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by Vaughn O’Dea,

Caleb Parker and

Rémi Briand,
Tnemec Company

B iogenic sulfide
corrosion of wastewater
conveyance structures Testing Permeation
bic conditions to form hydro-
gen sulfide gas (H2S). Under
turbulent and decreasing pH
can sometimes seem as
Resistance in Coatings
conditions, especially, H2S
unstoppable as it is escapes from the aqueous
destructive and costly. phase to the sewer atmos-
With elevated levels of
H2S gas and the subse-
for Wastewater Structures phere where it can react
with oxygen to form ele-
quent formation of sulfu- mental sulfur, which is
ric acid in domestic Here’s a look at ongoing research deposited on the sewer wall.
wastewater collection sys-
tems, it’s critical to protect
on the effect of permeation The sulfur then becomes a sub-
strate for oxidizing bacteria
valuable infrastructure from resistance on coatings (SOBs, e.g, Thiobacilli sp.) that con-
sewer corrosion. A protective in headspaces vert the sulfur into a dilute sulfuric
coatings system is a viable protec- acid (H2SO4), theorized at a concentra-
tor of these surfaces only as long as it tion no greater than 5–7%.3 The sulfuric
can withstand the permeation of the acid attacks the cement binder of the con-
sewer gases and acid attack, arguably the microor- crete, exposing aggregate, and thereby
most important property of a severe ganisms might be involved. The exact weakening the structure. This biogenic
wastewater protective coatings system. sequence of events varies widely, and sulfuric acid corrosion process is a wide-
depends on the conditions at a given site. ly known culprit of corrosion in waste-
Sewer Bugs: Tiny, Yet Destructive However, a general process can be water systems (Fig. 1).
Biogenic corrosion has been studied since described.2
its discovery in the mid-1940s. The basic Domestic sewage entering wastewater Sewer Gases:
biogenic processes that result in corro- collection systems contains large An Unpleasant Concoction
sion, which can be very severe, involve amounts of sulfate ions (SO4=), which are Little has been reported about the gases
sequential steps and at least two sorts of reduced by sulfate reducing bacteria and vapors that commonly emanate from
microorganisms.1 More than 60 types of (SRBs, e.g. Desulfovibrio sp.) under anaero- septic sewages flowing in normal domes-

16 JPCL September 2010

tic sewerage systems. In addition to els increased, these types of protective
hydrogen sulfide gas, concentrations of coatings showed blistering and delamina- 3%

carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) tion in sewer environments (Fig. 2). It was
gases are thought to exist in the head- thought that these coatings failed from
spaces of wastewater conveyance and direct sulfuric acid exposure generated
treatment structures as a result of the through biogenic sulfide corrosion. But on
decomposition of waste.3 (Gases such as many occasions, the authors observed
ammonia [NH3], sulfur dioxide, and failures of the protective coatings on sur-
nitrous oxide are also theorized to be pre- faces with a pH above 4.0-5.0 and very 54%

sent but at much lower levels.) As a little corrosion on unprotected, adjacent

group, all of the above gases are referred concrete, suggesting that the H2SO4
to as “sewer gases.” Moreover, hydrogen secretion was extremely dilute.
sulfide and carbon dioxide are both con- Moreover, the authors saw that high-
sidered “acid gases”4 and known to be build protective coatings emerging onto
Fig. 3: Mean sewer gas mixture
corrosive to steel, ductile/cast iron,5,6 the marketplace for these environments
and some grades of stainless steel and were failing, despite purportedly possess- in which steel panels coated with various
aluminum. ing resistance to dilute sulfuric acid expo- high-performance systems commonly
Hydrogen sulfide gas has always been sure. These observations suggest the coat- specified for severe wastewater environ-
present in sewerage systems, but in the ing film degradation (permeation) was not ments, were exposed to chamber tests
past, its average levels were thought to be necessarily from direct sulfuric acid simulating gas/acid conditions of a sewer
less than 10 ppm. Its levels began to rise headspace environment. Using the Severe
after federal regulations mandated the Wastewater Analysis Test (S.W.A.T.)
removal of heavy metals (e.g., mercury, chamber7,8 with a vapor phase containing
cadmium, zinc, lead, etc.) from industrial H2S, CO2, and CH4 gases, and an immer-
waste discharges and the use of odor con- sion phase containing dilute H2SO4 and
trol to contain the noxious odors within sodium chloride solution, researchers
these environments. exposed panels to the sewer gases with
Although the direct H2SO4 attack on periodic immersion in the solution (3
protective coatings for wastewater envi- times daily, 15 minutes each) for 28 days.
ronments has been studied throughout The coated panels were measured for
the past several decades, an emerging Fig. 1 (Facing page): Biogenic sulfide corrosion
permeation resistance through electro-
view is that the sewer gases may play a to the coal tar epoxy protective coating, exposed chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
dominant role in the permeation resis- concrete substrate and exposed ductile analysis after the 28-day exposure. EIS
iron piping in less than 5 years.
tance of protective coatings. While the Fig. 2: (Above): Blistering of a coal tar epoxy measures the electrical resistance (imped-
effects of sewer gases on protective coat- coating in the headworks of a wastewater ance) of a protective coating, considered
ings are poorly understood, new research treatment plant. All photos courtesy of the authors. related to its permeability property.
suggests that sewer gases, especially in Experimentally, impedance is determined
combination with H2SO4, may be the alone but from a combination of sulfuric as a function of the frequency of an
predominant destructive agent affecting acid and the sewer gases in the head- applied AC voltage.7,9 The data consist of
the permeation resistance of coatings space. a Bode plot of Log Z versus Log f, where Z
used to protect the wastewater infra- These observations led the authors to is impedance in ohms•cm2 and f is fre-
structure. suppose that the sewer gases (i.e., H2S, quency in Hertz (0.05 Hz to 100 kHz).
In the past, protective coatings such as CO2, CH4, and NH3), having smaller mol- From the Bode plot, Log Z0.1 Hz is deter-
65–75% volume solids coal tar epoxies, ecular sizes and linear dimensions than mined by interpolation. The Log Z value
55–60% polyamide epoxies, and, less sulfuric acid, could penetrate the matrix at 0.1 Hz is tabulated and used as the
commonly, 90–100% volume solids of the protective coatings to cause blister- basis of comparison between coatings and
novolac epoxies have been used with ing and cracking, and to eventually reach for monitoring the change of a coating as
some success in moderately aggressive the substrate thereby negating any barri- a function of exposure time to the test
sewer environments (less than 10 ppm er protection. This hypothesis was sup- environment. Selection of Log Z0.1 Hz rep-
H2S). However, as hydrogen sulfide lev- ported by accelerated laboratory testing resents a compromise between speed of JPCL September 2010 17

Testing Coatings for Wastewater
Table 1: Coating Types Common in Wastewater Protection, Subjected to the S.W.A.T
Test Conditions: Sewer Gases: H2S, CO2, CH4; Solution: H2SO4, NaCl; Temperature: 65° C

EIS Impedance Analysis (Log Z) at 0.1

Hz (Ohms•cm2)
System Volume DFT Pre-test Post-test (28 days) Retained
Solids Impedance
(permeation resistance)

Polyamide Epoxy 55% 19 10.2 0 0%

Polyamidoamine Epoxy 70% 13 9.4 0 0%
Coal Tar Epoxy 75% 33 10.8 0 0%
Cycloaliphatic Amine Epoxy 80% 21 9.5 0 0%
Cycloaliphatic Amine Epoxy 80% 17 10.2 0 0%
Novolac Epoxy 100% 12 10.9 0 0%
Amine Epoxy Mortar 100% 141 11.3 8.1 72%
Amine Epoxy Mortar 100% 119 11.4 7.3 64%
Amine Epoxy Mortar 100% 128 11.3 9.9 88%
Aromatic Polyurethane Fast-Set 100% 42 11.6 7.6 66%

Table 2: Sewer Gas Levels by Site (ppm) actual levels of sewer gases in attack. Although testing has yet to be con-
typical U.S. wastewater collec- cluded for any of the sites, enough usable
Sewer Gas Levels by Site (ppm)
tion systems across the U.S. and data has been collected from them to
H2S CO2 CH4 the gases’ effect on high-perfor- obtain a general picture of the sewer gas
Central Florida 78 11,700 6,000 mance coatings, the authors concentrations in a “typical” severe waste-
Northwestern US 6 545 1,500 began a study in 2007 to mea- water headspace environment.
New England 14 1,550 2,000 sure sewer gas concentrations To date, a total of 17 sets of sewer air
Rocky Mountain US 328 1,910 2,500
and study their effects on vari- measurements have been taken at the
ous traditional and emerging pro- seven testing sites. Researchers gathered
Midwestern US 256 1,178 1,625
tective coatings technologies. The grab samples of the sewer atmospheres
South Texas 590 17,520 4,000 field study began with four test- with a remote multi-gas detector and a
Coastal Virginia 660 3,000 12,000 ing sites but now has seven test- methane meter. Additional measure-
Average 276 5,343 4,232 ing sites. The sites were chosen ments have been taken by municipal
Median 256 1,910 2,500 because they all had a history of wastewater treatment plant staff and oth-
severe biogenic sulfide corrosion ers at some of the sites as needed, using a
and they represented different gas sampling pump or an H2S logger. The
analysis and the selection of a frequency geographic locations and climates in the three main sewer gases detected are
at which differences in coating perfor- country. The current testing sites are in hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and
mance can be reliably determined. Any North Central Florida, Northwestern methane. Although attempts have also
reduction of a coating’s impedance is U.S., New England, Rocky Mountain U.S., been made to measure concentrations of
related to the nature of the polymer, its coastal Virginia, Midwestern U.S., and ammonia (NH3), sulfur dioxide (SO2),
density and fillers. Although dry film South Texas. nitrous oxide (N2O), and other sewer
thickness (dft) can also influence imped- The purpose of the investigation is two- gases thought to be present, no significant
ance, the authors feel that dft is sec- fold: to measure the gas levels in the severe levels have been detected in this study.
ondary, as evidenced by comparing the wastewater headspace environments and The main gas composition by testing site,
coal tar epoxy with the aromatic to study the effects of these sewer envi- to date, is presented in Table 2, and the
polyurethane and amine epoxy mortars, ronments on typical protective coatings mean sewer gas mixture is given in Fig. 3.
all having comparable film thicknesses systems. The expectation is to gain a better The average gas concentrations are
yet different post-test impedance results, understanding of the sewer gases present noteworthy because they provide a
as seen in Table 1. in sewerage structures and connect them model for a sewer gas mixture in typical
Because so little was known about the to in situ biogenic corrosion and sewer gas domestic wastewater conveyance head-

18 JPCL September 2010

Testing Coatings for Wastewater
Table 3: Field Exposure Panels, Typical

Description DFT (mils)*

Steel Polyamide Epoxy, 2 coats 12
Polyamide Epoxy Coal-Tar, 2 coats 18
Fiber-reinforced Polyamine Epoxy 75
Aromatic Polyurethane Hybrid 75
Novolac Epoxy, 2 coats 12
Polyamine Epoxy Mortar 125

Concrete** Polyamide Epoxy, 2 coats 12

Fig. 4: Typical testing site with carbon steel and
concrete samples suspended in severe waste- Fiber-reinforced Polyamine Epoxy 75
water headspace environment. Novolac Epoxy, 2 coats 12
Aromatic Polyurethane Hybrid 75
space environments across the U.S. Polyamine Epoxy Mortar 125
Although H2S/CO2/CH4 gas composi- Concrete Control (uncoated) n/a
tions varied within the testing sites, the * Target dry film thickness (DFT) for each panel.
general findings reveal that carbon diox- ** All panels received parge coat of an epoxy cementitious resurfacer to fill bugholes
and level surface prior to topcoating.
ide comprises the overall majority of the
sewer gas followed closely by methane
gas (although the median values were coupons (3 in. x 8 in.) were prepared and in situ study are based on the retained
reversed, with methane comprising the coated with various protective coatings properties of permeability as well as a
majority). Moreover, H2S levels consis- systems commonly used for wastewater visual inspection of the film. The impor-
tently composed only a small portion corrosion protection. The generic types tance of these performance properties
(less than 10 percent) of the overall sewer and target thicknesses are presented in are explained below.
gas mixture found at each site. Added Table 3; actual thicknesses may vary • Permeability Analyses—Protective
research found many factors influencing slightly on in situ panels. As a control, one coatings act as a barrier material separat-
the varying sewer gas levels, such as uncoated (blank) concrete cylinder panel ing the corrosive service environment
wastewater detention times, waste tem- was simultaneously exposed to the envi- from the substrate. Coatings which allow
peratures, BOD, and industrial effluents. ronment. The panels were removed after low permeation are assumed to offer bet-
Nevertheless, the average gas mixture 12 months’ constant exposure and evalu- ter substrate protection within severe
has proven to be representative of all ated for permeation resistance and visible wastewater headspace environments.
testing sites in terms of the gases’ rela- degradation. For the coated steel panels, permeability
tionship to one another. Once more is The performance measures of the can- is measured using EIS analysis tech-
learned about the gas mixture, the data didate protective coating system for this niques to quantitatively measure the
can be used for accelerated wastewater
laboratory testing for coatings, such as
the S.W.A.T. 4000, 3%
18% 256, 8%
Field Study: Proof Is in the Sewers
To test the authors’ hypothesis that corro-
sion protection of protective coatings is
altered by exposure to sewer gases and by 1625, 39%
the composition of the corrosive reagents 53%
in domestic wastewater conveyance and H2S
treatment structures, coated steel and CO2 CO2
concrete panels were suspended from 17520,
CH4 79% CH4
stainless steel racks into the headspaces of
each site (Fig. 4). Six steel coupons (4 in. x
12 in. x 1/8 in.) and five concrete cylinder Fig. 5: Mean gas mixture South TX (ppm) Fig. 6: Mean gas mixture, Midwestern U.S. (ppm) JPCL September 2010 19

Testing Coatings for Wastewater

Fig. 7: South TX: 55% solids by volume polyamide epoxy applied at 11 mils Fig. 8: South TX: A 75% solids by volume coal tar epoxy applied to carbon
DFT to carbon steel panel before 12-month exposure (left), following 12- steel panel at 22 mils DFT before 12-month exposure (left), following 12-month
month exposure (middle), following 12-month exposure, cleaned (right). Note exposure (middle), following cleaning (right). Note heavy sulfur crust (middle)
heavy sulfur crust (middle) and ubiquitous blistering on cleaned panel (right). and extensive blistering on cleaned panel (right).

polymer’s barrier protection determined mally concentrated sewer air and acceler- known previously that the H2S levels in
by the polymer’s electrical resistance. EIS ated pace of corrosion that was and con- the headspace were elevated, municipal
measurements are taken before and after tinues to take place there. Although it was employees had not attempted to detect
approximately 365 days field exposure. other sewer gases. When the authors
A reduction in the EIS impedance mea- began testing in 2007 one of the
surement suggests the polymer is nega- top priorities was to gain a better
tively affected, via permeation, by the picture of the sewer gas mixture
severe wastewater headspace environ- that was responsible for attacking
ments. their particular manhole struc-
• Permeation was also measured on the ture.
cross sections of the coated concrete The average of five H2S read-
cylinder specimens using digitally ings in South TX was 590 ppm,
enhanced optical microscopy. When the which is considered by the
cross section of the coated concrete cylin- authors as extremely elevated,
der is viewed through a 100X stereo even for severe wastewater head-
microscope with digital imaging, perme- spaces (Fig. 5). In addition, the
ation is observed as discoloration of the Fig. 9: Midwestern US: Polyamide epoxy applied to carbon averages of CO2 and CH4 were
steel panel at 11 mils DFT before 12-month exposure (left)
film. also extremely concentrated reg-
and following 12-month exposure, cleaned (right).
• Visual Inspection—Protective coatings Note moderate blistering following exposure. istering an average of 17,520
should not blister, check, crack, or allow ppm and 4,000 ppm, respective-
corrosion of the substrate when exposed ly. This particular mixture of
to severe wastewater environments. sewer gases has proven to be
Polymers that retain film quality are highly corrosive with the three
assumed to offer better substrate protec- key gases ostensibly working
tion. Visual inspection of the panels is con- together to penetrate protective
ducted using ASTM methods for rating coatings and deteriorate both
blistering, rusting, checking and cracking. concrete and steel panels.
A brief description of the one year In Midwestern U.S., the site cho-
exposure data from the South TX and sen was an influent channel at
Midwestern U.S. field sites is presented the city’s main wastewater treat-
below. Due to limited space, specific data ment plant. The influent struc-
from the other sites is being withheld ture is typical of similar treat-
from this article but influence the ment facilities and was chosen to
authors’ overall conclusion. Fig. 10: Midwestern US: A 75% volume solids coal tar epoxy represent a typical sewer gas
applied to carbon steel panel at 15 mils DFT before 12-month
The South TX in situ testing site is the exposure (left) and following 12-month mixture. Unlike the South TX
most severe testing site in terms of abnor- exposure, cleaned (right). testing site, the Midwestern U.S.

20 JPCL September 2010

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Testing Coatings for Wastewater
The other gases measured at consider-
South Texas EIS Permeation
ably lower concentrations than South
Texas and slightly lower than the aver-
13 ages. CO2 registered at 1,176 ppm and
12 CH4 at 1,625 ppm.
(0.1 Hz)

The panels were removed from their

11 Aromatic Polyurethane
Novollac Epoxy
respective sites for evaluation following

Polyamine Epoxy Mortar twelve months exposure (Figs. 7 and 8).
Coal Tar Epoxy
9 One notable difference between the pan-
Polyamide Epoxy
8 els was the heavy yellow insoluble sulfur
precipitate (crust) on the South TX pan-
els (Figs. 9 and 10). The surface pH was
6 measured above 4.0 on these panels, sim-
Initial 12 months
ilar to Midwestern US panels not exhibit-
Fig. 11: Initial and 12-month EIS Analysis on steel panels exposed in situ. ing sulfur crust, again, suggesting that sul-
furic acid formation is extremely dilute.
site only appeared to experience moderate The average of four H2S readings in The steel panels coated with the
corrosion to uncoated concrete and cast Midwestern U.S. was 256 ppm (Fig. 6). polyamide epoxy were observed blister-
iron surfaces. But septic wastewater Although considerably lower than South ing from both sites following 12 months
entering the wastewater treatment plant TX this is still high enough to be consid- in situ exposures. This corresponds to
influent channel contributed to consis- ered by the authors as a severe level. It is the substantial drop in impedance
tently high concentrations of H2S gas, reg- slightly higher (8%) than the average H2S reflected in Figs. 11 and 12. The coal tar
ularly ranging from 200–250 ppm. level from the entire test samples (3%). epoxy panel exhibited blistering and a

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Testing Coatings for Wastewater

Midwestern U.S. EIS Permeation


(0.1 Hz)

Coal Tar Epoxy
Aromatic Polyurethane

10 Polyamine Epoxy Mortar

Novolac Epoxy
9 Polyamide Epoxy

Fig. 13: South TX: 55% volume solids polyamide
Initial 12 months epoxy applied at 17 mils DFT to concrete cylinder
panel before 12-month exposure (left) and following
Fig. 12: Initial and 12-month EIS Analysis on steel panels exposed in situ. 12-month exposure (right).

sharp drop in EIS from the South TX site, panels will be evaluated following an addi- tions (e.g., 3, 6, 9, 12 o’clock positions) cir-
but only discoloration and a flatter drop tional 12 months’ exposure. cumferentially along cross section (Fig.
in impedance were observed from the Permeation was also conducted on the 13). A 100X stereo microscope with digi-
Midwestern US site. The other products, coated concrete specimens using optical tal imaging measured permeation of the
from both sites, showed much higher microscopy analysis of the coated cross film, via discoloration, at each of the four
retained impedance and no signs of visual section of the panel. Measurement points measurement points (Fig. 14 and Table 4).
degradation following 12 months. The were taken at four, evenly divided loca- Besides hydrogen sulfide gas, little is

Cl i ck ou r R ead er e-Car d a t p ai n ts q u ar e.c om/ r ic JPCL September 2010 25

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Testing Coatings for Wastewater
Table 4: Polyamide EP
Concrete Panel: South TX
Correction of Hydrogen Sulfide
Corrosion in Existing Wastewater
Systems. EPA/832/R92/001, U.S.
Position Permeation Total DFT Environmental Protection Agency,
(o’clock) (mils) (mils)
Washington, D.C.
3 4.69 18.3 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
6 3.38 20.5 (1985). Design Manual: Odor and
9 4.04 16.3 Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage
Fig. 14: South TX: Optical microscopy measure-
12 3.04 15.7 ments of permeation at the 3 o’clock position of the
Systems and Treatment Plants.
AVG. 3.79 17.3 polyamide epoxy cross section. EPA/625/1-85/018, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
known about how other sewer gases work sequent corrosion of the substrate. Washington, D.C.
together to permeate a coating and reduce Therefore, based on the authors’ research, 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
its ability to protect the substrate. It is the the most important factor in the success of (1991). Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in
authors’ belief that hydrogen sulfide, car- a protective coating is its ability to resist Wastewater Collection And Treatment
bon dioxide and methane act synergistical- permeation of gases, primarily. The Systems: Report to Congress,
ly with dilute sulfuric acid to permeate authors’ research continues and will be EPA/430/9-91/010, 4. U.S.
protective coatings as well as the underly- reported later. For more details on the Environmental Protection Agency,
ing substrates they protect. Field studies in research to date, contact the authors. Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental
various wastewater collection structures Protection Agency (2004). Sewer
have demonstrated that higher concentra- References Sediment and Control: A Management
tions of sewer gases are linked to increased 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Practices Reference Guide.
rates of failure of organic coatings and sub- (1992). Detection, Control, and EPA/600/R-04/059, U.S.

Cl i c k o u r R e a d e r e - Ca r d a t p a i n t s q u a r e .c o m / r i c JPCL September 2010 27

Testing Coatings for Wastewater
Environmental Protection Agency, Containment,” Water Sci. Techn., Novel Analytical Approach for
Washington, D.C. Volume 31, No. 7, 1995, 237-251. Evaluating Protective Coatings
5. Bowker, Robert P.G., John M. Smith, 7. O’Dea, Vaughn, Remi Briand, and Performance in Wastewater
and Neil A. Webster, Odor and Linda Gray, “Assessing Coatings and Environments,” WEFTEC 2003
Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Linings for Wastewater: Accelerated Conference Proceedings, WEFTEC
Systems and Treatment Plants. New Test Evaluates Resistance to Severe (Alexandria, VA: Water Environment

Jersey, Noyes Data Corporation 1989. Exposures,” JPCL, (April 2008) Federation, 2003).
6. Boon, Arthur G., “Septicity in Sewers: pp. 44-57. 9. Gray, Linda and Bernard Appleman,
Causes, Consequences and 8. Briand, Remi and Randy Nixon, “A “EIS: A Tool to Predict Remaining
Coating Life,” JPCL, (February 2003)

pp. 66-74.

every mission
Vaughn O’Dea is Director of
Sales, Water & Wastewater, for
Tnemec Company, Inc., where
Inspect Any Metal Surface Coating he is responsible for strategic
For pipes, tanks or any coated contoured sales, marketing, and technical
surface in the field or inside your manufacturing initiatives. He is an SSPC
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industry journals. He is active in the technical

• Pipe coating inspections up to 60”

committees of both NACE and SSPC and is a
• Extremely durable and APWA. He is a contributing Editor for
• Infinite voltage setting on the fly JPCL. He was awarded the JPCL Editors
Award in 2008.
Caleb Parker is Sales
Coordinator at Tnemec
SPY® Wet Sponge Portable
Company, Inc., where he
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marketing for the Water &
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Volume As Vice President of Research &
discounts on detectors Development for Tnemec, Remi Briand is
available through our
distributors. 4% for 6 through
responsible for managing R&D projects, per-
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development and the manufac-
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PH: (713) 681-5837 • FAX: (713) 681-4838 ed to the coatings industry. He was awarded
the JPCL Editors Award in 2008. JPCL
28 JPCL September 2010
Cli c k o u r R ea d er e-C ar d at p a in t s q u ar m/ ri c

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