Answer Key Midterm Exam Advanced

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No. DE LISTA: ________

ASIGNATURA: ___________________________________________ GRADO:________ GRUPO:_______
NOMBRE DEL PROF(A):: ________________________________________________________ FECHA:_________________________

NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO(A):_________________________________________________________________________________________________

No. DE REACTIVOS ______________ No. DE ACIERTOS ______________________ CALIF:________________________________

1. Circle the correct word in italics.

1. Why aren’t you at / on school?


2. Your books are on / in the table where you left them!


3. My parents are in / at France this week.


4. I always do my homework at / in the kitchen.


5. Dad goes jogging in / at the park every morning.


6. We enjoy spending time at / in the beach.


7. Is that a new painting on / at the wall?



2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I’m sorry I don’t know (not know) the answer. Can you help me please?

2. When did you start (you / start) playing tennis? You’re so good!

3. Maria usually walks (walk) to school with her best friend.

4. Are you OK?! What are you doing (you / do) up this early?

5. David isn’t studying (not study) much at the moment because it’s the end of term.

6. I didn’t use to (not used) to wake up early, but now I’ve got a summer job I have to.


3. For each question, choose the correct answer.


a) Members of the public can’t go

through unless they are visiting an

b) Members of staff must be

accompanied if they want to pass this

c) Members of the public may go

further if an employee goes with

2. What does Ellie want to do?

a) go to a place that she couldn’t

visit today

b) discover a less busy part of the


c) return somewhere at a different



a) It’s a good idea to make

reservations for the boat trips.

b) The receptionist will organise your

trip if you make an appointment.

c) You can buy tickets for the cruise

on the boat.


a) Maria is planning to have supper

at work.

b) Maria will be home too late for


c) Maria wants Anna to prepare

supper for her.

5. Dan is asking John

a) to lend him a backpack.

b) to return his backpack.

c) to help him choose a backpack.

4. Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct position in these sentences. There may be
more than one possible answer.

1. I am late for school. (hardly ever)

I am hardly ever late for school.

2. We visit our grandparents at the weekend. (usually)

We usually visit our grandparents at the weekend.

3. Mum takes me to school. (never)

Mum never takes me to school.
4. I have tennis lessons. (once a week)
I have tennis lessons once a week. / Once a week I have tennis lessons.

6. How does John check his Instagram account? (often)

How often does John check his Instagram account?

7. I don’t watch television during the week. (often)

I don’t often watch television during the week.


5. You will hear people talking in six different situations.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 You will hear two friends talking about their exams.

How does John feel about the maths exam?
A John is very disappointed about the maths exam.
B John didn’t expect the maths exam to be hard.
C John thinks he has done better than expected.

2 You will hear two people talking about their holiday.

How is Anna feeling about the flight?
A She’s feeling very relaxed about it.
B She’s really excited about it.
C She isn’t looking forward to it.

3 You will hear two friends discussing weekend activities.

Joe and Linda agree to
A do only what Linda wants.
B spend the following weekend outdoors.
C avoid being in crowded places.

4 You will hear two people talking about their holiday.

How is Anna feeling about the flight?
A She’s feeling very relaxed about it.
B She’s really excited about it.
C She isn’t looking forward to it.

5 You will hear two friends talking about their homes.

How does Lucy feel about having her own room?
A She wishes her room was bigger.
B She enjoys having more space.
C She misses sharing with her sister.

6 You will hear a mother and her son talking about photography.
Jack is going to enter the photography competition because
A he has a lot of good photos.
B he wants a new camera.
C he liked the exhibition.

1 You will hear two friends talking about their exams.

Paula: Hey John, how’s it going?

John: Not great.
Paula: Why? What’s wrong?
John: I’ve just had the worst maths exam ever! I was expecting it to be difficult, but honestly, it
was impossible. I couldn’t answer any of the questions.
Paula: I bet that’s not true. You always do better than you think and I’m sure you’ve passed.
John: That’s easy for you to say. You always do brilliantly.
Paula: We get the results in a couple of weeks, so I guess I can take the exam again if I have
to! Tomorrow it’s English, so I’d better do some revision for that.

2 You will hear two friends discussing weekend activities.

Linda: Well, I thought that the art gallery was amazing. I can’t believe you didn’t like the
Joe: You know me. I much prefer being outside. All the galleries and museums get so
crowded, and then you can’t see anything properly.
Linda: I don’t really mind that to be honest, but next time we’ll do what you want. We can walk
round the park and perhaps we can find a market. You know how I love finding bargains.
Joe: That sounds like a plan! Let’s just hope it doesn’t rain next weekend, and then we’ll both
be happy.

3 You will hear two people talking about their holiday.

Anna: I can’t believe we’re actually going on holiday next week.

Liam: Yeah, me too. Two weeks of sun, sea and sand. It’s so exciting.
Anna: I know it’s going to be amazing, but I’m a little nervous about the flight. You know I don’t
like flying.
Liam: Oh come on Anna! It’ll be fine. Once we’re there, you’ll forget all about it.
Anna: I guess you’re right. But you know how stressed Mum and Dad get before we actually
go away. They’re always worried about forgetting something so that makes me nervous too.
Liam: Relax! You know what they’re like … it’s always the same.

4 You will hear two friends talking about their homes.

David: So how’s it going in your new home? Have you settled in?
Lucy: Well, I’m still getting used to having my own room. You know I always used to share with
my little sister but now it’s great, we both have our own bedrooms and I’ve finally got enough
space for all my stuff.
David: Lucky you! My room’s tiny. Rob got the biggest room when we moved because he’s the
oldest. It’s so unfair.
Lucy: Well, at least you have your own room. It was impossible, sharing with Gemma. She
never left me alone and she was so untidy.

5 You will hear two friends talking about horse riding.

Simon: Did I tell you I’m thinking of taking up horse riding?

Hannah: Since when? I thought you were afraid of horses!
Simon: No, I’m not. You’re the one who’s always said you’re scared. I’ve always wanted to
ride and now I have the chance to have a few lessons to see how I like it.
Hannah: OK, well, when do you start?
Simon: Hopefully next week. I’m going to find out about lessons today and then I can book
something. There’s no hurry, as I don’t even have the right clothes yet.

6 You will hear a mother and her son talking about photography.

Mum: So Jack, how was your trip to the new art gallery?
Jack: Yeah, it was good. I didn’t really feel like going but once we were there I really enjoyed
Mum: What did you see?
Jack: A photo exhibition. Mainly photos of deserts and mountains but they were really
atmospheric. Actually they’re running a competition for local schools, so I think I’ll enter. The
theme is the natural world, and I’ve got photos from our last holiday … I took lots of the beach
and the river. One or two of them might be good enough. And the first prize is a camera!
Mum: Well, I know you’d like a new one, so let’s hope you win!

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