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Karolinska Institutet Reply form doctoral courses You are admitted to a doctoral course at Karol ka Institutet, Please note that you have to accept the admission offer and return this reply form, signed by your supervisor and. yourself, in order to keep the offer. If you have not accepted in due time, the offer may be given to another ‘applicant. By accepting the admission offer you confirm that you are aware of the conditions for cancellation (see below). Sign, sean and send the reply form to Enter email address no later than Enter last day to submit reply form, Course ttle: __ How to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analyses” Course number: 2790 Course dates: 09,10.2017-25.10.2017 & Yes, Iwill participate Name: Natalia Trpchevska Department: Physiology and Pharmacology Email: Phone: +359888071291, Doctoral student’s/ By signing this certificate | allow my doctoral student/post doc to take part of the doctoral course above. Supervisor's name: Christopher Cederroth Signature/date: Supervisor's signature Contact person in case of cancellation: Christopher R. Cederroth; christopher; 146(8)524.87245 Cancetation ‘Cancelhtion on aoeped course show beset othe contact person no later than 30 days ahead of couse tt, for bat thoretcl and Isboratry courses. Later eaneclaion absence raherwise on-completion ofthe cous cluding examination) my esl in biling of stministve fee Administrative fein case of lte cancellation ‘The Bord for Doctoral Education has decid llow couse organizes wo send un invoice tothe supevisos of doctoral students at Karolinska Institut in case of ote cancellation, ness, having tke cae of sick cilden,ete, wil be aecepted. The administrative fee may aroun to 3000, stk,

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