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By : Nurry Ayuningtyas Kusumastuti, S.Tr.Keb.

Sistem gaya penulisan
1. Sistem 2. Sistem 3. Sistem
Vancouver Harvard APA

Sistem yg merujuk American psychologi

dg menggunakan Sistem yg berdasa
rkan penulis-tang cal association dd
angka tanpa nama ikeluarkan o/ organi
dan tahun  auth gal (author date st
yle) sasi APA, terutama dl
or-number system
Ex: (Sean dan Teo, m bidang psikologi da
Ex . …dg metode
baby massage (1,2) 2020) n social.
Ex : sistem penulisan Harvard
v Jurnal

author Tahun Judul artikel

Askary RK, Aliabadi F (2013). Effect of Tactile-Kinesthetic Stimulation

on Mo-tor Development of Low Birth Weight Neo-nates. Iranian Jour
nal of Pedia­trics. 23 (3): 289-294.

volume Nama jurnal


v buku

Author Judul buku Edisi buku

Yahya N (2011). SPA Bayi dan Anak. 2nd ed. Solo: Metagraf.


Harvard style

Achadi, E. L. (2019) ‘Kematian Maternal dan Neonatal di Indonesia’, Raker

kernas 2019, pp. 1–47.
Ip, B. et al. (2013) ‘Factors affecting the healing of the perineum following s
urgery’, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 95(4), pp. 252
–257. doi: 10.1308/003588413X13511609958451.
Vancouver style

Ip B, Bassett P, Jones M, Phillips R. Factors affecting the healing of

the perineum following surgery. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2013;95
Achadi EL. Kematian Maternal dan Neonatal di Indonesia. Rakerk
ernas 2019. 2019;1–47.
APA style

Achadi, E. L. (2019). Kematian Maternal dan Neonatal di Indonesia.

Rakerkernas 2019, 1–47.
Ip, B., Bassett, P., Jones, M., & Phillips, R. (2013). Factors affecting t
he healing of the perineum following surgery. Annals of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England, 95(4), 252–257.
Thank you
for your attention
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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