Tour of Our Solar System Reflection

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Gillian Myers

STEM Capstone

Enrichment Trip

February 21, 2021

Tour Our Solar System Reflection

The “Tour Our Solar System” virtual enrichment tour was very exciting for me. I am currently in
astronomy already learning the basics of these planets and why they act as celestial bodies. The things
that stood out to me were my favorite planets; Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. Mars is a special planet,
because it is the closest to earth. As said in the video and described in my slideshow, Mars had
depressions that were once possible rivers, or something that held water. Its atmosphere is unique too,
its just so slightly off from earths because of its higher nitrogen concentration. I do a lot of research in
astronomy about mars because it is possibly the next habitable planet for humans, with extensive
research being conducted by SpaceX and NASA. I think it is possible for some human function, but not
another “earth” for us to live on. Jupiter is the mystery of our solar system to me. It’s a fast rotating
gaseous planet that has 7 layers, watch with its own chemical makeup and function. The picture shows
the storms of Jupiter, as said in the video, that could last for centuries and are many times bigger than
earth. The idea of having a storm bigger than earth is terrifying, and I wish NASA could look into why
Jupiter has these storms and a molten magnetic core that is compatible with the sun, but they have
more important things to do. The final planet of my interest is Uranus. This was my favorite part of the
tour, simply because we have only explored this plant once about 40 years ago, with no other research
to go by. Its dramatic tilt causes one earth season to last 28 years, but its still a fully functioning planet.
Its atmosphere is said to rain “ice” or “diamonds” because of the immense pressure its put under with
the high concentration of nitrogen in the air. I would not like to go to any of these planets, because they
could all kill me and there is no feasible way to get close to Jupiter without radiation poisoning and
Uranus without being froze or dying trying to get there. I would like to go Mars but I would hate the
space shuttle ride. If I could go to a museum and view these planets in a closer view with more
information I would, and I hope I do.

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