Shade Summative

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Carroll Community College

Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health

Department of Nursing
NURS 140 – Nursing Concepts 2
SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

Student Morgan Shade Date 3/20/2020 Week # 6 Faculty Wiles

Criteria: S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not (*) Critical
(Meets) (Requires assistance) (Unable) applicable behavior
Students who meet any of the following criteria will be given a remediation plan and may be placed on probation.
Failure to progress in these areas may result in failure of the course.
-One unsatisfactory grade in a critical behavior -Two needs improvements in a critical behavior
-Two unsatisfactory grades in a non-critical behavior -Four needs improvements
Student Eval of
Course Goal 1 Self-Eval Student
Apply the nursing process when implementing a plan of care (PG1) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
1. Prioritizes and completes daily nursing tasks S S
2. Completes assessments accurately S S
3. Uses EMR/MAR, patient charts, handoff report to provide care S S
4. *Establishes appropriate nursing priority list S S
5. Creates measurable patient outcomes S S
6. Establishes appropriate nursing interventions S S
7. Evaluates patient response to care and revises plan as needed S S
Student Eval of
Course Goal 2 Self-Eval Student
Participate in opportunities that promote professional growth (PG2) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
8. Adheres to dress code S S
9. Seeks input from patient, instructor, and healthcare team when providing care S S
10. *Demonstrates accountability and accepts responsibility for own actions and attitudes S S
11. Actively participates in all clinical experiences S S
12. Communicates learning needs to instructor S S
13. Completes assignments/evaluations as required S S
Student Eval of
Course Goal 3 Self-Eval Student
Provide patient-centered care with assistance (PG3) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
14. *Implements appropriate infection control precautions S S
15. Identifies client’s cultural needs S S
16. Accurately documents patient care S S
17. Communicates appropriately with patient, family, healthcare team, and instructor S S
18. Explains the actions, side effects, and nursing implications of medications S S
19. *Administers medication using the six rights S S
20. Demonstrates concern, compassion and empathy with patients S S
21. *Demonstrates physical and mental competence S S
22. *Notifies instructor and appropriate healthcare team members with safety concerns and changes S
in the patient’s condition S
23. Identifies patient and family health education needs S S
24. Provides nursing care in accordance with the Maryland Nurse Practice Act and the ANA Scope & S
Standards of Nursing Practice S
25. *Adheres to HIPAA guidelines S S
Criteria: S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not (*) Critical
(Meets) (Requires assistance) (Unable) applicable behavior

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

Carroll Community College
Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health
Department of Nursing
NURS 140 – Nursing Concepts 2
SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

Student Eval of
Course Goal 4 Self-Eval Student
Plan nursing care based on scientific evidence (PG4) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
26. Justifies patient’s plan of care using appropriate resources S
Student Reflection (Thoroughly answer all questions)
How has this clinical rotation helped to define your role as a nurse? Please explain.
Through this clinical rotation I have been able to better define my role as a nurse by being able to further separate myself as a tech
and more into a nurse role. During this rotation I was able to watch different procedures, pass medicines, and learn from others.
This has helped me because I was able to use my critical thinking skills and to think more like a nurse. By doing so I would analyze
situations and determine what I could do as a student but also what I would do as a nurse and then be able to talk over the
situations with my instructor or other students. By watching the different procedures, I will now be able to explain to my future
patients what to expect during a procedure and answer questions that they may have. I was also able to successfully pass
medications, and nothing beats getting to do so better than an actual patient. Practicing in lab or at home does not feel the same
and being successful in my med passes for the day gave me more confidence, respect and understanding of the importance of the
6 rights and 3 checks to do it over and over again.
Which objective did you accomplish during this rotation? How did you do it?
This rotation I was able time manage, and successfully care for 2 patients during a 12-hour clinical. I was able to manage 2 patients
most of my clinical days while being able to help out other students with Am care or assisting in a procedure. I was able to manage
the patients while stepping off the floor to watch a procedure. I was also able to manage 2 patients while being able to pass meds
on one of my patients. I was also able to document on all of my patients in a timely manner each day of clinical. I was able to time
manage because I prioritized my care and I would clump things together. For example, I would get report and go assess my
patients then I would go and document my assessments and begin to look up their information. Then the day continued from
What are your goals for your next clinical rotation?
My goals for next rotation are to continue to be being able to watch different procedures, successfully pass medications. Next
rotation I would like to pass medications through a different route (GTube, NG tube). Another goal is to enhance my knowledge as
a nurse and bringing forth what I have learned in both first and second semester. I want to be able to think more critically in an
emergent situation (or any situation) and be able to act accordingly.

Faculty Comments/ Student Learning Goals (Goals must be established even if performance is satisfactory. If an item was
identified as N or U, narrative comments are necessary to clarify student performance along with goals to improve performance).
Morgan progressed to defining herself as a nurse from coming from a role as a patient care tech this semester. Morgan provides
excellent physical care to her patience and manages her time well. I believe this can be attributed to her experience as a patient
care tech. This semester however, she was able to spend time learning to think like a nurse and differentiating between nursing
specific tasks versus things that could be delegated to an unlicensed staff member. Morgan’s critical thinking abilities grew this
semester week to week. In the beginning of the clinical rotation, she was focusing on getting the physical care for her patients
done first, In the following weeks she recognized the importance of performing a thorough physical assessment on her patients
early in her shift to determine her nursing priorities for that day. Morgan was able to accurately determine nursing priorities for
each patient weekly. She was then able to prioritize her tasks for that day, carry out her planned nursing interventions and
evaluate her patient’s reactions to her interventions. Morgan was able to adapt her plan of care throughout her clinical days based
on her patients’ responses. In particular, Morgan had one patient that was very resistant to education however, Morgan was
persistent in providing education to help improve the patient’s outcomes of hospitalization. In another instance one of her patients
was planned to be discharged however, due to a change in the patient's condition the discharge was cancelled requiring a change
in the patient's plan of care. Morgan was able to practice specific nursing tasks such as managing an NG tube and a first day postop
incision, discontinuing a Foley catheter assessing peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis access ports, a biliary drain and a PICC line.
Morgan utilized her resources well in order to be sure she was providing the best care possible to each of her patients. She
prioritized safety while maintaining a safe environment in each of her patients’ rooms, observing isolation precautions when
necessary, responding to call bells and alarms on the unit, as well as when she medicated her patience utilizing the vibrate send
three checks of medication administration. in future clinical rotations , Morgan should focus on critically thinking about her

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

Carroll Community College
Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health
Department of Nursing
NURS 140 – Nursing Concepts 2
SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

patients labs diagnostics and medications and how they pertain to the patients diagnosis and clinical presentation. Morgan has a
strong knowledge base and an excellent foundation for a future in nursing.

Student Signature: Morgan Shade Date: 4/10/2020

Instructor Signature: Allison Wiles, RN, BSN Date: 4/10/2020

Coaching – Faculty guides student to define objectives, set goals, and develop action plans through collaboration in the decision-making process
Assistance – Student unable to perform task independently; needs some aid or minimal direction from faculty to complete tasks. Not autonomous but does not
require coaching.
Resource - Faculty serves as a facilitator but student is capable of completing self-directed tasks.

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

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