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Anaerobic Digestion Models:

a Comparative Study ⋆
Elena Ficara ∗ Sonia Hassam ∗ Andrea Allegrini ∗
Alberto Leva ∗ Francesca Malpei ∗ Gianni Ferretti ∗

Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milan, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32,
Italy (e-mail:

Abstract: Based on the adoption of object-oriented modelling and simulation tools, in this
paper a comparison between the ADM1 and the AMOCO models is investigated, mainly in
order to assess the performance of AMOCO for control design. The ADM1 model has been
calibrated with reference to the degradation of waste activated sludge, based on literature data,
and assumed as reference model. Then, in order to compare the outputs of the two models, some
variables of ADM1 have been lumped to match the relevant aggregated AMOCO variables. Since
AMOCO failed in predicting the steady state values relevant to the inorganic carbon species and
alkalinity, a new version of it has been developed, accounting for the dynamics of the inorganic
nitrogen concentration. Steady-state and dynamic simulations based on this new version showed
an improvement with reference to simulations obtained with ADM1.

Keywords: Models, Model approximation, Object modelling techniques, Plants, Waste


1. INTRODUCTION be hardly used for design and control purposes. A large

number of parameters (about a hundred) depending on the
Modelling of the anaerobic digestion process is of funda- specific substrate need to be estimated, which is particu-
mental importance not only to design wastewater treat- larly difficult in complex plant operations and also because
ment and biogas power plants, but also to study the of the scarce data available in the literature. This has
sensitivity of the plant behavior to operational parameters, motivated research on simpler models, focused for example
to monitor and control performance, and to assess the on a few number of processes or specifically designed for
feasibility of the use of new substrates, with varying char- particular substrates. Among them, the most important
acteristics, biodegradability, and operational conditions. is AMOCO Bernard et al. (2001), which reaches a good
In the literature, many models have been proposed for compromise between simplicity and accuracy. AMOCO
specific applications or fermenters, fed with a very spe- has been developed mainly as a tool to monitor and control
cific substrate, which can be roughly grouped into three the anaerobic digestion process rather than for accurate
main categories. The simplest ones Graef and Andrews numerical simulation.
(1974) are single-step models involving a single bacterial In this paper, a comparison between ADM1 and AMOCO
population, with a limited description of inhibition ef- is investigated, mainly in order to assess the performance
fects. Models of intermediate complexity Bernard et al. of AMOCO as a control design tool. First, ADM1 has
(2001) consider a higher number of processes and bacterial been calibrated with reference to the degradation of waste
populations, as well as a more accurate description of activated sludge, considering data reported in Rosen et al.
inhibition factors. Finally, complex models Batstone et al. (2006), and assumed as the reference model. Then, in order
(2002); Stemann et al. (2005) account for a large number to compare the outputs of the two models, some variables
of processes and specific bacterial populations, along with of ADM1 have been lumped to match the relevant ag-
an in-depth description of the inhibition effects and of gregated AMOCO variables. The parameters of AMOCO
relevant chemical equilibria. have been then calibrated by assuming the steady-state
The best known and the most sophisticated model, able to ouputs of ADM1 as a reference. Since the values of the
describe the anaerobic degradation of various substrates concentrations of the two biomass families considered in
(even if designed considering activated sludge as sub- AMOCO, not measurable in normal operations, were avail-
strate), is the Anaerobic Digestion Model no. 1 (ADM1) able from ADM1 simulations, a different (and simpler)
Batstone et al. (2002), developed by the IWA Task Group identification procedure has been followed with respect to
for Mathematical Modelling and later modified by several the one proposed in Bernard et al. (2001). AMOCO how-
authors Blumensaat and Keller (2005); Gal et al. (2009) ever failed in predicting the steady state values relevant
to improve accuracy and robustness, and to fit other spe- to the inorganic carbon species and alkalinity. The reason
cific applications. While being very detailed, ADM1 can for this failure has been detected in the lack of description
of the balance of the inorganic nitrogen species. Conse-
⋆ This work has been performed within the project “La Fabbrica quently, a new version of AMOCO has been developed,
della Bioenergia”. accounting for the dynamics of the inorganic nitrogen con-
Table 1. ADM1 liquid flow connector concentrations. Table 3. ADM1 dissociated acids and free ammonia
l l
C1 = Ssu Sugars C2 = Saa Amino acids
l l l l
C3 = Sf a Long chain fatty C4 = Sva Valeric acid C27 = Svam Valerate C28 = Sbum Butyrate
acids l l
C29 = Sprom Propionate C30 = Sacm Acetate
l l l l
C5 = Sbu Butyric acid C6 = Spro Propionic acid C31 = SHCO3 Bicarbonate C32 = SN H3 Free ammonia
l l
C7 = Sac Acetic acid C8 = SH2 Dissolved hydrogen
l l
C9 = SCH4 Dissolved C10 = SIC Total inorganic carbon
Table 4. ADM1 biochemical processes.
l l
C11 = SIN Total inorganic C12 = Si Soluble inerts
1 Disintegration 2 Hydrolysis of carbohydrates
l l 3 Hydrolysis of proteins 4 Hydrolysis of lipids
C13 = Xc Composite C14 = Xch Carbohydrates
l l
5 Uptake of sugars 6 Uptake of aminoacids
C15 = Xpr Proteins C16 = Xli Lipids 7 Uptake of LCFA 8 Uptake of valerate
l l
C17 = Xsu Sugars degraders C18 = Xaa Aminoacid degraders 9 Uptake of butyrate 10 Uptake of propionate
l l
C19 = Xf a Long chain fatty C20 = XC4 Valerate and butyrate 11 Uptake of acetate 12 Uptake of hydrogen
acid degraders degraders 13 Decay of Xsu 14 Decay of Xaa
l l
C21 = Xpro Propionate C22 = Xac Acetate degraders 15 Decay of Xf a 16 Decay of XC4
degraders 17 Decay of Xpro 18 Decay of Xac
l l
C23 = XH2 Hydrogen C24 = Xi Particulate inerts 19 Decay of XH2
l l
C25 = Scat Cations C26 = San Anions
parameters, since they are computed from the properties
Table 2. ADM1 gas flow connector concentrations. of the influent. The organic matter undergoes a series of
subsequent degradation steps taking place simultaneously.
g g
C1 = SCO2
Carbon dioxide C2 = SCH4 Methane All the biochemical processes can be roughly grouped into
C3 = SH2 Hydrogen
four steps: the disintegration/hydrolysis of the composite
centration. Steady-state and dynamic simulations based material, leading to sugars, amino acids and long-chain
on this new model version showed an improvement with fatty acids (LCFA) formation; the acidogenesis, leading
reference to simulation obtained with ADM1. to volatile fatty acids (VFAs, including acetic, butirric,
propionic and valeric acid) formation; the acetogenesis,
2. THE ADM1 MODEL leading to acetic acid and hydrogen formation; and finally
the methanization. Along with the anaerobic biodegrada-
In a physical modelling approach the connection scheme tion, a series of physico-chemical conversion processes are
of the anaerobic digester model can be sketched as in Fig. involved. These are not biologically mediated and encom-
1, having two connectors for the liquid inflow and outflow pass ion association/dissociation and gas-liquid transfer.
and one connector for the gas outflow. The variables of In particular, the chemical equilibria and pH, determined
the liquid inflow or outflow connector are the volumetric by ion association/dissociation, are of great importance
flow rate q (m3 d−1 ), the concentrations of the soluble because they have a strong influence on the biodegrada-
and particulate species {Cil } and the temperature T (K), tion.
while the variables of the gas outflow connector are gas In this work, the ADM1 version proposed in Blumensaat
volumetric flow rate qg (m3N d−1 ), the concentrations of and Keller (2005); Rosen et al. (2006) is considered,
the gas species {Cig } and the temperature Tg (K). The which allows a more complete description of the anaerobic
concentrations {Cil } are described in Table 2, and are digestion than the original ADM1 Batstone et al. (2002).
all expressed in (kgCOD m−3 ), except for concentrations The model consists of a DAE system of 35 differential
of total inorganic carbon SIC , total inorganic nitrogen and 1 algebraic equation; 29 state variables are actually
SIN , cations Scat and anions San , which are expressed in the concentrations in the liquid outflow connector and
(kmol m−3 ), while the concentrations {Cig } are described in the gas connector and are listed in Table 1 and 2,
in Table 2, and are all expressed in (kgCOD m−3 ) apart the other 6 are given by the concentrations of ionized
from C1g = SCO2 , expressed in (kmol m−3 ). VFAs (kgCOD m−3 ), bicarbonate (kmolC m−3 ) and free
ammonia (kmolN m−3 ) and are reported in Table 3. The
q g
g algebraic variable is the hydrogen ion concentration SH
{C }
(kmolN m−3 ). The differential equations are given by the
T g
mass balances of the dynamic (state) variables, and involve
q in q out 19 biochemical processes, listed in Table 4, 3 gas-liquid
{ C il } i n { C il } o u t transfer processes and 6 additional acid-base processes.
M o d e l
T in T out
Starting from the soluble and particulate matter (the time
unit is d) we have
Fig. 1. Connection scheme of the anaerobic digester model.
dCil qin l
 X i = 1, . . . , 24
The liquid volume in the digester and the temperature = Ci,in − Cil + ρj υi,j , (1)
dt Vl i 6= 10, 11
must be controlled by acting on suitable control variables. j=1
However, in this work the focus is on the biochemical
process, so a single stage CSTR (Continuous Stirred-Tank where ρj (kgCOD m−3 d−1 ) is the kinetic rate for process
Reactor) with a constant volume and temperature and j and υi,j is the stoichiometric coefficient of the component
no biomass retention is considered. This means that the i involved in the process j. In turn, these latter quantities
temperature T = Top is actually a parameter as well as the are usually grouped in a Petersen matrix, where columns
the liquid volume Vl , while tHR being the hydraulic reten- are related to the state variables and rows are related to
tion time (days). The pH of the influent and the organic the processes, while an extra column contains the kinetic
loading rate rOL (kgCOD m−3 d−1 ) can be considered as equation corresponding to each process. In order to close
the inorganic carbon and nitrogen balances, additional where kp (m3N bar−1 d−1 ) is the outflow coefficient, pg
terms were introduced in the original Petersen matrix (bar) is the biogas pressure and patm (bar) is the atmo-
as suggested in Blumensaat and Keller (2005) and then spheric pressure. In turn, the biogas pressure is given by
developed in the literature by several authors. These terms the sum of the partial pressures of hydrogen, methane,
explicit the uptakes and releases in every process and carbon dioxide and water, thus
affects the differential equations relevant to SIC and SIN RTg RTg
(C10 l
and C11 ), thus p g = SH 2 + SCH4 + SCO2 RTg + pH2 O (10)
16 64

19 R being the gas constant.
qin l l
 X ′
= C10,in − C10 + ρj υ10,j − ρT,10 (2)
dt Vl
dC11 qin l l
= C11,in − C11 + ′
ρj υ11,j (3) In the literature several anaerobic digestion models are re-
dt Vl
j=1 ported which are much simpler than ADM1. Among them,

where υ10,j ′
and υ11,j account respectively for the carbon the most important is AMOCO Bernard et al. (2001), de-
and nitrogen content of the components and ρT,10 is the veloped to support monitoring and control system design
gas transfer rate relevant to component C10 g
. For the sake for anaerobic digestion processes, rather than as a tool for
of brevity the Petersen matrix is not reported here, the numerical simulation of the process behaviour, and mainly
reader is deferred to Blumensaat and Keller (2005) or focused on the description of the anaerobic digestion of sol-
Allegrini (2010). Anions and cations dynamics is simply uble substrates or with a negligible particulate content. In
defined by the dilution effect of the reactor, since they are contrast to ADM1, AMOCO has not been largely applied
non reactive species, yielding in the research field, probably because of its limited range
of applicability.
dCil qin l l

= Ci,in − Ci , i = 25, 26 (4) Only two bacterial populations are considered (instead of
dt Vl
the seven considered by ADM1), in particular acidogenic
while the dynamics of the dissociated acid and free ammo- and methanogenic, while the hydrolysis and acetogenic
nia are given by phases are no longer considered explicitly. In the first step,
the acidogenic bacteria X1 (gVS L−1 ) consume the organic
= −ρA,i , i = 27, . . . , 32 (5) substrate S1 (gCOD L−1 ) and produce CO2 (mmol L−1 )
dt and volatile fatty acids S2 (mmol L−1 ). The population of
methanogenic bacteria X2 (gVS L−1 ) uses, in the second
where ρA,i (kgCOD m−3 d−1 ) is the acid-base kinetic
step, the VFAs as substrate for growth and produces CO2
rate relevant to component Cil Rosen et al. (2006). The and methane (the gaseous species). The model is thus
dynamic equations for the gas phase are defined by 6 differential equations: 2 for the mass-balances
dCig qg g Vl of the bacterial populations X1 and X2 , 2 for the organic
=− C + ρT,i , i = 1, 2, 3 (6)
dt Vg i Vg substrate S1 and the VFAs S2 and, finally, 2 for alkalinity
Z and inorganic carbon C. This provides
where Vg (m3 ) is the total gas volume inside the reactor
and ρT,i (kgCOD m−3 d−1 ) is the gas transfer rate relevant dS1 qin S1
= (S1,in − S1 ) − k1 µ1,max X1 (11)
to component Cig Rosen et al. (2006). The only algebraic dt VL S1 + KS1
equation, defining the charge balance dS2 qin S1
= (S2,in − S2 ) + k2 µ1,max X1
dt VL S1 + KS1
Sacm Sprom Sbum
Scat + SNH4 − SHCO3 − − − S2
64 112 160 (7) − k3 µ2,max X2 (12)
Svam Kw S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2
− − San + Sh − =0
208 Sh dX1 qin S1
=− X1 + µ1,max X1 (13)
dt VL S1 + KS1
where SN H4 = SIN − SN H3 is the concentration of am- dX2 qin S2
monium and KW (kmol2 L−2 ) is the dissociation constant dt
X2 + µ2,max
S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2
X2 (14)
of water, determines the molar concentration of hydrogen
dZ qin
ion SH , which in turn determines the pH = − log10 SH , = (Zin − Z) (15)
dt VL
which affects the dissociation of VFAs and ammonia. Two
dC qin S1
other main straightforward modifications were introduced. = (Cin − C) + k4 µ1,max X1
dt VL S1 + KS1
Firstly, in order to have a single variable describing the
neutralization capacity of the solution inside the reactor, + k5 µ2,max X2 − r C (16)
S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2
its alkalinity was calculated by
ϕ = C + S2 − Z + K H P T
A = Scat − San + SIN (8)
k6 S2
+ µ2,max X2 (17)
kLa S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2
Secondly, to derive the pH of the influent substrate, the
rC = kLa (C + S2 − Z)
charge balance in (7) was calculated with reference to the p
influent composition. Finally, the biogas output flowrate ϕ− ϕ2 − 4KH PT (C + S2 − Z)
− kLa (18)
qg can be computed as 2
pg S2
qg = kp (pg − patm ) (9) rCH4 = k6 µ2,max X2 (19)
patm S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2
where ki , (i = 1, . . . , 6) are stoichiometric coefficients, X̃2 = (Xac + XH2 )/1.55 (23)
µi,max , (i = 1, 2) (d−1 ) are the maximum specific growth Z̃ = 1000 (Sva /208 + Sbu /160
rates, KS1 (gVS L−1 ) and KS2 (mmol L−1 ) are the half-
saturation constants, KI2 (mmol L−1 ) is the inibition con- + Spro /112 + Sac /64 + SHCO3 ) (24)
stant, KH is Henry’s constant for CO2 (mmol L−1 atm−1 ), C̃ = 1000 Sic (25)
PT = 1 (atm) is the atmospheric pressure, kLa (d−1 ) is
the liquid-gas transfer coefficient, rC (mmol L−1 d−1 ) is q̃c = 1000 ρT,10 (26)
the carbon dioxide production rate and rCH4 (mmol L−1 q̃CH4 = 1000 ρT,9 /64 (27)
d−1 ) is the methane production rate. The inorganic carbon
is assumed mainly composed of dissolved carbon dioxide
CO2 (mmol L−1 ) and bicarbonate B (mmol L−1 ), ne- The AMOCO parameters can be estimated based on
glecting the amount of carbonate in the normal operating steady state measurements in different operating condi-
conditions, while the total alkalinity Z is defined as the tions Bernard et al. (2001), replaced in our case by steady
sum of dissociated acids in the liquid phase (bicarbonate state values obtained from ADM1, fed with the benchmark
substrate Rosen et al. (2006) at varying hydraulic retention
and VFAs, assumed as completely dissociated in the pH time. However, the simple linear least-square regression
range of interest). proposed in Bernard et al. (2001) failed at high tHR due
Of course, AMOCO introduces a number of simplifica- to the absence of a decay term in the growth rate of
tions with respect to ADM1. The influent substrate is the biomasses. A first modification of AMOCO has been
therefore introduced, by adding a decay term for both
considered to be already fully hydrolised, no particulate biomasses, estimated as the 10% of the maximum bacterial
compound is therefore taken into account. Inert fractions growth rates µ1,max and µ2,max as
(Xi and Si ) are not considered because the model does
not consider non biodegradable fractions. The nitrogen dX1 qin


=− X1 + µ1,max − k d X1 (28)
balance is not taken into account nor it is included in dt VL S1 + KS1
the computation of the alkalinity. The pH calculation is dX2 qin
based on the inorganic carbon equilibrium only and it has =− X2
dt VL
no influence in any process: it is just a rough estimation 

of the pH based on the bicarbonate chemical equilibrium + µ2,max − kd X2 (29)
S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2
only, Finally, relevant inhibition effects are neglected, such
as excess of free ammonia or H2 inside the reactor. where kd is a decay constant. As a consequence, the
linearity of the regression used for parameters tuning was
4. MODEL TUNING lost, while linear least-squares regression was still applied
to the estimation of the yield coefficients (ki , i = 1, . . . , 6).
ADM1 requires a detailed substrate definition but, on the Anyway, the steady state values computed by AMOCO
other hand, the parameters monitored during the full-scale with the newly identified parameters were different from
those computed by ADM1. Indeed, the steady-state con-
process are limited (just a few online) and, usually, they
are macro-parameters describing aggregated information. centrations of substrates and biomasses where sufficiently
Substrate characterization methods have been studied closed to the equivalent ADM1 values, whereas all vari-
Zaher et al. (2003); Kleerebezem and Van Loosdrecht ables concerning inorganic carbon (C, B, Z, CO2 , qc )
(2006); Huete et al. (2006) but, in general, the complete assumed much more different values. Note that also in
characterization of the substrate for ADM1 must be dealt Bernard et al. (2001), comparing the modelling results
with case by case. The work by Rosen and Jeppsson with experimental data, a bias was observed in total inor-
Rosen et al. (2006) reported an example of waste activated ganic carbon C and alkalinity Z, and it was ascribed to
sludge characterization used for steady-state simulation. the uncertainty in measurements of influent alkalinity. In
According to the authors, the input values may not be this work, to improve the description of the total inorganic
completely realistic for all variables but they have been carbon inside the fermenter, a modification of AMOCO is
chosen such that every input is active (i.e. non-zero) and proposed and described in the next section.
able to excite all internal modes of ADM1. For this reason
it was also chosen to be the benchmark substrate in this 5. AMOCO MODIFICATION ACCOUNTING FOR
work. All parameters of ADM1 were therefore set to the THE ROLE OF NITROGEN
values suggested in Rosen et al. (2006).
As a consequence of having neglected the nitrogen species,
A major issue in the comparison between the outputs of AMOCO considers alkalinity Z as non-reactive and, conse-
the two models is related to the need of lumping sev- quently, its dynamics is just described by the dilution effect
eral variables of ADM1 into single variables of AMOCO. of the reactor (15). On the contrary, in ADM1 alkalinity
Omitting details for space reasons, and denoting with is given by eq. (8) and its dynamics reflects the sum of
the tilde the equivalent AMOCO variable obtained by the dynamics of the alkalinity constituents: bicarbonates,
lumping ADM1 variables, the conversion formulas can be VFAs, hydroxide ions and, above all, free ammonia. In fact,
summarized as from eqs. (7) and (8) one obtains
A = Scat − San + SIN (30)
S̃1 = Ssu + Saa + Sf a + Xc + Xch + Xpr + Xli (20)
so that if the inorganic nitrogen is neglected alkalinity
S̃2 = 1000 (Sva /208 + Sbu /160 + Spro /112 + Sac /64) (21)
is given by the difference between cations and anions
X̃1 = (Xsu + Xaa + Xf a + XC4 + Xpro )/1.55 (22) concentrations in the solution only, which are actually
non-reactive species in ADM1. Neglecting the contribution 1 .6

1 .4
1 .6

1 .4
of the nitrogen species and, in particular, their interac-


1 .2 1 .2


tion with the bicarbonate equilibrium, has also a direct


1 1

consequence on the calculation of the concentrations of 0 .8

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
0 .8
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
2 6
inorganic carbon species. In fact, a large amount of bi-
carbonate (HCO3− ) is required as counter-anion of am- 1 .5 4



monium (N H4+ ) released upon organic protein hydrolisis,
1 2

to form ammonium bicarbonate (N H4 HCO3 ). AMOCO 0 .5

1 .6
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
1 .8
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0

was therefore modified by adding a new state variable N 1 .4 1 .6

accounting for the inorganic nitrogen, this of course entails

1 .4

1 .2


rc /rc
1 .2

the introduction of new parameters describing the nitrogen 1
0 .8
content of the organic substrate S1 and of the biomasses, 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0
T im e ( d a y s )
2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
0 .8
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0
T im e ( d a y s )
2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0

Fig. 2. Responses of X1 /X10 a) X2 /X20 b) S1 /S10 c) S2 /S20
dN qin S1 d) qCH4 /qCH e) qc /qc0 f) to 50% perturbations to
= (Nin − N ) + [k1 NS1 − Nbac ] µ1,max X1 4
dt VL S1 + KS1 S1,IN . Solid line: ADM1 model, dotted line: AMOCO
S2 model, dashed line: AMOCO N model.
− Nbac µ2,max X2
S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2 1 .6 1 .6

1 .4 1 .4
+ kd Nbac µ1,max X1 + kd Nbac µ2,max X2 (31)

1 .2 1 .2

Z /Z

B /B
where NS1 is represented by the nitrogen content of 0 .8

0 .8

substrate S1 dependent on its protein content, which 1 .6

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
1 .3
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0

would be released into the reactor liquor during the 1 .4 1 .2

acidogenic process; Nbac is the nitrogen content in the

/C O
1 .2 1 .1
C /C

biomass, respectively uptaken from or released into the 0 .8 0 .9

reactor liquor during biomass growth or decay. 1 .6

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
1 .1
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0

1 .4 1 .0 5

The new state variable N should be added to the original


1 .2

p H /p H
N /N

state variable Z to determine a new value of alkalinity Z ′ , 1 0 .9 5

to replace Z in eqs. (17) and (18). However, by summing 0 .8

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0
T im e ( d a y s )
2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 0 .9
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0
T im e ( d a y s )
2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0

eqs. (15) and (31) while still denoting with Z the alkalinity,
AMOCO may be simply modified, in order to account for Fig. 3. Responses of Z/Z 0 a) B/B 0 b) C/C 0 c) CO2 /CO20
the contribution of the nitrogen species, by substituting d) N/N 0 e) pH/pH0 f) to 50% perturbations to S1,IN .
eq. (15) with Solid line: ADM1 model, dotted line: AMOCO model,
dashed line: AMOCO N model.
dZ S1
= D(Zin − Z) + [k1 NS1 − Nbac ] µ1,max X1 6.2 Dynamic simulation results
dt S1 + KS1
− Nbac µ2,max X2 More than in the steady state, we are interested in the pre-
S2 + KS2 + S22 /KI2 diction of the dynamic response by the simplified AMOCO
+ kd Nbac µ1,max X1 + kd Nbac µ2,max X2 (32) models. Therefore, dynamic simulations of the digester
response to a 50% step increase followed by an equiva-
lent step decrease in the influent S1 concentration were
The model thus maintains the same number of state performed with all models. For comparison purposes, the
variables of the original version, eq. (31) may be considered dynamic value of each state variable was referred to its
just to evaluate the dynamics of the variable N , if of steady state one, thus computing a percentage variation
interest. Y /Y 0 , where Y 0 is the steady-state value of variable Y .
This was meant to make it easier to compare dynamic
responses of variables having different, sometime remark-
6. COMPARISON BETWEEN ADM1 AND AMOCO ably, steady state values. Results are plotted in Figs. (2)
and (3).
6.1 Steady-state analysis For all models, biomasses concentration (X1 and X2 ) dy-
namics shows the typical response of first order systems,
After the ADM1 variables lumping procedure and the coherently with the fact that unlimited growth of microor-
parameter identification, steady-state computations were ganisms is described by a first order reaction. Slightly
run. Details are omitted for space reasons; suffice to say faster responses are simulated by the two AMOCO models,
that both models closely predict the behaviour of the indicating that the calibration process has slightly over-
organic substrate, the biomass concentrations , the pH, estimated the growth rate of these two lumped biomass
and the methane flow rate, with percentage differences populations. Growing faster, those biomasses also reach
always below 15%, while the performance of both AMOCO a slightly higher asymptotic concentration. More relevant
models with respect to the inorganic species is far less differences can be observed when considering the S1 and S2
satisfactory, owing to the simplifications adopted in the dynamics. As for S1 , the ADM1 response is again that one
description of the complex CO2 -producing fermentation of a first order system, since X1 includes particulate com-
processes. ponents whose hydrolysis to soluble organic matter is de-
scribed by ADM1 as a first order reaction. On the contrary, the description of the physico-chemical processes, such as
this first order process is missing in both AMOCO ver- the hypothesis of a non reactive alkalinity, the inorganic
sions, since the model was originally proposed to describe species were also poorly predicted. As a first attempt to
the anaerobic degradation of soluble organic compounds, improve the AMOCO performance, the release of ammo-
as those taking place in UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge nium during the first degradation step was implemented,
Blanked) reactors. In AMOCO, S1 is used as the growth leading to a remarkable improvement in the simulation
substrate for X1 , therefore it initially increases in response of the inorganic species. To further improve the AMOCO
to the step increase in its influent concentration and is performance and applicability to complex substrates, one
later reduced thanks to the increased X1 concentration. further first order hydrolysis step should be included,
Generally speaking, the S1 concentration in both AMOCO which requires the implementation of one more state vari-
models follows the typical response of a soluble substrate able.Also, the ammonia inhibition term may be added, as
degraded biologically inside a CSTR. As for S2 , a major well as the effect of the process pH on the methanogenic
difference can be observed between AMOCO models and process in order to couple the behaviour of the inorganic
ADM1. This is related to the free ammonia inhibition on species to that one of the biological system. These modi-
the growth of methanogens (the most relevant X2 biomass) fications are expected to improve the model performance
that is taken into account in ADM1, but that is neglected without loosing its simple structure.
in the AMOCO ones. Being methanogens growth inhib-
ited, ADM1 predicts both a slower increase in X2 , and an REFERENCES
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