Ates gr4 wk9

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4th Grade - 3rd Quarter Day 9 REVIEW     

Name: Room# 

★The next hard copy packet distribution is on Friday, March 5, from 
Next week’s packet will include the final EXAMS for 3rd Quarter! 

★Kindly ensure that BOTH your child’s Week 8 and 9 packets are completed 
before submitting next week.  

★ALL missing packets MUST be submitted on or before March 12, 2021.  

*We will no longer accept any 3rd Quarter packets after this date.* 

STOP! Before you submit, triple check your packet. 
❏ Did you write your NAME and the DATE? 

❏ Did you read ALL the DIRECTIONS carefully? 

❏ Did you complete ALL the sections for EVERY subject in your packet?  

Did you complete the… 

❏ Introduction activities 
❏ Teach & Practice sections 
❏ Independent Practice sections 
❏ Journals 
❏ Optional: Extended Activities 

❏ If you have any questions or don’t understand a specific skill, write it on 
the blank lines below.  
Guam History Lesson Title:​ ​Guam Builds for the Future

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Guam History 4.2.11 ​Discuss the impact of the Japanese occupation on Guam. ATES

Objective Students will be able to…

● Discuss the impact of the Japanese occupation on Guam.

I Can statement I can discuss the impact of the Japanese occupation on Guam.

Materials pencil, The Story of World War II In Guam: Color and Learn (provided my Pacific
Historic Parks/Education)

Directions: Read through “The Story of World War II in Guam: Color and Learn” provided
by the Pacific Historic Parks/Education. Then, using your own words, list five interesting
facts, details, or events that you read about.



Directions: Look at the picture below. What do you see? List the people, objects, and activities
in the chart.


Write your summary paragraph below using the information you wrote in the table
“People, Objects, and Activities”.
Remember to include your main idea and supporting details.


*Lesson Plan provided by PHP/Education: The Story of World War II in Guam: Color and Learn 2021*
SPELLING Lesson Title:​ Suffixes REVIEW

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Spelling 4.L.4b Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as ATES
clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., ​telegraph, photograph, autograph)​ .

Objective Students will be able to…

● Identify and explain what suffixes are.
● Provide examples of suffixes and their meanings.
● Use words with suffixes in a complete sentence.

I Can statement I can identify and explain what suffixes are.

I can provide examples of suffixes and their meanings.
I can use words with suffixes in a complete sentence.

Materials pencil

Vocabulary suffix, base word


Directions: Complete the Suffix table below by writing either the MISSING suffix, meaning,
and/or example.

Prefix Meaning Example

full of peaceful: ​peace + ​-ful​ = “full of peace”

-less restless:

state or quality illness:

-ment movement: ​move + ​-ment​ = “something

that is moving”
Directions: REVIEW and study the completed Prefix table below.

Prefix Meaning Example

-ful full of peaceful: ​peace + ​-ful​ = “full of peace”

-less without restless:​ rest + -​ less​ = “without rest”

-ness state or quality illness: ​ill​ + ​-ness = “the state of being ill”

-ment the result of movement: ​move + ​-ment​ = “something

that is moving”


Directions: Review your Spelling Word List 3:Suffixes.

-ful -less -ment -ness

colorful penniless movement weakness
cheerful endless pavement fondness
peaceful restless statement illness
fearful speechless ailment clumsiness
careful helpless appointment sickness
resourceful useless treatment cleanliness
beautiful neatness
wasteful kindness
truthful numbness
Directions: Choose the word from your Spelling Word List 3: Suffixes that fits each clue.

Example:​ ​a place and a time for meeting → a​ ​ p​ ​ p​ ​ o​ ​ i​ ​ n

​ ​ t​ ​ ​m​ ​e​ ​n​ t​
1. A strong liking → ​ ________
2. Lack of strength → ​ ________
3. Having no end → ​ _______
4. Clever in dealing with difficult situations → ​ ___________
5. Done or made with effort and attention → ​ _______
6. Helpful, kind, and considerate → ​ ________
7. Something expressed in words → ​ _________
8. The use of something to relieve or cure a disease → ​ _________
9. Full of beauty → ​ _________
10. Honest → ​ ________
11. A hard surface of concrete → ​ ________
12. Unable to feel or move → ​ ________
13. Having no money → ​ _________
Directions: Choose the word from your Spelling Word List 3: Suffixes that completes each
sentence. Use the meaning in the parenthesis to help you choose the word.

1. The ____________________ (the condition of being free from dirt) of our school impressed me.

2. Jane’s ____________________ (a sickness or disease) affected her ability to play sports.

3. The broken television was now ____________________ (being of no use).

4. Steve had a ____________________ (unable to rest or relax) sleep because he was thinking too much.

5. My friend, Jessica was ____________________ (feeling afraid) of heights.

6. Don’t be ____________________ (spending or using more than is needed) of the supplies we have.

7. Samuel’s shirt was so ____________________ (full of color) that everyone decided to wear a similar

8. The kitten that is stuck at the top of the tree is ____________________ (unable to care for oneself).

9. My dad will be taking me to the doctor for my ____________________ (an arrangement to meet at a
particular place and time).

10. I tripped in a moment of ____________________ (lack of skill in motion).

11. She didn’t let her ____________________ (an illness or disease) keep her from enjoying her life.

12. It’s quiet and ____________________ (marked by peace) by the ocean.

13. My sister is messy but I value ____________________ (clean and tidy).


Directions: Write each word in a complete sentence.

1. cheerful
2. movement
3. sickness
4. speechless
Citation:​ Houghton Mifflin, Spelling & Vocabulary Textbook
Writing Lesson Title:​ Journal Prompt

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Writing W.4.4 P​ roduce clear and coherent writing in which the development and ATES
organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Objective Students will be able to…

● write a topic sentence that relates to the journal prompt.
● write at least three supporting details that support their topic sentence.
● use proper capitalization and punctuation marks in their writing.

I Can statement I can write a topic sentence that relates to the journal prompt.
I can write at least three supporting details that support their topic sentence.
I can use proper capitalization and punctuation marks in my writing.

Materials pencil

Vocabulary relate, topic sentence, supporting details, capitalization, punctuation marks

Directions: Review the definition and examples of each of the words below.

Word Definition Example

1. ​capitalization to make the first letter of a word D​avid is going to share his snacks with
a capital letter M​ary.
Capitalization is used when you Capitalize the “d” in “David” and “m” in
want to show the reader that a “Mary” because they are names of people.
word is of special importance.

2. ​punctuation symbols that help make the ● period (.) → used to indicate a full stop
meaning of a sentence clearer ● exclamation point (!) → used to
marks emphasize or show extreme emotions
● comma (,) → used to indicate a pause in
the sentence
● question mark (?) → used when asking a

3. ​topic tells the readers what the A paragraph that talks about the differences
paragraph is about between cats and dogs may be: ​Cats and
sentence dogs are different in many ways.​

4. ​supporting information that explains, Ice cream is ​cold​, ​delicious,​ and has
defines, proves, or support an different flavors​.
details idea
○ Advice: an opinion or suggest about what someone should do
Have you ever given someone good advice?
→ If you have, write about who you gave the advice to, why you gave it to
them, and what happened.
→ If you haven’t given anyone advice, write about what you would like to
encourage someone with and why you would say that to them.
Write 4-5 sentences answering the journal prompt. Refer to the “Writing Rubric” below on how
you are being graded.








Writing Rubric 3 2 1
Topic Sentence Topic sentence is CLEAR Topic sentence is Topic sentence is NOT
and SPECIFIC. SOMEWHAT clear or clear or specific. OR
specific. There is NO topic

Supporting Details Includes 3 or more Includes 2 supporting Includes 1 or no

supporting details. details. supporting details.

Content Answers the journal SOMEWHAT answers the Does NOT answer the
prompt. journal prompt. journal prompt.

Capitalization ALL sentences use proper SOME sentences use Does NOT use proper
capitalization. proper capitalization. capitalization.

Punctuation Marks ALL sentences use proper SOME sentences use Does NOT use proper
punctuation marks. proper punctuation marks. punctuation marks.
ELA Lesson Title:​ Progressive verb tenses & Relative adverbs REVIEW

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

ELA 4.L.1A Use relative adverbs ATES

4.L.1B Form and use the progressive verb tenses.

Objective Students will be able to:

Use relative adverbs
Form and use progressive verb tenses

I Can statement I can use relative adverbs.

I can form and use progressive verb tenses.

Materials Worksheet, pencil

Vocabulary Relative adverbs, Progressive verb tenses

Directions: Write a sentence using the progressive verb of “call” in the different verb tenses.

Past → _________________________________________________________________
Present → _______________________________________________________________
Future → _______________________________________________________________
Remember that ​verbs that show that it is still in progress are ​progressive verb tenses​. It is
incomplete or is an ongoing action at a specific time (past, present, or future). We also form the
progressive verb tenses by using the different forms of ​be​ and another verb ending with ​-ing.

Directions: Study the table below.

To form the ​PRESENT To form the ​PAST To form the ​FUTURE

Progressive Verb Tense, use: Progressive Verb Tense, use: Progressive Verb Tense, use:

am/is/are + ing verb was/were + ing verb will be + ing verb

Examples: Examples: Examples:

1. I ​am talking​ to Benjamin. 1. I ​was talking​ to 1. I ​will be talking​ to

2. Benjamin ​is talking​ to Benjamin. Benjamin.
me. 2. The students ​were
3. The students ​are talking talking​ to Benjamin.
to Benjamin.
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct progressive form of the verbs in the parentheses.

EXAMPLE: Aurora ​ will be sleeping ​ until her prince comes. (sleep - future)

1. We __________________ a long uphill trail. (hike - past)

2. They __________________ tired and thirsty. (get - present)

3. I _____________________ the map tonight. (study - future)

4. Carrie __________________ an extended hike. (plan - past)

5. She ____________________ the Appalachian Trail. (hike - present)

Directions: Review the answers below.

1. We ​ were hiking ​ a long uphill trail. (hike - past)

2. They ​ are getting ​ tired and thirsty. (get - present)
3. I ​ will be studying ​ the map tonight. (study - future)
4. Carrie ​ was planning ​ an extended hike. (plan - past)
5. She ​ is hiking ​ the Appalachian Trail. (hike - present)

→​ Another skill we worked on this quarter was using relative adverbs. Remember that a ​relative
adverb​ is a word that introduces a relative clause that gives more information about a noun in the
sentence. Common relative adverbs include: ​where, when, ​and ​why.​ We use each relative adverb in
different ways.

Directions: Study the table below.

Relative Adverb Usage Example

Refers to a place That was the building ​where​ we
where held the meeting.

Refers to time It was the day ​when​ I had an

when accident.

Refer to a reason A severe hurricane was the

why reason ​why​ some houses were
Directions: Write the correct relative adverb (where, when, why) that best completes each

EXAMPLE:​ The scientists will search the reasons ​why p​ eople catch the flu so easily.
1. 1996 was the year ______________ we moved to Chicago.
2. This is an Italian restaurant _____________ you will find the best pizza in this
3. Do you know a store _______________ I can buy antique furniture?
4. The reason ______________airplanes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle is still a
5. Tell me ____________ you didn’t come to school yesterday.

Directions: Review the answers below.

1. 1996 was the year ​ when ​ we moved to Chicago.

2. This is an Italian restaurant ​ where ​ you will find the best pizza in this town.
3. Do you know a store ​ where ​ I can buy antique furniture?
4. The reason ​ why ​airplanes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle is still a
5. Tell me ​ why ​ you didn’t come to school yesterday.


Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct progressive form of the verbs in the

EXAMPLE:​ She ​is putting​ on a purple pantsuit. (put - present)

1. Susan ______________ popcorn, soda, a hot dog, and chips for the game. (buy -
2. My aunt ___________ to Toronto too! (move - present)
3. Stanley ______________ open the package. (rip - past)
4. Ms. Sherman _____________ a degree in law. (earn - future)
5. Alberta and her family _______________ today! (arrive - present)
6. Harriet ______________ the longest book I ever saw! (read - present)
7. Tommy ______________ home for the rest of the week. (stay - future)
8. Too many people ______________ to work in the kitchen at once. (try - present)
9. Priscilla ______________for what seems like years. (run - past)
10. Mom wants to know who _______________ to the party. (come - future)
11. Stanley _______________ more money than I am. (save - present)
12. If the team wins the championship, the crowd ______________like crazy.
(cheer - future)

Directions: Write the correct relative adverb (where, when, why) that best completes each

EXAMPLE: ​Rachel remembers the day ​ when ​her friends threw a surprise party
for her birthday.
1. January and February are the months ______________ people go on winter
vacation to the ski slopes.
2. Can you tell me ______________ this store was closed?
3. I wonder _______________ camels have humps on their back.
4. Thursday is the day _____________ we take out the yard waste.
5. Did you ask the teacher ______________ so many children have low math scores
this semester?
6. Maryland is the place _____________ Carl got his college degree.
7. The survey will be useful to figure out _____________ students have not shown
any interest in the Science Olympiad this year.
8. This is the school ______________ I learned how to play guitar.
9. Two weeks from today is _____________ I will be receiving my student of the
month award.
10. The place _____________ my friend lives is not very far from my house.
11. I love the holiday season ________________ all my family gets together for the
12. I love spicy food, that is _____________ I go to Thai restaurants quite often.
READING Lesson Title:​ Lou Gehrig & Main Idea and Key Details REVIEW

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Reading 4.RI.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported ATES
by key details; summarize the text.

Objective Students will be able to…

Determine the main idea and details of a text

I Can statement I can determine the main idea and details of a text.

Materials Pencil, worksheet

Vocabulary main idea, details

Directions: Read each detail below. Then, read the main ideas in the box. Write the three
details that support each main idea.

- Gardens are harvested and cleaned up.

- Squirrels store seeds and nuts.
- The apples are picked from the orchard.
- The leaves must be raked.
- Bears prepare to hibernate.
- Geese migrate south.

Main Idea Animals prepare for the winter People prepare for the winter
season. season.

Supporting 1.__________________________ 1.__________________________

Details ____________________________ ___________________________
2.__________________________ 2.__________________________
____________________________ ___________________________
3.__________________________ 3.__________________________
____________________________ ___________________________
Remember that the ​main idea​ is what the text is mainly about. Pay extra
attention to the first and last sentence to help you identify the main idea. The
details​ are then the facts and examples that support the main idea. The details can
be found in the rest of the text. You will practice finding the main idea and details
using the worksheet below in preparation for your exam.

Directions: Review the answers to the introduction activity below.

Main Idea Animals prepare for the People prepare for the winter
winter season. season.

Supporting 1.​Squirrels are harvested and 1.​Gardens are harvested and

Details cleaned up. cleaned up.
2. ​Bears prepare to 2. ​The apples are picked
hibernate. from the orchard.
3. ​Geese migrate south. 3. ​The leaves must be raked.

→ Your final exam will also include questions about the story we read, ​Lou Gehrig​.

Directions: Write about Lou Gehrig below. Who was he? What did he do?

Directions: Read the passage carefully. ​Then, answer the following questions.

Sloths have a round head, small ears, a stubby tail, and sad-looking eyes set in a
dark-colored “mask.” The shape of a sloth’s mouth makes it look like it is always smiling. It has
extra bones in its neck that make it possible for it to turn its head almost all the way around.
Sloths are very cute to look at, but they don’t put on much of a show.

1. Write the main idea of the paragraph in your own words.

The paragraph is mainly about how sloths are very cute to look at.
2. Write two supporting details for the main idea.
They have a round head, small ears, a stubby tail, and sad-looking eyes. The shape of its
mouth also makes it look like it is always smiling.

Apples can be used to make many delicious treats. Some people like to slice apples and
dip them in caramel. Others like to cook apples and make them into applesauce. You might
enjoy cutting apples and baking them in a pie. Maybe you like to use freshly picked apples to
make fresh apple juice. Many people like to just pick an apple off of a tree and take a big bite.
There are many ways to enjoy this wholesome food.

1. Write the main idea of the paragraph in your own words.


2. Write three supporting details for the main idea.

Monitor lizards
Monitor lizards might change colors for several different reasons. If a monitor lizard is in
the sun, it often changes from brown to light green. This causes the monitor lizards skin to
reflect the bright sunlight and helps it cool down. If the monitor lizard is cold, it will change its
skin to a darker color. The darker color helps the monitor lizard soak up heat from the sun.
Sometimes monitor lizards change color based on the mood they are in. If some monitor lizards
get angry, they turn bright colors to let everyone know they are in a bad mood. The next time
you see a monitor lizard, try to figure out why it is changing colors.

1. Write the main idea of the paragraph in your own words.


2. Write three supporting details for the main idea.



Directions: Use the story “Lou Gehrig” to answer the following questions.
1. Why was Lou’s mother furious with him when he joined the Yankees?

2. What clue(s) tell you that family was important to Lou?

a. He took his mother to every college baseball game he played.
b. He joined the Yankees because his family needed money.
c. He never moved out of his parents’ house.
d. Both b and c
3. How was Lou the Yankee baseball player the same as Lou the grade-school student?
4. What are some of Lou Gehrig’s special talents?

5. What clue(s) tell you that the team meant more to Lou than his career?
a. He told the fans that the Yankees was the best team in the world.
b. He stayed with the Yankees instead of going to another team.
c. He took himself out of the lineup for the good of the team.
d. All of the above

6. How did amyotrophic lateral sclerosis affect Lou?

7. How did Lou stay involved with the team even though he could not play?

8. How did the other Yankee players probably feel about Lou’s inability to play?

9. What clue(s) tell you that the fans’ support was meaningful to Lou on Lou Gehrig
Appreciation Day?
a. He never spoke to the crowd.
b. He clapped for the fans.
c. He had tears in his eyes.
d. Both a and b
10. According to Lou, what made him “the luckiest man on the face of the Earth?”
11.What clue(s) tell you that the Yankees thought Lou was a great baseball player?
a. They told him that he should never retire.
b. They showed up when Lou was voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
c. They made sure that no one else will ever have his uniform number.
d. Both b and c
12.What did Lou do after he stopped working for the Yankees?
13.What did Lou Gehrig mean when he said, “we have much to be thankful for?”

14. In a 3-4 few sentences, write what you learned about Lou Gehrig from his biography.

15.Choose one of your vocabulary words and write a meaningful sentence below.

attend insisted salary

selected praised honor


MATH Lesson Title: ​Multiplying Up to Four Digits by a One-Digit Whole Number;
Multiplying Two by Two Digit Numbers REVIEW

Subject PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Math 4.NBT.B.5​ Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole A

number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value T
and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using E
equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models S

Objective Students will be able to…

● Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number
● Multiply two two-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping.

I Can statement I can ​multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number.
I can multiply two two-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping.

Materials Notebook, pencil

Vocabulary times, multiply, factors, product, regroup, repeated addition, partial product

Last lesson, you had a quiz on the different multiplication strategies when multiplying two by
two digit numbers. Today, you will be reviewing those same strategies.
Use your Math “Multiplication Strategies Packet” to review the different strategies of
multiplying numbers.

Directions: Review your vocabulary words below.

Vocabulary Word Definition/Meaning

times/multiply To add equal groups

factors Whole numbers that are being multiplied together

product Answer to a multiplication problem

regroup An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and


repeated addition Adding equal groups together

Partial products Answer to multiple multiplication problems

Box Method Multiplication Multiplying numbers using their value.

Example: 3,245 x 4
★ Exam Review
Directions: Use a strategy to find the product.

1.) 73 x 2 = 2.) 26 x 8 =

3.) 917 x 4 = 4.) 1,343 x 8 =

5.) 2,277 x 4 = a 6.) 5,919 x 6 =

Directions: Use the Standard Algorithm, Box Method, or Turtle Head to find the product.
7.) 17 x 22 = 8.) 92 x 16 =

9.) 44 x 24 = 10.) 97 x 87 =

11.) 68 x 33 = 12.) 58 x 63 =
Directions: Read the word problems carefully. Use the “TURTLE HEAD” strategy to
answer the following.

1. Principal Mike ordered 143 boxes of pizzas for the school.

Each box has 9 slices of pizza. How many slices of pizza did
Principal Mike buy?

2. There were 18 rolls of paper towels in a box. How many

paper towels were there in 35 boxes?

3. Ms. Elle gave the fourth grade teachers 84 packs of pencils.

Each pack has 15 pencils. How many pencils did she give to
the fourth grade teachers?

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