Backup and the procurement plans. After they adjust the procurement
collate the above observation data, and plot the current pur- plans, they need to fill in the material purchase application
chasing flowchart of TY enterprises: forms and take the financial audits. If the procurement
Based on Fig. 3, we find that there are three obvious prob- managers review the procurement successfully, the pro-
lems in the procurement process. First, procrastination is curement plans will be confirmed. Third, the procurement
severe. There was a 7-day delay during the process of report- staff will purchase goods one by one. They are required
ing the monthly procurement plans. There is also a problem to purchase goods according to the procurement plan one
of procrastination when the manager is required to check by one. In other words, they need to go to supplier A, sup-
the signature on the purchase application. Second, there is plier B, and supplier C in turn. Then, suppliers will deliver
wasteful duplication of efforts during the process of filling goods to the procurement departments. The procurement
in the material entry form when entering the warehouse and department will inspect goods before storing materials in
filling in the material amount when entering the account. the warehouse. The procurement departments will classify
purchased materials before putting them on the shelves.
Step 2: Plot the current P‑VSM Finally, the purchase documents, such as the material, are
forwarded to the finance department for audit. If the docu-
Based on the current purchasing flowchart of TY, we col- ments are audited successfully, then the operation depart-
lect the operation time and waiting time of every process. ments will be notified to receive materials when they are
We can then analyse the specific measures to improve the free.

Fig. 3  The current procurement Procurement

flowchart of TY Procurement plan Total procurement
Begin application
report plans statistics

Authentication Manager review YES Audits department

Tracking Warehouse keeper Goods

delivery confirmstion return

Good-in form Testified to

Storage YES be qualified NO

Source Accounting
Reimbursement End
document documents

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

Fig. 4  The current P-VSM of case enterprise

Step 3: Analysis of the present situation procurement process. This paper will put forward the
and the improvement measures improvement measures in two ways. One is to improve
management process, and the other is to upgrade warehouse
It is not hard to find that there are some procurement activi- management system. The former can shorten the procure-
ties that can be improved through the basic survey of the ment cycle; the latter can solve the problem of duplicated
procurement process above. First, the procurement cycle is labour and manual entry. At the same time, the analysis of
too long. There are approximately 34 days between mak- the process can provide scientific evidence for the manage-
ing procurement plans and distributing materials; however, ment system; the management system can simplify the man-
approximately 29 of these days are waiting time, including agement process.
16 days of the order information transferring among dif- The corresponding improvement measures are as fol-
ferent departments—this process cannot create any value. lows: (1) establish a long-term partnership with suppliers.
Second, the enterprise needs to purchase goods according to (2) Replace the series purchase models with the parallel pur-
the procurement plan one by one. In other words, they need chase model. In other words, the procurement department
to go to supplier A, supplier B, and supplier C in turn. There can go to the next supplier regardless of whether the former
is approximately 1 week from making procurement plans to has already delivered. (3) Change the monthly purchases
confirming statistical procurement plans. This cycle is too plan into a weekly procurement plan. (4) Introduce the man-
long, and there is room for improvement. Third, the procure- agement software of warehouse.
ment department is inefficient. For example, the warehouse
managers still charge accounts manually. Although the ware-
house is equipped with an electronic accounting system, the Step 4: Plot the future P‑VSM after improved
warehouse managers still use the manual entry model. Many
unreasonable parts in procurement activities lead to waste Then, we can plot the future P-VSM after improved, which
and delays. can reflect procurement process which has already elimi-
According to the analysis of the present situation, we nated wasted time and man-days. This future map is in
find that there are some improvement measures in each Fig. 3.

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

In addition to the substantial reduction in the cycle Step 5: The improvements of procurement management
required for each link in the procurement process, there mechanism
are several noticeable improvements reflected in Fig. 5. (1)
Make a procurement plan once a week instead of once a According to the comparison of the P-VSM before and after
month. More flexible procurement can adjust the scope of improvement, we find the improvement measures of pur-
temporary purchases in time. (2) Purchase documents can chasing management in TY. First, import the purchasing
be audited at any time. They are no longer to be audited management software. Select the appropriate management
only on Monday and Thursday. (3) The series procurement software based on the reality of TY. Adjust the software
model is replaced with the parallel procurement model. The according to the actual situation of the enterprise. Introduce
purchasing department can go to the next supplier regard- the software into the daily operations of TY. Second, change
less of whether the former has already delivered. It is not the procurement model. Establish specialized submodules
necessary that the enterprise accomplish the exchange with of suppliers and logistics following the initial procurement
the former suppliers before going to the next. The enterprise plan and perfect related procurement files continuously. The
can go to three suppliers to buy goods at the same time. specific operations are shown as following:
This improvement measure saves much time. (4) The storage
costs can be reduced according to the procurement model 1. Develop an employee performance review process. Man-
once a week; (5) there is only one material form required agement should carry out the reform of the personnel
when the procurement materials are checked and reserved matters system based on the demands of fixed person-
into the warehouse, and the employees are not required to nel, fix position, and fixed arrangement. The staff can be
repeat the labour. (6) The application of management soft- evaluated whether he or she is competent in his or her
ware. The warehouse managers can enter data according work.
scanning a code system, and the efficiency of the procure- 2. Standardize the procurement process. Plot the specific
ment department will be improved using this management process diagram based on the P-VSM after improve-
software. The first four improvement measures belong to the ment. The diagram must reflect specific operations of
reform of the procurement mode, and the latter two belong the procurement department. The managers are respon-
to the reform of the procurement system. sible for training the staff according to the process dia-

Fig. 5  The future P-VSM after improvement of case enterprise

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

gram, and the staff can receive promotions from this to 12.5 h. The time spent has been shortened for 95.4%. This
standardized procurement process according to absorb helps the enterprise to adjust the procurement plan in real
experience and knowledge from their work and improv- time based on the market demand. The P-VSM also helps
ing work efficiency, the quality and quantity of every the enterprise to achieve the goal of meeting customers’
procurement activity can be guaranteed. demands better.
3. Establish a flexible procurement system. To establish a The application of the P-VSM has shortened the cycle
flexible procurement system, the procurement depart- of procurement activity over 90%. This illustrates that the
ment needs to adapt some specific measures, such as P-VSM can not only improve the efficiency of procure-
formulating the precise implementation measures, ment but also adjust the procurement plan based on market
standardizing the operation process and establishing the demands in real time, providing a guarantee for the effec-
mechanism of procurement management. tive operation of the enterprise. The P-VSM reduces the
possibility of mismatched raw material and products that
The achievement of the P‑VSM can’t meet market demands. Moreover, the application of
the P-VSM can urge manufacturing enterprises to make their
To verify whether it is correct to apply the P-VSM into the procurement process more institutionalized, standardized
improvement of procurement management, this paper will and excelsior.
evaluate the procurement cycle of TY. The comparison of
procurement management before and after improvement for
TY is shown in Table 1: Conclusions
We can see clearly from Table 1 that the time required
for each procurement process of TY has fallen sharply The P-VSM is an effective solution for reducing business
after improvement. (1) Plan-making cycle. After chang- inventories, shortening the purchasing cycle, saving prod-
ing the monthly procurement plan to a weekly procurement uct costs and enhancing market competitiveness. Under
plan, the plan-making cycle was shortened from 12 days to the guidance of the traditional value stream and the lean
2.5 h. That is a reduction in time of 97.4%. At the same thoughts, this paper takes the manufacture enterprise TY
time, procurement work becomes more flexible. (2) Bill- as an example to analyse the purchasing management pro-
ing cycle. After introducing the procurement management cess of TY empirically. According to the application of the
software, the traditional manual entry operation procedures P-VSM, we can identify the main waste links in the ware-
have been replaced. The billing cycle was shortened from house procurement process and try to eliminate wasteful
10 days to 1 h. That is a 98.6% reduction in time spent. This links based on lean thoughts. Driven by the demands of
improvement not only liberates the labour of manual entry other departments, information flow and material flow can
staff but also improves the overall efficiency of the procure- achieve smooth and orderly delivery. The results illustrate
ment department. (3) Information cycle. The information that the plan-making cycle, billing cycle, information cycle,
cycle includes collecting information from the procurement logistics cycle and the whole procurement cycle can be
department through final confirmation of procurement shortened substantially, according to apply the P-VSM, and
orders. The information cycle was shortened from 16 days to the efficiency of procurement management in the warehouse
4.5 h. That is a 96.5% reduction in time spent. While short- is improved over 90%. This can verify that the P-VSM is sci-
ening the cycle of information transmission, the authenticity entific, and the P-VSM can be widely applied in warehouse
and reliability of information are guaranteed. (4) Logistics procurement management of manufacturing enterprises. The
cycle. The logistics cycle was shortened from 18 days to 8 h. research results show that the following:
The time spent has been shortened for 94.4%. This improve-
ment ensures the demand for various raw materials in the 1. The P-VSM is a major countermeasure for the lean-
production department. (5) The whole procurement cycle. kaizen of the procurement activities. The P-VSM can
The whole procurement cycle was shortened from 34 days resolve many problems such as excess inventories, wast-

Table 1  The comparison of Plan-making Billing cycle Information Logistics cycle Procure-

procurement management cycle cycle ment
before and after improvement cycle
for TY
Before (days) 12 10 16 18 34
After (h) 2.5 1 4.5 8 12.5
percentage (%) 97.4 98.8 96.5 94.4 95.4

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

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