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19th Century

- sense of loyalty
- feeling that drives a people together as a nation (unity or oneness)
Growth of Nationalism
a.American Revolution (1775-1789)
- gave birth to the US

b. French Revolution (1779-1789)

- overthrowing of the absolute rule of the Bourbon Dynasty
- abolition of the feudal system
- ideology: liberty, fraternity and equality

3 main points of Nationalism:

 evolved from a real or imagined cultural unity, manifesting itself in a common language,
history and territory.
 Nationalists have usually sought to turn this cultural unity into political reality so that the
territory of each people coincides with its state boundaries.
 Nationalists believed that every nation has the right to exist in freedom and develop its
character and spirit .

- value of social and political change
- liberty and equality
- first realized in the first two revolutions
- demanded to opposed to autocratic monarchy and equality before the law.

-government by the people (freedom)
- established:
a. promulgation of laws
b. abolish slavery
c. liberal constitution
d. social rights of the people

- one of the crucial development
- transformation of manufacturing

Positive Effects:
a. rise of factory system
b. mass production of essential and
non-essential goods
c. improvement of people’s lives
d. urbanization
e. invention
f. industrial capitalism
g. people’s mobility
h. liberalism and nationalism
Negative Effects:
a. gap between rich and poor
b. economic warfare between labor and capital
c. pollution (environmental problems)
d. child and women labor

Philippines During Rizal’s Time

 During the times of Rizal, the sinister shadows of Spain’s decadence darkened the
Philippine Skies.
 Instability of Colonial administration
 Corrupt Officialdom
 No Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes
 Human rights denied to Filipinos
 No equality before the law
 Maladmi-nistration of justice
 Racial Administration
 Frailocracy
 Forced labor
 Haciendas owned by the friars
 Guardia civil

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