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My Personal Manifesto

Alexis Guevara

Ethics Class

My name is Alexis Daniel Guevara Suazo, I really consider myself a person who has

many principles based on the bible and in a Christian life, I believe that all these deep

thoughts of my life in general and all the ideas I have about the world have been in my

head for a while, because I feel that I have enough maturity to make wise decisions and

I think that the fact that I am considering much of my values or things I think about

many things are very important for my life, To begin with I want to say what kind of

person I am, I consider myself a fairly calm person and in other aspects a fairly serious

person, I like to read the Bible a lot and this is beginning to like me recently because I

grew up in a Christian family but I never sought God in a way as an individual, this is

that I began to seek God recently, maybe 4 or 5 years ago helped me a lot in my life and

that has made me grow quite a lot in many aspects, I also consider myself a person who

has begun to lower much of their actions in God, This means that during all this time I

was quite close to God and always looking for ways to seek that he likes and that he

doesn't, and not only in my life I probably also tried to get into other people's lives,

people who are very close to me because I always look for ways to get the people I love

most to look for the same way I look for God, Well, coming out of my beliefs, I want to

get to the point of talking about myself and the things I like to do and the things I really

like to believe. I am a person who likes to socialize, especially with people I feel

comfortable with, so that when I talk to them, the conversations don't become sharp or

uncomfortable and that all the talking is fluid, I started to feel like I have a passion for

food when I thank my brother and learning a lot about cooking because he has a friend

who is a chef and I liked it and I was grabbing him and more and more IVA cooking

better, I was going to cook the best and probably cooking is one of the things that I feel

most about myself and I like it a lot. I am also a person who is very selective with

absolutely everything from people to the socks that I am going to wear.

Other things that I consider not so important but I know that they stand out in me are

like the fact that I am a person who is quite direct and when he is uncomfortable with

something I am direct in saying things but I am polite in saying what I have to say, there

is also something that I don't really know if it is like that but at least I feel it and that is

that many values that I have now I feel that you have learned it obviously with the help

of my parents but that more than all I have reinforced them.

Returning to the part that was the beginning, My vision of the world, OK... this is

obviously my own opinion For me the world is a mess, everything is ruined From

oceans, jungles, to sexuality(Here I mean that during all this time even from before until

today There are thousands of sexual diversities and this in my opinion ruined the world,

yes, there are many people who think differently, but I don't really think that

homosexuals ,transsexuals, and all that bundle of people who claim to be another

gender, For me this is like one of the biggest things that has ruined my planet with

everything and inhabitants, this does not mean that I am homophobic, I just do not agree

with the decisions of those people or the opinions of people who support it, because for

me it is always right to do what the Bible says I create a man and a woman to

accompany him, this even in countries like Honduras that really does not have as much

accessibility as in other countries like the United States is affecting and increasingly the

world is corrupting).

Adding a topic that I only really add because I like to talk about it, is about climate

change and my opinion on it, I love animals very much and the most exotic ones that I

like the most live in this world that is sadly being destroyed by human beings, One of.
I think that I am not a person who has many ideas out of the ordinary, but I know that I

have my ways of seeing the world and how I would like to change it, I also have very

clear my principles and I know that they will make me succeed in my life because I

know that they are good principles.

 I think that the life of a young person like me, even though I don't have a job and

I still don't study, could be reversed in many ways that are really worthwhile,

and by this I mean that as a young person of almost 18 years old I really look at

the world or life in a very different way than more than half of the young people

of my age, alcohol, drugs and parties can be a great example of how young

people are wasting their lives and how they are seeing the meaning of fun or

having a great life in a wrong way, When I say that I am against parties I really

mean those parties that have alcohol and drugs otherwise I am not against parties

because they are things that everyone has had to go to even in their lives, and it's

fun but when it's time to go to a party that has all this bad things,the person who

goes there is really just wasting his time because it is nothing that will help him

in his life.

 - Well now I want to talk about one thing that is very important to me, and that

is the fact of my beliefs, I really consider myself a person who is not clearly

perfect, but even though I make mistakes even though I am a sinner in my life it

is quite reflected in the love I have for God, I have been in many situations that I
have really felt lost, I have felt sad, I have been depressed and I have felt lonely

but only one person has been there for me, that person is God, and to all young

people like me I would really like to point out or teach them that God will

always be there, God for me is a huge refuge, When the beginning of this I

started to tell you that it took me a short time to get to know God is because my

approach is really the most stupid way probably already stupid I mean I regret

the things I did, many people seek God when they are very happy but I seek him

when I am very sad because I know he is the only way out of that sadness, But

thanks to all those falls you really learn a lot and despite how bad those falls

were and that hurt me I managed to find what I have to dedicate my whole life to

and that is God, he has been my way out of many situations and those situations

even though they were bad, thanks to her I could realize many things that were

wrong and start to strengthen all the arias that I had wrong and start to do things


 - Here I will put two things that are important for me ,number one my family

and number two my life, I really have a pretty small family here I found out two

things that are important for me number one my family and number two my life,

I really have a pretty small family and I consider them to be among the biggest

things I have in my life and the truth is there is not much to say just know that

they are among the biggest things I have. My life, I am really grateful to God

because I have a good life, full of health and happiness

 - Finally I would like to talk a little bit about my passions, I was always a person

who liked to cook and I already told the story of why I like to cook, it is

something that calms me down, makes me happy, and fills my stomach, another
thing that I like to do not much but entertains me is to draw things that I like,

During the quarantine I had to look for ways to distract myself because already

the point that I felt depressed and one of those ways Facebook and I realized that

despite being never did it was not so bad doing it and so I continued doing it,

finally something that really excites me and I call a lot of attention are the

animals, I mean all especially reptiles and aquatic mammals. my vague dreams

is to really work as a biologist or whatever it is that I have to do to really help

the planet, God created us something wonderful and we are ruining it, we are

now in a time of quarantine and this is a world circumstance and I really thank

God that we are in quarantine, Many good things have happened in quarantine,

yes, people have died but many lives that were really considered lost by the

human being due to pollution what planet has many animals had disappeared,

many animals I had heard of their habitats but today they are taking back their

habitats as their own and that the truth makes me think that one as a human

being is like a monster for these creatures, this is only my opinion but I hope that

one day everything will change And the planet earth will return to be the home

of many animals and that both for them and for us is a healthy place.

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