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What is the Ethical Dilemma?

Write this as a question that starts with Should…..

Identify the Relevant Facts

What are the relevant facts of this situation?

What are the Questions This Raises?

What are some questions you have about this situation? Which do you need to know before you can resolve this

To Whom or to What does the person(s) making this decision have an


What Values are at Stake in this Dilemma?

Who or What Could Be Affected by how this is resolved?

What are the potential Harms/Benefits?

Choose ONE side and complete this section. If we choose to _______________________________________________:

then the following could be harmed: then the following could benefit:

Resolve the Dilemma

How would you resolve this dilemma, and why? You must support your solution with details from above explaining why
you made the decision you did.

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