The Inner Experiences of The Analyst: Their Contribution To The Analytic Process

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Int. J. Psycho-Anal. (1993) 74, 7



In keeping with the theme of this year's Con- me than you care to know, but I hope to
gress, this presentation will focus on my ex- make up for this imposition by providing a
periences in the analytic situation with a single lens through which you can view the contri-
patient. My aim is to illustrate how one analyst bution of one analyst's mental processes to
uses himself in his work. More specifically, I analytic work in a specific session. I hope also
will try to illustrate how certain thoughts, to illustrate a way of thinking about the
feelings, fantasies and physical sensations that interactive aspect of the psychoanalytic situ-
I became aware of during this hour arose in ation that has come into focus in recent years
response to unconscious communications from and that has made an important contribution
my patient, illuminated certain resistances in to our field. Briefly summarised, this viewpoint
myself, and contributed to the form and sub- stresses the following ideas: that the analytic
stance of my interventions. The use of inner process inevitably involves the interplay of
experiences, I believe, was an essential element two psychologies, that the inner experiences
in my understanding the transactions that took of the analyst often provide a valuable path-
place in this hour and in my being able to way to understanding the inner experiences of
help my patient take a small step forward in the patient, and that not infrequently analytic
his treatment. I will report all that I have progress depends on the working through of
recorded and can remember of the phenomena resistances in the analyst as well as the patient.
that arose in my mind during this session and And in this process of overcoming his own
on how I utilised what surfaced. resistances the analyst's utilisation of his sub-
Listening to such self-oriented material you jective experiences as they arise in the imme-
will, no doubt, find yourself in the position diacy of the analytic hour plays a central role.
of the l G-year-old whose assignment it was to It is 7:55a.m. on a Monday. I am in the
read a book about arctic polar bears. When new office to which I have moved over the
the time came for the boy to give his report weekend, waiting for Mr V to arrive. He is
in class, he had little to say. 38, single, an attorney, slim, handsome and
'Did you read the book, John?' his teacher polished. He looks and acts like the quintes-
asked. sential yuppie. He has been in analysis for
'Yes, ma'am.' about 18 months because he dislikes his work,
'Well, did you like it?' has not achieved the professional and financial
'No, ma'am.' success that he craves, has no friends, avoids
'And why not?' his family, and cannot commit himself to
'It told me more about arctic polar bears marrying the woman with whom he has lived
than I care to know.' for two years. He often speaks of himself as
I'm afraid that in the course of this pres- a kind of impostor, someone who gives the
entation I will tell you a great deal more about impression of being far more knowledgeable
This paper was chosen from the North American submissions and is to be presented at the 38th Congress of the
International Psychoanalytical Asocciation in Amsterdam on Monday 26th July 1993.
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in his field than he actually is. He is terrified He prides himself on his punctuality. I some-
of being exposed for his inadequacies. I, too, times think of him as a spit and polish top
sometimes find myself thinking that I would sergeant; tough, demanding, perfectionistic.
not be disposed to buy a used car from him. Hearing him come in, I place a paper towel
On the other hand, I am aware that Mr V on the pillow and take a few seconds to
has a need to picture himself as a charlatan arrange it. As I do so the image of a writer
and I wonder if he has drawn me into a view I have studied with suddenly appears in my
of himself that he wishes me to share. mind. On one occasion this man confessed to
There is, however, somethingmenacingabout a daily ritual that he performs. Before he can
Mr V. Sometimes when he is on the couch, settle down to write, and as a way of avoiding
I picture a character from a Pinter play, the this task, he dutifully sharpens half a dozen
kind of individual who seems innocuous pencils and lines them up, one by one, on his
enough on the surface but whose bland ex- desk. I realise that this thought has come to
terior conceals a streak of violence. Mr V is mind because I am delaying going to the door.
the only patient I have worked with who, When I do so, I am about thirty seconds late.
waiting for his session to begin, stands inches Mr V nods a curt nod and moves quickly
outside my office door. Then when I open it into the room. He goes to the couch, unbut-
he charges into the room sweeping past me tons his jacket, and stretches out on it. His
like a bargain hunter at a red tag sale. shoes are smartly polished and as he enters
As a child, Mr V felt shut out by an the office I notice his suit. It is blue, elegant,
indifferent older brother and self-involvedpar- very English and obviously custom-tailored.
ents, and I've come to understand his behav- I glance at my own clothes. They are undis-
iour in my office as an effort to assert himself tinguished by comparison, a jacket and
and to claim his rightful place on my couch trousers without panache or flair. The name,
and in my life. I've interpreted this wish to Barney's, springs to mind. This is a man's
Mr V, and he has acknowledged that it is so. store in New York that is now quite fashion-
But this intervention has not altered his be- able and up-market but that began in business
haviour. He still stands a couple of inches some years ago as a discount outlet. In its
outside my door, making me uncomfortable early radio commercials it described itself as
and causing me to feel as though my space a no frills operation whose merchandise hung
is being invaded. from plain pipe racks. Accompanied by a
Today as I wait for Mr V I am more tense feeling of chagrin, the thought occurs to me
than usual. I anticipate his criticism of my that for all these years I myself have been a
new office and I am apprehensive about this. plain pipe rack man, a ready-to-wear fellow
Mr V attaches a great deal of importance to who has not outgrown the original Barney's
appearances and when displeased by surround- mentality and who has not made the leap into
ings that he regards as unattractive, he can the rarefied world of custom-tailoring. By con-
be caustic. My anxiety also reflects my own trast, both my father and my analyst were
dissatisfaction with the office I have rented. more like Mr V. Both aspired to a certain
Although located in a good building on the elegance. Both had their clothes made to order.
fashionable East Side of Manhattan, somehow In this area I have not competed.
my new office does not look very attractive I think of interpretations that my analyst
to me. In these larger and unfamiliar quarters made about my non-competitiveness. He
it appears rather shabby and threadbare. I pointed out that I avoided conflict with
realise, in fact, that I am rather self-conscious other men by opting out of any competition
about the appearance of my new place and I with them. Now I picture my analyst, a large
am angry with myself for not having antici- imposing man, and, momentarily, I re-
pated the problem and invested in some new experience the anxiety that, in analysis, I felt
furnishings. at the thought that if I challenged him too
Mr V rings the bell. He is always on time, directly he might turn his wrath on me.
almost to the second. It is a thing with him. This brings me back to Mr V. I look at
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him. He is lying silently on the couch, sur- 'Wasn't it some philosopher who said that
veying the room. His hands are sliding gently consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds?'
over both jacket pockets as though to smooth A flash thought occurs to me, accompanied
out any wrinkles. A phrase that I'd heard by a momentary feeling of triumph. Mr V
somewhere pops into mind. has it wrong. The actual quote-I think it
'Looks British, thinks Yiddish.' I quickly was from Emerson-is 'a foolish consistency
realise that this is a put-down, in part in is the hobgoblin of little minds'. It is on the
anticipation of Mr V's criticism, in part an tip of my tongue to say this but I know that
expression of my competition with and envy in correcting my patient I would merely be
of his sartorial splendour. It is also an ex- showing off and acting defensively. I refrain.
pression of my awareness that Mr V does not Mr V is off on another topic. I listen for
wish to be thought of as Jewish. its connection with his opening remarks. He
I think about our interaction and I realise is describing an event that took place a few
that my transference to Mr V has drawn much evenings earlier. He had been invited to have
from my relationship to my father and other dinner at the home of Mr K, a friend from
male authorities. Made anxious by the pros- childhood who, over the years, has become
pect of a clash with them, I avoided conflict. quite close to Mr V's older brother. Mr K
To ensure peace I let them be the winners, had, in fact, invited both brothers, but Mr
wore off-the-rack clothes, and sought to con- V's sibling declined because he himself was
ceal my feelings of rivalry and competition. entertaining guests at the elegant condomin-
This, I think, is what has been happening with ium which he had recently purchased.
Mr V. He has handled his fear of me by My patient is saying that he has little liking
denying it and becoming the aggressor. I have for Mr K, had no real interest in having
handled mine of him by repressing my rivalry dinner with him, and had accepted the invi-
and aggression and consciously experiencing tation both out of some misguided feeling of
apprehension in his presence. I realise, how- loyalty to his brother and an irrational feeling
ever, that my aggressive feelings have began of guilt at the idea of turning his back on a
to slip out around the edges in the form of friend from the old neighbourhood.
the kind of thoughts I have just had. I remind 'He is a jerk', Mr V remarks. 'A schlemiel
myself that I need to be aware of this reaction who made a couple of bucks with a chain of
just as I need to be aware of myoid pattern convenience stores, has gotten fancy notions,
of avoiding conflict with a formidable man. and has moved to Park Avenue. I don't know
Then an image of my father appears in my what my brother sees in him. They are two
mind. I picture him on the telephone, shouting of a kind. Both got lucky, made some money,
at one of his unproductive salesmen and and think they are God's gift.'
hanging up on him. As I imagine this, I feel As I listen, I feel tense. I notice some
the same kind of anxiety that as a child I quickening of my pulse and that my abdominal
experienced when, lying in bed, I overheard muscles feel tight. I am aware that my body
my father flying into a rage. I then recall how, is slightly rotated away from Mr V. I realise
through my analysis, I was able, in large that I am reacting to a feeling, which I cannot
measure, to overcome my fear of him. I am quite pinpoint, that indirectly I am being crit-
aware that I am having this thought as a way icised. The thought occurs to me that con-
of saying that I can deal with Mr V and with cealed within Mr V's disparaging remarks
whatever feelings he evokes in me. about Mr K is also disparagement of me.
Mr V has completed his silent survey of Then I recall something from a session of
my office. some months ago. In passing, Mr V had
'You are nothing if not consistent', he says. spoken of his wish to move to the East Side
'It's amazing. Your Sears decorator has done where his brother was buying a condominium
it again. She has duplicated the old place right and of his frustration at being unable to afford
down to the last shabby detail.' He pauses an apartment in that location. This memory
and then goes on. from an earlier hour puts me in touch with
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the envy concealed behind Mr V's remarks. Jewish kids they encountered, steal our pos-
Partly because I now understand that this is sessions, and often beat us up. I hated those
true and partly because intuitively and through bullies and I realise that I have associated Mr
bodily feelings I also sense some displacement V's brother with them. I warn myself to be
to Mr K from feelings about me and the move alert to the dangers involved in doing so and
I have made, I call my patient's attention to identifying with my patient as the victim of
that fact. I point out that Mr K is not the brutality.
only person who has moved to the East Side. My patient has returned to criticism of Mr
I remind Mr V that he himself had wanted K. What in particular he can't stand about
to make such a move and that his brother the fellow is his new-found religion. Suddenly
has recently purchased an expensive condo- he has become a pious Jew. In this decision
minium not far from my office. I suggest that he has no doubt been influenced by Mr V's
my move into this area must have stirred some brother who became similarly religious a few
strong feelings in him that, in part, surfaced years ago. As far as Mr V is concerned, both
in his attitude towards Mr K. are phonies. They are guys who, for two bucks,
Mr V responds with a bit of doggerel that would rob you blind. In Hebrew school they
suddenly appears in consciousness. did nothing but throw spitballs at each other.
Now they are pillars of the Synagogue, big
The nouveau riche, the nouveau riche, contributors who have their names on plaques
What are we to do with the nouveau riche? in the sanctuary.
Why hang them, Sir. They are all sons of beetches. On Friday night the Ks said prayers and
lit shabbos candles. It was a farce. You should
As I listen, my guts feel tight, my pulse have seen the candle holder this guy has. An
quickens and I realise that although con- antique from the Maccabees or something. It
sciously I am amused by this ditty, I am not must be worth fifty grand. In fact he's got
unaware of the aggression contained in it. I religious articles all over the apartment. He
point out this aspect of his poem to Mr V collects them: prayer shawls, Torah covers,
and I tell him that he must be envious of me Stars of David, those little signs you put on
as well as of Mr K and his brother for having doorposts, everything. The place looks like a
the wherewithal to move to the East Side goddamn branch of the Jewish Museum.
while he has been unable to do so. I add that As Mr V talks, a number of seemingly
it must be difficult for Mr V to experience unconnected memories arise in my mind. I
envy. I point out that this emotion does not recall an embarrassing incident that occurred
come up directly but that, instead, he finds in my practice some years before. Early one
himself feeling angry and critical of others. winter morning I arose early to see a patient.
Mr V replies with a memory from his In order not to waken my wife, I had dressed
adolescence. He recalls envying his brother's in semi-darkness. In doing so, however, I made
stylish clothing and wanting to borrow some a mistake. Reaching into my closet, I took
items to wear at parties. If he made such a from a clothes hanger not the jacket and
request, however, his brother would not only trousers belonging to a single grey suit but
refuse it but would humiliate him by mocking the jacket from one suit and the trousers from
his physical appearance. Mr V recalls swearing another which was quite similar in colour but
that he would never allow himself to be put differently patterned. In the ensuing analytic
in such a position again. hour my patient complained a good deal about
As Mr V recounts this story I have a mental me. I was off base, he said. I was missing the
picture of his brother; tough, mean-spirited, mark. Somehow I was not all there that day;
nasty, and I feel rage at this brutish fellow. I seemed at odds with myself. Only later at
Then suddenly I recall my own childhood breakfast, when my wife and children greeted
experiences of being bullied. Gangs of Irish me with uproarious laughter and I became
youths used to roam the streets of the neigh- aware of my error did I realise that his sub-
bourhood in which I grew up, corner any liminal perception that something was amiss
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with my attire had decisively influenced my laughs]. So is that why I'm talking about these
patient's associations. things? You would say so. I don't know. But
Quickly following the emergence of this I do know that the whole business of adver-
memory, an image of Dr Charles Fisher ap- tising oneself as a Jew is phoney and preten-
pears in my mind. A former supervisor of tious. K is a phoney through and through. I
mine, Dr Fisher did pioneering work in the hope that you are not like that. It would upset
area of subliminal perception and his me a lot if I knew you put that religious thing
studies stimulated my own interest in such on your door. I'd put you in K's category.
phenomena. But I know you didn't. Even if it is there, I'd
At that point another puzzling memory bet it wasn't you who put it there. It's probably
surfaces. I recall my grandparents' apartment, from the previous tenant.'
a small one-bedroom flat in a run-down sec- At that point I recall something that Mr
tion of town. I had not thought about that V has told me in one of our earliest sessions
apartment in perhaps forty years but now I but that he has not brought up again. This
picture its front door. Clearly displayed on it is that in the business world he attempts to
is a mezuzah, the small symbolic object that conceal the fact that he is a Jew. Without
religious Jews attach to their doorposts to being obvious about it, he tries to give the
designate the presence within of a Jewish impression that he is a Wasp, like many of
home. Then another image arises. I picture his associates. During his college years, in fact,
the front door of my present office. As I do, Mr V regularly attended church services and
I recall that a mezuzah is also affixed to it passed himself off as a Protestant.
but one that has been painted over many There is something important about Mr
times and that, as a result, does not stand V's need to deny his Jewishness, I think, but
out sharply from the door frame. On my first I do not understand this phenomenon very
visit to this office I had noticed this religious well. Nor do I understand what it means to
object and I'd had the passing thought that him that I am Jewish. Clearly the idea of my
an observant family must, at one time, have possibly being an observant Jew is deeply
occupied these quarters. Then I forgot quite troubling to him. But why? I realise that for
completely about the entire matter. some reason the question of Jewishness-his
Now I think about it and wonder why and mine-has not been explored. Although
these images are arising. As I do so, I have clearly an important matter, it has, until now,
a sudden conviction. Mr V has seen the me- remained in the background, an issue dealt
zuzah on the door. On some level-perhaps with by silence. Is this solely because of avoid-
subliminally-it has registered in his brain and ance on Mr V's part? I wonder. Is his resis-
through his associations to the religious ob- tance to looking into it particularly strong
jects in Mr K's home (which included the because being Jewish touches on an area of
specific reference to a mezuzah), he has made great sensitivity for him? Or is the avoidance
reference to it. mutual, a conspiracy of silence? As I puzzle
On the basis of this hunch, which, I recall, over this dilemma, a memory from adolescence
was experienced with a sense of conviction, I anses.
ask Mr V if he noticed anything on the front When I was about 16 I wanted to be a
door of the office as he came in. In response radio announcer, and often at night I practised
he is silent for a few seconds. reading commercials into a tape recorder. In
'You have something in mind', he replies fantasy I imagined becoming a noted radio
after a bit, 'but I don't know what it is'. personality. But could I do so with the name,
I remain quiet again and Mr V lapses into Jacobs? Would so obviously Jewish a name
silence. Then, finally, he speaks. be a strike against me and prevent my rise in
'Hey wait a minute', he says, 'Do you have the Waspy, button-down world of network
one of those Jewish things on your door? I radio? Perhaps, I thought, I should change
think you might. My eye caught something my name. Now I recall the one I chose. Ted
on the frame but I didn't really look at it [he Jordan. This is Ted Jordan of CBS News.
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With a sense of chagrin I realise that behind lying on a table, his abdomen tightly bound
my failure to explore my patient's feelings by gauze bandages. Immediately I realise that
about his Jewishness lie conflicts of my own, I am remembering a piece of my patient's
long dormant but activated by working with history.
Mr V, about that very issue. In rapid succes- Mr V was born with a weakness in his
sion two images now appear: a scene from abdominal wall which led to the development
the recent Bat Mitzvah of one of my daughters of an umbilical hernia. The diagnosis was made
and the title of a book on tape that I have when he was about 21/ 2 or 3 and he was treated
listened to in the last month, The History of by the method of binding his abdomen tightly
the Jews by Howard Fast. The thought occurs with gauze bandages. Each night the bandages
to me that my contact with Mr V may have were removed and new ones applied. This
led not only to the reawakening of old con- procedure was extremely painful and the boy
flicts, but to their continued working through. dreaded this nightly ritual. This condition and
Perhaps this is why these memories from ado- its treatment enormously increased the child's
lescence have surfaced at this time and not castration anxiety and contributed both to
before. his view of his body as damaged and vul-
I am aware that, true or not, these are nerable and to an enduring fear of physical
wishful thoughts arising in consequence of the injury.
shame I feel over my adolescent fantasies and I understand that the image of Mr V as a
that they have taken me away from Mr V. I child that arose in my mind and the uncon-
think that countertransference issues must be scious movements I made in tandem with his
at work here in my drifting off in this way movements constitute my associations to the
and I make a mental note to think about this baby diapering scene. Mr V, too, made that
after the session. Now I redirect my attention connection. In touching his abdomen and
to Mr V and what he is saying. pulling at his belt buckle, he was, in essence,
He continues to talk about his visit to the remembering a bodily trauma.
Ks' house. This couple has an infant son who, At this point another memory arises. I see
during the evening, awoke from sleep and myself as an 8-year-old boy, my nose bleeding
needed diapering. Mr V was invited into the profusely. I have just been struck flush in the
nursery to see the child. While he looked on face with a baseball thrown at me while I was
K's wife changed the baby. Her manner of not looking. I give an involuntary shudder as
doing so, my patient thought, was insensitive. I recall this incident and I realise that Mr V's
She seemed irritable, handled the child childhood trauma is linked in my memory
roughly, and in the process of fastening a with a trauma of my own. Like the mirroring
clean diaper in place nearly stuck him with a movements that I unconsciously carried out,
pin. Watching this procedure, Mr V found this memory has surfaced, I realise, as an
himself feeling queasy. expression of the resonance that I feel with
As he describes the scene in the nursery, Mr V.
Mr V's right hand moves from his side to his It is apparent that my patient has no
abdomen and he begins to palpate that area. awareness of the source of the anxiety he
Then he grasps his belt buckle, entwines his experienced during the diapering scene so I
fingers around it, and makes a tugging motion point out both its connection with his painful
with it. Observing him, I feel myself making hernia experience and how, in a non-verbal
parallel movements. My right hand, too, is at way, he expressed this connection. He re-
my waist and, without my realising it, I have sponds immediately with a memory involving
hooked my thumb behind my belt. I notice another event at the Ks' home; their son's
this and wonder about it. As I do I think of bris. This was a very disturbing experience for
two swimmers engaged in the art of synchro- Mr V. With intensity he describes the disgust
nised swimming, moving in perfect harmony, and nausea that he felt at the idea of an infant
each mirroring the other. Then another image being brutalised by a barbaric and totally
presents itself. I see Mr V as a young child unnecessary procedure. It is an absurd practice
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and one of those old testament rituals that are going to retaliate for my bashing your
Jews cling to blindly. It is stupidities of that beautiful new office. You think I'm doubly
kind, he says, that give the Jews a bad name. scared because the religious symbol on the
After a pause, Mr V continues. He wonders door has given me the idea that maybe you
about me, he says. He would like to know if are an orthodox type. And of course we know
I have a son and if so whether I have had him what religious Jews do to little boys. They
circumcised. Today he thinks I have, though are the creeps with beards and black hats who
on other days he is not so sure. It would go around snipping off penises and giving
upset him a lot if he knew for certain that kids hernias.'
I endorsed such an archaic custom and that I Listening to Mr V interpret his own dy-
was a traditional Jew. namics, I am impressed by his quickness, his
As I listen I have a feeling that something intuitive understanding and his ability to grasp
is coming together but I'm not sure just what connections. Despite a certain glibness of man-
that is. My mind plays back over the session ner and a need to attribute his formulations
like a tape recorder that has been rewound. to me, Mr V is speaking with intensity and
The sequences reappear; the criticism of my I have the impression that he has understood
office, the attack on Mr K, the diapering something important. He has gained a piece
scene, the touching of belt and abdomen. of insight into his fear of me as a potential
Then I picture the mezuzah on the front door castrator and into some of the infantile roots
and I recall a bris that I attended during the of his anti-Jewish feeling. Clearly this attitude
last year. I look at Mr V in his English tailored is connected with Mr V's hernia experience,
suit. He looks decidedly Waspish. His nails his dread of physical injury, and the link he
are manicured. I think to myself that I don't has made unconsciously between circumcision
know too many Jewish men with manicured and castration.
nails. I envision Mr V at a business lunch, Though I am heartened by my patient's
subtly passing himself off as a Christian. Then understanding, I also feel let down. It is as
I imagine him again as a frightened child though I have been upstaged and my thunder
lying on a table, his bandages about to be stolen by a performer who needs to control
changed. every aspect of the show. Feeling annoyed, I
Suddenly I find myself speaking. I am re- think of Mr V charging into the room and
viewing the flow of Mr V's associations. I being critical of my office. Then an image of
remind him that the session began with his the legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi,
coming to my new East Side office and taking comes to mind and I recall the familiar phrase,
in the fact that there is a mezuzah on the 'The best defence is a good offence'. I remain
door. During the hour his opening comments quiet for a minute trying to assimilate what
were critical, first of my office, then of Mr I have experienced. When I am calmer I say
K and his display of Jewishness. He then 'You are right, you did know what I was
recalled the diapering of the baby which led going to say and you correctly anticipated the
to thoughts about his bris. And it was at this interpretation I was going to make. But I
time that he made reference, non-verbally, to wonder if it isn't important for you to be the
his traumatic hernia experience. I tell Mr V one to make the interpretation. Then you can
that I think that all of these elements are control what goes on here. Otherwise you
connected and I am about to offer an inter- might feel as though you were a frightened
pretation linking them when my patient in- kid lying on a table with his abdomen exposed
terrupts me. He speaks rapidly as though he and I was the big adult who could manipulate
had a need to get in his remarks before I can and hurt you'.
continue mine. Mr V is silent for a moment. His body is
'I know what you are going to say', he rotated slightly to the right, away from me.
declares. 'I get the picture. You are going to Then he speaks. 'As you were talking', he
tell me that I am sore that you've moved to says, 'I pictured an aeroplane overhead. It is
the fancy East Side and I'm afraid that you an Israeli jet fighter. Actually I'm no fan of
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the Israelis. As far as I'm concerned they are we have learned something else: that among
a bunch of trigger-happy bullies. But one thing the tools of the analyst's trade none is more
I admire about them is their military savvy. valuable than the effective use of himself.
They know when to attack. There is probably
no air force in the world that can equal them
for carrying out pre-emptive strikes.' SUMMARY
At that point the session came to a close.
Mr V rises from the couch, straightens his As an illustration of the inner experiences
jacket and adjusts his tie. He starts for the of the analyst as they operate in the analytic
door, then stops and looks back at me. 'By situation, this paper presents a single analytic
the way, congratulations on your new office', hour in some detail. By means of this clinical
he says. 'And congratulate your decorator for material, the author seeks to demonstrate
me. She did a smashing job. The room cap- how the thoughts, fantasies, memories, bodily
tures your personality brilliantly.' movements and autonomic responses that he
Whether this was an example of a so-called experienced in this hour affected his interven-
good hour or the far more common not so tions, the kinds of transference-countertrans-
good hour, I leave to your judgement. To me ference intereactions that developed in the
it was an instructive one. At the time that it session, and the unfolding of the analytic
took place I was just becoming interested in process.
the subjective experiences of the analyst and
how they contribute to the analytic process.
To help me learn something about this ques- TRANS LAnONS OF SUMMARY
tion I began to observe and to record all that
I could of what I thought, felt and imagined Cet article presente une seule heure analytique assez
detaillee, et ce pour illustrer les experiences internes de l'ana-
during analytic hours. It was sessions like the lyste telles qu'elles operent dans la situation analytique. Au
one I've just described with Mr V that taught moyen de ce materiel clinique, je cherche a demontrer com-
me a simple lesson: that the experiences that ment les pensees, les fantasmes, les souvenirs, les mouve-
ments corporels et les reponses autonomes que j'ai vecus
the analyst has in sessions provide data that pendant cette heure analytique, ont affecte mes interven-
is not only rich and complex, but that often tions, les genres d'interactions transfert-contre-transfert qui
is complementary to that which comes from se sont developpees au cours de la seance, et Ie deploiement
du processus analytique.
the patient.
It is true, of course, that not all of our Dieser Beitrag stellt zur Veranschaulichung der inneren
reactions are equally useful. Some are quite Erlebnisse des Analytikers, wie sie in einer analytischen
Situation auftreten, eine einzelne analytische Stunde in
personal and idiosyncratic, and we all have einigem Detail vor. Mithilfe dieses klinischen Materials ver-
days when, troubled, fatigued or preoccupied, sucht der Autor aufzuzeigen, wie die Gedanken, Fantasien,
we find ourselves reacting in ways that have Erinnerungen, Korperbewegungen und automatischen
Reaktionen, die er in dieser Stunde erlebt, seine Interven-
primarily to do with our own concerns. But tionen, die Arten der Ubertragung -Gegenubertragung In-
it is also true that when our ears are properly teraktionen, die wahrend der Sitzung entstehen, und das
Entfalten des analytischen Prozesses beeinflussen.
attuned and we are listening well, the shards
of memory and imagination that arise from A fin de ilustrar las experiencias internas del analista tal
within constitute meaningful and often illumi- como operan en la situaci6n analitica, este articulo presenta
una hora analitica con cierto detalle. Valiendose de este
nating responses to our patients' communica- material clinico, el autor intenta demostrar como los pen-
tions. Such experiences have taught us that samientos, fantasias, recuerdos, movimientos corporales y
our ability to understand another person de- respuests automaticas que experimento en esta hora, afec-
taron sus intervenciones, el tipo de interacciones transferen-
pends on our capacity, not only to listen to ciales, contratransferenciales que se desarrollaron en la
that individual, but to ourselves as well. And sesion, y el desenvolvimiento del proceso analitico.

Theodore J. Jacobs Copyright © Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London, 1993

170 East 77th Street
New York
NY 10021
(MS. received May 1992)
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