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Name Student ID

Physical action estimation methodologies are usually used to measure the sum and sort of
development attempted by people in various settings. As a rule, objective physical action (PA)
estimation methodologies are additionally used to anticipate vitality consumption (EE). The
capacity to appraise PA and survey EE in free-living people is critical in the worldwide setting of
expanding paces of weight and type 2 diabetes mellitus and other non-transmittable illnesses

Appreciate that PA and EE are various develops. Dad is characterized as any substantial
development that outcomes in EE and appropriately, vitality is exhausted because of PA.
Essentially expressed, PA is a conduct that outcomes in a rise of EE above resting levels. The
terms are regularly viewed as synonymous however are naturally unique and can be surveyed
utilizing various methodologies. The rule or "highest quality level" way to deal with survey
complete vitality consumption (TEE) in a free-living setting is the doubly marked water (DLW)
method. TEE is contained various parts including physical action vitality consumption (PAEE),
resting vitality use (REE), and the thermic impact of sustenance (TEF). Notwithstanding PA
being an unpredictable and multifaceted build estimated utilizing numerous methodologies,
dissimilar to for the estimation of TEE, there is no perceived "best quality level" procedure.

Countless target estimation methodologies are accessible to measure PA and EE of

various populaces. In any case, the precise estimation of EE and PA in numerous gatherings,
including youngsters, is exceptionally testing due to their irregular and regularly sporadic
development. Since PA is a mind boggling and multidimensional conduct, exact measurement
can be troublesome. A noteworthy test in PA and nourishing the study of disease transmission is
the decision of the most exact and target measure reasonable for huge populaces. The decision of
appraisal approach for both PA and EE is affected by various elements including moderateness
and member load. Extra factors incorporate the period of members, test size, evaluation time
span, the sort of PA data required, information the board choices, and estimation blunder related
with the methodology. On a very basic level, all estimation strategies have innate qualities and
constraints, and there is regularly an incentive in utilizing consolidated methodologies.

The objective of this survey is to give data on the utility and restrictions of a scope of
target proportions of PA and their association with EE. Meanings of real phrasing are trailed by a
diagram of chosen target ways to deal with survey PA and EE. Measures talked about
incorporate those dependent on EE or oxygen take-up including DLW, movement vitality use
(AEE), physical action level (PAL), and metabolic proportional (MET); those dependent on HR
checking and movement sensors (pedometers and accelerometers); and in light of their across the
board use, emotional measures including chosen physical action surveys.
ResultsXName Lim Wai Sam
Body Weight 64
Average Energy Expenditure (kcal/min) 2714.00
RMR rest (kcal/kg/min) 0.0177
RMR 1633.46

  Energy 21-07-19 22-07-19 23-07-19

MET Cost (Rest)   (Active)   (Active)  
(kcal/min (kcal/min (kcal/min (minutes
  ) (minutes) ) (minutes) ) ) (kcal/min)
SP : Sleep 1.0 1.13 580 657.02 450 509.76 530 600.38
LY: Lying 1.3 1.47 30 44.18 30 44.18 20 29.45
PA : Private activity
(bath & wear) 1.5 1.70 30 50.98 45 76.46 45 76.46
PA : Private activity
(toilet) 1.8 2.04 15 30.59 15 30.59 20 40.78
WK: Walking 2.5 2.83 80 226.56 100 283.20 80 226.56
ST: Sitting (quietly,
typing, reading) 1.3 1.47 460 677.41 200 294.53 190 279.80
ST: Sitting (class,
eating, & chatting) 1.8 2.04 150 305.86 460 937.96 320 652.49
HW: Housework 3.3 3.74 10 37.38 10 37.38 10 37.38
SD: Standing (religious
activities) 2.0 2.27 50 113.28 - - - -
SD: Standing (talking
with a person) 1.8 2.04 15 30.59 10 20.39 10 20.39
SD: Standing (waiting) 1.3 1.47 20 29.45 - - 5 7.36
MA: (Track and Field) 4.0 4.53 - - - - 120 543.74
HA: (Resistance
Training) 5.0 5.66 - - 120 679.68 90 509.76
TOTAL     1440.0 2203.30 1440 2914.13 1440.0 3024.58
SP Sleep
ST Sit (In class, bus, car, eating, chatting, typing, reading)
ST Sit (quietly)
WK Walk
PA Personal activity (bath and wear)
PA Personal activity (toilet)
LY Lying
SD Standing (religious activities)
SD Standing (talking with a person)
SD Standing (waiting)
HW Housework
MA Moderate activity (track & field class)
HA Heavy activity (resistance training)

Activity 21/7/201 22/7/201 23/7/201 Average time

Level 9 9 9
(Rest) (Active) (Active) Minutes
minutes minutes minutes
Sleep SP: Sleep 580 450 530 520
Low LY: Lying down 30 30 20 27
Low ST: In class, eating & 150 460 320 310
Low chatting 460 200 190 283
ST: Quietly, reading, typing,
Low in car, in bus 15 15 20 17
Low PA: Toilet 20 - 5 13
Low SD: Waiting 15 10 10 12
SD: Talking with a person
Moderate SD: Religious activities 50 - - 50
Moderate PA: Bath & wear 30 45 45 40
Moderate HW: Housework 10 10 10 10
Moderate WK: Walking 80 100 80 87
Moderate MA: Track & field class - - 120 120
High HA: Resistance training - 120 90 105

1440 1440 1440 1440

              = 2714/ 1633.46
                 = 1.7

 Energy balance = energy intake- energy expenditure

= 1798 - 2714
= -916

Name Chia Shuang Tze

Body Weight 53kg
Average Energy Expenditure (kcal/min) 2649.23
RMR rest (kcal/kg/min) 0.0177
RMR 1523.57

MET Energy 22-7-2019 23-7-2019 24-7-2019

Cost (Active) (Active) (Rest)
(kcal/min) (minutes) (kcal/min) (Minutes) (kcal/min) (minutes) (Kcal)
SP: sleep 1.0 1.06 470 495.7 495 522.0765 565 595.9
LY: lying 1.3 1.37 40 54.8 30 41.1 30 41.1
PA: Private
activity (Bath &
wear) 1.5 1.58 30 47.5 60 94.9 45 71.2
PA: Private 30
activity (toilet) 1.90
1.8 40 75.9 57.0 45 85.4
WK: walking 2.5 2.64 30 79.1 45 118.7 25 65.9
ST: In class 1.8 1.90 335 636.0 185 351.2 290 550.6
ST: driving 2.5 2.64 55 145.0 50 131.8 60 158.2
ST: eating 1.5 1.58 35 55.4 95 150.3 65 102.8
ST: listen to music 1.5 1.58 60 94.9 0 0 0 0
ST: social media 1.0 1.06 60 63.3 0 0 155 163.5
ST: chatting 1.8 1.90 40 75.9 0 0 25 47.5
ST: typing 1.3 1.37 60 82.3 200 274.2 65 89.1
ST: watch tv 1.3 1.37 0 0 0 0 70 96.0
MA: badminton 5.80 130 754.1 140 812.1 0 0
training 5.5
MA: track & field 4.22 0 0 110 464.1 0 0
class 4.0
MA: Gym workout 3.5 3.69 55 203.03 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 1440 2863.0 1440 3017.5 1440 2067.2
SP Sleep
ST Sit (In class, driving, eating, listen to music, social media, chatting, typing,
watch tv)
WK Walk
PA Personal activity ( bath and wear, toilet)
LY Lying
MA Moderate activity ( badminton training, track & field class)

Activity 22/7/201 23/7/201 24/7/201 Average time

Level 9 9 9
(Active) (Active) (Rest) Minutes
minutes minutes minutes
Sleep SP: Sleep 470 495 565 510
Low LY: Lying down 40 30 30 33.33
Low ST: In class 335 185 290 270
Low ST: driving 55 50 60 53.33
Low ST: listen to music 60 - - 20
Low ST: social media 60 - 155 71.6
Low ST: chatting 40 - 25 21.66
Low ST: typing 60 200 65 108.33
Low ST: watch TV - - 70 23.33
Low Toilet 40 30 45 38.33
Moderate PA: Bath & wear 30 60 45 45
Moderate WK: Walking 30 45 25 33.33
Moderate Badminton training 130 140 - 90
Moderate Track & field class - 110 - 36.66

1440 1440 1440 1440


              = 2649.23 / 1523.57
                 = 1.7

 Energy balance = energy intake- energy expenditure

= 1750 - 2649.2
= -899.2
Name Ganeshwaren
Body Weight 68kg
Average Energy Expenditure (kcal/min) 4039.8
RMR rest (kcal/kg/min) 0.017
RMR 1669.8

MET Energy 22/7/19 Kcal 23/7/19 Kcal 24/7/1 Kcal

Cost 9

SP: Sleep 1.0 1.122 520 583.44 480 538.56 450 504.9

PA: personal activity 2.5 2.805 55 154.3 70 196.35 50 140.25

ST: eat 1.5 1.683 65 109.4 105 176.7 50 84.15

ST : class 1.8 2 290 580 - - 240 480

ST : study 1.5 1.683 160 269.28 185 311.4 240 403.92

SD : Stand 3.0 3.366 - - 10 33.66 - -

ST : drive  - - - - - - - -

ST: take bus 1.3 2.422 45 109 - - 25 60.55

WK : walk 3.5 3.93 140 550.2 15 59 90 353.7

PA :  bath 2.0 2.244 15 33.66 15 33.66 15 33.66

HW: cook, preparing food 3.5 3.93 30 117.9 - - 30 117.9

LA : coaching 8.0 8.976 120 1077.1 390 3500.64 - -


HA : gym 5.0 5.61 - - - - 120 673.2

HA : Karate 5.5 6.171 - - - - 135 833.1

TOTAL 1440 3584 1440 4850 1440 3685.33

Activity level 22/7/19 23/7/19 24/7/19 Average time (m)

Sleep SP: Sleep 510 470 440 473

low PA: personal activity 60 70 60 63
ST: eat 65 105 50 73

ST : class 290 - 240 177

ST : study 160 185 240 240

SD : Stand - 15 - 5
ST : drive  - - - -
ST: take bus 25 - 25 17
Moderate WK : walk 135 12 80 76
PA :  bath 10 10 10 10
HW: cook, preparing food 30 - 30 20

LA : coaching 120 120 80

Active HA : gym - - 60 20
HA : Karate - - 105 45

1440 1440 1440 1440


                = 4039.78/ 1669.83
                 = 2.4

 Energy balance = energy intake- energy expenditure

= 2001 - 4039.8
= -2038.8
Name Ang Ing Hao
Body Weight 64kg
Average Energy Expenditure (kcal/min) 3274
RMR rest (kcal/kg/min) 0.0182
RMR 1677.21

MET Energy 18-7-2019 19-7- 20-7-4019

Cost 2019
(kcal/min) (minutes) (kcal/min) (Minutes (kcal/min) (minutes) (Kcal)
SP: sleep 1.0 1.1648 507 590.6 340 396.0 760 885.2
PA: Private 2.3 2.6790 45 120.6 40 107.2 40 107.2
Activity (Bath
& Preparing)

ST: Driving
2.0 2.3296 186 433.3 155 361.1 95 221.3
WK: Walking
2.5 2.9120 144 419.3 80 233.0 180 524.2
ST: Sitting & 2.3 2.6790 363 972.5 470 1259.1 180 482.2

LY: Lying 1.3 1.5142 - 0 5 7.6 35 53.0

ST: Sit & Eat 1.5 1.7472 25 43.7 125 218.4 150 262.1

SD: Standing 2.3 2.9120 65 189.3 60 174.7 - -

MA: Track & 5.5 6.4064 105 672.7 - - - -

MA: 5.5 6.4064 - - 60 384.4 - -
HA: 6.0 6.9888 - - 105 733.8 - -
Total: 1440 3441.9 1440 3875.3 1440 2505.2
SP Sleep
ST Sit (In class, driving, eating, social media, watch tv)
SD Standing
WK Walk
PA Personal activity ( bath and wear, toilet)
LY Lying on the bed
MA Moderate activity ( track & field class)
HA Heavy Activity ( Basketball )

Activity 22/7/2019 23/7/2019 24/7/201 Average time

Level (training (training 9
) ) (rest) Minutes
minutes minutes minutes
Sleep SP: Sleep 507 340 760 535.66
Low PA: Private Activity 45 40 40 41.66
Low ST: Driving 186 155 95 145.33
Low WK: Walking 144 80 180 134.66
Low ST: Sitting & Miscellaneous 363 470 180 337.66
Low LY: Lying - 5 35 13.33
Low ST: Sit & Eat 25 125 150 100
Low SD: Stand 65 60 - 41.66
Moderate MA: Badminton - 60 - 20
Moderate MA: Track & Field 105 - - 35
Heavy HA: Basketball - 105 - 35

1440 1440 1440 1440

 PAL = average energy expenditure/RMR

= 3274.1/1677.21
= 1.95

 Energy balance = energy intake- energy expenditure

= 2444- 3274.1
= -830.1
Discussion Questions

1. How many times (min) that you use on low, moderate and active activities. Evaluate your
daily activities.

 Lim Wai Sam – low activities take up of 662 minutes on average, moderate
activities take up 307 minutes and high/active activities take up 105 minutes on

 Chia Shuang Tze – In the first day, I used 690 minutes for low intensity activity.
For moderate intensity activities I spent 230 minutes and none for high intensity
activities. And I spent the other 520 minutes on sleeping. In the second day, I
spent 990 minutes on low intensity activities and 355 minutes on moderate
intensity activities. For the third day, I spent 1305 minutes on low intensity
activities and 70 minutes for moderate intensity activities. Rest of the time I spend
on sleeping.

 Ang Ing Hao – On the first day, I used 828 minutes for my low intensity activity
which is more than half of the time. For moderate intensity activities I spent
another 105 minutes and I didn’t do any heavy activity on the first day. On the
second day, I spent 935 minutes on low intensity activities and only 60 minutes
on moderate intensity activities but I have a 105 minutes spent on heavy activity
which is basketball. For the third day, I spent 680 minutes on low intensity
activities and without any physical activity. The time that I spent the most is

 Ganeshwaren – high level of activities take up on average 65 minutes, moderate

activities on the other hand takes 186 minutes on average and lastly low activities
takes up 575 minutes on average.
2. You have calculated your PAL. Describe your physical activity level. Is it appropriate for
 Through all of the result Lim Wai Sam, Chia Shuang Tze and Ing Hao is
considered to be a moderately active individual ranging from 1.7-1.95 PAL.
Ganeshwaren on the other hand is considered to an extremely active person with a
PAL of 2.4.

3. What can you describe about your energy balance? From the results, what should you do
if you are in negative energy balance or positive energy balance? Explain.
 From all of the results it shows that all the subject is at a negative energy balance
from which means they are burning more energy than they’re consuming
especially Ganeshwaren has the highest negative energy balance because of his
heavy physical activities throughout the day. It is recommended that these subject
increase their caloric intake to cater to their daily physical activity or to lower
their physical activity to balance their energy level or else the body will catabolize
itself to get more energy.


1. Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise,
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2. LaMonte, M. J., & Ainsworth, B. E. (2001). Quantifying energy expenditure and physical
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